HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-10-14, Page 8►
to elu'• . t..i:..red by us. Doesn't look
like a urri:orr,c that everybody le wear-
or light top o.at for wear during* tl.o
cool eveuinge about due. You won't
have to be told about the superiority of
our clothing when you sea and wear it.
You'll havo the feel of being well dress-
ed, which only first-class tailoring can
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
lusioess Locals -- Read Them
Take your lire Thickens, (lens and
Ducks to Stewart's—that's the spot for
rare ra l uc.t. '
TWO FOR 23 CENTS.—For the remark-
ably low price of 23c. wo will send the
to the end of 1009. Subeerlbe now and
get the full benefit of this very low club.
If you watt to see a swell lot of new
tailor -,horde Jackets right d.,wn to the
minute call at Stewart's.
.APPLES \V .tNTF:D.-1 a::n.-re and
othere having upplca for -ca. will do
well to bring thcni Into I:•,.oa: ttor
which opened for bus'ticas last week.
Good prices will be paid.
$2.00 the pair for the new Veto \'ap
Blankets. the nicest blanket for the mon-
ey you ever saw. Stewart.
Apply to I'euprase & Iturke, Exeter.
-Vint Aoki is again in charge of the
.11il(ittery department at Stewart's. She
has,jnst returned from the leading Amer-
ican fashion centres. See the new ideas
she is introducing.
110UND FOR SALE—Itabbit dog. Cloud
hunter. Apply at this office.
FOlt SALE.—Cholee Barred Cockerels
at *1.0(1 each. Speak quick. — T. B.
took like folly to buy bread that Is
hhfp:.ed in If we can buy Just as good
an article (tum our home axakera. The
vamp with flour. You cannot buy bet-
ter flour than wiry Is m:tdo by oru
►:out' mill. t t,Li being tho case should
we not stay with 1t. Tie last bag of
flour i got (last week) was lite best I
have ever had from the mill. it Is our
local bakers and millers that help kto
pay ou- taxes; think It over. — A Rate
—A--retrtionary storm period Is central
on the 1931, :0th and 21st. Thin 'per-
iod finds the ;noon at greatest declina-
tion south 0:t rho 19th, which fact will
help to e_clto disturbances of a boreal
nature, that Is. a tendency to cold ratite
with atteoaphcrlc currents flowing from
nort'erly di: et lions. On the west apd
nort'rvest tangent ot rain areas at this
tint, It will not be surprising if spurts
of 0.•'ly snow acid 111c.t appear. and as
pret'1a'tat:on and cloudiness move out of
the way to t to eastward. fair weather.
frosty n'g'•te and low temperature gen-
erally w1.1 ipread over the country for
several days. We repeat our caution of
pomeible gale.. over the great •lakes at
alt tar Ortobar periods, attended by
very r'rtlly. disagreeable weather. The
moon', first quarter on the 22nd will
tend to prolong and aggravate storm
and Werther 1oclenenetes ot this per;od.
behind a suit is not confin-
ed to other clothing estate
Iishnwntn. There's a love.
tineas ahont our garments
that trill simply delight all
who cattle to us — that's so.
For a Nice
Tailor -Made
this shop has a
good reputation
Let us make
Merchant Tailor. Exeter
gr 'Ply uw sFay'►3WW�iVir j Mss Alto'ik watt in Londp:t tale week.
Can De returned front the West
r C1C'!�I DOINGS o'i ;fonday• CHANGED
Miss Pearl L -avitt of Grand Bend is
ea Aka& idkalk lklkAlsi
Man, like tee fire, is apt to torment
women by going out at night.
A. Q. Dobler has commenced the work
of snaking the trill race at the river.
The man who could run a newspaper
to suit everybody, went to Heaven lottg
A little snow fell on Tuesday, but of
course it did not stay. It was quite
a flurry while it tasted.
The last few days have been giving
us a reminder of what we are to ex-
pert for the next few months.
Two teanis of five bowlers, captained
by James and .,ltred \\•alter, play a
game on the bowling allry tu-nl,f!tt.
Mr. Chas. Livingstone, who was taken
down with an attack of typitoid fever
at Mr. John llawkshaw's a short tint.
ago, is recovering.
One of the painters 0:1 the Exetta
(trldgo fell In 'ire river on Tuesday and
got a bit of a ducking, with uo serious
r•onsettuence, however.
The Hensel' and Exeter basket bat;
teams; played a game here on Sato.'•
day afternooti last. resulting In favor
of Hensel) by a score of 10 tb 2.,
The anniversary services of the Coven
Presbyterian church, which were arrang-
ed for the 17th, nave beet post pons to
tete :ilst. with the tea -meeting (o fol-
low on Nov. lat.
itev. Kennedy of Altaa Craig preached
very acceptebly in the Maln street Meth
odfst church Sunday. in the absence of
Rev. E. A. Fear, who conducted anniver•
sary services at Ailsa Craig.
The consumer may as well snake up
his mind to pay a good price for meat
for some time to come las there are
t!toua.tnds of fogad of cattle less In the
rouetry now than, there were a year or
two ago.
At a congregational meeting of the
Trivitt Memorial Crurce held at the
close of tiro service on Sunday evening
List It was decided to adopt the new
,llyiun hook, to take effect abput . the
firat week in November.
• Charly, dear," queried the fait maid
at the bill park. Why doe,a that ntan
behind the hitter wear such a big bib?"
• That." a_plained (Tharlic. "is to keep
his shirt front froth getting fflussed
when the ball knocks (tie teeth out."
The Illtrle will anon let printed in t•v,ry
language or dale t known throudnout
the wcrld. Last year, a torrent; to the
[Wath report of the British and Fore
Itible Society, the languages its ,t:u''h
either complete ilibles or parts of it
were l:tsu'd reac"ed a total of 419.
Mr. James white has been appointed
agent for the Massey -Hartle Company
at Zurich and leaves for . that place
shortly to continence his duties. It will
be remembered that about two months
ago he lost a hand while engaged in
thres'ing near Farquhar. It was a most
unfortunate thing and his friends wish
hint success in his new venture.
The Toronto District Christian Tem-
perance Union Is issuing an app^al on
behalf ot Mrs. Anna Robinson, now un-
der sentence of death at Sudbury. with
a view tc sparing her life. Tao Union
asks everyone to write Hon A. B. Ayl-
esworth as follows;—'1 respectfully beg
of you to recommend that the deadh eeu-
teneo passed on Anna Robinson be com-
Mrs. John Pedlar received a letter last
weak front Chapple, New Ontario, giving
an account of an unfortunate fire there
that destroyed the new barn, log barn.
inclement shed, pig pat and hen house.
together with all the season's coop
and the farm Implements, belonging to
%1r. and airs. Cleo. A. Dixon. 'the latter
of whom was formerly Miss Pascoe of
near Ifensall. and who resided with Mr.
and Mrs. Pedlar for some months. some
years since.
•'lllg Mason" the Y. M. C. A. evangel-
istic secretary, concluded hl■ meeting
here on Friday evening. with an address are sure to cone.. The wise farmer is
not nlggardly wit:t tils seed. nor the
wise merchant wit:: tis advertisement.
We are Indebted to Mr. a. Cl. Qlbson
of St. Louts, Ate, for a copy of the St.
Loins Republic. Among other inter-
e.tting features It contains a snap shot
of the huge crowd that gathered tb hear
Explorer Cook In that clty, and In which
the explorer was nearly crushed to
death in the welcome jam. Tne crowd
as pt.etegraphed numbered over 10.00'3.
Too poor to take a home paper? Well.
that le a distressful condition. Buy a
hen, feed her crumbs and waste from
the kitchen and she will lay eggs to
pay for a year's subscription; thorn,
work her up Into a ppt pie and she will
pry drat cost ; so the paper vtlll be
clear proflt. Repeat this process year
after year, meanwhile learn wledom and
emir to bo poor.
v.sttiltg in town.
Ernest Colltngwood has gone to re-
side in i'ort on.
Mr. John Ctooks and Ctrs. W. Ross
of Clinton spent Sunday hen
Mr. Joh!' McIntyre of )tensa[[ was a
guest at the Commercial Sunday.
Mies Edea fiuritdge, artt•r a rir:t ..t
>fra. Southcott's. tete .cinched to Lon-
Mr, AIvj•t Westrott and wife of Sea -
forth visited Sunday at Mr. George
't:taterbt eok's.
Miss Jaffery, w uo ':,ts btvtt the gust
of Mesa Lica Johns, returned to
her borne In Toronto Tuesday.
Mr. Claim Zuetle was 'n lienmall on
;tlon•Say and Tuextl.ay, assiat'ng in utak
!ng it valuation of the Electric Ligf..tt
Mrs. Ell Snell and daughter, Mlea Ber-
tha, left .tunday on a 'rtoutb's visit
with the former's brother. \ir. John Dln-
ncy, at Oshawa.
Messrs. J. 13. Atkivao:t and G. W. liar
ilaon were lit Drtroit thin week, attd
!taw one of the g-t.n s et fast- all tc-
tweett Detroit and i'R'yburg.
A number of the members of the W.
O. T. \V. lodge of Exeter .attended the
unveiling of a monument to a deceased
brother at Clinton on Sunday.
Dr. and afro. 11. P. 'toss and daughter
leave to -day for Nrw• York to spend
some drys, after welch they will return
to their home In Nampa Idaho.
M(ee Millie Oka, afire attending :a few
days with relatives and friends In town,
tetut nod to Loador, i' t (day attd from
there will go to St. Thomas, where arae
win take charge of a millinery depatt-
rnetrt as saleslady.
A number of HensalIitcs passed thru
here Sunday in an auto, going to Lon-
don, where they took the excursion train
to Detroit to sec the w'orld's series of
ball games between Dc'rolt and Pitts-
burg. • •
Mr. John I'edler and wife and Mrs.
Thos. Rowe returned Monday from an
outing with relatives and friends over
the border. and report a very pleasant
Visit. Mr. Pedlar visited a brother In
17h1cago and also one In Pigeon, Miele.
while Mrs. Rowe and Mrs. Pedler vle-
!tet the fortnct•'s Blau atrr. Mt N. \\'!d-
sor, at )ttown C1ty, ►tie;t.
Miss isla Gook] entert tined a nuntbe-
of her young friends on Monday even-
AI'1LES WANTED.—llighest Priv s
will be paid for gond peeling appl
winter stock—at the Canning Factory.
\\'EDDiNG RiNG LOST.—A large let
karat wedding ting lost. Finder will be
tewardcd by returning sante to this
Eleven woodcock and eight rabb(ts'was
tato result of one day's shoat in flay
swamp. The lucky ptrlles were Mee era.
Ed. Fowell, S. Fittot„ W Johns attd
T. („trling,
Learned Hier tell us that 1n Latin the
word 'editor" mean. something "to eat"
but usually it means soul -thing very
different. It furans to sc•:•: teh arou•td
like the dickens to get somet ti:ng to
Mr. David Gibb of netr tlensall has
been awarded the contract for the stage
route t'etwcen here and Mitchell and
will commence his duties shortly. Mr.
Gibb will stove here to reside. We wel-
come hint and Ida worthy fancily tr.
OW' midst.
Miss Vetnta Easterbrook was taken
suddenly 111 while on her way to the
Canning Factory Tuesday morning and
dropped on the railway track. where
she was picket up and removed to her
fonts. Site Is. however, recovering and
able to be around again.
An advertisement Is to a merchant
very much what sowing seid Is to a
earteer. It tt:ay lake a little tante for
the re9ults to become apparent, but they
in the Mahn Street clurch to men and
women. in all tour meetings were held,
and by them considerable encouragement
was given tho officers and members :n
town. Mr. Mason in a whole-eouled fel-
low and was well liked by all who`had
the (leisure of nerkieg arquaintanre,
while bis addresses were plain and
wholesome, and told In a steeple,
straightforward, earnest manner that
carried conviction with them. lie is a
a big man physically and one of those
courageous fellows who should be a
leader among men and a power for
Nettling In accent years has done more
to Improve the farmers posltio.i than the
telephone. The system In use Is one that
the farmer controls and operates him-
self. or may do elf If 1.e wishes. A• lo-
cal company 1+ formed, with small cap-
ital. the pole; are erreted. the wires are
strung. the phones are purchased. and
rare you are; a compi..'e system with
a eet.tral office and the •farmer ran Con-
verse with his neighbor. or he can call
up the doctor. the butcher, the gmaer. or
anyone else on the circuit or witnln
reach by long distance connection. All
rural phone companies ran have long
distaste. to,oat Sam If tl.cy wish R. The
service thus b•conics of the greatest poe
sable value, and no phone user benefits
more fro:n It than the farmer. With n
phone in his house he Is rb longer Isol-
ated. Ile can. in a moment, get lit touch
with things In the outside world. Ills
horizon widened, his vision broadened,
and the flotation of farm life removed.
There should Ir_ a telephone in every
farm house.
Whet about farm implements? Are they
safely housed for the canting wlnter?
Are they still in the fields, where they
were last used. a prey to the rains and
storms of this autumn tine? The ex-
penditure necessary to properly equip a
farm with machinery and Implements
these days, Is no small hent. Tney are
a necesrity on every farm. But this Is
no moron why they should not be prop-
erly rated tor. Cvery implement us •d
on the farm. big or little, costs good
hard earned money. Exposure t0 the
weather lessens their value very
much more than many farm-
ers think. Judging front the thought -
!r •sness shown In regard to them. Ev-
the hot summer suit 1s InJul'(ous.
1't' wood dries up. bolts become Loose
and the general condition of (he mach-
ine Is rat bencfltted. A big rain atom
comes along. the machine la drenr't.d.
11 drlee oft In the sun and more dam-
age 1• done. Ar.d so ta: along the line.
The farm Irnplentcnt ;t" in tee field.
•euhhet to all khats cr weat'.ter, is one
o' the cagiest wale nt losing money
that the farmer has.
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and
;'•t .111 the news.
111011 SALAit1ES.—Owing to the
thorough preparation students receive
at the Clinton llusiness College, gradu-
ates of this school roc Ive tate best pos-
itions In leading Canadian and American
cities. The new advertisement will be
found on page 4, and will change fre-
LOCAL Oi'TiC/N.—I:t reply to an en -
query we might say that a petition tor
Local Option rnust ire flied with the
atutilclpal Clerk by the 1 et of November.
The petition requires to be signed by
2" per cent. of the total number of, pet -
sons on tho last reale t1 Iiat for ntut,k
Ipal elections. Voting takes place on
the sante day as ntunlclpal elections are
held. and in case three-fifths of the el-
ectors voting on such by-law approve of
the same, 1110 Council shall within three
weeks front such votLtg ft...tile pass the
iIOWLING.—The howling alley was
the scene ot Interesting genies on Fri-
day evening between picked teams, re-
presenting residents east and west of
:Main street. Thr retult. as s'town be-
low, gives the Individual and tram
es to each of toe three games and
totals, the east nide winning
gilt of 121 pins.—
Ea st
ins:Eas' side
144 14')
161 138
1:.; ton
06 123
126 169
Ret 774
Wer( Side
149 90
1:t8 14'I
14 17.a
161 142
741 1157
J. Waite
J. Mellott
J. Norry
11. Silber
b. calmer
A. llrintnell
by a mar
115- 424
161— 490
169— b');.
111— 153
176— 47e1
141-- 89()
131— 411
151— 122
97— ante,
1119— •,o
Wheat TNI 110
Barley 45 50
Oats. :ii 34
Peas 71) 75
Potatoes, per bag 75
Hay, per ton 10 W 10 00
Flour, per cwt., family 2 75
Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 1 65
Butter 20
Eggs zi
Live hogs, per cwt 7 40
Shorts per ton 23 00
Bran per ton 22 00
%Vool 17 18
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate
get all the news.
Cliff only '•e gotten from the beet flout
--The following brands are unexcelled
Tr} a hundred next time you Lake—
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
I 5 ROSES (Lake of Woods)
PURITY OVerters Canada Flour Mills)
Lease your Orden or call up
Phone :.
S, R. G. Beldon, Exeter
The Old Way The New
to Cure a Cold Way : Take
Ciri aCsW
25c Box, Howey's Drug Store.
ata<aLAla atktAka Aka& ael
Manure Litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
Overhead Conveyors.
Beatty Bros.' Steel
Stalls& Stanchions
can be tustalled cheap tis
1 lumber and last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
These three things are great
labor -savers for farmers and ne-
cessities on a farm.
Fur sale by
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter
Idirler WV' Mr 141"1"
Here's Good News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
firm—M. JACKSON & SON—one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no truck) all CASH:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron from'60c to 75c "
Old Rubber I3oots! is per Ib
& Shoes
Copper & Brass 9c '
Horse Hair 30c "
Lead and Zinc 2ic "
A great variety of Iron pile
always on hand at a tevtoo•
We price, suitable for
POSTS, ItIACiNO ,t itot'i.EvArtrallo
M. Jackson & Sons
WE ,flit; CitOWINO
txrause we have the exalted right to do
so. who wouldn't "crow" and feel ex-
ultant when they knew
sold by them was going to give tar hest
kind of satisfaction? There Isn't eve,
the germ of dyspepsia In any piesa rake,
rolls orbrcad made front our flour. To
buy It as to be healthy a rid wise.
WiIEAT wanted at the Mill.
Pnt.F. MAXI*I"t(TCn1•'!to
EXI:FER (1NT:*, caro
Have You
Seen Our
Stock Lately
Exeter's Leading Hardware
Remember the Name ---
- ' titil>•
Rowe & Atkinson
Bear in mind that at their store is the
place to buy FURNITURE. We have
a fresh car Load in now and every-
thing will be found at the RIGHT
PRICE to SUITE the purchaser.
Give them a call .,.
Undertaking and Embalming a Specality
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Sopp1ng Sere Is Made A Pleasure
With mar immense stock of Fall and Winter Wearables to show
you. Our New Dress (.nods, New Jackets. New Furs, New Fur Lined
Coats, New Skirts and Waists and New Underwear are THE BEST we
have ever shown. NVe molt you to come and see them and what we
are doing.
One of our
Season, andcel are sure of getting
the collect thing here.
Ladies' Fur -Lined
Every lady thinking about a fur -
lined coat this season should flee
our special lints. Our coats have
the best rat lining, and genuine
sable collar, with a gond broadcloth
shell. Do not fail to see theta.
Only a word. Our milliners are
very busy. [,rave your orders ear-
ly, so as to /1:1t•.• your hat in gond
time. They are working every
night to catch up.
This is one of the many cuts
of our popular Winter Coats.
They come In Black, Blue, Green
and (tray.
Popular Prices $10, $12 $11, $10
$18, 820.
Child's Coats.
A great many styles and
cloths to choose from. Colors --
Black, Blue, Brown, Green and
itt ing along the girls and we
can please them.
ic'•s $3 to $S.
Another of Our
Popular Coats.
We have all the new ideas
and styles shown itt .Wats• tot t'ae
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing