Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-14, Page 5WMIellielgeMMIimmemengsmaammeggl Indict Pale Ale 'nsumers only about half as much Brewed from se- lected o-lected hors, choice barley malt and pure spring water, with the utmost care. Bottled at the brewery depots to ensure proper handling. That is why Labatt's .-1!e is equal to the fin- est, surpassed by none, though it as imported goods. leant ; veal. ealee eXktei: `l1110Crtte School Reports ESETEle - - ONTARIO $1 :if) if paid in adrauce, 1/1.50 a year if not so paid. To t nitcd States Subscribers$11•5O a Year Strictly in Advance. f3ANietntS & CREECH, Publishers. High -Grade PIANOS are always a pleasure tr) their owners We have sold and are selling a great tnauy high -clans pianos -and ale, ays at reasonable prices. Our Numerous Satisfied (customers is the strongest gu u'antee of the truth of the above assertion. Our pianos to -day are the best that the piano -makers produce and our prices and terms are what you will appreciate. Do not be too quick to believe per- sons who tell you different frons the above for the purpose of selling you cheap and, in some cases, trashy goods at big prices. Call and see us and be convinced that what we say we uptlive to. 8. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goods. STRATiORD, ONT. The Best School The best time to enter our classes 0 NOW. We are running the Iartteat and, we believe, the best trains .g ec•hool in western Ontario. Their departments - Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy Oet a money making e,1,1 ation. Our ratio• stet are in demand and are meeting wit *un- tie. (let our free catalogue now. lLLiOT"r k McLACIILAN Principal, LUCAS. Mrs. Mary Culbert. aged 65 years. a life -lung resident of this place, dropped dead this morning while lighting a fire In the kite -nes range. Sae Is survived by her second husband and two daugh- ters, Mrs. Alex. Leavitt of Walkerellle, and Mrs. Geo. Lounds of Detroit. T'ie death oc•rurred here ort Oct. flth of the wl:e of E. 'Tenna•tt, V. S., The funeral scrcl'•c was heli I Betty Trinity chore t on 1 i1-1ty and rr:hent took pla'•e in St. .1 „ , , rm •' :.. Clandeteny, The folio ring Is the report of S. S. No. 3, l.'sborne, for the month of September. -Sr. IV., Arlow Copeland absent Jr. iV.. max. 300, Leonard Harris 103, El- eanor Doupe 192, Sr. III.. max. 300, Janie McCullough _27, Ida Irvine 202 Reggie Doupe 185; Jr. III., max. 300, lay Hodgert 262, Oscar Copeland 254. h'ern Francis 240, Tena alcCurdy 235, Donald Balfour 229; Jr. 1i„ mar. 300, Roy Fletcher 212, Helier Shute 207, Las to aleCurdy 205, Gooden Copeland 1:: George Haran 101; Pt. 11., mag. 200, I lella McCurdy 128, f loweril Shier a' . Pt. 1., hr.. max. 200, Maggio McCd'-d7 117 : primary dotes, \!a. guerite Doupe Ira McCurdy. No. o. run, 21, averag • attendance 16. E. ei. Greason, Teacher. 8100 Reward 8100. The readers of this paper ail! he pleased to learn that there 0 at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that 19 Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. atarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitu• tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist• ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents, Take Hall's Fancily Pills for constipation. THAMES BOW. Cluff-Passmore-On the 29th of Sep- tember a very pretty wedding was e01- eznii1 et: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Passmore, Sunnylea, Thames Road, when tl'.elr daughter, Christina J., was united In marriage to Mr. John II. Cluff of Tuckerarnith, by Rev. Hugh Watson of Elfmville. The bride looked charm- Vtg In It gown of cream ntousllllne de sole. trimmed wills satin ribbon and Irish point d'esprit, with bridal veil of silk melllne and orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of white asters and maitIen hate fern, Promptly at els o'clock the ;room oat red the parlor and took his ip;ace under an arc. -t of ever- greens and astern. lie was soon follow et by the bride. leaning on the arm. of .;e' fattier. Mendelssohn's wedding re ..en was playa! by Mies Stella Pass- more, a cousin of the bride. After noc- gratulations, the guests numbering over sixty, repaired to the basement, where a sumptous dinner was served. The eve ,:ing was spent In speeches, recitations and singing. Mr. Chas. Ilorlattd gave several violin selections. The esteem In whlca the young couple are held was shown by the number of useful presents given them. The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl crescnt. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of Make Each Animal Worth 25'3b Over Its Cost On of a Cent a Day Nobody ever heard of 'steak food' curing the tuts or s� tic, making her,. Ley in winter. increasing the yield of milk five pounds pet cowa day. or restoring run-down animals to plumpnts• and vigor• when you feed " stock food " to your cow. horse. swine or poultry. you are merely feeding them what you are growing en your own farm. four animals do need not mere feed. b t at rnethtng to hen, their Inaba a get all the good out of the teed you give them w they can get fat art: .tayfat all yearrottnd: SOW 40rrever.edtseave. iur••,',sea-. a^S keep them up to the hestine condi: t.'n. No ` tock food- can do all the, e things. ROYAL PL;HPLE STS Ct: S'ECl1'IC c..n a,Jd. es 0 ,s "Till. LEL" enei Le, tilt Nernst,. o/ ase rel'• ore G•and C"csrl, 'af 1' Nota "Stock Food" But "Cont'itioner" /OVAL PURPLE STOCK SPfaCIFIC,.n:a;narnr• •f •^ i tut It,n.reesea ) field of milk from three to five rw,und• per cow p.r div 1,, •r- • - t .! , n t>.d two weeks. It makes the reek n.hrr ,.nd ,,JJ. !leas. faster t .n a n•• • prem ..tion known. young calves lad with ROYAL PUR PLR are as large at sot %seas one as they would be when fed with rodinary materials at ten week, ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPIICIFiC builds up run down animals and restores them to alumnae se a'moat magically. Cures tots, coke. Worms, skin disease% and J. hohtype.rmarently. Dan SLI vran,thehorseman, say',: "I have used ROTAL PURPL STUCK bPICIFIC persistently in the feeding of 'The Een.' 2.04 largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1954, and 'Henry \\linters,' 2 (Al, brother of :Vivre n \\'inter,.' winner of I;kt,l(e in trotting stakes in I•51 These hors:, hive nes,r l en off tent fart since 1 c .mmenced using Royal Purple Specific almost a rear aao, and 1 will always have it in my stables." oyalASTOCKSPE One Sae package of ROYAL. PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will laet one animal seventy days. whch is a little over two -third; . f a cent s 24, Stoat sIock fe4,41 in fifty cent packages last but fifty days and are given three times a J.(y. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC it leen hit nine a Jay, and lasts half again as loni it an cal containing four tures the amount of the fifty cent package wail last esedays. ROYAL PURPLE well increase :he,alue of your stock 2.Ss. It is an astonishingly quick fattener. stir - dating the appetite and the relish f cr food, assisting nature to digest and turn fet•J1'nh. flesh hug f ttencr it as a leader. It w•illsave many times its coat in veterinary hilts. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPICI- FIC is our other Specific Mt poultry, not for stock. One 50 cent package will last twenty five hens 70 dam or pail costing gl SO will last twenty -Ave hens 240 day •. which is four time., more material for only three times the cost. It makes a "laying machine out of your hers s,mmer and winter. resents f -'•a', loginQ flesh at mnul in t.me anJ urns u'tr ' ,;.,ies livery pullet. of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPHCIFiC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is guaranteed. .Li•t ole ROYAL PURPLE en one of>•eer animals anJ any other rre�rraratinn on another animal to INC same condd :stn: after comparing results you wi': styROYAL PURPLE histhem all beat to death, or else back comes your money REE - toe your merchant or write us for our valuable 31 page booklet en castle and poultry d:seasr(e,. containing .,!so 1�I��.rV6WI L�JS OCI�ta A POUIa.� RRT SPECIFICS. If lou cannot get Royal Pure!, Specifics (rem merchants or agents. we win s❑ppty yrs - d,,• r• evrre44 rrepaiJ, on rrce.ct of 11 t t f r calla Poultry? Of Sto,k Spec: Make money a.tine as our agent in tour district. Write for terms. For sale by all up-to-date merchants. W.I. Jenkins r.!.. C.),, Loaioa, Can, WORTII 1flOUNTAINS QF GOLD During Cl:=lege of Life, says Mrs. Chas. Barclay Granite ills, \'t. "I was passing tlu„ugli the t'Itan,r, f Life and suffered Irultl ilervotSlle'ss aluiutherannoying symptoms, and I (:ul truly say that Lydia E. Pink h:un's Vegetable Com- pound has proved worth mountains of gold to Ins, Mt it restored my health :ltt(1 stl'('ilgth. I never forget to tell my friends what :ic Lydia E.1I '111k1111 hil's Vegetable Compound has done for Inc during this trying period. Complete restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other suffer- ing women i am willing to make my trouble public su you may publish this letter." -MRs. CHAS. BARCLAY, It.F.I).,Graniteville, Vt. No other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide -spread and un- qualified endorsement. No other med- icine we know of has such a record of cures of female ills as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than 30 years it has been curing female complaints such as inflammation ulceration, local weak- nesses, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration, and is unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of change of It costa but little to try Lydia R. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and, as Mrs.Barclaysays,it is "worth 12)01:113. - tains of gold' to suffering women. MCGiLLIVRAY COUNCIL Council stet on Oct. 4th wit's all the members preemie. The minutes of the prevlcus meeting were read and approv ed. A large number of accounts were Paid. Per Poore and Ulens-That sly -law No. 11 of 1909 granting ,the Parkhill Rural Telephone Co. the right to erect poles and lines in the Townshllp of Mc- Gillivray. west of a line parallel with West McGillivray, Bald line to b_ erected lc accordance with Township By-laws eoverning the Earne, as read a first and second time he now read a thltrd time and passed, -Carried. Per Ul.:na and Murdy-That T. G. Meredith. town - l'1111 solicitor, be instructed to defend the interests of the Township in .the appeal of Stratltroy against the county equ dhation, and that the reeve and clerk attend with the assessor at said rourt.- 2irrled. Adjournment to first Monday of November at 1 p.m. J. D. Drummond. Clerk, ZURICH Mies Dla: t Rirkln•il left on Tuesday to visit frlends It. tluffelo•-F. W. Hess has the old tlitahop moved out and is excavating for trio new building. -Win- ter apples are a very good crop In tttl■ district and largo quantifier are being hauled to the station. ->Ilse Pearl Mc- Cormick left last week for Berlin to study music. -John Dumart of Merlin is renewing aceiuel.itetices in town. -)Ilse Haggle Campbell has returned to town from a six months" stay wit her els ter at Berlin. -M. J. J. A. Williams was operated on last week by Dr. Gunn of Clinton and Dr. Camp:n:ll o: this place - The operation wets Successful and tete patient Is making good progress. HENSALL 13. Kaiser Is slowly Improving from the affection of his ear. -Dr. McEwen, ,tater a visit at his home here has re- turned to Toruhto.-Miss Dolly Ragan Li been In Detroit attending the wed - Frig of her sister Kathleen. -Rev. E. Mcl.. Smith was called away to attend the funeral of a former member of his cohgregatIon at Milton. -The rase In whlc't many In this 5Cctloa were Inter- ested, was tried at the iiigtt Court at Golfed( h. last tePCk. Workman c;aimed .lamxges for loss by fire started by C .lc:nan dui ing t;,e summer of 1999. Witnessed showed that plaintiff had lost considerable good timber and the Jury awarded damages to the extent of t1 -a. Coleman also t, ply the costs N are heavy. -C. A. M.'Doeell and ,,1 ave returned ::-.ant a several mon- tat' trip in the West. where They visited nanny of the chief polies of interest. - The martloage look place at Detroit on Oct. 5th of Miss Kathleen Ilagati daugt,- ter ot Mrs. Hagar:. lilllsgreen, to W. B. Clark of tltat city. 'easy will reside in Ietrolt.-Jos. Diratinc, who has been in charge of Malt Ellwood's barber shop at London for two months. has r-ctu.e- td. Mr. Ellwood has been i11 the West and has purchased a farm, sold his bus mess in nondon, and has moved no the \We.•tt.-D. Graesick has received work of an accident which betel his brother Dr. J. In North Dakota. While Hellen In his auto the machine took a header and tltrew the doctor with the result 14 a' his nose was broken and he was other- wise badly shaken up. -Miss Etta Davis has returned to her mulles at Toronto University. -The remotest of Sirnon Ile- derd, who died at tee Lo:tdo:t Asylum. were brought here by train laat \Wedtl s• day evening and tak.n to his home at Drysdale for interment. CIICMARTI- Sad Death. -On Wednesday, Oct. 'Ides death called away one of the pnomislttg young men of this dletrict, in tho frerson of Mr. Scott McLaren. met ot Mr. Dun- can McLaren. at the age of 30 yeah. revealed lived on the 12th concession. and his sister kept house for Mm. AI- (:t.oug, Ice 'lad been in robust health :or some time he was able bo attend to his farming operations. whoa he was sitleken with enlargement of the liver. NIS death Is dweply regretted by the •i.:•eters of ',is faa,lly. Tee funeral took place on Sa'urday to the Hedger - v' 1' cemetery and was largely attended. ST1a'IIEN COUNCIL, The council 01 tee Township of Ste - photi convened In the Town Hall, Creel - nen. on llu:tday, the 4t t ot October, at 1 p. n1• All members were present. Tho ntlttutea ot the previous meoting '.tire read acid adopted. Per Anderson and Yearley -That the collector's) bond be accepted and filed with the clerk.-Cartled, Per Wuerth and Love -That By -Law No. 153 for regulating the remuneration :eea and charges of pound-keepere,aht4 By -Law No. 134 to appoint the collect- or of taxes to enforce the collection of taxes under Vie :t, t r; eipeeting statute labor, each having 'been read Inc 111114 time, be acccpteJ and signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of tilts Cotporatlon attached thereto. -Carried. The following orde..4 wr:e paid.- 1•'. TI lebtter, gravel, •581.:N ; R. I lateltord, gravel contract L. R., 21.50; 1t. Hand- ford, gravel contract 5. 11., 10.25; Wm. white, placing coecreta culvert S. 13. tai Felix Wild, gravel, ?1.4.30; Edward Ryan„ culvert and plank. &2.50 Thos.. \welah, drawing gravel. e:1.73: Murray Elliott, drawing grave;, $:1.73; Jeremiah Beaman, rep. culverts, :t.ti.t ; gravel, $11.40; John i. Wein, rcpalr- ing culvert, #2; Ed. enroll, drawing plank. $2; \1111. !litchc'i, plank and drawing S. Il, $1 ; Teen Oliver, plar- ingconcrete tile, $27.50 ; Geo. Ilirtzel, cedar posts, $5.25; Itobt. Sanders, re- pairing to Stanlake'a bridge, $1 ; Rich. 11111, rep. Ford's bridge. rile.; Beery Kuhn, tile, #2.0-1; \V. T. Colwill, ditch and placing tile, S. 13. 411.96; Ed. Fahner, gravel con. B'l'k 5, C. Rd. $26- 40 ; Austin Hayter, work on Con. 22, all ; John McLellan, gravel, 60e; Frank Taylor. teaming, gravel and old bridge $16.75; Jacob Querrin, gravel, $9.10; Itobt. Davey, rep. culvert, 50c; James Flynn, rep Mud Creek bridge, $11; Wm. Mawhinney, placing concrete culvert S. 1). $4: C. Stade et al, rep. culvert, $ 47,- 75 ; J. Ifaist, Ole and filling, $24.15; S. Brown, mdse. $13.97 ; Alonzo 110d- glne Co.. light for hall, =3.45; Conrad Kul:n„ overaechtg two bridges, $41.50: Aloe. Hodgins, ac. $l.05 ; Heaver .� Sln_s, filling abutments, $4 ; Chas. Bolt, rep. Culvert, $1 ; Itobt. Pollock, drawing tile $1.30 ; Isaac Bastard, drawing moulds, ell; John Devine, rep. bridge, $10 ; A. Mollard, rep. tbridge, e2; Win. Lovle, fence and rep. culvert, $34; J. E. ilodglns, work on ;C. ltd., $2 ; It. Bastard, drawing gravel, $1 ; Ed. Fanner, gravel con., Blk. 2 C. rd., $22 ; Jonah Sims. coh1. 131k. 2, '2.50; J. Keys. corn. C. rd., $2.75; Fred Heist, step. 3rd s. rd., $10 ; Jos. Lawson, cee runt for Ole, $22.60 ; Dr. McCue, M. II. O. B. of li., $5.50; Jos. Lawson, bal. ot account C. E. abutment, $441.17: C. Prouty, gratuity, }23. Council adjourn edit to meet agaln the Town Hall, Cred on, on r)eccnrborin eft 1909, at 1 p. m• Henry Eiiber. Tp. Clerk Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA r Airtees WWF AROUND ABOUT US 11 &AIL AhLAILAkAlk ails a&.alkJAt.J& 1&Jai AILS:\ (31.5i0-.), pretty Fut very yu.( ' 'e.idlegwae was solentelzed at the Rec- tory. lidcrton, on Wednesday, Oct. 611t, when Silas Nettie Clatworthy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Clatworthy, of that place was united in marriage with Iter. yerc•y Charlton of tete White & May Co's staff at Allea Craig. They will re - Ride in Allen Craig. IIIBBERT-A quiet welding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jae -Mac - /tan. slitchell, on Oct. 6th. when their third daughter, Margaret May. was unit- ed In marriage to Mr. Wen. Pinder. Miss Annie Machan, sister of the bride. act- ed as bridesmaid and carrlcda sheaf of pink roaes. Mr. Edward Legg assist ed the groom. They will reside In 100 - belt township, h' U LLA RTON-Thos. FF r.a n: 14 diel sud- denly October 610. For some time he was a sufferer from heart disease, and was forewarned t'tat his death might occur at any moment. Last week the warning came when he was stricken with paralysis, which lett him for a time apeeenicss. Ile leaves a widow Mrd four c:uldren. MITCHELL. -After a long Illness. leav ing her weak td exhausted, but which was borne with great patience, the wife of Geo. A. stock, passed away on Oa:t. 510, In her 6410 year. Only two weeks ago a son was burled, whic:l makes the affliction doubly sad, and much synl- pethy la felt for the bereaved father 40:,5 and daughtcrd I,ItUCEFIELD.-Byron \Valdro i Is ruing the Cukra Company of Toronto. limited. fcr *1,e143.131, balance alleged to he dun for wages for services render- ol to defendant 1 . the Repub.Ic of Nicar- agua at $1,000 per annum, and for t. Sc- ulling expenses and board, from Jan. 1. 1906, to August 1909. credits on the account amounting to $2,060.39, and Including the amount applied by plaintiff's order In payment of shares and for goods supplied to him. GODEItlCIL-Miss',.g Inc side of a lad der on whist: he sougnt to support trine self before descendl.,g. 51. I. V, rig,it, •t painter. formerly of Gotlerlch, telt two stories to hls death from the the-ce- cape of henry wobrock's sato,: and hotel In Detroit on Oct. 8th. His neck was probably broken and he died on the way to 9t. Mary's' hospital. -- '� -- BE A CHHAiRMiNG aVOMAN You never saw a beautiful woman wliO didn't have beautiful hair. The charms of a beautiful woman Ile In heti hair. Many worsen do not realize the attract - Ions they possess because they do not give proper attention to the care of the hair. The women ut the 400" are tamed for their beauty, not becaulse their fac- ial features arc superior to those of other women. but because they know how to keep young by supplying vigor, tueetre, and strength to the halr. Up to a frw years ago Parisian Sage could hardly be obtained In America. Ilut now this delightful halt restorer ran be had In every town 1,1 America. W. S. Cole sells It in Ezeter for 50 Cents a bsttl•. and he guarantees it to grow heauttful. luxuriant hair. to turn dull, lifeless hair Vito lustrous noir; to atop falling hair• to stop Itching of the scalp. Understand. W. h. Cole will give you you- money back If it fails. ska t 4f,*". -!•• ,;;f , -S N.DE' .: q iti'� •� u_Ay CALL on a dealer and feel the fine, soft texture of Watson's Combination Suits. Notice the retnarkable pliability -the won- ;:,5,e• derful strength then examine any other brand, and you will find the difference so great that you will insist on i A Watson's. Watson's Combination Suite for men fit like a glove :d remain that way --regardless of number of washings. Guaranteed not to stretch nor shrink. We took it all out before the snaking. For complete comfort, fit, iron -wear and all- round satisfaction, Watson's Combination Suits are unequalled. Guaranteed - that's important. tt We make many other styles of underwear. Call on your dealer to-dav and examine the almost unlimited variety. THS WATSON MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., PARIS, ONTARIO. { ooks on top of the stove, bakes in oven at same time You can cook over every pot -hole and bake in Pandora oven at same time -and get perfect results. That's because cooking draft is also baking draft. Flues arc so constructed that heat passes directly under every pot -hole and around oven twice before passing up chimney. No wasted heat -instead fuel does double duty, saving Pandora owners both time and money. 111 Would you not Ilke to be a Pandora owner' Jaiqe For Sale by T. Hawkins & Son, Exeter LITTLE DIGESTERS Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote Digestion. Money back if they fail to cure. At all Draggiats or direct from 2Sc. a Bozo. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto Ie' ^`- - `� 1 The Most Interesting Daily The "Toronto Daily Star" is strong in special features for Women. There are the daily Moine Pages -the daily instalment of a good story -the Social and Personal columns -the illustrated daily Fashion flints. But the "mar's" strongest appeal to t c wide-awake woman is the unusually interesting way In \vii ch it presents the news of all the world, day by day. There is not a dry line in it -yet it is not sse�n}ational or in any way "yellow." Just good, clean, wholesome, well-written accounts of everything that is going on that's wort reading about. Subscribe now and take advantage of our present rate of $1.50 A Year Die pap*, and "Invent, Dail, Star" together for one rear -$2. PO. Orerinteed Fountain Pen given for 50e. added to above subscription pries& Toronto Daily Star s;• 'y C JK : gime. > d , i �� /I. I a' • 1 .....1;.:...-,,,,,iiti 4. ooks on top of the stove, bakes in oven at same time You can cook over every pot -hole and bake in Pandora oven at same time -and get perfect results. That's because cooking draft is also baking draft. Flues arc so constructed that heat passes directly under every pot -hole and around oven twice before passing up chimney. No wasted heat -instead fuel does double duty, saving Pandora owners both time and money. 111 Would you not Ilke to be a Pandora owner' Jaiqe For Sale by T. Hawkins & Son, Exeter LITTLE DIGESTERS Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote Digestion. Money back if they fail to cure. At all Draggiats or direct from 2Sc. a Bozo. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto Ie' ^`- - `� 1 The Most Interesting Daily The "Toronto Daily Star" is strong in special features for Women. There are the daily Moine Pages -the daily instalment of a good story -the Social and Personal columns -the illustrated daily Fashion flints. But the "mar's" strongest appeal to t c wide-awake woman is the unusually interesting way In \vii ch it presents the news of all the world, day by day. There is not a dry line in it -yet it is not sse�n}ational or in any way "yellow." Just good, clean, wholesome, well-written accounts of everything that is going on that's wort reading about. Subscribe now and take advantage of our present rate of $1.50 A Year Die pap*, and "Invent, Dail, Star" together for one rear -$2. PO. Orerinteed Fountain Pen given for 50e. added to above subscription pries& Toronto Daily Star