Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-07, Page 71INERS SVOIINDED BY POLICEICONI)CNSE9_[1VSS ITt''S
Seven Men Wounded by Company's Police
in Glace Bay Strike Fracas.
A despatch from Glace Bay, N. '''•vered that two boys were tak-
S., sass: Seven moa were struck ing coal from the cliff ars./ there-
by bullets on Wednesday after- 1 upon Norman McKenzie, accom-
noon fired from revolvers in the ponied by M. McAdam aad three
hands of the coal company's polico. I other policemen of the coal cum -
hone of them were seriossly hurt, !patsy, each armed with a revolver,
two of them being struck in the proceeded to the cliff to arrest the
dopleg and another man having a por-' amateur miners: 1\'hile in the act
tion of one of his ears shut off. f of arresting them a crowd gather -
The row started over some men ed and commenced jeeri,'g the po-
who were stealing coal from one lice. They order•xl the crowd to
of the little seams which have been disperse, but the orders were not ei
opened up by strikers since the 1a- promptly obeyed. The police drew Walter Blythe, convicted of mur-
bor troubles. A little to the cast- their revolvers and fired first in the dcring his wife last year, has been
ward of No. 2 mine is the seashore ail and then into the crowd. Tho granted a new trial by the Court
and along the cliffs facing the sea wounded men were arrested and of Appeal.
appear small seams of the coal. placed in jail on a charge of "un-. Tho route of the Canadian- Nor -
These are of little economic value lawful assembly" and- warrants thern Railway via Smith's Falls
and have never been worked. The have been issued for the arrest, of has been approved by Hon. G. P.
land is included in the Dominion the men who used their revolvers. Graham.
Cont Company's leases and the of- The police say the crowd threw I Mr. H. H. Adams of St. Thomas
ficials of the company have been stones before. they used their pis- will succeed Mr. E. Fisher as Gen-
) forbidden the digging of coal from tole, but the men' of the crowd say eral Superintendent of the Toron-
these seams. not a stone was thrown until thee to, Hamilton b Buffalo Railway.
Wednesday afternoon it was dis- revolver shots were fired. Chief Justice Meredith dismissed
the suit of Morris against Hamil-
lLONGSERIES OF THEFTS. (TAMES OP CHANCE AT FAIRS.ton, to restrain the city from en -
I _ tering into a contract with the
J. G. Rose stole From Many Hotels Authorities Take Actin, to Sup- Hydro -electric Power Commission.
in Various Places.GREAT BRITAIN.
Tho British Government, has pur-
chased all the Marconi stations on
the British coasts.
Mr. Henniker Heaton criticizes
the British Postmaster -General se-
verely for allowing all the burden
fcrent parts of the Province, Mr. of the lower magazine post to he
3. Lockie Wilson, Superintendent Lorne by Canada.
of Agricultural Societies, has ar-
ranged to send a number of private UNITED STATES.
detectives to the various fairs in Fear of a Black Hand outs
Ontario, who will see to it. thatge
the law is strictly enforced. These caused a panic inn New York
detectives are being sent out by school,
the department without the know- Four men were killed in a cave-
or request el any fair office
ie ire a waterworks tunnel at New
als. In many instances these Haven, Conn.
gamblers carry on their nefarious Theodore Rizzo has confessed to
practises without the knowledge of the police of Utica, N. Y., that. he
the directors, having seeered spaeet murdered two children in that tits
on the grounds ostensibly for legi-� Tho Massachusetts Democratic
timate business. The penalty for State Convention at Boston declnr-
the infringement of the provisions cd in favor of reciprocity with Ca-
nada, and demanded a lower tariff
on the necessaries of life.
Tclegri.pnle Rriete From Our Owls
'ad . countries of
Ileccut Events.
Hon. Swiney Fisher proposes to
e.'tablish a number of new experi-
mental farms in the west.
Mr• N. A. Rhodes, Vice -President
cf Rhodes, Curry & Co., .Amherst,
N.S., is dead.
Mr. William Mackenzie of Toron-
to, who is visiting Halifax, sub-
scribed $50:) to the memorial tow -
press Gambling nt Fairs.
A despatch from Toronto says: A despatch from Toronto says:
A remarkable series of thefts wore Il having come to the knowledge
admitted to have been committed of the Provincial Government that
by John George Ross in the Police a large number of fakirs have been
Court on Wednesday. Ross was preparing to carry or illegal prac-
arraigned on five charges of theft. t•ices at fairs and exhibitions in dif-
from local hotels, and to all he
pleaded guilty and elected to be
tried by Colonel Denison. .The
charges were of stealing suit cases
filled with clothes and other ar-
ticles. The ease was remanded for
h week to allow tl•o police time to
make investigations. His descrip-
tion and finger prints have been
sent to several cities in the United
States where it is believed that ho
is wanted.
Demand inereaee of iiritis+h Navy
by 17,0011 Men.
A despatch from London says:
The Standard reports serious fric-
tion between the Government and
the sea lords of the Admiralty in
ref,'rnce to the latter's proposal to
• increase the personnel of the navy
ley nearly 17.000 men. The paper
says that Vice -Admiral Francis
'• Bridgeman, Second Sen Lord, who
is reported to be the author of the
Lew manning scheme, has threaten-
ed to resign if the Cabinet persists
in its present refusal to increase
the personnel, while :Admiral of the
Fleet Sir John Fisher's retention
of the offiee of First. Sea Lord is
becoming difficult.
--4.- •
ST.\ ItT1:D FROM BR 17.1 E11.
i'lumbers,' Repair (fit Caused Fire
nt Parliament Iluildiuge.
A despatch from Toronto says:
The origin of the fire which recent -
1, destroyed the western wing of
.the Parliament buildings has been
officially determined. ''The 0ov-
of the agricultural societies net is
not less than $20, and not more
than $100, and costs.
+ 1l.Mi'1:I1 INTO RIVER.
Joseph Cay of Ottawa Takes Iiiy
Hungw'inn Shoemaker el Roches-
Oen Life.
ter Killed Iiisr 11'ife. A despatch from Ottawa says:
1 despatch from Rochester, N. Joseph Gay of Ottawa, 23 years of
1'., says: After making •his six age, a clerk in the Murine Depart-
ehilclre n go to Fed at his home here, trent, and at one time Secretary to
Jahn Klema, a Hungarian shoe- Hon. Mr. Brodeur, committed sui-
maker, killed his wife in an adio'in- tide on Thursday morning by jump-
ing room with an ase un 1\'eclnes- ing off the interprovincial bridge
clay morning. Ile then fled, but into the Ottawa River. Several
was later esphnc<I. When the men saw hies run out, half way
police reached the scene the chit -
and leap from the
deco were found sewing li their railing into the ss the river,bridge forty feet be -
mother's bedside. Mrs. Klrms's 1"w• :1 boat Was hastily procured
head was almost severed from her and put off to the rescue, but the
hotly. e1 quarrel user money mat- swift -flowing river bore the body
ters caused the murder. away before the rescuers could
- reach it.. Mr. Gay returned to his
office in the Marine Department
S 1 It 1 i) E 1'1' 7111; i'.A I,Iet, only a few days ago after a long
Felidae in the country north of Ot-
11s6nu,ie 11•sn .1umned Froin tawa. where he went to recover
I:rislc,' Inf.. Riser. from an illness brought on by over -
study. It is supposed that the sui-
cid(' was the result of a recurrence
of the malady from which he pre-
viously suffered.
etnment has investigat d the s:urce 1 despatch fro, Niagara Falls,
of the fire." tr•id Sir .fames Whit- N 1'., says: • An unknown man,
ney, when interviewed nn 1Wed'ies- about ai, years old. early on Wed -
day, "and there is no doubt. what- nerdny jumped fru:n the urper steel
ever that it was caused by the char- arch bridge into the Niagara River
Boal brazier, left among the rift- and was drowned. ile was seen to
ers by repairing plumbers. The make the leap by Frank O'Neil, a
Oovernnnent has had good reasons .workman, rind by several bridge
for coming to that conclusion." employes. The body appeared on
----':•_ the surface for an instant and then
was lost to view.
. - -_
{'A 111) ('.t 1'')'. S('O'I"r.
London', Lord 1l:uynr Will Oi►en
)lnn.ien Hone.. fund.
A despatch from London says:
The Lord Mayor of London has an-
nounced his intention of opening
a Mansion Muse fund to assist
Captain Robert F. Scott to raise
m• n••v f.,r his expedition to plant
the 1',:ien .Tai k at the South Pole.
1'11051' iN )li:CICO.
('urn 1 rep (Damaged to the Esten1
of $20.(1I111,000.
.1 elespatch from 11csice City
s ►} s : Unprecedentedly cold wea-
ther in the valleys in the vicinity
et this city has destroyed the corn
Props. It. is estimated that the I„=s
will reach $20.Oafl.000. Tho th •r-
mometer on 1Wcdstesday morning
registered two degree below the
freezing point.
Great Britain's Eighth Dreadnought in
the Water.
1 despatch from Port -south, ly ten feet longer and two feet wid-
ing:and, says: The Neptune. Great cr than any of her predecessors.
Britain's eighth battleship of the She exceeds the Dreadnought type
Ureadeoughtclaw, or leer rlevente, by '2.270 and the Belleraphon by
including tine three battleship end- 1 050 tens. She has turbine en-
ters, Inflexible. Indomitable, and geies of 34.000 indicated horsepow-
le%ineible, was surc•essfully launch- er. giving n speed of 21 knots an
ed here on Thursday, and nonmed by hour.
the Duchene Of Albany in the pre- The Neptune has been described
senee t.f if great concourse. The as "the last word" in battleships.
bulkheads of this super -Dread- iter ten 12 -inch Runs will be of the
Frortennc Man Sent to Central
Prison for Twa Wears.
.1 despatch from Kingston sat•.;:
John Hickey, of Clarendon, charg-
ed withaggravated assault and
threatening to shoot his wife, was
sentenced on Thursday to two
year: in Central Prison. Tho pri-
soner pleaded guilty to the first
charge of assault. The man came
home drunk acd began ill-treating
his wife. Ile finally fired a rifle
nt, her, the hall passing close to
her heed and entering the wall be-
side the bed.
Groat Increase in ('uato►IS Receipts
for September.
.1 despatch fioin Ottawa Bays:
The customs revenue of the Do-
minion for the month just ending
shows an increase of no Tess than
thirty-five per cent. over Septem-
ber of Iasi year. The total collec-
tions were $5.437.458, nn increase of
$1,409,531. For the six months of
the fiscal year the customs revenue
total( $24.791,009, an increase of
$5.918,350. as compared with the
first half of the last fiscal year.
P1Ith IN N0 II.IN(:ER.
Prairie and Iandi fires Doing Denis
age In Sa•kalchrwan.
.1 de .patch from Fort Saskatehe.
won. Alta.. says: Prairie and bush
e eight are so hcaftls armored that r.ea fifty calibre pattern, whiclu fires are burning three miles south
experts consider her practically un- has a greater range and and damage of the park. There isis
>; per,ctrn- to the park. and none is
sinkable by a te►•pedn. 11:en than the 12hullguns now in anticipated. Fires are reported in
The Neptune was commenced nt ',se. and in ndditien she will car- the timber country north of Rat-
P.'rt•''►ne'nth on Janearv' 9th of this r ; four•inch guns for repelling tor• I Cermet, which lit.., been burning
per. She has a diplacement of red., attacks. The Admiralty con- I (01 sieve dads. atel it is reported
eo.260 tons. length 510 feet. and sitters her the nme•t,werfll
Iw' uy large Area's of valuable timber
Ikant 86 feet. She is consequent• •areel nc'sel thee f it built. have ben destroyed.
1'11.1DI, CEN 'IRES.
Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Iluute and Abroad.
hlll::lUSl'l F1'S•
1 cicepatch from New York says: perfect alignment of movement
One of the pleasant features of were grasped by the crowd.
Toronto, Oct. 5. -Flour -Ontario Thursday's military pageant was ''Here come the British," every -
wheat, 90 per cent. patents, $4 to the hearty interest evidently felt body yelled, and then they all
8.1.05 in buyers' sacks on track, by the crowd in the British sailers stood up preparatory to giving
Toronto, and $3.90 to $3.95 outside and marines, and the apprecia- King Edward's well just such a re-
in buyers' sacks. Manitoba flour, tive reception accorded them. Fret)) c'el,ticn as the King's Australian
first patents, $5.60 on track, Toron-
to;second patents, $5.10, and
bakers', $5 on track, Toron-
" Here Come the British ! " Was the Cry
of Everybody.
Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern
$1.00;x, I3ay ports, and No. 2 Nor-
thern at 98'/.,s, Bay ports.
Ontario wheat -No. 2, 97c out-
Barley -No. 2 55 to 56e outside,
and No. 3 extra at 53 to 54c out-
Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, new,
37 to 38c outside. New Canada
West oats, 373c, spot, Bay ports.
Peas -No. 2 new, 78 to 80c out-
Rye -No. 2 68 to We outside.
Buckwheat --55 to 56c outside.
Corn -No. 2 American yellow,
75 to 75%c on track, Toronto.
Bran -$18 to $19 outside in bulk
for Ontario bran, and 820.50 to $21
for shorts in bulk.
Apples -Wind falls, $1 to $1.50
per barrel, and hand-picked apples
$2 to $2.75.
Beans -Prime, $2.25, and hand-
picked, $2.40 to $2.15 per bushel.
Honey -Combs, dozen, $2.25 to
$3; extracted, 10c per lb.
Hay -No. 1 timothy, $15.50 to
816 a ton on track here, and No.
2 at 814 to $14.50.
Straw -$9 to 89.50.
Potatoes -55 to 60c per hag on
track for Ontario, and 73c for New
Brunswick. -
Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 12
tc Ile per Ib. ; fowl, 11 to 13c ; tur-
keys, 17 to 19c her lb.; ducks, 11
to 130.
Butter -Pound prints, 20 to 22c;
tubs and large rolls, 18 to 19e; in-
ferior, 17 to 18c; creamery, 25 to
26c, and separator, 22 to 23c per
Eggs -Case lots, 25e per doz.
Cheese -12'/.c per !b. for large,
and at 12%c for twins.
Bacon -Long clear, 1L to 15'/,c
per Ib. in case lots ; mess pork $26
tc• 826.50; short cut, $27.50.
Hams -Light to ,medium. 16 to
16%c; do., heavy, 14% to 15c; rolls,
144 to 14%e; shoulders, 13'/, to
1334c; backs, 19 to 19c;. breakfast
bocnn, 17 to 17%e.
Lord --Tierces, 15 to 1574c; tubs,
154 to I5%c; pails, 15 to 15%c.
Montreal, Oct. 5. -Oats --No. 2
Canadian Western, 42%, to 43c.
Barley -No. 2, 66 to 67c; Manitoba
feed barley, 64 to 65e. Buckwheat,
55 to 55!-,c. Flour --Manitoba
String wheat patents, firste, 85.70;
do., seconds, $5.20; Winter wheat
Patents, $5.50; Manitoba strong
bakers', $5; straight rollers, $5.25:
do.. in bags, $2.25 to $2.50. Feed
-Ontario bran, $21 to $22; On-
tario middlings, 8.22.50 to $23.50;
Manitoba bran, $21; Manitoba
shorts, 823 to $24; pure grain
mouille, $33 to 835; mixed monille,
$25 to $27. (lieese-Westerns.
11% to and eastcrns at 11%
to 11%e. Butter--Fine=t cre every,
24% to 25e. Eggs -Selected stock,
25!.i to 26c; No. 1 candled at 22%
to 23c, and No. 2 at 16 to 19c per
Minneapolis, Oct. 6 --Wheat-Sep-
tember, 98% to 9:4%c; 1)ecernher,
9M e; May, $1.01%, cash, No. 1
hard, $1.02',',; No. 1 Northern. 81.-
017e; No. 2 Northern, 997.„c ; No. 3
Northern, 95'ec. Flour -First pat-
ents, $5.20 to $5.30; second pat-
ents, $5 to $5.10; first clears, $1.-
35 to $1.55; second clears, 83.10
tc $3.30. Bran in 100-1b. sacks,
Chicago, Oct. 5.- ('ash wheat -
No. 2 red, $1 16 to *1.17; No. 3
rid, 81.09 to $1.11. No. 2 hard,
$1.05 to $1.0S%; No 3 hard, $L-
eel to $1.06%; No. 1 Northern, $1.-
05 to $1.09; No. 2 Northern, $1.03
to $1.06; No. 3 Spring, $1.00 to
$1.05. Corn -No. 2, 64 to 64''/c;
No. 2 yellow, 6474 to 64%c; No. 3,
el to 647,4e; No. 3 yellow, 64%c;
No. 4, 6314e. Oats -No. 2 white,
42,'ic ; No. 3 white, 39 to 39%e; No.
4 white, 36 to 39c ; standard, 427,e.
ne first to the last, the crowd
found merit a -plenty in these sai-
lors here to join in the Hudson -Ful-
ton celebration, to whom the city
has been paying special tribute for
a week, and did not hesitate to
show its appreciation. The crowd
was quick to recoenize tactical
merit and unstinted in approval of
i;; where found. They cheered the
British jacks in their odd-looking
straw huts, and the Royal Marine
light infantry with the gold globe
or; their collars, which tells the.
story of battles and hard service
in every part of the world. The
well -set-up sailors from the Brit-
ish ships in their service uniform
aroused great enthusiasm, the ac-
claim subsiding only to rise again
as all the details of precision and
subjects tendered the men of the
Atlantic fleet in Melbourne a little
mer a year ago. It was the first
tome in the memory of the oldest
u► those present when a British
column of fighting men had parad-
ed tier >ugh the streets of New York.
The Inflexible's band headed the
Britirhers, and well did it sustain
its reputation as one of the finest
naval hands on the seven seas.
The Rritishers got a great recep-
tion all along the line, and when
the color -bearers with the Union
Jack and the Admiral's pennant
passed, the people stood up in hon-
or of the colors, while the Ameri-
cans and foreign officers who were
in the stand stood at attention,
their right hands at their caps in
the generalbutchers'goodverage for was from FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND
loads o!f
84.85 to $x.25. Good butcher cows
were strong. Milkers and spring-
ers were in steady de -rand and slid NOTES OF 1N'i'1;1'1; I' 1'li0)1
well, as high as $C9 being paid for
a few extra choice cows- Calves- Ii Ell IIA NKS AN1) .11; S.
Steady and unchanged. Sheep and
Lambs -Steady. Hogs-hirmrr.
Selects quoted at $8 f.o.b., and 1% bat is Guing On In the ►fiehlande
$8.25 fed and watered.
and Lowlands of Auld
- .�_
At deen one ay
Three-year.old Boy Found Dead by sit ameeselanded 231 to is lofewlhite
His Mother. ,fish.
A despatch from Galt says,: The A hundred wagons were loaded
little three-year-old son of Mr. and with lambs at Thornhill in one day
Mrs. David Hastings, North Waterrecently.
street, strangled himself on Th urs. An organized gang of boy thieves,
clay morning in the kitchen while none older than 17, was discovered
hes mother was working in the nest Edinburgh.
room. He had been playing with The other day Mr. W. Rennie,
the renter towel, andit is supposedDumfries, caught a 35!; pound sal -
becoming enmeshed in it, was un- mon ie the \nth.
able to extricate himself. The litAt Renfrew good progress is he-
-t1e fellow made no outcry, and his now made with the erection of the
mother had no intimation of the new police buildings.
accident until she had occasion to Port Glasgow people still live in
visit the kitchen, when she was heir- hope of getting a brand new rail-
to find her son entangled in way station seine day.
the towel and suspended in it. Drs. The Renfrew Old Age Pension
Wardlaw and Charlton were at Committee are still examinins
once summoned and every known claimants for the pension.
method of resuscitation was tried, Miss Helen T. Baptiste, (tress -
lett without effect• Life was appar- maker, Selkirk, was fined $11 fur
entl� extinct when the mo:hcr made working her girls beyond statutory
her discovery. 1"'n s•
(ambusnethan School Board is to
11,1,-'1111:.1"1')11:N"I' 11.1.1:1:1:!). erect a school for the education of
defective children in- the parish.
31:111111),;)Tarnier (Finer cd 11 inn Messrs. A. Rodger & Co., fort
1ba�iur; 110111e Boys. Glasgow. have contracted to build
s steamer of 300 feet in length for
A despatch from Liecisay says: •Swansea owrers.
On Thursday morning, before Mag- Tradesmen have coenced to
istrate Moore, a charge was heard erect the chapel fur the mOrder oI
against a Mariposa farmer for as- this Knights of the Thistle at St.
snulting two Barnardo Horne boys, Cites' Cathedral.
named respectively Albert E. Car- There is quit' n building boom in •
ter, 13 years of age, and John W. Bothwell. The Donald Instituto,
Young, 8 years of age, who were 1 e'ng erected, is piling employment
indentured to mint. Th" charge t•• alarge number of men.
was made by Mr. ('has. It. Blake, In one clay recently at Wick, 35
inspector for the Homes, who al- beats larded an overage of eight
ter an investigation. took them cisraneestiomf ated herring.at The week's total
5,500 craps.
Mr. James Coats, jun., Fergus -
lie House. Paisley, has gifted a
ghoul library of over 150 volumes
to Eglingtun district school, Kil-
The contract for the new graving
duck at Rurnlisland, nnhieh is to
cost 81►out $1,000,000. has been giv-
er to Messrs. J. Young & .ion,
Among the 21 poor chsirgenble to
Ardrossan parish who died during
the past year ten were 70 years of
age and upwards, and two were
ower 80 years.
back to the Home in Toronto. Car-
ter, the elder, testified to his hav-
ing been assaulted by his nsaster,
first striking him with his fist's,
then hitting hien with a wrench.
SCR 1 I'('11EII 111' 11 1 Il I1(i1h.
Pitiful Death of a [All.. Bey al
1Wa'erly. N. 1',
A despatch from Waverly, N. Y.,
says: A scratch from the paw of a
rabid dog was responsibly for the
drath .in 'Thursday of George Mur-
ray. the fo . ,ear -old child of a lo-
cal merchaet. The hey was piny -
int, near his home recently with
two older boys, when they were
suddenly attacked by a strange
ill:1'r T N .1 N 11 BOBBED.
loeireal Men ( trim+ In ilave
dog. The other two were bitteu Lo.l SI.0110 ;and Diamond.
and were sent to the 1'asteer in A de•,patc!, from Montreal says:
stitut.e for treatment as soon as it neaten ince icseneil►ilily and reb-
hecame known that the dog wog 110(1 of ?1.1►'-,.) in cash. 311(1 a di r -
mad. The Murray child's injury n►e,nd ris'g yalocd al 8t:,0, wad oho
was so superfreinI. however, that story t•.'.d in tlse :lrraigement
no alarm was felt. On ""Ines- Ceuta tin Thursday by Mr. Charles
c'ay he developed unmistakable (•e,ders(rum, manager for Bloorn-
s.snsptoms of rehire and died on
Thursday el areal agony.
5.1.1 7111.1:" 01' (' OS.
Western 1% heel ('rap 11 ill More
1h:en Fill them.
.1 (te pee ti ir►n '1. ;,l real sass :
The hon.i'sg of a record harvest i.
bring provided for by a new Iles:n-
tor record, necording to news w hick
has reached Grand Trunk head -
Montreal. Oct. 5. -Prime hecvequarters. Two hundred and twen-
sold at 5 to 57,c per lh.: pretty ty pea• elevators were construct -
good animals, 4 to Se, and the coo- rel in the Canadian west during
mon stock. 2'; to 3;;c per lb. Small the past building season. This .1 •l4 ' at,•h from Ottawa save;
hard -looking bulls, 2c per 11). ; mileb gives the prairie i'refine" a a total j The superintendent • f annuities,
cows from $30 to $55 each. Grass- •,f 1,700 elevators over the Ines of, Mr. S. 'i' Bastedo, a►nnnunce+that
fed calves, 2�i to 3';0, and good the (1. T. R.. r. P. 1l. and C. N. !the receipt.. en this new branch of
yea's. 4 to 5,!,e per lb. Sheep, R. A western railw;i t man roti- :the public service have already ex -
3'.1 to 4e, and lambs, 3 to 5,.,e per mates that it, would require a train rebel $2'0.000. Apj'heatione sen•
Ib. Gond lots of fat hogs sold at i,50 mites long to carry out this sea- a t'nue to come in from all parte r.f
87; to De per lb. son's crop. It broken up into scp-(anadn, and the system has el -
Toronto, Oct. 5.--.1 few extra arate trains it wouid mean 2.125'r'adt•xperiymf,;iruise.d beyo:u1 the Stage of
prime picked cattle sold at 80. but trains of thirty five cars each.
field Brother's. whole.al,r merch-
ants, who nppearcd t•, press the
charge against Joseph Leblanc, A
c•nbman. who was nrre-le•'1 un Wed-
nesday night on suspicion. His
story was that after tusking the cat,
1 r ens driven into an unfrequent-
ed part of the city, and assaulted
and robbed. The accused was re -
ma ruled
.1NN1 1"(IES 1'01'1'1..1 R.
Superlerlendeml Hrpnrl. Itreeipl7
.already of $29.000.