Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-07, Page 5GOLD MEDAL 1 4) T - FOR - Ale and Porter AWARDED JOHN LABATT AT ST. LOUIS EXHIBITION 1904. Only medal for Als in Canada. Vxetex Abuorctte EXETER - - ONTARIO 7{1.00 if paid In advance. a1 a0 a year if not so paid. To United States Sabscribers$1.50 a Yenr Strictly Ill Advance. SANDERS a CREECII. Publishers. High -Grade PIANOS are always a pleasure to their owners We have sold and are belling a great many high -claws pianos -and always at reasonable prices. Our Numerous Satisfied Customers is the strongest guarantee of the truth of the , above assertion. THE KIRKTON FAIR. In spite of the three days' rain which commenced on Wednesday and lasted un til about three o'clock on Friday. th last day of Use Kirkton Fair, the Fair, was excepting in point of attendance a most successful event. The exhibits 10 all Innes were well up to the stand- ard as to 'quality, 11 not In quantity. The indoor exhibits were Just as numerous end of as fine a quality as we have eve' seen at this fair. The large and very creditable extension that has been made to the show palace, made the building none too large for holding the goofs that are annually exhibited here. The rain to some extent interfered with the outside show of stock, but there were many more classless well represented roan one would have Expected. One Judge was t:eard to remark that he had laver this year seen a better class ot exhibits in the stock lines. The speeding con- tests of courage did not take place. as the wet track made It unsafe. The school contest was also called off. The directors are to be congratulated on their much improcel premises, and the remark Fletcher ; chlcka, N. Fletcher, Buds i& Son; Legeonna, brow;:, N. F'letcn Wm. Mark , (hicks, ltud•ton & Son, 1'. ue dartaing on slocklrge, Nile* \tcKu;g er,lMra wlekwlre: mending patches, Mary F. Doupe: _Aidaluslan• and (licks, A. Swe - Reser 1 and 2 : Poland chicks, P. F. Doup e Polands white crested, G. llentley 1 _tail 2; Poland chick.;„ G. Heaney ; Hambu slyer spangled, Hudson & Son; eel kr. Hudson & Son 1 and 2; Orphingtons. welt° and chlcka, 1'. F'. Doupe ; buff, Hudson & Son : chicks, A. Sweitzer. O. Bentley ; blot k, A. Sweitzer. F. Jamie- son; chicks, .t. Duffielet 1 and 2: Game and chicks, Hudson & Son l and 2; Dorklns Silver Grey ..nd chicks, Hudson & Son; Geese, I ouglaa & Son, N. Hetet' er ; Special, Leghorn. and Black sluttish A. Sweitzer. A. Goebel, Judge. PETS. Col. Pigeons. Alen Duffield, Oscar Cope- land; Rabbits, A. Duffield, 1 and 2. IMPLEMENTS. Top buggy, Open buggy rubber tir Portland cutter, Plano box cutter. WI Babb & Sons: Iron beam plow. Stre cutter, Gang plow, Turnip nutter. Sets Der. O'Brien tiros. GRAIN AND SEEDS. able success of the Fair undo` such ad- verse circumstances. The directors are well satisfied to be able to state t hat financially the result will be about an even break, Following are the prize wlnners.- 11ORSES. General Purpose -Brood mare, Alvin Arkeay. Frank Hamilton, Geo. Urau- n.o 1 : Foal, Archie Robinson, G. Urqu- 1,ar t : 3 -year old, S. A. Woods; 2 -year old, John Ifazelwood, Jr., Alvin Arksay ; 1 -year old, Wm. Stephenson, Archie Rob limon; Team, Wm. Ilyde, John Decker; Rest In class, Wm. Hyde. Agricultural -Brood mare. . Bar - ;tett, W. Hyde, David Roger; Foal, Wm. Hyde, D. Roger, C. Barnett ; 2 -year old, W. A. McKenzie, Ratcliffe Bros., Geo. Urquhart ; 1 -year old, Aw A. McKenzie, Itobt Graben), leleratak Ilanmilton ; Team, It. A. Sadler, Won. Currelley, A. Itobin- aonaon ; heat 111 class, \V. A. McKenzie. Heavy Draught -Brood mare, George Spearin, !Ratcliffe Bros., G. Spearin ; Foal, Geo. Spearlr' 1 and 2; 2 -yeah old, Jas. Nichol. Rohr. Graham, David Han- son; 1 -year old, Watson Bros., Jas. Nichol: Team, WW1. Oke ; Best in class, W. A. McKenzie. W. D. Sander.), John McGraw, Judges. Roadate: s -Brood mare, J. Decker; Foal, J. Decker; 3 -year old, Alex. Fraz- er, Wm. Dinnin ; 2 -year old, J. L. Itout- ley. Frank Anderson ; 1 -year old, John Decker; Single, 2)14 itadcliffe Bros.; Span, Bert Rosa, Sam. Woods; Saddle. \\'m Nairn, Dr. Jose. Jest ir, clays, Bert Ross. Carriage -3 -year old. Thos. Near ; 2 - year old, Jas. • Pringle, Jas. Barr ; Sing- le, J. Brine. N. L. Brandon; Span. J. Decker; Beet in clans, J. Brine. Lady drivers, James Urine, T. Near. E. Christie, R. Welsh, Judges. CATTLE Bulls -Aged Durliani, W. A. McKenele, as. Robhneon ; 2 -year old Dur:rant. Joeit lodge: 1 -year old Holstein, Ira Mars- nail. ars- nal1. J (lnr ui.tn ry to -day are the beat that le ot ' bon 'kers -p1 d ur roc uce xn o price+ anti terms are what you will xlapreeiate. D,1 nut he too quick It. believe pre. sone who tell you di(ereet from th abuce t f .r rise nurpnse of selling you the 111 .q., 5, in snnteceses. trashy goods .it his 511 L:cll, Cx1I anti see ns and he convinced that what we any we live lip to. S. MARTIN & SON Exeter'. ['reeding %li,sic tl Emporium. Ther are noted for the quality of their goofs. CEM •TBATrORO. ONT. The Best School ! Tee Lest time to .liter Our •';a•us is NOW. We are running the argent an.l,'.e Iw•he.e, the Leet entire. :g erhool in Western Ontario. Three departme,.ts-- Commercial, Shorthand Telegraphy Ott a money nuking edu••atinn. Our grads• steasre In demand an l are 1n'etin, with 11* • e.. Uet -'lir rr•, ,t•al BLI.ltl'rT a N,•1..►l.i11.Ax Pr Beep.. Tate followln; le the repo.: n'5. S. No. 5, Osborne, for the nae 1t'1 o: September. -Mr. IV.. f•ortors, Rufus Kestic. pass, Emma Fisher, F.l: r McFall.: Jr. IV., ftorlore. LiI; Moir ; Jr. 111.. Maggie \toodl'. Garnet McF'all.a . Sr. 11., honors, Thelma Ford, Orhy Keatle. pass. Ferrol illggln.1, ilarald Moir: Pt. 11., alewife Prout, Arno1•1 Ford: Pt. i., Qna! ho Fisher. E. I. •.1hPher.on, Tt.uher. t.- $100 Reward 8100. The n sdera of ih:• paper will Le pleased to learn that there i• a: least one dreaded disease that *ciente has been a'Ie to cure in all it. stages, and that N Catarrh t(aIl'. Catarrh Cure is the only positive -nre now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires • con•titee tional treatment. 11a11's Catarrh Curs Is taken in. twain!, • •tinct direetly upon the blood sod mucous surf►••.. of the sntem. thereby destroying the foundation of the .1, a•.. and .1k ng the patient strength by blinding up the «onstatutioo and aasbt• ing nature in doing its work. The proprietor have se notch faith in Its rursti,• postal that they oiler .tae Hnndr.•1 Dollar. for any raw that It fail§ to ore Send for list of testimonials. Add rem F J CITENEY a C0.. Toledo, 0 S+Id to all Dtuggi.te, 'Scent., Take Haire ramify Pill. for constipation. 111DUL'LI 11 The event of lost week was the mar- riage of Miss Molly Hodgins of 111d- dulp'1. to Mr. Fd. Porter of ilderten. The wsddltlg took place at the home of vie bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. 9. H. Hodges,. 1n Be prtstnce of more than toil Invited Hoyte. After a trip to t)e- tro:t they haat returned to their home ae,. t� Ilderton to re•Ide.-Granton Division Tn• of Trmpetane at '':Cir bast meet - Ing put tt•elf o rtcorj ;.e I•t fovea of IOCAI option. it was also resolved to cell a publle meeting with the view of arr..:•ging .1 ca:llptign in the Township Of 111dduip'•.-I(tv. Father Co;iholly. tor- merry pier'ah p, lest In Iliddulptl .died M h!gersc:l o Sept. 24t',. .af''r an c-- teedc•1 I11 t ')s I i, was t'Or I n 911,(0. Inland. and stow 14 year, ago wee: to Ingersol. He was taken 111 two .years IWO and took a trip to Ireland, and re• turnc1 n,; n•.:; •, ,1 1 Until death relieved h*ru. Durham-M:Ich cow. W. lot and 211d; 2 -year old Mr ICen:':e. J. Robinson; 1 fl:.n:iiloi, 1 and 2: .1 • :on. {I..1.•il::e Bros. A. McKenzie, heifer. W. A. -year o!$ ':L`• Bull calf, Ie. Helfer calf J. stun:neut., I. 5(amiltu,.; hest In class W. A. McKenzie. Jerney-John Ilooper & Son swept the list except for first in heifer calf, 'which went to John McCurdy. Polled Angus-Milci; cow, G. It. Haz- elwood: hest in class, G. li. Ifazelwood. Holstein -Mitch cow. W. A. Kirk : 2 - year old heifer, ira Marshall; Helfer calf. W. A. Kirk, I. Marshall ITest In Elwes, W. A Kirk Grade Cattle-\111ch cow, C. S. Atkin - !a wvoa tiros., Jas. Moore: 2 -year W. Stephenson: i -year old • • . w. .\. McKenzie, Jas. Moore; !Refer calf, W. Stephenson 1 and 2: Steyr ca1:, J. Robinson: 1 -year old steer, D,tvid Itoger 1 aid 2; Fat row and he If- Daw,.on Pros.; Fat ox or ate r. Daw- - r. Moe 1 and 2: Best In class. W. A. McKenzie T. O. Rob;on, Geo.. Andrew, Judges. SHEEP rg c. n. 1 - wheat, Wilbur Sperling. M. Bret' our; fall wheat red. Geo. Anderson, A Brethour; 0 -rowed barley. M. Brcthou John Hodge; large oat., M. Brethou J. Hodge; Common oats, Black oat large peas, Small peas, Timothy see. M. Brethour ; \Vhee beano. Wes S!ti. Sam. Doupe: Corn. N. Brethour, Adam Shier; Sweet corn, F. P. Johnston. A. Shier; Ensilage corn, Geo. Behnley. Watson 'Bros; Col. grains and seed. M. Brethour, S. Doupe. VEGETABLES Beauty of Hebron, J. Hodge, Any var iety potatoes, Fred. Jamieson. G. Rent ley ; Emigrants, G. Bentley ; Vartetie not on list, 0. Bentley; Swet11sh fur rips. A. II. Doupe, Mrs.W\', Atk)neot: Field carrots, F. P. Johnston, M. Breth our; Garden carrots, T. Itoadhouse, Sam. Doupe; *Mengel Wurzel, long red, A. H. Doupe, Radcliffe Dros ; Mange) wureel. Intermediate, Ratcliffe 13ros., H, E. Swett zer; sugar Wrangel, Ratcliffe Bros., Rob- ert Doupe; long blood beets, NI. Breth- our ; turnip beets, Wm. Mack, J. Urqu- hart ; white cabbage, John Urquhart, W. Jamieson: red cabbage, W. Jamieson 1 and 2; Winnirgstead cabbage, W. Jam- ieson. J. A. Kk•kby; tomatoes, M .Breth- our ; cauliflower. N. Fletcher, \V. Jamie- son; celery, Ratcliffe Bros, W. Jamie- son ; long citron, F. Hamilton, M. Breth- our ; round citron, John Selves, W Spar - ling ; pumpkins, Watson Bros., A. H. Doupe; Watermelons. F. Hamilton, -M. Brethour; tousknlelon, M. Brethour, O. H. Hazelwood; parsnips, T. Roadhouse; mammoth squash, Wnt. Ward; table squash, Wm. Brown, Miss McCallum; onions, F. Jamieson; collection vegetab les. J. A. Kirkby; Specials. -Sunflower F. P. Johnston, W. Sperling; cucumbers T. Roadhouse, Wm Jamieson : white turnips, Mrs. W. Atkinson. A. Burns, Judge. (HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS. Ontario, Ratcliffe Dros ; Wolfe River N. Fletcher; Northern Spy, F. Hamil- ton. Jas. Creighton ; Blenheim Plpp•:ns. Ratcliffe Bros., Jaa. Robinson: Fallow Water, Ratcliffe Bros., F. Hamilton ; Tolman Sweet, F'. Hamilton H. E. Swelt- zer ; Baldwins \Vin. Ward, F, Hamilton Snows, Jos. Kirk. A. II. Doupe; It 1 • Greening,. Jas. Robinson, Itateliffefros King of Tompkins, Jas. Robinson. Sam Doupe; Maiden's Blush, S. Doupe. John 'lodge; Mann, D. Roger, W. Sinclair; Alexanders. J. Urquhart, Jos. Kirk : Gol- den Russets. Wm. Ward John Selves: Ben Davis, le. Hamilton, D. Roger; Rib - eon I'Ippins, W. Sperling, A. H. Doupe: Colverts, John Selves, 11. Doupe: Sweet Pear, W. Sperling, Jas. Robinson: Du. b- ees of Oldenburg, Mise K. Doupe; Cayu ga Red Streak or 20 oa., ltatclifte ilros.. \I. itrcthour ; Col. apples, F'. jtantiltan, Dawson Bros.; crab app:es, Sant. Dome. Miss J. Robinson; plums, \Vin. Craven, T. itoadhouac; fall pears, E. Ilanba:n, F'. Hamilton; winter peers. JAS. itch!) son. Archie Robinson; leaches. J. Mc- Curdy. F. Hamilton; white grape.'. Dr. Campbell, Miss K. Doupe: brut grapes. E. [Lanham. Spec: 0.1. -St. Law erne, J. Creighton; Fall I'ippen, ira Mar -aeon. DAiRY PRODUCTS 25 lbs. butter. ltc•'';. Merry, B. N. Shier 5 lbs. butter, Mrs. W. Yule, John Rob- inson. R. Berry: apricots, R. Berry, 11. Berry. FLOWERS AND PLANTS col house plants. and geranluma, N. Fletcher, Jennie Robh.son : (trebles, Jen- nie Robinson: cacti. Mlsa E. A.: Shier. Jennie Robin ion : rat' plants. A.Duffield Jennie Robinson; col. of cut flowers. N. Fletcher: bouquet of cut flowers, N. Fletcher, A. Duffield; foliage plants. N. Fletcher. Jennie Robinson; col. leaves and ihrubs, A. Duffield, Jae. Creighton: col. wild flowers and plants. A.Duftleld. FiNE AItTS Stuffel birds and animals, Wm. drown N Fletcher; crayon or pastel. Mrs.Wlck- wire, F. Jamieson: col. pnotograpru. J. Senior ; phut oAraphs, J. Senior ; pcnr•11 drawing, Mrs. A. Brethour. F. Jamieson p1'nting on glass, and painting In ell, :'gure. etre. Rev. Snell, Mrs. Wickwire: palrtins In o11 landscape, Mrs. Snell. Dr. Jose; painting on china, Mrs• SnelI.Mrs. A. Brethour ; pen and Ink sketch. Sam. Doupe, N. Fletcher; pyrography, Mrs. Wickwire; water color landscape, Mrs. W. Atkinson, Mrs. Wickwire. LADIES' WORK. Counterpane. crochctted, Miss E. A. Shier, Miss Robinson ; counterpane.knit- ted, Miss Jamieson, Miss Robinson ; Pat- chwork quilt. M. Brethour. Wm. Sinclair crazy patchwork quilt, E. Hanham. Rat- cliffe Dross.. ladles underclothing, R. N. Creech. Miss Robinson: applique work. Niro. Wickwire. Miss McKnight ; Itonlaa embroidery, M. Brethour. Mrs. \Vlck- wir•e; Battenburg lace, Miss McKnight. Mrs. Wickwire: slippers, Mrs. \Nie :wire Miss McKnight ; sofa pillow, Mrs, Wick- wire. Jas. Creighton: child's dress. Mrs. Wickwire; rag carpet, Wm. Sinclalr.Mtss Robinson: Tea rosy. Miss McKnight, \ira. 'Wickwire; table centre piece and tray doth. Mrs. Brethour. R. N. Creech ; dinner mats, Adam Shier, Miss Brooks: piano scarf. M. Brethour. Miss Mc- Knight: pillow shame, Miss Jamieson. Miss McKnight : Afghan wool, Miss Mc- Knight. E. Hanharn: Afghan cotton,Mlss ilobinzon, Mary McCallum; Afghan pat- chwrrk. it. N. Creech, E. !Lanham: drawn work. Miss Brooks. R. N. Creech: knitted lace In cotton. Min McKnight. Mary McCallum: col. ladies work, Miss \tcKeight. Mary McCollum; col. t.ovel es Mrs Wickwire. R. N. beech ; bend worst. ' en 1lic1Cntght, Mrs. Wickwire: rag .r. '.'les Robinson. M. Brethour . hand .tdc g ovee, Miss McKnight, Miss K. nope : woollen stockings. Nils. Jamie- . Miss McKnight : woollen socks. res itoblr,sot•. Miss McKnight , wool list t. Miss Brooks. R. Hanham: 1- 1. r. n. 1, a Oeford Do'avne-Jos. \fountain seept the list. '.'!caster --Ilam '_-years old, Wm. liar - relley : Rant I -year ofd, W. Curren J Is. Itoy : Rani lamb. W. Currelley, J. 1:•te. J. ltuv, 1 and 2 ; Sheeting ex... J. Roy I and 2: Ewe lame, \V. Cur- te!ley 1 and 2. e• r'.n." r' Do'vna-Wm. Hoy- swept lint. Lincolns-11:cin 2 -years. W. Oliver. G. Penhale; ram 1 -year, G. Penhale ; ram Iamb. ewe, aHyl ,t carI:n; , ore O. P. n' n'y 1 Ind 2: ewe I.entb, \Vm. Oliver. G. Pen hale. Grade -Ewe. lee. Roy 1 and 2: shear- ing ewe. G. Po 'thole. Frank Andcr•on : c se, F. : r.d• r.aon 1 and 2 ; tat •ne-'p, W Curm)ley. W. Oliver. 'V lino I'ridham Judge. PIGS York.)dire-Aged boar. R. Birch ; sow It. [arca t and : boar 1et559, R. Rlrc!'. W. Sparling ; low 19559, W. Sperling. II. lurch. Hampshire -Aged boar. Goodwin & Son. B. S. Meeullough : boar 1909. Good win & Son ; sow 1909, Goodwin & Son. 11 S. McCullough. Berkshire. -Aged boar, D. Douglas 4 Son. Daw•on tiros.: sow. Dawson eros, It. 5 .Mreullough : boar 1909. R. S. Me- Cullough. Dawson Bros: sow 1909, Il.S. McCullough 1 and 2. Tunwett'•-D. Douglas & Sort ,wept the list. Geo. G:een. Judge. POULTRY Light hrahmas and chicks. N. Fact n r. Itud•on & Son ; Minorcan, Iludson & Son ; chicks. Wm. Drown 1 and 2: black Minorca,, rose comb. and rhicks. P. F. Doupe 1 and 2; barred Plymouth Rooks. Geo. Bentley ; chicks. A. Swettzer 1 and 2 safer -laced \Vyandottes. Dawson Bros.; chlcka, A. Sweltzcr 1 and 2 ; white wyan- dottee and chicks. Hudson and Son' 11. 1. Role. A. Sweitzer, Iludson & Foe : Elks Hudson & Son 1 and 2 . white Leglwrns Dougl:a• & Son. Geo. Bentley; chicks. G. ilentley. Iludson & Sun : white Leg - noose. root comb. Hudson & Soo. N. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. \i The Kind You Hare Always Bought • t) Bears the Signature c l 'f Ic: NO Collum, Miss F .A. Shier; doylies. R. N. Creech, Miss ,a1lttC•Jl1: toilet mats, Mrs. Wickwire. \nary \1cCLlluna: crochet 1n wool. elites elcKiigrt, It. N. Creech: pincushion, Mrs. W ickwire.Mise McKnight; mac•I,tt.e aewlne, F:. 55.r,•iarn; plain sewing, E. Ilaithant, Miss Brooke button holes, Miss .Brooks. \!!aa Janal•- so'1: fancy handkerchiefs', Mrs. WI. Wei e R. N. Creech; handkerchief case, M. Brethour, Mrs. Wickwire; Netting.Mary McCallum, Miss McKnight ; ladies at.irt waist, handmade, Miss Brooke, ails. Wickwire, darning on net, E. Ilanharn. alias 1►ScKnlght ; working shirt hand- made. Miss J. Robinson, M. Brethour embroidery on silk, Mss Jamieson, Miss McKnight ; embroidery in linen, E. Han- hart, Mies McKnight : embroidery bolt- ing cloth, Niles McKee:.'. It. N. Creech point lace, Miss Mt Krl;i t, 1:. N. Crecek : eyelet embroidery, E. Fatima'''. Miss Mc- Knight; Ideal 1loniton lace, Niles Jan1- ietlon, Miss McKnight ; Ilardangei work. E. N. Shier, E. Hanham ; Tenerlffe, E. Hanhant, Miss McKnight. Spec lats.-Dish era"' let Atlas )1•- Kr:lght ; Hammock and bead work, John Kelland ; Limerick, Miaa Jennison ; Piro screen. Wm. Jamieson ; Hardanger. O. Bentley, Mra. A. Ilastings, Miss K. Ellerington Judges. MISCELLANEOUS Col. pickles, Wm. Jamieson, Miss Ito'.•- *nson ; canned peaches. Mrs. Wickwire, Jas. Creighton ; canned plums. Ar hie Rob:nsot, Jas. Creighton ; canned cur- rants, Miss Robinson, II. Crago : can- ned pears, Miss Robinson. M.Brethour ; canned cherries, If. ,Crago, Jas. Creigh- ton; canned gooseberries. Miss Itobin son; canned raspberries, Jae. Creighton Miss 'Robinson: canned strawberries, Miss Robinson, A. Robinson; canned tOnlstocs. Jolt Urqui;el• G. H. Hazel- wood; col. ppstage stamps, A:' DUttteT I E. W. Berry; single harness, and team harness, F. A. Taylor; home-made breed M. Prethour, Jas. Creighton: honey In section, Jos. Kirk ; honey extracted, U. Bentley, Jos. Kirk ; Jelly, John Urqu- hart, F. Anderson: maple sugar, 1t. Doupe, MLss K. Doupe; Maple syrup. Miss K. Doupe, J. A. Kirkby / suit Can- adian tweed, E. N. Shier. Special. -Cas. of cakes, R. Hoskins. I W. G. Medd, E. N. Shier. Geo. Hook - away, Judge.; In Miscellaneotie. Flue Art and Fruit. SPECIAL I'IRIZES Bank of Commerce for best colt of any ago and breed, Geo. Spearin : Advocate. Exeter, for best Agricultural foal, no award; Exeter Times for beet flaw shire boar, L. Goodwin & Son; Harvey Bros. for beat bread, Mrs. N. C. Sweitzer Palmer Bros.. Exeter, for best 3 -pounds butter, Rohl. Berry ; M. Y. eh -teen's for carriage brood mare, no award; Rowe & Atkinson's Exeter, for beet butter, R. erry\VBm.Oke; M. teens. Bank for heavy tea. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A GREEN WA Y. Miss Nell, teacher at the Hutchinson school, had the misfortune to have her arum broken while returning .from the harvest alolne at Grace church. The borne became frightened at the yelling of scnte boys and suddenly turtling around upset the buggy and throwing her out. Miss lMayme Crawford spent Sun•lay evening with Miss N. itotaon.-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meade of McInnis visited at Mr. J. Cliffe's on Sunday. -Mr and Mrs D. '.1. Edwards spent Monday evening lit J. 11. Wilson's. -Miss Ellen McLln: ncy o: Stanley visited her brother Mr. S. J. McLlnchey the past week. -Jnr. and Mrs. Geo I1. aforgatl of Drinsley visited at \V. J. Wilnon's o;. Saturday. -Mr. henry Wickert Is bus) digging a new well. - Mr. Jaa. Brophey was In Ailsa Craig :an Monday. -Mr. E. !rut' er retul;sed from the Weal on Thur day.--Jlc,srs. It. Ilut- ettlnnon and Robt. McLlnchcy put lip sew eller week. -Mrs. Holmes it ud 1 • JPubcr Nils Anna of Aylmer spent a few days the past weak at Robt. Eng- lish's. -Don't forget L'oston'llara•est ner on Oct. 2oth A good program 5s toeing prepared. -Miss 3l:.td Hord span: Sunday at her hcilc le West Wilii:array. AROUND ABOUT US It Mel Ike& Ilkarta Akatm atla Alaatk Rae& ailla Aug DRYSDALE-.A double wedding 'sok place on Tuesday in St. Peter's church. Drysdale, the parties being Miss Josep;t Inc Bedard to Mr. John Cadotte, of Pain Court and Niles Ercelia Etue. to Mr. Joseph 8. Bedard of C:natllam. CLiNTON.-The Ontario Street parson age was the scene of a happy event on Sept. 29th, when Miss Florence May. daughter ot rir. and Mrs. Jas. A. Smith of the Bayfield Road, was united In mar- riage to Mr. John' Perdue. MiTCIiELL.-Ed Coppit. at high noon, on Sept. 29th, wan married In Toronto to Maud, second daughter of Mr. and Thome, 'Heal. late of Fullerton Tp. AiLSA CRAIG. -Mrs. Margaret Stew- art. aged 89 years, died on the28thr She was born In Scotland, and was one of our oldest residents, coming here 41 years ago. Their• wan the first ,louse built In our village. STAFFA-Our genial proprietor of the Carling House has purchased the Grip House. Seafort., to which the family. mored last week. Mr. and Mrs. ding have been residents of our little burg for more than twenty years and will be much trained. WHAT A GREAT MAN SAiD TO TIIE GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE Parisian Sage Is a discovery of a cel- ebrated scientist. who spent the best years of his life In perterttngl this great hair tonic. in giving this recelpt to the American people he said. 'Par!siatt Sage Is the most delightful hair dressing in the world. but it is more than a hair dress ing. it cures dandruff by killing the germs that latest the roots of the hair; It stops falling hair; It gives vigor and strength to the hair roots. W. S. Cole sells Parisian Sage at 50 cents a large bottle ar,d guaratec••• to do all that is claimed for It, or your money, 1s refund- ed. If you do not reside near a drug- gist w' -o sees Parisian Sage. seed 50 cents to Giroux Mtg. Co.. Fort Ertel Ont.. and a bottle will be sent you all charges prepaid. New Underwear Comfort for the Little Ones THE little tots will find more comfort than they ever had, in Watson's Vests and Draw- ers. Such soft, smooth "comfy" texture - such warmth --such elegant fit. Watson's trot'ss is made to wear long where other underwear wears the shortest. Wash Watson's as often as you please -that graceful shape cannot vanish Made in Cotton. Combed Yams, Lisles, all wool, etc, finished with beau- tiful edgings, trimmings, etc., also combination suits. Ask your dealer to show you Watson's -you'll be�lad for it. The Watson line includes a great variety of styles for all the family. THE WATSON MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., PARIS, OXT. rod and !Iove! drier-fQ. -d Only on Pandora Range When a knife is dull a Pandora owner never wastes time hunting for a "steel." She just walks over to tiie emery rod attachment to Pandora, gives knife six or eight passes over the high-grade emery, which puts on the keenest kind of an edge. TMs combined emery rod and towel drier Is a patent- ed attachment you Cannot secure on any other range. Just one of the many im- provements that go to make Pandora the handles: range you can buy. 14 For Sale by T. Hawkins & Son, Ex ' . r IS YOUR STOMACH WRONG? LITTLE DIGESTERS Q51 will put it right Quickly and surely. Money back if they do not cure. At all Drattista. %r•+..ea .-•.sags• • o.s.e..,.. Wu. s.e..c- ,n Y1 1.V 25c. a Box. or direct from THE COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO Accurate Sporting News If you like a Sporting I'age that is always reliable -newsy-full of personal interest -well illustrated - you'll enjoy the "Toronto Daily Star". Our staff of writers includes men active in athletic circles and amateur athletic organizations. Conse- quently our news is first-hand and authoritative. We have fairly earned the reputation of reporting athletic events, wherever they may take place, more fully than any other Canadian paper. Always, and above all,we aim to be fair to everybody. Subscribe now and take advantage of our special rate of $1.50 A Year FM pipit, gni the "Toronto Doily Star" fogothor for ono yoor-t 2. ?O. etrantsfosif Foestaia los giros for 50c. added to above subscription press. Toronto Daily Star