Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-07, Page 41
Sanders A Creech. Props.
TSL'itSD.tY, Oct. 7, '09
CHISELI!LItST-Wm. )1cLaren while
cutting wood had the misfortune to get
struck t`' shin with an axe. which
being du !'fried a very ugly bruise.
Auction Sale
t)t' t'.t1.1'.\BLE FARM LANDS AND
Ti.cre will be offered for sale by Pub-
lic Auction at
At 2 o'clock sharp, the tollowtng valu-
able property. viz.
The South half of Lot Nto. 4. In the
2nd Concession of the Township of Ste-
phen, excepting thereca the front t en
That part of tete Nortit half of Lot No.
3, In the let Concession of the Town-
ship of Stepneh, lying west of the Lon-
don Huron and Bruce Railway.
The South half of Lot Np. 5. in the
4th Concesoton of said Township of
And the following Village Lots in the
said village of Centralia, v:z.-Lots num-
bered 144 to 159, West of the said Rail
way and eat of Prince Leopold street ;
Lots numbered 170 to 181, west of the
Prince Leopold street and forming part
of farm Lot No. 4, In the 1st Concession
of Stephen ; Lots numbered 182 to 191.
East of sold Prince Leopold street and
West of said Rahway.
The above lands ale known as the San -
do properties.
Terms of Sale mode known on day of
sale or by applying to
Barristers, Et, ., Exeter
Date. thla 1st day of October. 1909.
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
' - The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed t o
sell by public auction at
oN THURSDAY, OCT. 7TJl. 1009
at 1 o'clock p. m, sharp,
The following valuable property:
IIORS1(S-General purpose mare, in foal; general
.purpose horse. 9 tears old; 2•year-old filly, got by
eavolo; 1•yearold filly, got by Derry Down; 1•year•
ofd ge'diug, got by Nan I'arote; filly, 4 months old,
Percheron; filly. 6 months old, got by Npn Parole.
CATTLE -4 cows, supposed to he in Me newly.
calved • nw; cnw, due to calve; 6 one -year-old steers,
7 one.v ar-old heifers; 7 S :ring calves.
11068 -Thoroughbred Berkshire sow, in pig.
POUi.TIRY-3 nut geese, 10 young geese, turkey
thea, 7 yo,Ing turkeys, 26 hens.
DOO--scotch Collie bitch.
IMPLEIIEN'TS-Binder, mower. 11 boa drill; all
• Frost a W cod make; steel land seller, Sylvester; set
of Diamond harrows,
scuMer, Lion
ion disc, Frost and
Wood; !tivatot Peter Hamilton; Coekshaft walk•
ing pow, Dominion
i;ana plow. Frust and Wood;
Sharp rake, 2lumber wagons, light way. •,
2 angle cutters, atone -boat, pair of b,b.lergh-, hay
rock, 2000 lbs. platform scales. Chatham fanning
mill with harmer attachment, gravel boa. wagon
box. root pulps r, :S e. gar kettles, grind-ston •, 2 sets
Of double han•ea, 2 sets of single harness. _ 6.4.
steads, a num-:er • t cedar poets forks. ehains, .hov-
els, spades and a 1..' of • then useful articles.
TERIJ' 25 and under. cash; over that amount 12
monthscredit given nu furnishing spproaed joint
nose>. ordiaccunt.l 5 per cent. ler annum for cash
oh credit ainouhts.
All must positively be sold as the pro-
prletnr has sold his farm.
13.8. 1'1111,1,1 PS, ROBT. SANDERS
Auction Sale
Of Choice Farm Stock & implements
Mr. Thee. Cameron has been instructed
to sell by Public Auction at
ON TUESDAY', OCT. 12T11, 1000
at 1 o'clock p.10 sharp,
the following valuable property.
HORIES-Ilrood neer. draft; good mare, draft;
genera p',rpiee mare; ,h i -r yearling: filly, draft;
choice sucker Elly, draft
CATTLE -Pure -Bred Durham cow, cow due at
time of sale, newly -canal cow, 2 cows due in March.
3 choice hell. rs, 2 years o'd, fat; 3 steers 2 year.. old,
deem 1 year old, t heifers 1 year old, 3 calves.
1i008- (rood sow w it!, litter at foot, beoot sow
due in No:eu,ber.
POULTRY -A number of fowl.
IMPLEMENTS -Lumber wagon 3 ith high and low
wheels; pair hobelelghs, nearly new; 6-8. binder, 5.11
mower; seed drill, new: spring tooth cultivator. new;
disk new; riding plow. new; riding plow, been used;
single salking (plow, large 2•tturow plow. set of bar-
rows, land rel er, .ciifller, turnip seeder, fanning
mill, cutting -box; overhead•hone-power, all eom•
plete; set of platfomi scales. with attachment for
weighing stock; root pulper, hay rack. Hock rack,
large wagon box, new; gra>el bot, set of wagon
springs, set of slieg roles. set of double harness, set
of air gle harness; cream .cparat'r, nearly new; incu-
bator, new; noshing machine. Daley churn, whiffle --
trees, nark -yokes, shovels, forks, hoes. etc., a lot of
tat .-lax. hay, 3 a,•re• of hnice mangolrls and turnips
aril a -m. Isle.
Positively no resets.: is the proprietor
-IOW eu;C his farm.
TER513--A11 sums of $5.00 and under, CASH; over
that amount 12 mouthy credit will he siren on tum•
hien; approved joint notes. 5 per cent per annum
oft for cash on credit annunts
of Farm and Village Property in the
Township of Stephen and
Village of Exeter.
(11 That choln 53 acres of land lying west of the
Itailenad and meth of salt (Nock In theVillste of Ex•
eter, taking in river no north, where there Is a deep
bed of Erst-class gra • el. .cell suited for cement .. ork,
and no waste land. Oo this property there is a large
bank warn, 10 acres of fall wheat and some small
acro • • This is ho a bat amt suite,( lir growing
stuff fir the Canning Gs: for
A. Q. HOSIER. Proprietor.
(2) Theta. acres of laud, being northerly part of
Lot 16, Con. 1, Township of reborne. In the Village
of Euler. On the property then Is a stable and
rimer -failing supply of water, and is well suite.! for
;rasing and growing eosin
(1, 1'. IiA('K N l:Y. I'rnp.
(3, All that restart, lying twin ern Canning
Factory and Evaporator in Exeter.
(4) All that property lying east of station, be-
tween Station and Coring Str►et.
(5) All that property lying between Wellington
and Valeria Streets. In parcels 3, 4 and 5 there an
some er .ice '„tildlr.t sites• and will be *old In lots to
salt pur.•hxser Thu property belongs to
And must to ,.44 to wind up the estate Intending
purchaser, may call at 14 -kwon and ('arling's mare,
Ramer. for map, and descriptions of property.
(6i i.ot t$, ('nn. 1, ?'-bane, Im arses. On the
propert• there are 5 ache of gond herb:r od bush,
stone duelling. large up-todatesultry house, 3
barns sod 'thee !.uiMinl,-f Land is well under.
drained, new were fences and neverfailing supply of
water: wel. situated. being tee mile from Ifenvll
ar.J tear tr an: Exact Th.' ie h ..••a farming land
and r.,ostlt seeded toraw. Easy term. rel yment.
110(I(4.tft1'H. Prep . ifenaa1l.
Any or all of t'►ese properties mhy be purchased
private's on or tefvre he nth DAT OF tx'T')REtt.
iI .ee void ,rivately by that date there will he toll
by public auction, wit/welt reeerve. at the
t►N MAT('RDAV, 0('T.
•ai ewe o.Io'k sharp, ail the above named properties
For terss and ptracanars apply t0 the Pr.prietora
OW 10
Farquhar. Ont.
It's the custom of advertising that gets
r a:tomer'.
A girl doesn't like to be called a flirt
ur,leas she Isn't.
The most empty lite is the one that
thlnka only of itself.
Forgetting self is the secret of tinkl-
ing satisfaction In life.
The things you are going to do add
little to your bink account.
It is always easy to forgive an enemy
when he Is bigger than you.
When you call a man a Ilar do so
over a long distance telephone.
The man wt'o brags o1 being speedy
does not figure on the grade he le on.
The moat enjoyable features of a vaca-
tion are looking forward to R and back
at it.
The ratan that known all about you
and remains your friend, Is worth ty-
ing to.
Many a good man on Sunday does not
measure up to standard on a business
He who has many thoughts to hide
hasn't much that men are glad to cir-
When u mean is making a fool of him-
self. he is generally working overtime
at the job.
Dont expect to get a pass front St.
Peter just Ixcausc you are a regular
church -goer.
Somehow when a man gets into a
crowd he thinks he Is tate only one 1 in
a hurry.
It la a good thing to have ideate, but
they wont do touch good if you let them
get duaty.
When a man tells tete truth about him-
self he Is anxious for someone to call
hint a liar.
Too many who give the poor crusts of
bread on the streets are stealing whole
loave.a in tete alley.
When you see a woman wearing at
clinging gown, It is a sign that she
thinks she has a good figure.
That book under your arm on the way
to Sunday service does not deceive your
employea, who saw that crooked action
on Saturday.
-- -AM-
Mr. and Mrs. John Baird visited in
Sh'rka Sunday. -Mr. Ezia Brenner moved
here from Shipka Friday. -Mrs. Fritz
spent Sunday in Zurich. -Mr. Sarre Grat-
ton moved to Klondike Friday. -Mr. C.
Green and Wm. Dewey were In Pt. Frank
for a few days last weeir.-Meesra. Jas.
Jeckell, Jas. Howard, N. D. Iturdon and
sons of Exeter spent a few days on the
old river last week. -Mise Nettie Rav^lle
gave a birthday pasty last Monday even
Ing. -Mr. and Mrs. H. Tiedentan of GoJ-
erich are visiting around here.-Mr.Hea-
man of London le here looking after his
rrc.-Mr. and Mrs. Gtavelle vialted In
Thedford a few days loot week.
M.riled.-On Tuesday, ..apt. a'lt': t!..•
erne o: Sir. Stephen W.;bb on ': a 11 1:,a
was all astir. 'ne occasion I.e.'. ;
•uirriage o: his eldest 0.ia...'':', Site'
Myrtle, to Mr. John H McGregor of
'ic:•lllivray. The ceremony was perform
ed by Rev. S. A. Cart -tete in the presence
o: relative.] and friends of the young
couple. -The prisents werb both numer-
ous and costly, ehowing the high es-
teem In wttictt the young, couple are held.
They have our very best wishes for a life
of happiness and prosperity.
Weddell. -On Wednesday, Sept. 291h,
the home of Mr. A. Tlcdenlan was the
:scene of tete marriage of his eldest dough
ter, Violet Rove, to Bertte L. holt. At
two o'clock the groom entered the par-
lor and took Ida stand udder evergreens
and curtains and awaited the coming of
the bride who was given away by her
father. the nuptial knot being tied by
Rev. Mr. Steadman in the presence of
shout 125 relatives and friends. The
b:l o wore a princess dress of wh:te Bilk
wit!, yoke of all-over lac: and lain nungs
o: applique and buttons. and carried a'
bou Iuet of cream rosea. She wag asset
cl '►y her sister 011ie. who was attl:ed
tet a prince: -a dress of pile blue mull.
wIta y)k" o: a11 -over lace, and carried
a bunco o: plank roses. The groom was?
asslated by rte brother Ray. After con-
grotulatlons all repaired to the dining -
room where the tables were loaded with
good things. The evening was spent in
dancing and music. The presents made
a beautiful array, and was an evidence
of the esteem i:: which the young people
are held. Congratulations and best
vas .ca are theirs.
• ST. MA itl'S-T::e marriage occurred on
Sept. 27 of Fred Skipper to Miss Frank-
lyn. an English girt, a' the Stiv,atlon
Army .,uarter•s. Toe es.cinot,Y '+vas Per-
formed by Ma!or Hay, dtvis.o'nal sta-
rer at Stratford.
Children Cry
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm, !Stack and implements.
The au lere:..re.l Auctioneer has been instructed to
sell by Public Auction, on
%VEDNESI)A1-. OUrOBER 2otb, '00
Commencing at 1 o•rlock sharp,
the following valuable peoperte,.1..
HORSES -1 road horse. 9years old; heavy drau ht
h r G' . g
man, reel to Pearl 1 ret: arrM driving mare, heed 10
Capt lied, general purp'we gelding, 2 year, old;
heavy draught Ellr, 1 year old, by Lond llowatsnn;
gelding. 1 ye/arold. by Blucher: tucking colt, road.
stet, bi Blucher.
CATTLE -5 cows, suppv..et1 to be in coif; row to
calve is Novemaer; heifer, 2 rears old; 5 steers 1
year old: heifer. 1 year old; steer, Iv mos ofd; 3
steer calves.
I'I0. -Brood raw with litter at toot.
PoU1.TRY-5u hens
IMPLeMRNT!t --Maxwell hinder, Frost and Wood
mower, rake. gaunter, 4,411, cultivator, plow, roller,
Oft of harrow.. ensnare spread:r nearly new, wagon
and boa, se', c•i sleighs, hay rack, gravel hoe root
pulpae, fannirg mill, 1614 In. males. 2 set 01 doubie
Ahareess, set of single barna.., nerkyoke•, while•
trees, logging chain, rigor kett4es, fonts, hoes
,ha,els• l•aisy churn, Magnet cream separator• soil
other ankles too numerous to mention.
11'/CeF. EFFECTS sylehoardatupboard, lounge,
bwiate14. par"or conk and stove, Pen Father range,
sore! ercoal, nearly new.
P k' C.•• •• • here will he offered for sate (if not
prert•'n•ie -nldl at the mote time and pisco. the
al.,re raw.«t bre acre farm of g .,1 land, all cleared
and un febtraine+l• 1 acre or, hard, •'•storey t.,o k
halm. hint barn, 'v genes meoot 2 miles from Post
Oak" and it hutch. le mile from 86 hoot.
TERMS - Chattel., ft ar,d ucder, ,•ash: over that
►mount rf months' credd given on furnishing ap•
moved joint notes. 4 per cent ^A kr ea.h oo rred•
It ornecr. a Termini real estate mute ►noun on
day tf fate cr by applying t., the Proprietor.
1,r'. Sr .Wiley Nowf.an Raker
'loot amfer rropriea.r
DASII\VOOD pre..ideut of the conference, will pr.-a•':t
` [[,,w !i. BRAREN81bIRE, DA811N'OOD CONYBY-
r/ • 6.'. t ER. Deeds, Wills, Mortgages and all
Legal 1k.. ume. to s artfully and promptly prepared
Charge. moderate. leeuer of Marriage Lieensea.
)ir. Roy Davis :eft on Monday for .ells:►
Craig vaterc he has employment In a
grist mill. -Mr. Herman Eldt leaves
shortly for St. Thomas. where he is en -
gassed as miller. -Mr. N'eeley Sillier got
plate for its driver at the West
McGillivray Fair. -A meeting of the Up-
per Canada Bible Society will be held
in the Evangelical church on the even-
ing of the 20th of October. Rev. M1,..
Bowen. tae Society's agent, will be pres-
ent and address the nncetlng.-•. meeting
in the intercat of tt.e Laymen's Mlaston-
ary tnoventent for the Huron District
will be held In the Lvangtlical ciiur.11
here on October 21st. There will be two
sessions. afternoon and evening. There
will be plenty of speakers from outside
points and no doubt a profitable time
will be spent. -Suss Maeda Routledge,
who was the Y. P. A. Delegate at the
convention recently held at Stratford,
gave a very interesting report of the
convention on Sunday evening.
From another source.
Miss Emma Davis of London spelt
Sunday at her home here. -Messrs. Joe
Gossntan and Ed. Oke of Huron•la'.e
spent Sunday with friends In town.-
3ti's Emma \Vlllert entertained a num-
ber of her friends: Friday evening, in hon-
or of het birthday. All reported an ex-
cellent time. -Work in connection with
the flax will soon be at an cud if the
weather keeps fine. It is reported that
Mr. Cook intends giving up his interest
In the flax business here and turning It
over Into the hands of some families.-
amilies—Sir. Cosanlan and son, Bernard, lett
Monday for Port Huron. -Sir. J. Pow-
ell was a visitor here %Vedneaday.-Mr.
and Mrs. harry Harris left Tuesday for
their home In Sarnia. -Mrs Ii. Naush-
wattger and Laura Kraft took In tete fair
at Iarkhlll this 'week. -Misses Cook of.
town spent Sunday with friends at
Grand Bend —A number of young boys
took In the raffle at Bill Mil'er's Tues-
day cscnti.g —Ste'. Fred Dearing and
Mats Tena Stire of Grimsby arrived In
town on Saturday cvcntng.- Wedding
bells will soon be ringing 1n our burg.
Jnr. J. D. Drummond hao purc:iase'J
the farm on the 7th Con. of McGillivray
from Mr. J. C. Dorman. Mr. and Mrs.
Donnan, we understand, will move to
Ailsa (Craig. We regret very much to
1o9e these worthy citizens as they are
good neighbors and kind friends.
The death took place on the 23rd of
John Scott of Moray, of heart failure.
aged 87 years. itcv. Carriere of Grand
Bend co idu t •d the funeral service. Born
near Quebec City in 18'22, he came to
this district-,:, years ago. residing here
ever 'Inc. lie wasa Liberaland
c L1be a a
Peeshyterlan, 'being a member of Cor-
bett c!,urc1.. He was twice married, first
to Miss Smith and later to Mrs. Pollen.
T .10' 10119 and four d 1uanters survive.
'3' ere p' is `4 away a t his late rend -
(Ince. toot Wine east, on Sept. 2711,
Peter M. Douglas, age,! 76 years, after
an 1111)0.1, I:iat1og several months. Ile
came to thea country wit : tan father In
1842 from Scotland. i'e resided o:1 Iite
homestead until the time of his do"tle
fie leaves a widow, one son Andrew t rto
brothers, John and Duncan. at home,
and one sister, Mrs. James Nichol of
The death occurred at Nairn on Sept.
::7th at the home of !Lector \iunroc ,of
of Sirs. Mary Graham. at the advanced
age of tib years and 1 nlo'tths. as a re -
null of a stroke of paralysis. She was
born In Rosshlre, Scotland. where she
was married In 1835, emigrating to Can-
ada the following year. Mr. Graham
died 10 years ago. 1111 1 t wets! who bulit
the (brat frame barn and the first brick
house that were erected 111 WIBlunal
and his was the first team of horses
brought into tin township.
Kenn(th White o' New LlskarJ Is ho:ce
on a visit. -Sirs. Charters and daugh-
ter lett last week for C!'irago.- Sirs.
Cculter atot daughter id.t arc vise log
In Milverton.-llenry l'faft has been 111
wits. ston►ar't trouble tar a few /favi(.
-Ii. jtrnold is moving into the resit -
donee connoted with the 3lolso,ts ll:ank,
-Miss ilrtntnwlson, who 4as been visit-
ing Nits, Myrtle ilengough, has returned
ed to London. -Albert McBrine has dis-
posed of 1115 harness business in Clinton
to A. McKeown of Londesboro.-\V11IIaht
Lanunte's two thele girls left last week
to continue their studies at the 1111114
institution at Brantford.-P.ev. R.Illcits
of Crediton will prcac't annlv(roary se: -
mono in C 7'4.el':urst Methodist church
on Sunday, the .t►ta October. -M.,, Em-
ma Drysdale. left last week for Dubee.
Sask., where s:ic will take charge of the
Post Office and reside with her bro;her.
Frank. -Frank Marshall little boy John
has returned to ►hc Deaf and Dumb in-
stitute at Yelvlllr•.-While some tat cat-
tle beim ging to Mr. John McArthur were
being loaded on the trail here one of
them was crowded oft the platform and
was so seriously hurt that It had to
be killed —Silt( smith of Michigan is
visiting her home here. -\V. Sinclair 11: -
tends leashes town shortly to work the
S:los Fayre farm he recently put'. sad
At Chieell ural.
Death -After no Illness of several
weeks Janet Kerr passed away on Scpl.
28. at the home of James lloggar!Ii,
aged 65 years. Dar eased had lived In
this aecti01) for really years and was all
Industrious thrifty woman. Tho funer-
al was held from the honer of Mr. Neg.
to Dense)] Union Cemetery.
Mr. Byro:t Hick .a of Centralia, who has
been on a two months' trip to the coast.
and differcrt parts of the West, return-
ed hoose bait week much pleased with
the trip.
Tile hum of the threshing machine Is
^n:ard all around we. alt the results etre
• artily equal to the ezpeetatlons of the
forme -rt. -bur evaporator Is doing an
erder•st••" business these days under the
n'n'g^n•rnt o1 Sir. Tho,. Elston.- %tr.
title .ard Luker who has been quite 111,
la slowly recovering and Is able to
drive oat ag'•; ,.-.}rev. W. 11. Butt
p e.ch'n 7 ' 'e 1 •.a o: F(ratons o n F'u d-
•me:.t'1 Doctr:.c.', o : Sunday cvr;l.•gs.
-The anniver-ary If rvlres of the Meth-
•• .1 will Tan o -r'4 Oct. 17th. where
. itc t1. Dog, r.s o: Se%fef-th. ea -
on the ocrafon.
Report of Centralia Public School for
S. pten,bcr.-Sr. IV., 13. Anderson. E.Nell
F'. F'alrhall, M. Hanlon l Sr. III.. M.
Beaman. It. Hanlon, C. Ellah ; Jr. 111.,
13. Brooks, 11. Elston. L. Abbott, L.
Baynham, E. Culbert, G. Denton, S. Mc-
Falts, E. Alexander; Sr. 11.. 11. Eseery,
R. Stills, F. Huxtable, L. Hicks ; Jr.11.
Ni. Brown, U. Culbert, 1. Alexander, A.
1lackney ; Pt. 11., A. !licks. W. Huxtable
I. Taylor ; Sr. 1't. 1., L. Ellah, D. hack-
ney, M. Brown ; Jr. I't. I., V. Boyce, M.
Neil, C. Colwell, T. Elston, C. Culbert.
M. Ellah.
E. S1. Pomeroy, tea/'!o r.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jeffrey have gone
to Grand Forks, N. D., to visit relatives
-Mrs. Duman Kraft, Mrs. Jacob Scao''-
man and Master Irw'rt Fink of Preston
are visitors at the Lutheran parsonage.
-aliases NeRlc and 3tfary Demuth have
returned to their home to Ashland. \Vie.,
atter al: extended visit with relatives
and friends in this vicinity. -Jae. Ct►n-
eron formerly teacher at Hillsgreen,has
taken Dir. McLeod's place as principal of
the public school for the balance of the
year. -Wm. Wetdo and wife of Deimos.
Mich.. are visiting relatives here tido
wecla-Jos, Wickens and wife of Inger-
soll spent the past week with the lett 'r's
parents, Sir. and '1rs, John Hcy. Sr.-
lfenry Solda'i and wife of Pigeon, }itch.,
are visiting here. -Mrs G. Boltzmann is
improving n fromher recent iln,ess.
P g 1 celY
-Ed. iDenomy has sold his 30 acres,
Lake Road West, to Alex. afonseau, and
has purchased the 100 acres on the
town line from afro. John Johnston -
Leon Jeffrey has his dwelling up from
St. Joseph and is busy with' the cement
foundation. -S llannte 1s building a
stable to the :hear of his new houses.
Death. -A very sad event occurred Isere
on Thursday, In the death of Mrs. Jar -
oh Klpfer, daughter of Mr. Jacob Moyer.
The deceased was a victim of Bright's
disease, and as other complications set
In, the local medical men were unable to
save her life, although everything pos-
sible was done to bring her through.
She was about 38 years of age, and
leaves besides a sorrowing husband, her
aged parents, and a number of brothers
and slaters and many friends, who sin-
cerely mourn her early death. The in-
terment took place In the Mennonite cem-
etery. Goshen Line.
Thiel-\Veacloh-A very pretty wed-
ding was solemnized In St. Peter's Luth-
eran church on the 28th of September.
when altos OI'v;,, eldest daughter of Mr.
and 3trs. 11. Wesluh, was united In mar-
riage to Mr. Wm. Thtel, eldest amt of
Mr. and airs. Andrew Thiel. The bride
wan charmingly attired in white silk
and caroled a bouyaet of white astera.
She was attended by her sister, Blas
Alvada \Vesloh, who wore a very pretty
gown of blue si.k. The groom was ably
assisted by his brother. Mr. Elmore
Thiel. The wedding march was played
by Miss Ida Sipped and the e-rrnmoy
was perfottred by Rev. C. C. J. Malti6s,
after which the happy couple repaired
to the 1.01110 of the bride. where !Hcy re-
ceived the coigratulationg of their
friends. Tee sonata. about forty In num
tier, sat down to a very sumptuous wed -
din/ dinner, aIle: wile'► the young roup -
le were serenaded by Inc Jubilee Sliver
hind. Mr. and Mrs. Thtel will nnke
%uilea their future ho:n••
Seseral in this vicinity are Indisposed
through bad colds. -Messrs Dtibert and
%Vlleon 'Morley visited their brother at
Ellmvllle on Sunday. -Most of our young
People attended the special service at
Elimville on Sunday evening. -Our trus-
tees have arranged for their hnttiversary.
Rev. A K. Birks of Askin St., London,
Is expected to preach on Sunday, 00.31,
and on the Monday a fowl supper and a
good program will be given. More de-
tails late -.-There are plenty of outings
for our young pooplc now. its fowl sup-
pers and enntversary m-rvtces on every
hand. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning
spent Sunday the guests of their brother
and sister Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gunning.
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
CMMalessee Fr«
), W. Westervelt, I. W. Westervelt, Jr . C.A
Priwcip,al. Vice•P•incipal.
- _ •.-
dThedenland for nnrgrad•
nates is THREE TIMES
Pio the supply.
G Other schools engage our
gradnares as teachers. A
V► special course for teachers.
Graduates of two years
t, ago ate now earning $2,000
►a per annum.
O Three coiireea—('onMRR•
V CLAI., STRNixiR.APilY and
Tim eo tt A n n Y.
Fall Term Opens Aug. 30.
Write for particulars.
Over one thousand stu-
dents enrolled by our chain
last year. It pays to at-
tend a link of this great
chain,for "IN UNION TiIER1E
18 RTi11N(iTiL"
Clinton iitlsiness College
4'SIFv'v'Ur Nit MPVIV' 'iI
s. S. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000490
AuuNDER LAIRD, Gsaersl lltiall-z" I Reserve Fund, - 6,0001000
The new Travellers' Cbequea recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria. Belg/um, Denmark, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy. Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is,tr,ted on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every odes
of the Bank. 1f1A
Exeter Branch—O. w. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in
the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for
Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, :
Etc. Etc. Etc.
All purchases to be delivered to T. I(AWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE.
EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of
scrap may he left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given.
M. W E X LE R, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
E want to tell you about a Good
Range --It's called the --
APERSONAL inspection is request-
ed and now is a good time to come,
New Stock just In --Let's talk it over.
Surprisingly moderate prices for sure
satisfaction. See us before you buy.
For sale by W. J. HEAMAN
Purchased Blacksmith Business
Having purchased the blacksmith property
and business of MR. A. E. PYM, near the Town
Hall, I am prepared to do all kinds of Black-
smith Work for the General Public, and respect-
fully solicit the patronage of all the Old (cus-
tomers of the Shop, and many New Ones. I
believe we can give you entire satisfaction.
David Russell
:303.3 x-3.3 00.20* *0*0.O
Wedding Gifts
Let your IVedding Gift be admired. as it carries your heart
iest wishes for home joys. It need not he expensive to be tit gond
taste. Our qualities are the best and prices the lowest.
Cut Glass
Our Cut Mass is of
the finestcutting and
perfect white ery stnl
Our Silver i). pl. i+
is brim full of nice
gnnde,daint y ds-ign'
A. Marchand
Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario
The Molsons Bank
incorporated 14.55
Capital (paid up) - $3.000.060
Rest Fund - $3,500.000
Has 413 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal (cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest eta n ht 15te.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominirin Gt.vernn,ent.
I)tcgaolr & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. Ht RDON, Manager.