Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-07, Page 3'RHEUMATISM DRIVEN
I Remedy Which Assists Nature
Lakes a Cl:ia Which is Pelma -
neat as ZiEs Case Proves.
Every a.rfferer from rheumatism
wants to be cured and to stay
cured. The prospect of the fre-
quent return of the trouble is not,
attractitc to anybody who has gone
ilhrough one siege. Most treat -
Interesting Goody About Soule
Notable People.
It. is a somewhat curious fact,
} c rhaps, that as a boy Mr. N1 a rco►li
showed Iittfo signs of cleverness.
One of his teachers, in fact, once
said of hien that he could never
learn anything by heart. Never-
theless, he was only twenty-one
when he began to startle the world
with his demonstrations of wireless
telegraphy. In spite of his fame,
Marconi is ono of the most unas-
suming of men, and hates demon -
meats aim simply to "keep down" sttations. Ifs was once recognlz-
the rheumatic poisons in the blood. ea while walking in Rome. Int -
The tonic; treatnleat by Dr. IN 11- mediately a cheering crowd assent -
hams' fink Pills has proved by bled. Marconi belted into what ho
hundreds of cures that it builds up thought was an empty carriage.
the blood to a point that. enables But it contained a lady who was
it to cast out these poisons through too frightened to expostulate. Tho
the regular channels of excretion— !''venter quickly made his apolo-
the bowels, the kidneys and the gies, and the lady allowed him to
When hen this is done the Hoot- remain until they were free of the
statism is permanently cured, and ere' d,
as long as the blood is kept pure It is not often that a,Prince is
and rich the patient will bo free snubbed, but this happened once,
from rheumatism. Mr. 'fhontas et least, to H. It. 1I. tho Prince
McNeil, ltichibucto, N. 13., says : c f \Pales. During his first visit
"Permit me to bear testimony to with the Princess to Australia he
the worth of Dr. Williams' Pink was outwalking one Sunday after -
.hey ns a cure fur acute rheunta noon with his host., an important
idem. My son, Frederick, was sill)- official. They happened to pass a
ject to this painful trouble for a Sunday -school just as the scholars
period of eight or ten years, and stere coming out, and, naturally,
during this time periodical attacks tf.e children followed the distingu-
woutd regularly occur. His la. -tat- "teed pedestrians. At last the host
tack was a most severe one, and a=ked them to run away, and all
tho pains were excruciating in the except one little girl did so
ari tiny tot continued to gaze with in -
extreme, shooting throl.gh the v
ous parts of the body to such an noeeut awe at the Prince. At last
extent that even the approach of the latter took her hand, walked
any person would cause hum to cry some little distance, and then said:
you have had a walk withow
cut with fear, and he had rest net- "N 3'
ther day or night. Our family doc-
tor, a man of skill and experience,
af•plied many remedies without
avail, and could give iio encourage-
ment other than that the wanner
weather then approaching might
me, run away and play." Imtnedi-
ately came the quaintly -severe re-
tort,: "Please, sir. we don't, play
on Sunday!"
Queen Wilhelmina, Europe's only
female ruler, is twenty-eight years
prove beneficial. Just, at this tune of age. Until her birth, the Salle
we noticed where some person sim- Law, by which no woman could
ilarly afflicted had been cured by reign, had been in force, but this
Ur. Williams' Pink Pills and decid- was put asido by \\'ilhelmina's fa -
ed to try them. He kept on using they in his daughter's interest.
the Pills, each succeeding box This applies also to the little Prin-
showing improvement, until he had cess Juliana. It is said that, al -
taken ton boxes, when all pains though Princess Wilhelmina was her
and aches had completely- disap- father's constant companion, she
pcared, and although his mode of diel not realize her Royal position
life is that of a fisherman, and con I until the latter's seventieth birth -
sequently exposed to both wet and !day. As she stood at the window
cold, he has had no return of any , listening to the crowds that cheer -
of the symptoms whatever. The : ed tho King, she turned to her goy -
cure is complete, and is entirely erness, and said, with an air of
duo to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.'' dawning intelligence: "Why, the
You can get these Pills from any King
is my
to the! r!" Her
jes t
medicine dealer or they will be sent
by mail at 50 cents a box or six . Queen of the Netherlands when ten
boxes for $2.00 by The D. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
e't•rn"inpr the Bar" Wirt Written BABY'S TEE'IIWG T:rE
at the Request of His Nurse.
years of age. Since then she has
been the idol of her people, who
bare, with simple earnestness,
shared in her sorrows and in her
As Tennyson's nurse was sit.tling
one day at his bedside, sharing to When baby is teething -he w holo
a degree .the gcucral anxiety about
the patient, she said to him sud-
"You have written is great many
proems, lir, but 1 have never heard
anybody say that there is a hymn
among tlienl all. I wish, sir, you
would write a. hymn while you are
lying on your sick bed. It might
help and comfort many a poor suf-
Tho next morning, when the
nurse had taken her quiet place at
the bedside, the poet handed her
a scrap of paper, sassing, "Hero
is the hymn you wished :no to
Sho took it front his hands with
expressions of gratified thanks. It
proved to be "Crossing the Bar,"
the poem that. was sung in West-
minster Abbey at. Tennyson's fun-
eral, and which has touched so
many hcartC.
In Mir age there are many diTerent
forms of insurance against Inns from
simnel every conceivable ranee and it is
remarkable to note that we have now
ITT Melt at a point where it to po•aible
11) inrure your new clothes against be.
Mining prematurely worn out. and no
doubt when people are aware of this
fart thousands will take advantage of it.
Phne In.utance In the form of "Nugget"
Waterproof Shoe Pollak is the best kind
rf an investment. for It will double the
Isle cf your oboe.. beeaufrs It keens lea-
ther sett and pliable and prevents crack-
Your dealer keep. "Nugget
inse•e your shoeaP it CI,Pt.1
i•.►a. k • r Tan.
The • Nugget is s Waterproof prepare.
lion el,;rh in wet weather retains its
shine, and the polish itself will not rah
off end veil the sloth.; under any condi-
why not
but 10o
If a man's wife cuts his hair he
IP entitled to a lot more s; nipathy
titan he gets.
Writ('i any man long enough and
you will sec him do something he
c t:gl.f 1. Cc wrist!:<11 I f.
[.)on't (iro v ()id.
household is upset. The toader lit-
tle gums aro swollen and inflamed,
and the poor child often cries day
_ri.d night, wearing the mother out
and keeping the rest of the family
on edge. In tho homes where
Baby's Own Tablets are used there
is no such worry. The Tablets al-
lay the inflammation, soothe the ir-
ritation and bring the teeth
through painlessly. Mrs. Join
Boutin, St. Marguerite, Que., says:
"When I sent for Baby's Own Tab-
lets my nine months' old baby was
suffering greatly from teething
troubles and I hardly got any rest.
A few doses of the Tablets reliev-
ed her, and the teeth seemed to
Isom° through painlessly." Sold
by medicine dealers or by nsnil at
0' c'enie a box from The 1)r. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
The German impress, though
somewhat overshadowed, the world
thinks, by the Kaiser, is a woman
of very real influence in her own
circle, and is simply worshipped
by her husband and children. The
love her sons bear her is well il-
lustrated by a story told of the
Crown Prince in his boyhood. The
Court chaplain was one day giving
the Prince religious instruction and
trying to impress upon him that
all people are sinners. "Well."
blurted out His Imperial Highness,
"father may be a sinner, as you
say. but I'm quite sure mother
It is probable that Dr. Richard
Strauss, the famous nuisical com-
poser, will become the richest mu-
sician who has ever lived. He is
well paid for every note he writes,
and already his great. works, "Sin -
fen la Domestics," "Salome,"
"lae.tra," etc., have brought him
in large incomes. The doctor dis-
posed of the score of "Salome" for
.t Isere $i2,500, but he got 827,500
for the copyright of "Electra,"
nod, in addition. it is said that he
gets a royalty of 75 cents on every
copy of the latter sold. Then, as
general musical director of the
loyal Opera Howe in Berlin, Dr.
Strauss is paid $5,000 for three
Months' work in the year. tram
1sy ening around with gray hair *ben Dr, All EtlreCt, Dr. StrAtlsa's income
remain a Natural Hair Restorative wilt now probably exceeds $60,000. But.
Sr►n.R of hack in 0a natural col)r, even , p ith all his wealth, this great mu.
though it has been gray fnr years. Two
rename might tree frim the frame bottle Flelan is a plain, unaffected roan.
and the hair rt one become bla.k •nd and liter very quietly in a small
the ether blonde, jest as they were In not in Berlin -
south . Bo of 15 act a hair -dee: It soli not
innure the •• alp. aria i• no tr.•ub'e io ap-
rrIr We g•larsnten .atrefactt..n nr mnney
teturre.1 Price our dollen "'opts,* paid).
THE TIt`:1:.%1. sL'PPLY (0.
Y W loo St. Toronto.
A man's liberality
cut when it coiner to
•bat, he can't use in
alio as craps
Rit ing adtics' Send for free tamale to Dept. W. L , N
bis business• tlonal Drug a Chemical Co., Toronto.
an Article for Mothers. ' An Authority Cites Hearsons for
Beet -Ealing in Japan.
When the children "break out" with
eruptions and skin diseases, so common is the Japan's belief in the virtues of a
fad, don't run to useless and aauseausg meat diet, whish has tlaken the
nrediciues. igneous 1s Khat is needed It head ofthe '
Japanese Government
is a skin ford as web as a hearing berm. ('attic breeding Department t.0
Airs. Luse. 1.esere, of Pre.c 11, North 1{I1glatld to )llr0 ,
Channel, Wt., Jetts now Zaa1-Buk cured} base stock cattle
her baby. sue say.:--" My way's head Las aroused the indignation of
sod toss woi one complete mass set swell. 1111t1S11 t'ebetarians, is part of the
'1hc sewing and Irritation were fearful, and movement for the, Europeaniza-
the tittle unc's p,tght WAS SO !sorbin IlIat at „
t tion of Aho land of the Rising Suns
cue 0111e we fened nee ears would bee .ten urse.
• N'c had i0 keel, per basses tied for a bye In a few years the better ('lass -
to prevent her rut,ing and scratching urn os in Japan will Lo living and cat
sure'. 1h.Ctur aft5e ug.ctoi heated lief to ing in European fashion," said a
vaso, until we had had five du.tuu. They ut'll-known authority on Japan.
all agreed it was a frightful case of edema. `•;\Iready many wealthy Japanese
LUL nuns rel !hent did say perinaueut gaol,
"As a last reswr. a we were advise,' w try 1:at'e two ItoIteee, often side by side,
Zam liul. '1 he tical bus did sa umU1 goad tt Japanese house in which they
Uuat we felt sure we were at last wurklua Iq live as their fathers lived, and a
the right direction. We hrrsrvered with the European house iii winch their
treatment until we had used tutrterO nosey children aro fed, educated, and
and at cue end le,ofi !listafur-.uu.e" 1 am glad to say c,othed in European fashion. In
Zorn lank eflecthe latter hose .the children are
Mrs II -dines. of 30, Guise Street, Ham' u•
ton, is quite as eloquent in her panes. She encouraged to sit ou Ohalrs, cat
says1—"Z,m-liuk cure,' my boy of boils nkat with knives and forks, and
sad eruptioi.s when he WAS so bad that he talk English. The result will soon
had been unable to mis with other children. ii.; FCCll in the improvement of the
Prior to the boils breaking out he bud had a p11ys•q Of the next,generation.bad eruption, but Zam-Buk cleared this
ho inovetnellt receives the support
away too, and made his skin Guar and T
smooth. 1t is a wondcriul preparaaon, and of .the Emperor.
mothers throughout the land should always "There can be no doubt that a
keep it Nulty.' a meat diet adds to the stature of
For eczema, eruptions, rashes, tetter, itch, the Ja ansae, though it may not
ringworm, ands lar skin di -eases, Zam-Buk increase their wonderful potters of
is wr.hout equal. It also cures cuts, burns,
lc •Ids, piles, abeceasea, chronic sore., blood -
poisoning. etc. All dru.Kists and stores at
so cents a boa, or post tree for price bum
Lam-Bsk Co.. Toronto.
King Alfonso is fond of mingling
with his people. Some time back
.he visited a small town outside
Madrid, and, somewhat disgusted,
joined the crowd which thronged
the street in order to catch a
glimpse of himself. Suddenly word
passed that the King was coming.
A shrill female voice at his back
exclaimed, "Let ane get in front
of you, will you? I've walked all
the, way and spoilt my new black
dress. Get out, of my way; 1 will
see what. the King is like." Turn-
ing round with a senile to the push -
nig, perspiring dame, his Majesty
!whispered: "Hero is tho King."
The woman looked at hien scorn-
fully. "King, indeed!" she ex-
claimed. "You're more likely
somebody who has colpo to blow
the poor boy up."
Two guests came to spend the ev-
ening, and didn't know when to
depart. The hostt and hostess were
patient with them, very patient;
but when eleven twelve, and finally
one o'clock struck, the husband
realized that something must now
be clone. Ifs was an original chap,
and, in his droll way, he looked
ever at his wife and said, mildly
"My dear. hadn't we better get
up to bed 1 Our friends may want
to be going?"
Ono of the most interesting ven-
tures made by business mingled tit-
led ladies is that of Lady Algernon
Gordon -Lennox, who is trying to
popularize the bottled -fruit trade
in England. In tho village of
Broughton she has established, on
a modest scale. a fruit -bottling bu-
siness. Superintending all details
herself, she produc sd 120 dozen bot-
tlgea of fruit. and sold thein in
three months. This year she cannot
meet the demand, although her pro-
p1uce has amounted to 160 dozen
Iaaanln,atiec of •
18 K1.tt,c s. of etre
!!ladder. of the k
Bowels. of the
Lang+. guts ' hna.l,
bran,cb111s, Uitticult
Iln•atr,ine. Croup. ea,
terrh, lntlacuint. fiend.
ache. .•outhache. Neu
ratios, Rheumatism. told
Ague a sir... t'hll-
blt.iur Froatbltu- •quickly
cured by
P,akd�ily's< Readg RIU�
Fewer people would have axes
t ► grind if they had to furnish the
motive power to revolve the grind-
A Thorough Pill.—To clear tho
stomach and bowels of impurities
and irritants is necessary when
their action is irregular. The pills
that will do this work thoroughly
are I'armelee's Vegetable Pills,
which are mild in fiction but mighty
in results. They purge painlessly
and effectively, and work a per-
manent cure. They can be used
without fear by the most• delicate:.'
constituted, as there are no pain
endurance. The wrestlers of Ja- Jul effects preceding their gentle
pan, who are huge mountains of operation.
tone and muscle, are all fed on ---
beef and other meats." WHAT HE FOUND.
Tom—"She broke the engage-
hlent," Dick—"What dol Harry
dog" Tom—"He sent her a bill for
the use of the engagement ring for
tho time they were engaged."
A Pleasant Purgative.—Parme-
ite's Vegetable Pills are so cent -
pounded as to operate on both tits;
stomach and the bowels, so that
they act along the whole alimen-
tary and excretory passage. '1'.:
are not drastic in their work. Ltit
mildly purgative, and the pleasure
of taking them is only equalled by
the gratifying effect they prod ice
Compounded only of vegetable
substances the curative enmities
of which were fully tested. they af-
ford relief without chance of in-
Lady Roberts was once visiting
the hospitals at the Kase of mili-
tary operations in India, and so
pleased was the with the untiring
tuber of the trusses and their do
votion to the sick that she said:—
'I really think that the sisters de-
serve 8 medal for this campaign
as notch as anyone, and I hope they
will get one." "I don't know about
medal," said A gallant. Colonel
s',anding by. "but they are sure,
at all events, to get plenty of
The highlands of Ontario is an ideal
spot for the sportsman during the open
bunting season for big game. In the
Temagami region moo,,, are plentiful and
h:ay be killed during the period from
October 1615 to November 15th. This
territory ix a forest preserve of vast ex-
panse, and In addition to being the hunt-
er's paradise, its waters abound with
game fish of many species. The home of
the red deer is located Rnmewhat to the
south of 'Temagami, particularly in the
districts known as "Muskoka Lakes."
"Lake of !lays," "Magauetawan laser."
"Lake Nipiseing," ane "Kawartha Lakes"
Write to J. D. McDonald. District
Passenger Agent. Toronto. for a copy of
"Haunts of Fish and Game," Seeued by the
Grand Trunk Railway Systc•rn w-11 ole
fully describes the hunting territories
reached by this line, giving game laws
!nape and all information.
a -
Dr. Walter O. Smith, the Scotch
preacher, once tried to explain to
an old lady the meaning of the
Scriptural expression, 'fake up
thy bed and walk." He said the
bed was simply a mat or rug, eas-
ily taken up and carried away.
"No, no," replied the lady, "I can-
na believe that. Tha bed was n
regular four-poster. There would
be no miracle in walking away wi'
a bit o' inat or rug on your back."
Where can I get some of Halln-
way's Corn Cure? I was a"tirely
cured of my corns by this rented,,
and I wish sonic more of it fat my
friends. So writes Mr. J. W.
Brown, Chicago.
She—"Sometimes you appear
,really manly and sometimes you
are quite effeminate. How do you
account for it?" He—"It's heredi-
ta ry, I suppose. Ono half of my
ancestors were men and the other
half women."
--Unscrupulous makers aro putting, up Ir
trountcrfea of "The D. & b." Menthol
Plaster. The genuine is made by Davie
it Lawrence Cu.
"I want you children to go to my
lecture to -night," remarked a pro-
fessor to the younger members of
hes family. "Couldn't you whip us
instead just this once, father 1'
said one of them.
It allowed to roam over your
house those few Innocent -looking
house flies may cause a real trag-
edy any day, as they are known
to be the principal agents for the
spread of those deadly diseases,
typhoid fever, diphtheria and
smallpox. No other fly hiller sola.
pares with Wilson's Fly Pads.
"I understand sou stood for a
'whole hour in the doorway last
Light talking to the policenlau,
Biddy 1" "Shure, you vtunldll
have foe shtand there for an hour
and say nothin', ma'am 1"
"Ho 'wen't into the country to
find solitude."
"Did he find it?"
"No, quite the opposite; he sat
down on an ant -hill."
Something that Should be Rub -
In. --Whenever plain is felt in
the limbs or back, Take Dr. Tho-
mas' Eclectric Oil: pour a little in
the band, and applying it to the'
surface beneath which the pain is,
rub briskly. If the first applica-
tion does not afford relief, whist►.
is not Iisllallt• the case. keep rub-
bing. The Oil will gradually pene
trate to the affected part and re-
lief will come.
An Irishman, who had just come
front Dublin to Glasgow to seek
employment, was inferm<'(I that, he
had a poor chance of getting a job
Lecause he was displaying marks
consistent with pugilism.
"You mane that I've
eye, sir, eh?"
"Shure, that's only a birth -mark
w'hic'h 1 have. You see. sir, I was
coming from Dublin on the boat.
an' by a mistake I went into the
%long berth, and the fellow who
was there gave me this."
The more lawn some people have
t.. 1110W the more they bate the
a black
After malting a most careful
study of the matter, U. 8. Govern-
ment scientists state definitely
that the common house fly is the
principal means of distributing
typhoid fever, diphtheria and
smallpox. Wilson's Fly Pads kill
the flies and the disease germs,
"When a feller has a job in a
fcundry he tells about the place
where ho works, but if he's in a
bank ile speaks about the concern
by which he is employed."
who has never heard of Paiukitltr. Sold
for over 60 years. Is the best remedy for
cramps, colic and dysentery, and un-
equalled as a liniment for cuts and
wounds. Avoid substitutes, there is but
ono "Painkiller" --Perry David --25e. and
When you see a man making all
aorta of faces at himself in a mir-
ror it's a safe bet that he's either
crazy or shaving.
Attacks of cholera and dysentery
come quickly, there seldom being
any warning of the visit. Remedial
action must be taken just as quick-
ly if the patient i3 to be spared
great suffering and permanent in-
jury to the lining membranes of
the bowels. The readiest prepara-
tion for the purposo is Dr. J. 1).
Kellogg's Dysentery Cord:al. It can
bo got at small cost. at any drug
store or g neral dealers, and it
will afford relief before a doctor
can be called.
..1 .RAW11.
V ..a receipt of st.n0
send for b. -41st -1104116,
The Ve'ertnary aeetevi
Company. Limited,
8 sA ;s.adeisidetet.,B.
•[„Nato, 1.aira.la.
{OY WANTI'n. TO A(1' AR flF.s/'�
5 fnr ' TORONTO NA'rUnDAY 51011?
in his Spare time. Good money. Circa.
Jai .11 Manager, Toronto. •
"Sometimes the takin' hold uv
the bull by the horns ain't the let -
tin' go ag'in."
Ree. Weak. Wear7. Water? Ryes.
Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try
Murino For Your Eve Troubles. You
Will Like Murine. it Rooftree. 60c At
Tour Druggists. Write For. Frye Books.
Free. Murine Frye Remedy Co., Toronto.
kindly mention the name of This
pr.per in writing to advertisers.
The Lady ---"Look here, you said
that if I'd give you your dinner
you'd mow the lawn for me."
Tratnp—"l'd like to do it, ma'am,
hut I've got to teach you a lemon.
Never trust the word of a total
�� AN\'actiERR WANTED. Others clear•
tx,•nty dollars weekly. Apply A1irodt
Tyler. London, Ont.
1) 01'S AND 1!11:14 SISIIIvet TO CA AV
• mnney nr premiums erne vmtr name
end address for our juvenile catalogue of
ea=v polling hnu,chold sneeialt'es. Our
adult Agents 68 nage ca►nl,.ere Is else
ready, free on request. Canada Biker.
cloth Co., Toronto. Ont.
AGENTS WANTED. 1 have secured the
general agency of Ontario for the fate of
"our hurter Wender," a machine which
makes two pounds of nutter out of 0110 at
an additdoira1 curt of three cents. No
clrenric'alx used. stands pure' Food inapeo.
tion. Write for particulars for exclusive
territory, to "Our Butter Bleeder." Room
2C2 Confederation Life Buildree. T.-moto.
Iretion puhlishcd in Er•alirh language;
Ten cent. Arthur Rice, Granby, Oue.
Parents buy Mother Caves
Worm Exterminator because they
know it is a safe medicine for their
children and an effectual expeller
of worms.
"Good morning, sir,- said the
lady, entering the studio to the
famous portrait -painter. "I wish
1.. engage you to paint my por-
trait." "I shall be delighted. ma-
dam." "1 want it painted with
my new hat on." "Pardon me.
Inadain, but I am not a landscape
beat r, est. 511.11. .nd 55,,01 crow.
Its 5.tc,.. a., D. 1..p 5..11 ---Art.
p,ted. Lu, r'.rm.,u. wrt1. fee
&.il:.t. IRRRihlLD LiNV CO.
Marysville - - Catifenfa
_Incorporakd 18
OH %.F(; '.-:.,• ,.'.,.. I rn- -v 0'" TCPOhiTO.
12 and 14 PEMBROKE ST.
F. H. Torrington, Mus. Dir.
Tickets mar he Lad at Ow ('•`11' r.
for FALL TERM — no better time.
Thorough, practical courbes, individu-
al tnxtruction and esery no -to -date fa-
cility provided by our oldest and most
reliable school.
Brltlsh-American Bue'nass Colil:go,
Write for catalogue.
T. M. WATSON, Principal.
will ch ruga your 'deities to'
rich .d iiued glass. WINDOW.
FNANIE, beautifully colored
and tr.ensp..relt, will do it
Special de 111/1114 for char.•he..
Samples free. Agents x a1:t-
ed. Write ins n.:w.
lief) 5t. James 't Mor.trctl
For indiri'htala [t'ith ,funds
for inrestrnent at the present
time, r(l.,'I/er of large antotto!
or small, we /.are compiled a0
erten ire list of .111'.P1C11'A1.,
!'!'RLI(' S' R 1'ICE and COlt'-
POl:A7!Ual bonds. The se-
curities ipred will receire the
apprnt'al (!the newt conacrr'atire
Ontario JIturicepal debentures
to yield ,4 to -Wi,"'• %' Other
Canadian Municipals — Pro-
vince, County, City and Town --
ere Iasi(l { o to o
if r o(%r a select list of bonds
of Railroads and Public Serrir.t
Corporations o/ demonstrated
earning pourer at prices to yield
the inree(ur .yi° to 6;%.
Canadian Northern Railway Co.
Equipments 1 i -I par ant's.
uuth, Rainy Lake R Wlnntpot
Rahway Company 6 par ant's.
Taronts and York Radial Rail-
way Company s pm, cant's. (Ouar-
antoed by 1he 'Monts Railway
Suburban Rapid Transit Com.
pany 5 per cent's. (Guaranteed by
the Winnipeg Eisetrle Co.)
ponds of long r.+'aldisl.e.l
ro tat irn(oursly proeprrnnf induS
tries to yi•l(1 6l to 67,.
Western Canada Fleur Milds Co.
6 per Bents.
P. Burns and Company, Ltd., S
pe• cent's.
Long•BztI Lumber Company 5
Par Celts.
Dominion free a site Co. Con-
solidated 5 per cent's.
/1 I. n pirfp'Ille f., 44, II lrv,(i
..nr rdPr•i sgs a snilable bond
owl to natirt In a thorough in-
, (...(/(Risen of the security.
r.ras oarlct: TORONTO ss a.t.o at. a
$sawn.•! 5 .
hIIhtlI mention the name i'' Ott
1",s1 1. N(1. 4.. i,.• p:: per in uciting to ail II/Alters.