Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-07, Page 11* r 25c to JAN. '10 Gets The Advocate and Mail and Empire or The tdv'ocateand Montreal Star. Take lu3vantage• of nue Low Club Rates eter Try The Advocate office 3JFur NVedding and,',Busi- • nese Stationery and ('. i -d&. 1'. stars, Tickets.. Bills, and all kinds of Printing. ,;_'"•"f Type & Styles are the Best TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1909. SANDERS & CItEECH The Old Reliable We are still doing business at the Old Stand and are here to do business. This we 3k we are of- fering a Fine Line of Dress Goods, Very Fine Line In STRIPE WORSTEDS, in Suit Lengths, ONLY $1.00 PER i AHD. Ex- tra Value at 75c in all the leading cloths and in the newest shades. These price goods are good weights, suitable for Ladieb' and Children's Suits. -+.. SPECIAL`S We are showing a GOOD RELIABLE CLOTH at Wk per yd. This is a regular 00c Cloth, hut, owing to us having a very large supply of this line, we if are going to clear it at 50c per yd. F R US The Best We Have Ever Shown 1 Ranging in price from $1.25 to $35.00. Also Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats Ti. - tie first year we have handled these, so we are offering EXTRA VALUE its .,ider to get your trade. Bargain Table - A few of those CHEAP DRESS GOODS left. A Special Line of Crockery for This Week Only ! When we will give you A SPECIAL PRICE on all Innes of DINNER and CHAMBER SETS and ODD PIECES. Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Live Poultry Butter 19c, Eggs 23c. trade; 22c cash. Dried Apples 5c These prices subject to change. CARLING BROS. GET YOUR FURS from R. N. Rowe 25 per cent discount to clear them out We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE O\'•C\0000071 0-300 VYr.re.st..al Cards. D` 0.1. ROULSTON, L. D. a, D.D.S. DENTIST Member of the R. 0. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. 011108: Over Dickson A Culing's Lew Oaks, Is D. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. `De A. R. ate of KINSMAN, L. D. S.lv D. D. S.' Stables at Ilandford's Horse Exchange [tenor graduate of Toronto Cnlveristr. Wil. ARNOLD, I'rop. HERE TO STAY! Bus and Dray Calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. Telephone 41A DENTIST, Mosta eztracted without any pain, or any bad easels Mee over Oladman t Stantetr)'s ofeee, Main street Risser. Medical R BRIOIiT, M. D., N. C. P. k 8., HONOR Li. Orut hate of Toronto University. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, eta. Odlce and Residence,1)f. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, EXETER. DR, T. P. 11cl.AU'OIiLIN Iles resumed prartIce after spending a) ear (Col. lege) at Hellish and Continental hospitals. (sestina pre ti-•$ with special attention to F.ye, (with retrac- tion) Ear Noss and Throat. OSlcr: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DiCBSON A CARLIN°, BARRISTERS, 801,101 tort, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners Solicitors for Reasons Bank, etc. Mosey to Lona at lowest rates of Interest Orli e•, Sam street, Exeter, 1. Y. Caalaue, B.A., 1. r1. IAsos MONET TO LOAN. Ws have a liege amount of private fonds to loan • farm and rilIa(e properties at low rates of toter est. OLAD11AN 1 STANRCRT,1 Barrister', Sollcltor.,Ya!n st . F seter On B. 8. PHILLIPS, Hz versa. Messed Aectieeeer. Bales attended In all parte. SaOetactloa _guaran- teed Of so pa NMI reasonable. All olen left at Advocate OfIke will be er^mptly attended to. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire Insurance in lead. ing Canadian and British Companies. M.tin-St., Exeter. L- ICENSED AUCTIONEER W)f. ANDEiC.0N. Ltctused Au (ioneer for Iluror. County. Terms reasonable. Dates can be made at rte AJvo-ate. Ritter. or lienry 1lilbcr's Office, Crcd- Iton. HOUSE FOR SALE An excellent brtrk house, modern and up-to-date. Situated o1 Main street. Apply at this Ottics. FARM WANTED TO RENT. i nu cares, to get p"esessloe in fall. Apply to SANDERS & CREECII, Exeter FARM FOR SALE. --- The ut;dcrslgtred le offering for sale that valuable 100 acre farm, being Lot 8 Con, 3, Stephen, Ailcicared and In good state of cultivation. Fences good, well under -drained with tile. About one acre of orchard. Two story hew brick cottage and batik barn ; also cement s11o; three good wells of water and a spring creek. One quarter mile from school and two miles from church. Possession given In the fall. Apply to NEWTON BAKER, CENTR.\t.I,\. ONT. FACTORY FOR SALE The undersigned Is offering for stale hls factory premises on London (Toad South, consisting of nearly three acres of land. brick factory. frame dwelling, goo•1 bank stable, blacksmith shop and other Lulldinge. Will be sold at a teaoenabhle figure. and on easy tenni. For particulars apply on the premises, or by mall to THOMAS 'MAMMY. Eze- ter. Ont. FARM FOlt SALE. 100 acre farm In Usb the, two and one half miles from Exeter. :also a brl:k house on Main -street. Exeter, and a car- load of green cedar poets. WM. M. PLATCi1FORD FARA( FOR SALE. One of the finest farms In Ceborne Apply to SANDERS & CREECII, Exeter NOTICE Au I am now in the \Vest on a for my health, my book accounts not he collected until 1 return Ir. months. Dated, Sept. 15th.- A. PTS(. trip w 1;1 'Hn F-. TIIE EXETER Ct'UNCile A meeting of the council was held hi the office of the clerk on Friday Oct. 1. A11 nne.,sb re p $sent. Th^ ntinU•ea 0' 111 meetings held Sept. 17th and 270 were read and approved. The following accounts were passed. - Exeter Electric Light Co., are nahting #80.48, series lighting #48.0a, Town Ilan ea.6o, total $11'2.08: Goidto Mc- Culloch Co.. repairs for gasoline engine $•J.71): Advocate Pt lnting Co. print Ing a 111:,.75. Municipal world supplies, 112c. queen City 011 Co., gasoline. #5.85: J. Grigg. supplies, $1.60 ; Thos. llartnoll, labor, $5.113 ; Times Printing Co.. print Ing, $11.55 ; Jae. Connor, Librarian, part is:.lary, #25 ; Rcll Telephone Cu.. messages. 1.45c.; Thos. Brock, Sr., labor. $;1.75 ; Frank Mellott $1.50 ; William Creech #1.5O ; W. Weakest $8.18; Rd. Davis $3.50; l lenry Candy $2.25; frank Treble 81.51 ; Geo. Cudmore $2.50 ; Eli S e1! ei.7' Albert 3leset t $ ..62 ; Syd- ney West 75e; Sidney Sanders $6: J. Ogden $11; Wm. Davis. Sr., $2.75 ; W. J. Irl:sett, pt. salary, $33 ; C. W. Cross pt. salary -cemetery, 82t1 ;-amounting in all to $281.53 -passed on motion of ria rlh,g-Luker.-Cat tied. Petition for cement walks as follows: - No. 1 -From ratepayers on Main St. between .\lezander street and the Thames (load, east side. No.2-Froin ratepayers on the north Ode of John street, between Andrew and Albert streets. Nc.:l-From A. E. Ilodgert walk on the cast side of Mary street from Main street to Mr. ilodgert's gate and from Mies Strang's gate oi. Andrew street to the corner of Andrew and Mary streets No. 4 -From the ratepayers on the north side of Gidley street, between Gldloy and Marlborough streets. The petitions were received and filed, on motion of Johns -Luker. -Carried. Tenders for tate opening of a Tall Race were opened as follows :-Thos. Hart - 1:011, Thos. Creech and John I''ord. A. Q. Dobler, Elmer Lawson, Jos. Lawson Per Neaman -Johns -that the tender oL A. Q. Dobler for 8:1c. per square yard be accepted, provided that Mr. Dobler will agree to the making of the "taco only six feet wide at the bottom. If so desired by the engineer, and other sat- I3factory (Menges and alrallgenlellte :.s are satisfactory to tee Reeve. S. M. Sanders asked permission to re- move a :bade tree in front of his rel- denre-granted. Jos. Senior, CIcrK. were read LUMLEY. 8110 filling Is the order of the day.- Str. and airs. W. V. Dinncn and bike Edith Stoneman were guests of Str. and Mrs. F. Horton os. Sunday. -The ltcv. A. Stewart of London returned recently (ren: a trip to Scotland, and spent a few days the first of the week at John Mc- Queen'n.-Mflss Jennic Horton went to London the first of the week, where a poaltton was awaltlhg her. -M:. Jas. Horton was Int Woodstock and Ripley acting as judge a'. the Fairs. -The r•u:ul mail delivery commenced on Friday last and appears to be very sattefactere. - M1as Anna Ellerliigton a' Toronto la a vlaitor under the parental roof. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R IA WE WANT For Fetal and Winter months In Exeter and nut -rounding country an active h-c- lfahlc ^gent to take orders for nursery Mock. 0001) PAY WEEKLY. OUTFIT FREE. EXCLUSIVE TEItIIITOIIY 600 ACRES the choicest nursery stock which you .•1I direct to your customers. This Is one of the advantages our *men have over Johhera. We guarantee the delivery of trees it GOOD CONDI-ION and Ui' TO C)N1 RACT GRADE. Write for partic- ulara-I'ELIIAM N(;►TREitY CO.. TOR- ONTO. Please intention this paper. DRESS MAKING 1 wish to announce that I have open- ed a Breis making establishment at the home of Mr. Gordon Manns, A'idrew-st. and am now prepared to accept orders. 1 Lave had a wide ceperlence In ate Ilnr of dressmaking. having tweet tied cutter for the past two years 111 Brantford. i guarantee satfsfact(on.-OLIVE JONES. MALE TEACHER WANTED Experienced male teacher for 1010 to catch lu NO. -I. S:ep'len. State qu.11ti- c.tiens and salary. Apply to J. 0. WEIN. Crediton P.O. ESTRAY ItF.iFER Titre came onto - Inc premises of the utuicralgeed, i.ot 3, Can. 2, Ceborne. on or about the 30th of August. a yattng heifer. Owner can have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. F:\MCEL IiiCKs. .'entralla 1' O. SALE REGISTER THURSDAY, OCt. - 7. -Farm Stock and implements. the property of John Me- cullough, Lot 16, Cott. 11, ..borne. Rale at one o'clock sharp. No reserve as the proprietor Is retiring from the farms. Thos. Cameron. Auct. Wednesday. Oct. 13th. -Farm Stu, k. R implements, and a large quantity of first class nlat,golds and !fay. the property of Mtlto•, Ittssett, Lot. 12. (on. 1. Ste- phen ; at 1 p.m. T. Cameron. Auct. TUESDAY. OCT. 12 -Clearing Sale of Farm Stock and Implements. the pnl'.- erty of John Tucker, Lot 11. North Thames Road, t'aborne. Rale at one o'clock sharp. All to be sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold hie farm. Thos. Cameron, Auct. DOGS DESTROY SHEEP During the past few weeks their has tarn great destruction of sheep by dove among the flocks of farmers not far h from this e. vii a l C Among those who suffered are Mr. S. I'arr,ons who lost several, Mr. Wm. \Vin er for whom they destroyed five, and Mr. S. J. Hogarth, Into whose flock they have been at least three times. kill- ing 31z and mutilating about a dozen others. The destructive work has been done at night and the dogs have creep- ed and the owners are unknown. As a coIiaequence of the daager in leaving she flocks In tho fields the sheep owners have for weeka been taking click sheep into their bare: yards in the hope of thereby prole( ting therm. On Thursday night last week. however, while afr. II ej- arth was at Hamilton, Mrs. Hogarth heard the sheep bells ringing and called to the boys wl•n were in bed, and who 1 itr barnwith thegun. and ha:rihy got to t 8 found a dog madly chasing the sheep even into end out of the pun, grabbing one and then another. Gifford who had the gull managed to get sure alnt on the beast and shot hint dead. thus putting an end to et least one of the vlcyous brutes. Some of the sheep were dead when four:d, some, still living, had Wei: bowels nearly all trailed out as they fled, and others again the flesh eaten from their shoulders and thighs, and they not yet dead. is it any wonder the sheep industry 003 declined when so many useless dogs are permitted by the municipality to be kept even by those who have no use for them. The council refuses to compeer' ole the sheep owners for losses sus- tained In 0113 manner, and as a result many farmeee ''ave discontinued what would otf:e '_tLe be a profitable indus- try. CREDITON. Mrs. llofntrycr, who has been visiting her parents lir. and Mrs. Mathew Win- er, returned to her home in Hanover on Saturday. -The Mi -:scat Olivia and Peat! 1(01tzinann are vi: icing frit::da In Seb- rhigville cold Berlin. -airs. C. K. Bluctt Ind Mien Gladys are visiting iti I"oree. this week. -Mrs. and Files heist of Pel- ham Centre, have returned home, after e,a'tieg rel:'t'vee to our !Mdse. -H. Ell- ber, M. 1'. P., hag been collecting the a:c- .essnlents leveed on the policy- holder-, of the Itay insurance Company the past week.-alla. Rev. Bean and children have returned ::onnc after a pleasant visit with reletfvel to Manchester. A1lch1.--Mr.Oot- frled Oeotrelclner of paehwood visited his 4other Daniel last Thursday. -Phe collectors of the local branch of tin• tip- per Can'td't Bible Society have been melting the rounds in the vlilage the p.oat week and have met with hearty response. Mr. and Mae. Martin of Dashwood were Chr: guests of Mr. and Mee. Cols F./di- ner last Sunday. -Lest Sunday spec•Ivl nil.slonary collections were taken in the Ever-geltre] churrh which amounted to the handsome sunt of $185.00. -Join G. Young, the tax collector, Inas mailed the tat notice.' this week. Tates are higher this year on account of the new bridges Ixing constructed. A great deal of an- noyance can be saved to the collector if the rat(•payere will bring their notices when paying their indebtedness. -Art Zwicker of t.onelon gave our burg a fly- ing vi»It on Saturday.-ilcrb Ellber was ht llenaall last Friday collecting insur- ance assessments. -August Kuhn of the Bank of Commerce, Stratford, Sundayed at hernia -The baseball game between the Tigers and Cubs didn't come off last Friday on account of the unfavor- able weather. -Elvin McMurray has re- turned home after visiting friend@ 111 St. Slarys and London.-lt was announced In the churches last Sunday that a campaign Is about to start to introdu c Local Option In this Township. Petit- ions will be circulated and presented to the Council so that the vote ran be tak- en at etc next municipal contest. CREDITON SCHOOL REPORT. The following Is the report of Credi- ton sr'tool for the month of September D1vl3ion 1, ('t I. Jr. -K. ilowald, L. 1.awsen. E. Guenther, le. Short. G. Wolfe, E. Helot, G. Sims. A. 8Helte-r Sr. -Vonore, L. Sambrook, 11. Brown. !.. Either, W. Appleton; p.1149. 1.. Redden. G. Weiner. Pt. iL-honors. L. Lawson; piss. It. palet. Junior II. - Honore. A. F'nnkbeiner, C. Halal ; page. V. Hoffmann. 0. Weiner, A. Holtzmanth. R. Wolfe. Miss /Mothers. teacher. Division 1f -Pt. 11. -Honors. M. Bene- dict; p':'s. M. King. D. English, Ir. 1i. -Vonore. R. 11111: pegs. 1.. (leaver. R. Clerk. Sr. 11. -Mown. A. Ganser, 1?:. Wuerth, E. Cloister ; pase, M. Brown. L. 1toltsmene. 11. lelekhclner. I.. Guenther. J r. 111. -Honors, L. Halst, K. Swcltxer. L. Weiner. A. Sambrook. I. Wolfe, G. Illuett ; pass. M. Nicholson. V. Nestle. G Lamport. f.. Mean, V. Gainer. M1911 Love. Teac.ler. Division 111. -Jr. II -Pass. C. Oee'rcl- cher. E. Smite. G. Guenther. Sr. ill - rang. E. Hoist. 1t. F'inkbeincr. V. Mote, F. King. Class i',. -E. i'.luctt. V. Boltz- mann. M. Brown, 11. Valet. MI•s• Klcnzle, teacher. Ontario Banks %rete roi,stdcrably sur- pri90d recently when 111 following out the artengem'nts agreed upon Itt rcgaid to seeding Antrrlean earrenry bark arrow the line. they were asked to pay a duly of two per cent. on every ten dol- lars worth. The United States goer r. - rment, tt le stated. takes the set .1 that the cents are to be looked upon as old topper coming back Into the country and reheat ear. on ev h y ten Boilers worth. It is likely that the matter will he taken up with the Government aulh- otitles. and some arrangements agreed upon. ae In a yeti' It means a te•y 'rt amount of money to all the Cutad,ah, Banks. ' ST. \MARYS-ft 19 uaoffirla11Y report- ed tient Mr. T. J. Oakley. G. 1'. R. .to Hon agent. Is to be transferred to Le. now and Is to he. suecerdcd here by Mr. James Egan. of the G. T. R. freight de- partment. ENOLISII\fAN SU'ICIDE'S NEAR ST. MARIYS. Rotert Butcher, an Englishman, 26 years of age c•o,nl.hltted suicide on Mon- day afternoon last b) hanging himself to a tree -fin J. Lamont's bush, a bout two tulles south of St. Mal ye. the body t. -Ing discovered Tuesday n'ors,ing. Ile was in the employ of Mr. Lamont, whe on Monday got a letter for Butcher the which la- delivered. Butt her disappear- ed soon after and uo'Jnng nikre was seen of hint until the finding of tag body Tuesday. The letter was the cause of the rash act. It was from a young lady of St. Marys, Tato of England. In which she showed preference for a friend she had left In England. BIRTHS Waller. -In 'Exeter, on Oct. 4, to Mr. ar melIr H bar e u t Walter, a daughter. Caldwell. -In Regina, 011 Sept. 20th. to Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell, a daugh- ter. Little -At Zurich, on Sept. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Little, a deugi-all-. Hudson -At Hensall. on Sept. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson, a daughter. Ilawkshaw.-At Victoria 1 lospital, Lon- don, on Oct. 4t1, to Mr. ant Mrs. C.W. Hawkshaw of Lucan, a daughter. 1MAIRRIAGES Porter-Ilodglie-In ltktdulph, on Sept. 25th, by Rev. A. Carlisle of Lucan,MIss Mary Bodging to Mr. Ed. Porter of London Township. SholdIee--Lewle-At the Rectory, Ailsa Craig, on Sept. 2801, Miss Agnes L. Lewis. daughter of Mr. Witt. Lewis, 4th con of SIcG1l11vray, to Clarenc' Sl:ol dice of these= township. lfolt-Tted(man-At Grand Fend, on Sept. 21101. Mr. Bert Holt and Niles Tiediman, both of Grand Bend. Don't Monkey withJhat Cough. Take Howey's White Pilie & Tar Sold only at howey's Drug Store in 25c bottles. afcGregur-Webb-On R. Line. St. p. co, on Sept. 2811:, John 11. McOreg.► et McGillivray, to \Iles Myrtle, dauerter of Mr. and Airs. Stephen Webb. of Ste- phen. Russell-Godbolt-At the residence of John f`.aldwcll, on Sept. 211. by: itev. A. L. ilugs(11, E. A. iluseell of St. Paula Mhnn.. 10 )ties Ethel Godbolt. daugh- ter of Mrs. J. Caldwell by her first t 'rrlage. Coppitt-Ileal-In West Toronto. on the 28th Sept.. Ed. Coppin, Mitchell, to Mise Maud, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ileal. Peer -Johns -At Quill Lake, Sask., on. Sept. 2211d, Ella J., daughter of Mrs. E. Johns, of Tuckrrann(th, to 140r:11.1'1. Peer of Yorktol:, Sask. DEATHS Stewart. -In Alicia Craig, on Sept. -'B;he ars. Margaret Stewart. aged 871 years. Douglas. -on Townline, McGillivray .on Sept. 27th, Peter M. Douglas, aged 76 yearn, 4 months. 16 cloys. Scott -At Moray. McGillivray, on Sept. 23rd, John Scott. aged 87 years and 13 days. NEW Pivion Sioli Having leased the store property of Mr. J. W. Broderick, Afaln street,' I beg to announce to tt.e public: that 1 have opened out business in the line of Gen- eral Provisions. FLOUR, FEED, STOCK FOOD, PRESS- ED HAY, STRAW. AI.L KiNDS OF SEEDS, GRAIN;. ETC. ETC. The very beet grades of flour always on hand Goods a. livered to arty pelt of ti.e :own We invite your p.tt!onage and soll•-It a ran from you Broderick's I Old Stand J. EIDT What's Behind The Varnish? Did you ever see a Hypocritical piece of Furniture? it pretended to be so and so but it was really "behind ti.- varnish" something very different. Such farnitut.. as that never fooled us, and never will. The sham is too easy to see through. But it is always a legitimate question to ask the Furniture roan "what is behind the varnish." With this store there is never any masquerading. Oak is always oak, mahogany is always mahogany, and ash is always ash. If you pay for a certain duality you get that duality always, and behind our "say so" is a business standing that is ready to cor- rect any mistakes that we may snake. JAMES BEVERLEY, Leading Undertaker and Embalmer USE New Brunswick Plaster Paris & Samson brand Portland Cement LARGE STOCK (►N H.1N1►. Amatite & Paroid Ready Roofling Nails, Wash•.r. and Cement in each itoll. ALSO No. 1 Tar Paper, Plain Bldg. Paper and O.K. Paper Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces See Our $18.00 Range with Reservoir Stove -Pipes, Elbows and Dampers HERMAN'S HARDWARE & SIOVE STORB 1 i 1 1 . e 1 1 4 / 1 e 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 / / e