HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-30, Page 8TIIEIIE'S SOME CLASS 1 ,mliaPalr=111.'FT3IIIFIlirI Mrs. Linder of Cleveland is visiting i Ia()CAI. DOINGS. 4 here. Nlr. Peter Frayne has gone to the Wrist to slow ne: tailored by us. Doesn't look like a u:,lforin taut everybody is wear- ing. HAVE US TAILOR YOU A SLIT Or llgat top coat for wear during the cool evenings about due. You won't have to be told about the superiority of our clothing when you sea and wear tt. You'll havo the feel of being well dress- ed, whirl' only first-class tailoring can give.. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them True your lire ('/sicken, Ilens and Ducks to Stewart's --that's the spot for rare rallies. TWO FOB 25 CENTS.—For the remark- ably low pricy. of 115c. wo will send the ADVOCATE and MONTREAL STAR or Tho ADVOCATE and MAIL & EMPIRE to the end of 1909. Subscribe now and get the full benefit of this very low club. 1f you Grant 10 see a swell lot of nets tailor-made Jackets right down to the minute call at Stewart's. APPLES \WANTED.—leartiwrs and other(' Laving apples for sale will do well to bring them into the Evapori:or whlc : openei for buslneBe test week. Good prices will be paid. $2.00 the pair for Me nese i'elo Nap Blankets. tate nicest blanket for the mon- ey you erer saw. Steuart. BARBER APPRENTICE WANTED.— ApPly to Penpraae & Burke. Exeter. 31iss Auld is again in charge of the 3lillinery department at Stewart's. She has jnst returned from the leading Amer- ican fashion centres. Ser the new ideas she is introducing. 1101 NU FOR SALE—Rabbit dog. 000d hunter. Apply at this office. 1 e,it S.►I.E.—Choles l:arred Cockerlts at ; t.nu each. Speak quick. — T. 13. C.\ItL.INU. lalle. eta elikaacallc Aka! As Ala alias& Ala Rey. i tubba pre• r•'., d 'at Creditua on Sunday. Tiro leaves .,re beginning to assume their varigated autumnal tints. Mr. John Stall acted 'n tt.e capaciay of guvc:nnteut ;ud'•e et • ._ Pctrole:t 1 •ter bast Thursday. Mi. John Wood acted as a Judge of cattle and sheep In Listowel and other potltta 1:! at wee to We have liad sorsa really chilly nights lately but the late vegetation seems to la standing it well. Mr. E. Ocstreincer has resigned his poatttun with W. 1I. Levett, and accept- ed a similar one in Merlin. ' The Exeter School Girls' ILasket-hall team drove to llerrmall Saturday and de- feated the team of that place in a friend- ly game, 8-8. Perhaps the most acceptable thing re- ccdved In this district of late were the coptoua showers of rain, which were 3; reatly needed. A corn patty was enjoyed by a number of Exeter yours; people at the home of \tr. and Airs, \vie. V. finer, Stephen. on Friday evening last. Mr. Charles Long. son of Mrs. John Welsh, Is very low In Winnipeg. as a r•e.,ult of a relapse, after a severe ill- ness of typhoid fever. Mr. August Guar, dralnago contractor, has moved into air. Richard lllatchford's house on Main street, his houeehotd ef- fects atrlving Saturday. Mr. Chas. Livingstone of Milverton. while on a %lea with \fr. John Hawk- shaw, was taken 111 last week with . a slight attack of typhoid fever. Exeter School Field I)ay Sports will be held on Friday, Oct. 8th. Masohall, beykellail and football in the 'notating and athletic sports in the afternoon. While about tar household duties on Sunday last Mrs. Wellington Johns un- fortunately fell and fractured a small bone In her left wri:at. Under the doc- tor's care It is improving cicely. The pulpit of the Trivltt Memorial Church was oecupled on Sunday lust by the Ite:•. Macey, of Satntsbury, in the ahscnre of the rector, Rev. Collins, who pr•eaci:e3 anniversary services at Saints - bury. airs. McDonald, who has been here v:v- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, left last week, accompanied by her another, to spend a few days with her slater In Ingersoll, prior to return- ing to her home In Chicago. The wive purchaser will read carefully what the local merchant has to say in the advertising columns of the ionic paler. Lcok up tht, ads In this week's parer and you will be convinced that you nce•1 not go out of town Inc bargains. Some of our citizens are greatly an- noyed over the proposal to put the new cement walks between the fences and the trees. We understand that they will re- sist to the last ratan, and the last bullet and make the final stand in the last dltth.—liensali Observer. A well-known Grand Mend resident ap- peared before Magistrate Kay here on Saturday to tartswcr to chargee of te- t,tining money wrongfully and of ...con- ducting a lottery. Ile pleaded guilty in both cases and the magistrate remand- ed hint for trial at Goderie't, taking a bond for his nppearance. Mr. Jaa. rdrr'ai]s. who recently sold its fifty acre Lanz on the second con. of Btddulph, has purchased the 101) acre farm owned by air. John Broderick, on the 9th concession of flay, being lot 3. Tho price paid was $5000. This 1s a good farm and It Is considered that Mr.:McFalls t.as a bargain. The cold and wet weather has retard- ed the contest in Scotch Doubles on the bowling green. Those left in the game are Creech and Davis, Taylor and Lin- denfelt, 11 am.att and \Veidenharnnner, and the winncr.a of Catletle and Acneson against Snell and Scldotr, which Is the only game not yet played in the second draw. A reception and "Good -Bye" evening was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Adapts ( nee Amy Johne) et the home of Mrs. 1). Johns Thursday evening last, when a large number of their friends called to wish them "God Speed and Good-I)ye." Trey, accompanied by Mrs. Jo,tne. left for Sarnia on Saturday 'mailing, whence they have since departed for their home in Calgary. The harry lAhdley Concert Company have been drawing pretty fair houses this week, in the Opera llouae. harry Lindley is an old timer and %cry Sucreful on the stage, and those he has assoc- lated with him ,re w(11 up to the average of players, with the result that those who have eta ded have leen pleased Witt'. the perferm.tncee. The company goes to Goderich front here for three nights. The open season for game is as fol- lows ,—Ducks, Sept. let to Dec. 31st : geese and swans, Sept. 15th to May 1 ; squirrels, Nov. 1 to Dec. 1 ; plover Sept lat. to lave. 15th; rail. Sept. 1st to Dec. 15th; nnrpe and woodcock open season —:.nips Sept. 15th to Dec. 15, Sports- men will take notice that partridge may not be allot this season at any time. HICKS' WEATHER FORECASTS.—A regular otorm period extends over the lot to t he 0th, having its centre on the 3rd. Tac Mercury period is always cen- tral on the 4th, extending quite to the 14111. General cloundiness and threaten- ing weather will prevail as we peas from September Into October, but these coir ditiono will increase Into positive storms of rain, wind and thunder, on and touch- ing lite ard, 4th and 5th. These storms proml. a genual rains and will wind up with nnuc t cooler autumnal wlnds and weatt.e,. Sections along the north side of the country may possibly have a too. 't o: e o ly sleet And Si tow, along anti t to 1 i,th bttronteler than iee euro o press 'rata. on (l a western flunks, of Vitae storms. it will be the proper thing to watch for high northwesterly galea over the great lakes at this period Fro..ty nights when the absence of Mer- cutial cloud., will permit, will be natur- al in northerly directions from about the 'tt`t t0 the 8th. ' SUIISCRII)E for the Advocate and get all the news. 44♦+} 44444• THE BEAUTY behind a snit is not cnntin- ed to other clothing eaab• b'ihnttnts. There's a love- limas shunt our garments that will simply delight all ! who come to u+ lhal's .,,. For a Nice Tailor -Made Suit this shop has a good reputation Let us make yours W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor- 1 .('ter .4.71444444♦444444a's';44 on a trip. Misr Myrtle I)au,:cey left Tuesday to visit In Parkhill. Miss Jerrie (]tmeron 1::a returned frau a trip to the \Vogt. Mr. \\'11l Knight , as resumed ale med- teal studies at Lurtdot. Miss Maud Taylor of London to vlslt- lug at her home here. alias Victoria Miners has gone to Lon- don to attend the Normal. M1ns Grtgiry vie:W.(1 tier sister, Mrs. Miller of London last week. Elmore Senior retururd to Toronto on Mot day to resume lits studies. Mr. Paul Madge ha.; gone to Nevada with a load of Lincoln sheep. Miss N•Irtnlc Howard went to London Saturday to attend t he Normal. Mra. Samuel Adult of P.::k:.ill is via- Ittng at atr. Richer 1 iteelmer's. Me.btarte. \V. tttay and 0. Dow spent Sunday with relatives In >titchell. Miss Maude Johns has gone to liaon- Irton to attend the Normal School. Mr. E. Christle Is at Fort Erie this wick, acting as judge on light horu.a. air. Walter \CVatcott la visiting in 1ian:ilton, leaving Wednesday morning. Mra. Kerr of \\'Ingham wan the ruest of Mrs John Mr\tahon, ilay, last week. The Misses Morden of St. Marys are gue,•t.s of Mrs. S. F'. Sharpaat the manse. Mr. and ?bra. Ed. hunt of Setforth sinned at Mr. I. Armstrong's Sunday. Mr. Samuel Passmore of Thames ltd. has gone to the west to see the country. Mr. A. liastings has returned front London allele e spent two or three weeks. i Mr. and Mrs. Hammond of St. Marys spent Sut:day at Mr. N. Vale's, Fleeter North. Mr. and hire. Mreathwic•k of Lon.)on vlalted the latter's mother, Mrs. I'lyt•r, over Sunday. Nurse Leavitt, who has been attendiee Mr. Fred Gidley, has returned to lie, horse In London. Nurse Me )ueen, who has been waiting on Garvey Achceon, returned to her ttonte In London Saturday. Mro. Eastwood, after a visit with 1 er daughter. Mrs. Staibury, has ieturned to her home in Whitby. Mr. T. !Weisel), who has been visiting at Mr. Chas. !Jitney' s, returned to his !conte In Saginaw Monday. \tr. W. A. Gunn of Toronto, Collector of Customs, vibtted his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Bright. part of teat week. Mr. Geo. Knight, after spending a few days at his old home here, returned to his home in iiderton Monday. Mrs. Vrooman and eh:1d of Harrisburg are hero visiting the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson. Mr. 'Ardaglt Rollins and Miss Maud Itolllnn attended the funeral of Mrs. J. llollina in London on Friday. Mr. A. D. R. Duncan of the Union Bank. 1lillebury, slatted here and at his father's at Farquhar last week. \irs. Statham, who has been vlaftiaa her p:trenta, \Ir. and Mrs. J. N. Howard returned to her home in Acton :attend:ty Mtas Lots 13lrney, who was here at- tending the funeral of n.er aunt, :tire. Russell, returned to Windsor Monday to re•,unt° her duties as stenographer. Mrs. Fred Knight and daughter, after an extended visit here, have returnc•4 to their home In the west. Mise Janet Brown accompanied them as far as Toronto. Mrs. II. C. Cotter, who has been vleiS- ing lase mother Item, Mrs. Thos. Greg- ory. for the last four weeks Ie alerting tier sister, Mrs. \\. 0. Miller of Lon- don, this week. I)r. J. A. Rolling of Ortllla. who had been attending the funeral of Mre. A. J. Rollins, London, spent Sunday in town. shaking hands with old friends. Willie here he was the guest of C. IL Mindere. Mr. John Alclntyre attended the fun- eral in Seatorth on Sunday of the late Sandy Stcntou, who died on Fri lay last, aged 80 years. The deceased. being an old reaident of Scaforth, was well known and the funeral, watch was condu^ted by the Masons, was largely attended. The Hcne:tll basiat bail team is ecp c' - ed 41.ere Saturday to play a retu; n game Rev. \fells of Granton preached educ- ational et rntonle at Matn street church on Sunday. 'Ir. John Taylor and faintly are mov- ing into their ncvv Ionia:: on wellington street this wcck. Mr. Win. Arnold has sold his fine rare horse. Maud A.. to Mr. Patrick of !leer - ton, and alae has since b an shipped to the Statca. Mr. William Wilson has moved to his farm he recently purchased in Estee m', as has also Mr. Edgar Fanson to his farm at Farquhar Contractor Seldon is progressing ra- pidly with the extended contract for tits cement stdcwalka, and soon nearly ev, !y street will have a good stretch of walk. The Coven Preehyttrlan Church is be- ing decorated and painted both inset. and out. The contractors. Messrs. Simp- son and darter of Sarnia, are capable arttets, and when their work Is contpl,'t ed the members and adherents of the churc:a will have a very neat and com- fortable church home. At a meeting of the congregation held on Tuesday even- ing to discuss what torsi will.be taken in regards the re -opening services, it was decided to have a supper and social evening on the Mutnday following the Sunday services. During the evening Mr. Stanhury, chairman of tt.e Board of a1:anagement, outlined the work as under way, and proposed and stated to the meeting that n member of the church had kindly donated to the congregation a complete electric light system for the whole church, coetirg $1 50,0n. This caste as a great surprise to the mem- bers present, and they showed their ap- preciation by a hearty handclap. DiED iN LONDON.—Ueneral regret was felt here on Thursday last when it reverie known that a former Exeter lady Mrs, A. J. itollins. had passed away at her acme in London the previous da r. She had teen 111 during much of the surt,- mer, but was not considered seriwsly ao ut,ttl it few days previous to her de - niter Mrs. Rollins with her husoand and family 'elided here for several yeses and was highly esteemed and resp:cted by all who knew her. Her maiden nanny was Annie Hicks end she le a sister of Mr. Frank Ilkke of Centralia. Rolling was 63 years of age. ana be- sides t.er hushand Is survived by two eons, Fred of le rel' and Sidon at 'tome and tour daughters. Mre. Diamoni 0f Detin t. aliases Li)tan Fwlith and Ruth at l.e.me. 11 e funerat took place to Wcoelend cemetery Friday. Trte rom- a- ! ave cut start,. .: .i t!I y Lt this i- nal Lea event- . The Annual County Convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will he held in alder Street \tethadltt Church on Thursday and Friday, the 7th and 8111 of October. The services of Rev. C. 11. Jones of Goderlch have beer( .secured for TI ursday evening. Mr.Jones tray been activ.ly engaged In Local Op- tlon campaign work and his address can- not fall to lee of great Interest and profit. Mr. W. A. Gunton, representing Mr. .1. J. Kelso. supertntcr.Le•nt of the Depot - ntent of Neglected Children under the Q't- tnrlo Government, was here on Friday and apprehended three children fo David Kirke and laid Information before Mag Intretes Kay and atctlaliutn, with the rr- rult that the magistrates conanti'.t 1 the children to the care of (t.e Child- ren's Aid Society oe the County of Hu- ron. Later the society allowed Mem 1 t g) to rela'lven of M••, Kirk for a six week, trial. This socale. le doing a grand work In removing children front hew.' that are nee such ss 'a :,s:'r the beat growth, physical, -newel roll moral. of the child. The Sunday School Rally at the James Street ['butch on Sunday was very so, - cessful. The scholars attended the morning and Afternoon cervices in n body. Itev. riohert }licks of Crediton pret^lie:I to them in the morning n•t the .ubjeet. ` 11 1 1* lifted up 1 will draw all nen unto Me." and he made it very t:ttereettng by the use of a magnet. itcv. (ricks and Rev. S. F. Sharp of the Prre- byterlan church. gave excellent address- es In the afternoon. The responsive reading of the Bally Day Lesson by the surarintet:dent, t(AC tete and e'hoia.•s. made an Interrrting part of the eta... neon teervice. Mr. Hicks occupied the pulpit in the evening. wncn the service yeas co•.stderat'l a added to by the iewir-- ing of a duet 1.7 atlases Trehle and Tae. 1),. t'oi a en he \1r. Heel. Sout 1'.1'•. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley Oats. new Peas Potatoes, per bag Hap. per ton Flour. per cwt.. family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Eggs Live hogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton Wool ltd ltd IS 50 ail 30 70 75 10 00 10 00 2 75 1 50 155 19 21 7 00 2,1 00 22 00 17 18 Think good thoughtr, but do more than think �NfgeNftgoogmeleoe THE BEST Bread Can only be Rotten from the beet Hour --The totlowmtt brands are unexcelled —Try a hundred next time you bake-- JEWELL (Ontario Blended) ROYAL HOUSEHOLD (Ogit)ie's) 6 ROSES (Lake of Woods) PURITY (waters Canals Flour Mills) Leave your orders or call up Phone 2. q,. R. G. Seldon, Exeter —wpO0000gottv0000ft•004. The Old Way The New to Cure a Cold Way : Take 2.5c Box, Howey's Drug Store. dc.alkic>tla Jai a&AfkatSc & Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can bet installer' as cheap as 0 lumber and last forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These three things are great labor•savers for farmers and ne- cessities on a farm. For safe 1)7 Wm. Gillespie, Exeter PRONE 51 iirmriur ���g Here'sOood News The market prices for old )unk are alive and so is the old reliable firm—M. JACKSON k SON—one door south of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices (no trade and no track) all CASH: Rags 75c per hundred Iron from'G0c to 75c tt Old Rubber Boots} . & Shoes J .7c per ib Copper & Brass 9c t Horse Hair 30c " Lead and Zinc 2ic " IRON PIPE A great,triety of Iron pipe always on hand at a reseon- able price, suitable for FENCE POSTS, BRACING ,t )tOULE\'Altlt1NO M. Jackson & Sons MAIN ST., EXETER. OPPOSITE ELECTRIC POWER HOUSE THERE'S PLENTY CAUSE for eur pride in STAR FLOUR. OU11. ! I 'o-' - keepers tell us it bakes more all 1 a ter bread to the sack than any at 1 1 brand they have tried. Tb1 STAR FLOUR nest time and a. a 1f May are rt; • The trial will 1,01 coat you a cent e t era for STAR is sold at the prl .a ordinary flour. although It 's t more by a good deal. WHEAT wanted at the Mill. HARVEY BROS. 801.K Maar),t('TtItFalts EXETER • ONTA1110 Have You Seen Our Stock Lately Exeter's Leading Hardware T. HAWKINS & SON furniture and Underiaking Parlor Suit East Chair Music Cabinets Sideboards Buffets Dining -room 'fables Parlor Tables Odd Chairs Couches will Ranks Kitchen Cabinets Dieting Chairs Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices Bed Room Suits Mit.ttresses Springs Ilrass and Iron Beds Newest styles and all at popular prices 13ed Couches ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PRONE NO. 32 Special Fall Announcement All are cordially invited to call on us and see our extra showing of Fall and Winter Goods. It will do you good to see them and do ns good to show you our immense stock. All the Fall Wearables are now on our cnuntere, and we were never in better shape to supply your wants, Millinery Millinery For all the Ladies Our large staff of Milliners are now very busy. The orders are already away ahead of them. (;once eptly and kayo your orders and have you Fall Hat good and early. A Visit to Our Show Rooms Will Delight You. New Dress Goods In all this season's most fashionable shades and cloth!. plain or striped. NewL1Ladies' Mantles The new semi -fitting coats in 1111 the 00101•s Of 1 la(k, itis, brown, green or gray. New Girls' Jackets Something real swell ler girls. Nice fancy Boats in green, brown, blue or red. Our New Furs Are all here. The best yet. Huffs, `; ufs, Muffs, ('apes and ('nate. Do not miss theta. New Silk Waists In black, clean) or cern, stlk or net, with new la ;kid trim- mings. New Winter Underwear For ladies and child! en in rat ton, union or pure wool. Soon the time for them. Men's Fall and Winter Wants Our New Fall Suitings arc all in and are real nifty. New Winter Underwear. New Fall & Winter Caps. New Shirts. Ties, Sox, ti loves and Mitts. Men's and Boys' Coat Sweaters, $1 to $2. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing