Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-30, Page 5The Ideal Beverage
palatable, full of
the virtues of matt
and hops, and in
sparkling condi-
tion, is the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges its merit, one need look n.+ further.
ezetrx- abrorate
111 00 if paid In adcaoce,
111.110 a 1 ear if not so paid.
To Culled StatosSabscribers.1.110
s Year Strictly is Advascs.
SANUF.Rs a CRBBCB. Publiahen.
High -Grade
are always a pleasure
to their owners
We have sold and are selling a great
many high-class pianos -and always
at reasonable prices.
Our Numerous Satisfied
Customers is the strongest
guarantee of the truth of the
above assertion.
Our pianos tn•day are the best that
the piauo•inakors produce and our
prices and terms are what you will
Do not be ton quick to believe per-
sons who tell you different from the
above for the purpose of selling you
cheap and, in some cases, trashy goods
at big prices.
Call and see us and be convinced
that what we say we live up to.
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
Tbsy are noted for the quality of their goods.
eTAATiO11D. rt
The Best School 1
The beat time to enter our classes i. NOW.
Weary running the arcc.t and, e.• helmet, the
best traini K school in Western Ontario.
Theo. departments- -
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
flet s money making education. Our gradu•
&WWearein demand and are meeting with sac -
cams (let ma free catalogue now.
Alex. Smith, Ar., has gone to the west.
-Mrs. Dr. Buchanan of Torcerto le 'elm -
/Brig In this section. -E Blake and wife
of Toronto are here visiting at Mre Nen-
bit's -Miss Carrie Ilarrie of Toronto Is
late guest et her cousin Mrs. Corney
Cook. -Mies Nora Petty has gone to the
McDonald Inatitutc at Guelph tor a
course of In.Iruetton -D. Keiser has
been laid up for soar time with a beat-
ing on one ear. -Oro. McEwen has been
putting a now tont nit the salt bio:•k.
wh'rh would indiciate the resuming ot
salt manufacture het:•. -T. Berry and son
arrived home !tom England last week.
They purc'etsed a number of titre horses;
end l . .v. ";;t a elan ov fu:- ; '•
and Mrs. McNaughton of the west have'
been visiting irl this section to- some
time. -
Death. -The death ot Mrs. Jackson oe-1
eurred '.t the t u:n of ,.c .tn ,-. - , .•.
Frank Graham. Loudon Road, Sept 18.
She had tes:ddd there since coming with
her t.u.lhntd from Montreal two yearst
ago The rice ±ed u 0 was a Water of 4'
John Shepherd of Mtnaalt, wars corn
wt LaCh:ute, ai miles from Montreal.and
atter her nr'nnage lived in Scotland for
three year.). Taco returning to Canada
they realddd at Montr@al until two years;
ago. The funcrpl took place to Ilensei'
C'nlon ter atcry. The husband. four sons
and trree daughters survive.
There is m+r.' ratarrh in thisee••tion of the roan
try than all other dioceses put together. and until
the last few tears was supposed to he Incurable Por
a great many years da•tora pronounced it a local dis-
ease aryl prr-rrihed leea1 remedies, and l,y constant•
Ir failini to elite with local treatment, pronounced
it Ino arable. Silence has proven catarrh to be •
constitutional disease and therefor. requires const}•
tut tonal treatment. Ball's Catarrh Cure, nunufae-
ture.l by P. J. Cheney t Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the
only constitutional core on the mtrket. It is taken
Internally in ionises from 10 drops to a teaspoonful.
It art. directly on the blood and mu mu/ surfs, es of
the system They offer one hundred dollar+ for any
.ye it fail. to cure. Send for circulars and tens-
Address: F J. CiIENEY A CO.. Toledo, Ohlo.
told 1,y i+raggiste, 75 rents,
Tate llall's family pills for constipation.
fllyth-Oct. 5 and e.
Goiorlch-Sept. 29, 29, 80.
Klt kion -Sept. 80 and Oct. 1.
Parkhill -Oct. 5 ar,d S.
i t r uasol s -Se pt. 30. Oct. 1.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have always Bought
Hears the
9lgnaru'e • t
There could I: ave been no two opinions
regarding the dcsuriptluns of "Fair"
weather which the patron.; and friends
of the "World's Fair" noted with dis-
pleasure Thursday last. It came with
a morning that looked anything but fav-
orable. low hanging clouds and an at-
reosphere apparently presaging a day's
rain. But contrary to all expectations
it developed into an afternoon of !deal
weather conditions and closed with an
evening perfect and In everyway delight-
ful. The crowd was large, but not quite
as large as previous years under new
favorable conditions. and as a conse-
quence the receipts were not so large.
The dttterent departments were well rep-
resented, particularly that Of the horses
also the Indoor department -in fact the
whole fair was all that could be desir-
ed In point of exhibits. Following le
the list of prize winners: -
Draught -Brood mare. Jno. Campbell ;
foal. J. Canmpbeli ; 1 -yr. old. Wm. Love,
John Geiger ; 2 -year old, Geo. Sloir, A
Pennington. And. Lure; span, }leery
Special -M. Y.McLean's silver cup for
heavy draught breeding mare and tail,
John Campbell.
.pt;cultural-brood mare, Wm. Pep-
per. W. Lamont ; foal, W. Pepper. Ern.
Stelk, W. Lamont ; 1 -year old, W. Pep-
per; 2 -year old, J. Campbell, Alt. Reich-
ert. Ed. Trayor ; 3 -year old, F. Ryckman ;
span, Fred Wlllert, A. Reichert.
General Purpose -Brood marc, l'eter
Dcichert, E. Stelk, T. Conant ; foal. T.
Cocalt, Wm. Pfaff, P. Deichert ; 1 -year
old, E. Stelck, A. Love, Sol. Jacobi ; 2 -yr.
old, Sim. Sararus, Sol. Jacobi, L. Wurnt
3 -year old, J. Decker, Jr., Jac. Weber E
Raeder: Span, D. Schnell, J. Decker, E
James Ifandford, Judge.
Carriage.-Broo.t mare with 'oat, L.
Worm, Itobt. McArthur ; foal, 11 M:Ar-
Blur. L. Worm, D. Schnell; 1 -year °;d,
L. Worm, 1t McArthur : _-year old, G.
Clausius. 3 -year old, tl. Koet ler, Jonn
Decker, Jr., span. Jot n L`dcker; fluggy
horse, J. Gclger, W S. Ruby, 3 hunter.
Roadster.-Crood mare, J. Decker, Jr.,
G. Moir, Sninn & Son ; foal, J. T. Amey,
W. Love, J. reelect-. ,Ir.; 1 -year old. John
Decker,, Jr-, J. Weber, S. Jacobi; 2 -year
1 Rader, D. Schnell. H. Kraft ; 8 -
and. Wes. Miller, JAM. McBride, J.
til , Monier ; span marc.. Wm. Treumner,
Geo. Hepburn. Thos. Sherrill: Ducey
horse. Hy. Deters. Phil. Fassold , Geo.
Todd; Lady Driver, J. Decker, P. Fees
old, Geo. Todd.
Richard Welsh. Judge.
Durham. -Cows, E. Rader, P. Dei -
chert, Jac. Baur; 2 -year heifer, P. Det -
chert, Elmore Klopp; yearling heifer. C.
Haugh, E. Rader. P. Delehert ; heifer
calf, Witt. McAllister, E. Rader 2 and 3,
Other Cattle, -Cows. .7. Haberer E.
tis, Alt. Reichert; 2 year heifer, Jcr.
Itaberer 1, 2, 3; yearling heifer, Jac.
Haberer. E. Rader, P. Dcichert ; 2 -year
steer, C. !lough. E. Klopp 2 and 3; year-
ling steer, C. Bough 1. 2. 3; steer calf.
C. !lough; Jc:Aey cow. W. I1. Hoffman.
Fred Rummel.
H. Smith, Judge.
Long Wool. --Aged ram, Snowden Oras.
yearling ew-, J. Haberer, W. 11. flattl'r ;
cove lamb, J. Itaberer 1 and 2; rant
lamb, W. 11. Battler 1 and 2 ; ewe, E.
Klopp. W. II. Battler.
Fine Wool. -'Andrew Dunkin swept )i.t.
Perk: hire and Tumworths.-
J3roe. a.acpt the Mets.
!lamhurg.t, W. R. Rattler 1 and 2 ; Ply-
mouth Rocks, Snowden Bros.: Black and
nnouth Rocas. Snowden Drop.; Black
Spanlah and Light Brahman. \W. 1). Batt
ler: Dorklnn and lllack Mlnorees, W.
B. Battler 1 and 2; iled Gips. Wendel
Snn t:1 W. P. Battler; White Leghorn,.
Sol. Hechler, G. Clauslus; 3. C. Brown
Leg':orns, W. D. Battler, G. Clauslus:
R. 1. Rede, W. B. Battler; Col. pigeons,
0. Clauslus ; fluff Wyandotte., J. Hab-
erer, J. W. Ortweln; 8. C. Wyandoties,
J. W. Ortwel r 1 and 2; R. C. Mown Ltg-
horno. G,. Clauslus 1 and 2: Aunt Orph-
Ington. Andaluelans, Langshans W. B.
B.tttler 1 nrd 2; Pekin ducks, Snowden
Woo.: Rouen Ducks, G. Clauslus; geese
Con. Treumner, O. Clauslus; Turkeys,
0. Clauslus, Snowden Bros.; Touloos•
geese. Snowden Mos.
T. !i. Cytrlit:g, Judge.
\White Fall wheat, Wm. Roeder; red
fall wheat, 0. Claualus, Alb. Reichert,
W. B. Battler; spring wheat. Jas. Eng-
land 1 and 2, G. Cluuelus ; 6 rowed bar-
ley. A. iletchert, Wm. iloeder ; White
oats, A. itelchert, Alex. Rennie. J. Eng-
land, small peas. 0. Clauslus, C. Treum-
ner, J. Brown: rye, E. Klopp; black bar
ley. W. Dignan; collection grain, O. Clau
acus, It. Neeb; clover seed, 1'. Schroeder
Warren Dlgntti, J. Ilaberer; timothy
seed. E. Rader, W. 1). (latter; grain
sheaves. G. Clauslus.
Wm. Laf.to.,t, Judge.
Col. apples. 0. Klopp, E. Klopp, J. 'lab
ere:: tall apples, C. Treumner, 0.Klopp,
J. Pfaff ; winter apple.,, J. Pfaff. D.
Hough. Sol. Feebler; King Tompkins, 0.
Klopp. C. Hough: snow apples. C. Treum
nor, C. Hough ; Northern spies, W. Dle-
nan. 0. Klopn : Baldwin.. C. Treumner,
0. Haug!: ; It. 1. Greening.. A. Geiger.
W. Milian: Spitzenburg, W. Srnith, D,
Hough . fluent' Rede. I ly. \Wescloa, C.
Tr tremner : it; hurt ['ipp,n, 0. Klopp : Col
do : Rua•ctt. 0. Klopp. Smith & Son ;
Ben Darla, O. Klopp. D. lioug't; Swears
0. Klopp: \t'.' mere, C. Truem:ier, 0,
Klopp: Mane, J. Ilaberer, a, Hechler;
NtlAe n'a ti!uv't. L. ilaod-r, OKlopp;
n.••''•e•-•, t"• ., n. 0. daustus, E. Rader;
Peaauxe . t'. Truemner. L. Rader; C„:•
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Vienna, W. Va.- "I feel that Iowe
the last ten years of my life to Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound.
Eleven years ago I
was a walking
shadow. I had been
under the doctor's
My husband per-
suaded me to try
VLydia E. Pinkham's
egetable Com-
pound and it worked
a charm. It re-
lieved all my pains
and misery. I advise all suffering
women to take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound." - Mae. ExxA
WIHEATON, Vienna, W. Va.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm-
ful drugs, and to -da holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases of any similar medi-
cine in the country, and thousands of
voluntary testimonials are on file is
the Pinkham laboratory at Labe
Mass., from women who have �esD
cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul-
ceration,displacemente,fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains,backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every such suffering woman owes it to
herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a trial.
If you would like special advice
about your case write a confiden-
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkhalln, at
Lynn,Mass. Her advice L free.
sod always helpful. -
Iwork quilt 1:: silk, 11. Krueger, T. John-
ston; In cotta,, W. B. Battler; counter-
pane tuftci, T. Jo:nation. W. H. Battler:
knitted. T. Johnston, H. Rader ; In cro-
chet, J. Decker, sr., Mrs. C. Hess ; In
etching wurk, May McGregor, T. John-
ston : drawn work, J. Decker, sr.; ladles'
wool cape crochet, Mies A. Carlisle. W.
F'ee; homemade carpet rags, A. Keer-
enor, T. Johnston: hearthrug wool,Mtas
K. Campbell, T. Johnston: heartnrug,
rags, Mise K. Campbell, Airs. Forrest ;
wool yarn homespun, Ii. Neeb, J.D^ck-
er, or.: Tidy, t ce het cotton, Miss Maass
tidy knitted cotton, H. Neeb, W. Roeder :
Afghan rug 1n silk. Mrs. C Hees. T.
Johnston, cotton stu, kings, J. Brown.
I1. Neeb; hand sewing, If. Well; wool-
len atockings, knitted fine, 1i. Neeb, Mies
Carllule, knitted coarac, W. 11 Battler,
W. Reeder; farmers' blankets woal,
J. Decker, sr.; tanners' blanket., un-
ion, 11. Hader; quilt sewed on grand
work, H. Well, 11. Rader; Special-lion-
Iton braid lunch cloth, May Mcgregor ;
burnt wood, Miss Maass.
Mrs. W. Fritz, Mrs. W. Recker, Judges
Putter In tub. R. Elliott, W. Smith,
J. Decker, sr.; "t lbs. butter. Miss K.
Ctmpbell, B. Ptile, J. flatterer; butter
prints. A. Kaercher, A. Reichert, G.
Clauslus; Homemade cheese, J. Geiger
E. Klopp; honunntde bread, Mrs. C.
Ileac, C. Truentlte r , c• -!ratted honey, 0
Clauslus, J. Haberer; collection honey.
J. Ilaberer ; Honey in comb, 3. Haher-
er, Cl. Clauslus; quart maple syrup. W.
Smith, J. Decker, sr.
011 painting. Airs. Forrest, Mrs. \W1ek-
wire, 011 painting landscape, T. John-
ston, Mrs. Forrest; water color land
neape, and crayon work, portrait, Mrs.
Forest ; 011 or water color !lowers, Mrs.
Wickwire, Mrs. Forest; pencil drawing
Mrs. Forrest, pen and to sketch, MIR.
\Wickwire, Mrs. Forrest ; painting on
felt, Aire. Forest, painting on .IIIc, Mre.
Wickwire, \flea Maass.
fl. Campbell, Judge.
Maple leaf, T. Johnston; Bouquet of
flowers, Miss K. Campbell, T. Johnston
geraniums, '5tbss Campbell, cacti, T.
Johnston; calla lililes, R. 11. Johnston;
fuchlas, Mrs. Forrest, Miss Campbell.
J. D. /denier, R. J. Drysdale, Judges.
aorta. C. Truemner, 3. Pfaff ; Gloria .fun
dl, C. Treumner, \V Roeder; 20 oz.plp-
pen, E. Kloop, W, Smith ; Talntan
sweet, 0. Klopp, J. Haberer; russett. C
Truenniter, E. Klopp; col. fall pears. .1.
Ilaberer; winter pears, W. 11. Battler;
Bartlett pears, J. Haberer, W. 11. Rat-
tier ; Flemish eleauty, 3. Decker, Sr., J.
Itaberer; Clapp', Favorite, J. Itaberer,
E. Rader ; peachea, Chris Oswald, R. El-
liott: prunes. Mre. C. Hess, J. }laborer;
crab apple, red, 11. Koehler, A. Reich-
ert; crab apples, yellow, I.. itader, 1'.
Delchert; grapes, J. Haberer, Mrs. C.
flea■ ; col. grapes, J. Itaberer, W. B.
Battler; plume, C. Trueman, C. Fritz;
col. plume. 0. Klopp, T: Johnston; ran -
tied fruit, J. Decker, Sr., R. R. Johnston:
special. Wolf River, J. Saruras.
D. A. Oantelon, A. Mittleeoltz, Judas'.
Buggy .harness, Chas. Hartleib ; team
harness. C. Harticlb; col. shoes.
Fritz; col. hardware, C. Ilartlelb.
White elephant potatoes. H. Rehsr
Colorado red, J. Decker, Sr.; Itv-'1
Yorker, A. Geiger, E. Ogee ; variety e nr ly,
A. Rennie, J. Decker, Sr.. Alonza Fos-
ter ; variety late, G. Clauslus, \Vnt. Roe-
der, H. Krueger; Empire. E. G:ea, I'.
Krueger, J. Ilaberer; wt:lte beans, W.
13. Battler, 0. (71aul+lu• bean", any 'arl-
ety, P. Delchert, 0. Clauslus ; yellow
Corn, C. Oswald, 0. Cl.tus'u'; swe't e,r.;
Sol. Dechler. C. Oswald: black sweet
corn. W. D. Battier. J. Brown; red on -
tons. 11. Koehler, Fred Runlet; large
yellow, F. hornet. P. Sehro'der; Dut:'h
setts. Ben Phfllc, 11. Krueger; white
field carrots, J. W. Ortweln, W. Smith,
rel field carrot.:, ! ^^e: 1-r, \V. v, Pet-
tier; red garden earro:.,, W. n. Battle
G. Clauslus; Swedl.tt turnips, John Itcy
Jr., E Rader; red aangolds, A. Kaer-
cher, W. Smith; yellow rnangolds, C.
(tough, W. !loader; Oxford cabbage, W,
Il. Battler, 0. Ctauefun ; Dutch cabbage,
J. Hey. Sr., A. Foster; Spanish radish,
W. B. Battler, lien. Phtllo ; cauliflower,
A. Foater ; pumpkut. ycl'ow. E. itad, r,
1.. Rader: Mammoth pumpkin, it. 1t.
Johnston, iI. 11. Jo^ns'on; squash, E.
itader, G. Clauslus: blood beet., Wm.
Roeder, W. Smith; rooted beets. W. B.
Battler; ;watermelons, N. ilechlr-, J.
hey, Sr.: muskmelons, P. Schroeder, O.
Clauslus: red tomatoes, Smith & Son, H.
Well; yellow tomatoes, W. B. Battler;
special, sugar beet, A. Kaercher.
Embroidered tea cloth. W. Fee, 11.
Well; tray cloth, MIs. V. Maass, I1. Kos
Mee ; centre piece, H. Well, Smith &
Sort; doylies, 11. Well, Mrs. F. Wl•:k-
wi re ; sideboard scarf, E. Klopp ; sofa
Bushton let talk, Mrs. Wickwire, T. Jolut-
Ston; Roman embroidery, Mrs. Wick-
wire; Jewt1 embroidery, Mrs. \W1ckwlr.';
feather stitching, Atlas K. Orreptx 11.
Mrs. J. 0. Forest ; fancy work bag, Miss
V. Maass. Mr'. \W1c•kwlrc : c ol. °embroid-
ery. ?irs. Wickwire, II. Well ; flo:dton
lace handkercl.iet, Mrs. Wickwire, T.
Johnston ; point lace collar, W. Fee. Mrs
Wickwire; Battenbcrg centre piece. Ed.
Wickwire: doyllea, Mrs. Forest. May
McGregor ; tray cloth, Fd. Appel, MIs.
Maass; sldcroard scarf, W. Fee, Mien
Maass; tea rosy, Mrs. Wickwire; shams
Mr,. Wickwire ; col. flattenburg work.
W. Fee, E. Kaerc'ter: Tenerltte 1,e.•. T.
Johnston, C. 1(artleib; netting. W. Ver.
T. Johnston; drawn thread work. R. it.
.lo':raton, H. Well ; col. drawn thread
work. Mrs. Wickwire, fl. Plane; etch-
ing, 1'. Johnston, Mrs. Forest ; pfltow
sham, T. Johnston, R. Phfllc ; sofa cush-
ion, W. Fee, Miss Maass : fancy, apron.
Mies A. Carlisle, J. W. Ortweln: Mlultt
Mellck embroidered cloth, E. Appel, May
tle0regor; )fount Mcifck embroidered
eentre piece, T. Johnston. Mrs. Wick-
wire : laundry bag crochet, 11. Koehler.
\. Kaercher ; crochet lace cotton, Mrs.
C. Hest, E. Klopp: crochet toilet mate,
J. Brown, Warren Dignan: crochet t.et•ie
mats. Mr". Wickwire. Miss Maass ; col.
tatting. T. Johnston, A. S. Faust : Har •
danger centre piece. Miss Maass; knit-
ted lace curtains 1.1 Cotton. H. Neeb; In
wool, T. Johnston.
eaefui.-Coarse woolen quilt. T.;o`n:-
eon ; tine woollen quilt, 11. lto,tder, \W,
B. Battler , coverlet. woven wool. T.Ja'.n-
•ton. Mrs. C. hens . Log rahin quilt,
cotton, II. Rader, J. Decker sr.. Patrh-
work quilt In cotton, T. Johnston. H.
K.-ueger . In silk, T. Johnston ; Crazy
Children Ory
.1. J. Merrier has gone to t he West on
a burliness trip. -Mrs. McWattera little
daughter is quite 01 of pneuntonla.-Itw.
Miller occupied the pulpit in the Evan-
gelical church Sunday morning and af-
ternoon in the church on the 14th. -
Rev. A. D. Glschler attended the Y. P.
A. Ccnventlott at Stratford last week. -
W. H. Gabel and adopted daughter of
flervie visaed here last week. -J. 11.
Schuettler has moved the old stable on
Main street to the rear of the lot, and
Intends hint -Mlle; therein a cement brick
machine. -W. Bowen -Legg, who has
been agent for the Motions Hank stere
for Sonne months. hasbeen moved to
Torocto.litn place litre has been taken
by Mr. Constantine of Clinton. -F. W.
liens has purchased a business site at
tho Steinbach property, fronting on
Mann street from S ]t-tnnie, and Intends
moving hia Jewollry store to the new
location this fall,1
Death. -Mr. Peter Deaver, an aged and
well known resident of the 14th con.
died on the 16th front heart tall'•'
the etfe•cta of a cancer, w:th which he
t'ad teen afflicted for a few months. He
was 72 years of age.. 11' came to this
township 83 years ago. Besides the
•vldow, who la a helpless it:valid, he;
is eurvlved by the following e'hildren,-
Peter of Sebewaing, Mich., Lea, wife o'
John 0. Wein of Stephen; William (.t
the homestead :.\ngeline, wife of JuSeptt
Hoverlcy of Cleveland; Mary Ann, wire
or Oliver Relit -tiger of Detroit ; Cfara,
wife Of sleseph Garman of Berlin. The
funeral to the Dron:on 1..ipc ;vnr`tery
was largely attended. fllntrtetat slm-
pathy 1s telt for the bereaved.
!Mr1IFIer ��
1IIblert.-The death of Joseph Cou••h
nn the 21st Is sincerely regretted by his
many friends and neighbors. Ile had re
aided In Ilibbert for many years and
w.ta highly respected. The Interment
tock place Thursday to M.Taggart's cem-
etery. Ile was 75 yearn of age.
CLINTON-Mr. J. Torrance, manager of
the Wlr giant branch ot the Dominion
(tank and Aon of Mr. John Torramr,
Clinton. left Friday last for Moose Jaw,
Sark.. where a branch of the above 1,11,9
Is being opened and Hr. Torrance wits
rhoe,en to Insltll 11.0 Ranie.
KiPPEN-There paned away at 1'
home of her eon -in-law, Mr. Y. J. Ora -
hem of the London }toad, sou!h of the
village. on Saturday, Sept. 1 9 19, Mar-
garet Sheppard, wife of Alfred Jackson.
after a long attd trying Illness. Mrs.
Jackson was born In tho Province of
Quebec 67 years ago and spent the
greater part of her life In that province,
coming to Kipp' o scene six or seven
years ego wit:. her daughter and so;. -
In -law, )tr. and Mrs. Graham. Sire
leaves to mourn her lues four soros.
three of whom reside 1n Mexico and one
In Ottawa. and one daughter. Mrs. Gra-
ham of Kippen. b,.,ldcs three brothers
Ora -
read two slam: s, Mr. John Sheppard. of
1lensall, b(Hg , .t brut her.
Parisian Sage, the quick acting hair
restorer is now for sale in Exeter at
the drug store of W. S. Cote, and 1s sold
with a rigid guarantee at 'tet cents a
Parisian Sage has an immense sate,
and here are the reasons. -
It 1s safe and harmless.
it cures dandruff In two weeks, by
killing the dandruff germ.
it 'tops falling hair.
It prompt;y stops itching of the scalp.
it makea the hair soft and luxuriant.
it gives ilfe and beatuy to the hair.
it 1s not sticky or greasy.
1: is the daintiest perfum• 1 hair tonic
It Is the best, the most pleasant and
Invigorating hair dressing made.
!eight shy of the druggist who offers
you a substitute; he Is unworthy 01
your confidence.
Perfect Underwear -Fit
Means Perfect Gown -Fit
ANY woman knows that no gown can possibly
I { look well if fitted over ill-fitting underwear.
Watson's Underwear overcomes
n II �r this weakness most common in
most other underwear. The
graceful. snug and perfect fit of
Watson's is knitted into the Un-
derwear in the making. instead
of being stretched in afterwards.
This wonderful glove -fit is per-
manent, regardless of washings.
`% is skillfully
made of the finest
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