HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-30, Page 45zetex lavar�ite,� Sanders dt Crc ecb . Props. THURSDAY, Sept. 30, '09 COUNTY Y. M. C. A. Tee t'.Ird quarterly meeting for this year of the Huron County Committee of tie Y Men's Chrlstlan Aagoelatlon was held In Wenghant Sept. 21st. Pres- ent were Messrs. G. F. Blair, d3detich; J. Scott. CIlnton ; J. McNay. F.gmond- ellic. It. M. 1 ouag. Carlow ; r', Uucnan- an and R. Maxwell, Winghatn ; and the County Secretary, L. C. F'lenting. Atter devotional exercises by Messrs. Flem- ing and Scott, the minute)) of the prev- ious meeting were read e,id co:Mien d. The treasurer's report, whin was as follows. was the,) recelved- Recelets for quarter just .loeed $151.31 D1alursements 455.48 Bal. In trearury at end of quarter 215.99 Estlm. receipts remainder quer. 393.50 Ezpendtturea ,585.00 Probatle deficit for year 191.50 The treasurer, Mr. Scott, recommend- ed that tee tote :.tles not yet canvassed for the year b. cantasscd for the pro- bable dellen, which received the appro- val of the committee. Mr. Scutt recommended that an effort bo made by the committee to but the budgets for future years upon a perman- ent Weise by soliciting pledgee to re- main S. fora; year after year, and ter- minable ret any t imet he pledger finds himself unable to continue the pledge, by givi•tg notice to the treasurer to this effect. This would obviate the necessity of making a yearly canvass, with Re attendant uncertainty. It was proposed by Mr. Blair and duly passed that the secretary be authorised to take up with the Provincial Committee the matter of transference of membership from-: County Association to any town ocity association, to the end that any young man leaving a local ass, -fa - ;ion et any time to go to the city, may havo the balance of the year's member- ship allowed in the city assoctaaon, without further cost, the same transfer- ence to be made always through the County Secretary. The departmental sub -committee, viz., hyalcal, social. educational and relig- ious, were asked for their policies and piano of work for the year in these var- ious departutente. kg these were only of a suggestive character they were re- ferred back to the committee for moie definite cryatalltzation alter which these sub -committees would be authorized to carry their plar..v into effect. The county secretary reported the fol- lowing work done during the quarter by tho local associations. Bible study see 'along With en average attendance of 20 15 Sunday afternoon meetings of sacred song with an average of 15 taking part ; 2 Athletic Mester with 88 and 38 en- tries reep'cttvety, and atter:ded h" • average of 200 people.; 1u social events with an e.vetage attendance of 23: 20 Thy:tieal e•e;nte wttn an average of 2: taking part. Evangcl'ct Melon hue' been sceuree for a month%) wore in the County. lu begirt about October 5th. efr. Flea nit :else re- ported favorably on the work he acc3m- p1i:r!`ei and the txatclit and tnapira ee ho rec.:1%yd at the Silver Day Conference and 'Peening Institute. - Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stuck and Implements. The undersigned Auctioneer hu been Instructed to sell by public auction at LO. 14. CON. 3, STEPHEN. oN THURSDAY, OCT. 7TD, 1008 st 1 o'clock p. m, sharp, Thr following valuable proper)): 1101:el. eieral purpose mare, In foal; gent ral purpose 1 rs..9 )cars old: .•year-old fill), got by Itarolo,:•)van old tee , ire ey ue►ty Dont.; '•year• old gelding, got by Non Parole; filly, 4 months old, Percheron; filly, 4 months old , got by Nqn Parole. CATTLE --1 cows, sepr'ostel to be In . atf; newly- craved ewlycalved cow: co.., due t-, ca'. e; 6 oneq•earold Steen, 7 one -year-old heifer.; 7 Spring canes. HOGS Thoroughhnd B-rt.hire sow, In plc PoteetRY-3 aged gene, to yurine Geese, turkey tee 7 yodng turkeys, 25 hens. DOO - Scotch ('viii• ',Mob. IMi'I.EMENTS-Itinder, mower. 11 hoe drill; all Prost k Wood make; steel Land roller. 531. ester; set of Diamond harrows, 3 naive, Lion disc, Prost and Woad: oultiv.v,r, ['cher Hamilton; Coekshutt walk- ing plow, lai ointon gang plow, frost and Wood; Sharp rake, 2 lumber wagons, tightwagon, buggy, !single cutters, ,'one -hoar, pair of bobsleigh., hay rack, 2,417 tet. 1,latforn. scales, Chatham fanning anal with bagger attachment, gravel box, wagon boa, root pulper, •agar kettles, erind•ston•, 2 sets Of double harness, 2 stn of single harem., 2 bed- steads, spumes► 01 cedar poet.. forks.. hair... show• Olt, spade. and a lot of cave u.eful article.. TRRMS- $5 and under, cash; over that amount it months emelt given on fur jibing approved Joint notes, or discount tit 5 per a til. per annum tor cash tie credit amounts. Alt mast positively be sold as the pro. 'deter hag sold his tarot. B. S. PHILLIPS. ROBT. SANDERS A.11:' Proprietor Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Atoek wet Implements. Zee umlrnigned Au. tiouter has been instructed to sell by Public Auction, on LOT 10. CON. 2, HAI', )JN TUESDAY. OCTOBWlt 3T11, 10(X0 Cotemenriog at 14 o'clock sharp. tL: luhuaiu,, .aluable rrnpert , vfs. 110R.9E3-A rtcultural brood show mare, 7 years Old, sir. -i by Molten Rnrne, heed to King Thnmu: sere -eke teal mare yearsold, *teed by Royal Tom; ser. 'ult.iral 8. ere 3 years old, and by Prior's ih ro, tient to e r Mirth •w, seri. '• , ,1 mares jean ol.t, sired by Albion 111, bred •o k ng Thomas; heavy dr+tth':aldlug1'..rtee ,:e•t by kind Thoma.; draught show ally, trucker. sired by King Thome. CATTLE -3 -year-old row sue to raise in April; 9-yearoid oow newly .•a;.e.i.:-year-old cow due to calve time of sale: 2.yea.-old heifer, newly r dyed; 1 • ear -old row, with calf at toot:Sleet-MA mw. lee rove 3 one year-old heifers;; yearling steer; 2 Sprint etiv,si Y young calves. P01 I.TRY -Anoint 1d)brn* and chickens. S tine ke.e. l ggneeler.11 goring tethers 1111`i.1tMRNTIt- .ssy.Harriebinder, Prat and Woad mower, left. rake, Champion drill, Champion calif. at n, Coe lob.utt disk, 2 gang plows, land roller, Pet of ir'i harrows. wattles, pplow, retailer, truck Wagon, high wagon: new Mikado, pair of Iohsleigha. -toot pulpae, fanning mill; :tune .-ales, Mine IM : hay ra.k, get, el boy, wag., , trw with ••.-k ra, k complete, 2 water troughs, Targe tank; ear. rope and ether ••t of bras•-r•oantesl 'inc..,Nset of plow her D ern, 1.11 '. h.n•1) • -ck, ch. ;• .h.: rye, grain ,►9•11r. cedar pmts, cow tie., Iomhr'. milk tan., sugar het - 1:,,a h :r. eine- -t.. .,;. 1•.....en•1^hain. AIM other articles too numer• i, to mention. Straw, Mar.gotdsat.J Ternlps--CA'H. PCRNi?('R6-- Cook dove. renting stove. 6 din. •tageesee cheep. •^teen d.: -., pails. etc. \,.►r.eneeathepr,prict r 'arming TRRV --Rs aril under. ra.h; (vitt that amotat 1) 'coot .' credit given on furnishing espies e4 Joint notes. 1 per rent per annals off for ease on credit stom Tho.. Csmentn John C.ntp'tell Ada t,oneer Propri.Wr CENTItALIA Mr. '.V. 11. Butt. Jr . left Monday for Torn -to. w ere he will pursue his atu- !e., In medicine, In the third year's ccurc.c.-\era. Lyddon and daughter. Pearl, after a taw days' visit with the terrier's mother, Mrs. C. Anderson. have returned to their home to Iowa. where Mra. Lyddon has been a resident for nearly thirty years. Harte.it tl,,nte.-The Harvest Home in the Methodist Church was a moat en- joyable affair. Large congregations greeted the pastor on Sunday and the song sermon In the evening was par!Ic ularly interesting and profitable. The fowl supper on Monday evening wan a credit to tee ladles of tete church, while the literary and musical entertainment following was much above the average. Addresses were given,by Revs. 1(. Wat- son and W. II. Vance ; instrumentals by Messes Baker and Pennock, solos, by Misses Butt, Elliott and Mr. Andrew Butt, a recitation by Miss Pomeroy a quartette by Misses Pomeroy and Esa- ery and Messrs. Clarence and Harold Duplan, and a duet by Misses Butt and Pomeroy. Rev. W. H., Butt acted as the chairman. About $40 were taken in M the door. D. L. O'Brien returned Monday from spending the week end in Ann Arbor, Mich., where Mrs. O'Brten has been visiting the past month. Mr. Layette and hla daughter of l'latte City, Mo.. havo been visiting their friends Mr. and Mr.,. T. Neil for a few days. - Mr. T. W. Nell has sold his fine farm to Mr. W. 11. Connor of Area, formerly of Clandeboye. We extend a hearty wel- come to Mr. and Mrs. Connor and tam- lly to Centralia, as they will be worthy citizens. etr. Neil has since purchased 5fra. McCoy's tine farm on the front road, a 11t•te north of the village. We are pleased to Learn that Mr. and Mrs Neil are to remain among us. (Too late for last week.) The Exeter 1. air was quite a drawing card from this vicinity. -Mr. Richard 1.u- ker 1.; (ulte 111. but we are glad to learn he 1s somewhat better than he has been - Mr. Albert Church ot Niagara Falls sane a beautiful solo in the Mee)ellst church on Sunday night with tine efte. t - Rev. G. W. Andrews, wife and daught• r Brownie have been renewing acquaint- ancea in the village. -Mr. and Mies Church of Niagara Falls and Miss Gra- ham of London :rave been visitors at the paraonage for a couple of days. --Mr. E. Colwfll is preparing to build a new ad- dition to his dwelling house.- Parsons & Davis are doing a rushing business In butter and eggs. making large con- signments weekly. -Miss Evelyn Simp- son of Lucan spent Sunday here among frlenda..- .tri. A. Bowslaugh, a former resident of this place. was In the village last week renewing acquatntan es and many of her former neighbors and friends were delighted to see her bright cheery face. i1LANSHARD FARMER STRUCK BT TRAIN. ST. ;►TARTS. John Donald. of Planet% ard, while cro.3sertg the G. T. R. track i;n a buggy rear Forman"' The :Yorks, hal: a m to eaat of the junction at t - tion. was struck by theipassenger train from Stratford at About 5.30 Tuesday ever:ir g. Tae engine struck the front wheel of the buggy and the occupant was thrown heavily out of the rig. sustain- ing a fracture of the lee and a scalp wound. Auction Sale Of Choice Farm Stock do implements Kr. Tbos. Cameron has been instructed tosell by Public Auction at LOT 17, N. T. R.. USBORNE, oN TUESDAY. OCT. 12'ril, 1000 at 1 o'clock p.m sharp. the following valuable property, HORSES -Brood mare, draft; good man, draft; general purpose mare; choice yearling telly, draft; choi.•e.urkerfilly, draft CATTLE - Pure -Bred Durham cow, cow due at time resale, uewiy-calved cow, 2 confide* In )tar• -h, 3 choice heifers, 2 year. o d, fat; 3,teen !rears old, 4 stunt year old, 4 heifers 1 year old, 3 calves. leen-Brood sow with litter at fool, brood sow due in November. 14/1.1.TKY--A numbernf fowl. IMPLEMBNTS-- Lumber wagon 3 itb high and low wheels; pair hob.le'ghs, nearly new; 6-11. binder, 6.21 mower; aced dri11, new; sprint: tooth cultivator, new; disk, tau; riding plow, new; riding plow, been used; single walking pew, large 2 -furrow plow, set of hart row., land roller, 'muffler, turnip seeder, fanning null, cutting•box; over-heufhorse•power, all com- plete; set of platform scale., with attarhn,ent for weighing stock; roost Teepee, hay rack. stork rack, lance wagon box, rie%; gravel bon, set of wagon s rings, set of sling ropes, set of double harness, set evilest' harness; cream separator, nearly new; ince• bator, new; washer; machine, Palsy centre whiffle trees, neck -yokes, sho.els, forks. hoes. etc., a lot of trachea hay, 3 acres of choice maogolds and turnips and some tile. Positively so roserve as the proprietor hes sold his fares. TERMS -All .,.ot 115 (tn and under. CASH; over that amount 1: T. •nth.' cretin will be elven on turn• Ishing appro.e•l J int notes. 5 Ler rent per annum off for cash on credit amount& JOHN TUCKER, Prop. THOS. CAMERON, Auct. MAMMOTH SALE of Fara, and Village Property in the Township of )Stephen and Village of Exeter. (1) That chole 53 arree of land lying west of the Railroad and north of Net h:a-k in tb,t IIage of Et• .ter, taking in riser os north, where there ia a deep bad of first-class gravel, well rusted for Cement work, and no waste land. on this property there is a large bank barn, to acres of fa!I wheat and enme small fruit*. This 1s choice land and wiled for growing eta for ti • Canning o;a,•r..r. A. Q. HOMER, I'rnprietnr. (2) Thet 4' + res of land, being northerly part of Lot In, Con. 1, Township of !'.borne. In the Village of Exeter. On the property there Is a stable and never -failing supply of water, and is well suited for gearing and growinggrain. C. Fe. HACKNEY, Prop. (3) All that property Ding between Canning Fartory and Er .)'orator In }:rete►. (4) All tett property Ding east of station, be- tween Station and Carling Street. (5) All that property lying between Wellii:gtou and Victoria Streets. to par•ele 3, 4 and 5 there are some chole a t.a t.t ng sites, and will be sold in lots to rift pureha•er. Thos property belong. to THE CAItLiN(4 EMTATE and must he sold to win.' up the estate. Intending pun -hatters may call at i'kk.on and C'arling's *Mee, Muter, for maps and descriptions of property. (6) Lot 35. Con. 1. t'sboune, toe arrea On the property there are Series of geed hanlwnod bush. stone dealing, large uroto date poultry hoarse, 3 barns and other buildings. Lead is well under - drained, new wire tenors and never -failing supply of . aper. well situated, being one mite from Mensal{ and four from teeter. This is choice farming land and meek seNed to gran. Eas terms c1 rayment. 1V. F`. HOGGARTH, Prop., Henaall. Any or all of these properties nth? be purrha•rd pnnat•ly nn or 'stare the 14th DAY OF OC'T.tIt1:R. If not U,'d pet. at•ly by that date there nal he so;J by public arab, n, without re.erv., at the NETROP(ti.iTAN HOTEi. F•XF:TF:R of 9ATCBI/AY, OCT. :>rH, all one releek s`t tip, all the above named properties Per terms and partkulare apply to the Pr.rprteton or to THO". (':1•fFHON, Aort • F'aiqubar-, Ont. KIRKTON. Mrs. W. J. Tufts, we understand, has sold her tine hundred-ac:e faun to the township of Usborne, btleg Lot B,Suutt, eaat Boundary, to Mr. Milton Gregory o: '1t' same township. Tilt„ le a aple )- did property and well located. -Ileo. Brown o1 Staffa and Rev. Scrawl' ez- 'changt l pulpits on Sunday. -The Direc- tory of tine Fair are leaving nothing un- done towards nutkl,y( the Fair ;his Year the teat in its history. The special at- tr•u'len.s tl.ta year are better than ever and ,.111 be a most interesting feature. The Public Scheele procession, drills, patriotic songs, etc., will be most worthy events, as will also be the speeding con- teets, hitching conteat and the lady drly- era. Kirkton will have the Fair of all fairs this year, therefore no one can at- - • ,',lies ft. — ns FARQUHAR Air. Edward Fannon this week moved from Exeter to his farm a half mile south of the village. -Mr. John Kay has ag:.in rented the Joshua Askton farm for another term. -Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton of Walton are visiting friends arcund Farquhar. -The marriage took place at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Passntore's Thames Road, on Wednesday, of their daughter, lana, to Mr. Cita! of H_ibb.trt township. DASIIWOOD L(p 11. BROKENSHIIte, DASUIWOOD CONVEY. L'J• ENCER. Deeds, Wilts, Mort:eges and all legal Documents caretully and promptly prepared Charges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. • Several from this village and continua ity attended the Exeter Fair last Tu'a- day and report favorably of the sante. -Mra. Miller Is at present visiting her daughter on the Goshen Line. -Mr. Wes- ley Miller got first place for his driver at the Zurich Fall', showing in the three year old roadster class. dr. Phil Faes old got second money for his as single driver at the sante Fair.- Ills many friends stere will be pleased to kpow of the marked improvement 1n Mr. Ja-3b Kellerman!) of late, and hope for a con- tieuetion of the sante till a complete recovery is obtained. -Mr. Simon :tinter !tan disposed ot his property In the village to Mr. Joaeph Wtllert, who will 1n ali 1lkllhood move trent the faro) Into town to spend the rest of ifs days. -The liaises Lillian and Theo Ilartlelb left Op Saturday to commence a term in the Normal School at London. -Mr. Henry L. Kraft 1s now running his cider mill every day except Saturday. -Mr. and Mra. Geo. Koch Intend visiting Mende in Mteeigan In the near future. -Mr. and Mrs. Collingwood of Port Huron ale at present visitors at the honrt of Mrs. Collingwood's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Goasman.-It 1s said that shortly one of our fair sex Is to be married to a proeeercus young man from the !Vest. -The Mtsrses Louisa and Bertha Eldt left last week' for Detroit. CLANDEDOYE Death —There passed away at CI Woe on Sept. 20th one of ape . eke' ,ettlere, in the person of Moses 'Hei- ghts The decca'.ed' came '1roni','nett - ary, Ireland, in the year 1904 'And set- tlr1'1n McGilliv ay.• Mt/ ye.tra'rego he married E:)'..bet'.. dau.hter of- Witham Simpson of eicGtlllvray. T.16 deceased ter s'irv'ved Cy a wife, two sons and dour deugllcre The funeral took place ,..o St James cemetery. A quiet but very pretty -wedding !, k place beat week at the home of Mrs.Hall (a sister of the bride), near Lucan, when ales Laura Blanch Sutton, daughter ot Dr. Sutton, of CiandebeYe. was united in marriage to Mr. iiia laud Hodgins of Ottawa. The ceremony was performed by the tier. Arthur ea. of Lucan. assisted by Rev i I 11.1. 1 :'. - ton, of Dorchester, a brother of the bride. The bridesmaid wan Mies -her Carter of London, and the grooms man, Mr. John !lodging. lit Ottawa, a a brother of the groom. SliiPKA Last week the Advocate copied from the Parkhill Gazette a notice stating that on the 15th the marriage of Mr. John Katz, Jr., and M139 Geiser had taken place. The Advocate is now in receipt of a letter from the Gazette stat - Ing that the report was an error, and we' are pleased to make the corractien. Any lx:raon who would make su:h n false report to a newspaper must eer- tattay have sunk very low in the az'Inl scale. CLINTON.-alhcrt 11. Mc)1rien last week disposed of his harness peaking bunlness, tote purchaser being Mr. Alf. McKeon, a well known former resident of town. GRAND BEND Saturday a fee Ina 1s of picnlekere ar- rived to have a day's outing -all jo:iy good fellows. The lay was an Iden. tone and sports of high merit were taken up, such as boating, retiree bascball, etre In fact it was ail ideal. and we most say they were aa hearty nt.d Jolly a crowd .t9 )Lave graced out Furs for the eeaso't: They say they arc coating swain, and we alert would add. ' ':oma." Mr Matim Grat on, who had reale' Ilrenner'r. Park, moved to llrews'er on Monday. -Mrs. Fritz spent a few days In Zurich last week. -•Mr. and Mrs. Fk. Cermette spent a few dais u) Saa:nrtn last week. -Mr. and Mrs. John Stanton v:.tltea last week in Exeter. -Mc. Torn Wert, I. c): 1 endllng over the arrival ot a young daughter on the lath. -Mr. T4, Cerrlere Is visiting his parents. -M-. C. Lawoon, who has been visiting at Joa. Gill's. lett for his home in Toronto on Saturday. -Mr. and Mra. I1. Harniltat of th' 41'1 o' ltrpren,'f'l'ed herr Fu d y. - Mr. John Statton lost a valuable hor .0 111t week. -Mr. Nelson Itaveile', wt,o has been clerking with his brother, left eeturday. Ile is going farming. -Mr. and eine. Else visited at Zurich last week. -Dere' rumor says there are to hr two weddi;tgs this week. Particulars nett week. ELI M V i LLE Circuit Anniversary Fe :vices wilt be held at Ellmvilte on next Lord's i). - Ite'. G. Kerr of Lucan will prrach morn- t:tg Anft r.rt :rig. Sp ci..l eingl• g by the 'Fllmvllle C=hoir. Special Ofteangs taken et tett, services. On Tuesday rv.• g ::,,w' 4 t Circuit Tea w111 he 4:eel. after wit c t (Lev. It. Hobbs of Exeter sola drlive- I is tainous lecture entitie' "T Trlenrultr Man." 1f you want a pl-as• 1 . • ::.tl•tr ' vrn:ag. coin'. A•1- 1 nnlasion 25c LUCAN. Some few nights ago a sneak thief reached In through the bedroom window of Robt. McNarne. on Alice street and took from his trouper's pocket a watch and $10. On Tuesday night tolloning the front window In the bat' 01 the Cen- tral hotel was forced open and $10 in email silver was taken front tete cash reel. r. On the same night the cellars of John and Janice Coursey, a mile from the village, on the 2nd con., were broken into and a quantity of canned fruit, cream, butter and home-made wine were taken. For the first time in some years the village was visited by a fire on Tues- day evening at ten o' clock that threat- ened the destruction et a number of frame building in the rear of the Cen- tral Hotel yards. The blaze originated from some unknown cause in the stable of Chas. Sproul, and lit less than ten minutes the entire building was a mase of tlantea. The Central Hotel stables were burning in different places near the roof for over an hour, the flames being auccesstully fought from the out- side by the horsemen and from the fn- atde by the bucket brigade. • W INCH ELSEA The fdollo Hing in the report of the September Examinations held In S. S, No. 0. Usborne -Sr. IV., 'otal 480, Em- ma lIcywood tli 2 ; Sr. III., toil' 411►; Inez Creery 355, Edward Kellett 847. Roy Goulding 287, Eric Coward 230: Jr. 111., total 890, Hardwick Cornish 830, Dia Cornish 310, May Clarke 221, Isla Heywood 218 ; Sr. II., otal 350. Gor- don Duncan 308, Lloyd Johns, Y9R ; Jr. II., total 230, Myrtle Washb'un III Lewis Cornish 154, Vera Heywood 144. Jessie C. Ifamilton, 'reacher. EDEN. The to'lowing le the report of S. S. No. 4, Usborne, for September. -Sr. 1 V., A Skinner, C. May, F. Coates, A. Hunter, L. Coates, V. Coates, L. !larding. Sr. III., M. May, T. Eklntter, I. Ford. Jr. III., R. Thomson, V. Pi,,conbe, G. Hue- ter, II. Hunter, C. T' omeon, 1t. Webber, F. Ccatea, V. Hicks: Jr. IL. W. T'•o•n- son, C. Davis, H. Coates ; Pt. II., M.Skin- ner, V. Hicks : Pt, I., 13. Carroll, C. Web- ber, E. Teonteon. F. H. Swan, teacher. McQILLIVRAT. Death. -On Sunday, Sept. 26th. the death took place of one of the best known and oldest pioneers of the township, in the person of Mr. William Dixon. who passed away at the age of 7.8 years and 8 months. Death was due to a growth on hta hand, combined with the infirm- ities of old age. Born near Toronto, he came to McGillivray 61 years ago. For a number of years he followed the occupation of threshing, and later took up farming. For several years he was a townahlp councillor and later deputy - reeve. filling the offices with consider- able credit to hltnlcll arse honor t o the towna!t:p. Ile was Reform in politics. Frigl'sh c'turc't in religion, and highly rc.'p'ctod by all wIro knew him. Mrs. Dison predeceased lint seventeen years. He la nur4ivcl by five sons and two daughters, all residrnt9- either at home or in the immediate neighborhood. They are William, Edward, John T.. Morgan. Julies, Mra. Cook and Mrs. Maguire. The funeral took place to Mare's 11111 remeiery on Tuesday from his late rent- dence, Lot 7. Con. 4. and was largely attended. A pretty wedding took place at Fal- kirk on Wednesday Inst at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Shipley, wit^'1 their dcugnter Belle was married to 'ir. . ilrlrtit Lee of McGillivray. Teo hrhle was attended by her veetcr Nees Lizzie eel lee gror.tn supported by Mr. (ie -o. Lee. Rev. Mr. Geddes performed the ceremony. Atter their return from a :rip to Toronto and Niagara Falls they will Malde on the fourth of McGillivray, Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalogs., Feet J. R', Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A., Principal. Vict.Prioeip.I. THE COLLEGE OF QUALITY 1,000 . Over one thnneand situ. dents enrolled by our chain lest year. it pay. to at- tend a link of thio great ehain,fnr "IN t'Nlc)N TIIKRE iS STRENOTif." Thedemand for nurgred• uates is THREE TINES the emptily. Other schools engage our grndna'es AS teacher., A special course for teachers. (4rnduretee of two semis egn :ire naw earning $2,000 per annum. Three crn)rarr-CoMMMZR• CI.tL. STKNINiit.t('HY and TK1.E(;11.11'71 V. Fall Term Opens Aog. 30. Write for particulars. Clinton Business College lorgr3riv qvier +rwilywlr ORO. $I'OTTON, P.RIN('IPAL THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD orncli. TORONTO ESTABLISHED Iee1 II. Z. WALKIR, President ' Paid-up Capital,110,000,000 =ZANDER LAIRD, Coastal Manager ; Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current 1111 rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons and withdrawals made by any one of them or by the survivor. 124 Exeter Branch --O. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Etc. Etc. Etc. All purchases to be delivered to T. HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE, EXETER. where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. A RANGE should not only look good—it should be all good—We have what could be safely termed the perfect range, up-to- date in the truest sense—known far and wide as the— IMPERIAL-OXFORD FEATURES„— Top lid of ash pan lifts up as one piece (see picture) locks automatically, allowing great freedom in cleaning out ash pan -- which is big and roomy. For sale by W. J. HEAMAN Purchased. Blacksmith Business Having purchased the blacksmith property and business of MR. A. E. PYM, near the Town Hall, I am prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public, and respect- fully solicit the patronage of all the Old Cus- tomers of the Shop, and many New Ones. I believe we can give you entire satisfaction. Yours, David Russell a 4 4 S1 304****000*0.300.)00,,., Wedding Gifts to Let your Wedding Gift he admired, es it carries your heart- iest wishes for home joys. It need not be expensive to be in gond taste. Our qualities are the best and prices the lowest. Cut Glass Our Cut (class is of the flneatcutting and perfect white crystal Silver Our Silver Dept. ie is brim full of nice gnods,dainty designs A. Marchand Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario 4-0.0000000000400100 he Molsons Bank Incorporated 1S..1 Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000 Itest Fund - - $3,500,000 Has 68 Branches in Canada, and Agent. and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the «'ntld. A GENERAL SAltR114O StRINESS TRA1'ACTP.In. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT tititHtll ms at all Hranches. interest alinrsf d nt highest rem rnt rate. - EXETER BRANCH • Agents at Exeter for the I) tnininn Government. D Ca8olr & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. IIL'RDON, Manager.