HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-30, Page 3NERVOUS DISORDERS
Tromptly Cured. by the Use of
Dr. Wiliam' Pink Pills.
1f your hand trembles or is un-
steady, remember that this isa sure
and early si. n of your nervpus eys-
tem being at fault. The mischief
may develop slowly W a worse
Sleet Roasted by Sun'. Rays Has
an upleasaul Taste.
Sun eonkiug—roasting and boil-
ing by sunlight instead of coal or
gas—has ben going on for 300
years. There aro sun stoves that
roast a sirloin or boil a soup to per-
fection. They arc only used, how-
ever, by scientists.
A sun stove consists mainly of a
stage. You feel unaccountably mirror, aspherical mirror, on a
weak and weary after exertion; joint. There is also a reflector. Tne
you lose flesh; you turu against place for pot or slate is so situat-
focal and suffer palpitations and in-
tiigestion after eating. At times
you oro intensely irritable, greatly
depressed and easily worried.
Sometimes sharp pains shoot down
your spine and legs and probably
neuralgia ro'as you of your sleep
ist night. These are some of the
troubles that indicate the presence
of nervous disorders. If these
troubles aro neglected they result
in complete nervous collapse and
Possibly paralysis. Dr. Williams'
ink Pills have won a great. repu-
tation by curing all forms of nerv-
ous disease. The nervous system
depends entirely upon the blood
supply for nourishment; wl,'.1 the
blood is thin and weak the ucrt es
are affected as described. Dr.
Williams" Pink Pills actually in-
crease the supply of good red blood,
feed, strengthen and tone the
nerves, enable them to perform
their functions and dispel all signs
ei a breakdown.
Mrs. Jas. H. Ward, Lord's Cove,
P. B., says: "About two years ago
I suffered so much from nervous
prostration that I was little better
than a helpless wreck. I suffered
from headaches and a constant feel-
ing of dizziness. The least unusual
novo would startle me and set my
heart palpitating violently. I had
little or no appetite, and grew so
weak that I was hardly able to drag
myself about, and could not d:' my
housework. In every way I was in
a deplorable condition. As the me-
o-dicine I had been taking seemed to
c'o mo no good. my husband got a
supply of -Dr. Williams' Pink• Pills.
I had only been ticking the Pills
dor i couple of weeks, when I seem-
cd to feel somewhat better, and
this encouraged inc to continue the
From that
ed that the mirror's rays caa be
focused on it accurately.
A German, Baron Tchernhausen,
was the first sun cook. He began
in 1687 to boil water, and in 1688
t.a had very good success in boil-
ing eggs. Sir John Herschel and
Buffon are other famous names as-
scciated with sun cooking.
In California various sun, cooks
have boiled a gallon of water in
kwenty minutes, roasted (neat in
two hours, and poached eggs in fif-
teen minutes—quite as good time
as the ordinary fire makes.
An odd thing about meat roast-
ed by sun rays is that it has an un-
pleasant taste. This is avoided by
the insertion of a plate of yellow
glass between nkat and mirror. In
all solar stoves the sheet of yel-
low glass figures.
q.. - -
Unique Ceremony Observed Annu-
ally in India.
A strange custom of fire -walking
is carried out annually at Mushira-
bad, a suburb of Hyderabad, In-
dia, on the anniversary of the twen-
tieth day after the death of Imam
Hussain. •
Several cartloads of firewood are
gathered together in an open space
in.front of the "Asboorkhana," and
at midnight the heap is set alight.
The wood burns steadily for some
two hours, the heat_being so in-
tense that no one can stand within
a distance of at least a dozen yards
from the fire. \Vhen it is burnt
out, the live charcoal is spread out
of enly on the ground in the form of
a circle. with a diameter of about
treatment. From on my sig yards. When everything lb
strength gradually but surely re
turned, and in the course of a few
Snore weeks I was once more a well
woman, able to do my own house
work and feeling better than I sad
dono for years. I have since re-
mained well and feel that I o•ss
my good health to the healing pole -
ers of Dr. Williams' fink Pills."
Every other weak, sickly, worn
cut, nervous person should follow
the example of Mrs. Ward and give
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair
trial. These Pills will send new
Hood coursing through the vents
and bring brightness and energy to
tho weak and despondent. Sold into the faro, and run across it,
l all medicine dealers or by wait
without the least hesitation, and
a. 50 cents 'a box from Tho Dr i al! seern to be at home.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, ' •1c -
Ont. 4♦4♦♦♦4♦♦4♦44♦t•4♦+♦444
The car conductor had had n
blgetting the
gooddeal of trouble in t
< ca�
g B
old lady into the car. But at last
his struggles were successful.
"Oh, me I"' she wheezed, as she
settled herself in her scat. "it's :
all this dreadful rheumatism—that's t
what it is. I'm sure, as I used to
Fay to my dear husband, I'm a per-
fect martyr to it."
instantly a benevolent -stoking
old gentleman in the corner was all
ty rnpathy. -
"1)id you ever try electricity,
madanl1" he said kindly. "I used
to be a great sufferer myself from
rheumatism; but in the course of a
short time it completely cured ince"
"Elect rieity, indeeei !" snorted
the old lady. "A lot of good this
it . I should think I have tried it'
\W!'y, 1 was ft ruck by lightning only
a "ar ago. and it didn't do Inc a
tit of good."
ready, two men bearing ``alms"—
standards—jump barefooted on to
this fiery carpet, and walk across
it, not once, but at least a dozen
times. The heat from the glowing
embers is more fiery than when the
good is burning. Thc jumping of
the first two men is a signal to the
others, and soon several hundred
persons have followed their exam-
The strangest, thing about this
unique ceremony is that no one ap-
t ears to receive any hurt.
Even children of all ages jump
Father (very severely) --"Now,
1e,ok here. Jenny. you must not en-
courage that young man to stay so
late every night. It is disgraceful.
What does your mother say about
it t'' Jenny --"She says men have
not altered a bit, clad :•'
Corns cense intolerable pain
Holloway's Corn Cure removes Cot
trouble. Try it, and see what
ktnouut of pain is savekl.
Kindly mention the name of this
paper in writing to astern',
Her ilusband --"Well • it takes
lel., to make a quarrel, so I.11 shut
1 , -"That's just like a
r I ;Sole 11111Von'II sit there
o think mean things."
Nothing in the word is€ueh
a comfort and joy as a
thy, rosy-cheeked, happy
baby. But the price of
Baby's health is constant
vigilance on the part of the
mother. Tho ills of baby-
hood come suddenly and the
wise mother will always be in
a position to treat. thorn at
on,o. No other medicine can
take the place of Baby's Own
Tablets in relieving and cu: -
ing the ills of babyhood and
childhood, and there is no
other medicine as safe. Mrs.
\Wrn. Viggers, Pcrrotton,
4 Ont.., says: ---"My baby was
troubled with his stomach
♦ and was very cross while get -
4 ting his teeth, and did not
t sleep well at. night. I gave
him Baby's Own Tablets with
♦ the best of results. He is no.v
tono of tho best natured ba-
bies one could wish." Sold
4 by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from
j The 1)r. Williams' Medicine
4 Co., Brockville, Ont.
it takes the average man seven-
teen times as long to tell what he
thinks he knows as it does to tell
what he really knows.
NAVE ALWAYS NAD. Owing to the great
venninrity of 'The 1). 8 tlnrrMenthol
Plater nrs•rul puffins
rr, one like It. )lade by Davie A Lawrance
Thc sages of the sillage were dis-
cussing the veracity Of old Si Per-
kins when Uncle Bill Abbott amb-
led ire.
"What do von think about it,
Uncle Bill 1" they asked him.
"Would you call Si Perkins a
c . "7 :3. i-' 1 am1"
errs righty t • -r• of age and have sot• liar ,
\Taal,' answered Uncle Bill
Irred from htdne� and Bladder Trouble
ier Aileen bear t took dnctnr.' medicine slowly, as he theughtfllly studied
but tit no help 1 want to Chant you the ceiling, "I don't know as I'd
ter sending me the sample box of (lin go so far as to call him a liar ex-
t' which helped me. actly, but I know this much ; when
feedin' time comes, in order to get
any response from his pigs he has
to get somebody else to call 'em ter
it is far mere pleasant to preach
than to practice. That's why the
minority praetiee.
i bare taken sit hares of Gin Pills al.
li g•'ihcr, hut int rrtlrf hrAae 1 had taken
Iwor that am•aint. 1 had to stet up some
fright• every fifteen m routes and had to
Use an instrument before 1 (fluid urinate.
Be* I ran he in hod four or five bours
with, ut el -um( up.
W 11. P1F.RC1'.
write National Drug A thrm col Co
11'' t w'. 1 . Toronto 1• r fret. ample
it. , ilar else. 50e.--11 kr 1::4
TIP Caul of ) PATCYacIa otu•4iy
I. VI.ttl 2A'itt•tltIORY cufflse
µ• bmf unu is "choles
brouit,,- or suffers from
Throat, Lumbago. l umPettit. go. Tootts
riche, Neur.I •ta. rician
q, ne::u►o 1I4, Tol.,il
Ua.D,riantutatiou of the
'Bronchial 1 nue,•, lie.3
et. or 1..10.0. Crams.
Ste Slu•,-:es.
or fain. of our
k.n,i. use
Had" al's
Great Curiosities at the Present
At the siege of Rhodes the Turks
constructed mortars by hollowing
out cavities in the solid rock at the
proper angle, and in the arsenal at
Malta is a trophy of the long and
glorious defence of Valetta in a
Turkish gun, about a six -pounded,
composed of a copper tube coiled
ever with strong rope and "jack-
eted," with rawhide. In the same
collection are some antique "quick-
f.rers," breechloaders, with small
bores and immensely long barrels,
l leo
punt, guns. The Malay pirates
put great trust in the long brass
swivel guns called "tela," and in
Borneo these lelas were used as a
kind of currency, largo sums being
estimated in guns.
The Chinese cast excellent bronze
guns (there is a fine specimen of
them in Devonport dockyard), but
so little did they understand gun-
nery that in the so-called "opium
war" the forts of the Bocce Tigris,
defending the Canton River, had
the guns built immovably into the
walls. The Sikh gunners opposed
to England in the two Junjab wars,
though they loaded with amazing
recklessness, shovelling in the pow-
der from open boxes, stuck to their
guns to the last. The blood of the
first pian killed was smeared on the
gun, and the whole detachment
died beside it sooner than retreat.
—Chambers' Journal.
Of the many magnificent features at the
Toronto Exhibition this year none was
more remarkable nor created more gen-
uine interest than the demonstration of
the " Nugget " Shoe Polishes in the Main
The domonstrater polished a shoe with
the " Nugget" Polish and immediately
afterwards washed it. The water ran off
the shoe " like water off a duck's back,"
and the shine was not destroyed, which
proves that " Nugget" is a waterproof
poli'h. Thc shoe was then wiped on a
clean towel, but the polish did not rub off
and soil the towel, which is canclusive
evidence that it will not conte off on the
clothes in wet weather.
The " Nugget " is a leather preserva-
tive which will double the life of your
shoes. • It keeps the leather soft and
pliable preventing the shoe from cracking.
Millions a+e it all over the civilized
world. Try it, and its superior qualities
will he self•evident. At all dealers, tog.
per tin, Black or Tan.
According to a Hindu legend this
is the proper origin of woman.
1 w•a.11tri, the god of the
Hindu mythology, created the
world, but on his commencing to
create woman he discovered that
for man he had .exhausted all his
creative materials, and that not
one solid element had been left.
This, of course, greatly perplexed
Tivashtri and caused bion to fall
into a profound Meditation. When
itr arose from it he proceeded as
follows. He took :— •
The roundness of the moon.
The undulating curve of tho ser-
The graceful twist of the creep-
ing plant.
The light shivering of the grass -
Wade and the slenderness of the
The velvet of the flowers.
Tho lightness of the feather.
The gentle gaze of the doe.
The frolicsomeness of the danc-
ing sunbeam.
The tears of the cloud.
The inconsistency of the wind.
Tho timidity of the bare.
Tho vanity of the peacock.
The hardness of the diamond.
The cruelty of the tiger.
The chill of the snow.
The cackling of the parrot.
The cooing of the turtle -dove.
Ail these mixed together and
formed a woman.
When money talks the majority
of us hear only the echo.
Many a man has noble ai'r.c—but
it is the hits that count.
l N l'
1•%i is NO. 3J (t3
Magistrate F. Rasmussen, of $1r,(
Marquette Street, Montreal, writes
to the Zam-Buk Co. as follows:—
"Oentlemen,-For many years 1 was
troubled with a serious eruption of the
skin, which was not only unsightly, but
at times very painful. I first tried various
household remedies, but all these proved
altogether useless.
" 1 then took medical advice. Not one.
hut I doctors In turn were consulted.
but 1 was unable to get any permanent
relief. Some titne back 1 noticed a report
from • Justice of the Peace who bad been
cured of • chronic skin -di by
lam-Buk, and 1 determined to give this
balm a trial. '.
"ARer $ thoroughly fair test, I can say
I am delighted with it. 1 have the best
reasons for this conclusion ; because. while
everything else 1 trled-salves, embroca-
tions, washes, soaps, and doctors' pre-
parations -failed absolutely to relieve my
pain and rid me of my trouble, three boxes
of Zam-Buk have worked • complete cure.
"In my opinion Zam-Buk should be
even more widely known than it is, and
I have no objection to you publishing this
For eczema. eruptions, rashes. tetter,
itch, ringworm, and similar akin diseases,
Zam-Huk is without equal. It also cures
cuts. burns, scalds, plies, abscesses
chronic sores, blood -poisoning, etc. All
druggists and stores at so cents • box, or
Rost free for price from the Zam-Buk Co..
Employment of Boys May Do stray
With Servant Problem.
lla+vail furning Out Men of Mils
lions by the Score.
There are probably muse self-
made millionaires residing in Ho-
nolulu than in any city twice its
size on the mainland. According
to Van Norden's Magazine, there
are scores of millionaires trade and
in the making in Haw aii.
Men of moderato means last
spring became by fall men of great
wealth after the sugar crop had
been marketed. Small planters of
pineapples of a few seasons ago aro
men of high finance today, expend-
ing hundreds of thousands of dol-
lars annually advertising their out-
put that was not. worth a tenth of
that suns all told ten years ago.
The mon of Hawaii who have cre-
ated opportunities for themselves
create opportunities for others.
Alexander Young, the many time
millionaire of Honolulu, came to
Hawaii a poor Iran, worked hard.
helped organize and conduct the
Honolulu Iron Works which now
makes sugar machinery to be ship-
ped to every quarter of the globe.
retired from hard labor and built
as_his monument a hotel that is
equal to any in appointment found
in London or New York and wit'
a roof garden more spacious than
any on the Continent. He is con-
tent that he has lost a million
maintaining this public palace, for
it is a credit to Alexander Young
and to Honolulu. Its building set
a new pace and the business city
c,f wood was practically rebuilt in
stone and marble.
Trial is Inexpensive.—To those
who suffer from dyspepsia, inclines'
tion, rheumatism or any admen)
arisinif from derangement of the
digestive system, atrial of Parmo•
lee's Vegeta,blo Pills is recommend-
ed, should the sufferer be unac-
quainted with them. The trial will
Le inexpensive and the result will
Lo another customer for this excel-
lent medicine. So effective is their
action that many cures can certain-
ly be_ traced to their use where
other pills have proved ineffective.
"Worth makes the man," sighed
the philosopher.
"True," replied the purely com-
mercial gentloman, "but how much
Why not employ boys as "house- do you think a man ought to be
maids" and be rid at once and for worth l"
all of the everlasting "servant
problem" 1 A London woman It Is an undisputed fact that
v.ho had had desperate experience one packet of Wilson's Fly Wady
with the ordinary servant decided has actually killed a bushel of
to install a boy. She got a bright
and intelligent one from an agent's.: house flies. Fortunately no such
and Ile developed into a most c:.- ; quantity eve ever be found in a
ditable "mother's help." Civil. well kept house. but whether they
clean, intelligent, always willing, l hee few or ninny Wilson's Ely fatly
and invariably quick, the lad prod will kill them all.
ed himself more than the equal of
the average female servant. "Tho
wages boys require are small,"
writes Mrs. Carey, who advocates
the employment of boys, and she
gives some valuable information on
the subject in a booklet which has
just bceu published.
Ignorance is a Curse --"Knout
thyself" is a good admonition. who-
ther referring to one's physical
condition or moral habitudes• The
plan who is acquainted with him-
self will know how to act when any
disarrangement in his condition
manifests itself. Dr. Thomas' Ec-
lectrie Oil is a cheap and simple
remedy for the eradication of pain
from the system and for the euro
of all bronchial troubles.
Smallman—"These are hard
times. I heard of a roan the other
clay who couldn't raise money even
''My dear, the hired girl has
"Well. that's all right. Just drop
a line to your mother inviting her
to visit us. She'll do the house-
work until we can get another
fort that Painkiller lirds more liven to
a hewn -hold than any ether remedy. Frr
all bowel rnmplalnt.. Externally for cu't
and wounds. Avoid substitutes. there 11
but one "Painkiller" -Perry Davis' -25d
and 50c.
"Honest endeavor may go unre-
warded fur a spell, but some morn -
in' it will wake up an' see "Suc-
cess' writ on the footboard."
The superiority of Mother
on Government bonds." Sliinuit— Orates' worm Exterminator I
"Indeed! What was the reason 1" shown by its good effects on the
$inallman—"Well, you see, he children. Purchase a bottle an t
didn't have the bonds•" give it a trial.
It eery housekeeper would nett
Wilson's Fly Pads freely during
the Summer months the hoose Ay
peril mould soon be a thing of the
The constitution gives to every
roan the r~'ht to free speech—un-
le5S he is boarding in a jail.
Very many per'ons die annually
from cholera and kindred summer
oomplaintc, who might have been
saved if proper remedies had been i Kindly mention the name of this
used. If ntt'irked do not stelae in paper in writing to advertisers.
getting n battle of Dr. J. D. K"l-
1•'gg's 1)',sentery ('orclial. the m'di•
When hen a man has enough mnncy
eine that never fails to effect n cure. laid aide to keep him nn 1',1
Those who have used it say it arts ;street the rest of hir clays, be vtib.lt
promptly, and thoroughly subdues to gise „there a chance.
the pain and disease.
VASIANS • 9IAS111101 •
,.t ana•Trcr
S1.Ced .n r•:•f;t off
' t far t . t;.et-ran J
The Veterinary R.ow.ayi
Company. Lmlted,
8 t A :S Ale' ' le •.t E i
1 ruuto, , as fa.
"Father." asked tho son of a He-
brew clothes -dealer, "will these
shirts shrink 1" "Vy do you ask,
Thine soul" "A customer wants
to .know." "Vos dey too big for
'im1" "Yes, father." "Don most
certainly dey sill shrink."
nee. Weak, Wenry. Watery Rye..
Relieved IV Dhu .ne 1.> e 11 1' ' dy. Try
Murine for YourFoe 'Troubles. You
Will Like Murine. 'It Root Ilea. see At
Your druggists. Write For aye Books.
Free. Murine Eye ltenledy Cu.. Toronto.
Jimmie giggled when the teacher
read the story of the Roman who
swam aeross the Tiber three times
before hr-akfast.
"Yon do net doubt a trained
swimmer could do that, do you.
,lances 1"
''No, sir," answered Jimmie.
"but 1 wondered why he tISIs i
make it four and get hark to the
side his clothes were on."
The man who has A talkative wife
may have a whole lot to say. but
he seldom gets a c'hnnce to say it.
.\ bank teller always has sums
thing of interest on hand.
BOYD'R slIORTHAND St'11001.. 1811
A • Youge Bt . Toronto. prepares -opt
pp tent ,tenographere in '9 days by the,
)1OYD SYL-1.A•B11' SY RTESf. Positions seat
cured. Write far catalogue.
1. thektnal of slue/010n that is ✓
profiled by vena It's ol,lest en 1 best business
school. The aritieh•Amede is ausitieia Colts;e
1'. M.C.A. null ting, '1'orout a.
Now open(,r Ftll Term. Start anytime.
H.il! for catat.,Aue.
T. NI w' 51••OV. Priority 11
Ontario 1 eterinary t'ollego
established 18,12, taken over by the ProvinalM
Government of Ontario, 1901. t
Affiliate wish the Univers ty of Tn,nnto unlet tt
control , f the U. pt. of Agriculture of (Ontario. Voile
o,•eni gat t'••.,Ler, le)). Coon* of sru ly eY.-n
thruu h 3 • olege year.. FELTS PER S53d.0S 113. '
Calendar r, n apps icat.on
8. A. A. GRANOP.. Y.R. H.B. Pr:o Iwl. Dept. 1A
words. manic: Ten cents. Arthull
Rice, Grar,hy, Que.
OUR HEAVE CURE euros where others
tall. Sella on its own merits. Rest of testis
monials furnished on application. Ask
your druggt.t 1•, get yon a•mto. ur .end tt�
Oct to Four Brothers, Rectoule. Price $l.
per package. Charges paid to nearest ex.
press office. None genuine without earl
trade mark. f01-11 BROTHERS. on each
package. Try a package and be convinced.
Because other, have tailed is nn reason
why heaves cannot be cured by Lonnie
lour Brothers heave Cure.
in his spare time. Good money. Circe.
latlon Manager, Toronto.
Pale to private families. Acid/
Alfred Tyler. London, Ont.
money or premiums send your nave
and address for our levenile catalogue 0
easv selling household pi erialtiee, Ong
adult Agents 68 page entalogne is else
ready, free on reianost. Canada Silver.
cloth Co.. Toronto. Ont.
we start in business of their own and give
credit. Merchants Portrait Co.. Toronto.
`y ANTED - LOCAL AND Or:' Sinal.
Agents --Liberal contracts to good"
men : apply by letter. continental Life
Insurance Cnnlpany. Toronto. Correa-
pondenre confidential.
Vt i..Ek.N T37 D.
Ladies to do plain and light sewing
at home. whole or spare time; goes;
pay: work sent any distance. e targg-
es paid ; send stamp for full parti-
culars. National Manufacturing
Company. Mont real.
10.8 Print. Altair4 and Surra Greta
lot S.ct',a. &ED. !Amp yU---Irrl,
rated. iar1 P.yie..te. Weft. res
P. -.stet. IRRIUaTLU 1.j311 Co
■ rrytdile Canfield(
;f; "+/- s 11
?. t7.i.;;
`- ql .' 11'1
'? 1--,-•'4l' ; .i ;,,1--:;,-,k....4 . t'
A'� e
P +YL. tut ,ran-:
}'or ''Soeleau" inquire at your
"Does your wife enjoy roughin(
it 1"
"Does she? Say, you should se.
her in a bargain rush."
These Pills Cure Rheumatism. -•f
To the many who softer from rheu-
matism a trial of Parnlelee'a Vego-
table fills is ret onlnt;nded. They
have pronounced action upon the
liver and kidneys and by regulate
hog the action of thess% organs net
as an alternative in preventing (ho
admixture of acid sed bleed that
causes this painful disorder. They
must be taken according to diroe-
tions and flood steadily and they
will speedily give evidence of them
beneficial effects.
"Thr''re no need fur anyone's
horryin' trouble; jest let 'em be►rr
A little money an' the trouble will
take 1„'cr toy itself."
Practically all Canadian drag -
gists. grocers anti reriers! dealers
sell IV ikon's Hy Path. 1f your
storekeeper dui'+ not. ask hint tl hy.
Drug Habits
New -System of Treatment. Recently 1)irro.erect Remedy :tett
Cures Rapidly an.l Permanently.. A1ar.elluus Results obtaii;e,1
that makes our remedy one of the is onders of ,Modern 'lrilicine.
Patients cured secretly at their one' homes against their own
w 111 and know ledge. fso suffering. no Injection., no loss of time,
or detention from business, no bad after effects.
3r31Et 2
3r3EtaE33E3 I
w -e sen.I by mall, free of charge. nor 64 page boob. wblcb hilly el.
plait . our modern system of treatment, of how the Drink. Tobacco
and itreg habits can be rapi dly overcome and cured This book 1.
sent in a plain entelope, sealed from observation. so no one can tel
what your letter contains. Alt torrr•pnuderce abselntell secret as
confident ;al. Address.
DI: 5ILVA INSTITUTE, Suite 200, SS University St. Montreal, Csnade