HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-30, Page 2FAII
kit few, its possession wa starkIIN
orank. MERRY OLD ENGLANDr eni>�et,v
so -ms ��u t:ui�l�tr:� r� ( i f L0.00!yLKsJ
110. Beckoned with the hsnd unto�the closing lecture of te 'fu YIEN the people. --The captain must have
released one of the chains for the NFi :; BY 11.1 ti. .lBut r JO1IN _,
berculesis Congress in England, time being. 'Phis, with the gestate til LL:1\U 1'.1> PEOPLE.PI of. F. !luster Boyd paid high made by fail!, would really gain00.0000tribto the high value of the True Faith CaresrLittle for Formulas t It the great silence among Orientals.
Je wish dietary laws, which, he t Chapter 22, verse+ 1. The defense IIf:'1'101:l:N Tut; i.t\I:S.
Is Concerned With Fruits uitsOccurrences In the La nil Thal
said, had the credit for the well- t Paul made four points in his awn Roger and Donald were about the
behalf : (1) that he was a Jew by Beiges Slijniue in the Com-
!!aeon good health and longevity of birth and training, and had been mo:+t excited buys alive when they
wcrclal 1t o•Id. learned that u regiment of lruopy
the Jews, and particularly kr their elft are saved by hope."-Bom. their religion than about its practi- zealous for the law te, the point of was to spend a week in camp near
immunity from tubercular <IIRd2afCs. \'111., 24. cal fruits. They aro more anxious persecuting the Christians; (2) that
At. the hotel (heat Central, Lon- their home. Their grandfather,
Pt declared the Jewish or Mosaic• Faith is forward and not back-� that their ideas of the divine should he: conversion came through a di -
don, Mrs• Moser, an'en American wo-v ho had been a soldier tette!ier.
laws and those founded upon them ward looking. You may know any be accurate, or that others should cine intervention, and was cote
loan, was rubbed ofjewels valued
laid them alar!;; thrilling talcs of
to be a complete leixt-book of by sins i faith nut by \that he believes so consider them, than they are firmed by a laterrevelationto Ana- a,. $20,000. soldier life.
as t+, the past but by what Ito hopes, that their deeds should reflect and utas (si that after his ce,hversavu Messrs. C. T. Brock & Co. halo When the time at lust arrived It
giene, determines, and has confidence in reveal that divine and higher gory he continued to warship in the tern ecce the royal warrant aP- was sport to watch the soldiers go
fur the future. Faith is that which of character. pie, and received a vision there; feinting theta t\rotechnists to I1.
s wd
Undoubtedly much of this praise ,ingtierces into the unknown v and 11'ben once onechn ats111nessi0f the no els tJew s, (;t ae,dshad sent hinte cf the unbelief
ofthe M. the gKing. 1 marching
tlb\the bandypla ing and
ter cone
ass well bestowed. The Jews hese firings to us its promo.(, gives as vision and hope f theThe hospital authorities at Cos the flags flying; and the older pee
for many centuries been carefully yet c of that which we do ue,i life that religion reveals, when he Gesltiles. entry are sending, their convales- the also seethed to enjoy it.
yet see but w' tete we long tor. It has seen some glimpse of the ideal Fathers -Members of the Santee teat patients to farts houses to re -
.At first the boys watched the do
elaborating rules of conduct and looks back only that the trend of kingdom to which its aspirations dela and rabbis. cu c 1 arc n sill <alu ► from a safe distance,
diet which would enable them to the past may indicate the way of puiut, he is then coneerncc} Duly 3. Cnmalie{ -Thr greatest Sebe!- A grocer at llaytcards Heath has g I
ar of his age among the Jews, and collected 110,000tIlJ,ostngr slumps. but soon they got used to it• and
avoid diseases, preserve health and the future. In making that ideal a reality. -The tubby has occupied his spare were bolder, and one day toward
maintain their existence urdcr the
Cherishingooau memorials of tong ago Itrligiuusly unvre people die re still d to by theme as a manthe end of the week they ventured
will not equip a man for journey surfeit than of starvation, more of exceptional ability. He \vas time for nine years.
must insanitary ruuditiulla, It is lug in tv clay. 11'o c11unvt live by of tc►o many sernlocs and too little callwl rho beauty of iter law." Tho Mayor of Launceston has well into the parade -ground It
Latin -
said that in the Talmud there can the bread our fathers won ; wo service. They become habitual b. The estate of (he elders -Tho been appointed constable of Latin- self.
ee found a law for everything, from must seek our own. We cannat hearers of the word; they exhaust 6nuh+drip. testas Castle b the Prince of Suddenly Roger clutohcd Donald
8. Jesus of Nazareth --The other )'
ending a dead fly in a room to the R•o\'c toward their ideals, for truly' their powers in seeking after im Wales, at a salaryof $5.o0 a enc• by the arm. "Look!" he gasped•
of them have become our common -
and sensation; they have accounts of tdlo snotc�lreforlto Henry James ross a platelay- "The soldiers are coming this
p►opet method of burial. obese place realities. Faith is torwnl'd none left fur expression (Acts 9 and 26)er, was at Kirkham sent for trial way.
laws have been carefully thought moving in the confidence that the Jesus in this way• for the alleged murder of bin wife From one side of the field the
11. Could not see for the glory ofF'
out, elaborated by endless genera- \:uy gets better further an. w 0 !unci) cottage by beating her
troops were marching in double -
out, dead creeds are those that Faith to them is feedingthe enlo that light -'Phis is the only pinto
tions of the best thinkers in Israel, with a stick. smirk time, lino upon line, their
and undoubtedly form the most are packed alwtly 111 the memories
thins, but saving faith always corn- where this explanation of his blind -
The Stick. of street improve- guns gleatnnng in the sunshine, and
vice.Less is given.
urn ►lete text -book on hygiene in of men. ,lranslutin creeds
n cllvea ii oso J cNras tmanrpos osses any more rolls- 14. The Cn,d of our fathers -No- trent in Croydon involves the de the Mounted officers riding ulna
complete that aret gmonition of the almshouses erected the flank. For an instant the two
the world. to everyday living. In a right ion than ho practises; his reli�,on lice that in the mind Of Ananias b • Archbisho Whitgift, in the six- intruders Fed fascinated at the
world no one needs to fear for a is that aspiration and ideal that there was u(1 thought of rupture tienth century. g oncoming ranks
All the same, physicians aro now moment that his destiny will de- has sufficient 'waive told power to with the Jews. A Dudley collier, his wife, and "Do you suppose theyare after
pond en his acceptance of any form cum urn action, the rest is barren 15. All sirs -A stupid avoidance four children were attacked by y pl
inclining to the opinion that the 1 1 us 4" whispered Uuuald•
of statement of truth ; destiny is and often baneful speculation, of the hated word "Gentiles." ptomaine poisoning on account of
"Perhaps t''^ey think we aro
immunity of Jews to pulmonary dis-for each of us the w, rkiug out in- theorizing, dreaming. No man be -17. When ]tend returned to Je seting boiled fowl and beef which spies;" ventured Roger.
'eases results from natural selec- to our lives of comes a saint by dreaming of hea-rusalem-the \isit referred to in bad been twice cooked. They turned to run,
The fishermen of Portwinkle, but stopped
tion. For ages the greater part THE LIVING TRUTH KNOW. yen. Ile is a saint• w•ho, because he Acts 9. 20. Paul had been man Ce rnwall, caught a shark winkle short, for behind them was ari-
hi those whorl wo know as Jews Men are saved by faith, but it believes in the possibility of the time in Arabiaother bc,dy of soldiers, also coin
heavenly, seeks its present realiz-While I prayed in the temple - ing nearly 10 feet in length. It
have been livingin squalid, crowd- `s not by faith in forms of wordsSuch a luau would not be likely to became entangled in a mackerel ing straight in their direction.
id quarters in tl►e esu! insanitary nor faith in forms of acts; it is a�rlle faith we need is that which disesteem Jewish observances' n.
net and caused great damage. There was no tree or wall rhand
mostfaith in the truth they sec, such saves us from taking this world in Fell into a trance -Paul had A Dover newspaper recently to afford them shelter ll ate• the
surroundings. As a result those who faith that forces them to put that many of these experiences. big, bare field, with the lines of
terms of despair, the faith thatprinted an account of a water a-
boutliable to pulmonary diseases truth in their own lives and to secs the universe as essentially the Ig) Get then quickly out of Je ter being caught there. It was soldiers hurrying upon them
flout bad air and crowded quarters bring its will to be done and its vis- expression of the eternal grandness, rusalem-His stay lasted only fif found out later that the "water tit- from front and rear.
died out long ago and left no Off -ion to become the tact of all lives. that believes that there is law, or -teen days. te.r" was an iron tea kettle. Hardly had the two boys start -
spring. in proof of this it is as a Aman from! is deadeforms into living der, and love here, that because it 21, 22. Unto the Gentiles. And Members of the local police force (.ct to run off to one side, in tho
errted that the Russian Jews, who that saves
realities, into higher endeavors, in- believes this works to bring about then gave hint audience unto this oro occupying the pulpit at police
fore hope of escaping that nr►y, when
have been living much more in the to newness of living. the will of the all -embracing lova word -They restrained themselves now bring held at !test services Hall, the charging soldiers began firing
ti than their brethren else- if religion is only a certain fixed Faith is hope, aspiration seeking until Paul reached the point where Sydenham, for the benefit of the their gunand shoutinghwith all
open air t realization. Because it sees the 1-e. could no longer keep hack the force in the'district. their (night. The air was quickly
µherr, die off from pulmonary rapidly dis• set of ideas then one can bo religi- vision of a new heaven and a I1CW hated word, then their violent pas- A London theatrical manager filled with smoke, and then all at
nus without being anything else in earth it labors to brine them hero. Rion broke forth. who inquires a classical beauty for once the soldiers whom they tend
eases in New York City as think ulna. !t is then posstblo to up.It 25. Tied I►im u p with the thongs
as the Italians and others who have think of a religious man who is Looking forward, it lifts em 1 an artistic statuary act, is offering first seen were upon them.
< e from the countr • districts to without any special evidence of his secs the possible good in even the __Stretching the prisoner thatforward b2,500 a year to the lady who comes But the ranks opened a bit, and
c . m )most unpromising; it secs the prom- by means of straps,willup'to the rcyuircvi standard. with laughter and good-natured
crowd into the dirty tenements of faith in his religion
conduct. If, on the ire of spring in the storms of win 1•o in posits for the ScouriIIg. To form n site for a new exam- jokes at their discomfiture, the sol-
tho lower part of the city. other hand, religion is an attitude ter it sees the handiwork of levo 24. 1 am a Roman born --Duman illation hall for the Royal College (hers rushed by, leaving two very
of the life, it is bound to have co- in the ways of pain; it finds the citizenship was acquirable in four of Physicians and Surgeons. Nos. frightened and bewildered young
,a sults in character and :oncluct'
Most people are m ,re concerned promise of the lull lite everywhere. ways: (1) by birth, if both parents F, 9, 10 and 11, Queen's square, men to hurry hone as fast as their
HENRYF. COPE. Bloomsbury, have been purchased. legs could carry theta.
about the philosophical roots of were Rowans; (2) by gratis to cer-
tain districts; (3) by grant for great During the last six months the "This is the clay of the mock
cervico to the state (t) by par
Primrose League of London has en- battle," said their mother, when
Chase. Under Claudius (A. 1). 41- listed 44,921 members, and since its they had related their adventure
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL \\tiling to been ll t all 51) it was cheap. It is assumed
inception tacnty five years ago 2, -to her a feu minutes later. "1
tent the apostle s parents were c.-1- 000,000 members have been enroll- ought to have told yon not to go
zcns. ed. near the camp." -Youth's Compan-
29. Wits afraid ... because he had The total nund►er of visitors to ion.
iNnitN.ITIONAL LESSON, t g d bound him --Ile slid not now loose the Zoological Gardens from Janie --' +-�-•
OCT. 3. him from the chains, simply from ary 1 up to the end of July was
in the seclusion the scouring thongs. 442,077, or a decrease of 33,330 as
1 1 it - e4...001 compared with the corresponding
r,criod last. year.
Tramps who spend the week -end
at Salisbury Workhouse are depriv-
ed of their clothes on Sunday and
are compelled to remain all (tliy in
the cells in a shirt provided by the
The organ in Layston parish
church, Hertfordshire, failing to
play. it was found t hat slice had
1 wilt their nests inside.
rho death oseurrecl at Eitting-
t•ourne (,f Honorary Lieutenant
Charles Austen, aged seventy, who
bud spent fifty-two yenrs in the
royal navy.
Three thousand pounds has been
subscribed to the City Steamboat
Company, Limited, which propos-
es to re-establish a cheap steam-
boat service on the Thames. ka, in Podolia a sixteen -roomed
Suicide whilst inn fit of bad tem- l:.,uro made entirely of paper. This
per was the very unusual verdict
house is enlculuteti by its architect
The struggle for religious liberty
in Russia is going on energetically.
In spite of the C'zar's manifesto
granting religious liberty, the per-
secution of other creeds has con-
tinued unabated, not only against
non-Christian religions, but, as is
usually the case, these nearest the
orthodox church continued to re-
ceive the sharpest hostility. The
01d Relievers, who follow an anci-
ent form of Greek Catholicism be-
fore it has made the state church,
and who represent the greatest
mass of the business men and re-
81e,:table people of moderate mans
have been systematically hounded
and conversions to their form of
belief prohibited. The Old Believ-
ers represent what in other coun-
tiies has been the clean, gelid
middle-class people, whose method
of life and thought has been a con-
stant unpeachment of the estab-
lished church and priesthood.
The Duma passed an act giving
all Citi/ele the right to choose their
cwt religion. and be further allow-
ed to change it an they wished.
Children should have the right to
choose their own religion after the
age of 1.1. This act is regarded in
Ituesia as equivalent to the French
proc•eeclings in separating the
church and state, and the liberal
people of Russia 'exult meth over
the progress attained. Tho repte-
Pentatives of the Orthodox Greek
Church fought this law at every
step with a \indicti\•cness that can
only he found in charch quarrels.
The clericals employed language in
the diced sign that was absolutely
ton obscene to print in any paper
and which quickly drove all the
lt.dies from Cie
11.1SI)0M FOR WOetl?N•
A:; s fair in love ler
Laughter is good le)r the teeth --
1i you lia,e a fine set.
Scree sten think the best my to
eh n is 10 get marcid!.
.1 woman detests a titan who hat-
ters alum >t as much ate (1110 oho
The wife ehould reign in the
house, hoe eser much the husband
tray `term. with them the final ur►ficAteun
many a hied, find. it easy to for- p Home. Thirty thousand " these
get the past when she contemplates ceremonies of a vow whirls they ►nen trio dto break into Jerusalem
the pr. tents. isnot "mulled. As n:1 rt ide•ne" e,f 1 y farce from the Mount of Olives,
t;iris a*, the most. up-to-date
good faith, he is to pay fear All the kit were di.p,r-rd, and the Egyp-
01e:stures in tie,* norld- except sacii6ces, and remain in the tern- titin weeper!
%i hen it et +.os to telling their ages. 1'1c Cantil the fall cerdinane is oh- 39. I am n Jew. of 'l'ar-u' . . re
eervcd• In this way the disaffected citizen ref no mean city ---Tarsus tt ss
hill see he does not r.eg'eet the law. a city of rare culture, devoted to
en -
1 y. a, pmt's the 1•adu►g rule un1stchiis owhimself
practice, tie ae ship there washic l�confi edes, and ntolt►zse- hnnECw/fe.
any a domestic stale.
lie has already declared himself
become a things o
men, for the sake of the gospel. to
the Jews becoming as a Jew, that
h • might gain them.
27.Seven days -The a•ppontc
time for the fulfrlyllnent of the vow
1 1 ion of the temple.
28. Against the people, and to
;law, and this place --A threefold
charge, namely hostility to tho
Jews themselves, contempt for their
law, and desecration of the temple.
This last, charge was supported by
a declaration that he brought
Greeks also into the temple. This
reference to Trophitnus (verse 29),
one of Paul's companions, a Gen-
tile frons Ephesus, was, of cuurse,
Lesson 1. Paul a Prisoner -- the
Arrest. (:olden Text,
2 Tim. 2: 3.
Verse 18. James --it seems to he
established beyond doubt that this
is one of the brothers of our Lord.
l.Jo was the acknowledged head of
the church at Jerusalem.
All tho elders were present -- unfounded. The "l'ourt of Israel
These men constituted the govern- was distinct from the outer court,
mens of the church, together with known as the "Court of the Gen -
James. tilos," and separated from it by a
19. He rehearse(! ono by one - high wall, with inscriptions threat -
Luke was present, but omits the de- ening death to all Gentile intrud-
tails of Paul's narrative, as the e►s. Though Paull was not actual -
ground has already been covered so ly a subverter of the Mosaic law,
fully he had preached that at man was
20. Thou west . how many Saved by faith in Christ. and not
thousands there are among the by words of the law. in this end
Jews of then( that have believed- this would lead to a disregard of
1t was the feast of Penticest, about the law even among the Jews.
twenty-seven years after the nnra-
ctilous gift of the Holy Spirit. The elle: and ... the doors were shut -
greatest problem which had arisen This precaution was, doubtless, in -
during that time Must have been tended to prevent a profanation of
the ono here mentioned, that tho-e the temple by the murder which
they were contemplating.
31• Tidings came up to the chief
captain of the band- This officer of
a thousand men was stationed in
the fortress Antonia, adjoining the
temple, on the hill .1cra. Notice.
therefore, the actuary of the de-
scription, "carne lip to," and
"ran down upon them" (32).
34. Shouted- t,uke is the only
New Testament. writer wlio uses
this word. Both here and in Luke
23. 21, it describes the din of te.
35. The stairs -Leading from the
temple area to the castle. and lin-
cevered, as is shown b the fact
30. Dragged hits out of the tem -
Jewish Christians were all zealous
for the law. To thele Christianity
ens only an improved Judaism, and
they clung tenaciously to all the
Mosaic ceremonials in which they
had been trained. The destruc-
tion of Jerusalem was necessary in
order to stake the complete break
between the old and new.
21. They have hen informed con-
cerning thee -The verb indicates
that at Jerusalem a systematic
teaching had been going on in op-
position to Paul, and as 8 result
great hostility had been aroused
against him.
Then 1raehr. . . . to forsake
Muses --Knot ing as we do. from the t that Paul was able to address the
acts and words of Paul, how per- crowd.
serte<I was this accusation. we can 30. Away with hen __The same
understand the ferocity of his de- cry raised by the Jews against
ntinciatiuns of these malieiuus Ju- Jesus.
daizers. 37, 14. i)odt thou know (trek 1
23-26. 'fhe Ierusile 1 elder., while Art thou not then the Egyptinn t - Right, . ir, Raid ( J Bet-
and conti1ming the 1•b• Evidently the captain knew that le from Newhaven 1" 111e•ppr or
e.ty of the (lrntile.. as gnarantrecl this 1{gypti3n, who for Soule reason fro;n Doier to Oetend and Truk I_rt. and the next day he spoke to
suspected Paul �oain in both cases. fpr. prints(! the serge alt.
"Sergeant," he said,
iter in the• volume.' referred to, �,.11'ciKl► didn't salute the general.
Filly Years Wee Spent Oyer One
Twenty-one years ago Sir James
Murray, better known perhaps as
1)r. Murray. commenced to cont -
pile a new English dictionary. At.
the present the letters M. and P
are in course oI completion, and it
is hoped that Z will be finished in
1912, or close upon a quarter of n
century after the commencement of
the work.
This, however, is by no means a
record length of time for the com-
pilation of an important diction-
ary. 'There is one published in
Aneeerdatn and known as the great
"11'oorden-nock der Nederlandsche
'i'aal," which was commenced as
far hack as 1852. Tho first volume
was published thirty years later,
and at the present time the work
is about half finished. The first
volume of another Continental dic-
tionary, contniniiig A, was publish-
e� in 1803. anal will. it is estiroat-
ed, not he finished until fifteen
years hence.
A geed Wee •,f what the co►npil-
nlion of these important diction•
pries really menus is conveyed by
some interceding figures published
by the London (:lobe. concerning
the dictionary on w)lieh Sir Jaynes
Murray is engaged. it is estimated
that there are 3.1,351,080 words in
the dictionary to the letters men-
tiue<l, and 120.133,704 letters.
There are 9.131 pages in this ace -
tion, and if a man were to rend
such p•,rti'ns as are already pub-
lished at the rate of one page a clay,
his tusk would take him nearly
twenty-six year did and next day spike to the cap- use of during the day.
it the lines of tyJ►e` w(t` Sti0ig'(1 to n. At the base of the tree however,
end to end, the distance covered
llisket •' he said, "Private and surrounding it 35118 built a
would he about 110 miler, or five
8011E Pltl:.111511 Ho1.SI:e.
"Revolving llehvr," .11w) 1f aneion
in 'Trees -Odd Structures.
Instances of eccentricity tin tlto
part of those building and furnish-
ing houses are common enough in
c\ery country. The following in-
stances of freakishness in that way
may be cited in illustration of cer-
tain phases.
in the County Westmeath an Ir-
ishman has built himself n house,
all the windows of which are made
to resemble in outline the backs of
easy chairs, the idea of the eccen-
tric owner being to match the backs
(,f the set of chairs in the dining
A Russian gentleman recently
erected, at i. cost of 8,000 roubles,
4 is his country estate at Savinow•
returned at 11ashingeen recently at
an inquest. on the body of a plan
who hanged himself after a tiff with
his else.
General Staves was a martinet,
ar stickler for etiquette, a ruin with
a prodigious sense of his own dig-
nity, and when Private el. Weigh,
the bugler, one day failed to honor
hits in passing with the customary
salute, he flew internally --into a
towering rage
to last longer than would a build•
ing of brick or atone. The whole
of the furniture, too, is made of
the sante material.
In another instance a landowner,
thinking that the \iew from his
house lacked a church, proceeded to
supply its place by erecting a row
of cottages so designed as to resem-
ble from his side, they edifice re•
qu ired• Approached from the other
direction, however, the sham is at
once manifest.
Some years ago a m'.. of scienti-
fie attainments, as well as of con-
"Knutt," he said that afternoon Re:el-able means, elected to live in
to the colonel, "Private Weigh fail- ,a tree in the suburb of a busy city
e11 to salute me this morning. A - that is, he enjoyed his leisure mo-
!Jench of eligi ettc, sir! A piece needs in the branches of the trio
(•� impertinence- my dignity --haw ! itself. where he caused to be built
See that the elan is scvcrely repri- a p'atform large enough to Recom-
mended.,' neelate easy chairs and such other
Colonel Krintt tremhlcd sad nod.. flrnitero as h • desired to make
Weigh failed to salute the general terneture of brick and stone en -
and n half times the Journey' I,e- yesterday. Please ace that he is oeesirte the sleeping npartnlents of
t•.tcen Dover nrid Calais. and near Rcverolt reprimande,l.'• thin rccctitnc individtnl. Per runny
a ,t3:n is- years this iinique residence was 0 e
of the sighte of the district
Ot,• "f tee t•.Idt':1 he tis,. ever
con<trrl, to d 3335 the filet •,f 3
Frenchn:an's inventive fancy This
was the .'revolting holies," n stric-
t ae•t«ally built upon casters ea
rnk. in order that the occu•
upon Paul n coarse which may dis-
arm his nectisere of their preju-
dices. in she•r•t, he is to ally !tea-
sel( with seine humble Naeirites
(ser Nurn. 0. 1.21) and complete
unable to speak Greek. The han- •f
slit leader e,f the esramens (or if arra aged ie columns, would ex S,0 that he is severely inprlmand
Sicarii), Recording to Jesephus, in- tend nearly twenty-four times asjed."
sl ired his men to murder induct'- lege as 1110 Eiffel Tomer. and over .41,witc here, Rinke," avid the
tial Jews "she were friendly to lie times as high as the Jle,uu:rent'
sergeant next dna to the corporal
--♦ bugler, "give Weigh n r e•1 talk-' t set slight, by cleans of an irises•
ing to. will you 1 He didn't .mute . ion. mechanism, at nay lime roll
:I+e '•ii-, t',11 have .1,1+ trouble ► ,t g
In trying to !i•.e up to vein i-'e'•11s 1" ; the ol(1 general the olh0r dray. ' ,t •+I+Dell, obtAlnut„ hat(•.. t light
lir- "Yes, 1 de. me i,lr:►1 „ a than; Finally the eortr+rel bugler eem- i and air his fandietntcd.
win. pays his toile."t n,t,ni••nteel v it It Prit•nte ei.eigh 1 fano
__j "Leek her,, funny free," Ra'(I he.
"Yes. rur'oul, this i s sin,••gt "if ye!' (1on't ealntc old Poketh;rrk "1t. a ,`'s lit. ,'suer 1 ;1; e^n't
lamb," detInI041 the 1,1 Leber '.est time yell meet him.�th3:.h.',, til. rt,,. 'rat 1`111(•1+ Ms.
"\Thiel! spring!" asked the careful )-,tehg feller, you'll get a [!,,.,ming 1 ( rt(I.t.: - ate It''' r .ee, end life is
clout on the car 'ole!" I I,. t, , t a dna e•ul„r,"