HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-30, Page 125c to JANI '10 Gets The Advocate and Mail and Empire or The Advocate and Montreal Star Take advantage of our it Low Club Rates Try The Advocate Office For Wedding and Busi- ness 8ti tiorier and Cards, Post. rs, 'C kc Bills, and all ki.:l:, of Printing. Type & Styles are ;.a Best • • TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEP'1'E.l1BER 30, 1909. SENDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable We are still doing business at the Old Stand / and are here to do business. This we 3k we are of- fering a. Fine Line of Dress Goods, Very fine Line in STRIPE WORSTEDS, in Suit Lengths, ONLY $1.00 PER 1 ARD. Ex- tra Value at 75c in all the leading cloths and in the newest shades. These price goods are good weights, suitable for Ladies' and Children's Suits. -�•m.SPECIAL' We are showing a GOOD RELIABLE CLOTH at 50c per yd. This is a regular 00c Cloth, but, owing to us having a very large supply of this line, we are going to clear it at 50c per yd. The Best We Have Ever Shown I Ranging in price from $1,2.5 to $3:1.00. FU Also Ladies'Fur-Lined Coats T•. - .- he first year we have handled these, so we are offering EXTRA VALUE; in order to get your trade. Bargain Table - few of those CHEAP DRESS GOODS left. A Special Line of Crockery for This Week Only ! When we will give you A SPECIAL PRICE on all lutes of DINNER and CHAMBER SETS and ODD PIECES. Highest Prices Raid for Produce and Live Poultry ! Butter 19c, Eggs 22c. trade; 21c cash. Dried Apples 5c These prices subject to change. CARLING BROS. GET YOUR FURS from R. N. Rowe 25 per cent discount to clear them out We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries K. N. ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE CVO CCVOCC r CC 7%*00134000-347/.,•• rroresetesal Cards. /. BOOLBTON, L. D. d., D. D. L DENTIST Ember of the R. 0. D. 8. of Ontario and limier Uiiduate of Toronto University. OYFICK: Oxer Uh•►eon a (Carling', Law Ot ee, Ie Dr. Asdsnon's former Dental Parlors. •DR. A. R. KINSMAN,, L. D. s., D. D. II.. Donor graduate of Toronto Unlreristy. DENTIST, festa extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office oyer Otadman a btanbury's omee, gala street I2SNr. Medical [] R BRIOIIT, M. D., M. C. P. a 8. HONOR A.A.a 0radtiate of Toronto Unil cfifty, Two years resident h)•i,•lan lienal Alexandra II . ital, etc. HERE TO STAY! Bus and Dray Calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for Bale. Telephone 41A Stables at ilandford'e Horse Exchange Wei. ARNOLD, Prop, GIRLS WANTED Operators on Ladles \Valeta and Wt:itewear. Good wages. Steady work Tee STAR \I'IiITE\WF:AIt al'Ftl CO. Bcrlln, Ont. Office an. l Residence, br. Amos' Old Stand, Andres FAllNf 1 -Olt SALE. Street, KYKIER. DR. T. P. trci.Ati011L1N Nos !seemed prsetice after spendin • a year (Col. leg.) at Br and C eit,nental Helpmate General lpracticewith .pe :al attention to ):ye,(wlth refrec- 'loo) Itar Nose and Throat. ogee: Dash,.00d, Ont. Legal. DIIC[8OY t CARLINO, BARRISTERS, SOLIO1 tore, Neter'. es. Conveyancers, Commissioner, Solicitors for N eon. !lank, etc. Mossy to Lose at lowest rates of Interest Omea, Ma!n street, Easter, 1, B. Caat.tse, BA., 1, Q. meow MONET TO LOArl. W. hare a lame amount of private funds to leae • farm and vtaatre properties at lee rates of later est. 01,IDMAS R STANL'URY,s Barristers, 8olicitors,lfain,t., teeter Os B.8. PIIILLiPB, EXETER. {losses Attetloaser. Salm stIanded In all parts. Satlefeetlon emirate Wed or s0 pay Term. reaoonable. All orders, left at Advocate Otdee Will 1e promptly attended to. J. SENIOR Agent ('t'nteder..tion l.ifeAssurance Company, also Fire in,urance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -SL, Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER . leWM. ANDBiISON. Licensed Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Dates can tic net le at ire Advo -ate. Meter. or I,c.u> Ktller'n Office, Crcd- Iton. HOUSE FOR BALE An excel 'ret t r: k ttoust •. mcM ri and up -t0 -date. 9' t '^1 3.1 '.!.tin 'street. Apply at this Otftce. The underatgned is offering for sale that sato able 100 acre farts, beteg Lot 8, Con. 3, Stephen, Aliclearcd and in gond state of cultivation. Fences good, well under -drained with tile. About one acre of orchard. Two .tory new brick eottage and bank barn ; also cement silo; three good wells of water and a spring creek. One quarter mile from school and two miles from church. Possession given In the fall. Apply to NEWTON BAKER, CEt1T1L LIA, ONT. FACTORY FOR SALE The undersigned is offc:ing for sale his factory premises on London Ito -td South, consisting of nearly three. .t en of land. brick factory, frame dwelii ,g, goo•1 bank stable, blacksmith shop and other tulldings. Will be sold at a reaocnabhie figure, nt,d on raey terms. Fo- particulars apply on the premises. or by mall to THOMAS i11 AltAN, EAc- ter. Ont. FARM FOR SALE. 100 acre farm in Usb rine, two a:td one halt miles front Exeter, also a brl'k house on Main -street, Exeter, and a car- load of guest cedar pots. WM. 7.t. BLATCIIFORD FIRM FOR SALE. Ons of the finest farms in ireborne Apply to SANDERS & CREECf1, Exeter GRASS FARM TO i1ENT The. unders:geed . as 1,',t' .{,res of first class grazing farms to rent with ahu:td ercm of water. For particulars apply to HENRY EILDEU, Crediton. 1 — CIIEDITON. Quite a number -front the village at tended the Fair at Zurich on Thurs- day and report having spent a pleasant day in spite of tho unsettled weather.— Mr. Parker of the Bank of Conuneree was called to his home In Haiti to one day last week on account of the ser- ious illness of his grandntutner. Since then her death has taken place. We extend our sympathies to Mr. Park- on—Workmen are et work on the ce- ment floor of the bridge at tite east et:d of the village and It Is expected that the whole work will be completed in a short tint..—Frank Taylor has purchased the house and lot at present occupied by \We4icy Dixon.—liths Kate %wicker of London is assisting itt the mllhuery de- partment at C. Zwicker's.—Walter I)u- n'art of Perlin gave our burg a business trip 01. Tuesday.—Last Wednesday the "City Fathers.' declared the half day as a civic holiday. The principal at- traction was a game of baseball be- tween Godcrich, the champions of the north, and our Stat s, :!.t, c!:atmp:ous t r the south. Agood crowd was in attend- ance and a trot game was expected. Eit- her the southern climate affected the !tailors or else the rooting of our fans wu: ked on the v!eilors' nerves ; at any rate their exhibition of ball playing was a dlsaplw:ntm ret. They had a few good c•-ttters, but ot''erwise their work was not up to t he standard. Teddy pitched splendid ball and our boys were on tate spot every time. The visitors' pit:•tier had plenty of speed and big curves, but it took hint quite a while to wind up and then unwind before: hie delivery. It finally ended by our boys winning the game by a score of 8 to 2. The 114111e team has been challenged to play a game In Goderica. A stetting of the team was held on Monday night and the terms have been forwarded north If found ac.'ep /- able the two team: will play off In the course of a few days. Out boys are uaually able to take care of themselves ween away from home, so we are not at all afraid of them keeping up to their standard of playing. Least Sunday the special anniversary services were held in the Methodist Church. Rev. Hobbs of Exeter occupied the pulpit during the day and preached very eloqut nt sermons to large congre- getiona. On ielunday evening a ap'eIal program w -i given by the choir, and all enjoyed the same very much. Revs. Bean of the village, Yelland and Ifobba of Exeter addressed the meeting as well. Their addresses proved very Instructive and Interesting. W. 11. James, wh o has been visiting friends in town for a few days, lett for Su , tneratde, F.E.i., on Tuesday, to resume lila work an manager of the Bank of Commerce In that town. .lames has nxt:ty friends here, who wish hint it :cafe trip, and hope to see him again before long. W I IALEN Mr. and .tiara. Marshal Brock of Strat- ford, who were visiting with (rlettda and relatives around here for a few weeks, left last Monday for Denver, Colo., and r 111 make that city their future home.— Mr. and Mrs. Beach of Chicago are visit lug wilt friends around Zion.—Several from around hese attended the annivere ary at Safntabury on Sunday and ttte fowl supper on Tuesday.—Great Inter - eat is being i aniofeatcd In the event of t)te circuit tea and special Sunday set - vice.' to be conducted by the itev. G. Kerr of Lucan nett Sunday and Tues- day at Ellmvllle church.—Mr. and Mrs. Albert M:Collett of Centralia were genets of her envier, Mrs. D. Iiodgson Sunday. —Mrs. Samuel Milleon and daughter Lily visited at .tr. J. V. Wilson's. on Friday. —Mra. Jos. Morley and Mra. Sutherby returned home Wednesday after visiting with friends at and around Wiarton. ESTRAY HEIFER There came onto the premises of the undersig.,ed, Lot 8, Con. 2, Cabernet, on or about the 80th of August, a ynutg heifer. Owner can have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. SAMUEL HICKS, Centralia P O. FARM WANTED TO RENT. 100 acres, to get possess;.';, in fall. Apply to SANDERS & CiREECH. Euler NOTICE An f am now In the West on a for my health, my book accounts not be collected until 1 return In months. Dated, Sept. 1St!:.— A. PYM. trip W i;l tau E. SALE ItEGiSTER THURSDAY, SEPT 80-•Cleartng Sale of FarmStock and Implements, the prop- erty of Robert Down, Lot 26, Con. 2, In Usbonic. Sale at 1 o'rloek. T. Catncr- on, auctioneer. Clearing sale of high Class Stock and intpilments, on Lot 10. Cort. 2, Ilay, on Tuesday, Oct. Rth, at 12 o'clock noon. ...arp. No reserve as the proprietor Is giving up farming. John Campbell, Thos. Cameron, Proprietor Auctioneer. THURSDAY. OCT. 7.—Farm Stock and implements, the property e' Jo'ut Mc- cullough, Lot 16, Con. 11, E. borne. Sale at one o'clock sharp. No reserve an the proprietor is retiring f: oat the farm. Thos. Cameron, Auct. Wednesday, Oct. lath.—Farm Stet, k, do Intpletner's, and a large quantity of first class m.rngolds and hay, tae property of ![Ilton Bissett. Lot. 12, Clan. 1. Ste- phen ; at 1 p.m. T. Centerun, Auct. TUESDAY, OCT. 12—Clearing Sae of ,'arm Stock and Implenterts, the pr,,;t• orty of John Tucker, Lot 17, Nero Thanes Road, tsborne. Sale at one o'clock sharp. All to be sold without re,ervc an the proprietor has sold his farm. Thos. Cameron, Auct. THE EXETER COUNCIL A special meeting of tate Council was y:•:,1 in the Clerk's office un Monday, Sept. 27th. All the members present. Diacus,liom re chiviug on and over the new cement walks. Motion per Heaman —Catrling—that any person riding or driving on or over the new roads or driveways without first having the same properly protected will be prose- cuted and tined for the damage •Io:te to the walk.—C itrrled. Petitions were received and read for the following walks ;—No. 1—Front the ratepayers on Elizabeth street, from James to Sinicoe. east side. No. 2— from the ratepayers on the south elle of John street, from Ma.n to .\,,drew. Nu. 3—From the ratepayers on the west side of Elizabeth street from James to Sins oe. Nu 4—Froth the ratepayers on the weat aide of William street,- from Huron to the South Boundary. No. ,— From the ratepayers on the south aide of Huron street, from ?slain to Carling. Per Johns—Luker—that the petitions be Mr Trios. Hartnett offered to .,upPiy Lite Council with 200 • feet of cedar lune be- cut to suitable lengths for $2.2 per tecei e.1, di is. .c1 at .::t: station. Par motto:: ,' Luk t — i tcaman—That the of- fer of Mr. Haitnoll be arccpted for two thcurs! t feet.—Carried. I'er Beaman—Luker—that the r k corrc;,pend with the G. T. R. offit regarding cement walks approachh.g the ':.-t fon.—Carricd. l'er Johne—Heaman—that the !t03vc• and Councillor Carling see Mr. Seldom and try to get assurance from him 1,' regards building new walks petitioned for.—tart led. The Rezve and Councillors Jo!tne and Luker wet'. ..ppm :Jul a committee it, regard to mere Ing tenders for the fleet- ing out of the Tall Race front the bridge to the tui!l.—Carr:ed. Jos. Senior, Cleric. METHODIST DISTRICT MEETING Ae EXETER DENOUNCES RACE TRACK CHARTER The Exeter Methodist District Meeting ha i 0 :,seed ttte following resolution.- ' Moved by Rev. C P. Wella, seconded by Mr. Geo. D. Stanley, and resolved. the. tee Exeter Dbitriet or the Lo ido.! Conference of the Methodist church of eanada, having learned of the Issue chart• r to the Metropolitan itaeleg .'• sociation, regret czccedIrt by such asci r, on the part of the department of the sec- retary Of state, fnaantuch as gambling is now Legal during a race meet on the race course of an incorporated association. We are aesuted that this charter teeters faelliti_e for gamb'lu3 ehl !i er: Inineesi to the business. moral and public Intl r- ests of our Dominion, and which will make our land the tramping ground of ganikier/I of lite lowest type taat cannot now operate In many states of the re- public to the 'south of us because driven out by the etrineient Lt.va wale i have there been enacted. "We respectfully but urgently c.tl1 ufo:t the secretary of state to cancel the char- ter at the eariieet poaalble moment. ' We further wish to urge upon the Dominion Parliament at its next session as far as the prerogatives will permit. to nettle once. and for all the questtan of racetrack anti all other forms of gambling, and make such practices il- legal." SAiNT8IJURY Mr. A. Kerrigan spent Sunday at the realdenco of Mr. T. Wilson of McGi11Iv- ray.—Water Is very scarce in this loc- ality at present.—Sidney Hodgins and M Crutl:ere of Parkhill made a bunny Ma trip to this locality last week: A num- ber from /tete attended Exeter Fair.— L. \V. Dechant returned from Tor•rt:a a few days ago, where he played wait the 48th highlander Band at the E-- hit'ition.—%Ir F. A .Dobbs has purchased the le erre tarts of Tho.. Marlton --- Wedding bells can be heard In the dis- tend° around Saihtabury, and the sound is gradually getting louder.—Plowing has connr,enced around here but the soli Is a little hard and dry.—L. W. Derham has received word horst bandmaster. E. T. Murray of The Black Watch, that hie application has Leen accepted for a pos- ition with the 41: 0 Highlander ,kind, Royal Black Watch of Aberdeen, Scot- land, and he will leave for that land on Nov. let or thereabouts. We wish hitt every ttucee.S over the sea. Sum -manful Thanksgivipg —Not In the "o ei o. "t. Patrick's c;.urrh has there been a more successful Harvest T!ianks- giving event than that of Sutday and Tuesday. night late. On Sunday 'arge crowds attended the services at wl.i:h the Rev. D. W. ('oliins of Exeter pre -tee: - e.1 two able and eloquent sermons *a apf're'lative congregations. On Tu •,- day night the usual fowl supper war to red Itt the beer:note of the church, seri the t•rowd via. ) large that It 'onk front 3Iz o'clock t o nine to serve them sill. The ladles of St. Patrick's r'tureh have long since made a reputation fur them- selves in the way of providing for a nu•t- lrry crowd. and this year was no c-- cel't;or.. Everybody seemed doubly satis- fied with what they got, and there was ritee to apart at the close. Ti.is V.I.) the crowd repaired to the itacey Hall in connection with the church, where a high ly plata .. ,•:arrant was ra.dered. The c1:air wits filled by itee. Collins of Ex- eter In hte usual happy manner. Mr. WIII Mcl.^o1 v.te the entertainer and he more than excelled himeeit. Ills tmp••r- 'on'tlen of the dialect of the dlfft.-nit nat.onalit:ea. Itis ludicrous gestures and comic sireirg brought down t'e house, and the Icud laughter and applause Pram all parts of the hall evtdtnced the un- inietake.•ble pleasure of his au11' r'e. selections by Messrs. Babb and Meera e wort veli 1(11de.1d. a:. were attn the hr ,tru','ntals by Mess Mader.. Snort ad- dreases by Rev. Carlisle of Luca') and t,,c p'o'or. flee. ltac^y were pleasing :.,.tures. TheCommittce in charge le to co'gratulsted upon the excellent success of tae W1.010riga:.. Local Items Mr. David Gillis is 01 at his t.otlte. I)r. McGillicuddy spent Sunday at his home in Watford. Miss Ellen Brown Is recovering from an operation for appendicitis in Detroit. Mr. Hugh eieleay has resigned front the (lank of Commerce and gone to De- troit to reside. Mr. Hewitt of Sarnia has taken his place here. Big Mason, the Lumber -Jack Evangel- ist, is coming to Exeter under the aus- pice:, of the Y. M. C. A. from 'Tuesday to Ft iday of next week, for a four days campaign of evangelistic work. On Taves day night he will meet the members in their roosts. On Wednesday night ho will address a mass meeting of sten In Main Street Methodist Church. On Thu's day he will address Dietl also at James Street Church, and on Friday evening he will address a mase meeting of men and women In Main street eitur.l:. Big Ma- son Is a powerful speaker and these meetings should be largely attended. CEMENT WALK 1'ItOTECTION.—Prop- c•rty owners having cement walk front inging their premises, In which is includ- ed a rroasing, should have saiit amply protected by .hardwood scantling and earth or gravel thoroughly placed on either side to prevent the cement being cru.31.ed or broken when driving over it. BIItTHIS Connor.—In Exeter, on Sept. 21th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Connor, a son. Zeller.—On the 1Dth of September at Zurich, to Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Zeller, a son. Witmer.—At the Goshen Line, Ilay, 011 Sept. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Sytvanus Wilmer. a daughter. Simpson.—At Mooresville, on the 26th,to Mr. and Mrs. Moses Simpson, :t son. Don't Monkey with that Cough. Take Howey's White Pirie & Tar Sold only at Howey's Drug Store in 25c bottles. Webb.—At Grand Bend, on the 19th, to Mr and Mrs. Thot. Webs., e. d..,:3hter. MIIRRIAGES 1JIcathee-k.—l'ipt r.-10 London. at the Askin Street Y,ct'.udist parse:,.._ . , l y hey Birk, on Sept. 'lend. lir. 1:rcatt:- wic•k of London, to Mire Louisa Piper of Fzeter. DEATHS Itolline.--lt her home, 24 Lae- c.. i Ave. L'a:don, Sept. 22nd, Away Heels, Nifc of Arlhui J. Rollins. I:1 her ,)SIJ year. Dixot..—Ls MI IJ111;e ay, Sept. 2'i. V1111. Dixon, aged 76 years, 3 months. COOK.—Iii Clinton on Sept. 23rd. Wltl- lant, clde.tt son of Mr. and Sine. Da- vid Cook. Albert st., aged 12 years and 8 months. $lmpeon.—AlJfomeeviUo, on Sept. ..ith, Uic infant son of Yr. and Mrs. Moses Simpson. xew Proviioll SIoi'e Having leased the store property of Mr. J. W. Broderick, Male street,' I beg to announce to the public that 1 have opened out business hn•tho lite of Gen- eral i'rovisions. FLOUR, FEED, STOCK FU. It, I"tESS- ED II.tY, STRAW, ALL KINDS OF SEEDS, GRAINS, ET•'. ETC. The very best grades of floor tax..). on hand Goods dcl!vcred to any pact of tate town We 11...e_ your pat'otlage sly! solicit v call front you Broderick's J. EIOT Old Stand Apples Waited! THE EXETER EVAPORATOR is now open to receive apples, for which satisfactory prices will be paid The Company wilt continue to do Satisfactory Business Bring Us Your Fruit ! Caledonia Evaporator Co. G. W. GOODWIN, Manager. A Good Baker and Uses Little Fuel. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & S GVE STORE