HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-23, Page 8TfIE1tE'S SOME CLASS 10 clothn.g tailored by ua. Doesn't look like a uniform that everybody is wear- ing. HAVE US TAILOR YOU A SUIT or light top coat for wear du: tn'e cool evenings about due. You won't have to be told about the superiority of our clothing when you sea and wear O. You'll have the feel of being well dress- ed, which only first-class tailoring can give,. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario liminess Locals -- Read Them Take' you' lire Chickens, Ilens and Mucks to ,t,'lcurt's—that's the spot for rare raffle(, T\Vo FOR 25 CENTS.—For the remark- ably low price ot 23c. wo will sent the ADVOCATE and MONTREAL STAR or The ADVOCATE and MAIL & EMPIRE to the end of 1909. Subscribe now and get the full benefit of this very low club. If you want to see a swell lot of new tailor-made Jackets riyht down to the minute call at Steeca►t's. telt. ROULSTON desires to announce that his Dental Office will be closed from t'.:e 22nd to the 27th of Sept. In- clusive. $2.00 the pair for the new l-elo Nap Blankets. the nicest blanket dor the mon- ey you ever saw. Stewart. BARBER APPRENTICE WANTEI).— App1y to 1', : prase & Burke, Exeter. Miss Auld is again in charge of the Millinery department at Stewart's. She has jnst returned from the leading Amer- ican fashion centres. See the new ideas she is introducing. MOUND F'OR SALE—Rabbit dog. Good Patter. Apply at this office. Mrs. Thos. Yellow and Mr. John M(or- gatn of Ushorne received a telegram from Chicago requecting their presence at the death bed of their seater. Mre. Janne. 'F'u:ford, nee Elizabeth Morgan formerly of Exeter. They lett on the evening train on Friday the 17th, but when they arrived death had called her some thre, hours. The funeral took place on Monday to Mount Hope Cemet ery, Chicago. RICKS' FORECASTS.— A reactionary storm period la central on the 26th,27lh and 28th. This period leads into the Mercury tdtsturbanee, which begins on the 27th and rune into October. The moon Is in perigee and on the celestial equator on the 29th, and in opPositlon with Earth and Sun on the 80th. Tele period promises sonic of the most de- cided equinoctial disturbances of this autumnal season. The Moon being near eat the earth. on the equator and at Full Moon. so near the time when to sun Is centrally on the equator, In the nature of the case we may expect vio- lent perturbations of the atmosphere. as well as great swells and tidal waves along the coasts and open seas. The crisis of this period promises to be re- tarded. so as to fall on and tow'hing the 2901 to Roth. A very low re dirttg of the barometer at this tante. be positive warning ot violence and danger. Marked storm conditions will prevail over most sections of the country at this time with promise of prolonged die turbancee Into the first few days of October. THE BEAUTY behind a snit is not confin- ed to other clothing estab- lishments. There's a love- liness about our gRarnnente that will simply delight all who come to us --that's eo. For a Nice Tailor -Made Suit this shop has a good reputation Let us make yours W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor. Exeter 14 - 1II44+14fi4+t++4 ++441 r wcrvurivrilr wrirriurvilIF WV' ti !.00AL I)OIN(a. S 4, fieb +gaall► ilk AtAlk ALAl 1Is:try Gould is quite 111 at the •••..•• .,f \I r. Bich. Gould. Mr. Geo. Mantle fu doing nicely and so far Is making a rapid recover y. Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar, accornpal.!- ed by Mra. Rowe leave to -day to visit \tic hie an. Mr N. 13. Cobbledlck of Toronto, for- :nc•rly o. Exeter. l.a. teen clectcd assist- ant secretary of the embalmers associa- tion of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. •Weldenharnnur very pleasantly entertained a number of t:.etr friends at their home, Andrew et., on Friday eveuing. Garvey Acheson, who recently under- went an operation for appendicitis, Is improving nicely and le now able to sit up for a time each day. Mr. Peter Case, London Road Norte, lost a valuable two -year -ofd colt :est week through death, the at:!nt.t1 !tavlrth been found dead in the pa.9turc fi�ld. Division Court was held lit the T,wit Hall on Thursday, Judge Holt presiding. A number of minor eases were dlsponed of and others adjourned to the Deerm- ber court. \fr. T. A. Russell. manager and pres- ident of the Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Toronto, and son of Mr. Thomas Rus- sell, Exeter, was cranking has automo- bile In Toronto when the crank slipped and striking his arm broke it. Lits friends here will regret to hear of the accident. Amongst a ti.rge shipment of pea -nes forwarded to Mr. Wellington Johns of town from Mr. W. 11. Trott, I3eatesv111re the Advocate is in receipt of a compli- mentary basket of as fine peaches as we have ever had the pleasure of sampling. \Ve can recommend thein as being chole e .tnd any person wishing first-class peach es will do well to call on Mr. Johns early and before they are all disposed of. Ac- cept our sincere thanks W. II. and may your shadow never grow leas. APPLES WANTED.—Farmers and otecrs having apples for sale will de well to bring them into the Evaporator whice opened for business haat week. Good prices will be paid. MARRIED.—A quiet wedding was sol- emeized at the home of the groom's els- ter. Mrs. George Young, London, on Mon day, Sept. 13th. when Rev. Wm. Beer, of that c'ty, performed the ceremony that mule Mr. Williams J. Beer and etlae May tauance man and wife. The latter is the third daughter of Mr. Richard Quance, and both she seed Mr. Beer have been esteemed residents of Exeter all their lives and will have the beet wishes and hearty congratulations of their many friends here. After a short trip the young couple have returned to town and have taken up their residence on San- ders street. NARROWLY ESCAPED DROWNIN . —Hata!, the six-year-old adopted daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Wil- liam street, narrowly escaped drown - Ing on Thursday last. Mre. Wilson and the little girl were visiting at Mrs. Wil- son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hor- ney, and the little girl was playing In the yard when she ac•.•fdcntly fell into a tank of water near the pump. and had It not been for the timely assistance of her grandfather, death would have en- sued very shortly. Little Hazel was evidently leaning over the edge of the tank, and losing her balance tell In. Mr. Horny, however. discovered her im- mediately, otherwise a fatality would have been the result. FATTIER DiED.—Mr. W. W. Tartan, on Thursday at noon, received a tele- phone message, telling of the death of father, John Taman, at Blyth, and that afternoon he left for Blyth in Messrs. Martin & Son's auto. The late John Taman was in his 82nd year and had been a resident of Blyth for about 2". years. Ile was a native of Canada, be- ing born near Ottawa. Ile had tern con- fined to the house since last Easter and had gradually declined from a nat- ural freaking auwn of the system due to old age. 111. wife predeceased hint 19 years. Seven daugeiere and three sons survive—Mrs. Samuel Gidley of Blyth, Mrs. Wm ilohhs of Seaforth, Mrs. Wm. Antsy of Brussels, Mrs. L. E. Claxton of Detroit, Mre. A. lturt of London, ;flies Barbara and Mime Sadie of Detroit, J. If. of Chesley, \\'. W. of Exeter and F. J. of Pontiac. Mtrh.. all of wl:ori attended. the funeral. The re- mains were interred Saturday in itlyth cemetery. SAD DEATIL—ln errant insure we have referred tot he severe Illness of Mrs Theinas ltusaell of Saginaw. elle!). This week 1t becomes our duty to record her death. t he c;rcuntstan( es of welsh are Indeed sad. Nut enjoying very good health Mrs. Russell, about three weeks ago. eerily here wit!t her little child to spend a short time with her sister, Mrs. Charles Birncy, Huron street, In the hope that her condition might be improv - cd. The change scanned to brighten her up somewhat and It was thought she was improving until two weeks ago Tuesday when she was taken suddenly down and from that time on her condi- tion assumed a serious nature. Ori Thursday last it was deemed advisable to rctnove her to the hospital In Lot, - don. The same afternoon Ur. Moore per- formed an operation and it was th, n discovered that she was suffering from an acute attack of peritonitis. The op. (ration was a success In Itself, but, In her weakened condition, the shock was to great and in a very short time after qhs huccurnbed. As stated last week Mr. Russell was summoned here from Saginaw and together with Mrs. Bir - 'ley accompanied Mrs. Mussell to Lon- don. The deceased was a native of Out- grew, being a daughter of Mr. Itis Bard Storehouse, who still resides h tl a! village. About seven years ego de,.te- ed moved with her husband to Saginaw, where they have since resided. %Mrs. ltuesell was of a kind heated and lov• able nature and is highly spoken of by all who formed her ac tualntance. Re- sides the aged father and sorrowing husband she leaves to mourn her death one little son just two years old. to- gether with tour rla.(re and three broth- crs—•firs. Wi;ktneo:, of Esconoba.'II'h.; Mrs Nickson of Dakota; Mrs. !topper of Ile:grave : Mrs. iltrncy. Exeter; Mr. James Stonehouse of Dungannon ; Robt. and Joseph sto,.e:,ouse of Belgrave. The remains were taken to 13elgrave for burial. Elmore Senior of Toru..'o es visitit,g .t this Lome here. Miss Jessie Dow hall tcturned from .t month's visit in Orilla. )(las Lots ltlrney of Wtndsur is two, owing to the death of her aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keddy are on a visit to Detroit a.td Fenton, Mien. Was Laura Robinson of Ailsa Cr lig visited Miss Verna Quattce Tuesday. Mrs. P. Flee( r at:d daughter \'iiia have returned from a visit In Hamilton. Miss Loulae Carling returned Wednes- day of last week from a visit In New York. Mrs. It. Knight and Mew Edith Hynd- ntan have returned trau. Ingersoll and Loudon. Mre. 1lcddett, who has b:cn in the Bret for a few weeks, returned home on Thursday last. Miss Irwin, deaconess of the Deaton ices Horne, Montreal, visited Mies Luu. Carling aver Moeda). Mies Edith Gray of Sarepta lett lave week on an extend:d vial: to Chicago, An dover. Iowa, and elsewhere. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers of Brantford is here tido week. Ile has sold his bu•tI Incas in Semi -Ready Clothing there. Mr. Rich. Gould was in Parry Sound over Sunday, being called thele owing to the serious illness of lila brother. Mr. and Mrs. McCauley and children who have been visiting Mrs. McCtult y•s aunt, Mrs. J. Pedlar, have returned :u their home In Pigeon, Mich. Mrs. frank Paisley with her little son, who i.as been visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. J. A. Stewart, left for her home In New York Thursday. Pair VIattors.—Ed. Stewart and wife. James Mesett, Mr. and Mrs. Luttmt, It. Leath:orn, John Evans, of London, Janice Sanders of Woodstock, Mrs. It. Swe:t attd Miss Moore of canton. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Charley of De- ttolt and Mr. and Mrs. James Charley of Mancelona, Mich., visited with Messrs. Ci'arley's another, Mrs. McCombe, and other relatives here last week. Mr. Jos Cobbledick of Calgary arriv- ed Isere Friday to visit at the home of his fatl'er. Ile states that the Woat is on the boom this year In all Ihtes, as 0 result of the big crop and big prices. Mr. Wm. Senate of Oxford. Mich., an old Exeter boy, who Is among the many young men who lave prospered in Uncle Sam's domains, after spending a couple of days with his mother and otner rel- atives, returned home Thursday. Mrs. \Vin. Cornish and Mrs. H. Prowse of Marlette, Mich., are visiting their mother. Mrs. Wm. Dearing. and other relatives here. Lira Geo. Tapson of the sante place is also vislttng here with her sisters, Mrs. M. A. Sanders and Sma lc. The Exeter Council has let the contract for the building of the dant to Mr Jars. Lawson of Crediton, whose tender was the !oweat. Work has already comnten ced on the job. Mr. John Hawkins had his fine driver Injured by Its stepping In a hole In a culvert on London (toad on Friday. Tt.e hole Is supposed to have been made by a traction engine. Mr. Robt. Gardiner's team, which was lett tied in front of the Moleone Bank last Friday, broke away and ran down Main street, overturning a couple of rigs but doing 110 particular damage. TI e team was caught a half mile south of town). Miss Mary and Bertha Mack of Exeter attended the wedding of their cousin, Mr. Jas. Mack, only son of Joseph Mack, Durham, to Mies Sarah Pool, only daughter of William Pool, Toronto. The marriage took place at high noon on Sept. 11, at the residence of the bride's parents, 37 Sullivan street, Toronto. The happy couple left on the 4.30 train for Durham, where Mr. Mack farms the old homestead of 200 acres. The happy couple has the beet wishes of their many f riends. SCOTCH DOL'BL1:S.—Last wick six of the scam games of tite first draw for the kcal aeries of Scotch Doubles were Played with the following result ;-1, Clarke and Gould beat Collins and Sweet, 10-16: Taylor and Lindenfelt beat Car- ling and Stewart, 18-14; ITarrlson and Sparkman beat Levett and Anderson, 14- 1'2; Creech and Davis beat Madman and Pettier ee-17 ; C'I.ristle and Acnceon beat Dickson and May 18-12; Snell and Seldon brat Blatchford and Grieve 29. 21. The acc•und draw was then made and the winners In the Neaman and Weld• n- hatnnaer against Stanbury and llurdon game drew a nye. The other winners in the flret draw for the second galite drew as follows;—Clarke and Oould against Creech and Davis; Taylor and Lindenfelt ag,.In.t Harrison and Spackman; Chrls- tie and /treason agahtet Snell and Set - dun. FAIR NIUIIT CONCEicT—A full house greeted the Evelyn fturktcy Concert ro of New York. assisted by Eddie Pleee of Toronto, on Fair nlgbt, and all 'Fere delighted with the entertainment !n i's entirety. Min Buckley, who Is a pupil of It. Thomas Steele of liew York, tete a wonderful soprano voice and her eve'. number was received wilt' enthuslasnt. Pearl Rust. Hopper's recitations w,:( bright. rate::y a: d pleasingly rendered. Elva efeBroom Laird's violin selections were all that could be desired, particu- larly the selections of Scotch airs. Irene Stevens as atcontpantst perforated her part with equal ability. The comedian, Eddie Pigott, took the house by storm with Itis songs. monologues and imi- tations. This was the first appearance of this company in Exeter, .t•td heedless to say should they ever return they will be greeted by another large and apprrc- 'etice audience. DIED 144 CARDERS Y.—Mr. Devil )tack of town received word Monday of the death of his mother at Carberry. Man at the advanced age of 86 year,. Mrs. Mack was well known In llensall and vicinity. she having iived there for many years. Silty five years ago Mr. Meek and hie young wife carte out from Ire- land. taking up teed Circe Attlee west of Hellman when it was all bus'.. and by faithful industry they succeeded Ir. mak- ing a comfortable home for them- selves. Eighteen years ego they reared from the farm and removed to Carberry, where ten of their thlldree reside, leav- ing Devitt on the eontcetvad tore. T.t.•y built a comfortable home in Carberry ;eel five years later Mr. Mack was casted away at the age of 80 years. etre. Mack Iivleg alone s •:(e. She was qulte act:vr and smett and enjoyed good health al- most to the lest. As an evidence of this for some years she has taken first prize et the \Winnipeg Fa'r for all keds of reales work 5' a is survived by t'vr sons and three deugitt'.rr. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY' Wheat 05 tar Barley 48 511 Oats, new :31 :10 Peas 70 75 Potatoes, per bag 75 Hay, per ton 10 00 10 00 Flour, per cwt., family 8 (KI Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 1 55 Butter 10 Eggs 21 Live hogs, per cwt 8 05 Shorts per ton 24 00 Bran per ton 22 00 Wool 17 18 Mra. (Dr.) Malloy and child have re- turned from a visit In Toronto. 411N0O THE BEST Bread Can only be gotten from the best flour —The tullowleg brands are unexcelled --Try a hundred next time you bake— JEWELL (Ontario Blended) ROYAL HOUSEHOLD (oglisie't) 5 ROSES (Iake of Woods) PURITY (western Cana to Flour Stills) Leave your orders or call up Phone"_ R. G. Seldon, Exeter vistioass 1 Special Snaps Post ()aid Views of Exeter. IOc Perfumes. 10c and 5c Papetries, in coxes. Talcum, Powders. Medicinal and Perfumed Soaps. Hair Tonics, etc. Call and see our goods. No trouble to show at this store. Can. Bldg THE PURITY J. \villi. Powell 1 'aRa' aik alli.allkalkilflcafk al Manure Litters Beatty Bros.' Feed and Litter Carriers Overhead Conveyors. Beatty Bros.' Steel Stalls & Stanchions can be lost:t'led as cheap as lumber and east forever. Beatty Bros.' Load Binder These three things are great labor -savers for farmers and ne- cessities on a farm. For sale by Win. Gillespie, Exeter PHONE 51 Here'sGood News The market prices for old Junk are alive and so is the old reliable firm—M. JACKSON k SON—one door south of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices (no trade and no truck) all CASH: Rags 75c per hundred Iron f rom!GOc to 75c Old Rubber Boots . 7c per lb & Shoes } Copper & Brass 9c Horse Hair 30c a Lead and 'Line 2ic a u IRON PIPE A great variety of Iron pipe always on hand at a reason able prlre, euttel,le for FENCE POtTS, BRACING & hot'LE\'ARIINO M. Jackson & Sons MAIN ST., EXETER. OPPOSITE ELECTRIC PowgR HOUSE THERE'S PLENTY CAC$E for cur pride Its STAR FLOUR. tiouer- keepers tell u■ it bakes more anJ 1• - ter bread to the sack than an/ 'tt t , brand they have toed. TI:1 STAR t L t,Ult next time end q• e If thew are eie • The trial will not coat you a clot re Ora for STAIR le sold at the prl 'e ordinary flour. olteough it is wet", more by a good drat. WHEAT wanted at the Mill. HARVEY BROS. wai.E maNi-em-runF.nv EXETER ONTARIO Have You Seen Our Stock Lately Exeter's Leading Hardware T. HAWKINS & SON Furniture and - Undertaking Parlor Suit Easy Chair Music Cabinets Sideboards Parlor 'fables Odd Chairs Couches Hall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining -room 'fables Dining Chairs Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices Bed Room Suits iced Couches Mattresses Springs Blass and Iron Beds Newest styles and all at popular prices ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 Special Fall Announcement All are cordially invited to call on us and see our extra showing of Fall and Winter Goods. It will do you good to see them and do us good to show you our immense stock. All the Fall Wearables are now on our counters, and we were never in better shape to supply your wants. Millinery Millinery For all the Ladies Our large staff of Milliners are now very busy. The orders are Already away ahead of them. Come early and leaye your orders and have you Fall Hat good and early. A Visit to Our Show Rooms Will Delight You. New Dress Goods in all this season's most fashionable shades and cloths. plain or striped. New'LLadies' Mantles The new semi•fltting crate in all the colors of black, blue, brown, green or gray. New Girls' Jackets Something real swell for girls. Nice fancy coats in green, brown, blue or red. Our New Furs Are all here. The best yet. Ruffs, Scarfs, Muffs, ('apes and Coats. Do not amiss them. New Silk Waists fn Itl:u k, cieatn or ecru, Qtlk or net, with new 1,1 aid trim- mings. New Winter Underwear For ladies and children in rot ton, union or pnr.t wool. Soon the time for then). Men's Fall and Winter Wants Our New Fall Suitings are all in and are real nifty. New Winter Underwear. New Fall & Winter Caps. New Shirts. Ties, Sox, (Jlovc5 and Mitts. Men's and Boys' Coat Sweaters, $1 to $2. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford (10thing