HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-23, Page 7TILE ONLi' WAY I FAMOUS PIPES OF PEACE.
I.liquetle of the Calumet Observed
TO GOOD HEALTH by American Indians.
When sou read an aecceunt of the
cooclusiou of a treaty with the In -
is to Keep the Bled Rich, Rea !Inti diens you aro pretty sure to find
tl•at the calumet was brought out
Fire by Using Dr. Williams' and hassled around. The calumet
Fink Pills. is a pipe of peculiar construction.
The bowl is of red sandstone, and
the stern is of reed, about two and
a half feet long. The steal is de-
corated Ka}i w011teil'e hair and
fclttlict's, %%hich hang from it like
a fringe.
This pipe is the famous "pipe of
peace," used by the American In-
dian. After a treaty has been con-
cluded. tho pipe is produced and
filled with tobacco. It is then hand-
ed to the representatives of the
be well, and that is through the party with whom the treaty has
tonic treatment supplied by Dr. been made, and they must take at
least one whiff of it. It is after -
The only way for every girl and
woman to bo well and at her best
Is to keep her blood rich and red
and pure. Impure, weak blood is
the cause of the wretched feeling of
languor and faintness, pains in the
back and sides, headaches and all
those other indescribable sufferings
which makes the lives of so many
growing girls and women a daily
torture. There is one sure way to
Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peo-
ple. These Pills actually make the
new, rich blood which growing girls
and women need to make them well
kind keep them well. Thousands
cif mothers and their daughters
have found an effectual cure for
anaemia, general weakness, indi-
gestion, palpitation, nervous dis-
orders, skin troubles and other ail-
ments in 1)r. Williams' Pink fills.
Mrs. J. 1'. Moses, Brenton, N. S.,
says: "Last spring and summer my
daughter's health gave out. She
had no energy, was very pale and
nervous, and had no appetite. As
the usual remedies given in such
cases did not help her, wo became
much alarmed, and on tho advice
of a neighbor began giving her 1)r.
Williams' Pink Pills, Wo could
5000 see an improvement., and as
she continued to take the Pills she
gained in weight and vigor; her
Dolor returned and her whole sys-
tem seemed to bo built up again.
She is now the picture of health and
joins in rec'nmmending Dr. \Vil-
lianls' Pink Pills.
These Pills are sold by all medi-
cine dealers or will be sent by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
52.50 by addressing The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Proposal to Erect One to Conunetu-
orate Ills Services.
A meeting of prominent Euro-
peans and Indians was held at Cal-
cutta recently to concert measures
for the erection of a statue of Lord
Kitchener to commemorate his ser-
viceS to India. The Chief Justice
The Maharajah Tagore referred in
eulogistic terms to Lord Kitchen-
er's services to the Indian army.
The Maharajah of Burdwan :;poke
i.i a similar strain, and paid a high
tribute to t ho Commander -in -
Chief's military genius and pow-
ers of organization.
The sum of £9,000 was collected
as a start, the Viceroy giving .1:50.
It is commonly assumed that
soap is used in shaving for the pur-
pose of softening the hairs, but this
is a mistake declares a writer in a
contemporary. It is used, on the
contrary, to render then' hard,
stiff and brittle, in which condition
they best yield to the razor. Hair
being naturally oily, were we to
shave dry or with water only, the
razor would either slip over the
bine )fair without cutting it or, en-
tering about half may, bend the
flair bark and slice it lengthwise,
1111 the while straining it most pain-
fully at the roots, and as a razor
mould thus slice and pull out pro-
bably a large number of hairs, at
mice the inconveniences and dis-
comforts which one experiences in
'Laving under the existing condi-
liens would be considerably inten-
Many times during the hast rear er en,
?sate we gratefully ministered the 'Mena
Id work dune in rasing life and property
by our sarin* servants and intcntinne
engaged in their duties. Some receive
'more prated. than other. but nne of the
meet pnpnlar of the many ntorerty •svlrK
device .h -,an this year et the Toronto
EIbibltlnn was that celebrated rnntponni.
the "linger t•• shoe polish which 'arra
Inllliens . f &hors annually for rrin!n
e11 ever the civilised world who ase it.
Ftrirtly eneskinir the "Morsel•• ghee PO.
1eh 1e a Ire'her p stile which will
1•nn1.)c the life of tour hoots end needs
essay to be tried to convince the most
intense interest In Ile snn.rinr enslities
Wee treated at the Toronto E,hil'itini
where shoes wrrr remises, with -Nouse.
Palish and immediately eftcrw•'rdi wort.
lull The water ran off the shoe -like.
water elf • duck s heck • and the shine
wee net destroyed. pvntinv that it 1s a
welterlrnrf polish. The etre was •see -i
priced with a clean towel. hut the Polish
it'd net en% off end sail it. wh'rh It
r.•-•• family. It watt nothing more 00
P1n.lte etidrn-e 1)1111 0 will int come
OR on the clothe. in wit weather.less than the killing, under the
At all dealers, tie per tin. ! most atrocious circumstances. (.r
_--•1. _ the mother of Prince 14-Iuia. esti•
Mar a man has w.•n eat 1.y },it ( was r,fassinatot1 one March night
ir.alr.' I fo ria:iic t hat hl' wast in IRIS. at the Fur'tenhof, no,
It Ili j•l•. d. the leading hotel of t he town of
1 Mtyslowitz, in Nerthe'lgtcrn Ans-
rAtnc' may come to a manand- trio. hot formerly (he arrest rat
cit lily Red go just as qui, k's - I chateau of the Sulkowskis. While
the actual deed w:ls clone by pea-
1 sans A. who were able to effect their
l /* (' escape to Ameri• a. all the eviden• e
o n t v row Old• I went to show, in the most conclu-
lls r d with gray hair whin Dr. 1 S've fashion. that one of the unf .r -
't • - • 'nral Brit Real:Iratlte will ttlllate woman's younger tont.
boss 1 • s to Its natural .o:i r. e•en
th“iiirh ,t t . • teen '
p.•r.,.•v nor • flair f�onyll�ersirnr�bn.t;p etll'cimiUan Slllk"w'Pki. was rerptrn-
and use n.' r i.,.,.•, 1, i.t for the crime, and morally
m 1 t Is and
the other ' • e• thr mors in ` ii1111ty tlf matricide.
south An •r, 1 hair It e. it ail not
insure the and ,s • •• :r.•uwe to Are •
�•It wr .., .,, r me
feiurrr,l t'',,r n•. . . • told)••'rf
Nothinst ruing the mesal d:ges-
ThF res• Dol.. -t i i 1.1 , o I titan quicker than •pity converse -
IS wood t+l. Iorentri tion•
wards passed around among the
Indians present, who also take a
whiff of it, and that ceremonial
ratifies and slakes sacred the com-
pact that has just been entered in-
to. The passing around of the calu-
met is au act of hospitality, and a
refusal to take it is considered a
dire offence.
Before a rainstorm, a cat nearly
always washes its face. Why? Some
claim that the atmosphere excites
the electricity in the cat's fur, and
to overcome the tingling sensation
she sets to washing herself. Or, if
there is no cat in the house, you
niay possess a parrot-. If the bird
sits down and makes a sort of hiss-
ing noise, look out for rain in the
night. Ono need seldom fear get-
ting wet in the country. Horses,
cows, sheep, hogs, dogs -all evince
certain peculiarities before a storm.
Dogs bury bones, horses fidget and
neigh; cows lie down; hogs grunt.
Some day you may walk into a
field and sco a flock of sheep in a
corner, all their backs turned to
the north-west.. If you wait long
enough, you will feel a wind blow
up from that direction.
•1' —
Simple Injuries with Serious Results.
Morris Quatzam, an el,•ven years old
Wind -or boy. has jnst died as the result of a
scratch on his wast. f'ois.n entered the
wound, which was caused by falling off his
bicycle, and despite the physicians, the boy
died. Such incidents as these -by ao means
infrequent—ought to make people realise tate
danger that may lie even in the smallest
fleih wound.
Take a simple illustration. When a dirty
knife, a rusty needle, a splinter of dirty wood.
a barbed wire fence, or a thorn, scratches the
hand, the latter is inoculated with genas, of
which the air about us i, full. Directly these
germs art introduced through the breach in
the skin, a battle royal east's.' between thefts
and certain organisms in our blood.
When the invading genns are too strong
for Nature's defences. in a few hours the
finger will become hot and throbbing. A
little later the wound may exhibit a whitish
appearance in the middle of the swelling, and
we have what is known as a festering or
poisoned wound. ti"
The way to avoid such serious results is
to cleanse the wound and applyZ.m•Nuk,
Zam•liuk is • powerful yet painless germ
killer, and when applied to the broken skin
is absorbed into the tissue, instantly des.
trnyine the germs that spread disease and
iafl tonna:ion.
The i'e.h is thus soothed and purified, the
wound made perfectly healthy, and all
poison and cause of festering 'moved.
!laving done ibis. Zam•Ruk then proceeds to
heal she wound or sere with new healthy
tissue, In a quick, painless, and perfect
Z.am-ilult must sot be confused with
ordinary ointments. Zam•liuk is • unique
preparation, po-ses•ing antiseptic, sw,tiong,
and healing qualities that are not to Le f.,und
together in .ny other prrel:aration, it is not
oely a unique heating !,alum, tut it is a:so •
skin food. For all sk.n diseases and injuries -
cuts, bruises, turns. eczema, chafing, ulcers,
ringworm, err., it is without equal. it Is
also used widely for piles, for which it may
be regar:'ed as a speclfrc. a All druggists and
stores Pell at fifty cents • box, or post fr.e
ftom Zam•Mak Co.. Toronto, for trice.
Shocking 1'rinle Led Titled Family
to 1)1101 'Pair 11,
Considerable cul iosity has often
been expressed as to how it cams
that the SulkowskiS, despite th.ir
great wealth and their high rack
(they are all princes and princess-
es) should have consented to bury
themselves for a number of years
in the small town of Bremen, Ohi
The departure of the late Prince
Louis Sulkowski, Duke of Iteilitt,
horn Austria, for the United States
between lase and 1R3O, was immedi•
ately following a shocking tragedy
-one of the darkest. that has ever
sullied the annals of an illustrious
01/4 •
A%oi(.l `s
tt• A
T(JPI re
Haat Nal in fronts et flet cures the wonttwlo in from cootwenty da sea
For o r, d w r. - f�i��'
wh. her .irk or
ache, Xenrala s, �•
1.ituhmebanut.atl.m, wakess
jf tains and en
in the i• est. erg.r.o or kidneys, -
around the liver, pleurisy, •welting
of they .ointr. an.( pains ,? all krnjja ■•d
vat'. Ready Relief will In a 90W d,ye ci-
fret a ro'tnan n• cute.
Many quaint marriage customs
still survive in some old English
at:d Scottish families. One ne:t.ablo
tradition of this sort still kept green
by the Dukes of Athol and their
heirs, says tho London Lady's
Realm, is that of the bridegroom
carrying the bride across the
threshold of Blair Castle, it being
in accord with an ancient tradition
that it is unlucky for the first time
to walk in the ordinary way. This
is only ono of the many quaint old
feudal customs that are observed
upon this estate, which the Duke
of Atholl holds from the crown by
tone of those strange tenures which
are occasionally to bo found in
Great Britain. Upon fear of for-
feiture the owner has to present
kis sovereign with a white rose
whenever he or she visits the castle.
Not for Biro Who Puts Ufa Hand
to the Plough and Turns Back.
Blessed is tho man who sticks to
1 is work, for ho shall rejoice in its
Blessed is the man who hangs on
to his job, for the end thereof is
full knowledge of the way the work
must bo done.
Blessed is the man who is not
ashamed of dirt, grime and labor
stain, for when his work is done.
clean will bo tho money in his pay
Blesses! is the man who make.0
the work at his hand a stepping
stone to better things. for under
the stimulation of work well done
will comp energy to rise to the
higher place.
Blessed is the man who, through
patience and industry, comes to the
end of his day, for his sleep shall
be sweet and his dreams divine.
Tho quitter is not so 1
A celebrated New York Aurist
has been selected to demonstrate to
deaf people that deafness is a dis-
ease and can be rapidly and easily
cured in your own home.
Ho proposes to prove this fact
by sending to any person having
trouble with tlheir ears a trial
treatment of this new method ab-
sclutely free. We advise all peo-
ple who have trouble with their
A Pill That is Prized. -There have ears to immediately address Dr.
been manyills Edward Gardener, Suite 914, No.
p put upon the mar -
40. West 'l'hirty-third street, New
ket and pressed upon public at- ) orb City, and we wish to assure
tention, but none has endured so
long or met with so much favor as them that they will receive by re
Vegetable Pills. Wide-' turn mail, absolutely free. a "Trial
spread use of them has attested Treatment.
their great value, and they need
no further advertisement than this.
Having firmly established them-
selves in public esteem, they now
rank without a peer in the list of
standard vegetable preparations.
It isn't always a sure test to mea-
sure a man's importance by his
chest expansion.
WE OISE YOU A TIP' Buy the genuine.
D. 1; L." Menthol Plasters. lin-
t rtl.c ;left manufacturers are trying to
take ruvantage of the great sale of ''The
D. de L." by putting up a substitute.
The entwine only made by Davis
Las reuse Co.
A kindly old gentleman was tel-
ling some lads the story of Samson.
"Ile was strong," :aid the speaker
in summing up, "became weak, and
again regained his strength, which
enabled hint to destroy his enemies.
Now, boys, if I had an enemy,
what would you advise me to do?"
A little boy considered the secret
of that great ancient's strength,
and his hand vent up. "Get a
bottle of hair restorer," he ex-
Don't experiment with unant-
irfactory substitutes. Wilson's Ely
Pads kill many tunes glare house
flies than any other known article.
An old plasterer is called upon
to give evidence for the plaintiff.
Counsel for the defendant tries to
bully hien. ''Ifave you ever been
in prison I" ''Yes, twice." !'Ah!
How long the first time?" "One
whole afternoon." "What 1 And
the second time 1" "Only ono
hour." "And, pray, what offence
had you committed to desert(' so
small a punishment 1" "I was sent
to prison to whitewash a cell to
accommodate a lawyer who had
cheated one of his clients."
Father -"And so your teacher is
Sonny -"What's the good of that
while the school is still there!"
Is pure concentrated boo
A spoonful of Bovril in a cup of boiling water makes a cup o!
strong nourishing beef -tea, fur Ilevril contains all that is good in beef.
Bovril is easily digested by even the most delicate invalid.
The weak anaemic girl, the tired housewife and the harrassed
business lean, can each obtain vitality and strength from an occas
sional cup of Bovril.
A cup of hot Bovril will remedy a chill or a eels' and prevent a
serious illness.
.;1 ,i' i. rri:n
ilea ..n ru. eippt ..f
Head for bookl.t—rat.::,
The Veterinary Remedy
company. Limited,
El is A, 75 Adelaide St , F:
Toronto, Canada.
beat resit. a:rally and :I..ek Oros.
Ier S.etloe. Wei". D..p S.d---Irrl-
r.l.dMay hrmuh. writs for
11—at. IL'aicai 1 UND co,
gsrrnlis Califs/ail
Judge (to prisoner) -"When your
ten years' imprisonment is over,
you will have the opportunity of
returning to the society of yo 't
fellow men. You will doubtices
have work offered you."
Prisoner -"That's what is troub-
ling ole."
Pills That have Benefitted Thou-
sands. --Known far and near as a
sure remedy in the treatment of
indigestion and all derangements
of the stomach, liver and kidneys,
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have
Mother Graves' Worm Extsrmin- brought relief to thousands when
ntor has the largest sale of any sign- other specifics have failed. Innum-
ilar prenaration sold in Canada. It erable testimonials can bo produc-
always gives satisfaction by restos- • cru to establish tho truth of this as-
ing health to the little folks. sextinn. Once tried they will be
_ — found superior to all other pills in
A PECULIAR POISON. the treatment of the ailments for
which they are prescribed.
Professor O'Flanagan held up a
shall phial, and the class was si-
lent. "Ono drop of this liquid,"
said he impressively, "placed upon
the tongue of a cat is sufficient to
kill tho strongest man!"
IN EARLY FALL as in Midsummer
Painl:'.Iler finds a use in every home. Ex-
ternally, for cuts. burns, sprains or
bruises; Internally for diarrhoea and dye
memory. Avoid substitutes. there is but
oue "Painkiller•' -Perry Davis' --25c. and LOU.
"Your daughter's music is im-
proving," said the professor, "but
when she gets to the scales I have
to watch her pretty closely."
"Just like her father," said Mrs.
Nutrich. "He made his money in
the grocery business."
Through indiscretion in eating
green fruit in summer many chil-
dren become subject to cholera
niorhus caused by irritating acids
that act violently on the lining of —
the intestines. Pains and danger- Kindly mention the name of this
oua purgings ensue and the delicate piper in mentng to advertisers.
system of the child suffers under
the drain. In such cases the saf.A country rialtos to a big (it}
est medicine is Dr. J. T). Kellogg's contemplated with amazement the
the inflammation Dysentery inslammatiun and save the Cordial. It mill cheek I+age gilt sign displayed over the child's life. entrance to an institute in a prom -
Lady (in chemist's shop, to small
boy)"What am I to take this me-
dicine in, my lad?"
Boy-"Yer mouth, ma'am."
Wilson's Fly Pads, the best of
all fly killers, kill both the files
and the disease germs.
"My," said the gushing neighbor,
"how much the baby resenrbles you
"'That's strange."
newcomers, "alio is
replied the
an adopted
It is only necessary to read the
testimonials to be convinced that
Holloway's Corn Cure is unequaled
for the removal of corns, warts,
ete. It is a complete extinguisher.
Father (who is always trying to
teach son how to act hile
It Reaches the Spot. -There aril the table-his"\Nell, John, you areat,
few remedies before the public lo. when I have finished rating 1 (lay as efficacious in removing pain ways leave the table." John -
oud in 'alining and preventing pub ways
sir, and that is about all
monary disorders as 1)r. Thomas' ' you do leave." 1Red, Weak. «'easy. p'ntrry ryes.
i electrle Oil. It has demonstrated Relieves' I+Y :Olivine Lye Hculydy. Iry
its powers in thousands of lnstaneel Teacher -"Wilfred, a bee is some- Murine For Your I: u TroublesPoll
and n large number of testimonials thing we got wax from. Now, tell jour J' ,ICRI„IPi"e'nriteg ortKcyn iii Ol t
as to its great value as a medicine 'se, what is a bee r' Wilfred -"Our Free. Alurint Eye Remedy CO., Toronto.
could be got were there occasion teacher is a hce because he's some-
for it. It is for sale everywhere. ' thing wo get whacks from."NO NEED TO RUN.
"1 dreamed of you Iasi night,"
Kindly mention th:' mime of this The microscope in the hands of said dreg e to his wife over the
paper in nriling to adiertiser+. e‘prrls employed by the United breakfast -table.
States t:oternlnent hn'+ resealed "What did you .scam, dear l"
A religi.ois worker gave a 'Talk the fart that n house fly some-icquired his wife.
for Men,'' during the course of "I dreamed a dream," answered
which he expressed his conviction times carries thousands of disease Boodle.
that no young man should visit nny' gt'rms attached to ifs hairy body. "Rut what was the dream l" in-
place to which tie would not fool 1 Tile continuous u•+e of Wilson's quired Mrs. needle petulantly.
justified in taking his own sister•! • "I dreamed I caught a chap run -
"Is there any young man present Fly 1 ads will present all danger
who thinks one may safely disre-! of infection from that source by l wing away whatldid you say to firm''
gard this wise rule r' asked the' killing both the germs and the : it -arise(' lied his w ifs.
speaker. Whereupon a youth in t' -le. flies. "1 asked him what he was run
rear of the hall arose and shouted ping tor."
E. a stentorian tone: ''Yea, sir. I THE 11.\llf 1T OF CUI.TIV.\TION.
inent thoroughfare: "Stamnlerin
Institute. Trial Lesson Free."
"Upon my soul," exclaimed the
rural traveller, "if that don't beat
all. I knew they taught. 'most ev-
erything these days, but who the
dickens wants to learn stammer -
c:o." "And what. sir," demanded
the angry and Surprised speaker,
"is the place to which you yourself
could think of visiting to which
sett could not take your sister 1"
"The barker''."
Now far the productiveness of
the earth is still from being fully
utilized is shown by the experience
of the french colonies in northern
Africa. A recent report to the
tovernmrnt says that formerly only
the lands bordering the Pea in M-
geria anti Tunis were regarded as
atailal,le fir agriculture. but now,
thanks to unproved methods, the
cutitate(I area has been pushed
(rack so far that the lofty interior
piateau is beginning to some with.
:r its r.inge. More than 3.000.000
acres of land in the two colonies
hate been brought into use since
the 1''re'w h occupation. .Amens; the
products newly introduced are
wheat, eats and early teQctahles.
Since 1507 the number 4,1 •beep has
more than doubled. that of horrr'
hail doubled. and that of horned
tattle has increased one-half.
Niter judge a man's liberality by
%that he spends on Himself.
Send for Cailndai and Splla:lua.
Oldest and Best
The school that has had Thee
longest experience and great-
est success in tr ' • g young
pecele for the practical affairs
of lire, and that can secure
the best results for you, is the
Brttlah-Amerloan Custnass Conga
Write for catalogue
C011 RECITATIONP0OR- Bert eels
'notion published in F,Pelleh language,
Ten cents. Arthur Rice, Ormsby, Que.
FARM FOR SALE. - County Huron, 161
acres choice clay loam brick beam
large barns, good orchard. wwater alt
fences, no waste land. ehoiee location neat
good markets. Easy terms for quick sale.
T. It. w ■Ilia, Porters Rill P. 0.. Ont.
■ fully paid up non•aesesaable Si.(1
shares in Gold Dredging Company. son.
trolling 10.000 acres rich gravel. Two
dredges now on groun& Will take 20 crnti,
per share for all nr part. Taunton, Mos
Intyre Block, N tnoipeg•
in his •parr time. flood mosey. arm.
latiun Marlag.•r, Toronto.
rale to private fpmit)ee. Aorly
Alfred Tyler, London, Ont.
menet/ or premlnme rend von:r remit
and addre,ea for aur tnverit. or}Ong ao r f
(Pal' selling hrnsehnld sr•rlaltie. Ony
adult Atenla 68 nage entelewee 1• also
ready, kenen reen••t. Canadabbitser-
cloth Co.. Toronto. Out.
we r:r.rt fn blI ir,rrs of their own a1:d give
ert•dlt. Merchants' Portrait Co., Toronto.
AGENTS WANTED. -1 have secured the
general agent of Ontario for the eels of
our nutter (Gender." n machine which
makce two pounds of nutter out of one a$
an additional cast of three cents. No
chemical:. lewd, stands purr food inepeo-
tinn. Write for partirn aro far eve Insists
territory, to "Our Rutter PI••nder - Room
202 t'onfederation Life Ruildinr Toronto.
1RefvITocE3A)f1 AIENTS:Mr
% �
SE 8.11 51• nos., 1..at.
LSA port..41.4t int I.0,1n.., e.
Ole rap tal. 41.r 11 a
01 ., a.e , sell r ri
. ?1
In raw, h.•,1.. air ay,. •.e
u •, a nag .t. t u. 414,01 me la 1 1:11::u,Ito Ian
r t •err !Itis.
fur 11 .we ?vette Oa,
L• Dt• t4, To.. is:a Oaf.
OUR HEAVE CURE enrol where °there
fal1. 84 11, nn Ito o« n merits. lest ns testi.
moniale furnished on application. Ask
y.ur oral !81.1 1 . •.1 , 1 t ale. . r ...., I :Ira
Yet to rnur Rrnthers. Reiteu'e Pri,• 11.40
✓ package. ('harg.s ptld to nears' e
es. Orli. e. Nor r r • tatre without out
rade mark. 1(rBROTRs, en each
arbors Try a neekege and be cnnrit( OIL
rause nth.r.t
hs•a tailed is no reason
why Reeeee cannot he cured by nein!
'II our Brothor• heats Cure.
F.II In yeur name gni a1.
press. mail his cospon t;l
2,3 toaece St , 1 soma
and ret by rs•urn r..en1 a On/ ..f
Sheri a,ds,.m• e•ta,t.ju..
\ r
1r,1.1. NO. 3's liO1