Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-23, Page 5i P Porter Undoubted!) the best :>, awed on the continent. Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists, and by award, of the world's great Exh1- t,i►ions, especially Ciitcac0 1893, where it received ninety -sit points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. t5(strr gthvocttte EY Gl i.i: u:t T.1 it10 xI00 If paid iu advance. at so a year if not an paid '(.t rutted Statex tiubscrIt ers ii.ri0 s Yoar , trictly in Adaan+.e. 81SDI:1tS s CREECII, Pu,Iiahers. High -Grade 'PIANOS ',T are always a pleasure to their owners We have -.,1.1 :end are selling a great many high -:loos pianos -and alnuys at reasonable prices. Our Numerous Satisfied Customers is the strongest guarantee of the truth of the above assertion. Our pianos today are the best that the piano•nu►kers produce and our prices and terms are what you will appreciate. tbe too quick u0 e nick to believe per- sons er-sone who tell you different from the above for the purpose of selling you cheap and, in some cases, trashy goods at big prices. Call and see us and be convinced that What we say we live up to. S. MARTIN&SON Exeter's Le.itling Musical Emporium. The t arc n r J for the quality of their goods. FAIRS 7..u•'.• ..--Sept. 22 and 23. Blyth -Oct. 5 and O. Goderich-Sept. 28, 29, 80. Sarnia -Sept. 28, 20, 3n. Stratford -Sept. 28 and 29. Kl rkton-Sc pt. 30 and Oct. 1. Parkaill-Oct. 5 and 8. Bru.tsele-Sept. 30, Oct. 1. Setforth-•Sept. 23 and '4. SIIIPKA Congratulattunn are to be exec:nl^d to Mr. John It.tt.:, Jr., of Khiv,t and Niles Gasser. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0a1,4a; of shipk.t, who were mai alsd here or; Sept. lath. The young folks will have the best wishes of their many friends. In which the Advocate Joi: n. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of r tzeu The Best School The Le, -.:ant to enter our lasses is NOW. We are running the lamest and, we believe, the beet training school in Western Ontario. Three department" - Commercial, Shorthand A Telegraphy Get a money making education. Our grads• At( .1 are in demand and are meeting with suc- ea34 flet our free catalogue now. ELLIOTT & McLAOHLAN Principals. ELI)IVILLE I(E1E1Elt FAIR (ApNTINtgU( chin, Mrs. J. White, W. Bas -den; Mount Mellick work, Miss McKui�',ht, Mrs. «'it•k r ire; etula':,iderv, .had1nv, Mrs. J. N1 tote, :.L s. \1'. Sweet; em- broidery, eyelet, W. IItwden. Sanders & Creech; applique eittltruidery, Miss McKnight, Mrs. J. White; coronation braid work, Miss 'root, Mies Alcock: embroidered shirt waist, Miss (alight, Miss Wynn; einln ni tered p.u•asol, Miss Carlyle, Miss W) nn; doylies, Mrs. J. White, Mrs. W. Sweet; embroidered collection of dining table linen, Mrs. J. Miller, Sanders & Creech; hand trade handkerchiefs, Miss McKnight, Mies Brooks; `frit. centerpiece in white, Jas. Monteith, Sanders & Creech; eutb, centrepiece in color., Jas. ,Monteith, I. Armstrong & Son; specimen of hem- stitching, Miss McKnight; Itattenberg lace, J. G. Stanbury, \V. J. Statham, Honiton lace, Mrs. J. White, W. Bow- den; Queen Anti doming, Mrs. J. 1Vhite, 2nd; work done by women ov- er 70,11Mrs, 3. White; collection of lad- ies' work, Sanders & Creech; largest collection of ladies' work. Miss Mc- Knight; extra, painting no satin. Miss Marriott; loaf of homemade bread, Wm. Bawden, \\'111. Fisher ; nue dozen of hone made buns, Jun. Decker, Mrs, A. McPherson; special, Rowe & Atkin- son, three loaves of home made bread, Wm. Cornish; special, Harvey Bros., loaf of hone made bread from "Star"flour, M. Gould. CHILDREN'S WORK Painting, Writ. Chesney. Rose & Taylor; drawing, N. D. Hnr•dnn, O. Heywood; dressed doll, D. Hough; fancy pin cushion, Win. Chesney, Mre. Hastings; collection of fancy articles, W. J. Statham: sofa cushion, Mrs. Hastings, Wn. Chesney. Mrs. Thorne and Miss Nina Carling, Judges. The C. O. C. F. attended divine service on Sunday last. The attendance of ttre members was very good. ]rev. \watsot odd upled the pulpit and preached a very impressive and eloquent sermon for thec-'services ervices lu the church herr were dispensed with on Sunday eve- ning owing to the anniversary services being preached 0o the Sunshine appolnt- ntent.-Large numbers from the village and vicinity attended the fair at Exet- er on Tuesday. -Mrs. 1'. Andrew still ren.alns quite 111 and not much improve- ment to health. -Soo filling Is expect- ec1 to commence this week. The crops of corn are very fair considering the drey weather and the frost. There is more Catarrh in thisse•tion of the coun try:than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable For agreat puny years doctors pronounced it a local dis- ease and prescribed local remedies, and by constant- ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires consti• tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, uunufac• toted by F. .1. Cheney & C'o., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional euro on the market. It is taken internally' in 'Dees from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts dire. tlr on the blood and mucous surfaces of the st•steii . tThey offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Send for circulars and tet moria),. Address: F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by nrugzi0s, 75 cents, Take (toll's family pills for constipation. I.ttF.tVSTEII. The home of Mr. reed Mrs. \V, Jenni- son, S:rutile 1.1,,, was tete scene of a vias Interesting event on Wednesday, Se pt. I .'nth, at 12 o'clock, noon. It ''eing the occ•ayion of the Marriage of thele eldest daughter. Miss Mabel Clara t) Mr. W. McGillivray. of Kennedy, Sask. The bride looked charming In a princess gown of white ntessallnc silk, with bri- dal veil held in place with orange blos- som!'and car;ying a large bouquet of whet` asters. The wedding starch was p1.' cd by Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell of Zur- ach. Tia hrhl:tl party took their stand lit:der an melt of English Ivy, draped with green nod whltc hunting :urd a tan kground of fe rns. The ceremony was performed by Bev. Corriere of Grand !lend. After congratulations a dainty supper wan ,.rrved hi the dialog rout) whtc`, was tastily decorated with ever- greens, rte. Guests were prevail in001 redoes nelgt,bott:tg potato. The happy couple left on the evening :rain for ,h sir home in Kennedy. Sask. The groom's gift to the bride was n Persian t.antti Jacket with ;oink trinunlriga and muff to snatch. Fullness and Bloating After Eating? Little Digesters 25c. a box. Cure or your money back. At all Druggists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto -a. rRcm ell CANADIAN PACIFIC STATIONS IN ONTARIO ANOTHER FARM LABORERS' EXCURSION FRIDAY, SEPT. 2 4 Fee trate; ,rtation shit be fur.ikshcd at Winnipeg to points on Canadian PaciL w'lyra IaSJrzei are raquirad, fast of Moose JJw, Including branches, aad at ane' _est per mile each way Mast thereof in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Spew: trains from Toronto to Winnipeg at 2.00 p.m. on above date. ASU ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT FOR PARTICULARS S Andrew; l'unmpklnsc . (1. hl. Adtrsu.l. it. Sanders. squash, E. Rader J. (1111 musk Inelous, .1. Sanders. It. Sanders : Swede turnips. E. Rader. W. J .Borne Y . other variety turnips. L. Day. A. E. Ilodgert ;cauliflower, G. 1•l. Anderson. 0 Manson ; red oolong. C. Illrney. James Sanders ; w!.:te or ytytow onions, C. 1'Ir- r.iy, A. Pt,arl:g : Spanlsh onions. C. Bir - 10)' ; tontaloe.i. A. Biesett, T. Snnsh' celery, G. E. Anderson, J. Cottle: ca- roms, J. Saud: a s. C. Biddy . parsnips, J. Cottle, Hubbard S.,1.ash, it. Sands r, (3 E. Anderson : T.th:e squash. C. i1 . - 'icy, .1 Sanders; culls c tion of vegetabl •5 Gs a Anderson 1 at..d : ; tierce new vat - .,u•y potatoes, A. S. Deavtlt. 11. Spackntin'.t whip for marigolds. :leo. \tele. Arms Doupe. Judge. MANUFACTURES AND IM1'LE)tEtIT" Domestic c1ot11, J. Monteith : all 'w09. flannel J. K. \Wise: alt wool nlank•ty. J. Decker, Jr., W. Chesney : horse blan- ket, J. K. Wise, Miss Ni. Itrethour: wool yarn, NV cs N. Toni, J. K. \Vise ; dom- estic cotton warp, Miss \t. Brethour: sewing machine, li Martin 1 and 2 : Or- gan, S. atartin ; parlor furniture, J .1'ev- crley, ltowe & Atkinson : bedroom lurn- iture, J. Beverley : fine sail and salt for pm king purposes, 1). Mill : assortment upl:olutcry, Rowe ,.- Atkii non, J. Hever ley ; collection Loots and s`.111: S. Geo. Manson 1 Ai 2 ; single and double hat' nears, \V. J. Itct r 1 and 2 : ladies and gents hoots, Geo. )fannon : Cured ham. Miss N. Tom, Mrs. W. Sweet : Itakrr's bead, \V.J. Statham; Collection cakes. Mrs. .1. ascl'hcrson ; hand -made boot or shoe, G. Manson. Wheelbarrow, J. Murray & Son ; Tur- nip pulper, J. aturray & Son, 1 and '2 home made bobsleigh, E. Treble ; home made plow, J. Murray & Son ; Three Speciale, Connor Dros. \\'rn. Dixon and John Molr, Judges. FINE ARTS Painting in oil landscape, Niles Alcott l and 2 ; palt.tinc to oil, figure, Mrs. 1' \Vickwire, J. G. Forrest ; painting :n oil, fruit or flower, )ire. \WIcK'NIre,M*s J. White ; water color, landscape, M14s Alrott. 3. G. Forest ; water color flgutc, J. G. Forrest ; water volar, fruit or flow era, J. G. Forrest, G. Heywood; sepia pcirting, J. G. Forrest, G. Heywood; pyrography, Niles Alcott. W. Baw`eo crayon or pastello, Miss Alcott, Wickwire : pencil sketch, J. G. F orrest, N. D. ilurdon : collecttua of photographs also photographs and pnoto;raphlc vl'ws itch tie s A. sketch, ; Ie ink ' r - o Jos.Senior n and Carlyle, G. Heywood. Miscellaneous - coliectton coins, G. Anderson, F.CIa: k : collection stamps, G, Anderson, F'.Cark c•Ilection curiosities, G. Anderson 1, a. Dr. Browning, Mills. 11. BrownI'l Judges. FLOWERS }'egonlas, airs. A. M:P',crson Mrs. McI'hcreon, J. Cott!:: F'cll-a t', G. Andcreon, J. Cottle; Geraniums. J. Co'- tle; Ifanging txskct, Mrs. A. McPher- son : novelty It potted plants. Mrs. Mc- Pherson. CCT FLOWERS Aatere, J. Cottle, Well. Hern ; Dahlias St.en lard, J. Cottle ; Dahlias, display. J. Cottle ; Gladiolus. J. O. Stanbury ; Nas- turttu,us, J. 0, Stanbury, Well. Hein Petunias, single and double, J. Cottle: 1'r:lox Drontntondit, J. Cottle, \V. dl: stocks, J. Cottle; Sweet peas, A. E. Isod- gert, II. E. Huston : Verbenas, atet nlaa, J. Cottle ; best arrangement for table, Jas. Monteith ; collection annual'', J. Cottle, novelty In cut flower's, J. G. Stanbury. Dr. Sweet, Judge. LADIES' WORK Rag mat, hooked, Miss Brethnur, Mies A. Yelland; rag mat, sewed, Miss N. Torn; wool socks, heavy, Mise N. Marriott, Mrs. A. McPherson; wool socks, flne, Mrs. McPherson, Henry Neeb; fancy stockings, Jas. Monteith, Miss N. Marriott; ladies' wool mitts. Miss Marriott, Mire N. Tom; hen's wool mitts, Miss Marriott, Miss N. Tom; men's woul gl^vas, Miss N. Tom; counterpane, knitted, W. Gillesp'e, C, Keddy, extra, Sanders & Creech; counterpane, terpane , crOC h rI, W w. Decker,k er Sr., J. DeckerJr.; counterpane, tuft - ed, 2nd, Wm. Hamden; quilt, silk, Miss Toni, Miss E. Ferguson; quilt, patch- work cloth, Miss Brethnur, Miss Tom; patchwork, with ravellings, Miss M. Wynn, Mrs. A. McPherson; button- holes, Miss Tom, Miss Brooks; darn- ing, Miss Tom, Miss Marriott; pillow shams, Mrs. J. Miller, Miss Marriott; hand or fancy bag, Miss Brethour, Mrs. Wickwire; laundry bag, Mies Marriott. Miss Brethour; pin cushion. Miss Tom, Mies Ilrooks; whisk holder, Mrs. Wickwire, Miss Brethour; sofa pillow. washable, J. G. Stanhur , Miss Brethour; sofa pillow, mounted, Miss Marriott, Mrs. Wickwire; piano drape or scarf, 2nd, Miss Brethour; toilet articles, Mrs. Wickwire; novelty in fancy work, Miss Tom, Sanders & Creech; child's dress, W. Bawden, Mrs. J. White; ladies' underclothing. hand made, Miss Brooks; ladie.'underctoth- ing. machine made, Sanders & Creech, Mrs, Hastings; men's fancy outing or night shirt, Mrs. Hastings, Mise Is. Ferguson; plain hand sewing, Miss Tom, Wm. Fisher; tea cosy, Miss Brethour, Miss Tom; lunch cloth in white on linen, Mrs. J. Miller, Miss Marriott; lunch cloth in colon on lin- en, Mias McKnight; fancy case or box for handkerchiefs, Miss Brethour, Mrs. W. Sweet; fancy collar and cuff set, Mre. W. Sweet; tatting, Mrs. W Sweet; drawn thread work, fine, Mrs. Wickwire, Sanders & Creech; drawn thread work, coarse, Miss Brooks, Miss Carlyle; work on screen or Java, Mrs. J. White, Mrs. Hastings; fancy nnderwaist, Sanders & Creech, Mrs. Wickwire; bead work, Mrs. Wickwire, Miss Marriott; netting, J.a. Stanbury, M. Wynn; knitted or crochet under- skirt, Miss Carlyle, Henry Neeh; photo frame, Miss Brethour, J. O. Stanbury; modern cross stitch, Miss Marriott, Miss M. Wynn; fancy apron, Miss A. Carlyle, Mrs. Hoskins; painting in oil, Mrs. McPherson, Miss Alcock; crochet, shawl or cape, Handers & Creech, Miss Carlyle; crochet, table mats. Mies Brooks, Sanders & Creech; slippers, crocheted, Miss Brooke, Henry Neel); crochet, fascinator, Mrs. W. Sweet; crochet. infant's jacket, Miss Mc. Knight, Mrs. Brooks; crochet, bonnet. Miss Brooks, Mrs. Hastings; crochet, lace. W. Bawden, MissFerguson; Irish point crochet lace. Miss McKnight, Miss Brooks; crochet, work in wool, Misa HHronk', Miss McKnight; knitted lace or trimming cotton, Mies Fergu- non, Miss Toni: slippers, knitted, Mrs. J. White, W. Bowden: Norwegian or Hardanger embroidery, lure. J. Mi1kr. Mrs. J. White; embroidery, Walla- ZCRICI1 Miss Mollie Worm has returned to Chleago.-N. M. Canon of St. Joseph 1. I11 at afontreal of pneumonia.-Mre. H. \\'urns is visiting relatives in Detroit and other points In Michigan. -)ire. E. Zeller received a vteit last week from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nfarshall and her sister Mrs. A. L. Gosnell of Merlin. -Mr. and Mre. J. S. Melick have returned front their trip to Alberta vis- iting their children. -Mr. and Mrs. T. Johnston returned home after spending a week to IIantilton and Toronto. -Mins Laura Demuth of fort Arthur is visit- ing relatives and friend` in town, or a few weeks. -Mr. Frank Bassow of the Bronson L►tle hag purchased Ed. Tref- fry's 5n -acre farm on the sante line and will get possession April let. - Judge Holt of Godes-lett held it sittings of the Division Court here on Wednesday of last week.-Thc annual C'dldren's Day and ifarvest Home were appropriately observed In the F.var.gaaat church on Sunday. -Joseph I)enomy, forrnerlf of Hay Township, and son of '.tr. L. Dch- onty, Sr., died on the 1211i near Court - right. after a short Illness from con- aumptlon. Besides a widow and family rte leaves elevco brothero and sisters. fila aged father and many other rela- tives and friends. who moon els loss. Ile was about fifty years of age and of ral•unt health until n few months ago. IIENSALL Mr. Vale of Exeter gas taken a pool tion to Johnston's Mc•at Market. -Mrs. 11. Bonthron Is visiting In Detroit and Chicago. -Miss Ida Juynt of Lucknow Is visiting at her uncle's home here.- Ntra. Kendrick of I'ort Huron Is visit - hog her father, James 3lontnron.-Walter liobklrk has gone west on a trip. -Our bowlers have been Improving 10•-' lawn th.•y recently purchased. -Miss St. Ct.ttr of Brlgden has resumed Ler poslliou tis head milliner at The Old Establlshed.- iLarvest Thanksgiving Services will be held In St. Pauls Church on Sept. '27th. Nev. R. J. Hower, secretary of the Mille Snrloty will preach morning and evening. -Last Sunday the Communion was adnilnletere t ;n r'.arn,f'l Church. Rev. S. F. Sharp of Exeter preached the Preparatot y sermon on 1 riday.-Itev. J. S. iicndereon of Westntinleter, Id. C., occ up:ed the pulpit of Carmel Church la:,t Sunday r vc:iing.-Mine Bartlett, for three seasons Lead milliner at The Illur Front was married last week at her home In Frampton to Mr. Fraser of Galt, where they will reside. -An early pion- eer of Klppett, Thomas Dinsdale, died on the 81h. 1 l came from Yorketilrc to Klppcn .2 year. .ago. Ile was 1n tilts 81st year :and Is survived by has widow who 1n also over 80. The funeral took Place to ilerisatl Chloe cemetery .-Sever- al of our citizens Intend buyleg auto- ntobt!e•s nest spring. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A P AROUND ABOUT IIs Jal AL ilk Abaft Ilk afbi NiBBEitT-\irs. W. 11. °try of the 4th eon. dlid suddenly (so the 12th. tier daughter Lound 1,e,' dead In bed. She had been troubled for some two years wltl, Heart weakness. but death wan rn- tirely unexpected. DANDRUFF CURED IN TWO WEEKS Olt MONEY !JACK. The above Is the guarantee W. 9. Cole the druggist Is offering fur Parisian Sage. the greatest of all hair restorers. if you have dandruff, take advantage of this offer and kill the little dand- ruff germs that will surely steal your hair from you if allowed to continue to persistently burrow Into the hair roots. Ponstan Sage Is also guaranteed to atop lalling hat: and it' tang of the scalp Don't accept any substitute front any druggist. Parisian Sage 1s '0.0 o• iginal prrieriptlon of one of the world's great- est scientists. and Is manufactured only in this country by Oirout Mfg. Ct. of Buffalo. N. Y. as d Fort Er'e. Ont. i'ar;slan Sage Is a- . xhflaratIng and Pleasant hair drosssi..g . 1: is not sticky or greasy. and It stakes the hair sole. beautiful and luauriat.t. Price Is Sal cents a bottle from W. S. rule or by espresso. all charges prepaid. Dy Olrout Mfg g.)., F'urt Erie. 0;.t. en 'Up for the !lntcrMontfis The next few months will be spent indoors. You should make your house look as attractive as possible inside. Floors should be repainted or revarnished, wainscoting cleaned and painted, stove pipes enameled, cup .is, shelving, furniture, walls, radiators and everything ia and about the house "brightened up." Sherwin-Williams Brighten Up Finishes include a paint and varnish and stain and enamel for every purpose. You will find the operation of "brightening up" not laborious, but interesting, and the unproved appearance of your house will delight you. Ask your dealer for S#(R WIN LLIAMS IrlghteP.Up Iiit% Nadi be Canada. 7141$$ER.fl-WHUAaSCo. Montreal Toeonto Winn/psg ays for iteL in fuel saved Don't allow a few extra dollars to pre- vent you frons taking the perfect -cook- ing, sure -baking, easily -regulated Pan- dora in place of a cheaper stove. In a season or two Pandora will pay the difference in the fuel it will save --and it will keep on saving until it has paid for itself. YU Pandora special flue construction makes fuel do double duty. R'idex is an- other fucn )Izcr ' - e te l oven heats purTcer than a cast oven, thus saving sti11 more fuel. Further economizing features MITT-beexplained by the MCClary Agent. Arwo MC1a?s For Sale by T. Hawkins & Son, Exeter IJL.\NSIIARI).-At Ilarnlota, Man., O. A. Coetu'an, tho eon -lit -law of Tta-arae NV11'0tlsun of the 8th of Blanchard, was found dead, the body hanging out of his bugs)' in which ho had been driv- ing on tote prairie. Ile was 47, year` of age and leaves a wife and four child ren.. Ile lead teen nine years In t!ic west. IIIHBEIIT-T',orn:as C. 'Wien of Lot 28 Con. 13, was well-known throughout title section and hes death Is regretted by all. Although not enjoying the best of health, nothing serious was apprehen- ded and his sudden calling away was a great shock to hi■ family and friends. lie was In him 85th year and had resided on hU form, In Illbhcrt, sac he was young elan. 11e leaves a widow a„'1 three boy's to mourn the Ions of .a 811.1 hustand and father. STANLEY -it In our sad duty this week to have to record the data of a Wanly resperted resident of this town- ehlp. In the parson of Mr. '.1.tthew I). Westlake, who departed refet t le life on Mon- day. For several months pant Mr. \V'.,tlake had been confined to i,Is roans suffering from the effects of a severe carver, which had located 1(501 on 1111 left jaw and as time progressed absorb- ed the vital tient( tits of his once rugged frame.Ho leaves to mourn his irreparable loss ono brother, a slater and three small ,!.:1111e 1,1s wife having Kerte- dere used his some four years. A Live Daily Paper Will Put Money in Your Pocket. With The Toronto Daily Star's accurate daily market reports you could sell your grain and live stock at top- notch prices. Hall a cent extra on just 30o bushels of wheat or oats would pay a year's subscrip- tion. 23c. a hundred weight on a dozen hogs would cover three years' subscriptions. Don't you,depcnding on weekly reports, or daily reports that are old when you get thein -miss top prioes by at least that much several times a year? Toronto Daily Star Publishes Markel Reports 12 to 18 soars Earlier Than Ibe Morning Papers Every afternoon's issue of The Star contains that very day's quotations on the grasp and live stock markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and other important dtles. These are the same quotations that the next morning's dailies publish --12 to 18 hours later. $ 1.50 A YEAR CLUBBING OFFER This Pepsi and rho Toronto Dail/ Star 'votive for On roar, 92.20. Iva"- anteod fountain Pon siren for 10.. adV.d to abet* subscription prices. 3