HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-23, Page 4et�1 to gen. In spit• of the old genUen-it's L9 v L� 1•lI, advatn•e d oge•, 1u, .1 ) Sanders it Croecr. 1' ups. THURSDAY, Holt. 23, '09 1I.IRPLEY 111 nil-811Eitiz i'i' -Ccr.t Edna. Hendee, second slaughter of Mr. and ]!tire. Juin Sherl'ilt, i Bat g,:t•), Ont., was the central figure it: a pretty house wedding ct•h Iirati .ft high noun on Wednesday, Sept. 1311, It109. Miss Sherritt made a really handsome Li i.lt a(,1 :t t:,.tu of her cht,ire ens Ar,•1,:•• %I.11, a prosti t'uale young farmer tf Grand Bend. rho ceremony. took place in the drawin.g•t'oom, the bride !vim.; giv 'n ta.ay by he r father, while the wed.bnog march was played by Mims Mae 1', ih.ou of Greelway. 1'bt bride and KL'onu, \1 • a e unattended and Bev. (1. 11. Thompson spoke the wc,rds that wade !heal roan and wife. The bride was gowned in a rich cos. tome of satt.11 cloth .. tit 1.•a:e and bil- ver trimruiegs, and wore the custom• ary itt'itiai ve.i, itioaelat \lith a %%tcath of natural flowers, her only ornament bring a ia.ou,••naebrooch, the gift of the grout:.. ale also ppresent(d Miss Wilson with ar ;wet'y beet: e•)mI) set with brilliants. (arrests to the number of (311 joined it: the congratulations and partook of the hospitality of the Sher• rift !tome. tehieh kr-•1w' no hounds. In the toast proposed to the bride and groom, many kind words Of apprecia- tion and good wishes were spoken on their behalf. Going allay the bride wore a sntatrt travelling; suit of brown •with hat to match. '1 he honeymoon •will be spent in Port Hutton, Saginaw, 'Vassar and Fairgrove. Mrs. Webb was handsoult'ly retienthtretl by her 'if lends, receiving an array of wedding gifts wide!' attested ht her poiintlerity, conspicuous among theta being a check for one hundred dollars front her father and mother, and a► side- board from Mr. and Sirs. S. Webb, parents of the grocul, As will ns many other useful gifts. Mrs. Webb has been a very faithful member of the -Boston Methodist Church ever since -her childhood and will be especially 'missed in the Epworth League, of which she was president at one titne and now fills the office of one of the vice-presidents. She has the wishes of a host of friends for her future hap- piness and prosperity. CIIEDiTUN. Jos. Lawson has finished the abut- ments of the Exeter side road bridge and is now working at the floor of the Crediton Fast bridge.- Ira Brown and Everett Fnhner, Elmer Gower and Mose Foist and Herb Young attended London Fair the latter part of last week. -Mrs. Trevethick, who has been visiting tier son for a few days. return- ed to London list Thot•sday. -l1 tits n number arttended the Exeter Fall Stet. on Tuesday. The weather was fine and all spoke highly of the exhibits shown.-- N. x( Month' y, tit' spr'rIal an- niversary •,'raheat will be held in the MethoaUst Chore h. Bev. R. Robbs, of James `t1. ('hash, i'xeter. «ill ()rem py the pulpit morning and evening. Rev, 11,.ihe is well knots 11, far and near, "- .ut elugn, nt. npwtkrr ,and lett• carer ru ,1 ,11 stimuli! attend ,Ind enjfoy bis sp.- i (I dieeotli .. On Monday evening, a, slterinl pr'ogrant will be giv- en. Rev. Hutt, of Centralia, Rev. Hobbs, of Exeter, and other members of the neighboring circuits will be pre- sent and assist in the evening's enter- tainment.-- Jacob Heist has returned home after visiting his suns in Michi- EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Iutph•ntents. The undersIgnt-1 An• tbm(er hu been instruete,1 to sell by public auction at 1.07' IS, CON. 3. ST1:I'II1':N. tie THUiLSDAY, OUT. 7T11, ltu41 at 1 o'clock p in, sharp, The following valnalde property: (lungs !:.steal poly. , luau, 111 f,.e., ,rarest purpose horse,* yeah nil ?-year-old filly, got by liarolo; 1 -year-old 1111y, got by Derry Lown; i -yea - old gelding, got by Nun Parole; filly, • months old, Percheron: 1111y, b months old, pot by !Ns Parole CATTLE 4 anis, .•,Ippns.tl 10 1 e in oelf; amnia • a:, a 1 t 0%; d,w, due 10 cab e, 0 one-year old stet r., 7 one-y1ear•nld heifers; 7 spring calve,. (halt --Thoroughbred Berkshire sow, In pig. 1'UUhTRY .a &veil e.•.er 141 young geese, turkey iso, ; young turkeys, 26 hens. Moo -9 nlch t'olnr bitch. IM1'LFNF:\T4I.n.!er, mote,. 11 h trill, all Wood A wnmike; steel len 1 ranh r, h. 1. ester; set c 1 iatnond harru (0, w-ufllrr ti..n die- , Frost and Wood, t,ulthator, Peter Ilamilh•n, r',. k.hutt walk• Ing plow, n •n iuwlt ;ort I tow, rr0.t And 11'on.t; Sharp rake, t Mother l., wagons, light wagon, buggy, 2 1:n`te 1 utters, ..sur boat, 1.4Wof bobsleighs, hay row k, 2,0141 IM platform srales, Chatham fanning mill with hagier trtthmrnt, gravel los. wagon boa, tont paper, 2 sugar betties, grind stone, 2 sett 01 dont!,• harneee, 2 sets of .Ingle harness, 2 hod. COOL a none., of cedar poste. forks, 1 taalns, shoe. els, 9(115 a'h,1 • lot of nth, -r neehtl artit les TRRM.' It. and under,. ash; or(r that amount 1! months • mitt g., en nn furnishing aper ,, ed Joint 'Notes, or die Maid of 1. tat t IA. tet solum for tub on credit *mounts AIt meat pttwlt'Yet,' Ae .old As the giro - pastor bon sold Isis feria H. S. PHILLIPS. 11011•('. SANDERS An. tinnrer Praprlelor Clearing Auction Sale Of Faint ut Stttek ,tut! Intpleutents, the t:•tdrr.i(t fit Aut'Ittwarrr has Leto intent tel 10 sell to Poldir .auction, on Lt►T 10, CON. 2. iiAV. • ea '1'1.1:,11A 1", O(' (Whit :ern, Woo Commencing at I? o'clock sharp, the following raltahle proper% , vie IIO401F7• tge .'ultural I.r rwl show warn, - roan ,Oki,WWI b) Notion Rufus, heist to King Thomas, agrcultural maven years old, aired by Royal Tom; 4;S -satiates, n:.n a years old,siren by Priori hero, heed to Sir M.•tbrw: yri ultural mart 2 years old, *feel by AIt t,•n 111, 1 re.1 to King Tien .o. Maty dnu„ht gelding 1 year old. Mad by Kh,g Therese; draught show Ally, ember. sired by King Th,n a,. CATI,K 3 -yea -oil row .rue to caite in April; b-yea,•oM caw newly cal. rd; 4-y tar oM cow due to c%,cUm•ofwale' seirstd 1.'1.,. newly •1'.rd, s., ear•old • ow, with calf at 161, 6 a ear-otd ones lar• row, 3 one 'tar old hollers, )tattling steer; 2 Spring nils., 3 ming raises POULTRY Mont 1011 hens snit rhlrkena, ' tar keys 1 gR tldd•r, 11 men' Indigo IMI'LKIlhNtit Mertes- Ilarrbunter, frost and Wood mower, tort rake, Champion 0011, ('ham .,nn collie atcr, (',v kshut' dirk, ? gang plows, land roller, O S of iron harrows, walking `.low. rennin, Ira, k wagon, high wap... sew Mikado, Pair of bohslei` hs, •fool (alp• r. 15”-1,5 mal, wagon • •1ie.. 4,(11 I)n has re,. w, t -in 1 •w wa:nn hos %I h stock tack ,omp:e:t. we.•'toughs lsive tank rtr, "re and * lingo. set nt brae -mounted harness, tet of plow ha. •sees, ladder, handy Jack,. hopping 11e, gran cradle, tofupo.te...•. ties, !snit er and • sees sugar !tet• wh;Aletrem nerkyok.. *hovel*. 16011 and chink sal other srtfrlee ton num...roue to mention. serve., Man/oldsand Turnip CAe11. FCRI.iTI RC ('nab,t.•, beating ewe. r din. in/ Mom 4 sine • re a d, or•, pails, e1 . Ito Morse Y the iwoprietor has 'Wen up fuming TRKM 1 -411 and under, midi; 04 es that amnsst 10 m. iths',rahit siren to furnishing spprnred Joint notes 4 per rent. per senors all fol cash on credit east ottn u Thos. Cameron John ('anipl.ell .au•Iannvte 1'r pert• r \t no Pclepct, it. trot ton, i.�,;, I1 (aur tot, W. Pepper, S. eel, 'end .api,ea111 lel h.tvac : I'erII%(J n ; ti,„ _old. \%' F. rightw,tn; neat Ira-,• life. Isis many ft i,n,l olds I,,:; a. A. Ihwhallau. John are pleased lu nee hint .114 tau in go(.d two., ,.tfe ,olds W. I'ep(ct, It. health. --Mrs. (1)r.1 Orate and dough- flick.. 1. R,,v.i e; team, It. Saddler, ter of Centralia have been visiting h"r 1. it father, Chri-tian Beaver, for at ft.w art,.. 1'urpr.4,,-11roo! mate wit:, day, this week. -The u,illiuety dr' foal, It. 1lieko. Writ. Pfaff. .1„•:tt ;t....a- partnit•nts of /wicker's and Brown Lt •, \1'a•,. 1lydc. W. slnle'N wf•11. 1111'taw11 ()pelt to thy pal :: , ,•,,, a. this week. So far, we haven't vent- tio1d.8. J. \\"us, i' It.tdel :.:-year-old. S. Sur:u'us, • Hazelwood. John Hey ; 1-year-o14s • . •, It. Hicks, NV urns ; team, W. ure•d within the bounds of these wolf- .I del ful places and linoehy get 511 int •1 of the styles in vogue. NV.. hater !wood it tw'hispeted that the ladies' hats this year are huger Oban ever and lh•• price las increased Accordingly.--f/r. Friday night. Bev. Howl'', represent- ing the Cruel. Canada 1111a1e Society, gave an illustrated leclmr in the Evangelical Church. The views thrown on the canvas were mostly of 11;•• work of the Society's turn t.inong tl. foreigners in the %Pest and up in the Yukon. Some beautiful views of the scenery through the Itockies were• shown and those who were not pie. - est hissed a treat. -Fredet ick celebrated his 8(3th birthday last Wed- nesday. He is still hale and hearty and has 1%11y appea 'ance of living ninny more years. 1Ve all hope that his good health will continue and that he will live marry enure years in our midst. - Ed. King of Yale, Stich,, Is visiting his brother Eli here. LUCA N. Rev. J. W. Hodgins, wife and son visited ILL the ft rmer's home here, Alf, Hodgins having conducted seavices in Holy Trinity Church here on Sunday. -Nothing leis been settled in regard to the light plant here, consequently the streets are in darkness and as well as giving the town a deserted appear- ance it Makes things very awkward for business and we sincerely hope something will be done towards Im- proving this state of affairs soon. -- Miss Josie I)a,cy of Detroit, who has been visiting friends here, has return- ed to her home. -A couple of houses on Alice street were broken into a couple of weeks ago by burglars and a watch and some money stolen, bathe otTenders are still at large and Tues- day night entered the Central Hotel by way of the front window and took ten dollars from the till, and also vis- ited the cellars of Mr. John Coursey and Mr. Dale and obtained some fruit. -The remains of Mr. Thos. Dight of Thedford, formerly a resident of Lti- can, were brought here on Saturday for interment. Mr. Dight was at one time engaged in the milling business here together with Mr. Beruard Stan- ley and was highly respected by all who knew him. His family have the sympathy of a large circle of Lucan friends. -Mrs. 13. B. Gunn of Seaforth is visiting her sister, Mrs. McNamee, previous to leaving for Sats- katoan, where she expects to reside. Miss Emma Fox has returned home ,tfaew a two weeks' visit with friends in Toronto and Hamilton. -A number from here took in the fairs aat'I'ornntn, London and Exeter. -Percy 5111111.,10 of Bete nit is spending his holidays at his home here. --Mrs. McTurk is spend• ing her holidays in Chicago, Illinois.- Mlse Jessie Stanley is visiting friends in town. - Favorable reports have been received from the West from the young sten who took in the harvest - ere' excursion. Among the number were: Messrs. Creighton, Vlhitt•, Jot' Henn. Cecil Simpson and Mr. Dickens. -Miss Belle Martin is attending sehool in Stratford. K111V.1 The cry is "very dry weather." -Mr. James Harry was in London last week for a few days, visitinv his sister. - Mrs. IL Cunningham was visiting friends in Ailsa Craig this week. - Quite a number from here attended Exeter Fair and report a good time. -- Mr. 11, Cunningham has disposed of one of his drivers to Mr. Rrown of Green way. -Mies Armstrong visited her parents at Shipka Sunday. Exeter Fair A Success TlIR E\i' ri.:)t A(71tlCUt.rt'R n L TY'S EVENT WILL AGAIN .10 ON ItE(1)Ii1) AN •1 Si'I.F:NDID Ai'1•'AIII GATE RECEIPTS OVER >13:,0.0o, The Exeter Agrlculturnl Society met all Close Intetesttd Ira the Herter F,tlr C 11 r'ejolrc over the very general and turreesful results of the Fair on T.tea- day. Ilctutifte *rather, the exeNI.'nt '9 - Whits and attractions, coupled with the enviable reputation enjoyed by Ihla So•.'• rely. went to make 1t the success 11 wan. The Indoor dlaplay was especially govt. T'10 tad:es had sure^ette.' in furnishleg Wee thing.e for every avallahle space. whole the hall was filled with busl'e• ss displays and vatted attractions. Roots and vegetables and frulta were nunl'r- oua ate' 1.trgr and of an excellent plat - 1i67. wi•lle the poultry department was t rod. in the field every class was (111. e.1 11,X1 equal satisfaction and the N.tns of nnln•ala shown was nothing hut hl h grade for wl•:et, the locality has Ione en- •)yrd n reputat'oa that Is known thrr• tut (lanada. The track entertainment *AA good. The 2.4o trot or pare wag mtesled by flare animals nt good +peed ,.nd atton.The gentleman's road rnee formed a good event, natwllhstarelleg '',11 there were only two entitles, but r'.ey stopped well and every heal was •tcheil with 111ornN•11tAry Interest. Ti Farmer's trot was also a goes rac'c, ae wts *leo Co' hitching a ot1rs' In width 1f .ne tiara Stewart attd Wes E. 1'c'- gu.nr.t wcrc opponents, the former wln- nh•g. Fol towing is the summary and pt Ise Mllalefa,- 2,4u trot 0- pare itcednt.stcr Jr„ T. Murdock 1 1 1 11 .gate 11.. G. 11. Broderick 2 T •c Jap. %%'tit. Kuntz 3 .1 a Gentleman's (load Rare (1 p.:y Queen, G. Dow 1 1 1 N to I A., W. Arnold 2 2 2 F'arrncr'a Trot Mary Grey, W. Wood EVA B.. 11 1+1reit \flame, \V !tomer t1 -Jett Girl. B. \vlII'•rrts 4 1 (HORSES Ileiny Itraug-t.-Ilre:et mare with toll A. Our • u.‘1,. S. E.ecry . 11:11) foal. A. Bur' am'n. J•t,n Campbell ; two year old 0. 11,t; , 1 \\ ;(;!sale, R. 4.1'rrt , one- vwtr „;•d 5. Kleerr . Tekm, '.en.. Oke. 1w ,tet.cultural.-ltrool mars with tail, 1 1 t 1). Fe';'n 11, \\'til. Iiyde. Y '1, Le:ut's for heavy oe id foul. A. Minh- ,. i.s ter• fur Moir ; ate)- . tor. 2,1' 'tcevy walking • Wm. Davis and J. D. McLean. ! Judge. • o• •••• stare with foal, It. It. L. \\ et al ; 11011 foal, Mrs. A. 11,eke, it. McArthur, S. Andrew; three • :1d, 11. Jones, E. Ko •!,icr ; two - t' old, J. Pringle, J. Barr ; nae -year old. T. M. Forsythe, It. McArthur; Team, \t'. Dtt kers sr., Wm. Oke: single, J. : hunter, A. Mrpon(ll. •a- tirood stare with foal, T. M. Forsythe, J. Decker, Jr., Geo. Mot;r in,. m.o. T. .1. Amy, T. M. Forsythe, 1 t,11, 8. Mynlcllh. C. Dobbs A. Iso I1atuua : 2 -year old, I. Armstrong Rc S 1), 1:t I -year- old, J. tS..Cier J. Decker ; Tarim, C. Robbs ; Single., 1' illc'ks, Thos,. !Icy, P. Fassold; Lad.; driver, Miss Clara Stewart with 3. I'rie- glo',e horse, T. I larton ; 1La:kt ey.-:3-ye.tr old, It. Norris, _'-yr. old, J. Darr: 1 -year old. T. Ilro.'k, Jr., foal. T. Brock, Jr. \Vm. Read, Lucan, Judge. CATTLE Shorthorn. -Cow, 11. Smith 1 omit!: year heifer, 11. Smith 1 and 2, \Y.,lo'u;s 1 -year heifer. 11. Smith 1 and 2, \\'Johns Helfer calf, 11. Smith 1 and 2, \V. Johns ; hull calf, ii. Staab 1 and 2 ;herd, D. smith 1 and 2. tirades. -Cow, T. II. Shapton, F.Cuat,n S. Misery ; 2 -year heifer, J. Hawkins 1 -year heifer, 1'. Coutes, J. haws(:as ; lit ifcr calf, S. Eaecry, A. Elrod ; 2 -yr steer, T. 11. Shapton, J. Shapton : 1 -year steer, T. 11. Shapton, J, T. A111so11 ; Steer calf, A.F.Iro tt, Shapton. Jcrvey,-Cow, 1. Armstrong, P. ter Case 2 -year heifer, T. Brock, sr., 1 year old heater, L Armstrong, T. Brock, sr.; Hcif er calf, T. Ittock, sr., 1, .\ii utroag; bull calf, T. Brock, sr. W. 1'ridham. Judge. S11EEI' . Dorset horn. -Aged rant, C. I Lit vty ; aherling ram, S. Cudntore; rant lamb C. Harvey, S. Cudn)ore; ewe with 1tluti Iambs, C. Harvey, N. Cudtnoro; shearllrr•C ewe, and ewe iamb, S. ('udntore, Charles 1 larvcy. Shropshire Downs. -4, Duncan swept all the prizes. Lincolns, -O. Penhale swept all the pries, Leicester.-Seearlfng rani, it. (dell 1 & 2: ram lamb, G. Pcnhalo. .1. Kteott ; ewe a 1'1 1000 Iambi. It. Dell , she.arltng cwt., (tell 1 and 2: ewe lam1,, It, Ball, .1. utt. T. H. Nei, P. Lannon•. Judges. ('ION Yorks!,:rc.-2-year boats 1000 boar, 2 -)ear oo v. 1900 sow, R. lllrch. ' Pcrkshtre.-2-year boar, D. Dogulas .f Sun: the met of the class going to Dar. son faros. Tamworth. -D. Douglas & Non a.••t'pt the r! • on with the exception of second for t wo-year sow, which went to Raw- son Bros. R. Delhrldgc, Judge. POU I.Tltl' Golden penrtlted Hamburg' and (*Melva, (bit,n, and eh,/ kro While Created ilk. P•alondo and elan km, W. Carter ; Orphing to.,a and rIlrks, Iludson .i Sun 1 and 2 ; (gulden I'olands and c111kw, I•', C. Prouty 1 and 2 ; White Leghorn*, T. Ilrtwk. sr., A. E. 1iudgcrt, chit kn. Hudson .4 Son. T. Prof k. ear.: Brown Iwglhorns. T.Itro,'k 1r., .1, 11. (tattler, cnlr'ks, iludaot R Mon, 1. E. I Bulr,-,t , Crown Isghorns. h'. C. Prouty, .1. 11. (tattler, chicks F', C. Pro- uty 1 and 2: White Leghorn rose eomb, W. Coates, lludaun & Son, chicks, W. Coalca; Black l.rghnrns, A. Mweltzer, J. II. Batttler, chit ks, A. Sweitz• r 1 and 2 ; Andulualana and chlcka, A. Sweitter 1 and ; Black Spanlwh, J. 11. Battler, 11'. Coates; itlack Mlnorcae. Hudson k Non Sliver lace Wyatndotles, J. W. OrVitel:t. 1 and 2, chicks, J. W. Ortwclu, A. Swett zer: White Wyandotte@ chicks. 3. Sen- ior ; (tuff \1y.it111lc.. and chic's o, -1,1\. Ortwcln; illu•k Wyandotte: and i'arttld ge Wyattdottes, Iludson & Sun : (ted Cap and chlcka, J. 11. Rattler ; Turkeys and Coate.,, ihtt i , (I,. 1c and Young. Rouen Ducks and young. W. Coat ea ; Light Ilrahama)) and emcee. Tont Carling„ Hudson anti Sur Ittrrc1 I';)- mcuth rocks, T, Carling, A. Blseetl ; chick.), T, Carling, .1, Sweltzet; White Plymouth lto:'ks, J. Ortwi l t : Langstt urs J. 11. Pettier; Silver (trey Dorklns and Ntlek.t, J. 11, Battler ; Colored Droklns, W. Cuter ; Platik breasted Red Games chlcka. J. 11. Battler; other variety of game chltks, Hudson * Son, A. !Itasca Illnrk (ted (lame Bantams and c'drke. Nucleoli ala 8.,,1 1 d. 2 and brown red baut- tnma, J. !teeter. T. ilrnek .0r.. reel. kn. J. Senior ; Duckwing Bantams, W. Coat es 1 and 2 ; chleke, Rowe & Atkinson, W. Coates: other variety bantams and rhleks, Silver Spangled i►anhur,is and chirka. Golden Spangled Ilamburrs,N11- vet- penc!Ile/ iia:nburgs, 11;ar•k iia• burgs and chicks, all went to W. Coates . other variety ducks„ T, Brock. sr. .1 :and : collection pigenris, W. Coates, Harvey Mos.: Belgian Itahhlts, ilarvey pros.: other war env rabbits, Varve% Bros., T. Brock. ar. ; Guinea Fowl, A. R. Ilodgert. Jolne.t ,t C'lark's sperlal ft r hen eggs, It Kydd. Wm St, 1.• a 1. Judge. GRAIN AND SEEDS. F'alI whr11. white, J. K. Wise. NI. ItrMl.our , fait wl•cat. red. 0. Andrew, M. Ilrethour : any varlet., eprine wheat, 51. Drethour, J. K. \Vise; II -rowed bar- ley, M. Prt•thour, J K Wise: 2 -rowed ,)racy. J. 3.. Wisc. ?i Rrrthoul': large oats. M. Pretthour. • .t. K Wise: blank oats. M. Br•ethour, J. K Wise; timothy seed, M. Idrethour, J. K. Wise ; flax seed �1 Bretheur, J. K. Wise ; Merchants' Ilene, Iterate; Inns.: white beans, Wm. Cornish, J. K. Wise: clover seed. .1. K. Wise, M. itrethour. collection grain In r sr, 11. Notch. J. K. Wise : cnslltge corn L. D.ty, Gro. Slobs spells. 1. K. wine, •1. l'rct'toar : large pea •, M. 11rethow, 1 J. K. WOO (email prag. J. K. %%'lees St. Ilretl our. W•,, I1trdt z. Judge. IlvitTICt: LTI It 41. I'RODt. (-rt. Apr•les-les var. whiter, R. Rader, D. 11n0zt . 1 v.a'. fall. 1). Route's. E. Rand- , er ; winter, 1.. Trtebner, Mrs. J. , tall. A. l tis r u,rs, Wm. Wood , ithode la - land preening., 11. Krish, C. 1)ayrnan ; Northern spies, M. I'nlssett. E. Ruder: Roxboro russets, W. Fisher, 11. Drown; lipllzenburg., W. Chesney, E. Rader: Baldwins, 1). Hough. 11, Kriel': West- field seck•no-further 11. Krlcin, Mn- drew ; rnuw, Mrs. J. Turd, \V, M..01..d 1ratenatelns, 11. Keech, 11, E. Huston; tall pippins, A. .%icott, M. Bissell; Col - vat t:f, W. Wood, F. C. Prouty ; King Tomkins, D. !lough, le. Trlebner; Alex- anders, Wm. Fishers Mrs. J. Ford ; Ca- nadian led, A. Alcock• 11. Krick . itib- yton Pippins. JI. F. Salter, F', Trieb- ncr; Wegeer.s, 1. Trtebner, \1,F. Salter (J ii ce U. Pippins, F. Trtebner, J.1 -ley - wood ; Maiden's Mush, E. Rader. Wm. Bowden; Golden Ituescts, 11. Krict•, 8. Andrews; Ben Davis. 1'. Trtebner, 11. Kriel ; Ontario, F. Trlebuer, I1.1CrI•'k . 4VcallhY. A. McPherson, Jae Monteith Due/leas O1de:tburLe iI. !:• L• if. E. Hue ton ; Blenheim Pippins. tent. Chesney. I'eurs.-1'lembsh Beauty, 11. Krlrk, A. Aleott ; Duchess of Anjuullne, J. 0111, 11 Krick : Itcur'e Clulrgcau, A 511•Phcrso:t Clapp's Favorite, A. Alcott, 5t. Dletett; Vicar of Wingfield, A. Alcott ; Bel. Luc- rative, T. Brock, sr., S. Powell ; East P_eurre, .\.S,IJeavitt ; Louts Bonnie de Jersey, T. C\trling, Jr., 1. Armstrong & Son, !tor au de .\nJou, -•1. Armstrong & Sort, T. (.ailing, Jr; Bartlett, Mrs. J. Ford, 11. Krick ; Plume. -Washington, A. Alcutt, S. Powell ; imperial Gage, A. Alcott ; Du.ue Purple, 11. E. Huston, T. Brock, Jr.: Lon) hanrda, T. Curling, Jr., 1i. E. 1luston ;any other variety, It. N. Rowe, I. Annutrong & Son ; Pond's 8cedlluge, T. carting, Jr. J. 0111; Grand Duke, S. Powell ; Glass Seedling, 11. 1•:, Iluaton, T. Carling Jr. Urupe•s.-\loore's Early, S. I'owell, T Smalc ; Niagara, S. Powell, II. Krick ; Concord, .\. Alrutt, T. Sntale; Deleware, T. Prior, \ire. W. Sweet ; Rogers No. 15, 11. E. Huston, ton, T. Striate ; Itogere No. Ip Nita. A. McI'hct'son. A. McPherson ;Rog- ers' No. 4, Mrs. W. Sweet ; Rogers' No. 11, II. E. Huston, A. McPherson ; Rogers' No. 22, 1i. E. Murton ; collet tion of gra tars, T. »bale. Peaches, -Early Crawford, le ,Itader, T. Brock, Jr.; hate Crawford, T. Carling Jr,. \1'nt. Bowden. Sils(edlane00 . Collectloa of canned frust, \V. Decker, sr., Mrs. A. Mrlerersoh collection honey, A. M.Phereon ; Hooey in ton,h. Mt s. a. 51( 1..tc1'801t, A. \Irt'hcr- son ; honey In 3.1r, A. NiePt'ct son, ,5drs. N. 51cP1,creo1 ; Cullcrllon of home -wade wines. Mrs, A. Mcl'nr leo". Mise E. )'er- gur.on : colic(tlon of bottled pitk;es. McPherson, Win. i)cn kr r. sr.: e o le lion of canned ve gt ta,blce. \Pan. Decker, sr., \fra c'lutlno Kxtrat, I'(vk I'I'as S, .\ald\irewl; Spe . -la I, 11 Tatltuatn Sweet. 8!. Andrews; Extra, crab apple. W. COI n- lsh 1u.,dge. Itole,t Lang. 1):1 I It \' l'ltODt'(er$ Flvc Ibe. butter, ten Ise. putter, It. Kydd, tt, Guuld , round rolls. M. Gould, Mrs. A. lurks: neatly arranged plate of butter, 11. Kydd; private cheese, Mrs..1 Ile km. J. A. Stewart's epectal for in 10, butter errx k. M. Gould. \Y, 0. Medd, Judge. VEGETABLES Pearl or Savoy pot tt ci, T. Brae t 1". T. lirock, sr ; rel etc p'tnnt, \1'. Der:ce ,s , wl,rter cabh.•ge, A• (:besot, Jus. Sand - ene, fall c:eti .:age, U. I: A:nd rami :blo .d beets, Jas. Nartcfols, G. Anderio:t; ekes. bort.,, J. Cottle, U, ,1., 1-rso n ; su;ar teret.s. ;1. Port - nio c, 0, 0. '-'o r : Ion WWI golds. Jas. S.tatdrra, C. Ile e y ; .71 inn' manifolds. 11. I'aespmn•c. It. 8 and r termedlutes, M. Bissett, W. J. flu: n••y early horn curtot.s, 0, Mansion. W. 3. !!arses ; Nantes carrots, W. Decker, sr. A. S. 1) -avltt ; long orange or red car - rote, Sohn Cottle. Jas. Saunders: white or yellow fetid carrot., A. Dearing. J. Sanders ; Swett core, A. Bissell, A. S. Du.tvitt ; lndl ut corn. \1. !;!.'sett, A. I11s- sett; water melons, 1). !lough, 1trs. \w'Itkwlrc; Carman No. i• A. Itissrtt ; )rural New Yorker s, A. Dlssitt, T. liroek Jr.; any variety potatoes. Nt. BrIla,u, (Continued on stat page( Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA LONDON. ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Cefal.se.s Fr.'s 3. W. W...resh• 1. W. Westervelt, 1r .CA. Principal, Vice-r'rincirtal. 1,000 .'. ._ pal I Over ono thousand stn. Ery 1 dents enrolled by our chain last yea'. it pay's to at- tend A link of this great rhain,for "18 1.811)8 TIIKItM: p is t4T11F:.0'rli." 01 Thedeman l for onrgrnd- ittes is TIiitEE TiMES i 01 the supply. e Other schools engage nor W grtu iliates ala teachers. A 0 special courwe for teachers. ()retina les of two yvetrs Ago are now earning $2,llllll A per annum. O Three courses-CoMSY.it- V t'13.1., MTM.8tstlt.A1.111' and TEI.Ee:1111113, Fall 'feral Opens Aog. 30• Write for particulars. Clinton iiusinesi College vim" Arm, F.O. SI'l)TTON, PRIM('D•AL THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE READ) OFFICE, TORONTO ESIAIILISIIEII 11361 B. N. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manger Reserve Fund, ,0001 - 6 000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACIEI) AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, anti honey transferred by telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 123 Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. I3ranch also at Crediton The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, pp ) Etc. Etc. Etc. All purchases to be delivered to T. HAWK INS & SON'S HARDWARE, EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. SUI1SCRIBE for the Advocate and get all the dews. THE STANDARD'S 3Ut1VENIIt NUM- BER. The Montreal Standard's Special Num- ber has come to hand, and to a most creditable production. It has a mag- nificent rover In colors, painted by one of America's best known artists. The Number contains nearly 150 half -tone plates devoted to subjects of general ht - tercet, and has two superb panoramic views of Miontreal suitable for framing. The printing is first-class, attd we un- dcrnlund that many thousands of the lesue have been sent to friends abroad CENTIL4LIA There will be held in the Centralia Methodist Church a "Fowl Supper" on Monday evening, Sept. 27tb, from 6 to 8 o'clock. There will be addresses given by Revs. Vance, Watson and Butt, also good musical program. Ad- mission to all only 25c for adults and children i5c. All are cordially invited to come and enjoy the treat of the season. IIiDDULPII Miss Mildred Carter, who has bl a ;, un the nick Ilan Is able to be up alit Armand again. -Sidney !heights vla,ited wit', his mother Sunday. -Tho.. Redwine is tak- ing In Strathroy Fair this week. -Thank- . giving service will he !told in St. ,lame. Church Sunday next. \V 1NCI IELSEA Last W 41'(1 V1141101 11 at Loudon Fair were Mise Ycr,t Coward, Pawl Dolg, Itobt Coward, Thos, Coward, wlte and sons, Eric and Percy, W. G. Medd and Wife, Silas Edith Turnbull, Charles tJpshall,- Sir. Int. facade! house and wife returned Wilke eday atter a vlstt at Itansomvllle, N. Y.-Sllas Laura Go(dbolt of Mensal! is the guest of Lulu 0odbolt.-The antai- versary laid at Sults:dne on Sunday last was a success. Str. Vance preached two eloquent mc mons and the Mt. Pleasant choir iendeted several anthems well. The colter tlona amounted to $3'. -Mrs, 1). Stolt of Coubourg and firs. John I'raaaer of Baltimore are t',e guests if 11. Robinson this week. -Several :runt here attended the Fair at Est•irr Tuca- day. A SPLENDID BAKER sou must have a good oven to bake with -and you just take our word for it, the "IMPERIAL -OXFORD" is the range that has a perfect bak- ing oven -the fire and oven con- struction make it so -call in and we'll tell you why. For Bale by W. J. HEAMAN Purchased Blacksmith Business Having purchased the blacksmith property and business of MR. A, E. PYM, near the Town Hall, i am prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public, and respect- fully solicit the patronage of all the Old Cus- tomers of the Shop, and many New Ones. i believe we can give you entire satisfaction. Yours, David Russell The Desire oI a Boy's ti FART Is to own a watch, one of his " very own." Why deny him when hie ambition ran easily bi gratified. This is not a "rnake believe" watch that we are thinking of, either. it's a guaran• teed time piece. It is simply put together so that a little acci- dental rough usage won't disarrange things. It is nicely nicklesl. it will retain its appearance till the Inst tick. And it will tickle that boy of yours if you take one horse to hint, Why Not Do It To -Day ? A. Marchand Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario