Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-23, Page 3•,ems
One Man Killed, Two Injured by Contact of
Propeller With Electric Wires.
despatch from Ottawa says: his removal from the ground,. The
other me•n sustained a severe shock,
but were soon resuscitated. Keat-
ing, with his brother, was rumina;
a wheel of fortune on the Midway.
He was 41 years of age, was mar-
ried at'd leaves a widow and six
small children. Campbell i•s from
(Glengarry County. Ho was in
charge of the exhibit of the Ontario
'find Engine and Pump Co., 1.int-
A startling seizes of accidents, in-
cluding a tragedy, on Thursday at-
tended the course ..f the dirgiblc
sirs''ip whose ascents were to be
tam of the features of the Central
Canada Exhibition. Th • first as-
cent was attempted on Thursday
j ,ening by Aviator Nassr, upon
'he exhibition grounds near the
A1,erdeen Pavilio••. There were a
number of electric wires near the iced. It is believed that Mr. 'Kent -
pavilion, and in some manner the ing might have been resuscitated
propeller, sear the front of the had a physician been at hand un -
au sleep, becalm! entangled in theta, mediately. On Thursday afternoon,
scraping off the insulation. The some hours after the tragedy, Nassr
rear end of the airship slowly drop- made a successful ascent, landing
Ped to the ground, and the aviator upon the opposite, side of the Ri-
called to the assistant, 11•ingard- deau Canal. Ho was billed to make
n(r, to ''look out for the rudder." another ascent in the evening a mel
A large crowd were assembled, in-
cluding Edward Keating, of Belle-
ville, and Malcolm Campbell, who
sprang forw•arej-lo assist 1Vingard-
ner. The three men took hold of
the framework at the same time,
and hardly had they touched it,
when the spectators saw them drop
limp to the ground in a heap. They
had completed an electric circuit
charged with 2,000 volts.
Keating died an hour later after
TUI: s1:LOBfi.
ie•Ie„rat,nle itrlefe from Our Owe
tad Otter Countries of
hereat Eveuts.
('.'NAI). .
An attempt was made to blow up
a railway bridge at Westbrook, N.
Allan McDonald, a stenographer
at Montreal, shot himself dea.t 1u
his office.
The Government is
for a direct steamship
the 'West Indies.
The Alberta & Great Waternays
Railway will be built from Edmon-
ton to Fort McMurray. ports; Nu. 1 Northern, 81.01;,,,
The C. N. R. and C. I'. R. aro Bay ports, October shipment, and
anxious to secure !cases of timber .No. 2 at 99%c, October shipment.
berths from which to cut ties. Ontario Wheat -No. 2, 93 to 99c
Winnipeg is applying to the 1111- at outside points.
litia Department fur permission to Barley -For future delivery No. 2
54 to 55c, and No. 3 extra, 52 to
Lae outside.
Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, new,
27 to 3714c outside for September
shipment, and 39c fur immediate
shipment. New Canada West oats,
41% to 42e, Bay ports, September
I'ees- No. 2 new, 70 to 72c out-
Rye --No. 2, 66 to 67e outside.
I3uckwlseat.-Prices purely n'euiu-
Corn --No. 2 American yellow,
7s1.; to 77c on track, Toronto. Ca-
1:aclian 75c on track, Toronto.
Bran ---$19 outside in bulk for On-
tario bran, and $23 fur shorts in
bulk. Manitoba, $21.50 in sacks,
Toronto freights; shorts, $21, To-
ronto freights.
seri ice to
REPORTS FROM '1'111: l.t:.tl)ING
Prices of Collie, Crain. Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Home and abroad.
Toronto, Sept. 21.-- Flour - - On-
tario Iluur 90 per cent. patents,
*1 to $ I.u3 in buyers' sucks on track
Toronto, and at $3.90 to 83.95 out-
side in buyers' sucks. Manitoba
flour, first patents, $5.80 on track,
Toronto; second patents, 85.30, and
strong bakers', $5.10 to 85.20 on
t rack, Terunto.
Manitoba Wheat --New No. 1
Northern, 81.0(1, Bay ports, and
No. 2 Northers, $1.01 spot, Bay
otganize a regiment of Highlanders
teas dragging the airship back t'e iii that city.
the grounds when it struck a lice :1a'ehAmid DtcColl, ex -chief of
wire near the entrance to the e'. Police of llailoybury, was acquit-
hibit.ion. It took fire at once, but ted on the charge of taking a bribe
shotup in the air three hundred
feet ',creme the balloon portion of
the machine cxplodeel. Th.e airship
itself was destroyed, but no one
was injured. A house near by
caught tire, but the flames were ex-
tinguished before any considerable
damage was inflicted.
San11 Ste. 'Marie Liquor Healers
A despatch from Sault Ste.
Marie says : As the result of a visit
of Detectives Austin and Fartang-
lo to the Soo during August, fines
in tho Police Court, on Wednesday
amounted to $842. Benny Scigli-
ano, a westend Italian, was found
guilty on throe charges and was as-
eessed $460. Men had visited his
place and obtained
liquor.uor. klarcel-
to Mancosa, another Italian, was
fired $257, and the Algoma Hotel
$125. The amount of the fines has
created some consternation among
the local liquor dealers, especial-
ly through the fact that a vote on
local option takes place here in
January. Fartanglo states that ho
i� employed by the Government,
r.nd says he has a number of other
cases in hand Here.
Jacob Smith M list Stand Trial for
Killing Dominick Spralt.
IP A despatch from Lindsay says:
The trial of Jacob Snaith, who was
re mantled in connection with the
shooting of Dominick Spratt, was
resumed on Wednesday morning be-
fore Magistrate Moore. After hear-
ing several witnesses, who repeat-
ed the evidence brought out at, the
inquest, the accused was commit-
ted for trial at the Quarter Ses-
sions of the Peace, to bo held in
December. Jacob Smith is in a very
boor state of health and is said to
e in the initial stages of typhoid
'fIiF: STREAM O1' WHi:.1T.
I hieing Enslttaril 'through fort
William in Large Q'anlitieg.
A despatch from Fort William
sass: 1Vheat is beginning to arrive
in the city in large quantities, and
for the first time this season the
elevators were working overtime on
'i'ue.day night. Shipping is still,
Lee ever, slow, and the 1Vahcundah,
1'nirn:.o Int, and barge Vtagava arc
in tie• si.er empty and.waiting or-
1.11\ 1111\' 1'01'1 1. 1 1 111N.
Assessment Returie. kite 1t as 19,-
:►tl;-a Snlall Iiia re tee.
A despatch from London, Ont.,
says: The population of London is
4f',507, according to the returns
completed on Wednesday by As-
s(s"tnent Comnlisiioner Grant. The
Fain during the year was 76, the
smallness of which i • attributed to
1 he u,ovement of p''puIntion to sub-
ell,- jest nuts'ete the city.
J01'LINCS altREs'rED.
Charged 11'ith billing Arthur Bol-
lard, of Toronto.
A despatch from Peterboro' says:
On Thursday afternoon High Coun-
ty Constable Cochrane arrested
Fred. Jopling at his home in
Bridgenorth, on the charge that. he
did slay and kill Arthur Bollard
f Toronto. The warrant, was is-
sued by County Magistrate 1 dini-
ron, and included the brother, Har-
ty • Jo ,linK, tvhit
o was not at Hoose
1.-hen Fred was arrested, but on his
return he voluntarily submitted to
arrest. Roth men were arraigned
before Nfagistrato Edu►i,ouu at 9
p.m., and admitted to bail of $1,-
000 each. On the applicatiou of
Att.. O'Conuel, their counsel, the
preliminary hearing was postponed
Lill Sept. 21th.
%V ft Oi'FI('f: i` 'I'11It1!•'TV.
Reaped ilandsonte Profit From
'finned' Meal.
A despatch free' London says:
Taking advantage of the prevailing
shortage and tIre enhanced price
for canned meats, the thrifty Brit-
ish 1Var Office is rcp•e•ted to have
reaped a handsome ',refit by sell-
ing hack to certain Chicago houses
large Mocks of canned meats or-
dered before the prices advanced.
II• appears these supplies are not
wanted immediately, and under its
contract the War Oslice may re-
plenish its reserves, vi ben it de-
sires, at the 4,141 ;and 1e,w'er prices.
Officials of the 1Var Office on Wed-
nesday declined to either confirm
or d•'ny this story.
l'aruser I.iting Neal' 010i Itill,'d
on the '''rack.
A despatch from Delhi, Ont.,
says: Early on Thursday morning
Jacob Bello, a farmer living about
four miles north of here, was; struck
by a Michigan Central Railway Ex-
press train going west, and instant-
ly killed. Mr. Bile, WAS om Iiis way
to attend it fettered and was walk-
ing on the south track• Ile step-
pes' off to the other track to pass
a freight train. when the express
train struck hien. He leaves a fain-
ily of ten children.
to allow n prisoner to escape.
Toronto's share of percentage
and mileage rentals from the To-
ronto Railway for the year ending
August 31 was $576,625.
Canadian shipping men are agi-
tating for retaliatory legislation
rgainst the United States tax on
foreign vessels calling at its ports.
Mr. ('ollingwood Schreiber says
the (.rand Trunk Pacific will never
be built with white labor. There
are two thousand men working in
British Columbia now, and in a
short time 25,000 will be required,
with little prospect of getting them.
Lord Tw•eedmouth, who n short,
time ago was First Lord of the Ad-
miralty, is dead.
Pellagra is causing terrible rav-
ages in North Carolina.
Seven persons lost their lives in
a flood in lower California.
E. H. Harriman bequeathed all
Lis property, without restriction,
to his wife.
The Detroit Federation of Labor
has practically withdrawn from the
American organization.
A Chinaman at ('hicago was fined
$51 for offering a Indy the shelter
of his umbrella during a rainstorm.
John Washburn, a thirteen-year-
eild burglar. committed suicide at
Hustings, Mich., when officers pur-
sued hien.
The Persian pretender has pro-
claimed himself Shah at Lurista11.
Japan will devote it large sutra
during the ensuing year to the re-
demption of bonds.
Santos Dumont in his miniature
neropinne attained at speed of fifty-
five miles all hour.
1Vork is to be•bogiin in January
ou a railroad connecting Mexico
and the Panama Canal.
Commander Peary, in an inter-
siew at Battle harbor, declared
that he himself was the only white
man who ever stood at the Pole.
The resolution in favor of Imperi-
al preference was carried by a largo
majority at the meeting Of the
Chambers of Commerce of the Em-
pire at Sydney, N. S. W.
E11:11'r 1VERE, KILLED.
arrive, which is an advance over
1n a iiead-on Collision Near Nash. what they were purchased at some
yille, Tennessee.two weeks ago Of 2';c per bushel.
No. 2 l'aeadian Western, 4.1 to
.1 despatch from Nashtilte.'I'cnn., 44,9e; No. 3 ('anadian Western, -13
Rays: As the result of n head-on to 43';e. Barley --No. 2, 60 to 67c;
collision between passenger train .Manitol,n feed i.nrley, 04 to 05c.
No. 4 and a fast freight No. 51 on Flour --Manitoba Spring wheat pnt-
the Nnshtille, Chattanooga & St. ents, firsts, $5.99; do., seconds, $5.-
1111'll'flll.itll .11 1 1111'1'1111, Louis Railway, one toile west of
Pegram, Tenn.. on 1%ednesday
eight men were killed, true sc•riuns-
Apples -Cooking apples, $2 per
barrel, and St. Lawrence and
Duchess, *2.25 to *2.50.
Beans -Prime, $2.25, and hand-
a k c
c d 2.90 .,.43 c hashed.
P $ W $ Per
Hay --No. 1 timothy, $15 to $Ic,
a ton on track here, and No. 2,
$14 to $14.50.
Straw --$9 to $9.50.
Potatoes -70 to 75c per bag on
track for Ontarios, and 80e for New
Poultry --Chickens, dressed, 14 to
1Gc per Ib.; fowl, 9 to 1lc; turkeys,
17 to 18c per Ib. ; ducks, Ib., 12 to
Butter -Pound priests, 19 to 21c;
tubs a.iid large rolls, 18 to 19e; in-
ferior, 10 to 17c ; creamery, 2:3%
to 24c, and separator, 22 to 23c per
Eggs -Case lots, 21 to 23c per
Choese-12c per lb. for large, and
at 12%c for twins.
Bacon --Long clear, 14" to 15c
per Ib. in case lots; mess perk, $25
to *25.50; short cot., *27 to *27.50.
Hams ---Light to medium, 15/ to
(10., heavy, 14!;c to 15e; rolls
11 to 1.1%e; shoulders, 13e; hack,
1►+ to I8;gc; breakfast bacon, 17 to
Lard --Tierces, 15e; tubs, I5,{c;
pails, 15,' jc.
BUSINESS A'1' Mt )N TIt 1:.11..
Montreal. Sept. 21.-- The market
for oats is more active, buyers were
asked 431,,v per bushel afloat here
for No. 2 Canadian Western, to
School ('lolled 4)ui41:; 1e, an
A de -patch from l'hippnwa. Ons .
says: Owing to an outbreak of diph-
theria in this tillage the Public
school has been closed indefinitely.
It may be several neck` before it
will he re•ope'n.l.
Seven Thousand Ask Captain Scott to
Take Them Along.
ly injured and a number of the
others reported more or less hurt.
No passengers were killed. The
ears caught. fire and the bodies of
severe! 41 the victims were cremat-
td. itotll engines were completely
es reeked. The wreck was caused
1 y the overlooking of orders.
1 I:S1.% II's 1S %('TINE,
Small Internal ('rater. Have Ileen
Getting Busy,
A despatch from Home says:
Vesuvius is again active. Guides
lepcerl rumblings. followed ley slight
acittnic shocks. The small inter•
nal craters have been unusually ac-
tive in the last few (lays.
40; '''inter wheatpatents, $5.50;
Manitoba strong bakers', 85.20;
straight rollers, $:. to $5.25; (1o.,
in bags, $2.35 to $2.50. Feed ;-
Ontario bran. $29 to 823; Ontario
mi(Idlings, *23.50 to *21.511: Mani-
toba brnn, *22; Manitoba shorts.
*24; pure grain'niouille, 433 to $3.1:
mixed nu,uille. $25 to 827. Cheese
.-Westerns, 11'4 to 1!',e, and east-
ern', 11'4 to Butter -Finest
creamery, 2314 to 21e; seconds at
23 to 23).2c; Manitoba dairy, 18 to
irk•, and western (Miry at 19 to 20e.
Eggs -Selected stock, 2a' to 26e:
No. 1 candled at 2_', to 23e. and
No. 2 at 16 to 19e per dozen.
U'NiTEL) STATES 11 11th 1•:Ts
St. Louis, Sept. 21- Wheat
Sept.. $1.03;';; Dec , $1.00!4.; Mae.
1linneapeli., Minn . Sept. 21.-- Railway - Sept., 97'; to 97',c ; Dee-
A de.pate h fr a 1. iidon sav • make more acute the general oil- 9;, e ; May, $1.0n', to $1.01; cash.
Capt. Scott, the Antarctic explor lingness to subscribe. No fewer The skin of n fish sloes not fug- No. 1 hard, *1.00;'; to $1.01/; No.
ser is eamince<f t hat if British than 7,(lr>n Wren and hog', fired with gest itself ns a suitable material 1 Northern, I9 a to 811.00'-;;; No.
ex edition which he will the British
the desire to obtain Polar glory, f.,r the making of clothes, yet it i4 2 Northern, 97'; to 09';,c; No. ;3
p have written to ('apt. Scott, beg. used for this purpose by it tri;,e Northern. ts5'; to 907,c. Hour --
does not start next year, other ging to lie allowed to join the ex•o; 'terrors in \lanehurin. They in First patent', $5.20 to $5.45; sec -
countries will take tip the enter- pedition. One vi riles that although habit the hanks of the ''cony River, and patents. *5.10 to $5.35; first
prise on the line of advance (!e• he is a foreigner fie %ill eilli'iglyand lite by fishing and hunting. clear'. ?1.35 to $4.50; second clears,
vel'le p 1)3 British
l tits+shrajoneers.sing $400,- becoCaptlne.e It will ticngnRclhim. Briton
if I During the last hundred years they 83.10 to 83.30. Bran- In hundred
t. l hnye bosom(' nearly extinct owi.ig )round sacks, 81950.
000 necessary ter the expedition is of l apt. Scott's former company tee the invasion of their domain by Milwaukee, Sept. 21. --Wheat.
Igond. Thousands of letters of en- want to rejoin him in his present t nsrirnilural Chinese. They aro N•'. 1 Northern, 41.08 to *Lee's':
quirt', tunny enclo•.ing cheques, undertaking. 1)r. Wilson. alio ea" k,,,,%,1 ns Fish -skin Tartars. The No. 2 Northern. $1.05 to $1.06;
Lave reached the office of the ex• physician le the Discovery expedi- I fish they use is the tnienra. n species Dee., 9A'„ to 981,4e bid. Rye- No
pedation, while interest and rival- lion which l'npt. Scott eoinanneded, . f salon,''. }loth flesh and skit of : 1. 711-:,c. Corn --Dee.. 60!e. Bar-
ry awakened I. American enter- fins heen appojnt'ii (lector of the! this felt ere 'elle!'•:'eel to ptees. 1 let --Standard, (17's;e ; N,,. 3. 59!i,
prise in di'c,,.ering the Nerd; Pole expedition Ileo preparing- Ittonder'fu! sett 4.t'.ng prererlles. to the No. 4, 'J4 to 59%e.
Toronto Soldier and Civilian Are Charged
With the Crime.
A despatch from Toront., says: C Sockett wont. out into rho crowd
With :t roar that was heard with- and arrested 1Vocnlward, who was
in a radius of several blacks, what easily !ousted by his uniform. A
is supposed to have been a small description of the other roan was
bomb, placed by two sten under a secured, and 1uypector Davis after
table in the New York Chinese res. a time caught Wilkinson. Both
tattrant on York street, exploded wen denied knowledge est the ex-
►: 11'edne,►day night, blowing out plosion
the front of the shop and wrecking The theory is that the explosive
it inside in a remarkable wanner. was one of the small [nimbi used
Queenie Oliver, the cashier of the in the fireworks display in front of
restaurant and its only occupant the grand stand at. the Exhibition.
at the time of the explosion, was Quite a number of those were
knocked down, although by some picked up by soldiers and civilians,
strange chance escaping with no :t i.s said. Some 41 these fireworks
more serious injury than a few mere explosives of high power, and
bruises. could have edema! such an explo-
Several policemen, headed by In- sion as last night's. It is supposed
Spector Denis, who heard the ex- that Woodward became possessed
plosion while at the corner of Bay of one of then and took it into the
and Richmond streets, were on the restaurant with the object of "hair -
spot a minute later. The young ing some fun" with the Chinamen,
tvoman told the story of two teen being unaware of the damage it
who had been in the place, and P. would cause.
Montreal, Sept. 21. --There were
no really prime beeves on the Mar-
ket, and five cents per pound was
about the toi) price fur pretty good
animals and from that down to
f4 ur cents per pound, while the
c, minon stock sold at 2'a to near
to per lb. Calves, 83 to $10 each,
at s'.: to 5';c per 1b. ; sheep, 'Sl_
to -1r, and lambs, 5' to Gc per 1b.
Good lots of fat hogs, 9 to 9%c per
he, milch cows, *30 to $35 each.
Toronto, Sept. 21.-Butc)i rs'
were in strong demand. Picked lots
of prime steers and heifers sold as
high as $5.80 per cwt•., but this was
exceptional. Tho general average
of good loads was from $5 to *5.-
-1C; medium, $1 to $1.90. Milkers
uaindn ringers were in steady
Stockers and feeders -
Firmer. Sheep and calves --Steady
and unchanged. Lanmbs-Easier,
owing to heavy run. Hogs-Seleets
are quoted at *8.25 f.o.b., and $3.-
b0 to $8.65, fed and watered.
BRAVE IF NERVE 15 ('1"1'.
Nerve in Brain Has 1Vonderfrl Ef-
fect upon ('omards.
If only a hair's breadth lies be-
tween genius and madness, only a
t,ervo lies between the hero end
the coward, according to the lat-
est discovery in brain research.
I)r. ,Jules Bonnier, it famous sur-
geon of Paris, and a nicn:ber of
the staff of the Charcot H,-pital,
111:R. B.tNIiS AND Itlt:tES.
11 user Is Coin;; On in the Ili�hlaasl,t
and I n,,laudi of Auld
A seal was caught alive on the
shore of Loch Entail..
Eight young women were charged
with gambling in a Glasgow ceme-
A new twin screw steamer, 9,000
tons, is to be built for the Donald-
son Brothers, Glasgow, ,
at 1}i
The 2nd Battalian Royal Soota
arrived recently in Edinburgh from
Bombay after 13 years' foreign
A Musselburgh girl named Hill -
4,'.4 year% old, was killed 1,7
the kick of a horse in a farm near
The cabinet-making works of Mr.
If. Morris, l'ow•caddens, was rec-
ently destroyed by fire at a dam-
age of 810,00<).
.1 salmon weighing 43 pounds, 3
ice( 10 inches long, and 2 feet 8
ia•ches in girth, was caught at Mea-
dow Haven, Berwick.
Mr. Alexander Keith, a ',etcher
of fusel'. Aberdeenshire, a••, utent.-
has, after a series of exhaustive ally drank a quantity of carbolic
researches, found that the emotions
of fear and melancholy are due en-
tirely to a small nerve that stretch -
e: upward from the medulla oblon-
gata. that second brain or ganglia
al the back of the neck, into the
t erebellun1.
The larger and more developed
this nerve, be announces, the more
cowardly, timid or morbid its pos-
sessor is; the less (1c :eloped the
!.raver encl.ntare optimistic.
But it is only necessary to cut the
acid, doing in a short tinte.
Three more animals --two cows
and a horse -have died of anthrax
ht Jlusselburgh. :111 belong to the
dair)•man in ttI esc pren►i:e • the cut-
I.reak occurred.
Mr. James H. Shepherd, who has
been manager of the Dundoed-
13rouglity Ferry, and District Tram-
ways since they were opened about
four years ago, haa been al►point-
td manager of the Dunter:rlase and
District Tramways.
nerve to turn the craven into a The Duidee whaling strainer ba-
leen or woman without. fear; the laena reached 1)nndee last week
melancholy one into a being whose tion' the (Greenland fishing, and
every mental recess is penetrated had on board four whales. These
).y good diner. mill yield one and a Half tons of
bone nit.' 30 tens of oil.
Ret. 1)unran Ntacgregor, Prin-
cipal of Irlinoon College, has rn-
signed the pastorate, and will in
future devote himself to the work
cause fear is one of the two primal "f the e.ellege, except for Sunday
impulses of life, and hits been stip 1'reiehing.
posed to be as ingrained in every
cell ns hunger itself, which is the
primal impulse, say the toy eho-
In ct, it is hard to answer
whether fear or hunger carne first
es it is to answer that other fad-
ct1, question of t-Iictiler it was the
egg of the hen that was first on the
erpue. For fear is merely the int.
j i.Ise of self-preservation. It is
through fear that life leas seen en-
abled to 'Iiinb from the little sto-
n,a Ii cell swimming around in a
primeval toed puddle into bird
and beast and ratan. Fenr has kept
the organism away from myriad
r itfalls and allowed it to march
along on the thin ledge of et elu-
This, the most amazing finding
of brain surgery for a decade, has
been modrst13' announced by 1)r.
Bonnier, with the proofs of his die•
ce ery• 1t is most wonderful be -
There is at present in course of
erre t ion at ll.ethwell a large ehapel
school for the Roman Catholic c'on1-
enmity of Bothwell ai:41 Hamilton
Palace Colliery district a. The school
is estimated to cost *40,000.
Messrs. Murdoch and \i array,
Port Glasgow, have secured a con-
tract to build a paseeuger and ear -
pe• steamer leer Liverpool ovrnere.
The Trades Council hag decided
tee hold an anti -sewing (lemonItra
tion un C;lasgoe Green on Sept.
The Glasgow School Board nrn
taking steps to earry out a scheme
for the medical examination and
supervision of children. 1t is pro
posed to appoint a chief n:edienl
officer and 20 medical practitioners.
Commission Issues Orders Re-
garding Officers on Trains.
1 desp:ttctl front Ottnwn pays:
The Canadian Railway Cemitli'sion
..'r, Wednesday made an order di-
recting all railroads in (ainada
whieh do an international business
to direct their conductors to pre•
vent under interference %ith pas•
setgers in (amide by 4'nite I States
itr.neigration .•fflclais. In making
the order. Chairman Mabee said he
had received over fifty eon:plaints
against American immigration of-
ficials, who are alleged to bate
made them,elses - obnoxious in
( anada. ne ' only 1 r• a ,ongers
bound to tli.' l ailed Slate., but to
pa''engers going from one. ('aradi-
an point to another The order di-
rected conduct•,rs to report all cas-
es of incivility by .1inerh.n,1 offici-
al. 4,n ('anndian trains On behalf
os the railways it wap explained
that the preset r of American of -
Aeolis en train, in Canada 1,4 8.4 don
ie. an arrangement and was (Ie4 qn
ed to preterit loss of time i,t snak-
ing e,itrninntje•us of buundsry