Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-23, Page 125ctoJAN.IO1,, (ets The Advocates
and Mail and Empire/
The Advocate and Montreal Stareft
Take advantage of ourJ
Low Club Rates
Tworry-Fu1sT YEAR.
Try tlie Adrtieate Jttlea
For Wedding ani( Il
noes Stittiueert and
Cards, Poster Tickets.
Bills, and all kinds of
. Type 1&tStylus are the Best
The Old Reliable
'We Are Still in the Swim
Dress Goods at Bargain Prices
both ends and large pieces. Regular 35, 40c, 50c, rifle, and 75e per yard
to clear 25c These Foods are all good, heavy and durable, make
s splendid dresses for your girls going to school or
for you mothers. Come quick before they are all gone.
Table Linens and Napkins
Extra values in Table Linens for a few days only. REAL LINEN DA-
MASK, full 72 in. wide, with neat pattern, while they last, $1.00 per yard.
Also NAPKINS to match, at $2.25, $2.75 and $3.00.
BE,UTIFUL BLEACHED TABLE LINEN, good width, special at 50c
and 75c. UNBLEACHED TABLE LINEN, in heavy well finished, at 25c,
35c, 40c. ter. 50, t13c and 75c. These are extra value, but. having a quantity of
then. .;wing to clear to stake room for our Fall Goods, which ate arriving
every .,. y.
Fancy Suitings for Ladies
Call and see them in all the new shades and styles.
Shoes -Fifteen Per Cent Discount
Now is your chance to get sold before the Winter comes. A job line of
Shoes in all sizes, while they last. 49c
50c Tea for 40c Nilsle they last, one care rtnly of RAM
LAX Tea, in black, regular .30c tins, this
week 40c.
Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Live Poultry 1
Butter 19c, Eggs 21e. trade; 20c cash. These prices subject to
The BIG Burgain Store during Fair Week g
Ladies' Mantles, Children's Coats
New Dress Goods in all the leading colors
Ladies and Children's tine and heavy Boots
Men's and I3oys heavy and light Boots
Men's and Boys' Suits and Trousers
All at Bargain Prices
in stock for
Fair Day
Don't forget to see our table of
Ladies' and Girls' Hats at I0c each
very nice for school or s second hat --
also sotne nice Trimmings & Feathers
We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries
reefesat•■al Cards.
D11. O. D/, aOULaTON, L. D. S., D. D. 111.
■ember of the it. 0. D. S. of Ontario and Honor
Oesduate of Tercet* U.ivenity.
orrios: Over Dickeoa h Carltog'e Law Oma, is
D. Anderson's fonder Dental Parlors.
�Ds. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S.'
Heno, graduate of Toronto Ualyeri.tr.
tests extracted without any pain, or any bad nisch
Ogee oyer Madame a Stanbury''a otllce, Min street
R IIRWiiT, N. D., 11. C. D'. & s , 110\OR
e Graduate of Toronto Unitersity, Two years
resident physician Ro .v Alexandra Hosoeppital, etc
Oma and Residence, DDr. Ames' old Stand, Andrew
Street, EIETER.
Da. t. P. McLAtiOi1LIN
Hu resumed praete a after spending a year (Col.
lege) st British and Continental Hospitals. General
practice with epeeist attention to Eye, (with terse.
Goo) hat Soso and Throat.
Otice: Dashwood, Ont.
D101505 a CARi.ISO, RARRISTT..n9, 80LICI
Tors, Notaries, Contt)an, erg, Cotntniseloa!re
Solicitors for Motions Rant, etc.
Mossy to Loss at lowest rttesof Interest
Otf1 •e,, Win street, Exeter,
1. IL Dawes, R.A , L. H. Reason
We kave a liege amount of pre ate hinds to loge
s farm and Tillage propertied; at toe rates et Inter
Battistero, Solicitor.,1dn et Exeter Os
Llcesged Auctioneer.
Salsa attended In all parte. Satisfutlon guarsn•
teed et no pay. Tern. reasonable. All orders left
st Advocate 011-e will be promptly 'Genie' to.
Agent Confederation T.ife Assurance
Company. also Fire Inanrnnce in lend -
Ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -SL, Exeter.
WM. ANDERSON. Licensed Auctioneer
for Huron County. Terms reasonable.
Dates ran be made at tb.e Advo -ate.
Fleeter. or henry Etlber's Office. Crrd-
iton. 4 '
An ear. tient brick (tour eodern and
up-to-date. Sara ted on ;1.1in Greet.
Apply at this Office.
Bus and Dray Calls
promptly attended to.
Horses kept in stock for sale.
Telephone 41A
Stables at Handford's Horse Exchange
Operators on Ladles' Waists and
Wt:itewear. Good wages. Steady work
Perlin, Ont.
FARM 1'011 SALE.
The undersigned is offering for sale
that valuable 100 erre tarns, being Lot
9. ('on. :1, Stephen, Alleleared and in
good at•tte of cultivetloe. Fcnc's good,
well under -drafted with Ole. About one
acre of orchard. Two 'nary new brick
rtetage and bank barn ; also cement
silo; three good wells of water and a
epi leg creek. One quarter mile from
re ',unl and two neflce from church.
1'ovnessio:t Keel in u.. 'all. Apply to
NEWTON It ‘10.211, CENTit.t 1.f.\. ONT.
A t.uedred acre farm. all seeded down
hut one acre ; situated north of Centralia
1-4 mile fro:n Church, school and Post
Office, being Lot. A. Con. 1, Stephen.
There is on the premises a good frame
house, thre., good frame barns, 4 wells,
1 wt'.dntlll, 1 acre of good orchard.and
10 acres of hardwood hush ; fences In
good repair, and Is well under -drained.
Terms easy. For parte ulers apply to
MRS. S. McCOY, Centralia.
tun give possession at once.
First-class brick town, on sail: -,L,
Eerier,: Terms easy. Also for sale
Vogrireeangs' \Voederful itrmrdtrs.
Carload cedar posts for sale.
One of the finest farms in Usborr.e
Apply to St\NDERS & CIIEECiT. Exeter
The undersigne4 : as 1''n :sere, of first
class grazing farms to rent with ahued
ante of water. For particulars apply to
HENRY EiLBER, Crediton.
Three weeks ago Mr. Cnarlcs Knight
waa suddenly stricken and called to his
long home, and scarcely had the grief
subsided lit this sad event when the
home is again fraught with sadness
and sur row by the removal from their
midst of another of tee family by the
cued hand of death. \1•e refer to the
demise of the third son, h'raucis J.
Knight, who passed away about tualf
past three Monday morning. at the ctee
of 46 years. and strange to say the sled
came on his birthday. Death was lot
in the leaat unexpected, he having been a
sufferer from anaemia for nearly two
years, and despite all that could ) o done
during that time he had been in failing
health, but for the last few wet.ks life
was at a low ebb, and at (Inters It was
hard to distinguish whether or nto the
spark had fled. Mr. Knight had been
a worthy resident of Exeter for over
thirty years, and in his private lite. bus -
Incas management and his many good
traits of character won golden opinions
for honesty, good citizenship and mor-
al worth. Mr. Knight was born In Paris.
Ont., in 1803 and aubaequently lived In
London. St. Thomas and Exeter, and for
two years sojourned In California. It
waa in the year 1878 he moved to Exeter
and for two years was in the service of
the Grand Trunk, after which he r_ r,i311-
ed his position and went to California.
Returning to Exeter he served a time
with Mr. Geo. Mace in the grocery and
liquor trade and afterwards bought the
business whtc i he continued up to abo'tt
three months ago. first in Mr. Mace's old
.tandetand and later in the premises
erected by Mr. Wm. Southrott. The de-
c•eaaed was married about 22 years ago
to Mies Louisa Drew,(daughter of the
late Edred Drew( who predeceased him
about 1:1 months. Mr. Knight was a
member of the Trivitt Memorial c::urth
and In politica was a staunch Conserv-
•ttt•'e He was a valued member of ilii
Oddteilowa and it was under their aus-
ptcea the funeral was conducted on \Ved-
neaday to the E=^ter cemetery. Ile is
survived by two sons, Frank J. and Will,
together with his mother. one sister,
Mies Carrie, and four brothers, Charles
of St. Thomas; George of Ilderton : Fred
of Arcadia, Sask.; and John J. at home.
Deterred will be kindly rentctn'tered for
many a day, and general regret Is ex-
pressed over his demise. Beautiful flor-
al tributes were in evidence trout tt.1a-
tives and friends. The bereaved are deep
ly sympathized with, In tills their second
sad affliction.
Children Cry
100 acres, to get possession in fall.
Apply to SANDERS & CREECII, Exeter
As I ant now in the \Vest on a trip
for my health, my book accounts will
hot he collected until I return in two
months. Dated, Sept. 15th.- A. E.
THURSi)AY, SEPT. :tel --Clearing Sale
of I'arntStock and Implement, the prop-
erty of Itolxrt Dowrt, Lot 26, Con. 2, In
Usboric. Sate at 1 u'c:u k. T. Camer-
on, auctioneer.
Clearing sale of High Class Stock
and implintents, on Lot 10, Con. 2, Hay.
on Tuesday, Oct. nth, at 12 o'clock noon,
sharp. No reserve as the proprietor Is
giving up terming.
John Cattipbcll,
Proprietor Auctioneer.
Thos. Cameron,
THURSDAY, OCT. 7. -Farm Stock and
impletntttts, the property of John Mc-
cullough, Lot 16, Con. 11, Usboree. Sale
at one o'clock sharp. No reserve as
the proprietor Is retiring from the farm.
Thos. t(tmeroh, Auct.
TUESDAY, OCT. 12 -Clearing Sale of
Vann Stock and Implements. the prop-
etty of John Tucker, Lot 17. Nprth
Thanes Road, Osborne. Sale at one
o'tlock aharp. All to be sold without
teserve as the proprietor has sold his
farm. Thos. Cameron, Auct.
The undersigned Is offering for sale
tis fuetory pie/nlses ua London ito td
Sough, consisting of nearly three netts
of lend. brick fat tory. frame dwelling.
gr,o 1 Milk stable, blacksmith shop and
ot! er Luildings. Will bo sold at a
te.tncbabhle figure.. and on easy terms.
Co • particulars apply on the premises.
or by mall to THOMAS IiEAMAN, Esc -
ter, tint.
('ottageattd three lots In Exeter. being
's Nos. 55, 5A, and 57. on the South
•talc of Sinecoe Street. On this property
1s a frame cottage (brick foundation) con
taining five roenta and a good cellar.
Also a good well and a Targe stable.
Good garden and fruit trees. The pro-
la•rty la to 1* sold to wind up the estate
R,'rrlaters, Exeter, Ontario.
Ontario Liquor License Act
License ii .tri,t of Smith 11htron. Notice 1s here -
Lt `sten that (errs itrenner, of the Township
of Stephen, hes mule a),,.li; ►tion for permission
to tran.frr his Town.h, {.tat ern license in Stephen
to Jame. Barman of 8te1,11en Tp., and that the said
sppli; ation will be considered at the Meeting of the
Board 11.1: en.e Contmiw;ioners, to 1., held at the
Commercial I(..tel, In Villyre of Exeter, on V, ednes-
day, the °9th day of September. bits, at the hour of
les m.
All persons interrste,t will Vol ern themselves sr•
John Torrance, License Insperter
Dated at (1r..,- e" '1. -r Col test..' 1r•M
A pitiable rase of destituttee and neg-
1r. t came to the attention of the people
of tlzeter last week.
`Sr. Ed. Willis while hunting in a lone-
ly part of flay Swamp Iasi Wednesday
accidentally came across a fancily co:1-
9lctittg of husband, wife and one eailtI
living in a temporary wcod-cu .-. s'
shack. The surrour:dings were of the
stoat depleasing nature, the niter(.) be-
ing practically void of the slmplee1 nec-
t e `::es o: life, while riot mother ttnd
child were almost naked.
The circutuatancea were reported to
some ti.aritably disposed persons in
Exeter, who immediately undertook stops
to have train removed to : t•;t. cnnfor-
tahle quarters where they could be pro-
vided tor and mother and child, who
are In a 'noel delicate state of health.
eepectally the child, who, though sixteen
nwntha old, has scarcely developed any.
may receive medical attention.
The poor little creature 13 a most beau-
tiful child and It la sad to contrast its
healthy children of the sante age.
The authorltle3 of (lay township wero
communicated with and they immediately
invoyt1g. i .1 , -.yes. with the result
that pro'.t;Ions t.tn made to have them
taken to Exeter, where thanks to Mra.
Saxon Fitton and oti.er ludiee teey are
centfortably settled in Fleeter North.
TMs is only one rase of many with
which the Canadian peopl^ will be called
upon to deal with upon the entrance lata
our country of poorer people from the
old land. Worthy people, many of then(,
but never having had a chance have
found life an up -hill road and instead
of improvi tg their lot have gone from
bad to worse ((11 a condition such as
waa dh' ) ! in tills cae'' Is reached.
Tho 11110 is a strong. able-bodied
fellow and will be glad to act steady
employment, and r' atitably disposed per
sons, weo would like further Information
may conunutdc.tte with Mrs. S. Fitton.
The council tart 1n t:1c T,;:• 11.11 ,:1
Friday, Sept. 17th: minutes ..t
Ings held Sept. 3rd and 11th were read
and approved.
Mra. A. E. 1lodgert asked that the
council construct a cement walk front
their gate to the main street along the
north side of Mary street. Miss Strang
asked tor a cement walk front j:c: gate
connecting with the walk at J. Murray',
corner. Petitions were read asking for
new walks on Carling at, tetweel, Huron
and Mill. east side, along Ann from Main
to Caning, south tide, along John from
\V11113n1 to Carling. north side. Per Lu-
ker a;td Johns that the petitions be re-
ceived with the flame understanding as
other pcti(Iona 1• cttvtd at last meeting.
Carried. Per Ht imen and Luker that
the reeve and trea.iurec eorrew $1000
toward payment of now wales. --Carried,
Per Johns and Luker that 1t. G. Scldon
be paid '1000 as third l;tstalment on
contract of new walk,. -Carried.
By -Law No. 8, 19uti-A by-law auth-
crizing the borrowing of #22,000 and
the issuing of village debentures for a
term of 20 years therefor was read,and
on motion of Dteantan and Carling that
the sante he now read a etcond and third
time and filially passed 011 111011 11 of
Luker and Johns. the reeve and cl.tk
sighing the same and the ical of the
corporation being fixed thereto.
Tenders for the construction of the
C• ti:eet dant wero opened and re.td. it
was agreed not to let the tender until
advice cculd be soured from the Engi-
The following accounts were toad and
ordure( to be paid ;-A. Q. Dobler. gra-
vel, $7.98; Jos Settlor, express charges
25c.; Harvey Bros., per order of Yee
T. Oillcr,ple, grave I, $72.18; Quee:t City
011 Co. gasoline, 7.58 ; E. Elliot, fire ih-
nuratce on Town Hall, 13.50 ; A. E. Pynt
blaekalni(11iItg ar4'OU11(, :,.90 ; Pc:er Whit
lock. cement tile, 15.90 ; Thos. Houlden,
street watering, #30 ; Jos. ehnlor, pt.
salary, $00; amounting in all to 219.54
and paaaed on motion of Johns and Luk-
er, and carried.. .adjourned to call of
Monday, Sept. 20th, 1909.-A special
nectleg of the council was railed by the
tcevt and held In the office of the clerk.
Per Beaman and Johns that the Reeve
and Treeaure: are hereby authorized to
borrw ellen to be applied for the
purr base of the Jas. N. llow`ird prep -
eel y. -Carried.
Jos. Settlor, Clerk.
Mrs. Dennison of Detroit 1s visiting
her slater. Mrs. F. A. Taylor.- Robe
Moore of Owen Sound visited his brother
J. Moore. -Frank Mills of fire Traders
lie Ilk. Cargill, 1s %letting ti's parents,
lIr. and firs. ileo. MILS. -Mr. and Mrs.
M. Hazelwood and daughter, Nellie have
returned to their home In Vancouver. -
Eddie Pigott and Miss Belle Thompson
of Toront'v !rave been engaged for the
concert here Fair Night.
Mr. Alex. Fraser, south Thames (toad,
stet with an i:tt,deut tie Tu^.tday of last
week which night have easily resulted in
his death. 11e was cxcrcisleg a Horse
attached to a stone boat, and being a
recent purchase Mr. Fraser was not fa -
miller with the lisle footed proclivities
of the beast, and other nhjcctlonal tual-
[ties. itefusing to go Mr. Fraser un -
Locked the horse to put hint in the
stable and just au he did so tee brut.
kicked hire with terrible force in tae
:ire, ire tree; '.1-4 'htek bunt, fr.e•tur-
ing'he lone surrounding the eye, kn•t. k
Ing cut l is false tecta and bre.tki:,z
them and rendering hits un:ottscloua.
Luckily his eon and Mr. ',red t\ as ,r
were erre} by reel whneeeing the klc:e-
11:4 a' cnee removed the anfortuiiate em
to t • shouse and eurnn,.,.t_d medi-al .111.
Mm. Francis remained unconscious le!
acme eine and at the Gnu. of wriil.rg
continues 1n a critical conJi(ton. He
has the Byrf',",y of eta ma:•t• Mende.
partly ularly as trim Is
est of a 31011;01 nature l,tel& 3
The M. Y. McLean Cup and tltc flank
of C,t;snits,e pedal to It t ..t1•1^.1
the Fair are on exhibition in E. N. Shier,
Mr. Morley Jones, of l'onuka. Alta.,
apent u few days In town this week
with his mother. Ile Is looking arsund
with .t vlew to locelltrg somewhere In
Ontario. \Viiy not Exeter, Morley ?
Knott. -At Exeter North, on Sept. '2tat,
to Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah' Knott,a son
Ilowald-In Zurich, on Sept. 10, to Mr.
and Mrs. Henry llowald, a daughter.
Talbot -At the Sauble Line, Stanley, on
Sept. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tal-
bot, a son.
ilecr.-Quance.-In London, 011 Sept. 13
by the 'Rev. 1. ret. Ilcer, Mr. William
J. (icer, to tlLge May, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Quante. both of Ex-
McGillivray -Jennison -At lirewater on
Sept. 15th, Mr. W. McGillivray of Kett-
nedy, Sask., to Miss Clara, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jennison, of Brew
ester, Ilay Towttalep.
Easy to Tell
When the Sight Is failine. When
you cannot read the newspaper unless
held at arn'a length ; when the eyes are
tired after reading, and when headaches
are frequent, it la time you should com-
mence to wear glasses.
Do not bo misled by the clearness
with which you are able to distinguish
distant objects.
Consult us. We use modern methods
combined with knowledge and exper-
ience, and applied with the scrupulous
care rtcctasary for accurate sight -test-
W. S. llOEY, PQiij.O.
Chemist and Optician EXETER
Phone 50
The finest assortm,t,t of Brand
New Tooth Brushes. Conic in and see
Itatz-Galser-At 5..:pka.-on sept. 151h,.
Mr. John Rata. Jr., of 1Chlva, to Miss
Martha. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
(fasser, of Sltipka.
Webb -Sherrill. -At liarpley, Sept. p15
Mr. Archie Webb to Miele Edna Siter-
ritt, both kir Stephen.
Gray -Ferguson -At the reside• et ,,f 1110
bride's parents. McGillivray, on Sept.
15th, Arthur Gray of West Williams,
to Miss Chrystal Mildred, eldest
daughter of ttr. and Mrs. J. J. Fer-
guson. u: the 7ta of McGillivray.
Kulghl.-!u Esetez. on Sept. 20, Fennels
J. Knight. aged 46 years.
llodgina.-In ,Clandeboye, on Sept 20,
efeees Hodgins.
Taman. -in Blyth. on Sept. 10. Joh13
Taman, aged 81 years 2 :t
Wren.-lu Ilibbert.-on Sept. I its .
Wrenn, aged 04 years.
Gray -In 'J-libbert, Sept. 12. `.ir.r y Ann
ltrow:t. •.y r, .)f W. II. Gray. ie ed (11.
Provision Store.
g !cased the store property Ig
Mr. J. W. Broderick, blain street,' I beg
to announce to the public that 1 hale
opened out business in the line of Gena
era( Provisions.
The yt ; v hest grade■ of flour 1lway5
on hand
Goode delivered to any part of the town
We it.vlt, your patronage and solicit S
rail from you
Old Stand
1. EID1'
Apples Wanted!
is now open to receive apples,
for which satisfactory prices
will be paid
The Company will continue to do Satisfactory Business
Bring Us Your Fruit !
Caledonia Evaporator Co.
G. W. GOODWIN, Manager.
A Good Baker and Uses Little Fuel.