Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-16, Page 8THERE'S SOME CLASS
l0 clotiut.g 1a11Wcd by U. Doesn't look
like a uniform that everybody is wear-
or light top coat fur wear eluting r e
cool everting: about due. You won't
have to 1)0 told about the superiority of
our clothing when vent ace and wear it
You'l: have the feel of being well dress-
ed. which only first -e lade tailoring can
Merchant Tailor,
liminess Locals -- Read Them
I ea,4111>rr11"1111Fingulf1111F'»♦»i)FIIIVE airs. >te.\voy is visiting in London.
Mr. W. J. Beer wad in Lo'tdon this
Mr. I- rank Sweet visited it: Lite tt this
Alfred Wilcox of Detroit Id visiting lu
Mr. A. Hastings is iiiLondon thief
Mr Wm. Tapp ape .t a ft w tiayd ut
Toronto Fair.
Miss Hobbs has retutmcd from a visit
in Brantford.
Mr. G. W. liarriron was in London
over Sunday.
Miss Millie Martin is. visitlug at Lon-
don this week.
Mr. T. B. Carling retuned Munduy
from Toronto Fair.
Mr. W. J. Hiasett returned Saturday
from attending Toronto Fair.
Mrs. A. Westland returned Saturday
from a visit in Buffalo, N. Y.
Misr leathieen Stewart ret urutd from
a visit in Toronto Monday evening.
Mr. Stonehouse of Belgrave visited at
Mr. Charles 111ruey'r over Sunday.
Miss Callender of Brandon way tat
guest of Mise Ethel Dow last week.
Mrs. \\'eery of Lotidott visited Mel.
Downey- and other lriciida here Last week
Miss Fleming. wito has been visiting
Miss Arnold, returned to Klncardiee to-
Atr. and Mrs. Crockett and child of
Dorchester spent Sunday at Mr. S. t1al-
t ht's.
?Irs. Piper who hale been visiting In
London for some time. returned Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hooper return• ti
last week from a pleasant visit east of
}Liss E. Wheatley of Clinton visit, d
Mrs. Barry Rowe the former part ui
the week.
Mrs. Thos. Week, who was visiting
relatives here, returned to Poplar still
last week.
Miss Stella Gregory returned tone, Rase
week after a month's visit with friends
at Mayfield.
Mrs. \Vm. lirickwood returned Tues-
day evening for Toronto, where she hale
been visiting.
Mrs. Pearce of St. Thomas visltad het
mother, Mrs. \\'r11. Northcott, Etcher
North. last week.
Miss Laura and Lottie Elliott of Lon
doll have returned. after a visit with
their mother here.
Mea. Stephen (licks returned Tuesday
from the Northwest. where she visited
during the summer.
Mrs. Robert Knight and stns Edith
11yndnlan visited Rev. tai.d Mrs.
k1 is at Ingersoll this week.
Nis' Andrew Johnston of Sarnia, at -
romp fused Mr. W. T. Goodison here o e
Sunday (n the latter's auto.
Mr:: D 1Ltackttey of Regina, who has
leen viaiting relatives stere, left Wed-
nesday morning. for her home.
Mr. \Vnl. Rowcliffc of Usbornc and
\tr. Philip. Roweliffe of town spent
It w days at Toronto Fair last week.
Mr. Mc•Tavlsla of Shakespeare epees
Sunday and Motiday visiting Mrs. Mc-
Tavish at the home of \fr J. \V. Taylor
Mr. Reginald Case. wi:o Inas been et:a-
tloi,ed as operator on (he G. T. It. at
Kingitourt Jun(tlan. is visiting at his
tome here.
Mise Beta Esser/, Eden, is in Toronto
attending the wedding of her friend, Miss
Lillian Lougheed to Mr. Albert E. Bow-
leg of Winnipeg.
Mian Myrta Cook of Lakelct spent
Monday evening here on her way to
Grand Bend, where she Is etlgag'(1 as
111111111(1' at i1r. Antos'.
Rev. S. F'. itobinson of Strahr0y was
it town Monday evening shaking hands
with many of his old parishioners. Ile
was accompanied by his eon.
\fr. Andy McConnell of London, a
former well-known busterss man of re-
eler, sent eevice.tl clays in town last
week shaking hands with old Mende.
Take your lire Chicken.., ilens and
Mucks to S'tecrart'.s—that'.* (/,e spot for
rare rattles.
Let ue send you The Advocate fort
the balance of 190p. 1t will give you
alt the• trews worth having in the dis-
trict. From now 1111 the 1st of January
1910, for leo cents.
If you Sault to :we 11 swell lot of new
toiler -made Jackets right down to the
minute call tit Stewart's.
Exeter Fair is Monday and Tuesday,
September 2001 and 21st.
82.00 the pair for th. new tela Nap
Illanket.x. the nicest blanket for the mon-
ey you ever suer. Steuart.
GOOD DRESSM.' lelalt wanted at office.
also girls to learn. dregs -making. —\ •
TREBLE, Exeter.
J1iss .load is again in chary, of the
.31illilery department at Stewart's. She
has jntt returned .from the leading Amer-
ican fashion centres. See the new ideas
she is introducing.
get all the news.
Apply to i'e:.prade & But ice Exeter.
HOUND FOR SALE—Rabbit dog. Good
Luster. Apply at this office.
FARMERS are asked to bring In a
sample of their corn grown for the
Factory, that they may be advised when
to make deliver::.—EXETER CANNING
DR. ItOt'LSTON desires to announce
that h!a i)cntal Office will be closed
from the 22nd to the 2701 of Sept. fa-
.—A regular storm period is central on
the 21st, the central day of the autumn-
al equinox. This period will bring
prompt changers or temperature and bola
one tric presentee as early as the lilt'.
weite.:l parts of the country. by the
21st these conditions will bring storms
of rain. wale' and thunder, and during
the 2lst to 2tttd these @totting will touch
must part% of the country in their cast -
ward sweep to the Atlalltk•. If the bar-
ometer 1, greatly depressed. .attended be
hig.t temperature. much humidity stud
fitful, .•southerly winds. stotnls will to
severe in ninny localities. All WP have
said come -11111g the pussilniitie is of Went
India storms Its the south may re ewe, -
ably applied at this period. high bar-
ometer. atilt gales from the northwest,
and ehae a to very cool nights will most
probably follow the storms of this per-
iod, bileging frosts to numerous local-
ities hi parts to the northward.
behind a suit is not confln-
ed to other clothing estab-
lishments. There's a love.
knees about our garments
that will simply delight all
who come to us—that's so.
For a Nice
Tailor -Made
this shop has a
good reputation
Let us make
Merchant Tailor• Exeter
01044.44.444 +144444+44+++++,
t►,A i,,& elks& alk rr 1
Tee 1 to ioronto toes acased, and
t.ow London Is the ublec•tivc point for
the sigat metre.
The citizens of Toronto and London
are promised a larger loaf of bread
by the bakers of those cities. In Lon-
don 1t will be from a 1e t0 a _'o oZ.
Kerr of Hamilton. the fast sprinter,
ut Toronto last week want 100 yards in
111 4-5 seconds, and the 220 Li 21 2-5
seconds, establishing a new record for
the latter.
J. W. Venattt•r, formerly of the God -
1 t ich Signal. after a trip to the
I'..r±fie coast, has entered into partner -
0 .1p wlt't 1(. J. Morrish, In the grax•cry
business In tite County town.
Next year summer trips to the North
Pore will be AA cOmmon as trips to
Grand Bend. The only trouble will be
that we cannot see "the pole", because
of that blooming Stars and Stripes that
Peary "nailed to it."
Visitors to Ezetcr during the Fall
next Tuesday, as well as •:Itizens of the
town, should not miss the grand enter -
t thuneut In the evening by the Evelyn
(tut kley Company of New York. assist -
d by Eddie Pigott, comedian of Toronto.
The Gorier:en ratepayers passed a by-
law S:+turd ty to guarantee the bonds
of a road making machine company for
ttan,Onn, by a vote of 524 to 114. The
rate of taxation for the county town
this year has been Heed at 25 mills on
the dollar.
Get ready for Exeter hair next week.
Every bustnesa ratan in thio town should
do something towa:o giving the Fair
:a be oat. The society has peeper:A a
full list of spouts for the day. The
speeding trials will be One of tee big
et tract ions.
Of the Exeter athletes who went to
London to take part in the sports Mon-
day Loftus Item got third in the Half -
Mile and Mile Races, while in the Y. M.
C. A Belay Race. Exeter—consisting of
\le ive youthcott, Herb. Southcott, Loft-
us herr and Ed. \Vestcott—got third.
Among the inunedhate relatives who at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs. N.
Dyer Hurdon were air. Harry lIurdon
of Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. N. \1c•Gcc of
London. Mr. Jamey Jeckell of Montreal.
Mr. and \Irs. Bence and Dyer Ilurdoe
o: Buffalo. and Mr. Thomas Jeckell of
Port lIurdon.
That ter plum crop In thia .cellon is
tut e._ceptiotiasiy heavy one ills season
will be borne out by the quantity' ()lak-
e 1 from .a braticil handed In by Mr. W.
.1, Oke of Ushorne. The branch was :oat
'11 ire's@ In length and emit:tot l tea
welt -developed pieties of at: esrelicnt air
rely. Who can beat tins? Peaches ar-
ceptcd in the competitor,, whe.i l: f, at
t'tis office to 1* cou:lt. d.
The St. Marys. Kirkton slid Exeter
Telephone Company has Issued a new
eubecribers' directory. the list contain-
ing over thrC^ hundred names. Five town
ships are represented.—RlaItsliard, Ful-
tarton, Biddulph, Ushorne and Downie.
Ry a recent arrangement with the Bill
Company subscribers can now telephone
to St. Marys and Ezetcr free of charge.
Among those from a distance who at-
tended the marriage of Miss Amy Johns
this week were Miss Beatrice Nasmyth
of \Voodstor•k, Miss Iterdle L:umntiman
of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Jaffray
and Mess Jaffray of Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Adams and Mr. Ernie Ad-
ams, Miss Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Goodison of Sarnia, Mr. Roy Adams of
Dcn't forget the Concert Fair night—
The talent conslets of Evelyn ituc•kley,
'soprano : Peau 1 Rut:. 1 loppe r.
Elva M'1iroont Laird, Vioi'r.ist ; Eddie
Pigott. comedian: Irene Steven+. arronn-
p:ua: t.—An excellent concert It will be
The popular prices prevail for the con-
cert Fair N1gl.t-50 and 85 cer:ts for •e -
served scats; adults 25c.. children 151.
Plan of (fall at Core's Drug Store.
Mestere. H. Sanders and Thos. Cookson
tont a fine horse by accident on Wcd-
nc:rday afternoon of last week. They
were aasleting in the threshing ui Mr.
Stephen ilogartls's, Stephen, and while
being backed out of the barn down the
steep embankment the poor brute lost
its footing and rolled out over, breaking
its back In two places. It was a fine
%pee lnten of a 'corse and was valued at
Many pecpie tl ink that they have to
1,ey to rut tceson.tlEl in 3 newspaper.
This is not 00. Newspapers are always
looking for trews. acid If you are
going away why sand fn your personale
Any item of news, such as garnet.
sports, arcidente. marriages. births,
presentat;ons, farts ,.ales and outer ar-
Betes are always welcome. if you know
anything of Interest tell us and we will
tell the rest.
The attorney -general. Hon. J. J. Foy.
is by it circular letter to magistrates,
jusIitcs of the pease and 1otsatables,eal-
ltng attention to the law as now amend-
ed, which Imposes heavy fires, with al-
ternate terms of imprisonment, on the
conviction of ya meteor) for carrying a
kr,tfe, p1%tol, metal knuckle', situp -:rocker
or slingshot. Tee practice of Cal eying
concealed weapons Is becoming too prev-
alent, and lion. air. Foy desires the
law to be strictly enforced.
The following from tee Expositor has
reference to a former Exeter Roy. --"At
ittgh 1.0011 on Sept. 6111, the home of
Mr. and airs. Geo. P. C.ardo was the
scene of a quiet but pretty wedding
when Miss Margaret Murray. sister of
Niro. Calder. was united in marriage to
Mr. Alvah \V(strott of Seaton!, The
ceremony was performed by Rev. D.
Rogers. The bride was tx!comingiy at•
tired to a e:ress of white sllk mutt.
and carried a bouquet of wlt'te rostra.
The young couple left on a trip to Ham-
ilton and other points. and on their re -
tori will rtside on Joann street."
WEDDED.—.\ very quiet but pretty
wedding was solemnized on \Welnesday
the 15th inst.. at the home Of Mrs,
David John%. William street. Exeter,
when her you gest daughter Amy Allen,
was united in marriage to Mr. Charles
Frederick Adanti- of Calgary. Alberta.
The ceremony was performed in the pees
. • . r 0f t' a Immediate relatives of the
relate and groom. The Rev. E. A. Fear
officiated. Mr. and Mr',. Adams left
on the evening train for Toronto teed
other eastern points before setting
out for their home in Calgary. The Ad-
voe 'tc Wends he' wits' (s to tee young
\\'nt. Itrinlaeotnbc and fanilly !lave
removed from slay Tp. to Sintcoe street.
Mies Maria Scldor, of Ingcrsol arid
Miss Mary Hepburn of Centralia art
ct gal ed In the millinery rooms of
\feelers. Jones & Clark.
The many friends her., of lilr. Geo.
\lantic will be pleased to hear that the
oprrattoe he uttdr tvveat at the stands
of Di. Moore, at St. Jostpn'e hospital.
London, on Friday last for kidney
trouble, has proved a •urcess and every
hope of a (u:nptetc recovery from his
leer; lilies. is held out.
S11O1' EARLIER—Shop earlier tri the
day and Hereby avoid the late hour purr
reaping often unsatisfactory to ysurself
11 %orlt(timee very wearying to ten
bu%lticss Wren. The a xpeneace of the
towns. where it sil p. 10. closing hour
la adopted Is that the volume of boat -
11035 1 au not decreased and the advan-
tages, after the novelty of the situation
has worn off. rue many. Customers can
do much to aid le the lee (0111p1'rhttleet of
;l Welling the late !lours by a deter-
minatlon to trade earlier.
SCOTCI( DOUBLES.—\ contest In
Scotch, Doubles le 1,c../ 0n among the
local howlers. foal the following are
the rinks drawn for tee first round. -
1. Collins and Sweet against Clarice and
Gould: 2. Ile:email and Wcidrt,hammer
against Stanbury and Hut—lion: :1, (ler-
hug and Stewart agal on Taylor and
Lindenleit: 4, L.eve:t and Anderson
against Hardison and Sparkman: n.
Giadm:.n and Pedlar againest CTccch
and DaviS; r. (' ristle and %I!ti'so:1
.against Dickson and May; 7. Snell and
guidon against Taman anti thieve. The
plsytug to the first draw n'uat be fin-
ished this week.
THE KNOCKER 1V(tltle.-1 live to
run my rltlrkcna upon my r:cignbor'0
lawn: 1 live to raise the dickens from
sunset until dawn : to spend my time in
whining and grunting and repining, and
when the sun is stoning. to ',wear the
the qun light's gone; 1 live to loaf and
languish while others strive and toil.
to kick up lots of anguish and trouble
and turmoil: 1 live to find and handle
.11l sorts of gri'f and *vandal: folks
say i and a vandal. and should be boil-
ed In oil: 1 live to scoff at virtue; 1
live to make a (ad of all the things
that hurt you and put you to the bad.
i live to prove the thesis that hope's as
4034 AA Grc(rc 1R. 'aonor shot to Wee*,
and all the world gone mad: 1 live to
fuels and clamor, white others ensile and
sing; and pack around a hammer and
knock on everything : to make my tongue
a sabre and plata'1 at useful labor, to
(':theist ':i:: t!Y' 1'n'—a: d t! us i have
Wheat 95 09
Barley 48 50
Oats. new 34 36
Peas 70 75
Potatoes. per bag 73
Hay, per to 10 00 10 00
Flour, per cwt., family 300
Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 1 65
Butter 19
Live hogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Flour "a'
nit is the beet tl ,ur y ou sant there is
but one place in town to get it—that
Is from us. The brands are:
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
5 ROSES (Lake of Woods)
PURITY (Wester. Canada Flour Hills)
Leave your orders or call up
Phone 2.
C . Seldom, Exeter.;
.\rnong the recent militia changes we
note that Capt. H. B. Combe and Capt.
li. T. itahce of the 1turott Regiment have
been promoted to the rank of major.
Mfr. T Cameron Tuesday suet Mi.
',Melt Down's 100 acres on the 2nd of
Lahotnc to Mr. Frank Down, who will
i:ow Lase c farm of _ttu acres.
Tee price was $915th(.
Fair Day Specials
Post Card Views of Exeter.
l0c Perfumes,
1Oc and 5c Papetries, in boxes.
Talcum Powders.
Medicinal and Perfumed Soaps.
Hair Tonics. etc.
Call and see our goods.
No trouble to show at this store.
��atlla� tea ALA&afki ns
Manure Litters
Beatty Bros.' Feed
and Litter Carriers
Overhead Conveyors.
tt Bros.' Steel
Stalls & Stanchions
can be installed as cheap as
lumber and last forever.
Beatty Bros.' Load
These three things are great
labor -savers for farmers and ne-
cessities on a farm.
For sale by
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter
Peoss 51
mprApriviiir 1111 IF WWII° mil
Here'sGood News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
firm—M. JACKSON & SON—one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no truck) all CASH:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron f rom'60c to 75c "
Old Rubber Boots) 7c per lb
& Shoes
Copper & Brass 9c '
Horse Hair 30c "
Lead and Zinc 2ic "
A great variety of Iron pipe
alway* on hand at a ?claim-
able pea., suitable for
M. Jackson & Sons
Are you aware that we are giving
100 of Star Flour
at the
for the
Best Loaf of Bread
made from our STAR Flour.
Why not compete
WHEAT wanted at the Mill.
SOLE )t.4Nl'FA(Tt'R►,RS
Farmers, Gardeners, and Others !
Come here for your tools.
Buy your wife and girls a nice hammock.
Get the boys a hewn mower and keep the glass
on the lawn in trim.
Get the little tots some tools like father's and
they'll be happy.
Come here for your flower and grass seed.
We have some nice Paris Green for Mr. Potato
Bug—let the visitors get busy.
Binder Twine for garnering the grain.
If there's anything else you need that a good
hardware store keeps, we have it.
And then, if you wish a day's recreation, buy
some of our fishing tackle and everybody
take a day's outing.
Furniture and Undertaking
Parlor Suit
Easy Chair
Music Cabinets
Dining -room Tables
Parlor Tables
Odd Chairs
Hall Racks
Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Chairs
Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices
Bed Room Suits
Mattresses Springs
Brass and Iron Beds
Newest styles and all at popular prices
Bed Couches
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Our Formal Opening :
Monday & Tuesday, Sept. 20 - 21
when our rooms will be complete with all the
in all this season's beautiful colors.
All the L'edies are specially invited to attend ot:r Openings.
Fall Fair Visitors
are cordially invited to call on us Fair Days
and see our extra showing of Fall and Winter Goods. it will do you
good to see them and do us good to show you our immense stock. All
the tall Vearables are now on our counters, and we were never in
better shape to supply your wants.
New Dress
In all this se'ason's most
fashionable shades and clothe,
plain or striped.
New Ladies'
The new semi•fltting coats
in all the colors of black, bine,
brown, green or gray.
Our New
Are all here. The best yet.
huffs, Scarfs, Muffs, ('apes and
(bats. f)o not miss thein.
New Silk
in black, creast or ecru,
silk or net, with new braid trim-
New Girls' New Winter
Jackets Underwear
Something real swell for
girls. Nice fancy coats in green,
brown, blue or red.
For ladies and children in
cotton, union or pure wool. Soon
the time for them.
Men's Fall and Winter Wants
Our New Fall Suitings are all in and are real nifty.
New Winter Underwear. New Fall & Winter Cape.
New Shirty. Tics, Sox. Gloves and Mitt...
Men's and Boys' Coat Sweaters, $1 to $2.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing