HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-09, Page 81
to clothing, t.11loied by us. 1)o, sort look
like a u':Ifor•r:u that everybody' Is wear -
or light top root for wear during
cool eve::h:gn about due. You won't
have to be told about the superlortty of
our clothing when You sea and wear it
You'll have the feel of being well dress-
ed, whist: only first -el -tan t,tilu: i; g can
g 1 ve,.
Merchant Tailor,
lusieess Locals -- Read Them
Take your lire Thickens, liens and
Ducks to Stewart's—that's the spot for
rare rallies.
Let ue send you The Advocate for
the la:Lilac of 1909. Il will give you
all the lea's worth having In the dis-
trict. From now (111 the Int of January
1910, for 311 cents.
If you want to see a swell lot of new
tailor-made Jackets right down to the
minute call at Stewart's.
Exeter Fair is Monday and Tuceday.
Septunb' r L'0U: and 21s4.
$2.00 the pair for the neer redo Nap
Blankets. the nicest blanket for the mon-
ey you erer sow. Stewart.
To learn tatl'oring. W. W. TAMAN.
Miss Auld is again in charge of the
Millinery department at Stewart's. She
1ha8,tnst returned fnois the leading,Anrer-
ican fashion centres. See the neer ideas
site is introducing.
+ air ess ags meal, iirsigig'Y"PWar \tier F':nkoelner has returned to Loa -
o: -
1 6/ Il ,fon. f
1 ( )CAI. I)OIN(TS• \1'9. Will lirickwoud ill visiting in Tot- 'CHANGED
'r a•3 'alJ4 J1 I4 Ilk As As AL .\I Nina Carli,.6 n vit a:hog In Itrant-
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and
get all the newel.
Apply to Penprase 3Burke, Exeter.
1101'141) FOR SALE,—Itahhlt dog. Good
::utter. Apply at tta8 office.
1ARMF.IIS are asked to bring In a
sample of their corn grown for the
Factory, that they may be advised when
to make dclivtry.—EXETER ('.\NNiNG
The high School Department of the
Exeter Public School will re -open Sep.
let with the windfall, Selectee, Mattie -
:Italica and Moderns„ W. 13. Weider -
hammer. It. A.; Classics and English,
Mise E. M. Robb (Mlee McKinley re-
signing through 111 health); Commercial
Work and Junior Mathematics, Mise A
Johnston. The Diplomas grunted in
the Commercial Section are government
standard. t,:cludtng type -writing and
(Heliography. The . course covered 1e
comprc to for Second-class Certificates
and Jut,ine Matriculation. Over 100
desks were allotted for the past terra.
The 1• .'p t'or'n and Government's re-
ports give toe school first place among
the se' 00:9 of Ontario. For el:tinge
taddiesa .1. (IRiG(i, Se.'.
Eddie P'e(utt, though: a stranger here
was not ,.o to a great many of the aud-
ience .,as a comb. vocalist he In the brat
ever neon !:tre. His iokcs were laugh
able fn the (atrenle and those local lilts
w•e:e notabl' for their absence. Ills ren-
detteg of Sandy" and hire incitation of
the bagpipe., were immense."—Uxbridge
O. sing tau lie the auld Scotch sant3a,
in the Ct,tld Scottish tongue,
T:,e songs my fatter lo'cd to hear,
Tee ,.tie my fattier
behind a suit is not confin-
ed to other clothing estab-
lishments. There's a love-
liness about our garments
that will simply delight all
who come to us—that's so.
sl.... li. Guuld is Ill at her Monde.
Tae credit system is slow—yea al-
on thee.
'1'. F. Handford shipped a load of hove
ea to Whutlpeg Saturday.
IC p a -pushing and a-8houtl::j If you
want your town to go ahead.
The Government has fixed Monday, Oc-
tober _.'i4:, as Thanksgiving Day.
NII. and Niro. Ed. Crocker, after two
weeks visit tare, returned to their hone
Torunlo last week.
Niro. G. Hawkins and Miss Hazel
BiownLig attended the Industrial at
Toronto last week.
Ntr. Arnold's trotting orate, Maud A.,
woo second money In the Free -for -All
-,t the 'Zurich racer on Labor Day.
So far this season the (;elate:: Bowlers
have won tour trophies oe8ldcs being
ru nera up In the Association at Sea -
Rev. Mlllyard of Godcrlch occupied his
former pulpit in the ,lain street church
Sunday and preached two very accept-
able sermons.
Mr. J. G. St:utbury tact with excellent
success In hie exhibit of Gladiola at
the Totor,to Exhibition, getting two
firsts and a 8ceond and third prize.
Mr. A. E. I'yin sold his blacksmith
property and business lust week to Mr.
David Russell. The business has Callen
into good hands as Mr. Russell la a cap-
able- man. ,Mr. Tyro: since his severe
illness has found it advisable to seek
lighter employment and may poeuihly go
Ntr. Will Murray had the misfortune
last Thursday to have his right eye
burned by a piece of molten iron. 11)th
lids were burned and Cie globe scorch-
ed. Dr Malloy is now being consulted
and the eye is doing nicely. There will
be no Impairment of sight as wars at
first feared.
For Huron County the total number
of registrations made at t he Registry
Office, Goderich, for 11007 was 4,21o,
and for 1909, ; ,5411, and the fec8 fur
1908 amounted to f3,987.H5. The dif-
ferent inall'unu•uls registered during
1908 were as follows; Deeds, 1.108;
mortgages, 933; discharge of mortgage
888 ; wills, 232. leases, 22 . The gross
revenue of the Huron registry office for
191141 was 4)5.91 7 .:nl , 1907. $5,917.35 ;
1908, $5,0119.hi0. The deputy registrar
reeelved for his services to 1909, $766.-
117. The net amount received by the
Iteglstrar in 1904 was $2,589.30; 1907
19017. $2,7100.29 ; 19448, $2,379.311. T1;e
aggregate amount of the mortgagee
regiatercd h: tic county L: 1908 was
—A reactionary storm period is cent. -al
on the 15th, 1610 and 17th. Should the
:dorms of the preceding period not sun -
side before the new moot on the 14th
t4.rcatenhng to stormy condltlon8 will
cal:thee during the 15th to 17th, cul-
ntInall::g on and touching the 111th 11,
very positive and forceful di8turhattc.•:..
Within two or three days of $uus:t 0:i
the 14th, seismic shakes will be motel
natural and maximum tidal waves will
visit many parts of the globe, esperlal-
ly in regions down toward, and beyond
the equator, A marked : trange to nigl•-
er t'aromctet and cooler tray reason-
ably be expected from 't9J,it 'lie 1tt;;, o
the 19th. Frosts in clot('Ict l: exttelne9
should not surprise readers of these
forecasts at this tide
Ntl,s Evelyn 1'uckley wlto will appear
here In concert on Sept. 21, Fair Day,
Is a young Irish girl who ham for /101114`
years ieen uludyh,g and singing in New
York where ale has met with much suc-
Her beau, fol voice has been
hlgaly cultivated and her eh:gtng ltrrlu'-
Iably gives pleasure. She 1s assisted he
tidy tour by Mr. Eddie Piggott. the
'4(arry Lauder of Canada." Mr .Pig -
at la a comedian who invariably pro
yokes laughter and he is often spoken
of as the tittle roan with the big vole:"
Pearl (lu'h Hopper, Itunwrour and :Ira
nettle reader. la a young lady who has
appeared In concert work from the East
to the Weal coast. and has received fine
pleas notices from Pasadena, Cal., from
New Mexico and other places. To say
that Mrs. Meliroonr Laird, viulinlst,'N114
a pu1•Il of Yuck of Dctru:t Is to ray her
powers arc of no mean order. We , un:
mead this co.tccrl to our reader 14 as
o:te well worthy of their patronage.
Eddie Pigott was in hie usual fora)
and was heart.ly encored after each
number. 111 ccrtalnly Is lir Ii'tlr
man with the Lig vnh.."-4(01st.111 Lead
Mr. figs ' .tw a S etch comic volalint
fatly convulsed the audlrnee with his
character songa.'•—Nt.nttreal Gazette.
Mr Eddie Pigott, the comic vo'a,l' .
gave the teat satisfaction to :he aud-
ience; his ';coni and Dinh songs l'./U4-
trig roars of laughter. The local Se atclt-
nlen could not have picked on a better
man for their fun -maker t''an \Ir. i';gu't
—1 1. jiditon Herald.
The popular pries prevail for the (*mi-
re!! Fair ti:g1.f—:o) and a5 reels for •e -
Nerved seats; adults 25c., children 15e•.
Plan of Hall at (role's Drug Store.
Tile twenty-ftrat anniversary of the
eztahilahtntent of the Trivltt Ntemotial
churl h was celebrated by special eer-
Ices on Sunday last. The weather was
delightful, the roads good and every-
thing favorable, consequently the con-
gregations were large at all three eer-
Foravices—morning afterrtoon and evening.
Nice are sure that all who attended felt
well repaid for having availed then:-
Taisedvea the pleasure afforded ie the
lor-Ma a 9(: Viet/ Writ' of a nature to be prof:l-
able and pleasing to all. The lice. E.
Suit \\, ilughes of Tlllsonburg preached
manning and evening and also address-
ed the aflentoon meeting. while the rcc-
this shop has a
tor Rev. D. W. Collins, assisted In the
:wrvlete. in the morning Rev. Mr.
Hughes took for :ue text, De I. \'111., 9,
good reputation and to the evening, Job 1.. 1. Roti: dis-
rouraen were impressive. scriptural and
Let us make soul hnahlrirlg. The beautiful') tender-
ed anthems and the ainging by the choir
yours aecMt)pat:4(1 by t Le exccllet:t musty of
the organist. Mr. Markliam, heightened
aid brightened toe siervtees considerably
and uses very pleasing to the large con-
gregation,. The ladies are 10 be c011-
gratulattd on the tasty manner in which
the carrell h urea decorated for the or-
f ra.t'.nn. Tnc offertories for the day
p►f+f +4+4f+f+++$+f++4+;4' ' .,mounted to 11:1 i.
Mterchaslt Taller. Exeter
it:cvc Weal' 1101 Is in Torohto tide
\les. Iltltu : Ev:tna was lire over the
1fr. Luther I'enhale was la Detroit on
Labor Day.
Mr. Wm. Grigg of St. Thomas vlrlted
here this week .
\t1ss N,ch:a ltisactt returned Tud8day
from Norwich.
Mr. J. C. Inwood of London 8peat
Labor Day here.
Janes Northcott left for the West 40
Monday eve.l'llg.
Mr. C. Adams of Calgary spent Tues-
day evet:lug here.
Mr. and alt's. Herb Ford visited l::
Detroit this week.
Mr. Geo. Willis of London was her:
over Labor Day.
Woo Amite 11. Davis spent th:: holi-
day in \Ving::ant.
Nir. Joan Itaw'kshaw visited in 1)e-
rrolt over the holiday.
Mrs. Dr. AndcrBon of Winnipeg is vis-
iting Mrs. S Fitton.
Ntr. Earl Browning visited In Ham-
burg over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs Robert Kerslake have
gone to the West on a trip.
}lien Hallo of Toronto was the guest
of \1098 Grace Cudmorc thin week.
Muses Ida Itowe and Lulu Martin are
attending High School in St. Marys.
,Ir. John Dignan of Hamilton spent
Sunday and Monday at his home here.
Mrs. Cotter and Mrs. stiller are vis-
iting their mother, Mrs. Thos. Gregor y.
Mise Ida M. Willis of Detroit 18 it
guest at the honk of Mee. Geo. Sanders
Mr. and :gra. David Mack rctarued
Monday frchl a vlalt to Toropto Fair.
Mr. G \V. llan'Ison spent Labor Day
ht \Walkervllle with the London Tennis
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Singular of Nalco
visited at Ntr. A. Bowie's over the holi-
Beatrice Fri( d of London vIN-
itecthe 1t1s9ea Armstrong over Sun-
esru. W. S. Cole, Fred Hawk.thaw
Ssniuel Martin are in Toronto this
NB-. !Cellatd Eacrett of Brantford ware
in town Sunday shaking halide with old
Mr. ar•,1 Niro. Wilson of London were
gue.lt9 of Mr. aid MI's. W. 1). Clarke
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald of Guelph vis-
ited thl.' week at t'.: tome of \Ir. \W,
D. Weekes.
Miss Mabel Waiters, who has been
holidaying hare, retuned '0 London Mon
day cventlg.
N1rs 11411cr and Mr. and Mrs. Win.
11igains and daughter spent the holiday
In Toronto.
11r. Donald ,Antics left Tuesday fat
McLeod, Alta., where he will remain for
Several weeks.
1fr..9. Colwill, with her daugrter of Cor-
gi'. vl.lite,l her parentb. sir. and MI e.
C. 11. Homey.
Mrs. Flynn and Bon and daughter of
Colorado have returned After a visit at
\V. J. Statit:utr'a.
Jule' McConnell and 11188 Elliott of
London were guests at the Commercial
over the holiday.
lire. Ramsay and 11488 itatnsay re-
turned lone Tuesday from a visit with
relatives In Hamilton.
Mr. A. Bowie, after spending a few
days at his home here, returned to Loa -
don Monday evening.
Mr. Harold Bissett of the Sterling
Bank staff, Toronto. spent the holiday
with his i:::rente leer(.
Messrs. Wallace Fisher, Norman 4iod-
gert and Fred Penh:tie of London were
here over Labor Day.
Mr. Andy McConnell and wife of Lost
dor; vlslted this week with the former's
slater, firs. A. Holland.
Nicosia. S .1. and Gifford Hogarth
visited Toronto Exhibit loo last week, re-
turning Monday evening.
Miss Irene Ila;:d'ord lett Monday ev-
ening for Whitby, where .lie will at-
tend the hidden' College,
Mlsecs May and Ethel Armstrong left
for I.ucknow Tuesday to take charge
of their nlfllh:cry busloess.
Mr. David Russell. sr., Exeter Nor U:,
left Monday night for Wilkie, Sask.. to
visit his sort, \V. IL Russell.
Mims F1o.1mle Taylor returned to Lon-
don after speeding the holiday at her
home Isere, Ntouday evening.
%femora. S. jvf. Sanders, John Trlebne',
W. E. Oestrelcher, end Thomas Flail( r
attended Toronto Fair this week.
Mrs. tl)r.) Browning, Minn N. Me-
Done11, Mra. L. 11. Dickson and Mina
DI(•k..on ate In Toronto this week.
Niro. J. C. Inwood, woo has bean via -
lag her aunt. Niro. Samuel Sanders, te-
at c.ed to her home in London Tiler,: lay.
lir. and Niro. Robert Kerslake 1'•ft
Monday no a pieanure trip with frit -Ida
In \Vayhurn. Mask., and different parte
of the West.
Mr. Ger, Cudmorc left Monday even-
ing for Crystal Clty and other points
ht tie West, vvne re he has two eons
residing, and where he Intends remain -
Ing for a time.
Mr. Herman Heitman of Regina has
been visiting Isere during the week. He
looks as tt:ougl. the west agrees with
him, and seems north pleased with that
part of the country.
Miss I.Ilrian Snell. wl:o has been vis-
iting Nith (1k':.ds here, left Monday to
join her patentu, who left aortic nunlha
ago for the West and who now resides
at Granula. Alta.
Mrs. Newell, ?ire. Nlatliera and Mr.
Johraton of Detroit, and Mira. Lovell
and two sone of \Vtndsor, and sura.
Johnston and daughter Vary of Sea -
forth visited at Mr. 1. Halls Sunday.
Mr. arid Mrs. Slobbs and Sievers.
Robert and William Ste hare n of iten-
a.)11. who assisted In the Trivitt Mem-
orial ehurc,i choir on Sunday last.
were gusts of Mr. and airs. Markham.
Last Saturday Drs. ilright and Mal-
loy performed a difficult operation up-
on the fare of sir. Samuel Passmore,
Thanwa Road. The operation wan a de-
cided 4ure•4ss.
At the prearnt time 0 spectacle pedt.r
It on 0;c tramp around here. The pub -
of Mrs. Mess. tee Su•tday.—Most of
n•ultst ever calla at private house,. No
one eonsulttng trick own Interest would
allow an unknown tramp to take his mo-
ney. as the eyesight Is of much more
Valu(' that money. We cannot condemn
too strocgly those who are foolish
enough to pelnlit a strange tramp to
experInvto on their eyesight.
Oats, new
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cw
Live hogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
10 00
1 50
3 00
8 00
24 00
If it is the Lest flour you want there is
but one place In town to get 0 that
(a from us. The brands are:
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
5 ROSES (Lake of Woods)
PURITY (Western Canada Flour Mills)
Leave your orders or . 811 up
Phone 2.
11.R.Seldon, Exeter
Garvey Ache.00n was operated on by
:)r. Moore of Loudon, :assisted by Dra.
Ifyl:dart: and McGillicuddy. on !" ri'Lty
afternoon for appendicitis .and is now
doing nicely. Garvey has had three at
tat ks of this trouble this summer, and
It was ti.ouo.tt advisable to oper-
ate this time. The opinion of the doc-
tors Is that the operation was 1101,4 too
440011 am the appendix was In a hlgs:ly
inflamed condition.
On Wednesday of last week Mr. Will
1turray net with a hateful accident at
the foundry. A portion of the molten
iron fell on the damp floor and, as is
always the result flew about the room
with terrlfie Iorec, a amall portion fle-
ing into has right eye, burning the hall
partially over the sight. lie had the
partic•le taken out and the eye dressed
immediately. Although very painful
Care 19 every prospect of the eye be-
coming as welt as ever, but for the
present be is forced to keep It closely
TA&dui&iii& Adi afkufkatsaASs
Having secured the agency for
Beatty Bros.'
Round Track
Hay Forks
4 I am now ready to equip Farm- #ers' Barns and Hay -Mows with
sante. These forks, without
doubt, are the
and to use them
ie to be convinced. We guaran-
tee satisfaction and the price 18
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter
WV' WIWI, lef WW1" mil
Best on the Market
Here'sGood News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
firm—M, JACKSON & SON—one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no truck) all CASH:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron from 60c to 75c "
Old Rubber Boots) , 7c per lb
& Shoes ) '
Copper & Brass 9c t
Horse Hair 30c "
Lead and Zinc 21ic "
A treat (arlety of Iron pipe
always on hand at a reason•
able prfre, suitable for
M. Jackson & Sons
DELiOi1T with a Nark of STAR flour
will be equalled by your own when you
find how nrur0 tetter are the things to
eat that you get.
STAR FLOUR hakes more good loaves
(0 rho sack than any otnet, bake• bread
that stays horst and sweet. bakes bin-
eults that mother in her palmiest
could not equal.
EXETER 0NT.1f1(1
Farmers, Gardeners, and Others !
Come here fur your tools.
Buy your wife and girls a nice hammock.
Get the boys a lawn mower and keep the grass
on the lawn in trim.
Get the little tots some tools like father's and
they'll be happy,
Come here for your flower and grass seed.
We have some nice Paris Green for Mr. Potato
Bug—let the visitors get busy.
Binder Twine for garnering the grain.
If there's anything else you need that a good
hardware store keeps, we have it.
And then, if you wish a day's recreation, buy
some of our fishing tackle and everybody
take a day's outing.
Furniture and Undertaking
Parlor Suit
Easy Chair
Music Cabinets
Dining -room Tables
Parlor Tables
Odd Chairs
Hall Racks
Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Chairs
Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices
Bed Room Suits Bed Couches
Mattresses Springs
Brass and Iron Beds
Newest styles and all at popular prices
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
We Are Headquarters For
The Early Buyer
There is nothing like getting in the New Fall (foods early, It
gives you time to look theta over and see just what you want before
the busy season opens.
A New Dress, a New Coat, a New Set of Furs
o: Anything New for Fall
are all on our counters, ready for your approval. Come and look them
Immense Showing of
New Dress Fabrics
All the leading cloths in the newert colors are found here. This is
to be our banner year for Dress (woods and we have gathered together
the most extensive range we have ever shown before. We will only
think it a pleasure to show them.
All Pure Wool Fancy
Detainee in figured or
stripes. They are very
dainty designs in the
best of colors.
New Silks
Back & Side
in all the new shades,
beautiful self -stripes or
plein colors to match
our suite. They are
real new.
The Our
New Coats New Furs
are here and ready
for you any time you
wish. Everything up-
to•date about them in
style and color.
A little early for Fur
talk, but we want you
to know they are all
here waiting to be pass-
ed upon, big and small.
Gents' Furnishings for Fall
Our New Fall Suitings are here and are real swell
The New Fall Shirts are quite up-to-date
New Ties, Sox, Suspenders, fiats and Caps
This is the place for Men's and Boys' Furnishings
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing