HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-09, Page 4exeter
I:\ minute of real work beats an hour's
t.t:king about it.
Tae emptier the head the easter It is
to fill It with not air.
An acco dation Hai,. has as many
a:ops as a pipe organ.
Don't judge a ratan by hie clothes. It
may be his tallor'a fault.
Only the wealthy could have children
if triable.' could select their parents.
There are t Imes when cousclenee is
art inconvenient thing to have around.
The leas you know about certain peo-
ple the better opinion you have of them.
Never say "What's ups" to a man
when you see him coming out of a paw:n
The average woman erehts to think
Ifs Is too good for
that her husband's
him. .
It a man's wife cuts his hair he Is
entitled to a lot more sympathy than
he gets.
:It Is almost as difficult for you to get
a znan to take your advice as It is for
you to take lila.
Watch any than long enough and you
will see hint do something he ought to
be arh:,need of.
The average woman seldom teals sorry
for her.,etf if she can find some man
to feel sorry for her.
It would take more than a music
teacher to cultivate the voice of con-
e'cience in some people.
Many a woman nags at her husband
until she either brings hint to her way
of thinking or drives his to drink.
A man stops bragging about the smart
nese of his children after tley learn
how to separate hits from his entire
S.anietb Ctee.tt. Props.
THURSDAY, Sept. ;►, 1909
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cunningham and
fatally spent Sunday here. -Mr. Dan
Collins and family returned to their
home In Detroit Saturday. -Miss Edna
Caadwlck of Dublin Is viatting Maas
NoraCollins.-Mise Laura Lochner of
Shipka anent Sunday here. -Mt. and
Mrs. Sklc holt spent Sunday here.--Jlr.
I3ereerd Cutn,ingham spent a .oueie of
days in Toronto. -The Misses Ida and
Laura Ratz are spending a few days In
The following Is the report of 5. S.
6. for the mouth of August ;-Sr. IV.,
Thos. Yearley, Leona Flnkbeiu•r, Entnta
Cunninghavn, Harold Gower. Jr. IV.,
Ella Wilhelm. James Mawhhtney, Roy
Ratz. neuro Johne, Ray Johns. M.
Class. John Cunningham and Gladys
M.w'hinrey honors, Veronica Hanover,
Wilbert Ilarunan. II. Class, lreae
Dtawhinney (honors) Arthur Hanover,
Peter Regler, Fred Cunningham, Edith
1'!)nn. Pt. 11. Bertha Hartman, Edgar
rlawhirney. John Hanover.
M. E. Sherrill, Teacher
Mr. Walter I(obkirk called on his fath-
er !sere \londay before leaving for the
Nest. -Mr. Fred Simmons Is in Toronto
attending the Exhibition. -Mrs. Cnesney
and daughter of Egmondville spent Lab-
or Day with Noah Horton and family.
- }flees. Maggie Hobkirk and Mary Mc-
Queen and Harold Glenn are attonding
Exeter High School. \Ve wish our young
friends succeSH.—Mr. Jau. Horton Is h:
Forest -Mrs. atcMordie of London is
the guest of her daughter ,here -Maar.
Amts Stewart of Glen Alien, Ont , .136
returned to het home after an extend-
ed visit with her cousin. Miss Maud
Glenn. -Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell, lien -
salt vlslted at S. Horton's on Sunday. -
Mr. John Glenn spent a few days with
friends at Atwood and Britton the first
of the wc'k.
Mr. Richard Neil and wife spent Sun
day at William \Villiam's. Clandeboye.
- John Gilbert Is doing a rushing bus-
iness threshing in this vicinity.- Miss
Maud Haskett of Blddulph was the guest
Inc should remember that no qualified
the farmers are thl ough fall wheat see -
Ing. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams of
Parkhill called un frtenda here Friday.
-Mathias Doyle has rented his farm to
Mr. Will Darling tor a term of years.
-A aon was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alt.
E. Kilmere the other day. -Fred Nell
bas traded off his famous old Hitting
horse Tony toa a pacer. He say.. he
has son'ething that can go some. -:.iia a.
Burnett o: Lucan was the guest of airs
Adam Nell on Friday.
S:x hundred teachers holding third
eau's certificates are this year enter -
Ing the Provincial Normal schools to
secure higher etat.ding in their profes-
sion. As a 'intuit it Is said an equal
number of renal schools will have to
obtain new teachers. In Welland coun-
ty all schcols are without permanent
Instructors. Several have secured tem-
porary assistance, but of tibia they will
be deprived when the Normal schools
open. The searc'ty of teachers for the
rural schools Is duo to the special in-
ducements offered to third-class lea-
chers to take courses in the Normal
schools, and secure second and first -
clams certificates. The condition of at -
fairs can last at furthest only until the
close of tl.e Normal schools In the
spring. In the meantime the D^part-
ment of Education is prepared to meet
the difficulty by granting special e.rtit-
Icates to persons. as yet unqualifl.'.l to
teach in districts where vacancies can-
not be filled.
The Klrkton mill started on Sept. 1st
to run every day. -Mr. Ira Marshall
lOst a valuable Holstein row the other
day. -James More leaves tele week for
Vanc,.uver and Se,nttic.-titles Campbell
of Toronto Is the guest of her brother,
Dr. C. A. Campbell. -Mrs. E. L. Eger
of Misncapolis is visiting at the home
of Dir. SIla.s Sltlet.-Biles Sparll'tg of
Anderson occupied the pulpit of tt,e
Methodist ch.urch last Sunday morning.
-Rev. and Mrs. Snell and daughter.
Wlanct.c. left for .wo weeks holidays
with friends at Woodstock. -Mr. C. F.
Marshall. 11. A., called on friends last
week before c aeinencing duties as sei-
e:tre maitre. in B,e collegiate at ilant-
Ilton.-Mr. Crate. Duffield is busy lay -
lag cement sidewalks from the parson-
age to the corner of Victoria lIntel.-
Mr. Fit d. Austin left for Montreal to
meet his bride, who came over trout Eng-
land. 'Flay return' d home on Moteas.
and have settled in their new ho:nr.
Wedding bells will soma b' r!ngl.ta ht
Kirkton, as we understand the mouse
lately orcupled by Mrs. V.rn. Francis is
Low uidergoing repairs tor the same
Goad luck to roil Ed.
The followL'g is tae result of the fast
wLeat competition held in con'taciio :
with the Kitktoti Agrieu'tural Society: -
1st. W. J. Robinson, b6 1-2 per ren!
wit'. it. . •o ,'e Holden Chart : '.rad. Ar-
tau:- 1't.c'.cle, N'. Daw. Clold. Ch aft ;
\Vf1Gua spariing. 111 14. with haw. Uoi-
de staff ; 4th.. A. J. Dow, 94, with liar.
vest King ; :,th, \1. E. S•Aeitxcr. 83 1-1
with Dawson's Golden 'half : The High-
ly Comineaded with 93 per rent. on ?law
nom's Golden Chaff. were Albert :ghee
and Joe. Kirk : and The Commended wit -
82. were Writ. °f't111an, Curry Doupc
and Mr.,. W. J. Tufts, the first with
Boman a:;d the last two with Dawson's.
'Phe :3'c11 C'entpe'It'orl was won hyCurry
Doupe. with W. J. Robinson second.
Mr. and Mrs Robert Copeland have
announced the engagement of their
dtug'ta r. )1:es Pave, to aft. FA. Srne:e:
•1`.e marriage to take place o. t re 1 at' .
Tarr., !tag is t' e order of the day. -
Mr. a•:d air •. Rank Coates visited
Toronto a:nd Muskoka 'Apt week. -Mr.
Nereid ttwarnl .•'pent Sunday at his hone
In FWlatton.-airs. Fred. Latton Is
visiting friends nr: London. -Miss Laura
01111ng 01 Jlensall spent Sunday at 1'.
Mtas Lily Baliaut)ne. who had her leg
broken recently, is recovering nicely.
Bad Mix -Up- On Sunday evening last
Metiers. Fred Waghorte and Ed. Mor-
fett got lido a bad mix-up. They were
exercising a colt belonging to the for-
mer and when about to enter the lane
leading to his father's home the brother
went to open the gate and the colt at-
tempted to back up. Mr. \Vaghornc ap-
plied the whip freely with the result
that the colt became unmanageable, up-
setting the rig and occupants into the
road and smashing the buggy and har-
ness badly. The occupants had a nar-
row shave tor their lives. Luckily
however they escaped with nothing fur
tier than their Sunday clothes being
Mrs. David Hackney and children of
Regina are visiting in the neighbor-
hood, also Mr. Geo. hackney. formerly
of this place, together with his bride
whom Ile lately wedded. -Mr. William
Stewart. Mr. T. Huukln and wife and
Mr. Wm. Turnbull attended Toronto Ex-
hibition lids week. -The wedding took
place on Wednesday, Sept. 8th, at the
home of the bride's fatter, the ceremony
being performed by Rev. C. Fletcher.
o: Mr. Tltoa. Ballantyne. to Miss Millie
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Geo .Monteith.
all of Ustorne. They will reside on
the groom's tine farm, east of Farquhar,
and have our very best wishes.- -Mr.
Johns, our store -keeper. has sold out
to Mr. Campbell of near Hensen. We
are sorry to lose Mr. Johns, as he has
won many friends here.
Mr. Scott McLaren who has been suf-
fering front lung trouble, 1s at present
In a serious condition and the end is
expected at any moment.. -The Misses
Jennie and Nettle butler and Miss 011ie
Spear° are attending the Toronto F'alr
this week and will visit at Berlin before
returning. -Mrs. Wm .Dlnnin intends
leaving for British Columbia on Wed-
nesday next. accompanied by her bro-
ther. John Ilumerston. Mrd. Minh' will
be away several months, and will visit
her sister, ',hoot she has not seen for
17 years.
.)u:te a large number from the village
acd vicinity attended the anniversary
services at Zion on Sunday and also
the chicken pie social on Monday even -
Ing. -Several front the vicinity are at-
te-tding the Toronto Exhibition this
week. -air. and Mrs. Joan Delbridge of
Winchelsea lett on Tuesday for an ex-
tended visit to the West. -Mrs. Roeder
of near Parkhill is visiting her mother,
airs. Wen. Slearnon.
Mr.s. 1'. Andrews. who has been In a
feeble state of health for some tlm.,was
able to he removed to the front ot her
home. and in company with two of her
gra rd children was photographed on
Happily Wedde.l.--The i:ome of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Woods. was the scene of
a touch .Ioyous festivity ort Wednesday
Septemb r 8th, wren their estimable
daughter, Bertha Manc1e was united In
matrimony to Mr. Charles Rtenard
Down. The parlor was beautifully dec-
orated and it was there the bride enter-
ed, leaning on the arum of her rather,
while the wedding march was being
played by apes Rosetta Down. slater
of the groom. Tae marriage cerenwny.
weir : rook place at 12 o'clock noon. was
performed by the Rev. H. Watson. The
bride looked beautiful in a very dainty
oatume of white embroidered silk and
e.0 r.ed a shower bouquet of pink and
w'.ftc earnatto:A. iter travelling gown
was navy blue. trimmed with navy blue
•111: a blue silk blouse. while the hat
was of white velvet. The bride was as -
salted by Miss Sarah Down of London
ester of ti it. groom. wane the groom
'+gas supported by Mr. Lewis Woods,
brother of the bride. After the ceremony
was performed and congratulations over
the bridal party adjourned with their
gue.ets, numbering between eighty and
ninety to the dining room, where beau,l-
fu!ly arranged tables, decorated with
p nk and white astern and laden with
an abundance of rood things pr•)vided
for the occasion. was surrounded and
ample justice thereto was done. Thr-
'wedding Efts were costly. beautiful and
nu:nerou... among therm being a hand-
s en- ale r.. leer, the gift of the bride's
u 1, .t . T: xl.u.d : cos:;y pieces of tur:i-
xe. !.:orae china dl• •'er set from
'c trade's trother-in-law and sister.
Mr. and Mrs J. H. McLaughlin ; while
fat'.er and another's present was a
',^ rue for A la;:daone, gut i of money.
thee 'as were present from Lo:.don. Mt,: -
gin. Strat hroy. Goderlc!.. Cromarty.
Mul!I:arty. Walton. Clete-. Winchelsea
ad cieewhtre. T..t happy couple enter
ups i tae voyage of life toiether with
• best w!s!•es of a host of friends.
Mr. Harold Burden. book-keeper for
Parsons & Davis, is taking in the To-
ronto Exhibition.-- Vr. Percy Simp-
son of Detroit, formerly barber here,
is back renewing acquaintances. -Miss
Vera Essery is visiting in Par•kbill.-
Miss Laura Butt spent eekeral day's
last week in Landon. -Miss Sarah
Neil, our church pianist, is spending
her holiday's in London, Miss Fleda
Baker taking her place at the piano. -
As Rev. W. H. Butt is to conduct an-
niversary services at Staffa, the Rev.
A. I. Brown will preach here on Sun-
day next. - Mr. A. T. F. Butt, junior
minister on the Elitneille circuit, oc-
cupied the pulpit here ou Sunday ev-
ening and gave good satisfaction. -
Our baseball boys played two games
at Exeter on Labor Day, but lost in
both. -Ten pupil~ from here are at-
tending the High School department
at Exeter. -The Epworth League, un-
der the leadership of Dr. Orme, has
started in for more aggressive work,
the meeting of Tuesday evening being
indicative of greater success. -Mrs.
Lyddon and daughter. Pearl, of Iowa,
are the guests of the fornmer's mother,
Mrs. C. Anderson. -Mr. Thos. Bick-
nell, who has also been visiting his
mother, Mrs. Anderson, has returned
to his home in Mexico, N. Y. Mr.
Bicknell owns a large fruit farm in
New York State and has made a great
success in that line. It is fourteen
years since be visited his old home
Iluglt Murdock and Nassau Lindsay of
Woodstock visited here on Sunday last
-Geo. Davis of Nebraska atter a few
days visit has returned bonne. -Miss E.
Creery Is visiting in this neighborhood.
-Quite a number front here attended
the Blddulle' 11. C picnic on Labor Day.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickens intend
taking a trip west to Fillmore to see
their son Butler. -Mtge Flossie Sweet
of Emeter Is visiting around here. -The
county engineer has surveyed a ditch
front Sherwood Ilunter's to the river.
Miss Ella Humble of Petrolea spent a
few days with her slater, Mrs. Vlna
Young. -Misses Ethel and Mae Carruth -
era and Mina Eggert left far Detroit
on 'Thursday. -Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ulens
and children visited at Mr. J. C. Goorl-
n:ua:s, Corbett, on Sunday. -Mrs. la.'.
Arrand of Nutana, Sask., is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor.
•-Misses F. E. Nell and Mabel (lord
visited in Lucan over Sunday. -Miss D.
Eaat of London visited her friend '.Mss
N. Hotson on Sunday. -Mr. and airs.
J. Cliffe and Master Willie spent Sun-
day evening at Mr. II. Purdy's.-Rev.
J. G. Kerr of Lucan, who was pastor
Grand Bend circuit 27 years ago will
preach In Roston Methodist church at
2.31) and 7 P. nt. on Sunday next. -Miss
miry Thontp •on of Port Iluron spent
a few days 11* past week at air. J.
Turner'a.-John Belling. who spent the
pant summer at Niagara, arrived home
on Monday. -Mr. and airs. Jas.. Foster
and Mies Laura left this week for Bel-
vllle, '.vier: Mr. Footer will resume 1:1s
studies.-aLlss Adah McPherson and
Mabel Ifutrhineon have started High
School In Parkhill.
Mr. J. A. Taylor ot Detroit paid our
burg a flying visit last week. -Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Kerr, Miss J. A. HIamilton
and Misses' Lulu and Rhea Godboit
spent a few days at Toronto Fair. -Mr.
John Delbrtdge and wife left for Doug-
las. Man.. and other points In the West
ori Tuesday. -Mina Wella Heywood left
Tuesday to attend the illgh School at
St. Marys. -A number from here attend-
ed the chicken pie social at Zion on
Monday evening and report a good time.
Wedded. -A happy event took place at
the tonic of Mr. Jos. Sharrow, Lake
Road, on Wednesday of last week, the
oceaslon being the marriage of his
youngest daughter, Adeline, to Mr.
Norman Turnbull of the Sauble Tine,
Thy. The ceremony was performed by
Ile itcv. S. A. Carricrc in t he prest.nce
of about ion tovited guests. The cere-
mony and congratulations over, all sat
down to a magnificent spread on the
lawn. after which the young people were
driven to Parkhill. whet° they took the
evening train to Port Huron and other
points. The happy t walk will have the
beat wishes of a host of friends for
thclr future welfare and happiness. The
presents formed a ntagsllflcent army,
eotnpr:!ing articles of value, beauty
and usefulness.
Mr L Abbott attended Detroit Fair
Monday ani Tuesday of this week. -Miss
Dyers of London visited friends on the
Sauble Lite tills week. -Mr Jas. Had -
gins team ran away last Tuesday and
Jimmy got a rather severe shaking up.
-Mr. Wm. Dickens has returned horse
irons Toronto and nays It Is a great
cz!tihltion.-Mr. Alex. ituth has sold the
mail route from Lucan to Clandeboye
to Walt. Ilodginn.
Another holiday season has gone end
most everyone around here went to some
of the festivals. -Mrs J. Wright is vls-
iting lhl.i week in Stratford, the guest
of Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. Wright
vlslted in the city over Monday.- air.
Beverley Youngston spent the holidays
with Mende in Stratford. -.rtes Ethel
Watson 1s visiting among relatives In
mrd around Exeter. -Wille engaged in
threshing last Saturday Lloyd Hodg-
son fell from the snow dawn on the floor
and the Injuries have laid hint ort work
thl.'' week. -Thr young child of Mr. and
Ctrs. George Parkinson at the time of
writing Is seriously 111. The frost of
the past week has caused the farmers
to fee! A little uneasy about their corn
crop, some or which Is affected guile
lot. -Mr. J. Wright la looking rather
loneaonte In the absence of his better
halt. C .eer up. Jack. --A night hawk
vlslted the barn of Mr. Wm. Brooks last
Monday night. mistaking It for a rural
Mall delivery box.
Children Cry
Mr. L. Carrier of Seaforth is visiting
his patents for a few days.- Mr. Chas.
Geake of Toronto is visiting relations
around here. -Mr. L. Itavelle was in
Zurich Monday. -Mr. It. Green of
Thedfot•d is visiting relatives here. -
Mr. Maurice Brenner is visiting in
Forest. -Miss Rhoda Staten was unit-
ed in marriage to Mark Wild, of the
16th con. of Hay, Wednesday. -Quite
a number of young people picnicked
at Lake Stuith Friday. -Mr. E. Carrier
of Stratford is visiting his parents for
a few days. -Mr. L Ravelle spent a
few days at Toronto Fair. --Mr. Simon
Swe•itze+r, who has been tanning it liv-
ely here for the bummer, has gone to
his home in Shipka. He will be miss-
ed here. -Miss Vine Bach is visiting
in Shipka.
Miss Clara Wind has returned to
Detroit after spending a few days
with her parents. She was accomp-
anied by her sister Martha, wno will
visit relatives in the city for a few
weeks. -Miss Susie Kuhn has accept-
ed a position as milliner with a large
first B) Toronto. -Mrs. McMurray and
son Laverne left hero on Monday fot
Solsgirth, Man., for an extended visit.
They will visit relatives in Winnipeg
for te few weeks. -Fred Brown of Lon.
don is visiting at the home of Williatn
Wenzel. -This has been Toronto Fair
week. The following have attended
the Exhibition the past few days:. Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Oestreicher, Samuel
Brown, Gottlob Brown, Garnet Sweit-
zer, Fraser Brown, Barney Brown and
Bert Clark. -Mr. and Mis. Voelker
visited friends in Dashwood last Sun-
day. -The iron work of the bridge at
the East -end bas been completed. As
soon as the abutments of the north
bridge are completed, work will be
commenced here at the cement floor.
-The wife of Henry Fahner gave
birth to a daughter on Monday. Har-
ry looks happy. -the Misses Mangnus
who have been visitidg their parents
for a few weeks. returned to Winni-
peg on Tuesday. -Provincial Constable
Phelan of Goderich was in town on
Saturday on a business trip. -Harris,
the painter, of Ailsa Craig, is painting
the dwelling of Mr. Chas. Zwickerand
when the work is completed, there
will be a marked improvement. -Rich-
ard Howsen and Herb Eilber spent
Labor Day out of town. -Ted Mahon
of Camperville was a pleasant caller
on the boys on Saturday. Ted was at
one time stationed here in the Bank
as Teller and became exceedingly pop-
ular with the young people. -Mr. Ja-
cob Heist and Miss Ada Beaver are
visiting relatives in Kilmanagh. Mich.
-Michael Beaver is on the sick list.
We hope be will soon be around again
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Lewis returned
to South River on Tuesday after afew
weeks' visit in town. -August Kuhn
and Miss Melinda Trick of Stratford,
and Garnet Baker of London, spent
Labor Day in town. -Mrs. Link, who
has been attending the millinery op.
eninrs in Toronto, has returned home.
She will again have charge of the mil-
linery dept. at Brown's. and Miss in-
Inan of Vienna at Zwicker's.-Mrs.
Wright of London is visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Henry Motz.-Our Stars
went to Zurich on Labor Day to play
base -hall. It's a shame to mention the
score. as we don't wish to hurt the
feelings of the sports of the neigh-
boring burg but it Is' too good to keep.
-14 to 1 -in favor of our lads. Either
the Zurich boys lost their nerve and
couldn't slake connections at the right
time and place with the sphere, or else
their reputation as a ball town was a
Treadgold-Keys-A quiet wedding was
solemnized at the parsonage ot Wel-
lington Street Methodist Church, Lon-
don, Tuesday morning, when Mlgs Em-
ma Keys, of Crediton was married to
Mr. Fred. C. Treadgoid of High streetl
South London. The ceremony was
performed by itev. 11. A. Graham. Mr.
and Mrs. Treadgoid will reside in Strat-
Ott Sunday evening the 14 year old
daughter of Mr. John Smith, while
bringing a horse : 'om the pasture was
kicked in the jaw, with the result that
a largo plaice ot the jaw bone with the
teeth was broken off. She was un-
conscious for some time, but after care-
ful dressing she Is doing as well as
can be expected,
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Casalase.a. Free
J. W. W.eterrvelr, J. W. Westervelt, Jr . C.A.,
Preached. Vice•Principal.
Over one thousand atu-
dents enrolled hy' our chain
IgM last year. it pays to at-
tend a litik of this great
sea ehaln,for "IN t'Nte)N THERE
ID Is STItF.NeiTil."
Thedetnand for our•grad-
uates is THREE TIMES
Ca Ia the supply.
Other schools engage our
• gradnale's nos teachers. A
Via special course for teachers.
124 Graduates of two years
O ago are naw earilitng $2,000
per annum.
0 Three courses-ComMER•
c. CIAi., MTF:N,k;RAI'IiY and
rarl Fall Term Opens Aug. 30.
[eget Write for particulars.
Clinton R1l'ineSS College
mormirriur lir we If 'iiR'iF Y 4 IF
ESTJHuslIElt 1867 ,r_
B. E. WALKER, President Ppid-up Capital, $10.000,000
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Ruiner Reserve Fund, 6,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and In the United States and England
$5 and under 3 cents
Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents
" $10 " "
00 10 cents
N 830 " N
=30 15 cents
These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Cana
(except in the Vukon) and at the principal banking points in the United States. They
are negotiable at $4.to to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland.
They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety
and at small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 131
Exeter Branch -G. %V. Harrison, Manager, Branch also at Crediton
1=1 3E=12
The general public will take notice that I ani doing business in Exeter in
the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for
Scrap Iron; Rags, Rubbers, Horse fair, Copper,
Etc. Etc. Etc.
All purchases to be delivered to T. HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE,
EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of
scrap may he left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given.
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
THE clear space allowing for
large size ashpan-This is
another of the bright features
found only in the-
If you'll but take the trouble
to call in we'll gladly prove to
you why this range is so popular.
For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN
Purchased Blacksmith Business
Having purchased the blacksmith property
and business of MR. A, E. PYM, near the Town
Hall, I am prepared to do all kinds of Black-
smith Work for the General Public, and respect-
fully solicit the patronage of all the Old Cus-
tomers of the Shop, and many New Ones. I
believe we can give you entire satisfaction.
David Russell
Is to own a watch, one of his "very own," Why deny hien
when his ambition can easily be gratified. This is not a "'mike
believe" watch that we are thinking of, either. It's a guaren-
teed time piece. It is simply put together so that a little asci•
dental rough usage won't disarrange things. It is nicely pickled.
it will retain its appearance till the Inst tick. And it will tickle
that boy of yours if you take one home to him.
Why Not Do It To -Day ?
Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario
The Molsons Bank
incorporated ISM
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund - -
Has fli Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the Wotld.
at all Branches. intereret allowed et highest entreat tate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
I)Icasoit .fl CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HL'RDON, Manager.