HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-09, Page 1a 30c to JANI '1 NOW IS THE TIME to sultscritat fur the ADVO). CATE and get a bargain AS above stated; or else take advantage of our ow Club Rates /9r)1 eter TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1909. Wedding Invitations In Nett, -t 'It i. On Icy -t . 1',. '[11'. Finest \\'.•i k And night I'ru , a The Advocate Office, Exeter CANDE1t' & CREECH, The Old Reliable We Are Still in the Swim OUR BARGAIN COUNTER IS AGAIN LADENED 1\'Ii'll Dress Goods at Bargain Prices both ends and large pieces. Regular 35, 4(k•, 50e, 0J0e, and 75c per yard to clear 250 These goods arc+ all good, heavy- and durable, stake . splendid dt•esseH fur your girls going to school or for you 10011018. Come cluck before they ate all gone. Table Linens and Napkins Extra values in Table Linens for a few days only. 1tEA1. LINEN DA- MASK, full 72 in. wide, with neat pattern, while they Last, $1.($I per yard. je Also NAPE INS to match, at $'2.25, $'2.75 and $3.00. HEMP H EU L BLEACHED TA I3LE LINEN. good width, special at 50c and 75c. UNBLEACHED TABLE LINEN, in heavy well finished, at 25c, 35c, 40c, •I r'. 5'). 65, and 75c. 'These are extra value, but, having .1 quantity of them, a• •„ to clear to Make room for our Fall Goode, which art: arriving every d.. h Fancy Suitings for Ladies ('.ell cud see theta in all the new shades and hty'lea. Shoes - Fifteen Per Cent Discount Now is your chance to get sold before the 1Vinter conies. A jell line of Shoes in ail Aiwa, while they hast. 49c 5Oc Tea for 4Oc While they h181, env cats.' early of RAM LAX Tea. in black, regular 50e tine. this week 4(k, Ilighest Prices Paid for Produce end Live Poultry ! I3utter 19e, Eggs 21c. trade; 20c cash. These prier., subject to change, CARLING BROS. reat : Clearing : Sale ALL SUMMER GOODS They must all be cleared out regardless of cost. New Dress Goods Are Here. Come in and Get a Bargain We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 - ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE City rr.fless 1.■.1 Cards. DLO. J'. *OUL8TON, i. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST amber of t. U. 0. D. 8 of Oslardo and Honor lissdMta of Toronto University. 011101: Over Dk'kson & Partial('• law Office, Is De. £tames'• former Dental Parlors HERE TO STAY ! Bus and Dray Calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. - - -- Telephone 4l A `Dir. A. R KINSMAN, LD.J. D. D. Stables at Handford'• Horse Exchange. Honor graduate of Toronto Delrerkrty. K ' \VN. AItNOLr), Prop. DENTIST. Small ettncted without any pale, of any bad elects Oen ern OlaheaaaMental ryYmem Yale t assess. OIIILB WANTED Ofetators on Ladles' Waists and Medics' Wialeteear. Good oaken. Steady work -Tee STAR tt'111TEtt'F:AR 1('i CO. el R nluulrT, M. I). M. P. P. a N HONOR !Orlin. Ont. lie filmdom. of Toronto t'nitersitJ Two years resident physktan Ko al Aletandrs Hospital, et.. OW* mid Resl.ten •e, Or .\m» old soiree Andrew Street. glClgtt. D`, T. P. Yc1.AU1111LIN EM r.reume4 premie• after a .en.1lnf a )ear (('oto lee) etBrl.k ariU l Continental 11.wpitals. eneral �rs�tle• with epee lal attwnnon to Rye, (with reins, - Ws) gar Now amt 'Boost.. Mlle Met. +.4, Ont. pit1.eg•I. I0111ON a ('A1u.INO, i.AnntYTRRS, eoLICI tiers, Sotarie.. ('.•.oe)ane•ere, Commissioners Ssllctten for Yoleone Hank, et.-. M.u.y to Loan at low eat rates of IIn.r..% 0111'... Win street, Ratter, 1,1.Oasuo.,8A, li0IiiT TO 1.0A A. Wal Aero a lance ar,t - ii t -f pr{, ate funds to loan • huts IAA 'Hive peer•rtlr. 01 law rates of Inter I. H 4 weave M. 01.ADMANalITASIWRT,I Barrister*, gollclton,lfaln et , Reeler On 11. S. i'HT1.1T1'4. ExtfTRlt, Licensed Auctiosecr. dates atten4e.t in all parte Satida•tion gna/ss• Wed 0» no pay Terni, reaamotele. AlloeM n lett IA Advocate OT -r will be penmptly att.nded 1e. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Oomppaany, also Fire 111NIiranre 311 lead. leg O*nadian and ilriti,h Companies. M tin -St., Exeter. LICENSE() AUCTIONEER W)(. ANDEIOs.'N. 1.1,. i..rd Atetionter for Huron County. Terms 'cleanable. tab can be made at ate Aare ate. ,ter. or !leery Either's Ottlre, Crud- ttlm. e HOUSE FOR RALE FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned 1s offering to: a.tic that valuable 100 acre farm, bring Lot 8. Con. 8, Stephen, AI►Ncarcd and In good estate of cultivation. ponces good, well under -drained with tile. About one acre of orchard. Two story new brick cottage and bank barn ; elan cement silo; Three good wells of water and a spring creek. One quarter mile from school and two miles from church. i'ossession given in the fall. Apply to NEWTON BAKER, CENTIRALIA. ONT, FARM 1011 RALE. A hundred acre farm. all seeded down but one acre; situated north of C 'ntralla 1-4 urine from Church. school and Post Office, being Lot. 8. Con. 1, Stephen. There Is on the prentlse@ a good frame :louse, these good frame barns. 4 wells, 1 windmill, t acre of good orchard.and 10 acres of hardwood hush ; fences In good repair, and 1s ow( II under -drained. Terms easy. For particulars apply to MRS. 9. McClOY, Centralia. ('tn give possession at once. HOUSE FOR SALE Firma -class hack house on Maln-st., Exeter.. Tants easy. Also for sale t'ogrlgcsangs' tVo=ndctful Remedies. Qirload .cdar posts for sale. VM. M. MATCH FORD FOR BALE. One of the finest farms In t!sborne Apply to SANDERS R CRE19Ci1, Exeter MEDAL LOST At Grand fend on August 22nd, a eel - An esreltettt brl •k !nous, , mode r•: and ver nodal with "Exeter" Inscribed on up-to.date. Mitt/elect 1).l tI.iin @(reef, the bark. Finder will he suitably re. Apply at this Office. warded by leaviltg meanie at leis office. .STILL YIUit1' AIt0('T ORA NI) BEND. Just at pr.srn( Editor 1)lugul.e:r of Stratford and Editor Dawson of Park- hill are !miter/tee hu conteder.tht.• dis- t uvslon regarding tee merits and the dcvnerlts of l;rand Bend, and Inst to it - ally paying earl, ether a few eue.stluo- able complimcr.ls. With the latter we have nothing to do, but as we have quoted parts of two of (fro. Uing'n.r.'N letters, we shall now quote a :Otte' of what Tiro Dawouh has to say. -- "Our readers In G.Ia vicinity vleit (]rand Bend many tlntcr annually' 11r 1 are tolerably well versed as to !tote thing., are done out there. 'Moreover. they knew all about the Mend and Its conditions before the Mayor of titre. - ford discovered 1l during Ilia elite 1 sojourn this summer at elaple Ura c. A than who conducts a summer regio• 1 rias a right to conduct any kind of .t summer resort he pleases, het. If the public do not approve of els style of :► resort they are perfectly Justified le showing some other Brawl Grand Bend hue Its faults 1(:l dere- becks. So has every other pia:.'. The (tend Is by 110 11101(110 an up-to-date sunt - mer resort. It has no electric liven.. no sidewalks, few sanitary re,(ulet:en .. no five cent shows, no shoo(-the-ehee. y, or !Weill(' rallwaya. The wlldett form of dissipation in which Its visitors can indulge 10 to take a Whirl on the merry- go-round, to work 11.0 slot machine tar r'!:ewlllg guru, t0 attend a dance droos- ed in becoming pajamas, or to toes; niers):-nta1low8 to their best girl's hat pin while seated around a c•antp-fire• made of pile. knots. But the Rend ham splendid batt:l:g, safe boating. air as free and pure as was ever breathed in the Garden of Eden, sunsets to rival the famous sunsets of Italy. quiet groves, surrounding comfortable cottages, cool evenings when the wind stirs the iter topa and the stars Lcspangl the heavenm moonlight walks along paths that look like fairyland. A free outdoor llto and the Joy of Icing away for a time from the lusuric i and trails and conventions of civilization. It Is a quiet, unpretentious restiog- place. It Is n place for the nature lov- er and a1 few weeks outing In one of Ito cottages in quite within the reach of the ratan with moderate swans. Tho sanitary arrangements could 1N !melee el. Garbage barrels cou1.1 ht elleelI. d for each cottage and bl-weekly or deftly collections of garbage retold be nt:lde. Other necessary sanitary work . ould be done in the sante way, but whetncr the cepcuse of this should fall un the men who own the ground or 011 the people who own the cottages Or on the people act ul.ying the voltages 1e an- other question. Speaking of "Exposure." Bro. Dew - molt goes on to say, -"Surely lits Wor- nhip le taking himself too seriously• One would think he had discovered a whole manufactory of vilest graft instead of a few thoughtless women throwing too much dishwater told potato peelings out through the pantry windows, or a few Innocent chickens sunning themselves 0:; the cottage verandahs." FARM FOR SALE. Situated on the second concession. lot 26, of the Township of Osborne, three notice front Exeter and five miles from 111ensaIl, close to churele and one tulle and a quarter from school. On this property there is erected a good tram( house. seven roans, convenient to hard and 'soft water ; barn 40 by. 60 fl„ with stabling underne..th, horse stable 20x :t"., with drive floor and loft for hay. There are forty acres feuded down and ten acres In bush, also a good bearing nrte-ard. This property Is well dral't- c e and In a good state of cultivate -on. It not sold privately on or before Sept. 17,th, it will be sold by public auction 1)n the premises, together with the chat- tels on Sept. :Mete For particulars ap- ply to ItoliEleT DOWN on the premises or to TI103. CAMF.110N, Aurtloneer. FACTORY F011 SALE Tue undersigned Is offering for watt .tee factory p,eenl.es on London Ito el South. conslstletg of nearly lhtre nett. of land. brick factory, frame dwelling, goo -1 lank stable. blacksmith shop need other I uniting,. tt'III he sold at a rr.to6t,abhic Dope.. and on easy terata. I o- perllcul.trs apply on the premises. or by mall to TIIUMAS BEAMtAN. Exe- ter. Ont. 150 ACRE FAiRM FOR SALE The undcrslencd Is offering fur male that dellrcable farm In the Township of Stephen. being lot 17, and S. 1-2 of 18. In the nth con. Ther( 1s on the prem - Lees a good frame house, with cellar underneath, good hank barn, drive shed, and other outbuildings ; shout 7 acres /loud hard wood bush ; all well fenced and drained and In first-class state of cultivetio::. Will tic sold reasonable as the proprietor wishes to go Went. For particulars apply on the premises or by mail to J. ii. I1. lILToN, F:\ETI It FOR BALE Cottagcand three lots In Exeter, belag lots Nos. :.5. 56, and 37, on the South side of !entree Street. O, this propytty Is a frame cottage (brick fouhdatloo)con twining five reams and A good cellar. Also a good well and a 1.1:110 vtAble. Good garden and fruit trete. The pro- perly' Is to he sold to wind up the estate -Apply to (MADMAN & STANBUItY. Iterriater•. Exeter, Orrtarlo. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned Is offering his farm for sale. 1.ot 2, Con. 1, illddulph, 1-4 mile from Centralia Village. containing 75 acres. sixty-five trete r cultivatioe. U:1 reties bush pasture. There 1s a et(w two-storey brick cottage. hard and soft water, three goo! wells. ilarn 34 by 611 ::,d other bulldln gee Posseaslon given in the fall. Terms easy. apply to Ti!Oe. u•. NE11.. Cr. traps. 0 • Labor Day at Exeter I'routy ; 1 2 milt bicycle tete, C. Vella- 0o., per water work• by-law .451.60; P. acon,be, Butt Dar vey; Running broad Whitlock. cement til•, 8'c; Queen CItY tr. ft.. 5 le., T. Venlig, M. Southcott. 011 Co., gaaolleve 5.11; hen Telephone E. harness. 1-4 'nee race, M. Southcott, Co., message, :toe: The Electric Light From a sporting standpoint Exeter and Power Co., arc lighting 468, eeriest $47.35, fawn hall 3.60, total. 113.96 John Ti !cheer, repairs to Qemetety tools 2.40; John (settle, fowrre for cemetery 218.2n ; W. J. Blesett, part salary hl33 C W. Cross, pt. eatery cemetery, 829.01) amounting in all to $27.8.57, passed on motion of Johns and Beaman -(harried, Per Carling and Luker that 1t. 0. Set - don be paid $1500, pelt payment on the construction of the new cement walks. Jos. Settlor, Clerk. had a full day on Monday and a Most enjoyable day It wlN The bowling K green was a lively elect from Iti a.m. to 1(1 vett. rind a large number of in- teresting games were played. Two gauges of baseball were played on the recreation grounds, at 10:30 and 4:30, and the Y. M. C. A. athletic sports on the Fair Grounds during the after- noon were eagerly contested. HOWLING Three finks above over from Sea- ferlh and each played three games with the keel bowler, and everybody had rt good time. The visitors won five out of the nine games, and made it total score of 154 to Exeter's 132, thus toeing 22 up on the clay's play. SI AI olel ll ExErEI I.. lion, 11. Sou Trott ; Pole vault, Itutt G. Taylor, It. Brintnell, 6 fl. 6 In.; two mite b'cyrlc late. Rrfine(onthe, Butt, Iloykins; 1-2 'tele ruse, L. Her), Moly. Souteco ', C. Prouty , Rurtnhtg, t:op,step arid Jump, Ed. 1latnesa, L. licrn, D. Rivers, :et ft., 2 1-2 In. ; Running high jump. Butt, llyt'n, Rivers, 9 ft. 2 1n. Sult.,Ile ch.unplonehlp badges were presented to the wi:mere, while L. Vern who got high ave rage, obtaining 17 points. was 141)4:1 ,1 beautiful military 11)1101 set. 1V. C. 1'. Mut soil J. Shine J. M. (Test. Alex. \1'tlsun-- 3'r Levet1 Acheson Creech Dickson -4 MUlnni8 Anderson Clarke -- 10 T,uuan ---17 Madman Creeclt Ileatnan --18 Taylor --7 11'. Bright W. McDougal E. Bright 1V. I), Bright --15 Heitman Spackman Seldnn Bunion --24 (foetid Davie Steell 17 Collins -21 Stanhury Stewart Tit mutt Clarke --11 May Grieve Stewart (Badman -- 10 Stanletry \Veidenhatlllmcr Taylot• --1(1 Hemmen --1:3 Schlott Davis Snell - - 4 Collins -19 --11; W. Hroadfu..t J. MC'I'avish W'. Anient (i. Culling --17 15.1 132 A rink of howlers of Stephen Town- ship. consisting of Father Forster and John Kilgallen of Mount Cartmel, and Dr. McCue and Claude Bloat of Cred- iton, skipped by Father Forster, ar- rived n• R o'clock and played -three games with Exeter playern. STKPIIEN EXK•rKlt Dr. McCue C. Illtie•tt J. Kilgallen Fatbye Forster -21 Sweet. Sparkman l.evett Dickson - 24 Mclunis Gould Dickson --21 Hurtion - 11 Stanbury (sieve Ta l l l 1111 12 Christie -20 54 Gr IIASEiIALL Centralia and Exeter played two gatnes of baseball, which were fairly well attended. The home team was succeANfIll in both games, winning the morning game 17 to fl and the after- noon game 15 to R. The following are the scores in detail: MoIININr (IAMK Ex/alai ()KNT/IAI.IA Hawkshaw I Swann.... .....1 H,►wdt'n 1 13. Mitchell .... 0 Carling 2 M. Mitchell .. 1 McConnell ... .. 2 F. Illootnfleld...0 F. Royle 2 Hauser 1 Hrintn'll . T. Boyle.. .....(1 Bissett ..... ....2 Hutt ..... 1 Knight 3 Donlan .. 2 Hoskin 2 H. Mitchell .... (1 17 (t Exeter 2 IP 5 ('entr,tli,t---1 2 U A rTKItNOrN 650 - 17 0111--6 (IAMK Ex KTY.It ('Ks rit.ti.l t Hawksli:tw 1 Doplan 2 flaw den . .. :3 Palmer. .. 1 Carling. . . ... n '.1.'tit.•hell 1 McConnell 1 11. Mitchell .... 2 F. Houle .... 2 Swann (► Biotin( Il .... 1 13. Mitchell 1 Nontlicot1 1 Bloomfield 0 Knight .... 1 T. Hoyle 1 Husking 2 Houser 0 15 8 Exeter -1 0 1 1 0 3 0 1 5--15 Centralia -2 1 1 0 0 (► 1 0 3 R THE Y. \l. C. A. SPORTS t got.dly crowd Attended lite Y. t1 C .t. sports 111 the afternoon when the fol- lowing list of at l tie events were run oft, with the rcaults as shown. - lee yd. race, 1. Ilea:, C. Prouty. T. Coiling; Standing broad Jump, L. lion. M. Soutlerott, T. Qtrlintg ; 7 ft. 11 1-1 1211 y.1 .List, \t. Snutheolt, 1.. Bern. 1'. 1'AIO.1 \V tSTE!) TO HENT. 10•) at res. to get posaesslon In fell. Apply to SANDERS A CREECII. Eteter Ontario Liquor License Act 1.rense M.trt• l of Rooth Iluren. Neuter 1. h.r. h7 Riven that Errs Itrenn. , M (h. eeee.hip of 8tepbrn. has male af.plkWlon for penstir0en to traitor' Ms Tow nettp tavern he'll". in St.p1.0 to James Darman n4 Stel.M.n Tp . and that the aat1 applhatian w ill fie ronnpletr.l at the meeting "f the WHOA al to ••nee (•n,nml.danrn. to he hell at the Comm.() is! II'de1, In tillage of Eveter, on K e.1no* day. the 19th day of septetuher. I9•0. at the hour of Waal. All peewees Interntee will R.vvrrn themselves ar eordintly, John Torrsnee, Bente Inept, ter Doted et Clinton. the. ttth dee of 8erf.10,er, 14!0. THE EXEPER IUUN('il. council met In the Town Hall, Friday :i. et. 3, all the nten:lsrrs being present, Minutes of the rucennge held Aug. 20 and 24 were lead and approved. Mr. A. O. Dyer asked the Connell to place a flag -stone crossing acoee Old - Icy street and at (ho corner of Carling attect, the sante to connect with the ce- ment walk:a. The request was granted on motion of Councillors Beaman and Johns. Apetltlon was presented to the Coun- t 11 by Mcssra. Grieve and Meeks and signed by the properly owners along the east alae of WII:•.t,tt vice(, askiee for a cement walk (tom the corner -1' Sanders south to Ann street. Per mo- tion of ileanari--Johne-that the p00 - Hon be received and if time will permit .old the Council have the power without going beyond improvement limit, the walk ba constructul.-Carried. A circular hetet front the Central Can adze Citizen with regard to tax on im- provement values at a lower rate than land valuer. w'1) read, accompatilcd by a petition to be signed and forwarded to the Provincial Legislature, Toronto. Per !Iranian and Carling that the petition be oilseed and forwarded as desired. It was. declared carried, the reeve wi-t' 'e his vote recorded .fay". The fo11, w,•:4 tl:.g stone crotrslr'gs were ordcted-one on James street op- posite the Methodist church, west aide, on motion of Hcaman and Luker, two on Iluron stteel, o.ic at the corner of Wil- liam and one at the corner of Carling on utotlon of Luker and Johns. -Carried. Per Carling and Luker that the clerk write the Caledonia Evaporator Co. re- conditions of agreement. -Carried. i'er Johns and Carling that tice Reeve and Treasurer borruw one thousand and (Ivy hundred dollars to be applied as the acc•ohd Installment per the construc- tion of the cement walks.-QArrled. The ntu;ticlpal rate of taxation was Dy- ed at 19 mills on the dollar, on motion of Carling and Luker. -Carnet. Th. bellowing accounts were retd and led to be paid. -Advo( ate Printing Do You Eat Hearty 0r is every good meal felluwcd by discomfol t So certain are we that Howey's Dyspepsia Cure will cure indigestion every tune -for every person --for you -that we will give you your (Honey back if it fails without a word. Try lis. 50c a bottle. W. 3. IIOET, PHIILJ. Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone 50 ts- A big assortment of 2.'2e YOUTH BRUSHES just art ived. Mise Sarah Swot assisted by a num- ber of other ladles entertained her Sun- day School Class to a ple:tlr party on tate Rectory Lawn on Labor Day. BIRTHS Clark. -111 Usborne, on Sept. 5th. to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Clark, a daughter. Allen -At Farquhar, on Sept. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen, a son. Fahncr-Ira Steehen, on S( pt. 0th, to Mr. and Mrs henry Fainter, a daugh ter. MA ItRIAON.S wild -Station -Mr, Marie \1'lld of Dash- wood to Miss Rhoda Station, daugh- ter of Mr. John titatto.:, Grand Bend. by Rev, A. D. Olsrhler, at the Evangel teal ptrvJoag., m1 Wednesday. Sept. 1st. Rallahtyne--eloatel•h.--At Tbamee Road on Sept. 801, by itev. Fletcher. Mr. Thos. Ilallan'yne, to Miss Millie, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mon- teith. Down -woods -At Elinlvllle. on Sept. 8 by Rei. Watson, Charles R1•'hard Down to Mien P.ert'ta liia:tch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert \V.oeds. Turnbull-Sharrow-In Stephen, on the 1 at Scpte:nher, by Rev. Qtrrlere of Grand Bcnd, Mr. Norman Turnbull, to Miss Adcllnc Sparrow, youngest daugh ter of Nit. Joseph Siarrow. ward -Eagleson -In Brantford, on Sept 1, at the residence of the brides' moth- er by Rev. Mr. E•niLiy, Air. Rennie Ward, Mitchel), to Miss Tillie Eagle- son, Brantford. DEATIIS ICIeIrt-ire Fullerton, on Sept. 1. Jarob Klein, aged 75 .,cars, 12 months and 22 d:1ys. McGee. -In Biddulph, on August 20)11:, William McGee, aged 94 years. Bullock -At Lurcrklp, on August Better- Sarah 0ttt-Sarah Ann %%cods, relict of t:.e tate John Bullor•k. Mc0itltvray tooaline, aged 87 year v. 8 months, 16 days. Kerslake -In Mitchell, on Aug. 80, Thos Kerslake. aged 78 years. NEW • Frovision Sto!e Baying leaned the store property Of Mr. J. W. Broderick, Mabee street.• 1 beg to announce• to the publle that I have ole Ned out business In the line of Gen- eral Provlalons. FLOUR. FEED, ST0r1. 1-0011, PI1ES9- ED HAY, NTItAw, ALL KiNi)S OF SEEDS. GRAINS, ETC. ETC. The very beet glade• of flour a!•eaye on hand floods deltver(d to any pat ,'1 11 r !OWI) We levitc your patronage .And moil. 11 a call from you Broderick's Old Stand J. EIDT Furnaces, Plumbing and Tinwork ARE YOU going: to put in a Furnace? If Ito, let us estimate what it will cost you to instal a Gurney's New Idea- '1'h save fuel. Plumbing and Pipe -fitting White Enameled Birth Lavatories anti Sinks in stock, also a full line Of Fitting Valves, Stop Cocks. Ilihhs, Lead 'l'rltps, Pumps, etc., at lowest prices. Eavetroughing and Tinsmith Work of every description. quickly and promptly (lone HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE