Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-02, Page 4►
excter ;llivocitte,
& vref3Ct�, Props. A "Along lruaglnatioa is ne:cssary to
p good tlehlttg-
Cearacter and conduct roust fur
2, 1009 to -day than ever before.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot?
Not un'ote you owe him 410.
Abse 1 :t -carer Iota 4141 :n .t fire that
damaged her boarding house at Paris.
Le;..c r etop'itr, a young Ottawa
girl drank carboilc acid and died short-
ly atter.
Earl (ii.:, was lost arid wandered In
the woods for several hours while hunt-
ing 1.1 l rrlt'sh Columbia.
The big Winnipeg branch of the Mc
Clary •lu,iufsrturing Company was al-
most totally destroyed by a serious
(ire that oct'utred Saturday tight. The
damage Is estimated at 4200,000.
Luke `.:law, a young Er,gitsi.m:un,
Jumped off a bridge at Belleville with
Intent to commit suicide. Ile tried to
stab Mr. Joseph Bolster. who went to
pia rescue, but was eventually pulled
out and handed over to the police.
Arthur Sutherland. aged 33, was In-
stantly Wiled at Sarnia sawmills on
Monday. Ile was engaged in loading'
101.9 fro/ , a train. when the carload
slipped and crushed him to death. Ills
neck wan broken and head crushed. lie
leaves a wife and one child.
Peter Cline, aged 55, was instantly
killed 0.1 Monday at T111sonburg. when
a large circular saw buret in the Til-
sonburg save still, where he was em-
ployed. The saw burst into a hundred
fragment:+ and many of them passed
through different parts of Cline's body.
whicn is literally riddled.
Tno barn of Mr. W. A. Carter of the
7th con. McGillivray. 8 miles from the
town of Parkhill, was struck by light-
ning Sat.; dky n{;ht and totally destroy-
ed. There was in the barn 600 bushels
of wheat, a large quantity of hay and
all his spring crop, all of which Is a
total loss. The damage is about 415011.
Satu.d..y night's utorrn did comities --
able damage around London,- F. B.
Hodgins, St. Johns, burned barn, crop
destroyed, loss r'o00. Walter Walden.
con. 7. Lohuo:i Township, barn and
crop destroyed, lose 42500. Lucan Tel-
ephone systc'at put out of business. W.
P. Morgan. con. 4, Adelaide Tp.. barn
and crop destroyed. loss =3300u. Auatin
Carrothcra, con. 2, Adelaide, barn aid
crop3 destroyed. lose 42500. A. Dale's
barn, outbuildings and crop at Glendale
destroyed, lose 43,500. W. A. Carter's
barn and crop in McGillivray. loss
41500. Electric Light plant at Parkhill
put out of commission.
Out o., tl.t railroad track two miles
west of Aliaa Craig Chief Constable
Alex. Itcith of Lucan fought a lone bat-
tle on Thursday with Frank Bean)..-.
an ere :p ,1 lunatic from London Hospit-
al for tie In.iane. To-dty the constable
has a rusty scalp wound as his momen-
t() of the tetttle, but Iteadore Is back In
hta ward at the hospital. It was Tues-
day niornln3 when he lett Pre local In-
stitution and struck north along the G.
T. It. tracks towards St. Marys.. lie
was :tern this s'd" of St. Marys on Wed-
re.ed cy olcning had supper at Vin Dew-
an's in Ulddulph. C:,lef Conatable With
was then notified and ho started in pur-
suit. At Ailsa Craig ho learned that
Deadore had passed there, and when he
caught up to hint Iieadoro wart standing
on the track with a big club In Iola hard
and when approached made a smash at
tho officer. The latter 900:1 got the stick
whereupon the maniac reached into his
shirt and drew out a stone. with welch
he hit the constable a terrible blow on
the back et the head. Blood streamed
from the wound but the fight went on.
and after a alrugdlo of 2t1 minutes the
mar. was fi+ally overpowered and sub-
mitted to arrest, It was a lone fig'•'.
not a soul being to sight during it alt.
The follr,v:ing is taken from T;:e F'ar-
mers' Advocate and should be of Inter-
est to farmers hereabouts. -
"Soil Prep.eration for Wheat is a sub-
ject on wh:c.t I would like to say a
little. To make a success of farming
we have to plan a year a::ead. Thu
systent 1 follow Is to manure in winter,
at the rate of eight to ten load, of man-
ure per acre. a field that has been seed-
ed with timothy and clover the spring
ptevtouv. This will increase tine crop of
hay at lout one-third. aral the work. be-
ing done in winter. costs Ilttle, and the
leaching 1,, the yard over sunmt r Is
prevented. After hay 1s orf and a good
Second growth comes on. I plow about
four inches deep. following with a heavy
1011.1, theft th^ harrows, and roll again,
and le.tte In t'.1i condition for •1 v: • k
Or ten days. It season le dry. wou ld
after a shower use the disk. but shal
low, so a■ not to disturb the clover
and minor that Is turned down, and
follow wit': harrow and roller. About 1
week bcfort sowing. go over ag.t.
disk. :a.t-lapel: g (I prefer out-
ut disk for ti'11 work). harrow and -oil.
Thei It is ready for Bowing. My object
for the last cultivation. one week be-
fore sowing, is to draw moisture to the
eur:ace .9C ..F to give seed fir even start.
Tne m -fur.• a., l clover so 1... er t .1 aura
Lae. ,;;;d a ••-elected by cultivationacts
as a hotbed. thus Insuring a rapid and
strong gruwtlt. and also peeve Its win-
ter-kildng. I am also In favor of hat-
towito; t seed lg. c.,.rcially wheel eee.l-
ing v .t1 g arses. -W. 13. Sanders.
The a''lattic.t of the problem Is hunt-
orou.•IY ret forth thus by George Gamble
The advVe may also Suit the ama'^'lr
automobilist. -"First light your t'•.•
the•, ';t down and look at the engine for
len n.. r. u:. t. i( by that tint' It : ala''
started ''r. ) our know there Is some-
thing the matte-. Don't get mad. but
turn the e. e 1 o .:c. and if it deal •'pit
glue 1t a new Chew. See tom your
,ew!'c' le 'u •el \\'rIght and e' . ta.-r'
Is p.e:rte of Kyres in the carburatu,.t
thea 1., . t .e +•:,eel again. l: it d.r 't
go. (trunk 1t fifty times, then If 0 does-
n't mitre crank it a hundred times and
try to keep your temper. If you can t
keep yt .sr tern'-er in rhrea 1 ei he :sat
launch • mile up Mark Cre'k where n•t
One will ;.torr w;t.tt you .,ay about , ..
e 'g, A:ter you rave cranked it for
two hours and It won't •1111. then tura
on the gasoltre. if then you are not
au -eta -4M. ec,:d for Georg. tlamole."
A woman always says her shoes are
too big 1f tr.ty hurt her feet.
Women and t.ewapapr•rs should never
be Judged by t:,eir wrappers.
People seldom improve when they have
no model but themselves to copy.
If lie lets are trumps It Is up to the
wise young ratan to play a dlaunond.
A diplomat Is a woman who call make
a elan believe he knows more than Ile
No man is smart enough to tell his
own son anything when he leaves col-
Don't think a a an Is always In the
wrong becauve by doesn't agree with
A thick skull enables a man to keg,
a lot of useless knowledge out of his
Our idea of a tool mall la one who will
Islas a woman after seeing her kiss A
pet dog.
The bachelor who hasn't energy to
keep ahead when a widow t.thases hlm
deserves to get married.
Unteas you have more time than you
know what to do with it Is foolish to
try to convince a fool that he is foolish.
Wizen a man has money enough laid
aside to keep hint on racy Street tit;:
rout of his days, he ought to give others
a chance.
Wlnnlpcg, August 31. -Last night was
full moon, and incidentally it was the
coldest night of the season In Winnipeg.
the mercury dropping to 34, ani white
frost covering the ground. But the
most tender garden stuff does not ap-
pear to be affected.
Quite 75 per cent. of the spring wheat
is now beyond damage front anything
hut very heavy frost, say 8 to 10 de-
grees. and oats being harder are not
effected even when pretty green, by
light frosts. Much of the oat crop, how -
fever, is very late, and it will be a mir-
ncle it a good deal of this is cut for
anything but food.
;Mss Alma Carter and Percy Armitage
visited in London and Port Stanley
on Sunday last. -Mr. James Carter, woo
lived in McGillivray, sontetiu•c ago
:roved t0 the home of his son-in-law,
\Vm. Turner. Ile is now in his :lune
year. and the other day helped to break
up a field of sod, which was never be-
fore ploughed. Good for the old plan.
-We were very sor_ y to ;tear of the
death of Mee Ltzzle Gulltoyle, which
occurred Monday, Aug. :loth. The in-
terment took place on Tuesday at St.
.Lt^n^i ce:t) tery.-Mian Mildred Carte.
,.1 spending her 1 olidays in London and
l'ort Statlley.-Sonde trees In front of
Mr. John Coursey's house were St. WS.
by lightning Saturday night, as was al-
:ao the barn of Mr. Walter Hodgins.
Mr Jerry McGee, who left here sonic
y.•'1re age atm Is now (arming in the
went. has returned home on a visit.
Ills many friends are pleased to sec
hint again. -Mies Vera Ogden, who has
been or. ars e-ttnded vielt with friends
at Staffa, has returned home. -Miss Es-
ther !tell:tiny of St. Marys 1s the truest
of W.I. Hazelwood. -Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Ogden aro visiting with friends at K lar -
ton ttris week.-.trs. Alficd Gunning and
-son Lorne visited :it Men. John Mot-
ley'.s on Sunday. -Mian Edna Gunilag
gave a party to about forty of Iiee
friends on Friday evening, and every-
body enjoyed a good tinge, and also t h.c
good things, together with the ice
r rcanl.-Mr. Geo. Squires is erecting a
new cement silo, the work being darer
by John Ifu,rkin of Thames Itoad.-ON-
hng to change of locality trod the Int-
rne:.se pressure of business. our renal'
leader has fou:.d It Itnposalble to fill the
poaltloa, and as a result Mr. Lloyd
fiodg.von has taken charge.. -Mies Ida
!tern has accepted the po.ltl,n of aar-
Florence Conkry. the two -year -old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fled G,nkey,
of Adehatde village, right miles from
fitrathroy, was burred to death Tues-
day at the family home. The little one
was alone with ler 14 -year-old stetter,
Catharine. when the accident happen. t.
Ily some mean! Catharine made a fire
fn tho stove, and the little lot's clothes
'became Ignited.
Looks AN.. the Coate.
A simple Illwttratlon will show the
care that is taken of cents by one of
the big banks of Chicago. Stumped
postal cards are not used, and not out
of the thousand* of routine letters that
aro written every day 1s stamped or
sealed until the whole routine tuttll or
tiro day Is assembled in the attention.
Then all the cards anti letters to one
tsrespondent are put in a single en-
c.•: ipe, and, except for letters from the
•rs anti the like, the bank comes 113
nee. as possible is get its entire mail
ca tic at 2 to nu ounce or a cent
for er:try postal card instead of often
paying 2 cents for a quarter of an
ntsitce, ns it would have to do 1t every
communication were sealed and stamp-
ed separately. This little matter of
getting full value out of a two cent
stamp makes a saving of from $25 to
t ;,t a day. --world's 'Work.
Lead ripe Ie Keep Flavor Sharp.
"Lead {ril.' will keep your rater
Fp." con (Med the garrulous barber.
• t ;et a Ali.,. t piece of the smallest,
sanest lead ply, your plumber has In
stack, and keep It handy when you are
,tree 1'!ug the r.i7.•r.
"Tile scheme is to rub the strop with
the pare. it works best with a plata
leather strop. Apply the pipe. just as
you would strop tht' razor, to the un•
lint.1et1 side of the le Cher. Strop your
r::•'or on that eI•le, n d up with a few
:uses on the 1„ r:she 1 Ids of the 'trop
and you will hare n Ilr.t class edge on
the tool. 1 tterer to'ik the trouble to
get n scientific ezplattat.'a of the vir-
11104 of Ica.t pipe es all al, : to whetting.
but it is all to the good In ; at respect-"
The. Rich. Armitage of St. Jola,s Is
visiting around here for a few days. -
Male Ethel Berry of Blanshard and Mts.
Miran Copeland of \Voodhatit and Miss
Boss of Klrkton visited at the bone
o: N..vsau Davis' last week. -Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Davie visited the laltcr's
sister, arra. Geo. Godbolt of Wince 1 -
sea oe Sunday. ---Mrs. Win. Turner is
vl:ittie.g her daughter, Mrs. Henry Ham-
ilton, who has been sick, but is no.;
doing ntce•ly.-Rvv. Mr. Black well, a
student of Huron College, will preach
here on Sut:day morning in the absence
of itcv. G. W. Itacey.
Miss T;ett::n of Dashwood spent a few
days last week with Mrs. W. W. Kerr. -
Mr. Thos. Coward, wife and family rus-
ticated at Grand !lend Thursday last. -
Mr. E;ne:r Coward and Mtiae Nora Mar-
tyn of London returned home after spen
ding a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T.
Cow td.-51L9a Satalc Clenwnta of New
ark. N. J„ returned home after three
weeks vacation with her mother, Mrs.
Clenlenta.-Alex, Berryhill attd sister•
Ella, of I:lanshard, accon.It..r.ted by Miss
Olive Berrybill of London, spent Sunday
at Wesley Heywood's.-Mrs. It. Hunter
and daughter Mattie of Exeter. aceom
panted by Miss .Linda of London spent
Monday at S. Ilrock's.-Mr. George Mil-
ler of Mt. Clements was the guest of
his father, Mr. D. Miller Saturday and
Sunday. -Mrs. Miller a t;d daughter. Mss
Clara spent a few days Here also.- Mr.
H. Parsons and wife of Exeter spent
Monday at ,Wesley Heywood's.-Mr. Chas
Godbolt and two daughters, Lulu and
Itlte,t, spent Sunday in Cromarty. -Mr.
\Vliliam Davis and wife of Saintebury
spent Sunday with Geo. Godbolt.-Mr. L.
Hodgins and Miss Louise spent Sundae
with G. Godbolt.-We are pleased to
learn that Roy- Coward is Improving, af-
ter his ilhtess.-Miss•Beatrice Delbridgc
is improving after a severe Illness.
Accident. -Mr. Samuel Brock happrre
ed with a painful accident on Friday
leant. He was In the act of building a
otack and was standing on a larldur
which was leaning against the nt.t• k
when all of a sudden the stack gave
away precipitating the ladder and Mr.
Brock with It to the ground. Luckily
Mr. Dro:k escaped with a bruised shoul-
der and a severe shaking up. but we
are pleased to report hien doing nicely.
(Too late for last week.)
Master Hubert Mcleaac and slater
Mary, who have been visiting their
grandpt. Mr. Colllee, returnee' to their
hone in Detroit on \vcdncsd.ty.-Mr.
Dan Collins and family of i)etroit are
visiting at Mr. Dennis Collins' -Mr.
Bernard Cunnil.gham and family spent
Sunday at Ailsa Craig. -David Lippert
is all smiles those days -its a boy.-
\Ltster Ilarold Cunningham le visitltt
1 `.lart.ta Swtitzer spelt :: 1• v.
days last week at David Lippert's - .tn-
gu i McCormick spent Sunday at
Ctrn,el.-)rias \Vitzel of Baden is ',cle-
at Win. \Vitxe;'s.-Alonza McCann spent
Sunday at 'Zurich -Miss Witzel of Dash
wood sp^nt a few days at David L:p-
child Dted.-Mr. and bars. Alex. N. eb
have this week l0 :Ilourlt the death of
ticlr bright Ilttle son, Alfred, who died
on Sunday. August :fill, at the age
of 2 years and 11 months.
Christ has conte, is ever conning.
To gather home the golden sheaves,
A few s'.ort years Alfred did stay
And now ripens in the Iteavenly ray-.
Ills friends were waiting here to meet .
with open arms they did tdtn greet ;
We would not wish him back again
To this world of tears and pain.
Tet wiry should we regret his loss,
We all must soon that river et Oe9;
Ile has gone to a world the salnta to
Ills Saviour and his God to meet.
Tet why s':ould wo thus mourn and weep
Or into sorrow sink so deep;
It was the will of the \lost Ifigh
To break asunder that earthly lie.
A Friend,
Miss Jones, who has been visiting
the Misses Iltll for a fete weeks, re-
turned to her home in St. Thomas on
Monday, -The bridge at the East end
of our city is rapidly nearing comple-
tion, Yesterday ane of the workmen
slipped and fell about 18 feet, falling
on his side and bruising himself se-
verely. Fortunately no bones wore
broken. Contractor Lawson le having
considerable tr.-able in getting a good
bottom for the concrete abutments of
the bridge on the Exeter side -road. -
Mute Susie Saunter of Parkhill is spend -
Ing it few days in town, the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Bluett.-Herb. Either
returned home on Friday evening, af-
ter a pix weeks' vacation through the
Canadian West, along the Pacific
Coest and around the. Middle States of
the t'nion. The vacation appears to
have done him good. We are giad to
see hitt in our ut,dst ng,tin.--- 1:It mt
Murray and Richard Bowser spent
last Sunday visiting friends in St.
Marys. -The Centralia Rockets cause
here on Monday to play nut Brownies
a gamer f hall. They wet(' fall of Tins
before the game started, but their ani.
bition st,nn died mot and they returned
home to the tall tinsbets with a score
of 9-0 piled op against them. Next :-
Ira Brown, Everet Fahner and Milton
Harris Roelof last Sunday in Dual-
wood.-Mts. Sambrook anti daughter
1.orepn have returned home after
Tending N week's vacation with tele -
lives in `Voodharn.
Mise E. Geake left for Toronto Mon•
day to attend the Fair. -Mr. Sant,
Pedler of Ailsa Craig vl-itcd around
here Sunday. -Mr. 1i. 13o.eenberr•y
and daughter Alms, of Thetlford. were
in ottr burg Thursday.-- \t r. Me('allnm
of Exeter was in our burg Monday and
Tuesday. closing his cottage. -.Mi-•
Joseph itavelle is all snsile it boy,
Wednesday, Aug. 25th, -Mr. Frank l
Oeromette's bake wagon was smashed
to pieces Init. Thursday by his I
horse being frightened by an
automobile. -The campers are leaving
Bail}, nithnogh them are it few arriv-
ing to stay a week. -Mr. Brenner has
started to build his stables, Mr. Mark
of Parkhill haying the contract. -Mr.
I James Mallard left for the West Tues-
day to visit his sons and daughter.
DA Si I \Y 00D
, 1l. n1t06E\S11J111, O.ISIIWOOL CoNVEV•
itis E\cER. ltrc+is, wills, ltoat:log,* and all
Legal lkx.umeotscarefully aed {,,romptly prepared
Charges moderate. I,,ucr .,1 Yarei,ge Li, mom
The illustrated temperance lecture
on Tuesday night of last week was
fairly well patronized and was very
well received.-- Dining the storm on
Saturday night a shuck of oats in Mr.
\Val Snell's field was struck by light-
ning and burned. -\!r. and,Iri. Frank
Jetutette of Gland Bead were visiting
friends in the village on Saturday af-
teteuott.- Mr. E. M. Brokeu,hite vis-
ited friends in Stanley on Sunday last.
-The business meeting of the Y. P. A.
was held in connection with the Eng-
lish prayer -tweeting class. -It is re-
ported that these is to be it wedding in
the community in the near future. -
Miss A'inlet Graybiel left on Tuesday
for Durham to attend the Model
School. -Several in this cotnnnntity
have finished with their leo ve,ti:,g
for this year. -- M. Brenner
and sister, who have been visiting at
the home of Mr. Alfas Brenner for
some time, left for their home in
Stratford on Monday.-- Airs. Bruback-
er and daughter left for their home in
Berlin on Tuesday morning, after
attending a week with relatives in this
cotuutuuity.--'Phis week we must re•
cord the death of little Oarnet Goss -
man, which sad event took place on
Monday about noon. The little fellow
had been ill for some time and passed
away as stated at the early age of
three years and two months. The re-
mains were interred on Tuesday after-
noon in the Goshen Line Cemetery.
We extend our sympathy to the bereft
friends and trust that some day there
may be a re-uniou in Heaven.
Children Cry
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalosues Fro"
I. W. Westervelt, 1. W. Westervelt, it., C.A.,
Peiscipal. Vic. -Principal.
Flour N'a
ft it b the best fl•.uryou want there is
but one Owe in town to get it- that
is from us. The brands are:
JEWELL (Ontario I3lended)
6 ROSES (Lake of Woods)
PURITY (Waters Canals Flour Mills)
Leave your enters or all up
Phone 2.
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
Over one thousand stu-
dentsenrolled by our chain
last year. It pays to at-
tend a link of this great
cbain,for "IN U\ION THERE
le BTRKlt0T1I."
Thedemand for ourgrad-
uates is THREE TIMES
the supply.
Other schools engage our
graduates as teachers. A
special course for teachers.
Graduates of two years
ago are now earning $2,000
per annuns.
Three courses-CoMMKR-
Fall Term Opens Aug. 30.
EI Write for particulars.
Clinton Business College
Telephon e
The Bell Telephone Com-
pany of Canada
is about to publish a new issue of the
Official Telephone Directory
District of Western Ontario
including EXETER.
Orders l'or new connections, changes
of firm names, rhanges of street ad•
dreeees, or for duplicate ('mules should
he handed in AT ON:E TO
Lt.catl Malinger.
B. Z. WALKER, Prsald at Paid-up Capital, $1 0,000
1i.WTAWDER LAIRD, General Manager -
I Fund, 6,000,
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, ,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sws a
and Switzerland
is stated
e on the face of each cheque, while in other ��
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every of8ae
of the Blank. 131A
Exeter Branch -G, W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
Tho general public will take notice that I ant doing business in Exeter in
the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for
Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper,
Etc. Etc. Etc.
All purchases to be delivered to T. IHAWK1NS & SON'S HARDWARE,
EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of
scrap may be left at the sante store, where prompt attention will be given.
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
The Range You Ought to Buy
IT'S the best made -for appearance
and good service. It is properly con-
structed by a reputable firm who have
had years of experience in the making of
stoves. Don't fail to see this range on
our floor. The many good points it has
will appeal to you,
For Sale by W. J, HEAMAN
Crediton Four Mills
During the months of July and August we will only
run our Chopper 3 days per week, as follows: Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday. We also have to offer:
Family Flour at $3.26 per 100 lbs.
Pastry " " 3.00
Shorts " 1.26
Bran " .26 "
Good Oats " 1.66 fe
Henry Sweitzer ---
Crediton East
The Desire oi a Boy's
Is to own a watch, one of his " very own," Why deny hint
when bis ambition can easily he gratified. This is not a "make
believe" watch that we are thinking of, either. it's a guaran-
teed time piece. It le simply put together so that a little acci•
dental rough usage won't disarrange thine. It is nicely nickled.
It will retain its appearance till the last tick. And It will tickle
that boy of yours if you take one home to him.
Why Not Do It To -Day ?
Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1866
Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000
Rest Fund - - - $3,500,000
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and ('orrespondehts in all the
Principal Cities in the ‘Vorld.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at higittst cut r(tot tate.
Agents at Exeter for the I)onlinion Government.
DICKSON tit CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager.