Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-02, Page 3PAIGNTON'S DIG PUDDING, moved off toward the green ; with the great pudding Mounted 'upon a decorated wagon drawn by :eight te<1rr'os instead of oxen, the ONE OF ENGLAND'S CURIOUSwagon of bread and two wagons of 01,11 Cl'6T0119. treat ftlloeing. Arrived at the green the people took their bats and were supplied with the bread, meat and cider. As the pudding Blot Whets Pudding Was Shared It;ts about to ho distributed the out - Out fitly Years Ago Weighed public --and it was estimated that the festival had attracted 18. - 'ion and a li elf. 000 visitors to Paignton--clamored for slices; and breaking down the Lovers of old customs will not be fence attempted to help themselves. displeased to hear that arrange- The police thereupon Mounted the meats aro Soing made to re.avo the, wagon to protect the pudding. See - historical "Paignton Pudding' fes-! lug the turn affairs were taking the tival, which collies round every fifty ; natt ies and others at the tables, years, add is due this. Tho making imagining that they were likely to of this great "white pot," as somebe deprieed of the toothsome doli- �,. term it, dates back for centuries, cavy, left their seats and swelled fur Paigoten is not the modern the tumultuous throng, by whom town --a fashionable watering place the uufortitnate pudding, police and -which its appearance would Iea41 committo:• were beloagured. The those ignorant of its histc:y to sup -1 mob pressed onward, and the corn - pose. Paignton-•in Domesday Book I nlittee, alarmed at their Menacing the spelling is Peintone-was for -1 attitude, began to throw the pud- morly the richest manor belonging ding piece -meal at them. In a fow to the sec of Exeter, says the hon -1 seconds the scone became one of don Globo. It enjoined the privi- ( wild confusion. Tho wagon was up - lege of being a market town from set and men, women, boys and po- 1294. On the meadows facing Tor- lice struggled and fought for pos- ba'h oa t e Norman bishops built session of the dismembered pud- palace, the ruins of which aro close' ding and got inextricably mixed up to the parish church. The last Ro- in it. This continued until not a man Catholic bishop left the pa- morsel Was left. For weeks after - lace in 1519, although Miles Cover- ward the Paignton post office was dale is said to have lived here from inundated with greasy packets con - 1551 to 1553, oeupying a tower cont- taining bits of the pudding sent off monly called the "Bible tower," I as so many souvenirs to distant which is the chief feature of the friends, and in all parts of the ruins. After tho Reformation country people received letters, Paignton dwiudled to a country vie- sticky or smeared with a mysterious logo, and so remained until the glutinous substance which was tho modern town may be said to have result of burst packets of Paign- commenced with the making of the ton's last mammoth pudding. road from Torquay to Dartmouth, about the year 1810. 4.___ The origin of the famous pud- ding is wrapped in obscurity. The HOT WEATHER MONTHS first reference to it is found in KILL LITTLE CHILDREN Westcote's 'View of Devonshire in 1630." That historian tells of "the If you want to keep your cltil- hugo and costly white pot these dron rosy, healthy and full of life made of late, 501110 term it during the hot weather months A RAO PUDDING. give them an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets. This inedi- Itt former ages it, was an annual ac- cine prevents deadly summer com- tion and of that greatness that it is plaints by cleansing the stomach incredible to the hearer and thence and bowels; or it cures the trou- it hath the addition of white pot, ble promptly if it comes on unex- and called Paignton white put:' poctedly. "White pot" is an old torn[ for food The mother who keeps this medi- made of milk, cream, eggs, etc., cine on hand may feel as safe as and baked in a pot. Dr. James if she had a doctor in tho home. Young, writing about 1670, status Mrs. 0. 0. Roe, Georgetown, Ont., that Paignton was anciently a bor- says :- "I can heartily recommend ough town and held her charter by Baby's Own Tablets as a great help this white pot, "which was to bo to baby during the hot summer /seven years Making, seven years months. I have used them for sum - baking and seven years eating. rater troubles and am much pleased All other local historians appear to with the result." Sold by medicine be silent upon the subject. There dealers or by niail at 23 cents a can bo no doubt, however, that this box front the Dr. Williams' Medi - custom is of the greatest antiquity, cine Co., Brockville. Out. that at first the pudding was made 4 annually for the celebrattxl "revel f Paignton," held in 1\'1 un 11111(:111 AND BRIEF. eek, which fair, long sunk to the vol of a few standings, died out 'Piths Paragraphs .!bout a Little bout forty years ago ; that. later of Everything. ho "white pot" was boiled only upon occasions of national rejeic- lings or to celebrate important local events, and that lastly it was Blade a jubilee festival dating from the recital of the custom on June 1, 1519, after a lapse of many years. The ingredients which composed the enormous pudding of 1810 were 400 pounds of flour, 170 pounds of beef suet, 140 pounds of raisins and 240 eggs The pudding, which neighed in all 000 pounds, was cooked in a large brewing copper at the Crown and Anchor inn. being contained In a huge bag, which was held in a met suspended to a beam, from which it was lowered by a tackle Into the vat. After boiling from "Naturalist and trainer of ants, fleas, bees, etc.," was the (descrip- tion a man gave of himself at the North London Police Court. A medical man stated at the Shoreditch (England) County Court that he attended 18,000 patients a year, an average of forty-nine pati- ents each day. Experiments have shown that the Chicago air 300 feet above the street, contains in a year 7,038 pounds of dirt an acre, or three times as much as London air. In despair at his financial posi tion, a man hanged himself at Berne the other day. Half au hour later the postman brought, a letter for hirer containing a cheque fur $5.000. SATURDAY TO TUESDAY. Mrs. E. Retort, whose knee was so badly injured in a railway acei• it was placed on a car, decorated dent that she has since been unable with ribbons and evergreens and to kneel in prayer, has been award. drawn through the town by eight ed $10,000 (Ilulages against the oxen. But those who had assemb• New York Central Itnilr"ad. led to eat the pudding were doomed Tho strongest animals exist on to disappointment. The "bide, tirely on vegetable food. It is the from constant boiling, had been re- ferocity of the lion rather thin his duced to the consistency of paste strength that Snakes him (unuid- and the inner part was not even able.. An elephant is a match for warm. several lions and is a tegetarian. Although the jubilee of fifty years A Munich servant girl has given was short by a whole decade, the notice because she says her mis- Inhahitants resolved to anticipate it tress persists in playing classical In 1.59, in order to commemoratel music fur a C.111plo e.f lours ,Seng the r p,eniug of the railway from morning. although she has not the Torquay and London So as to se- slighter: notion how it should bo cure success on this occasion it was interpreted. arranged that the monster pudding To train prisoners mere thor- n( hor- Kindly mention the name of this should be cooked in sections, eight oughly in farm work, the British paper in writing to advertisers. sections forming ono layer, the Honte Off,•e authorities are to ex- -- - whele being afterward built to - tend, under skired ins. rection, Owing to the lack of farm hands gether. The pudding consisted of farming operations in the manage- in Austria, "good -conduct" c•'n- 673 pounds of dour, 191 pounds of n,ent and care of lite stet k, market riots are being employed as agri- bread, 3y2 pounds of raisins, 191 gardening, p ultr kee ,in pounds of currants, 3S2 pounds of dairy Stork at borstal 1'rist n. and cultural laborers. suet, 320 lemons, 141 nutmegs. 95 in order to encourage the Mem- Prisoners cfende arced to death in --- pounds of sugar, 3 0 quarts Of milk in of the Barnsley (England) po• (Irce(e have to wait two years he - and unknown hundreds of eggs. The fico force to become efficient awlrn fore the death penalty is carried scat was £45, and when ton an ea finers, the chief constable offered a out. the weight of it was ton and a ham -anti -egg breakfast to every • f halt, wjlile it measured 13 feet 6 fiver who entered the public se int - inches in circumference at the heseming hath the other morning. and 3 feet at the top. besides this Ttrent} four constables took ad - provided pudding there were tentage of the offer. pmt id(xl 1,900 pounds of meat and tentage the German socialist organ, 1.900 pounds of bread and an un "Vurwaerts," true f.rundcd, tarn- limitcxd supply of the staple pro- ty-five years ago. penalties amount - duct of the Paignton orchard. - ing to ten years and eighteen cider. Twelve lines of tables were weeks' imprisonment. seven weeks' erected upon Paignton Green, arrest, three months' detention in Where the dinner was to take place. a fortress, and $4,700 in tines hoer Vnfortnnately the gentleman stage been inflicted on members of tho managing the entertainment had cciitrrial staff. been subpoenaed to attend Exeter Hating survived f.,r fifty-two Assires, and to his absence may be years w ith his spine broken but the attrihuted the untoward centre- spinal cord intact, Joseph Alcock, temps which Afterward occurred who w•as well known to summer vi,i• AT NOON ON AUGUST 1. tars in his donkey chaise on the Yarmouth (England) Parade. died which was the day fixed for the in- at the age of set•ent).-Ioo. Tne gaff suguretion of the railway, the pro- of a wherry came dow0 with a run ELIAS ROGERS. President- ALBERT J. RALSTON, Managing Direst*, F. SPAR LINO. Secretary. National Life Assurance Co. OB' Cil ANADA. HEAD OFFICE' NATIONAL LIFE CHAMBERS, IS Toronto St.. Toronto. Rosiness In Force - - . ▪ $11,07.81.11111 Daily Income over 1113.01111.1111 Invested In high grads securitlse ▪ g1,2GI,211.17 Surplus to Policy Holders' Account ▪ 5321.111.62 The only 4 ompany reporting to Canadian Insura▪ nce Dept. Ottawa. Do slt- reara of interest or principal on any investment. A splen iid opun ng in this county for an active, energetic agent posses3Ing good charaotera Apply direct to head ol3ce. 7S Toronto 81.. Toronto. and broke his back when he was "I think from the utensils about twenty. him that this mummy must have Inquiry as to the general age of been an Egyptian plumber." "It trees being put to an tiuthority on would be interesting to bring him forestry, it was said that the pine back to life." "But too risky. tree attained 700 years as a maxi- Who's going to pay him for his inure length of life; 425 years was time 1" the allotted span of the sitter fir; the larch lived °70 years; the red YOUR SUMMEUTIND. beech, 2.15; the asp:'n, `210; the I! you ere toad ofR tlOshing, canoeing, birch, 200; the ash, 170; the older, escaping or tho study of wild animals look up the Algonquin National Park of On - 145; the elnt, 130. Tho heart of tarty for your summer outing. A fish and the oak begins to int at about, the game preserve of 2.Ou0,U0o acres Interspers- ag0 of :30J years. Of the holly, it ed with l,in lakes and rivers is swishing you, offering all the attractions that Na - Iv said that there is a fi ecimen tare can bestow. Magnificent canoe 410 years old near Aschaffenbur , trips. Altitude 2,000 feet above sea level. g Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just Germany, the place for a young man to put in his summer holidays. Hotel accommodation. des An interesting and er'fusnty illustrated Revive the Jaded Condition. - about it so pnhe ntinn teuinc you ell iabout it sent free on applienti.�n to ?Sr. J. When energy flags and the cares . D, McDonald. Union Station. Toronto. of business become irksome ; when the whole system is out of sorts For sheer simplicity of phrase and there is geueral depression, and conception few have surpassed try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. that delightful old lady who, with They will regulate the action of a a shrewd twinkle in her eye, in - deranged stomach and a disorder- 1 quired whether " 'soda -water' co liver, and make you feel like should be written as two separate a new man. No ono treed suffer a words, or if there should bo a si- day from debilitated digestion pbon between theml" when so simple and effective a pill can be got at any drug store. A South Australian farmer dur- ing the harvest used a 3% h.p. mo - tot bicycle to wiunow his wheat. It connects with the winnower, and is easily movable from place to place. :1t knock -off time it is disconnected in two minutes and ridden home. One gallon of petrol cleans 100 hags of wheat, which costs, with oil used, about three cents per bag. Tho perambulating restaurant is the latest novelty of tho Paris streets. It owes its inception to a restauranter who observed that there woro daily large numbers of clerks, artisans, and workmen who have no time to go out to lunch at a restaurant. Tho caterer has bought a mule and a small van, in which is fitted a kitchen range with several hot dishes all ready, and sends it out along the streets in charge of a cook. A horn announces the presence of the van to tho poo- flies than any other known article. ple, who conic out and are handed on hot plates a portion of roast The schoolboys had studied, the meat or other dish, with vegetables, day before, the first chapter of cheese, and dessert. The schotne Acts, particularly the story of the is a great success, and the caterer election of a new apostle. The is doing a largo business. teacher began by reviewing yester- day's work. "And how was Mat - DON'T BE DECEIVED. -- Inecrupulous thias chosen!" he asked. The y g makers are attempting to strap your mousy brightest boy, to his teacher's be- ano our reputati by putting oat an Imitation of ' The D. A 1,." Menthol wilderment, replied: '`They all Plaster. De sure to get the genuine madsr( tar WM* & Lawrence C9. jumped on him and kicked him. "Why," said the teacher, "what- ever Friend -"Henpeck, Ie'' mo ever makes you say that l" "Well, introduce you to Professor Glass, Fir, you told us. You read out i the great lrypnotiat, who can putthatthe lot fell on M ,tthias. anyone to sleep within two minutes after starting. Henpeck -"Glad RRIeCdV,O1Weyak, Wey.yeW1.0 eus.ryR. yeTr y 'o meet you. Professor. Come, lot Murine For Your 1.y. Troubles. lots tele introduce you to lIi wife." Will Like Murine. It Soothes. Sec At y Your l,ruggists liyrltc )'or Eye hooka. Free. Murtha Eye Remedy Co., Toronto. The never failing medicine, Hol- loway's Corn Cure, removes all kinds of corns, warts, etc.; even the most difficult to remove can - rot withstand this wonderful rem- edy. "How do you do, tsarist" said a Frenchman to an English acquaint-. once. "Rather poorly, thank you," answered the other. "Nay, my dear sore," said the Frenchman, "don't thank me for your illness; I cannot help it." Timmam (meeting an old friend after a long absence) -"Hello, Sims! Fancy meeting you. Why I heard you were ill!' "No; it was my brother -not me." "Dear, dear! I'm sorry to hoar that." Don't experiment with unsat- isfactory substitutes. Wilson's Fly Pads kill many times more house Wilson's Fly fads. the beat of all Ily killers. kill both the dies and the disease germs. The plague in India during tho last ten years has caused as many deaths as have all the world's wars since the time of Nap'•leon. Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. -Through ick of consideration of the body's needs many persons al- low disorders of the digestive ap- paratus to endure 'until they become chronic, filling days and nights with suffering. To these a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is recommended as a sure and speedy way to regain health. These pills are specially compounded to com- bat dyspepsia and the many i11s that follow in its train. and they are successful always ?N fu i; s0. 35 0). Mrs. Brown (to the new maid) - "Wcll, Janet, I hope we shell get Along very cicely ; I'm not at all difficult to please." Janet -"No, mum; that's just what I thought the very miuute I set eyes on the waster." We all Have Missions in tho World. --Thera is a work to do for every man on earth, there is n func- tion to perform for eterything on earth, animate and inanimate. Ev- erything has a mission, and the mis- sion of 1)r. Thomas' }•:electric. Oil is to heal burns and wounds of Beery description and cure coughs, colds, croup and all affections of the respiratory organs. POINTED PAIL %CR.1PIIS. It's no trouble to find trouble. Everybody knows that other peo- ple make mistakes. Every man on the job thinks he knows mitre than the boss. Some pe.tple tell the truth merely for the Bake of stirring up trouble. 1f it wasn't for their famous wit es many leen would net cr he heard of. A woman laughs most heartily at a story ,'f ee bit 1i she fails to see the point. It's dead easy to be an optimist when only the gerod things of life are coming your way. Many a man will devour a girl with kisses only to find after mar- t -age that she dkagres with him. If in hot water, take comfort from the thought that. you will soon. like an egg. get hardened to it. A married man should cotne home early at least one night each week -just to show his wife that he can do it. What sutpriscs a woman is not how beautiful her children are. but how much more beautiful they are then anvhodv else's. P:•••fcsser (leetnring .‘n hy(ire, 'Tnhac -o. gentleman, makes met, ugly, abort-wit:de 1. idi.'ic, pettily tie: and T ran tell .tee this from et- eerienre f'ir i have smoked for many years." iWHERE MEN DO HOUSEWORK. At St. Pancras, in England, there is a achool where fathers are taught to take care of the house and the children in anticipation of the time when woolen go out to do the work and men roust sit at home and mind the house. There used to be a time when a man out vf a job would have to let his wife go out and do washing or cleaning, and WI1el) bile carne hon:o at night she would have tt get her own house in order. Now the men will be expected to du that for their wives. The course in housekeeping will also be of bene- fit to men whose wives are sick of absent. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator does not re.:tire the help of any purgative medicine to complete the cure. Give it a trial and be convinced. -_- HIS VACATION OFF. "Aren't you taking a vacation this summer 1" "No." r "Didn't you ask for once" "Yes. r r "Wouldn't they give it to you 1 ' ''That's what's the platter. They were so much more enthusiastic about it than I 'vas that 1 grew a little suspicious." The microscope in the hands of experts employed by the United States Government has revealed the fact that a house fly some- times carries thousands of disease germs attached to its hairy body. The continuous use of Wilson's Fiy Pads will prevent all danger of infection from that source by killing both the germs and the flies. NOT THE SAME. "1 would like mightily to enjoy riches." "Then why don't you try to mar- ry 'eat 1" "As I said, I want to enjoy 'em." PAINKILLER mires all sorts of eats. bruises, burns and strains. Taken intern- ally it cares diarrhoea and dysentery. Avoid substitutes, there to but one "Pain- killer "--Perry Davis' -250. and 50o. Tar -"On my last voyage I saw waves ono hundred feet high!' Spar -"I've been a sailor forty years, and never seen 'era over forty." Tar-"1"eaps not : But everything is higher now than it used to be, mate!" The change of dietary that comes with spring and summer has the: effect in weak stomachs of setting, of inflammation, resulting in dy-1 sentery and cholera morbus. Thel abnormal condition will continue if' .not attended to and will cause .:rel exhaustive drain on tho sy'stc-n.' The best available medicine is Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial It clears the stomach and bowels) of irritant:+. counteracts the inflam, 'nation and restores the organs top healthy action. Kindly retention the name of thi+ paper in writing to adrertisere. QUITE OUT OF DATE. A workman. who was paid by time, was suspected by his wife of not giving her all his pay at the end of the week. Sho consulted a neighbor, who advised her to ge't a ready reckoner. This she procured. and when next ho handed his wages she ask- ed him: "Are ye sure that's all, Geordie 1" "Of course," be replied. 'Because I have heen 1..eking at a ready reckoner, asd I should get more." "Let Inc see it." He looked at it for a minute, and contemptuously threw it back at her. "That's n., use; it's last year's." Irrigation in Egypt is slowly low- ering the temperature of that cenn- try. VAIIZAST a WAa1Ne'r oyausT►&D •BPAVIN OURS' 5!.i:•.I .n r., -.1p1 a151.4: , !•.red tor ba„kiet toss. rhe Veterinary ■a..adp Company. Lne ltad, B .z A, 7s Ads:aide Si, IL lomit to, Confide- Business aa da. Business Training The future of your .-hi!dren depends largely en their present training, l'io best provision for the tut ore is a course in our oldest and most reliable school. WRITE FOR OUR CATALOGUES OR BR11 FR Come and sea ue dun I your Exhlbltion Vis.t. BrItisb Amr;can BrAes3 Coilrg! Y.M.C.A. BUIL ZINC. TORONTO. T. M. WATSON, PRINCIPAL HELP WANTED WANTED -Ladles to do plain and light. sewing at home, whole or ,pare tem.,' rood pay; work sent ny distettce; charges prepaid. Rend stamp for full par Menhirs. National Manufacturing Goals Deny, Montreal. WANTED. _ t / 1 "E`L Buggies and Harness BL DIBSCT to the user at manufacturers' price . Top goggles. - seises Singly Names,, 59.60 Up. have agents' profits by buying direct. %Sit* ani Tho Toronto Harness and Carrfag Supply Company, TORONTO. - ONTARIO. W ANEICD.--55.n00. In amounts of Ise or mo to acquire the coal mining rlfht, cn • peri a tree of land estimated to coataiu 20,ouo,otst tons ,al. An opportunity of a rifutltne to get in ors round floss Taunton, McIntyre Block, w'mut. ea. learn Telegraphy 1 I f And earn �e good>•'a vl kl>nttlP Pay �CENTRIIL TELEGRAPH earn a salary. Wo prepare you thoroughly and quickly. Par ticu n• s free. CENTRAL TELEGRAPH SOHOOL 3 Gerrard Rt. E. Toronto. Ontario Veterinary College TE!'PERAHCE ST.. TJRONTO, CAN. Estabttahad 1852, taken (war by iris Provincial Government of Ontario, 1903. Arnate3 with the Univers ty of Toronto ander tithe control of the Dept. or Agriculture of Ontario. (`oleeeg eitea 1a: nctoher, 1515. course of ant y (Attend. throu h 3 oiI.g. year•. ECM PER SEsa.0Y 575.5 Calender en epplir alien. 1 A. A. ORANCE. V.B. M.6.lertalpwl Dept. 7s. MOULTON COLLEGE 31 Blow Street East, Toronto. A high grads fte,ideatial School for stint,, for the year --Resident Student., INA to $28$S Day Students, $34 to 573. Seslege h.ipona Sept, 1S. Calendar on applleaulS MISS CHARLOTTE THRALL. Vlce•Principai. Woodstock College WOODSTOCK. ONT. A I' rev Equipped Resident' .i School for any, ant roung Leen rrepares for lluiterstly, achtete e► Stier v. nosiness. Ac. Linn Annual 0alendat tett on ap.1 ohne:: A. T. Mae\ISL, R. A., Principal. Don't fall to see our Exhibit at the National Exhibition, Toronto. --- Inv/run nrkf AGENTS wooman. CASE WRITE CATALOGUE Moa t3.DI, anl.stab. has Hrmaneoth,fsfneuM ter Cap' tel. n.If i a (los em 5 sell se sight tnerery soma. are ealc.lF tt•.J rep and 'tee.% ,,.dere enm- l.,1 I.tilu.tre tee. niton. II' D. Ts. R .rrs Berrty O. D. p: so, Ton a:o, 0a► Tho Rapld Keodle Threader A practical et,.eating llute•sating die ire. used for any sire needle or threat/. It threads y ick• It, easily, and w is last a I,fctimc. Mailed to your addros.. postpaid :or 1SC. AGENTS WANTED. Th. rapid Noodle Theta i.r Co., 4t4f Bot 1307. Willie, Ontart. CLA.c Cuslom Mado CIoIlies Sa1T VALUES IN SAMOA EXHIBITION VISITORS ordi., :% invited to rail and in.pea our stock. 1LGlE IsTTEI WANTED in r. ali!v. REX TAILORING COMPANY, 172 King at. West Toronto tODpoa.te Pr,nc'5. theatre DRINK, Tobacco and Drug Habits CURED New. System of Treatment. Recently Discovered Remedy thtt Cures Rap;dly and Permanently. Mars ennui Results ebtaineJ that makes our remedy one of the wonders of Modern ..ledicine. Patients cured secretly at their own }tomes against their own will and knowledge. No suffering. no Injections, no loss r f time, or detention from bualeeas, no had atter effect,. 3f'I 30 1 311:'31,331aI WI. send by seal, too. of *Marge nor N Dasa book. which fully ar p:c r s our modern system of {reatn.ent, of now 11.^ Drink. Tobaero Drug rtg babas care be rapid y 'Scree a and sural this book Is seat in • plain eareloge, Sealey from ()Wirt pion. ge no one nen tall what your letter ooltelae Alf corres94addbee 0/6o:t aty worst •red confidential Address. DV SILVA INSTITITB, telt. goo, 33 University At. Menttraal, Canada