Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-02, Page 130c to JAN. '1 NOW IS THE TIME to anbecn:! 'ree the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our ettr t TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1909. The Old Reliable --We Are Still in the Swim OUR BARGAIN COUNTER IS AGAIN LADENED WITH Dress Goods at Bargain Prices both ends and large pieces. Regular 35, 40e, 50c, OOc, and 75c per yard to clear 25c These foods are all good, heavy and durable, snake s splendid dresses for your girls going to school or for you mother. Come quick before they ate all gone. Table Linens and Napkins Extra values in Table Linens for a few days only. REAL LINEN DA- 4,1°MASK, full 72 in. wide, with neat pattern, while they last, $1.00 per yard. Also NAPKINS to match, at $2.25, $2.75 and $3.00. BEAUTIFUL BLEACHED TABLE LINEN, good width, special at 5.0c and 75c. UNBLEACHED TABLE LINEN, in heavy well finished, at 25c, 35c, 40c, 45e, 50, O.5c and 75c. These are extra value, but. having a quantity of then.. ' n e .ing to clear to make room for our Fall Goods, which are arriving every ... . 4 Fancy Suitings for Ladies Call and see them in all the new shades and styles. Shoes—Fifteen Per Cent Discount Now is your chance to get sold before the Winter conies. A job line of Shoes in all sizes, while they last. 49c 50c Tea for 40c While they last, one case only of RAM LAX Tea, in black, regular 50e tins, this week 40c. Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Live Poultry- 1 Butter 19c, Eam 20c. trade; 191c cash. These prices subject to change. CARLING BROS. r Great : Clearing :Sale OF ALL SUMMER GOODS They must all be cleared out regardless of cost. New Dress Goods Are Here. Come in and Get a Bargain We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 — ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE 4 OCCOCC • - -3-x- 3.2 restesetesal Cards. Ds. O. I. IOULSION, L. D. g., D. D.11. DRNTIST fiber of the 11. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor gtdsats of Toronto University. OMIIOiL Over Dickson a Carling• 1.aw Ome,, Is Ds. Aadonon'e former Dental Parlors. sip& A. R. KINSMAN, L .. D. D.11.. Honor graduate of ToronN 7amists. DENTIST, teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad elects =yet Madman & Stanburp's office, Malo stns. Medical HR BRIOIiT, M. D., M. C. P. & 8. HONOR e Graduate of Toronto University, Tyro yeah resident physician 111) al Alexandra Hospital, etc. oftice and Reel tenet, Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, &XKTKK. DR. T. P. MCLAt:Gi1LlN Has resumed practice after spending a year (Col- lege) K BrIli.h and C"ntlnental It -*vitals. General pewee* with weird attention to Eye, (with refrac- tion) Is Nose and Throat. O1 ce: Dashwood, Ont. Legal DIO SON ,A CAiRINO, D MUSTERS, SOW' bre, Notaries. Conveyancers, Commissioners IeIlcitors for Moleons Bank, etc. Nosey to Loss at lowest rates or Interest Otices, Main street, !hetet, 1. R. Caat.rate, B.A., L. H. mason MONET To LOAN. We have a targe % feint of private funds to loan e fats sed village weenie* at tow tutee of Inter M. OLADM.tN & STASBURT,1 Darrt,tera, Rotleitors,Matn rt., Exeter On 8.8. PIIILLiPS, EXETER. Licen.cd Auctioneer. gales attended In all parte. Satlsfa, tion gnash. teed or no pay._ Terms reasonable. All orders lett at Advocate vmre will !•e preaptly attended to. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. plan Fire insurance in lead - Ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St.. Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSJti. I.Irerrsed Auctioneer for Huron Cou 1ty, Terms reaeol,able. Dates can be niade at ire Advocate. Exeter. or Henry tdllber's Office, Crcd- Iton. t 1 11Ot'S13 FOR SALE An ezrcUrr' • ouse, modern and ',t,iirt street. Apply at this Office. up-to-date. !HERE TO STAY 1 Bus and Dray Calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. Telephone 41A Stables at Handford's Horse Exchange WM. ARNOLD, l'rop. GIRLS WANTED Operators on Larlleq' \Valets and Whitey -ear. Good wages. Steady work -The STAR WI1ITi:',. EAR We'll CO. Berlin, Ont. FAII)1 F•Olt SALE. The underalgncd 1s offering for sale that valuable 100 acre farm, being Lot 8, Con. R, Stephen, Allclearcd and In good :Gate of cultivation. Fences good, well under -drained with tile. About one acre of orchard. Two story new brick cottage and bank barn ; also cement silo; three good wells of water and a spring creek. One quarter mile from e hoot and two nines from church. Possession given In the fall. Apply to NEWTCN BAKER, CENTRALIA. ONT. FAR?i FOR SALE.. A hundred acre farm, all seeded down but one acre; situated north of Centralia 1-4 mile front Church, school and I'oet Office, being Lot. 6. Con. 1, Stephen. There Is on cite premises a good frame house, three good frame barns, 4 wells, 1 windmill, 1 acre of good orchard,a.nd 10 acres of hardwood bush ; fences In good repair, and is well under -drained. Terms easy. For particulars apply to MRS. S. )ic( T, Centralia. Can give possession at once. BUGGY DUSTER FOUND On Huron Street East. Exeter, oa or about the 9th August. Owner can have same by proving property aid paying for advertisement. A. DEARiNG. JR. HOUSE FOR SALE First-class brick house on Main -et., Exeter.; Terms easy. Also for sale Vogrlgcgangs' Wonderful Remedies. Carload cedar poste for sale. WM. M. IILATCHFORD FARM FOR SALE. Oee of the finest farms in Leborne \pply to SANDERS & CREECH, Exeter Wedding Invitations In Nt•we-t Type On Best Paper s The Finset NVork eAnd Hight )'vires The'Advocate Office, Exeter SANDERS ek CREECH MORE AitOt:T GRAND BEND. Cotitinuhig in the ca-:J•.ts.n of 1.'1C1115.11 - agement at Grand Mend Parks, on the parts of the Townshlp1 of S'cpiu•n and 13osan.luet and of the owners, the Strat- ford Herald says In part ;-"That there was justification for the critictent offer- ed In the lierald was shown by its re- production by the Seaforth Expositor and the Exeter Times and Advoeatc, with commendatory words by the Ex- positor and Advocate. None of these papers. we suppose, any more than the ,Herald, L9 unfriendly to Grand Bend, rather the reverse. The possibilities of the Bend and section thereabouts, for a watering place for Western Ontario, are equalled by few other places. Nature has done much, with fine groves lining the lake shore and safe beaches front- ing the coast as a rule. If man but does his part, the value of the Bend and vicinity as a recuperating point fur tired Ontarians cannot he over estit:tat- ed. Hence the subject is a wide one, not a more little local issue. It is of interest to a broad section of \Vester:t Ontario and the public at large have a right to demand of sten who claim to conduct a aumnler resort, that they Should render the public satisfactory service. At present electric rallwaye aro pro- jected to run to Grand Bend, one from Stratford, and another from London. The advent of railways should be pre- ceded by aphis evidence of lila and en- terprtse on the part of the three or tour men who own the holiday ares of Grand Bend and are levying rents there from, without expending anything for Improvement and repair Either they should keep their property up to a suit- able standard, or they e'.tould aell Out to those who will. At all events the result of (he pres- ent po'1cy is seer', in the decline hi 11001 - her of visitors, who are said to be leen thla year than last, and last year than the year previous. It is to the remedy- ing of conditions wlt'ch produce these unfortunate results tnat Tile Herald's well -mean' exposures are directed. As we have already remarked, Stratford, ptitc hell, St. Mary., Exeter, London and many other places are interested in having a convenient and well-conducted watering -place, and Grand Bend would fill the bill admiraoly if the proprn.t- ors would but stir themselves and wake up to their opportunity. FARM FOR SALE. Situated on the second concession. lot _II, of the Township of Unborne, three stiles from Exeter and five miles from lltt'f?knll, close to church, and one mile and a quarter from school. On this property there 1s erected a good frame goose, seven rooms, convenient to hard and soft water; barn 40 by. 60 ft., with stabling underneath, horse stable 20x :15, with drive floor and loft for hay. There are forty acres seeded down and ten acres In bush, also a good hr'arieg orci'tard. This property is uvea drain- ed and in a good state of cultivation. If not sold privately on or before Sept. 15th, It will be sold by public auction on the premises, together with the chat- tels on Sept. 30" . For particulars ap- ply to ROBERT DOWN on the premises or to THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer. FACTORY FOR SALE The uldersig;icJ is offering for alit- his alehis factory premises on London (toad South. consisting of nearly three acres of land. brick Le tory, frame dwelling, goat hank stable, blacksmith shop and other Luildiegs. Wilt be sold at a reaoouabhle figure, and on easy terms. For particulars apply on the prentlses, or by mail to THOMAS 1IEAMAN, Exe- ter, Ont. MEDAL LOST At Grand Mend on August tend, a eel - ver medal will/ "Exeter" liter ribs l on the back. F'::,dce will be suitably rc- warded by leaving same at this office. 150 ACRE FARM FOR SALE The utdersitfnc,l Is offering for sale that desircabie farm In the Township 01 Stephen, being lot 17, and S. 1-2 of 14. In the 5th con. There is on the picm- Lres a good fume house, with Cellar underneath, good bank barn, drive shed, and other outbuilding,. ; about 7 acres good hard wood bash ; all well fenced and drained and in first-class state of cultivation. Will be sold reasonable as the proprietor wishes to go West'. For p.trticulars apply nn the premises or by mall to J. H. HAMILTON. EXETER FOR SALE Cottegeatld three lots In Exeter, being lots Nis. 55, 56, and 57, on the South side of Sinxoc Street. On this property 1s a frame cottage (brick foundation) con tabling five rooms and a good cellar. Also a good well and a Targe stable. Good garden and fruit trees. The pro- perty rty Is to be sold to wind up the estate -Apply to (MADMAN & STANIJURY, lea -testers, Exeter, Ontario. FARM FOlt SALE The undersigned le offering his farm for sale, Lot 2, Co ,. 1, hfddulph, 1-1 mile from Centralia Village, containing 75 acres. sixty-five under cultivation. ten acres bush pasture. There is A r e'.. - two -storey brick cottage, hard and soft water, three goo 1 weals. .tarn 3l be flo and other buildings. Possession given in the fall. Terms early. apply to THOS. W. NEIL. Centralia, Ont. FARM \VANTED TO RENT. 100 acres. to get pessesston In fall. Apply to SANDERS & CREECH, Enter FOUNT) -RING in the Fall of 1907-A signet ring, at Mount Carmel Lawn S.tr'al. Owner car' have same! by proving ownerehlp and paying for till notice. bycalling at this office. • ETL1t.\N RAIL\\ Al MAN DEAD One after another the veterans of On- tario railroad hien are departing this life, leaving only tec lustre of their un- taranishcd n:,ones and tare example of their public and private lives for the guidance and emulation of the younger generation. In the general opinion few among the many, who have been laid to reit, have gone with a better record to their credit and will be more widely lamented than the late Charles Knigiht, wi•ose sudden demise, which took place Sunday. August 24th, has stocked the town this week. Notwithstanding a re- markable robust constitution the deceas- ed has not enjoyed t'te beet of health during the past year or so, havtn.r on the 23rd of October last year suffered a severe stroee of paralysis, which at that time nearly resulted 111 his death. Ile, however, partly survived the shock, and has for the past few months en- JeYed '-- good health. tl rho morning of his death he arose at the usual hour, dressed himself, had break- fast, and as was his ueual custom, took a walk through the garden. On return- ing to the house about 8.30 he sat down in a chair to read, when suddenly and without a moment's warning the old enemy returned, this time with unmis- takable force. and at 12.55 the vital cord was snapped. Mr. Knight was a native of England, having been born at Devizes, Wiltshire, in the year 1831. At 25 years of age he was married to Miss Caroline WI!- sher and immediately the happy couple embarked for Ounada, first settling in London. Early in life the deceased took up ra"•oading, starting in the ser- vice of t:.e Greet Western Company In England, ail oil arriving In Canada con- tinued with the same company, which later wax taken over by the Grand Trunk As a ra'h•oad man Mr. Knight's career was a busy and eventful one, and hie Ilse affod.i a Balking example which in- variably attends devotion to duty. 1118 excellent qualtfl»ttlona and abilities sin- gled hint out as a man above the or- dinary and deservedly he was moved along the line of promotion until he had filled many prominent positions. He waa agent for twelve years at Lon- don, five years at St. Thomas, and 22 years at Exeter. He came here in 1878 and retired In 1000, atter 44 years in the railroad service. Ile had the die - tinction of running the first passenger train as conductor between Toronto and Stratford. Mr. Knight was well-known all over Ootarlo and the esteem In which, tie was held was a great tribute to his charac- ter. I t domestic Iffe he was eminently !.appy, and a -s was to bo expected lie was beloved and venerated at home. He and ifrs. Knight celebrated their golden wedding 10 May, 19110. Ile was a consistent member of the lep:scopal churc:i, and his religious character was known and acknowledged by all around him. It appeared rattier in action than In words ; was more a habit that. nn Impulse; was always vis- ible, yet wholly free from every taint of ostentation or display. In polities the deceased was an ardent admirer of the principles laid down by the Conservative party. and his reasons for such were well defined. The deepest sorrow prevails through- out the household and profound regret Is telt by tine whole community. Restdem the widow he Is survived by a fancily of five sone and one daughter, Chas. W. of St. Thomas ; Geo. W. of Ilderton ; Frank J. at home; Fred i1., In Arcadia. Sisk., John J., G. T. II. agent et Ewer. and Mien Carrie at home. The funeral which was private, took piece to the Exeter cemetery Tuesday. Local Items --- etre. .Alfred Bowie is confined to her horse with an attack of quinsy. School ronunenccd Wednesday with a full staff of teachers ;and a large at- gendanco of scholars. el'ss Annie Jackson hail accepted a sttuetlon with Dr. Kinsman 1,1 his den- tal parlors. A number of Seaforth and St. Marys Ibowlery aro expected here oe Labor Day to play a few genies. Mr. D. McVannel of Knot college, Tor- 0nto, occupied erne pullet ct the Pres- bytcr:V1 ehurc'1 on Sunday last. Miss Annie Maud Davis gavo a birth- day party to a number of her friends on Friday evening, guests being from Ilenaall, Chiselhurst, Crediton and oth- er piercer. A very pleasant time was en- joyed by all. Merlons Bank clerks must now be In receipt of $1200 In salary before they can marry. I'revlously It was $tOUit. The bank apparently coneldcrs that the cost of living has Increased About onc- fifth In recent years. Last week In error we said that Mrs. Dr. Ramsay and daughter had returned to Hamilton Instead of Mrs. J. Ramsay and daughter are visiting in IiamL'ton.- Wit'. apellel' i to t' r Dr. and hls estim- able wife, as they have no daughter. The following which appeared In the (fallIei o i Tuesday contains the partic- ulars of a sad affair that happened 1n Sart,fa on Monday. concerning n for mer well-known resident of Exeter, Wm Hendee, *hie fc,llowed the occupation of snactnaker while here.- '\Jiltt.m lIendrie, proprktar of the Wele Beach ifotel. wa, found he a bedroom of the hotel loot night with a deep cut In his throat. Ile watt taken to the hospital. where every effort was made to save tile Ilfc. but he died dialect the night. Phy- siciaas who atteec'"t ilcndrie cannot say wha cc t',t wou.:d was self-in- flicted or not. but are rather Inclined to the belief that the men was etahbed. The police are investigating. An in- quest wit) he held. Deceased leaves a wi.e raid grown-up farniiy. Mr. H. Spackman was eufte 111 for a few days this week, but la now :such better. Mrs. Ales Stewart has recovered auf- lictcntly to be able to sit up for a while 1eac i day. Dir. Geo. Hawkins lett monday niorn- ing on a business trip to the West, where he will retrain about a month. At the annual meeting of the Exeter Lawn howling Association, held to the Town Hall 011 Thursday evening the following officers were elected.- Pres., \V. \V. Taman; Vice -Pres., C B. Snell; Se_., It. N. Creech; Treas., N. D. Gur- don ; Chap., Rev. D. W. Collins; Audi- tors, I. R. Carling and J. A. Stewart. Mr. Geo. Law'sOn, who has taken up a homestead grant at Artland. Sask., writing to the Advocate from Edmon- ton. says ;-"We have found the Advo- cate a most welcome guest and look eagerly for its arrival each week. The weather hero is fine and crops in the surrounding country very heavy. We had rather lad frosts two or three nights, but not sufficiently severe to hurt anything." BASEBALL AT LUCAN.-' On Labor Day, Sept. 6th -Woodstock vs. Tho Irish Nine. Morning game at 10 o'clock and afternoon game at 2. Woodstock brings 'a picked team from their city league while the Irish Nino wilt be on hand with their old players including the In- dian, Angus George. Admission 20c., Ladies and children 15c. F'AIR CONCERT -The Evelyn Buckley Concert Co. has been engaged to sive an entertainment in the Opera House .Exeter, on Fair night. The artiets arc Miss Buckley of New York., Soprano Soloist, Pearl Ruth Hooper, Humorist and Dramatic Reader ; Elva McBroom Laird, Violinist ; Irene Stevens, Plana - est and Accompanist ; Eddie Pigeotr, Conted'an, of Toronto, the little malt with the big voice. This maks one of the beat on the road. The high School Department of the Exeter Public School will re -open Sep. tat with the principal, Science, Mathe- matics and Moderne„ W. D. Welden- hanuner, B. A.; Classics and English, Hies E. M. Robb (Miss McKinley re- a:gr.ing through 111 health) ; Comtnereial Work and Junior Mathematics, Miss A M. Johnston. The Diplomas granted to the Commercial Section are government standard, including type -writing and stenography. The • course covered is complete for Second-class Certificates and Junior Matriculation. Over 100 desks were allotted for the past term. Tie inspector's and Government's re- ports give the school first place among the 14(1.0015 of Ontario. For elttings address J. GRIGG, Se:. Do You Eat Hearty or Is every good meal followed by discomfort So certain are we that Howey's Dyspepsia Cure will cure indigestion every time—for every person—for you —that we will give you your money back if it fails without a word. Try us. 50c a bottle. W. S. llOET, anm.t. Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone 50 tar A big assortment of 25c TOOTH BRUSHES just arrived. Mr. John Grigg haat moved hie st•xk of goods into the pre:nieca recc ttly '.a- catcd by .Mr. F. J. Knight, a::er .e will continue to do buslne, a till the re- rovation of lets old stand is completed. LABOR DAY S1.OIITS-The Exeter Y. M. C. A. will hold their first annual Athletic Meet on the Agrl_ulturat Ground• at one o'clock on Labor Day, September 601. 1909. Following le the list of the events, -100 yards dash, 220 yards dash 1-4 Mile Race, 1-2 Mile Race, 1-2 Milo Bicycle Race, 2 Mile Bicycle Race, Run- ning Broad Jump, Itunning High Jump, Standing Broad Jump, IIop, Step and Jump, Polo Vault, Relay Race, 1 mile, 4 to team. The first three winners ot each event Hill be awarded C.rampion ahlp badges, and the winner of the high- est aggregate of points in the day's events will be presented with a suit- able prie. The events are open to all competitors whether members of the Y. M. C. A. or no', and It Is expected they will be keenly contested. Admission, - Gentlemen 15c.; Ladles and Chlldrep toe. BIRTHS Veal -In Exeter North, on Aug. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Vale, a eon. \Viner-in Stephen, on Aug. 30, to Me. and dire. Wm. Winer, a daughter. Torn. -1n Toledo, Ohio, an August 29, to Mr. and Mre. Frank W. Tont, a daughter. . Thompson -In McGillivray, August 20th to Mr. and Mrs. Eli Thompson, a sort. MA ItR!AGES Ole en -Sanders -in Denver, Colo., on Aug. 25th, at Grace Methodist par- sonage, by Itev. pr. Reisner, Mr. Fred W. Oleacn, to Miss May Sanders, laugh'. r of. Mrs. George Sandere of Exeter. Steeps• -Wilson -At Parehel, on August 181h. Alex. SIC:, -1(:1, at., to Miss Edith Wilson. both of 31c::iii.vr v. Erwin-I3eattle-At the home of the bride's paren's on Aug. 25th, Mary K.. daughter of Samuel Beattie ot Wiarton. to Attica' E. Erwin, 13ayfleld. DEATHS Knight -In Exeter, on Aug. 29tth, Char- les Knight, aged 78 years and 2 ntoe.. Neeb-At Khiva, on August 22nd, Al- fred, beloved eon o1 Mr. and Mrs. Alex- Necb, aged 2 years and 11 men- Marponald.-In Parkhill, on Auguet 24 Miss Cnrlstlna )<facDonald, daughter of 1110 late Angus MacDonald. ag-d 59 years. Martyn-In Mitchell, on Aug. 21, Cleth- erine Ludwig, beloved wife of Wm. :.lartyn, aged 51 years an,' • en Ciuilfoylc-In Btddulpr, on .tug. :we1, \ties Lizrie Gulifoyle. 1 4 4 NEW PrIvisioll_Slorg having le.tscd the store property of 1 M.-. J. W. Broderick, Ma::. street,' I beg to announce to lyre public that I have opeeed out business in the line of Gen- eral Provisions. FLeet:1t, FEED, STOCK FOOD, PRESS,. El) HAY, STRAW, ALt. KiNDS OF SEEDS, GRAINS, ETC. ETC. T,,:• very bast grades of flour alwayg on hand Goods delivered to .urs past u: ',own \Vc invite your patronage and solicit a rail from you Broderick's 1 Old Stand e EIDT Furnaces, Plumbing and Tinwork ARE YOU going, to put in a Furnace' If so, let us estimate what it will cost you to instal a Gurney's New Idea_ They save fuel. Plumbing and Pipe -Fitting White Enameled Bath Lavatories and Sinks in stock, also a full line of Fitting Valves, Stop Cocks. Bibbs, Lead Traps. Pumps, etc., at lowest prices. Eavetroughing and Tinsmith Work of every description, quickly and promptly done — - at AflAMAN'S HARDWARE & £TOYE SPORE