HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-26, Page 71
Sudden Filling of Sails By Wind Causes
Schoouer to Upset
A de.patch from Halifax, N. S., way: The vet++:cl had been allowed
says: The Gloucester fishing schoon- fu cotue to 1ho wind t.., trier her Ph
er Orinl•,u,, Capt. Larkin, While ! sheets. She inisstas ('d, carne
around and was left dead in the
proceeding t., the Ranks, suet with (rind when her nails suddenly filled
an accident on 'Thursday morning. again and the schooner wont over
25 miles off Sambre, which caused and in three minutes the waves
h,,10 fill and sink in three ruin- rolled over tate place where the
nt.'s. Sloven of the crew of 16, all vessel had been. The, els III PO on
Nova S(•otians, with two exceptions, dock cut away the dories. After
trent down eith,the schooner. The rowing 50 miles, the survivors
five men saved were all on de••k reached land at ironbound and
at the time of the accident. Little 'Tanock, and were thence
'fhe mishap was caused in this sent to Lunenburg.
70,000 From the Statex to Settle In
the West.
A despatch from Brantford says:
city -five thousand teen as extra
eIp will be required in tho north-
west to 11:111(1 10 what will be a bum-
per crop, in the sense of increased
quality of wheat produced, accord-
ing to J. Bruce Walker, immigra-
tion commissioner, in an iuterivew
on Wednesday.
Mr. Walker stated that it was
not overestimating the yield that
120 million bushels of wheat, with-
out regard to the coarser grains,
would be harvested, and the farm-
ers would not get less than $1 per
bushel at tho elevator. In regard
to immigration Mr. Walker stated
that at least 100,000 immigrants
would settle in the west, 70,000 of
which would come from the United
States with effects worth $70,000,-
000. Tho balance will come from
Europe and eastern Canada.
Late Spring Had Bad EReet on
Western Ontario Crops.
A despatch from London, Ont.,
says: By present indications the
prices for honey will remain fairly
high in western Ontario this year.
The bees Wintered well, but the late
Spring had its ill -effect. This sea-
son's crop of honey is of excellent
quality, however. The demand for
honey from the West has become
quite a factor in determining the
price of honey in western Ontario.
Vie Western demand is increasing
Wory year, as the cold Winters pre-
vent much being done there in the
of keeping bees.
GI'1I)1: FOl'ND $1,000.
Pocket -book Was Picked 1'p Qn
Glacier Peak, It. C.
A despatch front Montreal says:
A ',lief telegram received at t.+e
C. P. It. offices on Wednesday an-
nounces that, a pocket -book con-
taining a thousand dollars was
picked up on the peak known as the
Glacier, near Field, B. C. No
owner could he found for the pock-
et book, and it was turned in to the
company by the guide who found
(1.01'0 OF GR.tsSflOPl'I:it .
Farmers Near Newbern' Suffer 1.054
of Their Grain.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Farmers up the Rideau, near New-
bor.,', complain of the destruction
<.i their grain by grasshoppers, of
which there aro clouds. The place
Las never before had such a visite-
Rosiness Disorganized by Heal lest
Stoma in fears.
A (1, patch from Johannesburg,
1 South .Africa, says: The heaviest
enoufa1! in many years occurred
here on Tuesday. Six inches had
fallen at neon. Tho telegraph and
iilltlephene services are badly disor-
tiied and b isiness hat been al-
most suspended.
1 Safely Razors Among the Things
to be Exhibited iu London.
What was the inspiration of the
five English women who during the
last year felt that their inventive
powers were put to their best use
in inventing safety razorei'1 At
ell events, five such appliances
will bo exhibited of inventions by
women. The inventive spirit of
English women seems well develop-
ed. There are on an average every
year about fifteen hundred new con-
te ivanees patented. The greater
number of these aro naturally
enough intended for the use of their
own sex, although there are such
occasional exceptions.
Other recent forms of their in-
vective skill when it soared far be-
yond the needs of mere womeu were
shown in an automobile, a steam
engine and a !lying machine. Of
sterner stuff than most of their sex
even in the country of militant suf-
ffragettes were the inventors who
applied to patent their methods
of strengthening the sides of ships
in their powers of resistance and
the new kind of invisible shield to
be worn in war. lot these super-
women were rare among the whole
number, most of whom devoted
themselves to such characteristic
inventions as new kinds of hats for
worsen and children, a method of
washing furs, an appartus to kill
chickens painlessly, new fangled
clothes for dogs and similar evolu-
tions of feminine necessities. This
exhibitions a contrast to that which
will soon bo opened in Paris, dedi-
cated to proving the social misery
of women through their legal and
social inferiority to man. 1t is pro-
phesied that the most stubborn op-
ponent of woman suffrage will be
convinced by tl,:s eloquent collec-
tion of documents, pictures and
other evidence.
THOS..1R('III11.tLD K11.1,I;D.
!las 'Trampled to Death by a
Frightened Cow.
A despatch from St. Catharines
says: 'Phomas A rchihald, who re-
sides on Carleton street in the out-
skirts of the city, diet( early ou
Thursday morning as the result of
being trampled on by a cow on
Wednesday night. The dsceased,
who is over seventy years of age,
went mit to unloosen the cow. and
was found later by a member of
the family in an unconscious con-
dition. It is supposed that he be-
came entangled in the rope, and
was nttaeked by the Lightened ani-
hist: \sir LIKE ('11O1.ER.1.
lnsesligation into Deaths Showa
Symptoms of Scourge.
A despatch) fro,n \Warrensburg.
Misa.;ur1, says: The recent sod
den deaths of Washington Weeks
and his brother, Henry, siting with
their sister, near Kingsville, Mo.,
caused an investigation by J. A.
B. :Week, State Health ('onlmis-
sioner, who reported that, while
they had every symptom of Asiatic
cholera. he believed they died from
sporadic cholera or aggravated
cholera morbus.
The Bank Statement for July Shows
Further Expansion.
A despatch from Ottaw a says : • al of funds from the United States
The 1,ank stets: nrnt for July, as to meet the business demands of
compared s ith the statement for the O"minion.
June, indicates continued growth An astounding imrrovement is
and expansion of trade throughout t(+ bo noted between the current
stateinen; And the statement for co -Operation of '(5eral ships hound -- ` •n. ''r Vo(11'. invariably maimed.
tic I)„minion Deposits inereased July. 190s, the aggregate deposits from South Africa to Australia in I.11l: STOCK M.1Ri►1:'I'�t. .•f an unknown person.
by $:.`22!),6Y1. Current loans in having increased during these an effort to find some trace of the Mnntrertl. Aug. 24. A fen of the! The prolrlcin of disposing of the
Cana(la inemea ed )4y $4,608,772, twelve months by 0122.000,000.missing vessel. The steamship hest cattle sold at about 5c per Ib , unidentified betties found each sent
and cain Canada by near-
ly S•2.allt,000 outside of (.'an- A comparison between the state- Bannockburn, which has arrived at lint they were not extra : pretty ; in the Niagara itiscr i• ane that has
ado decreased by 01.219,115, thus ments for .July. 1909 and 1909. re- :llhany. West Austral:a, from Lon- good animals, 3�� to 1"c, and tF,e;long puzsled the city officials. and
1 fed wing the continued withdraw- spescticely, follow.:-- d.`n, reports that she exl,rrtenced . ormmon stock •2j, In a,c per lh. !quite ileently the tuldertakers pia,
untpreeedrrted gales nn July 211. false•, from $2.5o to 517 each twiihly refined to handle the 1,
July, 1t►09. July, 1909 The deck cargo of coal shift, d. and `help. :1'.. to :t',c and lambs. 5', if'. r•Fpe.'Ia11v 1)44.54' taken (t•
( 11 trent loans in Canada • $325,Y71, ISti tt539,821,011 thre v the ses•e! on h•'r I,,,, , , reit.1•s P,. per Ih. flood lots of fat begs whirlpool, unless •omc one 1.'.,,
(arrant loans elsewhere ▪ '23,153.095 32,753,3.5
She , !s ,•.. ii .t . • •.,t. • • ahoet !•' a per Ib. ?Milch eosss antee.l thele ('xIlenses. Tho tin•i,
t All 1(•An. in Canada .... • 10,40,7,165 54.603.054 11,1.. q!. 1'•.• • ••I .s,•• .••. ,. �_', Io Q55 tach. taker• detests that to bring a b. (It
('All loans elsewhere .... 54.916,916 111,6A5.537 i, erhoar.l 11 r • n!,t • r T. r.,nto. Aug. 21. EAp.)rters' 4 feel the pool fo the top of the ha'ik
i)epe•its pa}Able on demand• 164,791.399 222,553. 49 that the \Wan:ttnh sea. ' I •n o .•,•r•• .:.•a.l'•. pith bit few en offer. land hold it for a couple of days er
Deposits payable after notice. 402.961.565 166,337.916 sante storm
1 u!rr was n flit demand for got more and then bury it was sort',
1'elegra,nle Briefs From Onr trae
sad Other Countries el
Becenl Etreuts.
Cod,+ telegraph messages will
have to pay higher rates after
Sept. 1st.
'\'hero is a rush to Otter town-
ship, where rich finds of silver aro
A schen!•' has been outlined for
the formation of the nucleus u! a
Canadian navy.
Har.,)d McQueen, a Hrulti tot
boy, was bitten by a dog, and it
is flared rabies may result.
3. Duggan of Montreal is charged
with locking two horses up in an
empty stable and leaving them to
A resolution was passed by the
Maritime Board of Trade in favor
of a union of the three eastern
\Wilfrid Bourque of 11'cst Farn-
ham, Que., and another roan were
killed in an automobile race at In-
dianapelis, end., un Thtu'sday.
After October 1st Montreal cell -
Ruiners will get their electricity for
ten cents a kilowatt, instead of fif-
teen cents. as at. present..
Mr. Robert Meighen, President
:,f the 1.ake of the \Vests Milling
Company, declares that farriers
will do better by holding their
The Bank of Commerce estimates
the western wheat; crop at 113,979,-
000 bushels, the oat crop at 157,-
637,000 bushels, and the barley
crop at 21,320,000 bushels.
Lady A!ma-Tadema, wife of the
[enema artist, is dead.
Eight suffragettes were arrest-
ed in London on Thursday.
A proposal was made to adopt a
great Iced Cross system within the
British Empire to work with tho
territorial army.
A ratan having $1,000,000 iu coun-
terfeit notes was arrested in Ken-
A natural gas explosion in
Cleveland wrecked a building and
injured ten.
A rumor current in New York
says that Harriman has secured
control of the New York Central
An inexhaustible supply of pitch
blende, from which radium is ob-
tained, has been discovered in Cali
Two Trainmen were killed on the
Pere Marquette itailroad, near
'Lansing, W••h., by an explosion
of the locomotive boiler.
I)r. fiet-hert 1). Pease, a native of
Toronto, has been appointed direc-
tor of bacteriological work in the
Lecterie laboratories, New York.
A Chinese patrol was assaulted
by a body of Japanese soldiers in
(;r.'ec'e Inas sent a note to Turkey
saying that she will abide by the
decision of the protecting powers
in the Cretan affair.
horrible Death of a Young College
:1 despatch from Sault Ste.
Marie, Ont., says: Fred G. Cogs-
well, a watchman nn the steamer
J. T. Hutchinson, met a horrible
death early on Thursday morning,
as the boat was locking through the
American Canal, when le clam-
bered over the side to get ashore
to handle lines. In the darkness
he slipped into the water between
the hent and the canal walls. He
caught the fender streak, and tried
Prices of Cattle, Grain. Cbeese sue
Other Dairy Produce at
Houle and Abroad.
Toronto, Aug. 21. - Flour --On-
tario wheat 90 per cent. patents
Horn old wheat, $1.30 to $1.50 in
buyers' sacks outside for export,
and $1.60 to $4.70 un track, Toron-
to. Flour from new wheat, $4 to
$1.10 outside. 511111toba Hour. first
patents, $6.101u $6.20on track, To-
ronto; second patents, $5.70 to
€5.90, and strong bakers', $5.50 to
X5.60 on track, Termite.
Manitoba wheat -Nu. 1 Northern,
$1.21!'Y Georgian Bay ports; No.
'2 at *1.18%, a11(1 No. 3 at $1.16.
Ontario wheat -New No. 2, 95 to
97e at outside points.
Barley -No. 2, 58c; No. 3, 56e.
Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, 48'4
to 49e on track, Toronto, and 47
to 47'e outside. No. 2 Western
Canada oats, 45! to 46e, and No.
3 45c, Bay ports.
Peas --No. 2, 90 to 9.2c outside,
Buckwheat -Prices purely nomin-
Corn --No. 2 American yellow
78'/ to 79e ou track, lake ports. Cu-
nadian 75c ou track, Toronto.
Bran --$19.50 to $20 for Ontario
bran .,utsid in bulk. Manitoba,
$21 in sacks, Toronto freights;
shorts, $21, Toronto freights.
Beans-Priine, $2.20 to $2.25, and
!sand -picked, $2.50 to $2.60 Per
Hay -No. 1 timothy, now, $13.50
to $14.50 a ton on track here, and
lower grades $9 to $9.50.
Straw --$7.50 to $H on truck.
Potatoes -New Canadian, 65 to
75c per bushel.
Poultry -Chickens, yearlings,
dressed, 14 to 16e per Ib. ; fowl, 11
to 13e; turkeys, 16 to 18c per lb.
)cutter -Pound prints, 19 to 21c;
tubs and Largo rolls, 18 to 19c; in-
ferior, 15 to 16c; creamery, 23 to
24c, and separator, 22% to 23%c per
Eggs -Case lots, 21% to 22c per
Cheese -New, 12'c for Targe, and
at 12%e for twins.
Bacon --Long clear, 13% to 14c
per 1b. in case lots; mess pork,
$23.50; short cut, $25.
Hams -Light to tnodiunm, 15 to
15%e; do., heavy, 14 to 1,e/.44..; rolls,
13% to 14e; shoulders, 12i9 to 13c;
backs, 17 to 17%e; breakfast ba-
con, 16e.
Lard 'Pierces, 143-4c; tubs, 13%7c;
pails, lac.
Wheat Crop in the West Is Estimated to
Be 100, 000,000 Bushels.
A despatch from 1\ innipeg says:
The grain of the Canadian North-
West is being harvested. and the
farmers are speculating as to the
possible price, particularly of
wheat. According to the .,pinions
f local grain men an•,ther decline
is in store, but think that it. will be
sight, and a fairly good and -ready
price will he maintained. Satisfac-
tion with distng crop conditions
IS general, and it frost and hail
keep off until cutting is completed,
the crop will bo a large one. Tho
average estimate of the wheat out-
put is over 100,000,000 bushels. 'rite
directors of the Grain Growers'
(train Company fixed the commis-
sion for this season for handling
wheat at one cent a bushel; bar-
ley, thu•ce quarters of a cent a bush-
el; and oats at half a cent a bushel.
this aetion was tho outcome of •
referendum takou from th.+ five
thousand shareholders of the com-
pany. Out of 2,000 replies to hand,
',0 per cent. favor a cote enation.
Officials say that the elevator
ew•ner.c can underbid the (!rata
Company for track wheat because
they have the storage of it in their
own handy. When it was pointed
out that, under the law, elevator
uwnet•s worn obliged to store wheat
in their elevators for anyone desir-
ing it, the ofliecrs stated that the
law was a dead -letter, as the eleva-
tor people absolutely refused to
store wheat for other' dealers or
farmers last year. Complaint was
made to Der. Castle, the warehouse
commissioner, a number of tittles,
and he promised to rectify the
wrung, but it Was never done.
stockers. Milkers and Springers -
Steady and unchanged. Calves -
Slightly easier. Sheep and Lambs
--Decline in prices of about 10 to
13e. Hogs -Selects were quoted at
*7.75 f.o.b. and $8, fed and water-
Nearly the Entire Tonnage Will he
in Operation.
A despatch from Detroit, Mich.,
says : President Livingston of the
Lake Carriers' Association, says:
"But 55 per ceut. of the lake ton-
nage was iu commission last year.
This fall between 90 and 100 per
cent. of the beats will be in opera-
tion. Grain rates have not yet
been fixed, but vesselmen expect to
get three cents per bushel when the
fall rush comes. Oro rates are at
present 65 cents per ton, but in all
probability and judging from the
increasing conditions. of prosperity
carriers will get a rate of $1, the
latter part of the season. Next sea-
son will be ono of the best in the
history of lake commerce, accord-
ing to the present indications. All
available tonnage will find busi-
Suffragettes Post Sentries at the
Premier's Residence.
A despatch from London says:
THE CITIES 01' ('.1\.1!1,1.
!'raised by Glasgow Magistrate at
New York.
.\ despatch from New fork saya:
Mr. James Shaw Maxwell, Senior
Magistrate of the City of C;hnsgow,
svho is snaking au ext.onsive tour of
the United States and Canada, ar-
rived in New `fork on Tuesday. Al-
though Mr. Maxwell's purpose in
s isiting America is for the trans-
action of private business, he is
taking advalttage of the eppurtun-
ity to study public institutions. He
declares he has been greatly im-
pieased with those ho has alfeady
visited in Chicago, Boston, Tense -
to and Ottawa. Conning, as he
does, from the birthplace of muni-
cipal ownership. Mr. Maxwell pro-
fesses surprise that the citizens of
the large municipalities are not
more interested in that problem.
"From what 1 have already observ-
ed," he said, ''rho Canadian cities
arc far ahead of those iu the United
States in many respects. They ap-
pear to be better regulated, and are
kept cleaner."
The Grand Trunk Pacific to fop the
A despatch from Montreal says:
The G. T. P. officials announce tI:e
finding of valuable coal lands near
Pembina and aro planning to tap
The militant suffragettes who haws the district. The track -laying is be
been picketing the House of Com -
rushed eith all possible speed,
mons for the past six weeks with
it is said that when the rails
the object of securing an interview reach the Pembina River one of the
twit! Mr. Asquith, the Premier, hrst shipments over the now line
have extended their operations to will be of machinery for the dovel-
the Preinier's residence on Down- opmcnt of these coal properties. It
ing street. :lits. Despard and Mrs.is expected that, the railway cont-
Snuiderson, on Wednesday after- font• will secure fuel here for the
noon, took up their stand outside ntire line west of Edtuuutva'. Ib
Mr. Asquith's house, and declared
." stated also that the coral is the
that sentries ttould be Maintained very best bituminous, and rely
Montreal, Aug. 24. -Oats - No. 2 uninterruptedly until the Premier much superior to the li i:itc coal
Canadian \Western, 46 to 46%e; Nu. granted an audience. 'rhe Premier, '11 the Edmonton district.
1 extra feed, 45r/ to 46c; No. 1 feed, however, is able to slip through aN MUST COMPLY 11'1Tll 1,.11V.
45 to •IS,:lc; Canadian Western, garden in the rear of his house, to
45/c. itarlev--Nn. 2, 66 to Glc; which the public clue, not enjoy n,' -
Manitoba feed barley, 61 to 65c. oras. Na Extension of Time in Preludes
Flours -Manitoba Spring wheat pat -,f, tory Medicine .1st.
tints, x$5.90, second at $5.10, and 111.1111' .1NI) _ EFFICIENT. The I'roprietory Medicines .1st went
\ ttespyrch from Ottawa .rays:
strong Soweto $5.30 per bbl. Ma- -'tuba Spring wheat patents. firsts,,
*'5.90; Manitoba Spring wheat pat- Forces 1 layered In Yrrre in 1ny into force on :April 1, but mnr-
I'art of the Empire. chants fin+ ing tie hand medicines
ei.tn, seconds, 1k5.10; Winter wheat purchased before that date were
patents, $6; Manitoba strong bak- A despatch from London says: granted an extension of time in
ers, $5.20; straight roller's, $5.75 ; !t is understood that New Ze:tlsnd t;hid' to pro:tire and affix the
straight rollers, in bags, $205 to will provide cruisers for \ew Zeit' stamps regi:s ed by law. 'fho timo
$2.75; extras in bags, $2.40 to $2.- land waters instead of a Dread- was extended by order -in -Council
50. Feed-- Ontario titans $2.2 to $23; nought for the fleet. At tate final to Sunday, Aug..15. Enquiry a1
Ontario middlings. $23.50 to $2.1.50; meeting of the+ Iu.periul Ucfr s.'.' the intend Revenue I)ept on
Manitoba bran, .$22; Manitoba Conference vu Thur'day a res.,lu- 1Wedne'dti} diseIoscd that no fnr-
shorts, $24; pure grain mouille, tion was brought forward to the ef- Vier e:ct('n,iou i� likely to be grata":
$28 to $30; mixed utouille, $25 to feet Hurt all the uas'a1 and a 1 113Iy' ed ruse dealers failing to comply
1±27. Cheese -Westerns, 11', to 12e forces of the Cmpire shall be so with this requirement of the Act
and eastern» 11% to 1114e. But- organized that each shall be in a trill he liable to prosecution. The
ter ---Finest creamery, 21% to 2.24•. Position to render efficient service stamps can he procured by dealers
Eggs ----Selected stock, 25'.9 to 26e; is an emergency in any part of the
it: any dishier horn the nearest in
No. 1 candled, 221/. to '23c, and No.
� em ►:rr. t
I, 16 to 19c per dozen. i 1n• revenue c_ector.
to get out, but eves too bite. The t'NiTKi) SPATES MA ItKFTM.
boat closed in and crushed hits hr.
tween the fender streak and the 1f inneapolis, Aug. 21. --Wheat
canal walls, nearly cutting hien in Sept., $1.00's to $1.01; 1)c,., 977,c;
two. Cogswell was n college stu- May,,$1.01%.; ; cash, No. 1 hard, *1.-
dent, aged 20 years. He had been *.n.;; No. 1 Northertn. 01.35; No. 2
on the boat for two months, and Northern, $1.30 to *1 .:13; NO. 3 roblem
vas making his last trip before pre- Northern, $1.25 to (ll._'!). Flour--- 1
taring for the hull term. His per- first patents, $6 to *6.20; second P
ents live in Cleveland. patents, $5.90 to $6.10; first clears,
$4.95 to $5.25; second clears, $3.35
1.: $3.65. !true - in hundred pound
M1551N1; 1{ 1'1'11 31N) 11\ 11(111{11, sacks, $2.50. A despatch from Niagara falls,
_ Chicago, .\ug Jet. l 'ns11 w heat-- Unt•,l 1 1
No. 2 red, *1.01, ,, to Rims; No. ;1 says : If the plan ,r•• lord by
Steamer 1{'arena! Os ','4u( Setrr;il rr<I, 94c to $L03; No. 2 hard, $1.- the teeinh,ers of the. Queen Victoria
Weeks. O2% to $1.00%; No. 3 hard. 9•te to Park Commis=ion for the dispose'
A despatch from Lendou .ass; f•1 03; `o. 3 Spring, !11.01. Corn ,; tete Ai:igar.i .' unidentified dead
The owners of the steamer \Vara- --No.
, 68!z to 6!k ; No.
2'ahite. 1 carried out, this city will have
rah, with 300 persons on board, 71/ to 72c : No. 2 yellow, , I . to
bound from Sydney to Loi:don, and 71?'1c; No. 3, 68' to Gyle No. 3 one of the must unique cemeteries
which is oterdie several weeks at white, 371; to 39%e; No. 4 white. 'II the wsr'(1, f• r there will he not.
Durban, Natal. have secured the 3'1% to 39e: standard. 391 • 1" t0:. ,c! •. r. .s , e tach contain
of Disposing of Victims of' Niagara
River May Be Settled.
R !. pros (ling thr city wou'd f!tr
to 1: and open the grave.
At a eoufcrence between the mem-
bers of the Town Connect and the
i'ark fonlnni-'ion. which ha< juris-
diction over the .Niagara Park sys
true. of whi'h the grounds n•ljie.
(rat t., t',e s'hir'p.,,,l are a 1.,,t, it
ons tlur . •1 t' ,,t thr• cit\ nv,:1(1 fur
nisi, tier kr.ls.: 11.11(1 !Ia5P it ( p' • •1
the 1.,1. 1. t , t;s 1 i - .,Il 55e,11'.•1
the ii..d••11:'k, r Ir is prop • s+1 I•,
'lase th4' ani•( !.• .'e •u.tcr} !• .I'•-.1
ne11' Isle tt;,:Pepe..!. \1'i:":1 h. n'
",os. .•I it will he l- k.•1 I,
1, '•'eat matt ..',
'sad to n:. itlen!sti':rt.on
tss, will alsr. 1,r• ,e»•r.l and a ':•'
jilt it'll taken The oras.' i t ' I,
sl,r h( (I5 ii phi( ed will be ne.•. ,1
and a record kept shos i•ig 1 d
ription of the 1)1(13 i.1 t liI List
'Float re•'nrd will be kept 1►; tho city
n•1(1 will preheh'y erste lender the
direction of the coroner.