HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-26, Page 5GOLD MEDAL
- FOR. -
Ale and Porter
Only medal for Ale In Canada.
gutter glbuocate
11.00 11 paid 1n advance,
11.10 a year if not so paid.
To Vetted States Sabscrib.rs$1.S0
a Year Strictly is Advance.
SANDERS is CREECH, Publishen.
High -Grade
are always a pleasure
to their owners
We have sold and are selling a great
many high-class pianos -and altsays
at reasonable prices.
Our Numerous Satisfied
Customers is the strongest
guarantee of the truth of the
above assertion.
Our pianos to -day are the hest that
the piano -makers produce and our
prices and terms are what you will
Do not be too quick to believe per-
sons who tell you different from the
aboee for the purpose of selling you
cheap and, in some cases, trashy goods
)at big prices.
/ Call and see us and be convinced
f that what we say we live up to.
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
Tnev are noted for the quality of their goods.
Fall Term from Sept. 1st!
After twenty-two years of solid noel. ne ha, e
become the firg est, beat and most sucoessful
practical training school in Western Ontario
with no superior in Canada
Three departments -
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
We ',Hist graduates to positions as well asghe
a most thorough training. Get our free ata
to.tue at once.
Labor Day Is the first atonday in
September. The Turf Club is arranging
for a good day's sport for that day%
liorse races -Free for all. 2.30 class
and green race; also a mile foot race
and a mile bicycle race, open to all. -
Norman Kibler of Listowel is visiting
renatives here. -Mrs. J. B. Dennis of
Galt is visiting her parents. Mr. arid
Mrs. U .Holtz.ntan.-S. Rennie Is show
ing signs of Improvement from his re-
cent tllnees.-Mies Ciara Wenzel of
Detroit visited at Mr. C. Eliber's last
week. -Mies Graham and Miss Dune of
Cleveland are visiting with Mrs. J. J.
>terner.-)flee Tillie Well of Toronto
was in town haat week visiting, her par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Well. -Mr. and
\tra. John Foster of Pigeon, Mich.. are
visiting the latter's slater, Mrs. H.
\Wurm.-Mr. and blra. J Smith of De
troit paid ',sir. C. Truenuner a flying
visit In their auto last week. -)Ir and
Mrs. Hemberly of St Louts and Mflse
Oleva Wild of Nokomis, III., visited last
week with \fr, and Mrs George Camp!). li
-airs. 1u:,ter and two children of
Stra'ford are visiting with Mr. and Mra
D. Dock. -Recently two rinks of bowlers
from Clinton played a game here with
the local players, the visiting rinks win-
ning by two shots each, 20 to 18 and
15 to 13. The local rinks were Rick -
bell. Prceter, Rau, Sipple; Rowenlegg,
F. Hess, .c. F. Hess, and Lamont. -
7 to 4, a victory for Clinton, was the
'vault of the return game of baseball
played here recently. The playing was
good on both sides and had It not been
for .a few costly errors on the part of
our boys tt.e result might have been
Deafness Cannot be Cured
1.). local applications, as they cannot res,. h the diseas-
ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies
Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im-
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf-
ness is the result. and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi-
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases
out of ten are caused b • Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition
on of the morons surfaces
We will gip a One hundred Dollars for any case of
Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot to cured
by Halla Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free.
F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
F'ullarton-Mr. Eckert. V. S., of Seb-
ringville. and Government Inspector Dr.
Tennant of Lor:dot, were in Fullarton vjl
lege one day last week and quarantined
all the dogs in that place. Since that
time a number of the canines have been
shot by their owners rather than to keep
them tied up for an indefinite time.
Previously a number of dogs had been
shot. as it was thought that they had
to the World
Dog Show
Sept. 10 - 18
Prize List
Cat Show
The Great Live Stock Exhibition
91st Highlanders
7th Fusilier
Pra•gram Twice Daily
The Best Ever
EACH EVENING I and visit London's Fair
Prize Lists, Entry Forms, Pr -grammes and all Information from
W. J. REID, President
A. M. HUNT, Secretary
August 28th • 1909 • September 13111
Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent. Forty industries
in active operation.
wiU officiate et opening ceremonies on Tuesday, August 31st.
Model Camp --Victoria Cron and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be-
tween teams from Dragoons and Artillery ---Artillery Drive Musical Ride, etc
Pee all iafeesasOss evils Maessw J. 0. ORA City Bat Teres..
Ors iris lents
Novel Baffle
1000 Mtn
lrreeautteaarl Teeatsa.sL
The Dutch peasant liver with canals
all about him and reaches his cottage
by way of a drawbridge. Perhaps It
is in the blood of the Dutch child,
says a writer in a1. A. 1'., not to fall
into a canal. At all events the Dutch
mother never appears to anticipate
such a possibility.
One can Imagine the average Eng-
lish or American mother trying to
bring up a family in a house surrouud-
ed by canals. She would never have
a momeat'a peace until the children
were in bed. But then the mere sight
of a canal to the Englistr child sug-
gests the delights of a sudden and un-
expected bath.
An Englishman inquired of a Dutch-
woman, "Does u Dntch child ever by
any chance fall into a canal':"
"Yes," she replied, "cases have been
"Don't you do anything for it?" con-
tinued the questioner.
"Oh, yes," she answered. "We haul
them out again."
"But what I mean is," explalned the
Englishman, "don't you do anything
to prevent their falling in -to save
theta from falling In again?"
"Yes," she answered, "we spank
Calealatlag the Distance of a Storm.
Although ligbtntug and thunder QC -
e -cur always simultaneously an inter•:+.;1
of shorter or longer duration is usual-
ly observed between these two phe-
nomena, which is due to the fact that
sound travels only at the rate of 1,100
feet per second, while the passage of
light Is almost instantaneous. Based
upon this fact, It is an easy matter to
tell, at least approximately, how many
miles a thunderstorm is away. A nor-
mal pulse will beat one stroke to the
second, and by counting the pulse
beats during the Interval of the light-
ning and the thunder the lapse of sec-
eronds is arrived at and consequently
the number of feet, which cau be re-
duced to miles.
For example, 1t thirty seconds elapse
between the flash of the lightning and
the crash of thunder the storm center
is at a distance of 33,000 feet or about
six and one -halt miles. An almost ac-
curate calculation can be mode by us-
Ing a watch with a minute dial.
The Parisian Cato Carleatartst.
Arnung other Parisian types describ-
ed by a recent observer is the cafe cari-
ceturist. "He is a youth with a pale
fate and very long Bair. He looks the
type of the bohemian and he is. He
offers to drew caricatures for 50 cen-
tiuter (10 cents). His luncheoe is fre-
quently a myth, nor is be strays sure
of his dinner. But. to matter what the
state of his finances, he will have his
absinth, to which he adds but little
water. The cafe caricaturist L invert
ably an 'artist who has not succeeded'
He has either been at the Beaux Arta
or has studied under some famous
painter. Somehow or other he has
come to grief and has swelled the ranks
of those whom fortune has disinherit-
The Wale. of a ranee.
Nelson, • thriving little English town,
Is a living instance of the vaiue of a
name. Not long after the battle of
Trafalgar some tinker, tailor or other
person establl+heft a tiny ways!!.• inn
and called It alter the naval hero.
There was nobody ou the spot from
whom to ezpeet custom, but the road
led to and front populous districts.
Travelers stopped at the place. and
presently a cut:age or two becan to
rise, then more of tbenl, and tae name
of the public bat'stt auswereJ for the
whole. That was the nucleus of the
present town. Now 40,000 people lire
around the site whlcb the old inn-
keeper chose and called after the nacos
of his hero.
Word c'orreptt.a.
"I lately heard." says a writer in T.
London: Weekly, "of a country
inn which boaete.l f.,r int sign, 'The
.1 lekass.' Word r n raption 1. ' title
its given many quaint signs to our
Losh'lrles. Among the better known
taus are The Gout and the Compass,'
car, Ipte(1 from the words, 'Goal en-
(-nmpasseth us,' 'The Bull and Mouth.'
fr,:n 'the Boulogne mouth,' after the
naval combat before Boulogne harbor,
en 1 'The Pig and Whistle,' from 'the
',.•; an.1 wassail,' alluding to the pegs
driven Into the old wnrsaii bowl to
the point to which the toper
r:;;;'.It drink as his turn comes round.
"Ma sign. eounmon tl T.nnp'ashlre, of the
Iniey arms, an eagle carryinga
c:111(1, Is popularly referred to ns 'Ilia
Bird of Bantlin'.' "
Marring on •.e•■■t.
Rev, lir. Williams was the Congre-
gational minister In the village of
1Vinslow, Me., several years ago. One
evening, says a correspondent of the
Ileston Globe, four young people called
nt the parsonage. Two of them wished
to be married.
The papers In the case were legal. Ifo
Mr. Wii:iama performed the ceremony.
The other couple acted as brldesmai 1
and best roan. The groom was the on
of 3 well known man in the town, an 1
r.a the happy couple were leaving the
tp:trronage P.' young man whispered to
)Jr. Williams:
'Just charge It to father, parson. It
will be all right."
reit Beek.
Irate Wife -That's the 11fty-seconi
falsehood you've tobt me tills week.
t'niba.hed husband -Nell, now, you
can see what Is meant by the expres-
sion "a pack of Lei "
Dae N w.
"Why shank! wumen be cooks in-
etea'1 of authors?" asks a Chlcage wo-
n. ,n'a etulp leader Well, for one rea•
s ,n it is more profitable.
in Frossia the prt•-e of me-11•'ine Is
regulated by the state, a new price Het
wag pablisliled ovary peat.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
6lgnature of
The school teachers of this place who
commenced their duties last week were-
Miss Rachel Kirk at Teeswater, Mss
Maggie Copeland at Arkona, Miss Ella
Doupe at But:nail, \Ilse Annie Doupo at
No. 2, Illbbert, air. N. B. Doupe at
Woodham, Hugh Kirk at Mt. Pleasant
and R. Davis at Lakeside.
Arm Broken -Howard Sher, eon of
:Mr. Silas Shier, met with a painful ac-
cident on Wednesday of last week. Ile
was playing ball at the school grounds
and when running to home base, which
was the butt o1 a tree sawed off,he
stumbled and fell against the sharp
angle of the wood, wits the result that
his left arm was broken neat' the wrist.
The unfortunate lad was removed to the
home of Mr. Thos, McCurdy, when a
physician was called and the injured
member dressed. He is now doing a.
well as can be expected.
Taxed the Telephone. -Considerable In-
dtgnatlon is expressed at the council
of Osborne for taxing the local tele-
phone system in the township. Had the
tae been applied to the main line there
would t,e no objection taken, or critic -
Ism offered, but when it comes to tax
the private individuals it is carrying tax-
ation too tar. We doubt very much if
there is another instance in the whole
of Ontario where this has occurred.
Roy Kirk. son of Mr. Wm. Kirk, left,
_Monday on the Harvest excursion for
the West. -Mr. Fred. Austin, butcher,
was united in marriage yesterday (Wed-
nesday) to an estimable young lady,
who has just arrived from England.
We are unable to give further partic-
ulars at the time of writing. -Salem ap-
pointment will hold their anniversary
services on Sunday, Sept. 1st. , Mrs.
jfarriston of London will conduct the
services, and special music will be ren-
dered by the choir. -Mr. Antos Dou o
hec'y-Treas. of the Klrkton Fair Is this
week sending out the 1009 prize lista.
(any prizes have been added, together
with a large number of specials. The
"Crystal Palace" on the grounds is un-
dergoing repairs and an addition is tr-
ies added to the front part of the WIN"
Children Cry
L' . E -LACER. Deeds, Kills, Mortgages and all
Legal Documents carefully and promptly prepared
Chances moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Four hundred and ten farmers thru-
out O:aario cohduc!ed experiments with
autumn sown crops during the past year
iteports have herr, received from 36
courttics of the Province. Those count-
ies w!.1', fund.! :ed tl.c greatest HUM -
of good report, of successfully con-
dor ted cep<r:me:it:I were Middlesex. Iiu-
ro:., ilrar.t. Norfolk a:;d Muskoka. The
rxperimentcrs deserve much credit for
the good work which they have done.
not only for themselves, but for the
fanners generally. Average results of
the carefully corducted co-operative ex-
periments wlta autumn sown crops are
here presented in very concise form.
Winter Wheat -Four varieties of win
fr- wheat were distributed last •autumn
to those farmers who wished to teat
some of the leading varieties oa their
own farms. The average yields p:r
'pro of straw and of grain are aa fol-
;o'••s,-Imper'al Amber, 1.4 tons. 24.1
bush.: Abundance. 1-.8 tons, 23.11 bush.:
Butgartan, 1.2 teas, 21.9 bush.: N'gger,
1.4 tons. 21.9 bush.
The imperial Amber gave the gr.rat-
c.lt yield per acre in the co-operative
experirn'•nts throughout Oi.tarla In 1907
19oe. and 1(49. It was also first in
poeuldrlty t!.e.ae years. and will again
be distributed this year. Dawson's Gol-
den C.aff wai distributed for twelve
years but r.ot the last three years. Af-
ter careful enquiry we find it Is still
the most popular and roust extensively
grown variety In Ontario.
Fertilizers With Winter Wheat.- 'n
the co-operative Experiments with dif-
ferent terttit:ere applied to the Winner
wheat. the average. yields of grain per
acre tor five years are .as follows -
Mixed Fertilizer. 25.2 bus., Nitrate of
Soda. 23.9 bus.: Muriate of Potash..'_ it
bus.: a::d Superpnosphates 22.7 buts.;
Tnc unfertilized laud gave an average of
19.1, tug. per acre. The Superano tp^ate
was applied at Cie rate of 320 pou':ds
and the 'duriate of Potash and the Nit-
rate of .Soda each 111.) pounds per Acre.
Tho aimed Fertilizer consisted of one-
third of the quantity of each of the oth-
er three fertilizers here mentioned. Th'
usual cost of the te'tllizcrs AS used in
title experint"nt Is between four and five
dollars per acre.
Fodder Crops. -In each of six years.
the seed of Hairy V. tehes and of Win-
ter Rye has been distributed through-
out Ontario for co-operative ezperlm"nts
PI testing these crops for fodder pur-
poses. In the average of six years' ex-
periments, the Hairy Vetches produ^.ed
slightly the largest yield of green fod-
der per acre, but in 1909 the largest
yield was produ-ed by the winter (rye.
As long as the supply lasts. material
will be dis'ributed 'ree of charge in the
order In which the applications are re-
ceived front Ontario farmers wishing to
experiment and to report the results of
of any one of rte following tests:-
T':ree varieties of Winter Wheat: 2.
two varieties of Whiter Rye; 3. Fly:
Fertilizers with Winter Wheat : 4. Au-
tumn arta Spring Applications of Nitrate
of Soda and Common Salt with Winter
Wheat 5, Winter Emmer and Winter
Barley : fl. Hairy Vetches and Winter
nye as Fodder Crops. The site of
(each plot Is to be one rod wide by teno
rods long. Material for numbers 3 and
4 will be sent by express and that for
the others by mall.
0. A. C.. Guelph, Ont.. Aug. 15, 1909.
often do we !sear tt.at exclanna-
i,:r of a certalrt •arontan's fair or a cer-
t alit ntatt's hair.
A prominent scientist and hair special-
:st emphatically states, and has proven.
:t.at any matt or woman can have lux-
uriant, lustrous italr, by ust•tg a famous
prescription called Parisian: Sage.
Para'au Sage Is now made and sold !n
Canada. W. S Cole the druggist is tt.e
agent in Exeter and tete readers o: the
Advocate can buy from him for only 50
cents a large bottle.
W. S. Cole knows that Parisian Sage
will beautify the hair, cure dandruff and
stop falling hair, and for that reason t.e
sells It under a guarantee to cure or
stoney back.
if you cannot obtain Parisian Sage
where you live, you can get a bottle for
50 cents front Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort
Erle, Ont.. express charges prepaid.
Pianahard.-John Mcl:night, au early
settler, died Monday in his 78th year
at St. Marys, where he had resided two
years. ilia wife died three years ago.
Thomas and William on tho homestead
and Mrs. Kirby of Dlanehard. survive.
St. Mary's. -Lawrence, son of Jot,a L.
Maxwell of St. Marys, was married on
Aug. 23. to Miss Fannie. daughter of
Joon Welch, of Hastings, Ene., for-
merly of Stratford.
trig familiarizes people with your product
-even 'he old style advertising will do
`hat. But advertising, aa practised by
experts to -day, does infinitely more
than that. Simple. concise and plain
sentences explain your product and its
merits -advertising brimful of human 3.-
terest-advertlstng that rings true will
create a preference for any article un-
der the sun. Then its up to the pr,rluctt
to make good. There's a new buyer for
your product or a similar one born ev-
ery minute. Its the new buyer you
must Interest. The growth of your bust
nes.-the maintenance of your position
as a manufacturer or merchant or deal-
er of any kind depends on that new buy
er and the worthiness o' your product.
Wouldn't it be good common sense to
apply sane business logic to advertising?
Its no magician's wand. But it is the
greatest 'actor In the development of
business the genius of our commercial
age has evolved. Train your guns on
the consumer and let the other fellow
worry about the money that 1. wasted
Int advertising'.
Fir vsssg'WIWI'vvW1sw
Reds a sseee Aa/k arta alikeanstir
__d raj
Tu:kersinitt.-Mr. Malcolm McKay stet
wan a ve:y paleful accident 0: Tnurs
day. lie nosy assisting In t :reshing on
the far;n of Mr. James Gunmen, and
while atattdia; on the iced board tie lost
hta balance, failing backward, fractur-
ing ttl3 left arm at the wrist and dis-
locating his shoulder.
Tuckersntiti.-Russell 11. Sin oat, seed
merchant. of Scaforth was rccntly star
ried to Ethel J.. daugnter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Caldwell of Tuckers;pith. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr.
Smith of Hensall In the presence of ov-
er one hundred guests.
Clinton -Horace Hardy Jackson of Tol-
edo. Ohio, and Miss Sara" M L. Snell
of Saginaw, 7Ilch., were married in
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, on the lath.
They will realde In Detroit. Mies Snell
Is a daughter of John Saes of Wing -
ham, Ont., and Air Jackao:: a son of
Hohn Jackson of Clinton.
Seaforth-Russell, the five-year old
son of James Young met ssnt a painful
accident. He was riding on a wagon.
loaded witit four on five te1ep.:o:to poles.
when in some manner he felt o:f. and
the hind wheel passed over iris body.
No bones were broken.
Parkhill -John Jefferson, manager of
the flax stills, who Ie quite well known
in this vicinity, I.as patented a machine
for threshing flax which it is said will
do the work of ten to twelve men by
the present mode of thres.ting. The
machine was tested at the Para•.tll mills
on Saturday before Mr. M1•N :1. Sec'y-
Treas. of the Company. w .) says it
will do all that Is claimed for it.
Clinton -The many friends of Lillian
L. Butt were Indeed surprised to gear
o: her death on Saturday. at :t. Joseph's
Hospital, Chatham, after an tri::ess of
about three weeks of typho'. i fev r. De-
ceased was tate eldest daug .t rr o: Mr.
and Mrs. E. Butt, of the Baae Line.
her age being 23 years, 4 sort :e arrd
18 days. Mss Butt had for t le past
couple of years been taking up t'..e pro-
fession of nurse at Chatham. The re-
mains were brought to Clinton for In-
Children Cry
Fullness and Bloating After Eating?
ZSc. a boa.
Little Digesters
Curs or your money back.
At all Druggists or direct from
^f 1f TI
L y
y f t
Bicycles are
rapidly coning back
into popular favor,
the demand this ye.tr being
five times what it was five years
ago. We have planned for it in
two ways-hygetting the very best Eng-
lish wheel we can fur popular se:1,11,4. and
,avmg to our customers all intermediate pro-
fits by filling orders direct by mail instead of
through agents. In this way we can offer
$50 Wheels for $25
and give better satisfaction all roar .1 hie qu.tlity of the wheels is all riglst
- only the best materials used and only sk!llerl mechanics employed in
construction. The eginpntent 1, right up•tn-date and the machines
throughout are such as we .-.ut thoroughly recommend. We sell automo-
biles as well as bicycles and our plan is to make wheels serve as a good
advertisement to the entire business. Send for iliu,trated folder.
H)''SLOP BROS., Limited
Nigh -Clan Automobiles and Bicycles
Farm Laborers
IMO REI IN 110537'_ 811
SPECIAL Go1'4O Additional tee the Nature MEd
EXCURSIONS) $116/ TRIM ,V Wee es.dlti•as as MI...
Aud. 19
Aud. 23
Aud. 27
Sept. 7
Sept. 10
Prow Stemma serlh .l Ilse of O.T.I. Tamen, federales eta/ case.
34.41.as es se/ neat of Toro.te-Sed►err line,
Prim Tweak, as/ .11 C.P.U. 14.tle.. west Is O.I.rto a.../ 'oath
.f meta IIs. .1 Greed Tremble.. Toro.to le Swale. assd all 34.Neas
he O.tort... M.(:.I.. i.11. and T.II.AU. Ire.
/rem Siamese Temente sad awl, tsct.dfs+ Sb.r►os Lal. ..d Et./s.
ten and all Sumas, Is D./arle weal of fe.tr.w..1...tallesa of
C.O. dl S..l O. ■r.., ea/ steno.. e. I. & P. (meth et Restrew.
Ir.m .11 Menem' T.r.nu .n/ west, t.ctsdl.d Stenions se C.I.I.
Toronto 1 Se/beer.
/rm. ail 11.41... ...e .t Tomato he Defame.
Representative farmers. appoin•w,1 (,y Msni'.be. w..ka!et.w'n and .Albertan Government.,
w+:i me.t and eogsre latnr.n n antro; \! %4, :no p• -g
Paw transportation will be fuent.h.•! et Wirlrupri !n ,..,,nu on ran Pae when laborers ars
nee•t..l. east of Nor Jaw, in' tiling braneMes. and et ... c.., . mile each ass welt
thet.r,f to Seskat-he..n and Aa -.rte
A certificate to furn,.ha.l with ea -11 ".bet. and this cert,fi,a', *heft aeHu'f.i by remit
Mewing the/ Iah r.r hag w:'rke•i tn,ry dave nr m•,re, will t. hno)r-d from tial 1
f.,r • .. A
gond are isrk-'t tack to .ra" ng' nnt)
oce ,n n•ano. at 514 t), oto
Nov .N)tb. 1909
7 ickets are good nn;v "n -p•. lel Farm 1s1...... t•n,n u"1 will sw sewed to .01.sa as well
m to awe, but .tn nos be ,.•w 1 at knit fon b rhd, leen
/.. 1.11 particulars gee ......s f:.P.N..drss..r
writ. R. L. THOMPS0N. D.P.4., c:.r.1.. ToloSTO