HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-26, Page 310 THE MOTHERS 'TORPEDOES AND DESTROYERS, OF PALE GIRLS Types of Each Rapidly Changing in the British Navy. The day has gone by when the torpedo can be regarded as an uu- Id Case Showing How the TOn10 reliable iusirunlent of war of strict- ly limited use. Today the British sireatment Restores Lost Navy is about to bo equipped with I Health. a torpedo which w i11 carry a de- i structive charge of upward of 2001 Anaemia is simply lack of blood., pounds, and will possess an effec- It ;s one of the most common and tiro range of over 7,000 yards, at the same time most dangerous which it will be able to cover at diseases with which growing girds an average speed of thirty-one suffer. It is common because the knots. 'stood eo often becomes impoverish_ Such a weapon, says Cassier's ad during development, when girls Me tactics ire, isbbound t influence bat- often often overstudy, over -work and suf-i its range and fer from lack of exercise. It is tile accuracy with which it runs. dangerous because of the stealthi- The new torpedo in association ness of its approach and because) with improved gunnery methods of its tendency to grow so steadily^ has already banished the familiar worse, if not promptly checked, 6 inch gun from the newer battle - that it may run into consumption. ships and battleship cruisers. One Every growing girl should take an of the urgent naval problems of ooeasioual tonic to ward off the in- to -day is how to employ the new sidious trouble; and in all the world tornado to the best advantage. there is no tonic that can equal It is realized that it is necessary Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every to build special vessels for its use; dose of this medicine helps to make it is also realized that in view of new, rich blood, which promptly the dangerous character of the makes weak, pale, listless girls service which will devolve upon bright, rosy and strong. Miss A. these craft it is essential not only M. Dugay, Lower Cove, N.S., says: that the British fleet should pos- "I believe I owe my life to Dr. sess the best type of torpedo craft Williams' Pink Pills. My blood seemed to have turned to water. I was pale as asheet; I suffered from headaches. and floating specks seemed to be constantly before my eyes. As the trouble progressed from anything which has hitherto my limbs began to swell, and it was been seen in the British Navy. They feared that dropsy had set in and are to have a displacement of from that my case was hopeless. Up 930 to 1,030 tons, with a speed of to this time two doctors had attend- twenty-seven knots only; they will ed toe. but notwithstanding I kept mount five 12 pounder guns, and growing worse. It was at this junc- be fitted with two torpedo tubes. titre I began using Dr. Williams' The buildirg of a destroyer is a Pink Pills, and after taking a few special trade based upon scienti- boxos I was much improved. I fie data and carried out with a de - kept on using the Pills until I had lieacy and accuracy of- workman - taken eight boxes, when my health ship which is not to be found, be - was completely restored." cause it is not required, in larger Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure eas- es like this because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. That is why they cure rheumatist-a and indigestion, nervous headaches and racking neuralgia, and all those troubles from which growing girls and women of mature years so of- ten Bigler in boneless silence. If Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro given a fair trial they will not disappoint you. Sold by all medicine dealers er by mail at 50 cents a box or six bo_ea for a 50 from The Dr. \Vil- ELIAS ROGERS, Presldeat. ALBERT 1. RALSTON, Maasaln4 Direst*, F. SPAR LINO, Secretary. National Life Assurance Co. OF OANbDA- HEAD OFFICES NATIONAL LIFE CHAN 25 Toronto Et.. Toronto. Business In force - - Daily Income over - - Investsd In high grad• securities Surplus to Polley Holders' Account • The only Company reporting to Canadian Insurance rears .•f interest or principal ou any investment. SERE, $II,. 7,r{1.N {13,8M.{{ • • {1,2li,1t1.1J • {32!.111.62 Dept. Ottawa. 110 el. A splendid open ng in this county for an active, energetic agent possessing good character. Apply direct to head office. i:, Toronto 8t., Toronto. WHY NOT THE AUTOMOBILE 1 "So you're going away for a cou- ple of weeks, are you ?" said the neighbor very graciously. "Yes," answered the man. "I think we'll be gone that long." "Good," answered the neighbor. "Let us take your lawn mower and your garden hose till you get back, will you?" SOME LARGE SALARIES. Some Interesting inside facto are rv'cs- 'tonall divulged in regard to the enorm- ous salaries earned by some insurance agents. It 1s reported that two agents recently appointed by the National Insurance Com. pang in one of our large western cities have earned over Two Thousand Dolts?* (12.000.00) a month from the time th•�y started to get business for this Company but that it should have these yes- of course, these men are hustlers. and eels in sufficient slumber to pro- are well wren equipsmaledmInrevery re to way. possehe vide a margin of safety in view of territory more rapidly. the inevitable casualties of war. We understand. however, that any men Tho new destroyers differ who boa real ability In this line could do as well. One of the reasons for the sneeeee of National Lite events is the snlendid standing of the Company which is shown in their advertisemet,t elsewhere in this pe"er. If it hail ever neeurred to you to take np the Life Insurance bnsire•s you Cannot make arranee--ente with en ee.ier f omnsny to ...cure hustepee fnr than the National Lite. And they need an Agent rinht in this t-rrltory. Com• mnnloate with the head office. vessels. The establishments which devote themselves to the construc- tion of such craft aro a national asset of no mean importance at a time when the torpedo is looming with increasing menace on the horizon. CITY RUNS A PUBLIC BAKERY. Budapest Expects to Bake and Sell 50,000 Loaves of Bread Daily. The city of Budapest in order to . SAYS McGOWAN. "A vast diffrunce bechune ap- pearances an' facts. Whin a roan laughs at ye, it may be because his heart is merry. It may be only th' clatter av a weak character through an impty head." FOR THE LITTLE ONES In trouble Painkiller comes with quick relief. The bumps and the bruises, the pains from green apples, and such things are quickly cured by its use. Avoid substitutes. there is but one "Palnkiller"—Perry Davi.- 25o. and 50o. "Why aro you so reluctant to introduce me to your father?" a young lady asked her fiance. "Aro " furnish good broad to the public you afraid he wont like moo" "On Hams Medicine Co., Brockville, at a cheap price has decided to es- the contrary, my darling " was the Ont. tablish a municipal bakery capable reply, "he will like you so much of producing 50,000 pounds of bread that he will want to marry you him - daily, says the London Tunes.self. Ile is a widower and very This will bo a public enterprise rich, you know." and is meant by competition to com- pel the general production of bread equally good and equally cheap — prices being based upon the actual price of wheat aind flour—as that System. telling of the beanlies of the furnished by the municipality. Lake of Bays district. In the "Iliehlarrds This bakery wil be a model one. of Ontario.' A new fenture of this din- trict is the t•ew hotel- The wawa --at Nor- Modern machinery will be used and way Point. The hotel itself bee a page il- all immediate contact bythe work- lustration refecting the enmmer glories of woodland and water, with a brood of men with the bread will be avoided. .even wild gee.. soaring skyward beyond Besides this, the burgomaster says, the tower. The ennclse de.rrlptfon em- bodtit the .tory of a charming resort. the bakery by the wholesale pur- A copy sen be obtained free on applies. chase of flour and other articles of .13(34.A try to Me. J. D. McDonald, Upton sty tion. Toronto. MIGIIT BE WORSE. Gunner—"You look worried to death, old mall ?" Guyer—"Can't help it. My wife Is up to her neck in debt." Gunner—"Oh, cheer up, it might be worse•" Ouyer—"How could it be Gunner—"Why, if she is only up do her neck in debt that means she has settled for her summer hat Ind that means a great deal these lays." To Men Who Live Inactive Lives. —F.st rci'o in the open air is the lest tunic for the stomach and sys- k in generally ; but there are those rho are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity lends to restrict the healthy action Inthe digestive organs and sickness flows. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills regulate the stomach and liver ind restore healthy action. It is wise to have a pocket of the pills away, on hand. "I am introducing my patent tver-ready trouser -holler and—" "Better move on, young pian," in- lerruptcd farmer Jenkins. "I've got one here that's pretty good, an' I special shops belonging to the mu- fon't object ter showiu' it, either. nicipality and partly by private Here, Tiger :" provision merchants at a price fix- • ed by the municipality. TPADINO on a good name and deceiving the public le what the Imitators of the well-kuowa "The D. A L." Menthol Platter are dater Don't It fooled. insist on Ibis assume, •'Tbe D. a L. s THE "LAKE OF RAYS" COUNTRY. A handsome brochure. artistically illus. trated, has been issued by the passenger department of the Grand Trunk Railway production will tend to reduce the price. Tho -expense of building this mu- nicipal bakery will be 81.25.001), not Green—"What do you mean by cheating pie like this? You said including tho value of the site. Tho this chain I bought here would last rooms for preparing the dough, the a lifetime, and here's all the plat- rooms rooms and the bread maga- Ing worn off in a month:" dioses zines are all spacious and well —"Mine friendt, I said dot shain lighted. Near by aro two groups of build- ings, ono containing the engine house, the electrical plant and plac- es for storing and preparing pota- toes, the Hungarian public being fond of bread made of wheat mixed with potatoes. and the other con- sisting of stables and coach houses. The bread will be sold partly in The professional humorists can kstify to the fact that the ratan Rho lives by his wits leads a pre- sarious existence. (creat Medicine.—Tonti, one of he pioneers of French Canada. lost a hand and wore an iron hook as a substitute. He was in the ha- bit of boxing the ears of refrac- tory Indians with this iron hand. and they have remarked that it was "great medicine." 1)r. Thomas' ]'a'.ectrie Oil is great medicine: it take• hold of pain with an iron hand and knocks it out of the system. THE START. .t shared his umbrella. "d that was the start ; e'en when it's pleasant, she reigns in his heart. It's easier to lead a balky horse t. water than it is to drive hits ti. a wnRaon. [don't (irow Oid. !ly prior around rtth gray ba;r *hen Dr. TTeinarn s Natural !lair te.tor:v. a will bring It back to its natural color, even though It has been gray for years Two arsons might use from the same bottle person, the hair of one beeome black and the other hlcnde. Just a• they were in youth. So It is net a hair -dye; it will not ir.ib,e the s,•alp, and it en tronhle In an. PIe We rnarantee eatlstartinn or money ct :refs!. Price one ski (Postage pard 111E Tit1 LAIN SUPPLY .O. M weed SL, • • loresto. SENTENCE SERMONS. The aim of all living is living for a11. Take care of your works and your wings will take care of themselves. Looking like an undertaker on Sunday will not lead the world to a better life. He has no friends who knows only faces. Sympathy opens the windows to life's sunshine. Tho farther your life reaches the deeper its roots will strike. Lust always puts a chair, on you branded : "Free Living." The man who buries his talent usually gets busy sowing his vices. A man never has much interest is the church until ho has some principal there. A small life often takes all its would last you a lifetime pecauso ''en you puy it you look so ill I didn't tisk you would live der veek oudt-" 11.1. Weak. Weary. Watery Eyes. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine for Your 1 o Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. Vic At Tour Druggists. Write For Eye hooks. Free. Alurine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. How can a young man keep a stiff upper Hp when there is no- thing but down on it A man wonders whether or not he ought to marry until he docs -- then he wonders why he did it. In the treatnrent of summer com- plaints, the most effective remedy that can be used is I)r. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial. It is s standard preparation, and many people employ it in preference to other preparations. It is a high. ly concentrated medicine and its sedative and curative qualities are beyond question. It has been a popular medicine for many years and thousands can attest its supers• or qualities in overcoming dysen• tery and kindred complaints. BETTER STILL. time waiting for a chance at a big "Madam, said the agent. ad - job. dressing the lady who had opened It is Netter to be regarded as a the door in answer to his ring, • rude than to rot as a mental gar• am introdueing the greatest house- bage can. Fold invention of the twentieth Where a man's life does not: century. It is a combination tool preach his preaching cannot live. i in compact fora,, comprising a People who think they were born • corkscrew, a can opener, a paper to regulate the world are always cutter. a h,ulkin, a nut pick and a afraid they will the from being ah, e butteeer—and the price is , t errighteous. onit 25 cent'." Cynicism is a pain due to at- -I haven't any tempting to eat all life's fruits too I:lied the woman. early in the season. ' cent package of Half of the business of lifting day-." reople up is a matter of cheering them up. The prayer that rises in the heart always work• a way out to the fee$ anJ the fingers. 'ere for it," re - "I bought a five - hairpins yester- One way to bring a wife home from her summer vacation sooner than she expected is to urge her to sty longer than she expected. It is all right enough to pay as you go, but be sure that you save enough to buy a return ticket. Holloway's Corn Cure is the me- dicine to remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs the small sum of twenty-five cents. An overdressed woman was talk- ing to an acquaintance. "Yes," she said, "since John came into his money we have a nice country house, horses, cows, pigs, and hens." "That trust be charming," remarked the other ; "you can have all the fresh eggs you want." "Oti, w'eii,f' replied the first lady, "of coarse the hens can lay if they like to, but in our position it isn't at all necessary." An Unusual Opportunity to Wks Nosey. Ezolusive sales agencies now being placed in every city of the United States and Canada. for patented article which for many years has been sold by mail. Well advertised and thousands now in ase and highly recommended. No canvassing. our advertising and announcements bring the buyers to our door. Write to -day if you have the ambition to earn big pro- t00e fits. Don't hesitate ae only one agency placed in each City. Address. W. E. D. Co., 1311 Majestic Bldg., Detroit. OPEN HF.ARTFD. "Sir," said the trembling suitor, "you are a millionaire, and I am a poor man. But my love fur your daughter is so great that. 1 cannot be stopped by any consideration as to my poverty. Love scorns con- veniences and convections. Sir, give her to me!" "But which of my four daughters do you want 1'' asked the old man, trot unkindly. "Oh, sir," carne the eager reply, "I'll leave that to you !" A Remedy for Bilious Headache. —To those subject to bilious he+d- ache, Parinelee's Vegetable Pills are recommended as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will subdue irregu- larities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blocd vessels that the pain in the head will cease. There are few who are not at some- time subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet none need suffer with those pilla at hand. A SAFE RULE. When a fellow, pt.or or rich, Minds his biz, you bet There's lots of trouble into which He isn't apt to get. After making' a most careful study of the matter, U. S. Govern- ment scientists state definitely that the common house fly is the principal means of distributing typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. Wilson's Ely Pads kill the flies and the disease germs, A paper, describing an accident, says :—"Dr. Castoriil was called, and, under his prompt and skilful treatment, the young man died on Wednesday night." There is nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator for destroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. SCANDALOUS CORPULENCE. Tho late American commander, General Shafter, although a man of corpulence, had a deep dislike for fat soldiers. "They're no use 1" leo would bluster in his tremendous basso. "They pant, they wheeze, they snort, they choko, they grunt, they groan, they waddle, they slouch through the world! Not a particle of good on earth, fat soldiers! Would not have one of 'ern if I could help it!" "Er—but--er—you would not exactly call yourself slight, would you, Colonel 1" a major once asked Shatter after one of these out- bursts. "Slight? Not" Shatter thunder- ed iri reply. "I've been a fat old nuisance ever since the day I tip- ped the beam at over two hundred pounds, and then I ought to have been court-martialled and cashier- ed for outrageous and malicious adiposity, sir --for scandalous cor- pulence to the prejudice of military discipline 1" Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. It's an awful thing to be green, but i•'a a good deal worse to be born dried up. He who misses the spirit of the law always makes most of the letter. It allowed to roam over your house those few Innocent -looking Rouse flies may cause a real trag- edy any day, as they are known to be the principal agents for the spread of those deadly diseases, typhoid fever, diphtheria and; smallpox. No other fly killer cont pares with Wilson's F11 Pads. WARM WEATHER HINTS. In hanging a hammock have the head hook at a height of six feet forlr inches and the foot hook five fret seven inches from the fluor. This gives an easy sit irg. In training vines tin walls, or houses of stone and ( r in forming a rockery r.hp a hairpin over the branch to he seemed, then into a nearby cre%ice. To get rid of flies, sprinkle all breeding places with a mixture of crude petroleum and water. If jelly is not sufficiently firm. place the glasses in the sun for a day. T N U ISSUE NO. $4--0! CAUSE AND EFFECT. Helen—"Of course ho clasped you in his arms when the boat upset ?" Hazel—"No; just the opposite." Helen—"Just the opposite? What do you mean I" Hazel—"Why, the boat upset when he clasped me in his arms." 1•a►�tuL. f�ej { tr Set �uCMA Cr, ':8. - iT ivy WLACES, Are your feet, hot, sore and blistered? If so, try ZamBuk. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied it cools and soothes injured smarting skin and tiss--e. Its rich, relined herbal essences penetrate the skin; its antisptic pro- perties prevent all danger of f.stering or infae'tmation from cuts or sores ; and its bealino esaencrs beta up new healthy tissue. For sties, sunburn, cuts, horns, btu, etc.—just es effective. Mothers find k hovehlable for baby's sorest AU Drv,rrtsts end &ores. -Oa Iws am Buk fr I TELEGRAPHY Is a sure passport to a gond salary. You ran lean it easily and Quickly st the CENTRAL TELEGRAPH SCHOOL, 3 Gerrard Ft. Fast, Toron- to. Particulars Fre. Write. W. 11. t;IiAW• Pres. 11111' 't" AGENTS »' �GX wW 9$sDa i•1 pair* Il•� trusses! buslee.e oe wr eq to our a a dew snow melt se s. As le ever, bows see twat 1, s.e4 op sad rel,e.t •reeve e9a• feet csrleeve me. Rf t Erace, elves. Tse R•.w■ Ct.•etr Oa, /W CATALOGUE 1.0 to To,•••..Oat The Rapid Needle Threader A practical eye sating, time sating deuce, used for any sire needle or threat. 11 thread• rick• It, c,t i v, and w.ii 1a•t a frt•:::e. tai'..! to sear addre... poopa,d for r:.. AC{MT{ WANTIO. Th• Rapid N•e,tl• Threader Co., 11.1 .rtt. O:r.1ia, o:.tarfo 23IC3ii OZ.A."s Custom Made CIoIfl6 SETT VALUES IN CANA/A. EXHIBITION VISITORS cordially int.ited to c.11 and Inspect our stock. .1.0ENTS NV/Lig TIED ;n etery looallty. Rex TAILORINO OMPANY. VI Rina St. Wool TonaIs (Opposite Princes* Th..) TABzAST a waalNe's' uV•aaX.ihu «SPAVIN CURE"; Slallpd ua receipt of 6' ea. head fur bo..►.ei r+ta,I VW Veterinary aeoa•dyi Comoanr. tingled, B 1A,JsAdslsld•�t,a{ Tomtit.; Canada. HELP WANTED WANTED Ladles to do plain and Ifgh$ ,.wing et i.onre. whole or spore throes rood pay: wnrk sent any di=+ancet cheeses pre.^aid. Fend stamp for full ens. Oculars. National Manufacturing Coto Daily, Montreal. AGENTS WANTED. ONr niLIASi1.M. MAN tl'A>1 F:h t' CCrlRI `1 tows to tat. ..Acer for bet : u•tnm tot�t� e.e•thee In Carrida. Ililheat c.ouu, .slog Hee 1'aiiuring Cu., 're n oto. ACENTS WANTED. --I have secured the general ageccy of Ontario for the sale of "our Butter slender," a machine which makes two pounds 4.1 cutter out of one as an additional cost o1 three cents. No chemicals u•cd. stands pure food inepoo• tion. Write (or particulars for exclusiveterritory, to ' (lnr }:utter }slender, Roots 102Confrderaticnl Life Rnilding, Tt.ronto. PRIZE WINNERS wE Lrg to announce that the prison offered fur solution of our Omiga tyatch "Count the Dots - puzzle were won as folluwe:— lat Prize—Miss Mary O. Smith, Little Sands, P.E.I. 2nd Prize—Mr. E. M. Broughton, Clds, Alberta. 3rd Prize—Mr. John Gillespie, Ce- darville, Ont. The correct number of dots was 599. If your answer was within 20 of the 699, and you have not received one of the Consolation Prizes, It Is because there has been some error, or perchance your name and address was not Itgibly written. If there are any such, we hope they will write to us at once, as we want to mend a Prise to all who are entitled to it. ELLIS BR08e10Toronto Utilization of Surplus Funds a fn,l,lamenlal principle of a successful business is the proper trlilitutio r, 0/ surplus funds - to earn the greatest interest returns. Fsnancini institutions awl ituli- t#duals of wealth do not permit large uerurnulufions of money earning nothing, or only a low rale o% interest. TT'hy, then, al,outd not the in- vestor of moderate rowans avail himself o•% the same opp„rtvrtittes afforded to Jnaura,,ce ('ornpan. its, 7'rttst Corporations and similar institution, / 7'he ser- ricel of our organization are atwi/abls to anyone who inquires. Issues o jered by cis are re- eonamoiended only after a thor- ough investigation by ',perts— and purchased in entirely by us. 7'Ae distribution of many of our recon' issues is etpnthronl of fheirsfrertgth(!fsoa-urity--tfthezr farorable interest return — of their acceptability 10 intelligent investors the ey the i.t..uee sr,shr.• fv fete q' i'."dl tri t •.t<"- ore --Canadian Northern Rall*: y Cs. Equipment Bonds yielding s p.c. Duluth, Rainy Labe and Winni- peg Rat,way Bonds yielding 1 1 4 p.c. Welit,n Canada Flour 141111 Company, yielding nearly 6 3-i a 0. - P. Burnt and Company. Ltd, bonds, tRan,ners, Meetpackers end uNtr.hulert of pas• irg pre - ducts, yielding ease S ,-1 p.e. We s.,ou'l wit to tell you •f these bend !Huss end .lases whish Sas reoemmend. DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION. 1~IMITED tits• orsce TORONTO .. a ao ov. a seevo.,et, MOYIREAL- w ter,PEO-LO',Co'., ENO