HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-26, Page 130c to JAN. '10F� NOW IS THE TIME to I/ subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain .� as above stated; or else take advantage of our ttet_ /Ot 1 C.> Low Club Rates TwExTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26. 1909. • w.,TERWORKS HYLA\ CAItRt1El) RIGH SCHOOL COURSES AND TEXT BOOKS. i The Old Reliable We Are Still in the Swim OUR BARGAIN COUNTER Ig AGAIN LADENED WITH Dress Goods at Bargain Prices both ends and large pieces. Regular 35, 40c, 50c, 60c, and 75c per yard These Foods are all good, heavy and durable, make to clear 25c. splendid dresses for your girls going to school or for you mothers. Come quick before they are all gone. Table Linens and Napkins Extra values in Table Linens for a few days only. REAL. LINEN DA - ^ASK, full 72 in. wide, with neat pattern, while they last, $1.0) per yard. Also NAPKINS to match, at $2.25, $2.75 and $3.00. BEAUTIFUL BLEACHED TABLE LINEN, good width, special at 50c and 75c. UNBLEACHED TABLE LINEN, in heavy well finished, at 25c, 35c, 40c, 45^. 5'), Bac and 75c. These are extra value, but. having a quantity of them, a'" .. .g to clear to make room for our Fall Goods, which are arriving every d. Fancy Suitings for Ladies Call and see them in all the new shades and styles. Shoes -Fifteen Per Cent Discount Now is your chance to get sold before the Winter conies. A job line of Shoes in all sizes, while they last. 49e 50c Tea for 40c While they last, one ca't• only of RAM LAX Tea. in black, regtihi- 5(12 tins, this week 41k. Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Live Poultry Butter 18c, Eggs 20c. trade: 181c cash. These price., subject to change. CARLING BROS. aiatectorreceemooleximmootlefoo Great : Sale ALL SUMMER GOODS They must all be cleared out regardless of cost. New Dress Goods Are Here. Come in and Get a Bargain We Keep Nice, (;lean. Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 7.2 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE re•tt sslenal Cards. DLO.D. I<OL'LSTO`t, L. D. S.. D. D. it. DENTIST Saabs, of the a. C. D.11. of Ontario and Decor S.Nssis of Toronto Usherette. OFFIo=: Oen Dickson a c'uliogs Lew Ofia, to De. AN.rso/'s former Dental Parlors. Di. A. R. IiNSMAV, LDJ. D D. B.• ono, graduate of 'formai Mierats. DENTIST, HERE TO STAY Bus and Dray Calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. Telephone 41A Stables at Handford's Horse Exchange Wil. ARNOLD, Prop. LINO extracted without any pais, or boy tad tecta Ogee ever 0ladman a Stantur)'s cake, Maio street GIRLS WANTED assess. ---- Oferators o 1 Ladies' Waists and M.dIc.I Wh,teaear Good %agce. Stead: work -Toe STAR \VHITEWEAR M'F'G CO. Berlin, Ont. HR BRIGHT, M. D. >r. C. 1'. a Si Ho?t:R S Gradual. of Tor:ao t'cicere:tr, ito year, resident pbJ.in ian Roval Aleundn Iloej ital, et. . ODce and accidence, 6r Amos' old Staod, Andres Street, LISTER. D`. T. P. 11rI AUGHLIJI Etas ?Hemet pre:tn a atter rpending a year (Col- 1 lissom Brti.b on sod Ct(aental Hospitals. Gemini 'tke w:.b special • ..entioo to Eye, (with reftsc- pip gar Noe:.,,0 Tent. O!E:e: Daeb*o'd, Oct. Legal. DtCLSON a CART !so, BARRISTER -Q. SOLICi flees, Notariee, t'ot, a yar.' are Ccauxissiocers IoHdton for Molsoes Back, etc. Raley t0 Lose at :cse,t teaser Interest Otew, Main street, Eater, I. 1l. CaswO, B.A., L H. rasps MOSIIT TO LOA:i. WO base a three amo•tat of pens:* foods to lesa $ fats Sod • ii:are properties et low rates of !stet fist. B. 9. PHILLIPS, EXETEn. Lic.sss)" Auctioneer. r ale•attenlMae111rte!a•.tvt1faarla a nopar Terme nascta' Ie Allesd.niHt d,a'ste b,B:. will b. promr'., -treaded to.RCanadian�a GLADM.1N t STANBL'RT,t Barristers, So(iciton,Main et.. teeter O■ Main-St.,J. SENIOR A ent Confederation Life Assurance m any. also Fire insurance in lead - g an BritishCompanies. Exeter. LICENSED A CCTIONEER poWM. ANDERSON. L'.c•ved Au t.o;neKr • Huron County. Terms reasor.atle. tee can be nude al tee Advo-atr. 1fsetcr. or I;rnry Eubbr's Office. Cud - non. )LOUSE FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned Is offering for sale twat valuable 100 acre farm. being Lot 8. Con. 3. Stephen. Ailcleared and in good state of cultivation. Fences good, well under -drained with tile. About one acre of orchard. Two story new brick cottage and bank bare,; also cement 5:10 ; three good wells of water and a spring creek. One quarter mile from r'.00l and two miles from church. Possess:on given in the fall. Apply to NEWTCN BAKER, CENTRALiA. ONT. FARM FOR SALE. A hundred acre farm. all seeded down but one acre; situated north of Centralia 1-1 mile from Church, school and Post C:::ce, being Lot. 0. Con. 1. Stephen. T..cre Is on the premises a good frame :louse. three good frame barns. 4 wells, 1 windmill, 1 acre of good orchard.and 10 acres of hardwood bus'-.: fences In good repair, and Is well u nder-dralned. Terms easy. For particulars apply to MRS. S. McCOT. Centralia. Can give possession at once. TEACHER WANTED. C -.:on S. 8. No. 13 Stephen. State ,'ala'y• Appy to SILAS STANLAKE, Jr Hay P. O. O:.t. HOUSE FOR SALE First-class brick house on Mal --,t.. Exeter,: Tums easy. Also for sale Vogrigesangs' \Vorderful Remedies. Carload cedar posts for sa:e. WM. M. BLATC'IIFORD An ex ri'�nt t•:: k ' ors•. td r . a'd •p -to -date. St•aated O:,e Apply at this Office. Apply FARM FOR SALE of t'.e f'. --est farms In t'eborr.e to Q.\NDEFeS & CREECH, Exeter 1tO\VLL1NG Two rucks of lfensall bowlers here on Thursday and played two games each with our bowlers, resulting In the visitors being four points up on the day's play. Hensall also won three of the four games. For Henean, liobklrk Case, Cook and Sellery won from Mc- Innis. Sparkman, Davis and Dickson 29-14, a::d from Anderson, Cnriatie, Taylor and Snell 16-15; and the other Ilenaall rink Graselck, Cantelou, Arn- old and Brandt won from Mac, Stewart Lovett and Hellman 18 to 15, and lost to Creech, Gladman, Taman and Blatch- ford 25 to 10. This game was the first occasion on which Exeter's new green had been used by the bowlers, and it was quite strange to all the players. While the green la not yet all that could be de - aired, it Makes a beautiful patch of green grass and some further levelling and seeding this fall and next spring will stake It one of the best outside of the vides. wt re RADIAL RAILWAY. The People's Railway promoters of Stratford are contemplating the build- ing of p line from Stratford to Exeter via Carlingford. Fullarton. Rusaeldalc and Farquhar. though it is understood preference 1a felt for a diversion to Klrkton, which would mean omitting Farquhar and possibly Russeldale. Grand Bend would be a lake objective to this line. it 1e understood, to be aimed at as soon as practicable. The Stratford herald says. -\\'c would look for specially stimulating results from the llne to Exeter. passing t hrough a rich country by an almost air liuy bisecting the great triangle lying be- tween the G. T. R. train line to Sarnia and the branch lite to Goderich, and bringing its trade to Stratford. Strat- ford would then be an equal competitor with London for the trade of a large area. That section has now only one line, the L. 1i. & 13. running north and south, whereas the chief trend of traftt7 is east and west. The directness of this line would be both to Stratford's advan- tage and to that of the country tra- versed. 13y the time this line would he built. 1f the scheme goes into ops:a- tion, the C. P. R. would doubtless D2 In Stratford, and thus Exeter would ;.ave a C. P. R. connection as well as a r,cw U. T. R. connection. This would pro- mote. the Interests of Exeter and the whole section lying 0. tece:i that town and Stratford. STENOGItAI'IIEItS' SALARIES. A little over two years ago, Miss Vlra Heywood o: Clinton. after a three mon- the' course. received a posltton at Rev- elstoke at :50.00 per month, also free transportation. Miss Mabel Snell, 41175 per month at Calgary. Mr. S. H. White $110.00 per ,nontt , at Winnipeg. The same can be done for any others at- tending Clinton Business College. THREE SUCCESSFUL TEARS.- The Clinton Duchies. College has :.ad three most successful years and we under - Stand that proepet is for tete coming year are brighter than ever. The graduates of the C. 13. C. are now occupying many of the finest positions in the leading Canadian and American cities: In fact, a large number are engaged as teachers to ether Business Coaegec. A Clinton young man who 1s a graduate of the Goderich branc:t. has recently been ap- pointed commercial teacher In the lar- gest commerclal school In the City of Toronto. As Clinton has proved to be such an excellent centre air. Spotto has determined to pay special attention to this schoo', and as the citizens of liurort are ever loyal to their own county he confidently anticipates the full pat- ronage of all who call Huron (-Cr home The prestlge which the C. H. C. enjoys in being a link of Canada's Greatest C.taln of High Grade. Actual Business Schools. enables all t',c graduates to get the best positions. The Fall term of this exce:lent school opens Aug. 30. FOR SALE Cottagvand thre-: lots In Exeter. befae lots Nos. 55. 56, and 57, on the Sout side of Sirncoe Street. On this property 1s a frame cottage (brick foundation)con taming five ro:,ma and a ,food cellar. Also a good well and a large stable. Good garden and fruit trete. The pro- perty to to be sold to wind up the estate -Apply to ULADMAN & STANBCRY. Barristers. Exeter, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE Tne undersigned Is offering is tarns for sale. Lot 2. Con. 1. Blddulph. 1-4 mile from Centrally VRlage. containing 75 acres. sixty-five under cultivation. tea acres bush pasture. There is p new two -stony brick cottage. hard and soft water, three gool wells. Barn 34 by 6•) and other buildings. Possession given In the fall. Terms easy. apply to THOS. W. NEiL. Cler.tral:a. Ont. FARM WANTED TO RENT. 100 acrea, to get possession In fall. App;y to SANDERS & CREECH. Exeter FOUND -RING In the Fail of 1907-A signet ring, at Mount (`armel Lawn Social. Ow:.er ca: t see same by proving ownership and paying for tots notice. byeal;tng at this off ice. BUOOY DUSTER FOUND On Huron Street East. Exeter. on or stout the 9th August. Owrer can ran same by provi-g property ar.d payl-;g :or advirtlac^.•, t. A. DEARING. JP.. Exeter did well for the Waterworks Hy -law on Friday, carrying 1t by a maj- ority of 114. The vote was quite light only 256 voting out of a possible 504. The following Is hie result of the polls. No. 1- For 34, Against 15, Ma} t9 No. 2- For 42, Against 6, Mal 36 No. 3- For 51, Against 18, MaJ 33 No. 4- For 58, Against 32, MaJ 26 195 71 114 We understand that the Council in- tends commencing at once with the work of cleaning out the pond and commenc- ing the building of the dam. Mr. Fred. W. F'arncontbe, C. E., of London, was here Tuesday night In consultation with the Council with regard to the work. Cneap c Intent makes it very advisable to proceed with the dam at once. TI1E E\E'I'Eit COUNCIL m_' :.1 the Town Hall, Friday, August 20th, at 8 p.m. All the mem- bers present. The minutes of the last meeting, held August 6th, were read a:td approved. A copy of Suntntons and Garnishees to the Dlvialon Court was held and dis- cussed. A copy of the letter as received by the reeve in regard. the Peoples Railway was read, and the same was left with the reeve for answer. Mr. A. S. Deavitt asked to have tt:0 drain on Gldley street extended west to his property. The council decided to look over the situation on Saturday a.m. 21st Instant. fir. ilurdo;; asked leave to cut down certain trees ea William street oppos- ite the ba.,a property. Granted, su ject to the street commissioners appro- val. ileaman -Johns -That the council in- spect the new walks on Saturday, :Hist. at 9.30 a. nn -Carried. The Re';ve appointed Councillore Car- ling and Johns a cornntlttee to see and have certain electric llglite re -arranged. also to get the electric light wires re- moved from the shade trees, and report at the next meeting of the council. Tile reeve read a letter from a Mr. Strauss Of Parkhill asking if ti o bust - :less men of Exeter would help In the way of subscribing for stock in a con- cern for the manufacture of knitted goods. and what encouragement the mu- nicipality would give. Left with the reeve to make answer. Per }Raman and Luker that the reeve and treasurer be authorized to borrow 111500 for the purpose of paying an in- stallment on the r.ew cement wanks -Car- ried. The following accounts were read ., d ordered paid -Geo. (Edmore, labor, 3.50; Albert 131ssett 6.75; Richard Quante 4.50; Sidney Sanders 9.75; Walter \Westcott, 12.5a, Sidn,y West, 4.50; Peter Whitlock, for camcnt tile 11.00 • The Queen City 011 Co.. gasoline 7.74: The Times Printing Co.. advert- ising by-law, 1152.00, cards 50c., ballots 3.50; Advocate Printing Co., Municipal World supplies, 7.50; Expenses booths, Deputy Returning Officers arid Poll Clerks In by-law election 27.00; Thomas Houlden. 2 we:ks street watering $30 -amounting In all to $180.74. Passed on motion of Carling and Ileaman and carried. The prepaid account of 11".08 due the Electric Light Co. was sanction- ed In the above motion,.. Mr. R. G. Seldon asked for a payment of t1 00 on the contract of cement walk -Granted on motion of Ileaman and Johns. subject to approval of the work. The account of Chas. Wilson for •39 and also that of James Willis for 10.50 for labor at the ce;mtc:y. and approved of by the committee. was passed on mo- tion of Marling and Beaman -Carried. Ad;our:.rnent by Luker. Jos. Senior. Clerk. Local Items Mrs. C. H. )Forney la confined to her room with pleurisy. atlas Tilly White 1s attending the mil- linery openings at Detroit. Mrs. Geo. Anderson has returned from a pleasa ,t visit with friends 1:4 London. Delta Bawden, after a short visit in town has retuned to her home in Lu -an. )irs Harrison ar,d Mts. Morrison of Pe'roit are elsiting firs. Cookson. Ex- eter North. Mr. C• a.. Lindenfelt, who haigbeen "ol'day.ng 1n Cleveland has resunild 91. dutie. at 3. A. Stewart's. Mire Thompson of Denfield ,and HohPs of Blrr were guests of Miss Jean ))awkehaw over Sunday. Mr. August Gu',r I as rented Mr. It. 13ia••'•:old'.:coulee o:; Mair -,t. Mr. Guar ',as a dredging contract to Usborne. Mrs. D. Dyer is visiting In Londoa. a• -d fro.•n there will go to Port Stan- ley. atter whicn she will return to her home In Canaille. Mich. Melee Sout cott went to Seaforth yes- terd+.v to run In t"e 100 yard dash at tele 9. 0. S. 'ports. Wilb. Martin. and Rvs. and Orv. Sout'tcott accompanied hirtl. Mra. E. IF. Spackman and daughters. St'sses Freda. Gertie and Marjorie, of Blenheim. spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Spackman. on their way home from epend!rg t'.e summer at Grand Bend. in reply to an enquiry from Messrs. Harvey Bros. the followir'.g has been se.,t from the Agricultural Colltge.--irl each of r,ire years experiments have been col dueled treatlrg winter wheat 1-t different ways to prevent the develop- ment of atinkirg smut, and the results have been very satisfactory. in the av- erage reauY• of five years. untreated weed prodaed 4.2 per cent of smutted heads. write seed *rich was immersed :or t eels' m1: tree In a solution nude by adding o. a pint of formalin to forty +aro gallons o•: water produ-c l a crop wale`, was pract:ea.:4 free from 'mut. The following are the courses for High Schools. and Continuation Schools as p:eser:bed by the Regulations of the Education Department of Ontario and that will le taken up In the H.S. 1 epart- ment of Exeter School: - 1 A General Course -having 1n view a good general education. 2 '. Spenlal Commercial Course-airn- ing at most thorouigh business cd-. unation. This course covers two years. at the end of which, a diploma Is giv- en to candidates passing the Examina- tion on the presrrtbed work. 3 The Teachers' Course. or Course for Entrance to Normal Schools. 4 The Course for (Juntier) Univer- sity Matriculation. The first and second of these courses will be taken up at the Lower School. or Forme 1. and II., and the last two in middle school, or Form Ill. The following are the subjects and text -books required in the various forms Forma I. and II. -Reading and English Literature, 20th Century Literary Sel- ections; English Composition, Element- ary English Composition (Sykes) ; Eng- lish Grammar, H. S.. Eng. Grammar; English and Canadian History, H. S. History of England and Canada; Arith- metic. Ontario 11. S. Arithmetic, new edition; Alge9rt, Junior Algebra, (Hall & Knight); Geometry, no text In Form E., 111 Form If. Theoretical Geometry (Baker); Geography, Ontario H. S. Puy - steal Geography. new edition; Element- ary Science, consisting of Botany. note t.00:t o fly, Zoo:o3y. not too:c only, P hy- sirs, H. S. Paysicai Science Part 1; Q:eni! try, Ontario II. S Chemistry, rew edition; Art (drawing and color work), Drawing Pad; Commercial sub- jects -Bookkeeping and Business Papers Ontario School Bookkeeping, new edi- tion: Stenography, Plennan's Short- hand Course; Writ'ug, Typewriting, and Spelling; Lat'n, Latin Lessons for 13c- g1h►;era (Robertson & Carruthers; Fren ch 1n Form if.. 11. S. French Grammar and Reader ; German 1n Form II., 11. 8. German Grammar, flew edition. The General Course and the Teachers' Course do not Include Stenography and Type- writieg. The Spe:pal Co:nmerc:al Course Includes all the subjects of Forms 1. and II., except Latin, the Elementary Science subject. and Geometery, tut with the addition of an optional course in French or German or both. In the sec- ond year. English Composition -no text book. English Literature, Prescribed . elertlorts 1910 Tennyson. Julius Caes- ar, Shakespeare; Engl!sn Grammar, N. S Eng. Grammar ; History. fir. and Can., 11. S. History of Erg. and Cana- da ; History Ancient, Ontario H. S. An- cient History (new) ; Arithmetic, Ont- ario H. S. Arithmetic (new) ; Algebra, 11. h. Algebra; Geometery, 'riteor:tical °cemetery (Baker) ; Latin, Gramma:- First Latin Book (Fletcher and Hender- son); Authors -Vellum Gallicun Books IV. and V. (Caesar). AEneld Book 1. (Virgil): French, Grammar, 11. S. Fier, - eh Grammar and Reader. Authors 1910. Le Werra D'eau (Scribe); German. Gram- mar, H. S. German Grammar (newt, Authors 1910. Das Kalte Herz (lWanff) Chemiatry, If. S. Chemistry and Labor- atory Manual : Physics, H. S. Physical Science Part IL. Science Note Book ; In the Trancare' course for Normal En- trance no languages are required, but Latin may be taken for a Bonus. In the Course for Jailor Matriculation La- tin la obligatory and the options are; French and German, or French and Ex- perimental Science (Physics and Chem- istry), or German and Experimental Sc:once. 1n the Public School Depart- ment the following new books will be !' trodcred ;-The new series of head- ers. The Ontario School Spelling Bouk. The Ontario Copy Rooks. In five :,um- bers. All departments of the Exeter Public School will open on Sept. 1st. Mra Chas. Lirdeufelt has returned (front a visit at her old home In °od- ich. Wedding Invitations In N,.„...t '1't 0„llc-t t'apIt•I - The Fir.c,.t W. C. And Hight i'ri..'v The Advocate Office, Exeter SANDERS & CREECU Mr. Hancock, who was Visit Mr. 1. Armstrong's last week. :.as It - turned to his home In London. BIRTHS McCue --At Crcdlton, on Aug. 24th, to Dr. and Mrs. McCue. a son. Young -In London, on August 14. to Mr. and ,lira. G. A. Young (nee Editt, Beers) a son, Stanley Ferguson. Albrecht -l:, 'Zurlc'.: on Aug. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht, a daugi,:er. Gibson -In Lucan on August 18th to Mr. and airs. Walter Gibson, a d tug't- ter. Smith -In McGillivray. on Aug. 11. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, a daugh- ter. Brownlee. -Irl Seaforth, oil August 11, to Mr. and Mrs. George Brow, l•.e. formerly of Exeter, a son. Spears. -At Cromarty, on August -- to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Speare, a daugh- ter. DEATHS Pulse. -111 Bidduiph on Friday. August 20th, William McGee, aged 94 years. Went -At Corbett. Stephen, on Aug. 13, . Samuel Webb, aged 64 years. Hall -In Corbett, on August 16, Sarah, relict of the late Thos. Hall, aged 68 years, 5 months, 17 days. Butt -In Cha•ham, on August 14th. L'llian L., eldest daughter of E. and Mrs. Butt. Base Line, Goderich Tp., aged 28 Sears, 4 months, 18 days. S:!troeder-In Carberry, Man., August 14th, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schroeder, aged 1 year, 1 month and 2 weeks MEDAL LOST At Grand Bend on August 22nd, a sol- ver medal with "Exeter" inscribed An the back. Finder will be suitably re- warded by leaving sante at this office. 150 ACRE FARM FOR SALE The underslbnei is offering for sato that desireable faros In the Township of Stephen, being lot 17, and S. 1-2 of 19. in the 5th con. There is on the prem- ises a good frame house, with cellar underneath, good bank barn, drive shed, and other outbuildings; about 7 acres good hard wood bush ; all well fenced and drained and In first-class state of cultivation. \ViIl be sold reasonable as the proprietor wishes to go West. For particulars apply o, the premises OR by :nail to J. 11. HAMILTON. EXETER NEW Proiision Siore Having leaned the store property Of Mr. J. W. Broderick, Main street.' 1 teg to announce to the public that 1 halite op=: -.ed out business In the line of Gen- era) Provision,. FLOUR. 1- EED, `;TUCfi F'O01'. PRESS- ED HAY, `;TItAW, ALL KINDS OFF SEEDS, GRAINS, ETC. ETC. The very 0'9' grades of flour always Goods delivered to any part of t .c 'own We Invite your patru:.age and noir i• a call frorn you Broderick's 1 Old Stand J. EIDT Use PLYMOUTH TWINES PLY. SPC... 500 ft. SILVER SHEAF.... 6C0 G:OLI) MEDAL 650 •' 8 1-2 o to 1 1 c per Ib. 000 Dustbane A sanitary sweeping compound. cleans and brightens, a dust absorber and germ killer. Try- a r'flf•kaue. return if not satisfactory, 35c per pkge. Rz-� Dr. WVilliams Fly- Destroyer 35c G5c and $1.00 Cow Ease 35c and $1.0) Sprayers Paris Green. per lb 50c 2fic Gasoline, per gallon 25c Samson Brand Portland Cement for Walls. Walks. Floors and Silr,-. HEAMAN'S BARDWARE & STuVE STORE