Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-12, Page 5i IS TOUR STOMACH WRONG? LITTLE DIGESTERS will put it right gunk& old surely. Magi boa H they Ile ad Caro. AI ad Doodled& L Porter Undoubtedly the best ixtewed on the continent. Proved to be so by analysis of four chemist;, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially Cntcat;o 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. Oxetcr buocate EXETER — — ONTARIO $11.00 it paid In advance, *LSO • year if not so paid. To Dulled States Seismic ribcr.$1.10 • Year Strictly is Advance. BAN & CREECH, Publishes. Fall Term from Sept. lst After twenty-two years of •olid work ice have become the largest, best arid most suroeasful practical training school in western Ontario with no superior to Canada Three departments— Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy We assist graduates to positions as %cell asglse a most thorough training. Get our free cata- logue at once. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN Principals. High -Grade PIANOS are always a pleasure to their owners We have sold and are selling a great many high-class pianos—and always at reasonable prices. Our Numerous Satisfied Customers is the strongest guarantee of the truth of the above assertion. Our pianos to -day are the best that the piano-tn kers produce and our prices and terms are what you will appreciate. Do not be too quick to believe per- sons who tell you different from the Above for the purpose of selling you cheap and, in some cases, trashy goods at big prices. Call and see tis and be convinced that what we say we live up to. 8. MARTIN &. SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goods. '1CUILLIVIIAY COUNCIL. Cowncll met .August .id. pursuant to adjournment. All members present. Minutes of last net time read and signed A large number of accounts were paid. Murdy—Clens—That the London Tp. Telephone Co. be granted the right to extend their telephone line along the 1st con. of McGillivray, said line to be erected In accordance with the Town- ship by-laws regulating same.—Carried. Morgan—Poore—That By-law No. 7, ot 1909, for borrowing sums as requlr ed to meet the current expenditure for the present year as read a first and second time be read a third time .and passed.—Carried. The Council then adjourned to meet in the Town Hall On the first Monday in September at one o'clock. J. D. Drummond, Clerk. McGILLIVRAY. After an illness extending over a year Mrs. John C. Dignan passed peacefully away at Parkhill on July 'loth. She was a d tughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle and was born o.t the old homestead In Mc- Gillivray near Mt. Carmel, About 31-2 year ago she was married to Dir. Dignan and resided for a year at Sylvan. 1 hen removing to Parkhill. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseas- ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is eau+ed by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube!, inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf - nese is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi- tion, heari.t %a ill be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will izive One Hundred Dollars for any rase of Deafness( ause.lby catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hail's (at rrh Cure. Seud fur, it ulars free. F. J. t:IIENF:Y Sr CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, ?:�•. Take !fall's Family Pills for constipation. IZIIIKTON. Mies Mary Ilazelwood. wt 0 1.ws been in Toronto Hospital for nerve trouble, 19. we are pleased to say. tntproving.i but the doctors say a change of climate is necessary lo complete recovery. Med Doo : On. Thursday last a dog, foaming at the stout;, and snapping at everything within reach, rustled into Councillor William Andereo"'s yard and then oft down the road. Mr. And- erson and Walter Hazelwood thought it well to give chase, and getting a horse and rig they started out In pur- suit, and overtaking U eltot tee bru•e before any damage was dors. T: a get: - Heinen are to be commended for t:.e:r prompt action. WESTERI"4 FAIR 11oNuory Open to the World Athletic Day Monday Dog Show Ontario's Popular Exhibition Sept. 10-18 Increased Prize List Speed Events Daily Cat Show The Great Live Stock Exhibition Music ill'it 1lighlAtulet4 7th Fue:liers FIIIEW0HK8 ' TAKE A iII►I.i1AY SPECIAL RATES EACH EVENING , and visit London's Fair tie En AI.1. h.a1t.nit.atei Attractions I'r.'grit ns Twice i)eily. The Ilett Ever Price Lilts, Entry Forms, Pregramme, and ail int roiati on from W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO August 28th 1909 • September 13th Greatest Lice Stock F:xhibit on the Ccntinent Forty industries in active operation. ADMIRAL LORD CHARLES BERESFORD will officiate et npenint ceremonies on Tuesday, August 31st. MILITARY YEAR AT THE FAIR Model Camp- Victoria Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be- tween teams from Pragcons and Artillery --Artillery Drive 2.1:r-ocai Rite, etc GREAT DOUBLE BILL OF FIREWORKS THE SIEGE OF KANDAHAR BATTLE OF THE NORTH SEA Diiaeed.o.ghts i. Naval Settle 1000 Nen in Uniform VATCI! FOR RIDUCT*D RATES AND IJCOR31O113. Per •e Isfo,tlnsfes scow Messier J. O. ORR. Orr Na& Teens% iECZEMA VICTIM SAVED— WANTS EVERYONE TO KNOW Wintergree.. Conlpoutid Stopped itch at Once—Disease Soon Disappeard. Atter taking tteatntent front two doc- tors, and trying many different reme- dies from drug stores, that only sem- ed to make the disease more intolerable, Mrs. H. E. Johnston of liespeler, Onf„ found a cure. It is simply a prepara. tion ot o11 of wintergreen, compounded with such well-kt:own healing and anti- septic substances as thymol and glyerine but it certainly cures the disease. Here's what Mrs. Johnston says of it: "Your preparation has cured me pt Eczema after doctoring with two doctors and trying different ointments from drug stores, that only made 1t worse. I feel as though everybody should hear of it so they might be helped." Wy go ot; suffering from torturing skin diseased, when there is a cure ttiat Is simple, safe and sure. For tree sample bottle write to T:.e D.U.D. Laboratory, Department, E. A. 23. Jordan street Toronto. For sale by all druggists. CLANDEI3OYE The death took place in Toronto on Sunday of etre. Ja;te S:•toft, relict oft the late Daniel Shoff of Clandeooye,whd died there some years ago, where lie was license inspector. Mrs. Shoff went to Toronto Just a week ago Intending to take up her residence with her son and daughter iii Toronto. Site is sur- vived by five sons and one daughter as follows—Harry, Elgin and Mrs. Nc- Kechnie in Toronto: Fred in Edmon- ton; Rrnest in Dawson City, and Dr. Oacar in the States. The funeral ser- vice was held in Clandeboye Methodist Church on Tuesday, interment being nide at Nursery Methodist cemetery. OASTOR.2.d. Bars the The Kind You Hare Always Bought algeatare of GREEN iv. Y. Mies Della and Master Addison Baird npent a few days the past week at W. J. Wilson's,—Mr. 1Vni. Whitesides has purchased a handsome new buggy from R. English. •tVllllant believes in having things up-to-date.—Everybody in this vicinity took In the sports at Grand Bend on Gala Day.—Miss Ilarbara Pax- man of Parkhill visited her cousin. Mise Haggle IEoteon.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed. John- ston of Varna visited at C. 1I. Wilson's and A. Pollock's this week.—Mesers. Ray and Lawrence Pollock were Thed- ford visitors on Sunday.—Mr. Ed. Cork of Stratford visited at Mrs. T, N. Hay- ter's this week.—Mr. C. Ii. Wilson, who has been repairing the old homestead. house. Lot 43, 8. B. Stephen, found the shingles on the north side of the house in fair condition. They were made by his tattler over 45 years ago from split pine. A sample of the shingles take.i from the south side of the house Is on exhibition In the Greenway Post Office N THIAMES ROAD The Bethany Anniversary Services wit bit held Aug. 22nd. Service at 11 •elle• taken by Rev, Hobbs of Exeter : sing- ing led by the Ellnnrllle choir. In the evening at 7 p.m. Rev. Watson ; sing- ing led by Thames Road Preabyterlarl choly. A freewill offering of /125.00 la asked tor.—Rev. Watson, pastor. cI.1sTO111.2aa Bean the The Kind Yw Hata Alva Boltgtt 8lgasts?, of HENS.aLL Mrs. Frei. NU Donee aLJ thlidr (.ave !.sen visiting Detroit relative'.—`.irs. Fred. Smallacombe has returned from the Soo. where she was visiting rela- tive.—Melvin Stoneman left last week for Toronto, who: he Intends remain- ing for some time.—Rev. Mr. Ntillyard In holidaying at Grand Bend for a few days.—Josepli and Mrs. Case returned front Seattle, where they took In the ,tlaskan Exhibition.—A number of In - thane have arrived from the Mtunsey Re- serve, and have been put to work pull- ing flat.—Miss Greta and Erma VhQltt returned to Woodstock atter spend/lig a few weeks with friends.—Mr. John- son of Willow Hall received the sad pews of the death of his son-In•Iaw, Mr. Short of Woodstock, atter a short illness. Niigata Mary and Etnnna left on \Veinr,day to attend ttte funeral. Sudden Dealt.—White working o;, the tarns of his father -In-law, Jacob Latta, 0n August 3rd, Leonard llougitton died suddenly of .heart failure. Ile had been In hie usual health up to the moment of death and his sudden call was a pain :to shock to his young wife and rela- tives- His Is the fifth death In the fam- ily from the same cause. The others all died in Hensel!. The deceased was a quiet indu,trlous young man and well thought of by all wtio knew hint. ills widow is a daughter of Mrs. Jacob Lat- ta, who died o.: Thursday last. Deana of Mrs. Latta—O:t July 29. Mrs. Jacob Latta of Tuckeremith departed t'tis life after an illness of sev- eral weeks. The deceased had passed the prime of lite, being in her err,. rear. w, s well-known and mu:h esteem el. Tee funeral. which took place 01 Sa•u-day. was attended by a large hu -l- b,'. The l•mterntent took place a• etc- Taggert'.v Cemetery. HARRY REID KNOWS. w. Q. Cole. the drugglet. does r.ot gut.raetee Parisian Sage to grow hair 01 every bald head, but If there Is any life left In the roots of your hair. Paris - ti' Sage will stimu`ate the hair bulbs and rause your hair to grow agein. Here is once case. "i am now using the second bottle of yohr Paristan Sage. can notice a new cror of hair appear - Ing. 1 ant glad to say It Is a darker rotor that; my t,alr was before I be:ame bald." Harry Reid. 10 Mantattat: 1St,. Ito: heater. N. Y. Don't wart till you are bald before tes- ter: Petiole-.. Sage. use 1t now.Kill the dindruff germ a::d preve:tt baldness. W. Cole. the druggist selis Parisian; Sage at Svc. a bottle. and he guarent• ces it to cure dandruff. stop talll;.g hair. and cure all diseases Of the sealp or money back. Parisian Sage Is a de. lightfully invigorating hair dressing : It makes the hair soft fluffy and beautiful. GRAND BEND --- Mr Cyrus Green and 50:15 lett F't- dayfor Port Huron —Mr. Sem Pedlar „' Ailsa Craig visited relatives sere Ste. - day — Mr. 11. Zapte of Stanley visited his pare :ts here Thursday and Friday Mr C. Zapfe accompanied him back attd will visit 1 Is son for a week —Mr; EJ 0!11, jr., is amities aver the ar- r!vai of a 50./ Olt 13unday the yth, — Mr. and Mrs. Gravelle spent Sunday at Port Fcatiks,—err. 11. Gill of Port Frank brought up a load of people In his gas- oline launch on Gala Day.—)lies Mary Raebunt. who has been clerking at Mr. .tunes■'ore left for Port Franke of Friday.—Mr. E. Mo!lard :s delighted ov- er the birth of a stet at his lone.—Mr, and Mrs Smltit and sir. and Mrs. Ro- berts visaed at St. Joseph Sunday. — Messrs. Rosa, Joe Disjardlne and .Nel- so•t Itavelle aid their families spent Sunday at Port Franks.—Mr. 11. Hanle - :on is on the sick tis,.—lir. Ed. Dla- Jardlee lett Sunday for K- ttic Point. Gala Day Sports,—Ti:ere was a large crowd Isere last Thursday, Qiaad Bend's big sr.ortfiie day. The following are the prize winners— Men's boat race, 1-I. McF'ee, tV.Kibler, Boy's boat race, R. rlewcy. 9'. Craven, Men's swimming race, Taylor, Findlay. Boy's swimming race, i1. Dewey, I.Green In the afternoon a big calithuoiplan pro ceasion was held. Many other sports a!ao, such as, Road race for silver cup, 1. De!bow, R. Dewey. 100 yds. open, 8. F'. B_oodsworttt, E. Schroeder, Fat scores 100 yards, A. Seitrcetian, Jo: Rau lou yards boy's under 10, It. Purridge J. Waterhouse. 100 yards boys under 10, C. Laughton, H. Kraft. Wheelbar- row race, H. R'lntd and J. Scott, Il. Southcott and J. Mitchell. Special rare of 50 yards for ladies. prize a leather covered rocker valued at $20 and donat ed by C. M. Walker of Wingham, Mies Stott. Mrs. J. lleaman. A baseball match for a silver cup was played between Parkhill and Grand Bend Campers and resulted in favor of Park- hill by a score of 10 to 3. A grand dis- play of fireworks in " e evening wound up a most successful day's sport. W I l A L E N Miss Ethel Parkinson visited friends around here during the past week.—)flea Edna Gunning returned home from her holidays on Tuesday.—Mrs, J. V. )fill - non treated the children of the S. S. to a pleasant arternoon'c sport on Tuesday at her home. A choice programme was given by the scholars, consisting of Hinging, recitations, drills, etc., after which swings, games, and other amuse - meets were fully- enjoyed by Lite little onea. Their mothers were present and helped to increase the pleasures of the afternoon,—Rev. Mr. Kestle of Exeter preached here on Sunday in the absence our junior pastor.—toles Sarah Polly - blank of Granton visited friends here Sunday. --Many from around here took In the circus In London on Tuesday. CORBETT Miss Madeline Morrison of Detroit is vinitlng with ,Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ityan.— Mins Dot Jones of Ottawa arrived last week to spend some time with Ler grand mother, Mrs. Laurie.—Mr. C. East wt o, has been In Australia for the past ten years spent a few days visiting with his father,—Mies Leafa Watson arrived at tier tome here after spending two weeks visiting her uncle in Stratford. •--Miss elinnie Sherritt left on \Vednes day to spend a few weeks visitii,g with friends in Detroit. With great regret we fav: to rero:d tele week the deans of qtr. Itoterl Tay- lor which took place at !:1, 11on1c .til %Voolsley, Man., On July .0th. He left Corbett about 10 years ago. He was noted throughout life for his honesty, uprlgttness and loyalty to both church and state. Of Irish birth he was a Con- servative le politics, an Orang'titan ani a Methodist. He was for many years a member of the Quarterly Official Board. A wife and large family are :t to mourn. LUCAN. (Too late for last week.) , Mr. and Jiro M. Harlton of Pelluroa are visiting friends in town.—Mise Mary and Enid Endicott 01 Whitby have let', tOYI'A Inter spending a few weeks whit their grand mother here.—)flse Agnes Fox has returned after a months' visit In Muskoka.—Along those who lett bast week ter a trip to Gowganda were Mr. McNevin of The Merchants Bank. Mr. W E. Stanley. Mr. Thos. Courser, and Rev. Arthur Carllale.—Rev. Mr. Kerr of the Methodist rhurch wet con duet services In the Presbyterian church here on Sunday nest In the absence of the Ileo, Mr. Stcvcr,so;t who Is tmoliday- teg.—Mrs. Charles Stanley aid Mr. J. Hodgins have returned tome af•rr speed Ing a few weeks at the lake.—Miss Moe goniery of London Is visiting Ler sister Mrs. W Stewartsott.—Mr. D. t. McKay a :d father are spending a few days at the Old Goya' lieu:tlon at Embro.—Nish Nell Murray- j. as returi;ed after a two months' vlelt to her sister in Belgrave. 1 -Joe Murry Is holidaying at Thorold. —Over 50 townspeople took In the ex- cursion to Niagara last week and report a good tin;.—Mr. Alex. Reit!. letends moving to town in the near future. 7.1 11ICH et:lasts Nettie :t_d Mary De::tut: of Wis., are visiting relatives sere.—Geo. Kibler of Guelpl: a native of this place. is upending a week with !its au. t. Mrs. C. Fritz.—Mr. Beri:I ardt of Presto , is a visitor at the Luther - a,. Perm:ele r.—t(rs. St.eere of . Roche tater. N. 1'.. is visiting her brother, Mr. C. F raz.—Miss Ella Moser of Wa• tttrloo is visiting Wendt; Its town.—Mr. Me^.no Kipfer of the Parr Linel;as c-e'ted a barn at;d t ae it nearly cor- alcted.—Mr. Fred Hess of Berlin fe -orte for a vislr with his parents. — i .is !della F+seer of Toronto and Mrs. 11a-..1 of Berlin. are visiting tern' per- e,;te. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald F'iseer. — el:. S.a:nue: fla:.air w: 0 fox t..c past few montes t:as been in poor t:eaith, na,t become worse ar.d le confined to his bed.—Several fields of wheat tit this a•lci:•.l!y wll rue; 40 to St) bt•shels t0 tate acre.—Tr.e second game of baseball botweei Zurich and Clinton will take plica here on Friday night. Our bees won the game in C7lnteen two weeks ago and we look to see them do equally as well this time. Ir AROUND ABOUT US IkAlkadoAdo.eikasa>Ikalkalkslisa .alkal Miami—Death visited the home of Mr, a id Mra. J. C. McMath, on August 5th and claimed their eldest daughter. Myr- tle 1'., at the age of 17 years and 5 'months. Bayfield.—At the request of cite hus- band a provincial detective Investigated Into the cause of ttte death of the late Ijtrs. Burns and reports that death was due to heart failure. Brucetteld—The marriage of Mia, ,Florence Ethel Kirkwood, daughter o: the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kirkwood of Brampton, to the Rev. Donald W. S. Urquhart of Listowel, will take place In eirampton on August 18th. Kipper—On Tuesday last llobt. Nel- lie of Klppen celebrated his 80th birth- day by holding a picnic at Drysdale, A large number of hie friends drove down and Pad a good time.He was post (naater at Klppen for 47 years. Moray.—Mr. Ernest Durr and Mted Laura Smithers were united It marriage at London on the 118th July. The core molly was performed by Rev. J. WV, Baird of London, a former pastor of Grand Bend circuit. We wish then( all ltappitiese in their new home at Wart. burg, Perth Co., where :Ir. Durr is en - g teed as teacher in a public school. Clinton—E. W. Jacobs, the clothier, has finally made up his mind to try his fortune in Saskatchewan,, and have illy leased premises in Moosemin pur- poses leaving Clinton in a month. ewe POINTERS TO NON -SWIMMERS. Don't go beyond the depth of your trips if you can't swim. Don't plunge or struggle If you find yourself in deep water. Don't throw the hands or arms out of the wuter. Don't grasp any person who approach es you: do what he tells you. Don't attempt to get into a boat com- ing to your rescue; catch hold of the stern until assisted to get in. CASTOR IA For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of T111RD OPERATION PREVENTED By Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound Chicago, I1L — "I want to tell you what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. 1 was so sin k that two of the best doctors in Chicago said 1 would din' if 1 did not have an operation. I had already had two operations, a n d they wanted me to go through a third one. 1 suffert'd day and night front in- flammation and a small tumor, and never thought of seeing a well day again. A friend told me how Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound had helped her, and I tried it, and after the third bottle was cured."- Mrs.ALvENA 11 Langdon Street, Chicago, Ili. If you are ill do not (hag along at home or in your place of employment until an operation is necessary, but build up the feminine system, and re- move the cause of those distressing aches and pains by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs. For thirty years it has been the stan- dard remedy for female ills, and has positively restored the health of thou- sandsof women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ul- ceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing -down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, dizzi- ness, or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it? One reason why there are po many failures in the world is because there are so many men who are punctual only at quitting time. 25e. a Sets. er direct Irmo THE COLEMAN MEDICINE CO.. TORONTO P Wm" 1 M Bicycles are rapidly coming !lack into popular f.tvor, the demand this year being five times what it was five years ago. We have planned for it in two ways—by getting the very best Eng- lish wheel we can for popularselling,and saving to our customers all intermediate pro- fits by filling orders direct by mail instead of through agent.. In tate way we can offer $50 Wheels for $25 and give better satisfaction all round. The quality of the wheels is all right - tinny the best material; used and only skilled mechanics employed in c.mstruction. The equipment 10 right up-to-date and the machines throughout are .rift, ,t, '.. a ran tt orii;tghly recommend. NVe sell automo- biles a, well as b:r.r ;, , and our plait I. to make wheels serve as a good Advertisement to the enure businee- Send for i:Li.trated folder. H:OP EROS.: L:mild High -Class Autom_biles and Bicycles TORONTO, ONT 1 Farm Laborers Wanted NOi:K coin .C.CSG MEN ;N YIN' -"1 ALGERTA AND SASKATL:.:,•111 SPECIAL (,(11N6 t QQ Additional foe the Rett,rn heist I XCURS IONS $10 TRIP, � V ends, conditions as below. Aud. 19 Aud. 23 Aud. 27 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 GOING DATES Irons Stallone north r.f lin• of (;.1.11. Tornato ted{arena, ani Fee. P.c. Statloss on and ,.•.t nl ineonto•Sudburp Ila•, From Toroatn and all (:.►.A. Stallone w.,l In Ontario on end •nntp o1 masa 11.. el (;rand Trnah gr.. Toronto to Sorel•, • ad •11 %tattoo* le ()starts ow N.(:.R., I.N. and IAEA A. Ay a, Prom Stations Toronto sea east, Iacludted 1h•rbot Lebo sad Risds- toe. sad all Nations le Ontario weal of Neafr.w, oleo statins• oft C.O. A R. of Q. Rye., sad stenos, es R. A P. •oath of Realr•w. From all Statins Toroslo tied wast. Iscludl•d St•lion. ee C.I.R. Tomtit to Sudbury. Iron •11 Maltose asst e1 Tomato In Ontario. ON►.•WAY srcOND•ci.ASS TICRrTS WILL Ri. 5OL11 To wtNSIPr(; ONLY Representative farmers. epp•inte,l by Manitoba. Sa.ka?thew an and ta.ra ..vernment•. e : meet and engage laborers nn ar-ire: at w:snipes rens transportation will be furni,hed at N tnnipea to pants on Can. Pae ober- laborers an nee•1e.1, east of Mno,e Jaw, inerudins branches,, and N ss. east • mile tach was west oxereof in Saskatchewan and Alberta .t evrtifie,twis furnished with each ticket sad this rert,ficare when rser,,t.l by fsrmse Meeting that laborer has worked thirty day, or mon. will b- h',n ,-- 1 fr,m test point for • .ecomf rias, ticket bark •n starting points is Ontario, at SIS'%). prig, to N to 30th. 1909 Tickets are gond only on •peci•I Farm Tab,rrn' 1-ai,t' and will is ars,e,i to cc.ra•n as well sr to owe, but will not t• usual at halt fan So ehddren P., lull esrticsl•r■ sew t (:.P.s. •deet, se tont. R. 1.. THONPSON, D.P,A., c.►.R.. TORo8ro • i