Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-12, Page 4exact. btioctlte,
Sanders & Creecl... Props.
THURSDAY, Aug. 12, 1800
By -Law No. sees
OF EXETER. to au:';orize the bor.
ro•w:ug of the sum of $22000.00 for
• Water Works Purposes.
WHEREAS it Is desirable In the
Public Interests that tt.e Corporation of
the Village of Exeter s!:ould acquire,
construct, operate and maintain a sys-
tem of water works within the said
municipality for fire protection and
other purposes,
AND WHEREAS an agreement has
been ehtercd L,to between the said cor-
poration and James N. Iloward for the
pur. hase, (eubject to the approval of the
• ratepayers of said Village) of that part
of the river bed and banks of the Aux
8abie River, known as the SIIII property
and being tell that part of Lot number
Nineteen, in the First Concession of the
Township of Usbo: ne (now Exeter) own-
ed by the said James N. Howard for
tr.? price or sum of $1700.OJ.
ANL` WHEREAS it la advisable to ewe
'chase said Howard property and to catt-
•atruct and matctatn a dam and pump-
u.g station therejn and to erect a ;:stet-
Tower ot Stand Pire et some auitetee
loeat`.on In the Bald village and to
lay water mains connecting said pump -
leg at;.tlon and stand pipe and along
Mau: street in the said village and to
of .trwise fully e,,u:p, mafutat:. -cad op-
erate said system.
AND WHEREAS S I• 'las been eattmatel
that it wet require the sunt nt $21:0"(1.07
to purchase Raid property, erect said
dant. puu.ping station and atand pipe
and to lay said water stains and equip
geld water system.
AND \VILEREAS It is necessary for
tee said purposes for tile said corpor-
at:o : of the vPlage of Exeter to borrow
upee the credit of the said Municipality
tt.e aur of $22000.00.
AND WHEREAS for the purpose
afereeeld it will be necessary to issue
debeetures of the said municipality of
the Village of Exeter for the said sues
of 322000.00 and Interest as herein-
after provided which l9 the amount of
the debt inteaded to be created by this
13y -law, the proceeds of the said deben-
tures to be applied in the acquisition
of said lands, the erection of said dam,
pumping station and stand pipe and the
laying .of said water mains and the
equip:t'nt ot said system and to- no
o•:.e- purposes.
AND \\-HEREAT It le desirable to
snake the principal of tee said debt re-
payable by :.nnual Instalments during
the per.od of twenty years next atter the
Lela' of the d:Lenturca therefor, such
test:.:msnts of principal to be of such
arneeets that ire aggregate Amount
pa: Note for pr:•:• ipal ani t.iterest t:1 any
year seal be e.1u-,i as nearly as wee,
be to what Is peyable for principal and
interest during each of the other years.
AND WHEREAS it will be necessary
'to raise annually for the period of twen-
ty years during the currency of the de-
bentures to be issued hereunder by a
speelal rate sufficient therefor on all gee
rateable property within the municipal-
ity the sum of $1765.34 for paying the
several instalments of principal and In-
terest thereon at the rate of five percent.
per annum,
AND WHEREAS the amount of the
whole rateable property of the Bald vil-
lage of Exeter according to the last re-
vised Assessment Roll is the sum of
AND WHEREAS the existing deben-
ture debt of the said Village, ezcluelve
Of local improvement debenture debt se-
cured by special assessments therefor
amounts to the sum of $12964.24 and
no part of th.e pr:nclpal or Interest there-
of 15 In arrears,
Therefore the Munielpal Councll of the
Corporation et the Village of Exeter en-
acts as follows ;-
1. It shall be lawful for the Reeve
of the said Vidage of Exeter to borrow
On E.e credit of tr.e said corporation of
the Village of Exeter the sunt of
$222000.00 for the purp oses hereinbe-
fore set forth and tor that p urpose to
Issue debenture.) of the said municipalay
to the amount of $22000.00 In sums of
net leas than $100 each and such de-
bentures shall be signed by the Reeve
of the aald corporation for the time
being and counteralgned by the Treas-
urer for the time be'ng of the Fall Cor-
poration and duly sealed with the Cor-
porate seal thereof, which seal the Clerk
for the time being of said Corporation
Is hereby authotlze.l and directed to at-
tach to each of sa'd debenture..
2. The said de',c::tures shall be d;ted
upo:c the date of the Issue thereof, and
shall bear Interest at the rate of Five
per ce ,t. per aenum from the date of
the issue thereof and the Bald interest
shall be payable yearly cm t':e day of
the ;no•ith hi ahic . said debe::tures are
Issued, and as to both principal and in-
terest the said debentures shalt be pay-
able ie ete.u,,l I s'alr.•.eets w'tel•) twenty
years from the date of the issue Vicre-
of eke • instalments to be of such
a:rou: t• that tl.e aggregate amount
pa: elite for p::.:t ip.tt and interest l:; any '
yea- shed: be equal as t,early as may be
to w:.tit Is payable for principal and in -
tercet during tacit of tee other years of 1
su .. pt t iod of twenty years as ! err1.1-
af:e- act forth.
1„63.74 d41.8o 1785.34
1137.'+4 6:7.40 17115.34
1191.- 1 570.50 1765.34
- 1251.7.9 510.75 1785.34
'.4 1317.29 449.05 1783.34
i 1393.19 342.15 1785.31
• . 1 145..34 313.1):,1 17115.34
'u.• 15.4.99 23').35 1765.34
19.29 164;1.24 164.10 17'3-1
1929 1681.29 34.05 1763.34
4. Teat tele Dy -Law a..ali conte into
ai.d take effect on tate day of the
.1 passing thereof.
e. Test ll,e votes of the Ei.e.tura of
• .,aid of Exeter entitled to
on this By -Law be taken on T'riday
20th day of August, 1909, coin -
'leg at nine o'clock In the forenoon
i . e ,tinutnl; until five o'clock in the
.,on of the same day at tee (01-
h ng places within the said Village
J' Ezeter by the following Deputy Re.
i:ig Officers ;-
!'ollli g Subdbblon No.1, Silas liaud-
ferd'a Residence, Ed. Treble D. it. Of -
firer. He' -beet Ford. Poll Clerk. Polling
Subdtvialen No. 2. Weekes' Marble Shop
)fain street, W. D. Weekes, D. R. Offi-
cer. James Weekes, Poll Clerk. Polling
'4.11,1e/1.11o% No. 3, Ed. H. Fish's ltesi-
den^e, Main street. R. G. Seldon, D. R.
•):fleer, Alex. G. Dyer, Poll Clerk. Poll
'.:g SuLdlvision No. 4. Town Hall, 1!. E.
Hu.ciee D. R. Officer, R. Nelson Taylor,
Poll Clerk.
Teat Wednesday, the 18th day o1
August. 1909, at eleven o'clock in tis
Janco.: shall be the day and the clerk's
fi'•e 1:, the Town Hall In the Village
.,f Exeter ghat' be the place wner'; the
Reeve shall attend to appoint persons
to attend at the various polling places
e:oresatd and at the final summing up
l'. tee votea by the clerk o:1 beha:f of
p::•rano Interested In pronlotl:.g or op-
pet'ng the passing of t'.ts By -Law re-
,pect teely.
7. T1.at tl.e Clerk of the Corporation
of the said Village of Exeter shall at-
te:d ..t 1.1s office in the said Village
of [teeter at Twelve o'clock noon on
Saturday, the 21st day of August, 1909
to sum up the number of votes given
:e and against title By -Law.
T.le above Is a true copy of the pro-
peeel By -Law welch has been taken
into consideration and which will be fi-
nally incised be the Council of the Cor-
peration of the Village of Exeter In the
event -ot the assent of the electors be -
:rig obtained thereto after one rants
from the first publication In the Exeter
T.:naa and Exeter Advocate newspapers
'•e'-1tce first publication was on the 15th
1 of July. 1909, and at the hour, day
Ltd place.' therein fixed for taking the
votes of the electors a poll will be held.
Fiery leaseholder entitled by law to
vote on tee proposed By-law shall at
:e3Jt ten days next preceding the day
of polls:tg file in the office of the Clerk
of the efuntclpaltty a statutory declar-
• as rtttng that tis Lease event the
.esu:re:mots by law a::titling :1101 to
.0,e on such By -Law and tee 'tenon et
Leaaeeeldors neglecting to file nuc 1 a
teelarat'::1 shall not be placed on the
va:e-a' List for such voting.
Dates at Exeter this 7th day ot July
.'t. D. 1909.
Cleric of the Corporation of the Illag'e
of Exeter.
>teeting of the Board held At the Town
Hall Monday, August 9th. Absent H.
liueto:: and T. B. Carling. The follow
Ing Is the order of business duly , sub-
mitted and approved. Per chair- Min-
utes of previous meeting. Reports of
Committees -Special, that tenders had
been Invited locally for the desks and
tables required. Teacher's Supply -That
Miss Robb had been secured In place
of Mies McKinley, unable to take
charge owing to Ill health. Principal-
t''.at six had secured Normal Entrance
standing out of nineteen writing, six-
teen of whom were recommended: Nor-
mal Entrance now made more severe to
?revert after failures. Per 3. Martin -
ie. Wood --that the rearrangement of
desks be left In the hands of the
principal. Per S. Martin and F W.Olad
man that Miss Johnston's salary for
the ensuing year be $701,. Per F Wood
and 3 Martin that Mlas Kinsman's sal-
ary be $400. Per F. W. Gladman and
F. Wood that the following be the or-
der and standing of the staff for the
ensulr'g )'ear. -H. 8. Section, Principal,
Science. Mathematics and moderns W.
R. Wcidehhamnier, B.A., Classics and
E:tglieh Miss E. M. Robb, Commercial
work and Junior Mathematics, Miss A.
M. Johnston. Public School Scction,-
E•)trance Work, Mies C. Vosper; De-
partment V. Mlas Jean Murray, No.
VI. Miss Kinsman: No. 7. Mts. Sleeth ;
No. 9. Mss Pennock: and further that
the grading of tl;e classes throughout
ehool be left to the Judgment of
the princlpal. Per F'. Wood and S. Mar-
git that the following payment be at)
proved.. R Davis, rolling ground 1.50.
Per 8 Martin. adjournment.
J. Grigg. Sec.
KH I V,1
Teres'.; ,g Las started and reports are
gooi for fall wheat. -Mrs. D. Cunning-
' aed datieeter- Emma were visiting
Clandeboye and Alisa Craig last
we:k.-Mr, Aloneo McCet:,:: and Ezra
Witzte too:c 1.1 the circus a' Loi.do:i t: le
week. -Mies E. Desterd of Shlpka was
visite)/ Nits. D. Lipperd for a few drys
1151 week. -Miss Susi,' Querrl•; has gone
Crcd,'oe to work for Mr. B. Clark.
4 ,e will be missed by tee youi:g folk
at Kelva.-eir. J. Ratz has purchased
'le bu.alness of Mrs. 11. Wing of St:Ipka
a::d tekr.a roseessio i on 0:t. 1st. \VIs11
Joni; good lurk
3. Lluring tae eurre:.cy of the said
debc..tures t'.cre shall be raised an -
by special rate o:1 all the rate-
able property in 'he said Corporation
of tt e Village- of Exeter the sum of
$!?ee.74 for the purpose of paying the
amount due In each of te.e said years
le- ptir-tpal act Interest In respect ot ,l
t: c s.;ht richt as fol:owe ;- 1
T'e.l':,ng Is tee order of the day
around ''re. Jir. l -'red Etheringto:, Is
doing loo'd work wit a his new outfit.
-For account of arvident see fro•:t page
1-T If little son of Mr. and Airs. An -
Meet .cy died last week and was
uti d 1 . Staffa cemetery cm Saturday.
Tett. - . .\: no: f Harris raw sold his term
1765.34 to Mr. Edgar Fannon, formerly of this
1763.34 pia -e. We understand Mr. Harr!, 1::-
1765.34 t•,t:.a Pleating northward. In the neigh -
1763.14 t'o•'o,)d of Uunganron.-A large number
1765.34 o' p:oale from this vlclnay attended pe
1765.34 b:g day at Grand Bend last Th ursday,
1765.34 and all report a good time -Quite a
1765.34 sc'o're of the young men of this place
1 765.14 11t eta going west on t`e harvest ezcu7-
1 7 6.5.34 akin.
Ye...- 1'rtie ;pet Interest
'1910 665..14 1100.00
!1911 699.64 1068.70
1191. 733.54 1031.e0
191 7710.19 995.15
1914 609.69 956.65
191:, 14.49.19 916.15
1914 991.64 973.70
1917 436.19 129.15
1919 942.99 712.35
1919 1032.14 733.20
TrlE E\ErEit e., uIrt iL
Council met in the Town Hall. Fri-
day, August 6th, at 9 p. in. Absent
Councillors Carling and Heaman. The
rnieutes of the meetings geld Ju:y 23
and 30 were read and approved. M:s
Thos. Harinoll Informed tt.e Council
that he tad a quantity of cedar lumber
for sale. The following accounts were
read and ordered paid ;-Thos. Creech,
hauling the hand fire englne to R. R.
engine house fire. e2; Sidney Sanders,
labor $1.50; Albert Bissett $10.50; W.
We.tcott 44.13; David Mussell $2.75;
R. N. Taylor $.. 1) ; W. J. Bissett, pt.
salary $33 ; Thos. Holden, labor Mc;
Trios. Brock, e1., $3; Thos. Holden)
street Waterieg. $:30: W. J. Bissett,
suit cicthes. 42o ; C. W. Cross, part
salary, cemetery, $29; Queen City 011
Co., gaaoline, $9.11 ;-antouoting in all
to ?147.24. wide!, was passed on mo-
tion of Luker and Johns. The Clerk
was authorized to advertise tor a cltl-
zen'3 public meeting, to discuss water-
works, for Tuesday evening 17th Inst.,
at 8 o'clock, l,1 the Town Hell. Per
Johns -Luker -That the Reeve and
Treasurer ere hereby empowered to
borrow to the credit of the municipal-
ity one thousand dollars for current ex-
penditure. -Carried. Adjourned by Luk-
Jas. Senior. Clerk.
Mr. Wesley Miller 1s spending his Lot -
!days with friends In Uncle Sam's do-
tnaIns.-The pulpit In the Evangelical
church was occupied last Sunday morn-
ing by Mr. Francis Duggan of Toronto
who spoke in the interest of the tent-
1,erance cause, and In the evening be
Mr. Arthur Kellerman, who is a student
In North-Western College. -Mr. Henry
Guenther had his barn raising on Fil-
thy last. Mr. Albert \Yellin, who has
i)ee.t relieving at Arkona is speeding
holidays at his home Isere. -Miss Haz-
el Miller, who has been visiting friends
In title community for some time, left
for her home In Battle Creek on Monday.
-The Misses Sybilla and Lorenda Eby
o' Mitchell, formerly of this place were
here oa Monday renewing acquaintances.
4 -Mr. Arthur ,\Villers disposed of tris
driver to Mr. Hy. Oa!Ifas.-Mise :Vire
Truonmer leaves on Wednesday to re-
sume her situation at Toronto. -Sir. El-
don Goetz. who holds a good position
with a large lumber company 1n North-
ern Ontario, is speeding his holidays
at his home here.-e1r, John Hall o:
London was 111 the village on Thursday
of lest week. -Miss Emma Callfas Is
•t present ecgazed wire a family at
Maple Grove. -Mr. Jacob Kellerman)
left Tueaday morning for the hospital
at London to again undergo treatment
for h!a leg, which his been causing
hint a great deal of trouble of late. it
!a to be loped the operation may prove
!benefic)al.-ftev. S. M. Hauch of Strat-
.0-;1 tete is tee .e v;!lage tee fore part of
t;e week tenewlas acqualntanoes. He at
r)3 time taught eceoo: o:te and a Auer -
tor m'lee north of tee village.
M!as Estell 13. Nell is spending t' e
holidays 1.1 London and Stratford.
The Ladle.;' Aid of C1:::rally ele: No -
diet church held their annual plchlc last
Thursday on the parsonage lawn and
had a pleasant time. Owing to the op-
pressive heat and approaching storm
some were prevented front coming.
Mr W. 1t. Elliott and wife left Mon-
day for Alberta They are likely to be
absent for nearly two montns. Mr Ell-
iott having valuable property there de -
mending his attention at the present
time. -Mr. San) Davis. wife and daugh
term are snaking a trip to Manitoba to
visit friends at Crystal City and looking
atter business at Winnipeg. -Mr. An-
drew Butt vlelted 111s brother In Detroit
during the Week. --Some from Centralia
joined the people of Eden lit their pic-
nic at Grand Bend on Saturday last.
and report a most enjoyable time. -The
Lucan baseball team are to play the
Centralia club here on Friday evening.
The telephone line has been erected as
far east as Jol ti Bolton's and as far
west as F. Horton's and will be ready
for the hello call ere long. -Miss E.
Dickson of Seaforth is vislting r'ba'tve8
Itere.-Mr. Donald McNevin of Lo•idon
spent the week end the guest of atlas
Jennie liorton.-Miss Carrot ot Sea -
forth Is the guest of her aunt Mrs. John
Glenn. -Quite a number from this vic-
inity spent Gala Day at Grand fiend
-Miss Vera Glenn is In London visiting
her aunt. Mrs. Rose. -Threshing has
commenced here. -atlas Alma Stewart of
Elmira and the )tlsees Gertrude Stew-
art and Maud Glenn have returned front
a week'e so)ourn at Grand Bend. -Lit -
11e Mies Blossom and Nellie Anderson
spent a few days with Maggie Hobklrk
\Ira. Philip Ryehman of llensall Is lure
visiting her son Grant and family. -The
Bell picnic. which took place to.l3ay-
fleld on Saturday last was not so well
attended this year as generally front
044.9 locality o i account of threshing in
the neighborhood. -Mr. Alex. Broadfoot
and sister Mary spelt Sunday, at Jas.
CAIL EdT011=A.
Dean tte _,, P'' i' '1 Yet Hare l'ea
of moi'!, /<�e LC�i
Those visiting in town from Detroit
are as follows: F.d. n•'r 1r•tnd, wife and
daughter; Mr. and Mrs. B. Bertrand;
M. «'enzel: i). Wein, Mr.. Treller and
daughter. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eilher
of Columbus, Ohio, are visiting Mr. F.
Eilher.-The members of the Eilher
family held their annual picnic at
(:rand Bend Tuesday of this week.
Some sixty persons in all -Mr. and
Mrs. L. Reding and fancily, after vis-
iting Mr. Thos. Ttev,•thick the past
two weeks, returned to their home in
is ,ndon Wild:iv night. -For partici'.
lars of the accident to Henry Shenk
Ref. front page. --M. Faint, N. Holtz-
man, 11. Brown, A. Hill. J. Corkwill
and J. H. Holtzman took in the circus
at London Tuesday.
B.a'x-IlAt.t..-t)iir hall tear* is pia,.
ing good hall of late. They played
Duncrief Friday evening and defeated
theme. Score 6-4. King. pitcher, was
given anything but good su1e )rt, but
Managed to keep them under
CREI)ITON Dt•Netimi,
F. Brown. 1
«'urn 1
Mc('ue 1
E. V, Fuhner0
Holtzman 0
O. Brown 1
Kerr . 1
You0J. Fahngg ner.. 1
Robson. .... . _0
F. Barnes 1
McIntosh 1
G. Siddale .... 1
J. Mclntosh0
S. Siddale 0
Cordon 0
A. Barnes 0
Mc('allum 1
6 4
Battery: Battery:
Fahner & Wurin Barnes & Siddale
The game Monday night with Ailsa
Craig resulted in a victory for our Star
team. The hitting was good, as was
the fielding. A feature was the fine
batting of Young. Craig never saw
second base until the lth. Lineup:
CRKDITON All. ;.\ ('IIA10
F. Brown 9 Dorman 0
Wurm 2 Robson ..... ...1
Mc('ue 1 White o
Ey. Fahner 0 Barnes 1
Holtzman . 0 Chapman 0
O. Brown ........2 Russell 1
H. Fahner 1 Easton..... ....0
Young ..... 2 Leitch 1
E. Fahner 1 Bloodswortb ...0
11 4
Battery: Battery:
Brown & W ural Easton & Robson
Miss K. Snider of Detroit is visiting
relatives in town. -Mrs. Scott of Phil-
adelphia is the guest of H. Eilher,
M,P.P.-Mr. Thos. Wind of Detroit is
visiting at his home here. -King &
Ikey visited friends at Grand Bend
Wednesday evening. -Mies Williams
of Wyoming is visiting Mrs. J. G.
Young this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
lace of London are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Young. -Mr. F. How -
aid purchased a valuable horse one
day last week. Fred says he expecte
he will be able to go in lees than 2:40.
-Clover seed is beginning to come in.
C. Zwicker has received several good
sized loads and King is busy cleaning
same. -R. Housen visited at his home
in Wingham over Sunday. -Mr. C. K.
Bluett and family have returned from
Forest, where they have been visiting
the past week. -School re -opens Mon-
day. -The Bachelors and Benedicts
are arranging a fast game of ball to be
played some night soon. Particulars
later. -Misses Vera and Otbella Motz,
after a two weeks' visit with their
grandma, Mrs. Thomas Heywood, of
Elimville, returned home Monday. -
Mrs. John Taylor, of Elkton, Mich.,
is visiting her son, Mr. Frank Taylor,
-Miss Ida Rau, of London. is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rau,
-Miss Lucy Lawson is visiting friends
at Exeter. the guest of Mrs. Harry
Parsons and other friends. -Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Pace, of London, spent
last week the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Hedden.-Miss Northcott, of
Exeter, spent Sunday with her friend,
Miss Eva Hirtzel.-Mr, John Lawson
disposed of his fine driver for the suns
of $183 to Mr. Thomas Mawhinney last
week. -Mr. and Mrs. Esli Heywoon, of
Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Lawson. -Mr. Fred Mangnus,
of Detroit, is visiting hie parent., Mr.
:and Mrs. Godfreid Mangnus.-Mrs.
Bella Miner is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Clemens, at Winchelsea -Mrs.
Harry Sweitzer is camping at tbe
Bend this week.
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalosee. Free
1. W. Wo.roe..lt. J. W. W.,t.nelt, Jr.. C.A.,
Principal. Vice -Principal.
if it is the best flour you want there is
but one plare in town to get it-- that
is from us. The brands are:
JEWF:LL (Ontario Blended)
3 ROSES (Lake of Woods)
PURITY (Western Cana fa Flour lolls)
Lease ' our era.'" or -411 up
Phone 2.
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
thlkiil4MiNDpMMH1011 f�
Over one thousand stu-
dents enrolled by our rhain
last year. it pays to at-
tend a link of this great
cbain,for "IN UNION THERE
IN FTitEN(*T11."
Thedemand for ourgj�r__ad•
uates is THREE TIMES
tbe supply.
Other schools engage our
gradnates es teachers. A
special crnrrse for teachers.
Graduates of two years
ago ale now earning 42,000
per annum.
Three rourses-('oNN6R-
('t.\L, NTKNoon %I'HY and
Tent:rit i'nr.
Fall Term Opens Aug. 30.
Write for particulars.
Clinton 13usine _s College
B. Z. WALKER, President
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,Q
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers and
others for the transaction of their
banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection.
way with equal facility.
Accounts may be opened by mail and'
monies deposited or withdrawn in this
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
The general public will take notice that i ani doing business in Exeter in
the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for
Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper,
Etc. Etc. Etc.
All purchases to be delivered to T. IIAWKINS & SON'S IHARDWARE.
EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of
scrap may he left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given.
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
WHEN you call - it is as much to our
credit to sell you a good article as it is
tireceist4 your mbeer-Tjuying a range to
W le is a w raying proposition,-
ts 1411 creep in, fears will be as facts.
apt abate ourowledge our exper-
ie his given us ab ant confidence in the
Call and we'll tell you just why.
1 For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN
Crediton Flour Mills
Dur'r,g the months of July and August we will only
run our Chopper 3 days per week, as follows: Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday-. We also have to offer:
Family Flour at $3.25 per 100 lbs.
Pastry (r rr 3.00 s/
Shorts es 1.25 ft
Bran " 1.25 it
Good Oats ,f 1.65 ss
Henry Sweitzer --- Crediton East
The Desire of a Boy's
Is to own a watch, one of his " very own." Why deny his)
when his ambition can easily be gratified. This is not a "make
believe" watch that we are thinking of, either. It's a guaren.
teed time piece. It is simply put together so that a little acci•
dental rough usage won't disarrange things. it is nicely nickled.
it will retain its appearance till the last tick. And it will tickle
that boy of yours if you take one borne to him.
Why Not Do It To -Day ?
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