Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-12, Page 3PALE. LANGUID GIRLS
Weak Blood During Develop-
ment May Easily Cause
a Life of Suffering.
1 Tonic Such a3 Dr Williams' Pink
Pills is Needed to Build Up
the Bloid and Dive Ea
St1 enEth.
WIIhe1Rl fun Photographs Little
Princess For Her People.
'1'! well-nigh delirious joy of the
Dwelt over the birth of an heiress
they would ask us our ages, are we
Married, our iucunxn, and various
other questions which according to
Chine.se etiquette aro quite proper
tied in order.
We have already learned that to
take off your hat when you enter a
to the crown which they feared room is had manners, that if you
might tthcreists pass to some fore- wear glasses, no matter how abort•
len monarch has been heightened sighted you may be, they must be
by the public distribution of photos rumors:d, even at risk ef falling
tf little Juliaea in the arms of her over the furniture; that you trust
Liother, her father. and her grand- not stand at rase in the presence of
mother, taken by members of the dignitaries, but at attention, thuugh
royal family with the Queen s not necessarily with your heels to -
camera How it was dr -ole is told gether, nor sit down until permit -
At no time in her lits does a girl ba. the London Daily Mirror : tied; that the correct. thing is to
stand in greater need of pure red ''Tho Queen, with a mother's in- shake hands with yourself and if
bivt,d and the strength which it stinet, recognized that it would ,you wish to be very pulite raise
alone can give her, than when she give her loyal subjects the greatest them to your forehead ; that tea is
is developing into womanhood. It possible pleasure if they were per- not to he taken until the host wishes
Is then that any inherit d tendon- reitted the honor of becomiug pus- you to leave, when he merely touch-
toy to anaemia or consumption bossed of these photographs of her os the rim of the cup; when you sip
needs only the -lig,ltest encourage- baby, taken by herself ; and thus it and depart; that even the smallest
anent to rapidly develop. Tnis was that her Majesty decided that article at hand must be handed with
'Jaeger is especially threatening to ' she should be the first to photo-
hoto- two bunds (one is exceedingly rude),
iris who are confined long hours graph the child. because if a thing is Borth doing
Induurs, in stores, settees and fav- "Aeeordiugly, 01) the afternoon of at ail it ie worth doing well; and
torics -girls depressed by worry May 11, wheu the Princess was only
and cares. A11 these conditions just over fourteen days old, her ,Ifhe Chinese axle of etiquette is
qui •kly impoverish tile blued feel: Majesty sent for . her favorite most elaborate, and all a foreigner
are among the must cuntnwu onus- camera. can hope. to do is to observe the lit -
andCb of sickness anl.,ng growt,ig girls "At that time the Queen was not t
and young women. 11 at any time fully restored to health, but she! tole day courtesies of life.-
a girl fads that her strength is bad heard of the almost impetuous Shanghai Mercury.
failing and she is becoming pale desire of her people to see photo -
and nervous, has nu ambition aid graphs of the baby, and she re -
O is languid, it is a certain sign that solved not to delay the pictures Uce l according to directions, Dr.
her blued is failing to meet the de- longer than was absolutely neccs-: J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
minds upon it, because it is im- sarv. will afford relief in the most acute
Fure and thin. "First of all the Queen placed form of summer compla.nt. When -
It is at a time like this that Dr. the baby in a reclining position on ever the attack manifests itself no
Williams' Pink Pills are invalu- cushions laid on a table and took time should bo lost in seeking the
able to young women and growing two photographs of the infant aid of the Cordial. It will act im-
gtrls.They build up the blood, alone; then she exposed one plate mediately on the, stomach and in -
make it rich, red and pure, tone while the Queen Mother tenderly trstines and allay the irritation
the nerves and give new health held her child, are] finally she en- and pain. A trial of it will con -
and strength to every part of the trusted the little ono to the care vince anyone of the truth of these
body. They have cured so many of her royal consort, who affec- asbcrtious.
cases of this kind that they rosy tionately took the Princess in his --
truly be called a specific for the arms, and in this position was pho- IIE WAS SURPRISED TOO.
common diseases of girlhood. Miss tugraphed by the Queen. While visiting .l reformatory a
Minnie Smith, Creighton street, Naturally, the series could not New Orleans mission worker ob-
Halifax, says :—''I have proved be said to be complete without a served among the inmates .tn o'd
'Williams'that Dr. fink Pills are picture showing the Queen herself acquaintance, a negro lad long
all that is claimed for them in caves holding the infant. Consequently thought to be a nlcxlel worker. "Is
similar to nine. About three years her Majesty handed the camera to it possible I find you here?" "Yas-
ago I suddenly began to run down. Prince Henry, and after explaining sum," blithely responded the back -
I grew so weak that I could hardly .to him precisely how it should he slider. "I's charged with sten-
1 f- held and at what distance, she sat lin' a barrel o' sweet pertaters."
fered Y down with the child in her arms and Tho visitor sighed. "I sin surpris-
vtould palpitate violently at the , faced the camera. cd!" "l'assum," said Jim. "So
least exertion, and my appetite I "In every case an excellent pie- was I or I wouldn't be here !"
was very fickle. I tried doctors' I ture was the result, the royal baby, _
niedieir.e and emulsions, but the ; seemingly fully conscious of her
troatinont did not het me. Then r FOR RHEUMATISM—It it not nooeasap to go to
f — great responsibilities, ilea Shoving list epees.. sue u.e "The n. h I. •' Alenth ,r
I started taking Dr. \Williams' Punk a fraction of an inch during the l'I'„tora.i,1 results will 1.., cttiifhclury, •i c at
Pills and after takingseven or j d,ugttl.ts. Davis Q. Lawroues+ C'nipauy, mann•
time the plates were exposed. lecturers.
tight boxes I was stronger than "By Queen Wilhelntina's request
ever before. I feel that 1 owe my copies of the royal photographs Mrs. Smith --"Oh, doctor, my
husband is very bad. 1)o you real-
ly think that there is .any chance
4.- for hint after this 1" Doctor - 1
BUENOS A1'RF;3. certainly think se, madam. After
this horning I shall only call once
('Sty Council Cayman Prizes a day instead of twice."
Handsome Houses. Don't experiment with unsatla-
present good health to I)r. Wil -
.were sold to the public throughout
IiamsPink Pills, and gratefully ; Holland."
recommend them to other ailing!
1)r. Williams' Pink Pills are sold smarms'',
by all medicine dealers or will be.
sentby mail at 50 cents a box or There the
six boxes for $2.60 by The Dr. Wil- for
Iiams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
"I suppose you are getting a go..J
rest at your bummer cottage 1"
"A good reit 1 Would you calf
sleeping on the floor a good rest i''
eeterted the head of the house.
Beware of the truth crushed to
earth, it it liable to rise up later
and take a fall out of you.
Vienna Sausalito
It distinctly different from any
other sausage you ever tasted.
Just try one can and it is lure to
become a mealtime necessity, to
be !seri ed se frequent intervals.
LIbby's Vienna Saes -
sage just slits for breakfast, is
fine for luncheon and satisfies at
dinner or supper. Like all of
Libby's Food Products it is care-
fully cooked and prepared, ready
to -serve, is L/bby's Creat
White Mitoh•n• the
cleanest, molt scientific kitchen in
the world.
Other popular, ready -torten!
Libby Pure Foods are --
Cooked Oornod Beef
Peerless Dried Beef
Veal Loaf
'Venerated Milk
Baked Beacons
Ohow Ohow
Mixed Pickles
Write for free booklet. -"Flow
to make Good Things to Eat".
Insist on Libby's at your
Libby, Melte!!! & LtibSy
Buenos Ayres is in some respects factory substitutes. Willlon's Fly
the most cosmopolitan city in the Tads Lill many times more house
world. No important European na-
tion hut has contributed it., capital flies (ban any ether known article.
and its people to the upbuilcling of --
this great metropolis. It also hast Kindly mention the name of this
the distinction of being the second' paper in '.1riting to advertisers.
city of Latin population in the
"Yes," said Mrs. 5fu lcy, "I
world, being larger than the larg always tryqto retire before mid -
est cities in Italy and Spain. night. I don't, like to miss my
Thera is perhaps no city which l.e.aut.r' sleep.""Really," said
exhibits a greater variety of pleas-
ing contemporary styles of domesticMiss Knox, "you should try harder.
The eity council tries Tau certainly don't get enough oencourage beautiful building by it. t
!annually offering a gold medal to -- -'
the architect who is found to have Slimpurse (airily)--"Aw, me
planned the tnost attractive recedes good Ulan, is it customary to tip
and by freeing from the building vaithas heah 1" Head Waiter (con -
tax the structure thus favored. (tescendingly)---"Not unless you are
The outward aspect of Buenos better off than the waiter, sir."
Ayres is rather that of a European —
than of an American capital. It ''Fuer Waggs! He was a most
has all the finish of a Paris or a genial soul." "Yes, indeed he was.
Iselin. The absence of tho irrc- Tho only thing Ito ever took serious-
gulnr skyline, caused in North ly was the cold that carried him
American e:ties by the extreme off•"
Leight of some business buildings,
as well as the fact that the ground Holloway's Corn Cure is the
t f the city is quite uniformly built medicine to remove all kinds of
upon, even in the more outlying corns and warts, and only costs the
regions, keeps the city from pre- wall sum of twenty-five oents.
smiting that unfinished appearance _--
which even our largest cities have TURKS KiND TO ANIMALS.
-- -
Familiarity Thal is Not Rudeness
('ode of Etiquette.
There is one thing in China that
t rat eters, and esisecially iadie. '
find it. hard to Lear with eom
plaisance. That it ttie Chinese
et are. This aiinless, imbecile look
that meets you at every turn makes
some sennsitite people annoyed, but
to Leconte so only adds to the dis-
Oa our wupan whatever we did
press was nn object of engrosstng
interest to the w holo ship s com-
pany. pressing or w nshing was
cape(•;ally an opportunity for a gelid
lung stare. At ins als the crew
hardly ever took their eyes off us,
and probably if you had asked them
what they were looking at they
would be at a loss for an answer.
1'reaey to the ordinary Chinaman
!is an unknown thing. Eteryt.hing
that can be alone in full view of the
public is carried on and rather
titan feeling embarrassed by the
situation he seems to enjoy the curl•
oaf care of the multitude.
Familiarity is another trait that
,tnkee a traseler on n nupan. but
that the l hinese mean nothing rude
is quRo apparent. They examine
iearefully 7eur hook(+, writing. poen
eils or t they things you may Irate
ahn.;t, and feel the texture ef your
gartlttoats. if re speak CWaeae.
In the matter of kindness to ani-
mals it is said that the Turk cannot
be surpassed. 'Thus at, Stamboul
the wandering rings are 1 reated with
great gentleness, and when [nipples
come into the world they are ledged
with their mother at the side of the
street in improvised kennels made
out of old boxes hind with straw
and bits of carpet. :1n(1 frequently
when a young 'Turk happens to be
flush of money be goes to the near -
ret baker's shop and buys a quan-
tity of bread, which he distributes
among the dogs of the quarter, who
testify their gratitude Ly jumping
up at him with muddy paws and
sniffling mtvzlcs.
�/ P1 LLS =E5
('pi 7�;1 t\,� --0S� l
tiro KIDNEY r -f e
rr. t'R iCNT s o'S,p •-4
I* t,tens vt 5 N
ISSUE NO. 112-01.
When troubled w►itb sue -
burn, blisters, insect edam,
sore feet or beat rashes,
apply Zam- uk! giddily
the sinewilag and atterkles bow _keases
nttb'! Cures
sores of yawns Blas due to
Zara -Dab b made from pyre
babel essences. Ito animal tote-
m Wawa poisons. Finset healer I
Drt saw. see Stews •seraitasest
Ten things for which no one has
ever yet been sorry. They are:
I. For doing good to all.
2. For being patient toward ev-
3. For hearing before judging.
4. For thinking before speaking. no ardent controversy which
5. For holding an angry tongue. has been waging in England and
6. For being kind to the distress- America concerning the best way
ed. to dispose of school boys in the
7. For asking pardon for all long summer vacation has prompt,-
rompt.wrongs. cd the Grand Trunk Railway Sys -
8. For speaking evil of none. tem to issue a special publication
9. For stopping the ears to tale- giving suggestions and practical
hearers. hints to parents, as to what to do
• 10. For disbelieving most of the with the public and preparatory
ill reports. school boy during the months of
July and August. Tho vacation
camp is one of the solutions and
'Tis a Marvellous Thing. -When the publication entitled, "What
the cures effected by 1)r. Thomas' shall a Boy do with his Vacation"
I:clectric Oil are considered, the thoroughly covers the ground and
speedy and permanent relief it has solves the problem of the beat way
brought to the suffering wherever for a schoolboy to enjoy his holi-
it has been used, it must be re- days. A copy may be obtained for
garded as a marvellous thing that the asking by applying to Mr. J.
so potent a medicine should result D. McDonald.
from the six simple ingredient'
which enter into its cofnpusitien. FOUND WHAT HE I: WANTED.
A trial will convince the most skep-
tical of its healing virtues. "I started out on the theory that
the world had an opening for me,
ABOUT THE SIZE OF IT. and I went to find it."
"All men aro born equal," quo- Dtd you find it?"
ted the moralizer. Oh, yes. I'm in a hole.
"Yes," rejoined the demoralizer, --
"and the equality stops right Faultless in Preparation.- Un -
there." like any other stomach regulator,
I'armelee's Vegetable Pills are the
1ti'ilson's I'Ty Pads, the hest of result of long study of vegstablo
all fly killers, kill both the dies compounds calculated to stimulate
and the disease germs. the stomachic functions and rnaia-
tain them at the normal condition.
A WILLING WORKER. Years of uses have proved their
faultless character and established
"How do you manage to live with- their excellent reputation. And
out work I" asked the kind lady. this reputation they have main-
"! don't, ma'am," answered the tained for years and will continue
hobo. "I'm tillers wurkin' some- to maintain, for these pills must al -
body." ways stand at the head of the list
of standard preparations.
Two recruits had just been
brought in by the sergeant.
Elisting Officer (to first one) --
V1 hat's your name 1
Recruit -Watt, sir.
"What is your newel"
"Watt, sir."
"What's•our name! I ask you"
"My name is Watt, sir -W -a -t -t."
"Humph I Where do you come
from t"
''Ware, sir."
"Yes, dunderhead 1 R'here do
you come from!"
"I conte from the town of Ware,
in Hcrtforshire, sir."
"Oh! That'll do."
Turns to second recruit.
"What's your name?"
"Mee, sir."
"Yes, you, thickhead 1 Will you
give mo your name!"
"My name, sir, is John Mee."
"Humph! And where do you
come from 1"
"Hoo, sir."
"Confound it, you blockhead 1
Don't you understand! Whore do
you cone from 1"
"Hoo, sir."
"Well if ever—"
Sergeant (interposing) -"The
man comes from the village of Hoo,
near Chatham, sir."
"Oh, I see!"
Impurities of the Blood Counter-
acted. -Impurities in the blued
colpo from defects in the action of
the liver. They are revealed by
pimples and unsightly blothes on
t' o skin. They must be treated
inwardly, and for this purpose
there is no more effective compound
to be used than Parmelee's Vege-
table fills. They act directly on
the liver and by setting up heal-
thy processes have a beneficial ef-
fect upon tho blood, so that impuri-
ties arc eliminated. ,The microscope In the hands et
ONLY CASE ON RECORD. experts employed by the United
George -Do you helices the wo- Stale!' (:overnruent hila revealed the
plan ever lived who could truly say Cant that a house fly sometimes car -
to her lover that he was the first rlon thousands of dimes,* germs
plan she had ever kissed 1 attached to its hairy body. The
Madge -Yes; Eve. continuous nee of Wilson's Fly
"If it takes one boy one hour to Pails will prevent all danger of In-
do two errands, how long will it feetloa from that source by kitting
take two toys to do ono errand 1" both the germs and the dies.
Answer -Half a day.
"Now, Marry,"asked the tenchcr
A Oomestlo Eye Remedy. of the juvenile class, "what is the
meal wo eat in the morning
called 1" "Oatmeal," was tho lit-
tle fellow's prompt reply.
RICVCLI$T$, rotrni or old, ehonld
„ a1-
How did Smith act about his way, rerry a bottle of Painkiller in their
salary when he found be was cut l saddle batt•. it eared enc. and •Seryls
„ with won voted euirkefee. Avoid suhsti-
d .wn 1 totes, there 1a but ons •• Pajukiiler "-
"Ile teemed very much cut up." Perri Davis25c and moo.
"An' ye fell from a window, Jer-
ry? How far wuz it ye fell 1"
"Tin stories."
"Well, well! That was a great
fall. And what did ye think on
your way down 1"
"Begerry, I didn't think of no -
thin' until I passed th' Sft' ethory.
Thin I reniirnhcred I left me pipe
on the window sill."
wino Affords Reliable Bonet Ryes'Ma(fees
an. Try Nana* Nye acmes la You Ryes.
1 Soothes 4e Pala. r
There is nothing espial to Mo-
ther Graves' Worrn Externtirlat••r
for destroying worms. No article
of its kind has given such satis-
As a cultivated fruit the cherry is
of Eastern origin. The first garden
cherries, as well as the name, have
come from an old (;reek town on
the southern shores of the Black
Sea. The name of the colony was
Creams and the inhabitants culti-
vated the cherry. So in Greek the
cherry became cerasos, in Latin
cernsus, in French cerise, in Eng-
lish cherry. I'liny relates that the
Roman General Lueullus, conqueror
of the great Mithridetes, brought
the cherry from ('erasos to Rome.
A tree laden with fruit is said to
have adorned his triumphal preces-
sion. In the course of the next 120
years the culture of the cherry had
spread far and wide and reached
even remote Brita';n.
Kindly mention the name of Ihta
paper In writing to advertisers.
The marble cutter's apprentice
has many hard lessons to learn.
Westwood esr as
M Uwe SM.&
ratty exp laised is sae
alto bookie. II 81441 five
oo repeal eddies* The
veMrMary aewedy ego
Deet A. n AdelaMM• et. tact, tosoxTo, co*
"Pride goeth before a fall," 4.1).
served 'the dealer in second-hand
"1littybe," agreed the dealer ?a
the first-hand article, "but it goes
a lot quicker after ono,"
OYs Ra1.1An1.a MAN WAN1'111U IN ZVR$V
town to tat• ordere for host cn.toa nada
et.•thes In Canada. Highest commission. ass
Tailoring Co •t•er.,ntw
Twenty acre, (two blocks) ant ease Root.aaS
fruit slashed adloi.Ing l•a.tl.g rJunetlua
and townatt*, inc..' to deppot, railroad frontage.
lesuiI land, good soli, ahundanr• of w.tt•r, ech sok
store; good boating, S -bine hurting. antacell a1
location; no /option here. Nes tills et once.
A. rimerowner,
Cutis5ar Junction, British Columbia.
>h tttTtTRitN �' AGENTS w.Ma
CA3L Yal• a.7 a Dar and ease►
n•5 p rwsn..t bu.( ,s
oar osNtat Our
01.44 iso • :. Mil os a•
la.,.r, sow. an gates
st:sdupand,ii.. 10,4560
y���� en®. ta.t Riclu.ln tar
�rw t L rttorr xive4
a++CATAfA611E Tat a,wa Ones Le este
Dept. 60, Tenet*, OM.
Ontario I'eterioary College
MtaMkh.d 1Sst, tenon syr by the Irevirsi M
C•vsrntrent of enteric, 1513.
Aall.1.4 with the Univers tp� of Ts,onto nodes tl•s
control o1 the Dept of A {ricultare of Outasio. Coll,“
of ens 1st O'tober. 1904. Conran of stn tf extends,
tbrou b 3.o kis rear. TELS **RR 1IESM c,N $15.05,,
Calendar en appliratmn
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Ask our Agents for Annual Report and Record fav 19o9, and b. oa
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