HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-12, Page 135ctoJAN.'Iu11 Low ClubRatesATS agNOW 18 THE TIME to� Cn the ADVO - take OATS and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our etet TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. itbs Wedding Invitations EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1909. In Newest Type On Best Paters The Finest Papers And Right Prices ;The Advocate Office, Exeter SANDERS & CREECU The Old Reliable 1/1In our last ad. we advertised very low prices in Boots and Shoes. Those rho hot were well satisfied and those who didn't will he disappointed when they see what their neighbors got for their money. This week we have some more PLUMS to offer as the following prices will show: A few only of tho"e beautiful White Waists left which there has been such a big run on, $2.75 for $2.00, our regular $2.50 line to clear $2.00, $1.75 to clear $1.25. 81.60 to clear $1.15, a few only of $1.25 for $1.00. We have a Novelty Table that would pay you to inspect -it's our Bargain Counter. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Shedrakie Overalls and Smocks The Overalls with a guarantee. A few of those boots and shoes left! \Ve carry a large line of CROCKERY at prices that will sell theta. Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Live Poultry ! Butter 18c, Eggs 19c. trade; 18.c cash. These pricey subject to change. CARLING BROS. • 1 .14410000000604:****sommigie, Money! Money! Money! MUST HAVE MONEY! In order to get ninnr•y we will hold a Great Slaughter Sale for the Next 30 Days Everything reduced in price. All Summer Goode to be sold at cost prices. Men's Straw Hats and Suite This is a Genuine Sale as we want to raise $4,0011 in thirty clays. GOODS MUST GO !!! Come rluiek and get bargains. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries - R.N.ROWE ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE Ladies' Blouse., \V hitewear, Melts,• Auslins, Gloves, and Light Rain (.'oats PHONE 22 04111110.11114/411410611000.0100004110 •er Irrereaelosal Cards. DD. O. *OULSTON, L. D. 8.. D. D. IL DINT'S! lllembss of the L O. D. S. of Ontario sod Boner Issttsete of Torosto University. OTTIOB; Over Dickson It Carliog's Law Omce, In Cllr. Aad.Moe's former Dental Parlors. aDL £. L KINSMAN, L D. s., D. D.13.. 0aer graduate of Toronto Uoiserist,. DENTIST, Taft sRUactod without say pain, or any bad sit octet Mee oyer Oladmaa a Stanbury's office, Maio street Dames. s. M.dlcal 111 It BRIGHT, M. D., M. C. P. a 8. iIosog AA O Graduate of Toronto Unhmins, Two years resident 0111rlao Royal Alexandra Hospital, et.•. Office sad Ilawidene., Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, LICTelt. DR. T. P. DeLAC011L1N Bu resumed pewit. a after s pendir,lt a year (Col Inge) et Walsh and Continental ilosp»ale. General practice with special attention to Eye, (with refrac• tion) Par Now end Throat. (Mire: Dashwood, Oct Legal. D1ON.ON a CARLINO, BARRISTERS, 80L101 IOM, Notaries, (onseyan••ers, C'ommiwloners Bol!citon for Motions Bank, etc. Met.y to Leal at lowest tattoo? Interest Oa -es, Main street, Exeter, 1, 1. Cast.ns, B A , L H. tcisos MONET TO LOA v. Ifs bare a lertte amount of prt, ate funds to loan a Wu and tillage properties at low rites of inter OLAnMAX a sTAyItuRT,t Barristers, aoii. itnre,%fa;n st , Exeter On B. 8. PHiLi.iPs, EXETER. LIc.ss.d Ascttesesr. Mee attended In all parts. aatis}vtion gnaran• teed or no pay Terme reaannat,ie. All orders left at Adroe.te Odie will to promptly attended to J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Compantea. Main -8L, Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANLEiISON. item ped Aurtionecr for Hu:v.. County. Tern,, ieaeor.able. Dates (a.) be made at rte AJvo•ate. Fatter. or 1 r ,ry Fa:txt's offtc.•. Crrd- 1ton. HOUSE FOR SALE An excellent brlrk !lone.. modrrn and up-to-date. Situated on stain @tree'. Apply at this Office. HERE TO STAY! Bus and Dray Calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. Telephone 41A Stables at Handford's Horse Exchange WM. ARNOLD, Prop. GIRLS WANTED Operators on Ladles' Waists and Whitewear. Good wages. Steady work -The STAR WIIITEWEAR M'FtJ C). Berlin. Ont. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that valuable 100 acre faun. being Lot 8. Con. a, Stephen, Alieleared and in good state of cultivation. Fences good, well under -drained with tile. About one acre of orchard. Two at3ry new brick cottage and bank barn ; also cement alio; three good wells of water and a spring creek. One quarter mile from school and two mites from church. i'ossess:on given In the fall. Apply to NEWTON BAKER, CENTRALiA. ONT. FARM FOR SALE. A hundred acre farm. all seeded down but one acre; situated north of Centralia 1-4 mile from Church. school and Post Office. being Lot. 8. Con. 1, Stephen. There Is on the premises a good frame house, three good frame bursae, 4 wells, 1 windmill, 1 acre of g.)od orc:;ard.and 10 acres of hardwood bus', . fences In good repair, and is well under-dralned. Terms easy. For partieuiars apply to MRS. 8. Mct )Y, Ce:;tral!a. Can give possession at o:,ce. TEACHER WANTED. t •on 8. 8. No. 1,9, Stephen. Stale rs: la*y. Apply to SILAS STANLAKE,Jr ti..y P. O. Ont. 1. OR SALE OR BENT sarnat� Flr.t-class brick house on Main-st., Euler.: Terms easy. Also for sale Vogtlgcsanga' Wonderful Remedies. WM. M. p3LATCHr•ORD FARM FOR SALE. O ie of r'a finnst farms In robot: e Apply to SANDERS & CREECtt, Exeter \VII Y IOC' SHOULD SUPPORT THE \\'ATER WORKS BY-LAW. Because the tank atystem for fight - Ing fire has become antiquated. Because we need good fire protection. Be:auae t ,c- By-law will provide a goo] system at a low coat. Because waterworks is an absolute tle- (easily in every town of any import- ance. Because it will reduce the premiums on our fire Insurance policies to such an extent 11 at we shall be well repaid for the outlay. Because we don't want to see our town left to the mercy of an inadequate fire fighting equipment In case of a con- flagration. Because we t.ave a town worthy of the name and we don't want It destroy- ed for lack of fire protection. SUCCESSFUL MATRICULANTS Eight of those who wrote at Inc E-- eter School were successful in secur- ing their matriculation. They are, - Katie Collins, J. M. Oestreicher, J. A. McMahon, T. Sanders, all of whom also passed for Junior Teachers, A Lula Marti!), Ida M. Matrttand, Lilly Snell, W. Kathleen Stewart. The matriculation value of the standing obtained on the Normal en- trance examination can be ascertained o•tly by presenting the certificate of standing to the Registrar of the uni- versity or college concerned. The certificates containing the marks will be sent to the principals 01 tl:e `sign schools and the inspectors this week. Candidates will apply to those officials, not to the Department, for re ports in detail. HURON W. J. Aikenhead, 11. Ball, G. Brandt E. A. R. Beatty, E. Bell. A. M. Barber, J. C. I3owman, J. H. Cantelon, N. Chuff 1. A. Coombs, K. 1. Collins, T. 11. Case :t. M. Clarke, M. L. Coleman, O. R. Cruikshank, G. Crulkettar:k, A. T. David- aot, W. Doherty, E. F. Dean. J. S. C. Dickson, R. L. Dolrance, E. Evans. T. Governock, W. P. Grieve, II. A. Grieve, )1. J. Holmes, E. 11111, L .Hoggert, G. V. 31. !acrd!, E. I. Mister, G, W Jor day), B. Kay, J. G. Leckie. H. M. Lep- pard, eppard, t' L. Laidlaw, S. McKercher, 11. C. Moore, W. B. McTaggart, A. \LM!d- lileton, 1. M. Marchand, A. L. Martin, J. A. McMahon, M. P. McGillivray, G. J. McNcvin, V. E. McDonald. A. Mac- kenzie. ao-kenzie, M. A. Mein., L. 1I. Mulholland F'. L. Murphy, R. S McBurney, W. J. McLean, H. A. O'Neil, J. M. Oestrer- cher, T. R. Patterson, J. R. Pethic, J. E. 1,'..rter. R. C.. Procter•, G. L. Robb, C. C. Rance. I. M. Rowell, D. M. Ryan, F. Roberts, 1. S. Robertson, S. Stubbs. J. Scott, W. It. Sntlllle. T. Sanders, G. Short. L. M. Snell, W. K. Stewart, C. M. Sadler, P. L. Stewart, 11 11. Towill, C. Trelevan, W. H. Waller, G I. War- nock, T. G. Wilson. MIDDLESEX D. Bolden, N. D. Bell. A. Bremner, G. C. Benson, O. F. Dancing, R. J. Buch- anan, W. Cowan, D. Crawford, L. S. Cutler, W. J. Ford, A. R. Graham, L. M Griffith, G. M. Gould, J. A. Greer, L. Gray, N. Gleason, L. S. Godwin, H. E. Hodges, L. Hayman. W. E Hodgins, M, G. Bill. L. C. Jarvis, E. M. Jones, M. Johnson. 1. F. Kent, R. J. Lewis, G. Lockwood, H. A. MacKenzie, J. 1t. 11. Martin, B. Mossop, V. A. Macdonald V. T. Mooney, A. 11. MacKay. M. A. Mc Donald, E. M. MacTavistt, H. Matheson, M. McGuigan, 11. D. McKenzie, M. Nu- gent, M. 8. Pierre, W. dichards, E. P. Rive. C. 11. Ross, M. F. Roberts, F. G. Ryan, J. E. Slater. R. K. Susses, V. Sutton, G. 8. Shaw, 13. Shaver, M. El Sullivan. W. J. Stanley, H. S. Sidall, V. JI. Sifton, H, G. Tanner, G It.Turn- tu;l. G Taylor, E. J. Thomeo t, G. 8. T. T. Walker. HOWLING Two rinks of Exeter Bowlers went to Goierich Tut sday morning to take part in the tournament. The rinka were W. D. Clarke. W. M. Blatchford, L. N. D;•k.cn. W. W. Taman, skip; and W.11. Lcaett. J. A. Stewart, C. B, Snell Rev. D. W. Collins. skip. rink on Tuesday defeated Best of f4-aforth 31-11 and Manners of W.ng',am 10 to 11. Snell's rink de- feated Doyle of Goderich 20 to 1'), but bot to Davis of Goderlc't 2n to 17. Two r'nks of bowlers are expected ':ere fro'n Crediton to -day. IIAiL IN THE WEST Winnipeg, August 5th -The storm of yr,terday swept the northwest of the province and ruined thousands of dol lore' worth of crops. it was the heav- :e.st storm of t''e year. Hall accompa»- lcd rt. From Longhorn. Sask., conies a dee- pttch that hail destroyed about two whole townships of crops on the 4th. Another despatch front ilanley. Sask., brings word that the severest storm of tall In years visited that place on the 5th: and destroyed th( crops of at least two townships. PUBLIC MEETING A public meeting of the citizens and all ttute interested. to discuss the water works Ly -taw, will be held in t'.e Town Hall. Exeter. on Tuesday, August 17th, at 8 p.m. T. 11. McCALLUM. Reeve. SERVANT GIRL WANTED Up -stairs or Dining Room Work. - I1ATTENIIURi' MOUSE. Clinton. Ont. FARM WANTED TO RENT. 109 a(ree• to get posseaston in fall. Apply to SANDERS & CREECH, !teeter ACCIDENTS ANL) SICKNESS Mrs. John Esacry of Osborne 1s re- covering nicely from a fracture of her rg:it tllow. the result of being thrown from a load. owing to the stumbling of a I orae. hair was threatening and ht order to assist in harvesting the last load Mra. Esset'y drove the tear», but one of the horses stumbling on the gang way, a rope caught Mrs. Essery throw- ing her off the load, over a fence and o';'o a atone fracturnig the c' bow. Tire wonder la that the hurt was not more /serious. A young son of Mr. D. Cottle, Far - ¶.9 re(°vcring from a broken collar boae, sustained while playing wit: other children. He fell off an- other little fellows back. A son of Mr. John Perkins of Usborne last week tell off a bar:, and broke both bones of one forearm. He is now doing nicely. Mi .. Geo. Etherington of Usborne la very ill at ter tome and her recovery is In doubt. Oa Numbly of lett week Drs. Brown- ing and Macdlarntid opened a bone be- hind one ear of a young daughter o1 Mr. E.ta Faint of Creditor]. The young lady had been Ili of scarlet fever and inrlan1matlon Betting 1n considerable mat ter lodged behind the ear. making an operation for its removal necessary. Sae is now doing nicely. IIAND CCT OFF. -Mr. James White, wi:o last fall moved to Exeter from tre Northwest, and has since resided In Vie house hr • ur-huced from Mr. James N. Howard, Mahn street, had the nil■ fortune Mond ty just before noon, to lose ouc• hand and a third of the forearm. He that day commenced to assist In threshing and was working on Mr. Wm. Stewart'a farm. formerly owned by C. II. Hackney. near Farquhar, and being used to threshing machines using the blower but not the .straw cutter, he un- dertook to remove some obstruction from, the blower while the machine was in motion, with the result that the hand waa taken off. Ile lost a good deal of h?ooj before Drs. Browning and Cantp- b-l! were on the scene. but to now do- ing as well as can be expected. Ti'e ac- cident Is a most unfortunate one and !.e non the sympathy of everyone. KNEE CAI' CUT. -henry Shenk, a young man of Credlton, son of Mr. Paul Shenk, unfortunately sustained a se- ver:}' ry to his knee o» Monday. Ile was dt ving some ; ovens and ran again - al a binder knife. wrier was lying against a s'.o:k of grain, with the re- sult that the knee cap was cut off. Dr. I3ro a nlr g was sumn;on:d rand he co.tsld- ering it very strlous scat fo- L:. Wish- art, London, and together they attended the Injury Tuesday. HUNTERS' P:CNIC The annual picnic of the Hunter fam- ilies and ti:(Ir connections was held in 31r. Geo. Hunter's grove, on Con. 4 of es!torne, 0.1 \Vednesday, August 4. The weather was ideal and everything pass- ed off 1n elegant shape. Upon entering tae gate you were forced to pass under the Hunter flag, with the Union Jack tioati:,g In the breeze. The first event of the afternoon was a game of base- ball between Rich. Hur,lcrs luvin^_Ibles and Dan Dew's Ramblers. The game was a five Innings one and was played very fast, resulting in favor of the In- virnclbJes by a score of 18-9. The star player for the day was Johnny Carroll who caught for the Invincible., he never nmissing a ball. Wellington ifod- gins un,p'red the game to the satisfac- tion of all. The line up was as follows -Invinclblea-R. Hunter, or., M. Atkin- so:1, p., R. Dickens, 1st, J. Carroll c., J. Hueter jr., C. Hodgins, 3rd, F.Hutr, ter, W. Dlckenp, 2nd, W. Coates. Ram- blers -P. Dickens, I). Dew, R. Ilunter,, jr., L. Robinson, C. Dobbs. W. Hunter, A. Dickens, J. Bunter, sr, W. Rollins. After the hall game supper was served up. The tables groaned under the heavy load. You will imagine what it was like when it took two butchers and two farmers over !elf an hour to carve up the fowl and other meats; besides all kihda of vegetables, salads, and nic Hacks of all kinds. There were over, 17;1) sat down to supper. Atter tea we all returned to the play grounds where t-te following races took place.- Roy.a under 10-G, Hunter, J. Wash- burn, H. hunter T. Coates. Roy:, under 19-J. Carroll, K. Swect- n,an. Ladles under 20-31. Hodgins, ILlfun- ter, L. Ilunter. Glrla under 12-L. Coates, A. Dick- ens. A. Hunter, V. Coates. Lta, Women's Raec-Mrs. T. Coates Mrs. Si el. Hunter. We. W. Coates,Mre. R. Coates. Fat Women's Race -Mrs. I'. Bunter, Mrs. J. Hawkins, MA. T. Murdock, Mrs. W. Hodgins. Children und(•ri-Jean Campbell,Wrilt- ney Coates. Vera Coates. Lexie Dickens. Mary Dickens. Maurice Coates. Fat Men -W. Coates. P. Coates, W. Hodgbns, A. Davis, J. Hunter. Lean Met, -M. Atkinson, R. Hunter, F. Coat•'.!. 8. Hunter. You should pee the men smile when they re elved their prizes. Jovial i'hin, Hunter kept the booth. You could hear his melodious voice singing out his different sweet -meats. Thos. Mvrdork of Ile..sall wan on !and with the violin. Ile gave several selections. such ap.- The Nig` land Fling, We Won't Go Home Tall Mornirg. Till All The Fo Ai !s Eat. Sinlo•t was on hand with his one horse dray to assist tine ladies in carting down 11r rcccesit;es. All left for Lorne before 8 o'clock feeling they had a jolly time together and hoping to meet again next year. A hearty vote of thanks was lei:direct Mr. Simon Hun- ter and family for the trouble they had in rnakir.•g the afternoon a success. Local Items Miss Tillie Yager is visiting in Clan - deb R'eoye. 4t -y Veal of Lon.'on is vlsiting, his mother here. Miss \'elms Eastcrbrook is visiting re- latlQ.$ ill Seaforth. Mra. Yeo and Mrs. Torn were vlsiting In London this week. Ernie Taylor 'left Wednesday for Lon- don to take a position. Mr. Allen Myers of St. Thorium !s vis- iting at hle home here. Mr c. Hanna and daugt.tir of Toronto are visiting Mise M. Strang. Mrs. Trace of London is spending a few days with Mrs. Munroe. Mrs. Lounsbury of Hamilton is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Jae. Dignan. Quite a number of people left this station for 1 ondun to see the circus. Mine F'ollick of St. Thomas is the guest of Mrs. Sant? Sanders, Main at. We. Rose of Livingstone le visiting her sisters, Mrs. Collins and Miss Bon- thrat. Mr. Nell McConnell of London is Stere helping Mr. Jay. Gould in the cooper bttop. Miea Laura Vivian of Mitchell Is vie- iting her grandmother, Mrs. George Proaks Mr. R. E. Pickard, who has been At the bleat for some time, returned home this week. Niro. Dick and daughter of C;hago are vl.ttting the former'. brother, Mr. T:-orttas White. Mr. H. N. Anderson of the Soo, for- merly teacher In the Exeter school, 1s visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. Rich. l3late'rford spent a few days in Clinton, visiting' Mr. and Mra. C.•as. Hawke. T;tc Misses Spargo of Bancroft are guests of their aunt. Mrs. D. McInnes. aid otter relatives ,,ere. Mise Jennie and Vera Ttick of Cii9tern visited at Mrs. Samwe:l's and blas Lena Blatchford's over Sunday Mise Smith, who has beer, visiting her brother, Mr. H. Smith, Lake Road, re- turned to Chicago on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. E. I'. Howe and two daughters of Toronto are guests of Mrs. Wm. Jecke:l, London Road, north. Mr. and Mrs .Weldenhanuner and fam- ily have returned from a month's holi- days spent In StreeteviIJe and Toronto. Maoter Freddie Jewell has returned to his home in London, atter a pleasant visit of five weeks with tale cousin, Mies Minnie Jewell. Mr. Frank Taylor of Winnipeg, 1.1e mother and brother and Miss Westland of Wyoming visited here this week corning iftvtr+ Jr, Mr. Tay)or'rt auto. Gordo t Finney, who has been vial' Ing at Mr C. Blriey's, has returned to his home In Windsor, accompanied by Willie Blrney, who will visit for a time at that plane.. IHARI3ER APPRENTICE WANTED. - Apply to Penpraee & Burke, Exeter. Mre. Alex. Stewart is confined to her room throughillness, symptoms of fever being present. New supply Writing Papers, Pads and Envelopes in stock. Ask to see our new initial Papeteriee at 25c.-flowey'e Drug Store. This week Mr. 8. A. Poplcs'o::e et Blyth, a member of Ezetcr Lodge of Oddfellows, waft (»(ted Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Ontar- io. now in session at Ottawa. DIED IN WINNIPEG. -The death oc- curred at Wi;.t,ipeg on Sunday of Mr. J. McMahon of lung trout'lc. Mrs. Mc- Mahon was fornntrly- Miss Nettle Pen hale, daughter of Mr. and Mre Wm. Penhale of Exeter She ard the child- ren survive arid have the sympathy of her many friends. FOR SALE at less than halt price - one lro.t safe, combination lock, DRANE4 NEW, A BEAUTY; also one pair com- puting scales, BRAND NEW. SCALES cost ONE HUNDiIEi) DOLLARS And FORTY LCOLL:\IRS BUYS THEM. The iron Safe coot SIXTY-FIVE i)QLLARS and TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS buys it. See them at L'.c Exeter Bargain Store .1. W. BRODERICK s Mi. Daniel Hart'ell) is exhibiting a small ingenius device of 1.15 own inven- tio,i that promises to Le well received by drivers. 1t 1s a small steel contriv- ance to be attached to each end of the whitfletree of the buggy, for the pur- pooe of rrevcnting the tug from conning off. The device is certntnly a great int- protcmcnt on anything of the kind we have herr tofore seen and we think Dan. has hit upon, u good thing, which will doubtless hang hits golden gain. EXETER JUNIORS BEAT HENS.\LL On Clain Holiday the Hensall and the Exeter Juniors played a good gatne of baschall on the Exeter ground, Exeter winning 16-12. Following an tt t play- ers and .cores.-Hensall-A Smith 3; A. Cudntorc 3, A. Hobkirk2 ; J. Web- ber 2; J. Hudson 0; B; Chesney 0; R. Brandt 0; D. Neelands o ; B. Nesbitt 2. Exeter -M. Hoskins 3, W. Pres Ga - tor 2 ; B. Rivers 1, G. Acheson 2 ; It. E;;lot 1. V. Swcct 1, Ii. Elliott 2, C Heywood 1. 11. Sweet 3. BIRTHS tc' e; -At Farquar. on July :11st, to Mr. and Mrs. Lou:. Fletcher, a son. Wass -At Granton. on July 30, to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wase, a son. Etherington-in Uehorrhe, on Aug. 9th, to Mr. and Mr,. Geo. Etherington, a daughter. Jo' 1!:7-111 Tut kcra»lith, on August 1, to Mr. and Mra. Ira Johns, a son. Se'l. y -At Hensall, on July 30 to Dr. and Niro. Sellery, a daughter. M.\ IiRIAUES ftie�ct!-ilacr;-int O!t.t.va, on July 18, Noble Bissett, formerly of Exeter, t0 Miss Clara Lacey of Ottawa. T: ompaot;-Sntith-On Aug. :1, by Rev. Janes, Geo. A. Thompson to Miss SI. C. Smith, Lott, of S. Marys. DEATHS Shoff -At Toro;tto. Aug. girth, Jane,wife of the late Daniel S'. off of Clande- boys Dignan. -In Parkhill on July 30, Eliza- beth, wife o1 John C. Dignan. Taylor -1„ Woolsley, Men., July 20th, Itobcrt Taylor, formerly of Corbett, • 1'Lomson-In St. Marys, on July 31st, Hugh P. Thomson, aged 71 years. NEW !rovJ Siore Having teased the store property Qt Mr. J. W. Broderick, Main street.' I tog to announce to the public that i hale opened out business in the Bite of Gen- eral Provisions. FLOUR, FEED, STOCK FOOD, PRESS* ED IIAY, STRAW, ALL KINDS OF SEEDS, GRAINS, ETC. ETC. Tac very best grades of flour a:wayg on Land Goode delivered to any rart of the town We Invite your pa':ocagc a:,d rail from you Broderick's I Old Stand J. a EIDT Use PLYMOUTH TWINES PLY. SPC'.. 500 ft. SILVER SHEAF COO " GOLD MEDAL C50 t' 8 1-2 o to�1yy1 c per lb. 000 Dustbane A sanitary sweeping compound. cleans and brightens, a dust absorber and germ killer. Try a package, return if not satisfactory, 35c per)kge, Dr. Williams' Fly �troyer .35c. C5e and $1.00 Cow Ease 35c and $1.00 Sprayers .50c Paris Green. per Ib 25c Gasoline, per gallon 25c Samson Brand Portland Cement for Walls, Walks, Floors and Silos. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE