HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-05, Page 5AT THIS
Everyone needs something
to create and maintain
strength for the daily
round of duties.
There is nc .hing better
than an Ale or Porter, the
purity and merit of which
has been attested by
chemist:, physicians and
experts at the great exhib-
(Too late for last week.)
Mr. lieeoey ilicka of Toronto le 'tar-
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Iitcks.- fir. Ethelbert Butt and wife of
Detroit are visiting at the parsonage.-
arsonage-Quarterly meetingwas held In the Meth-
odist churn•:, ou Sunday last. -Most of
the fall wheat ar;ruud here has been cut
and the crop is a good one.
(�zeter gov.oi att
31.00 if paid In advance,
1.ROayear ifnot so paid.
To Wilted States Subic 'leers $1.5O
s Year Strictly is Advance.
SANDERS & CREECH, Publishers.
Fall Term from Sept. Ist
After hsenty-two years of solid work we hese
become the largest, beet and moot suroeasful
practical training school in Western Ontario
with no superior in Canada
Tbree departments -
Commercial, Shorthaid ti Telegraphy
We assist graduates to p)sitions as well ugh,'
*most thorough training. Get our free caul.
Josue at om•e.
High -Grade
are always a pleasure
to their owners
We have sold and are selling a great
tnany high-class pianos --and :always
at reasonable prices.
Our Numerous Satisfied
Customers is the strongest
iguarantee of the truth of the
above assertion.
Our pianos to day are the hest that
the pi -Ann -ill tkers prudure and our
prices and terms are whet prat will
Do not he to ),ittirk to believe per-
sons who tell you different from the
above for the perp nae of gelling you
cheap and, in glen • e ties, trashy goods
at big pricer'.
Cell and see its and be eonvincer11
that what we say we live up to.
Tne Council of the Township Of St
obeli convened in the Town Halle Cred
Iton, August 2, at 1 p. nt. All the men
bera present. The minutes of tine las
meeting were read and adopted.
Moved by Wuerth, seconded by Yea
ley, that by-law No. 137, being a by
law to levy taxes for the Township o
Stephen fur the year 1909, being passe
after being read the third time, and aIg
ed by the Reeve and Clerk, and th
eel of the Corporation being attache
Moved by Ahdersou, eec'd by Love
that the following' by-laws having bee
read the third tine, be signed by th
peeve and Clerk, and the seal of t1
Corporation attached thereto, viz: -
For Suppressing Disorderly Houses.
For Regulating the Driving and Rid
hieing on roads snd bridges.
For Removing Obatuctlons on Road
or Streets. and to prevent Depoaltln
Ruttish thereon.
For Preventing Vice, Drunklnnese, etc
For Restraining and punishing Vag -
rents and Mcdtcants.
For Preventing the Injury, or Destroy
Ing of Trees. or Shrubs planted or pre-
served for Shade or Ornament.
For Defacing Private Property by
Printed or other no'tcea, or pulling
down and defacing Sign boards and oth-
er erinted or written notices lawfully
For Suppresaing Garbling Houses.
For the Preventi.tg the Posting of In-
decent Placards. Play Bills, Poster's.
Writing or Pictures.
For Regulating the time which Stumps
Wood, Logs, Trees, Brush, Straw,
Shavings, or Refuse may be set on fire,
or Bunted in open air.
For Dispensing with the paying of
Dog Tax collected, as provided by R. S.
0., Chap. 271, Section 6, 7 and 17 to
.l inclusive, and provided that all dog
taxes collected shall be the property of
the Municipality. •
For Imposing a Tax on the owners.
possessors, or harbourers of dogs.
To Prevent Obstruction to Drains and
To Prevent Charivaries, Ringing of
Bells, etc.
To Prevent Indecent Public Exposure
of the Person, or indecent Exhibitions.
With the passing of the following or-
ders the Council adjourned to meet in
the Town Hall, Crediton, on Wednesday,
September 1st, at 1 o'clock P. m•
The following orders were paid :-F.
W. Farnconnb, Carrot's award, $23.17.
Beaver & Clark, painting Town Hall,
$20.36: Jos. Lawson. gravel con't, B.
3 and 4, C. R., $65.92 ! Jacob Sweltzer,
Com. B. 3 and 4, C. R.. $5.75; Edward
G111, Sr., rep. bridges, $5.50 ; William
White, gravel con. first S. R., $24.29 ,
It. Davey. cote. that S. 11., $1.25; P.
Flanigan, coin. first S. R-, $1.60 ; H.
Kraft, gravel contracts. C. It B. 11,
$71.40 ; J B. Hodgins, cont. C. It.,
$5,25 ; J. McLellen, gravel. $33.64 ; J.
Lawson, cement and bags, $20 ; J. Law-
son, part payment of temporary bridge,
175; J. Lawson. part payment of bridge
abutments, $600.00; Wm. Sanders, rep
culvert and lumber, $3: Byron Hicks.
tile, 1.90; Sant. Smith, repairing bridge
3.50; Geo. Hepburn, repairing bridge,
$4; T. Schn'.der, approaches to tempor-
ary lo Wge. 7.55 ; John Bro on, repel: Leg
drat!' $e ; George Hartle, rep. bridge
.end gravel 4.40 ; Baker et al, rep. bridge
filar; Wm. Whitton. deporting ezpcnses
$21; David Marriott. re 'Turner award,
$4; Mrs. Wing, sundries, 94c.
Resolved that Anderson and Weutth
with Clerk be a com. to revise Town-
ship By-laws and present report to tt.e
Henry Silber, Tp. Clerk
c- No more Dosing the Stontat - Cure
t -
r -
Ed Appel and son, Roy, are visiting
relatives in New Hamburg. -Mr. and Mrs
C. Fritz lett for Detroit to visit friends.
-Rev. S. Of. Bauch and family of Strat-
ford are spending their holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hauch. -Mrs. (Itev.)
A. D. Mahler and family returned from
a Live weeks' visit with relatives at Der -
lin. -Mr. Allan Ester has purchased 49'i
acres of land in Alberta, while his
brother Dr. John Ester has acquired t wo
sec floes In the same province. -Two
rit:ks of bowlers took a trip to Dash.
WOO 1 last Wednesday. One rink won by
32-e. while the other lost by a score
of 1:-.1).
Deafness Cannot be Cured
local appli- ani r.rs. as they cannot rea.•h thediseae•
ed portion of the ear There le oily one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitutional remedied,
Deafnessis caused by an ru tame,l condition of the
mucou.lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tithe is inflamed you have a nrmbling sound or fm•
iserfe•-1 hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf
news is the result. ar.d nnlr,s the inflammation can be
taken nut and (him tube restored to its normal condi•
tion, he►ring will rte destroyed forever: nine cases
out of tar ars. suss 1 b Catarrh. which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfs,•es
We will give One Hundred Dollar. for any case of
Des:ness (( ause,t b . starrh) that cannot be cured
by !Ian's Catarrh Cure. Send for circular, free.
r. J. CIiENF.Y it CO., Toledo, O.
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. I sold by Druggist*. 75.•.
They are moot for the q ulity of their goo.L. Take Hall's Panels' Pills for constipation.
to the World
Dog Show
Sept. 10-18
Prize List
Cat Show
The Great Live Stock Exhibition
111.1 Highlander.
7tb Fusiliers I,
EACH EVENING , and visit London's Fair
Pr. gram Twice Daily
The Best Ever
Prize Llsre, lentrs Farms. 1'r-trs•nmeaand an Infarma'lnn from
W. J. REID, President
A. M. HUNT, Secretary
the Skin through the Skie
When you have a scratch oe your
hand you was:: It out and cleanse It and
then the akin cures itself. You never
think of doe):,g your stomach for It.
The beat skin epeciallete to -day are
.!greed that the only way to cure ecze-
ma and similar .kin diseases is through
the akin, for statietica show that near-
ly all eczema sufferers are perfect;y
healthy In all other ways except as to
their skin. II the cczente patients were
really .uttering front at1 internal mal-
ady, needing an Internal remedy. the
entire body and not the skit: only,would
be diseased.
You can prove immediately the relief
of a the akin cure by using oil of win-
tergreen as compounded In D.D.D. Pre-
scription. Tills liquid kills the disease
germs, while toning up the healthy part
of the skin.
F'or tree sample bottle write to The
D.D.D. Laboratory, Department E. A.,
23 Jordan street. Toronto.
For sale by all druggists.
The charge of stealing stone from lot
12, con. 20, McGillivray, was laid again
st George Grieves and will be heard
this week at Ailsa Craig. it Is alleged
that Mr. Grieves sold the stone to a
man named Melton; for use in a culvert.
Miss Flossie Sweet of Exeter and Mr.
and lire. Buller and family of London
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Davis on Sunday. -Mrs. Wm. Pym and
daughter, Mary Ann, of London are
visiting at Mr. Frank Davis'. -Mr. and
Mira. W. J. Smith visited in McGillivray
over Sunday. -,Hage. Maggie and per-
tha Quinton are holidaying at the lake.
-Mrs. Wm. Derham, who has been
very 111, le, we are pleased to note. re-
Miss Reynolds of Toronto is visiting
at her home. -Miss Vera Murdock has
returned front a visit with Norwich
friends. -Cleve Joynt has returned from
spending hol(daya In Wingham.-Mise
Flo Cudmore of Detroit Is a guest at
the home of her parents. -Miss Millie
Beek left on Monday to visit friends in
011 Springs and Detroit. -Mlle Robso.r
of Aliso Craig is the guest of her sive
er, Mrs. H. Arnold. -R. Crutkattank of
the !stetsons Bank staff is holidaying at
his home In Wit gharn.-Jinn Phillipe has
taken a position as canvassing agent
for a Toronto book firm. -We are pleas-
ed to see Wilbert Bengough out again
and able to walk around. -Mrs. Newell
remains quite III. -Mr.. W. Buchanan
attended the funeral of her mother near
Brussels -Mrs. Jas. Elliott of Vancou-
ver, B. C., has been visiting her sister
Mrs. T. Neelands.-Miss F. King of
Kincardine who has been visiting her
brother, Arthur, returned honkie on Sa'-
urday.-Mra. D. L. Dick of St. Louis
and sister, Mrs. Forester of Lexing-
ton have been visiting Mrs. 11. Patter-
sow- Mre. Shlrray and daughter Mies
Aggie were called to Detroit owing to
the Illness of Wm. S.hlrray, who !:as
very low. --Jahn Buchanan has been ap-
poir:ted secretary to the raperinher,ral-
!at at the Guelph Arricultural College.
-Eddie Morrison, who lett liens..11 a
year ago Is home on a visit.-T::o,
Hodson has purchased fro:n S. ttantrle
Inc residence at present occupied by W.
D. Robertson, -Mrs, 'Steens was takee
very seriOusly111 haat week.
The friends of J. T. wren of Kewatln
Algoma, will be pleest•d to learn t hat
lie has been appointed deputy postmaster
there•.-Mrs,Jos. Mee :...s returned from
Godcrlch where she attended the fun-
eral of her mother. -W. It. biodghl.s has
put a new sidewalk along the front a:,d
side of hie hotel. -Mr- Stark of Sea -
forth, while riding Into the town was
thrown from his bike and seriously h.-
jured. Dr. Thompson fixed him up. -
W. Moore Is digging the cellar for a
new brick residence on Richmond St.
similar to the one he erected for Mrs.
hunt. -The ' Observer" changed hands
this week, the paper passing Into the
hands of T. Neeland.. Schmouse and
Campbell retiring atter having run It for
len months.
Banana's Vaeertea ELII1V1Li.E
In every big tuwu t1►e elnidr•a of
the elutes habitually go to school Im-
properly tett. Ninny of them aro not
only improperly felt, but the food they
do get is far too little In quantity. Io
the hard winter season, when the
building trades arts tith', many again
go to school either with no food at all
or having only stayed their hunger in
the morning with a crust of dry bread.
In sharp, frosty weather It is a com-
mon •xperlence for teachers in the
elementary schools of the poorer parts
of our great towns- I have often seen
it -to end chlldreu suddenly seised
With vomiting. This is not so muck
caused by the tact that the stomach
is upset as that it has revolted against
the effect of the cold upon Its empty
condition. And nut only is this state
of things true of the poorer parts of
the big towns. It Is aka true of many
of the agricultural villages. Let a vis-
itor to a village elementary school look
closely at the children. They are in
many cases flabby and pale. They
need more nourishing food. A break-
fast of "teakettle broth," a bit of
bread and treacle and some abomina-
bly poor ten -these form the three
meals dally. -Dr. T. J. McNawara, M.
I'., in Nineteenth Century.
Athletes nod commotion.
There must he 11 r exercise as exer-
cise for the consumptive patient. It
you are able and feel Tike it, emus*
yourself, but don't take exercise to
build your system up. I know. I, too,
have heard those stories about men
given up to die who began work in a
gymnasium and by violent exercise en-
tirely recovered their health. When
the lung tissue Is attacked by tubercu-
losis It heals, if it heals at all, by
fibrous scar material tilling In the cav-
ity. No new lung tissue is formed to
replace what has been lost, and this
scar material is useless for breathing.
Suppose you had a deep cut in your
hand and you kept working thOt Orli
violently, how long do yaU think It
would take the cut to heal? When ez-
ercise is taken or you "expand the
lungs" you have to work the lung tis-
sue just as you work your hand, and
it it is wo.'ided there will be a muCS
larger proportion of scar material use-
less for breathing when it does gee
well. -Everybody's Magazine.
Tim Freaell Areftves.
The archives so magnificently housed
in the Hotel de Bohan form one of the
most interesting sights of Parts. Here,
bound in white calf, thousands of toile@
contain the history of France, dada'
from the Capet and Valois kings, all
documents being classified under flew
heads -administrative, historic, legis-
lative and judiciary. Among minor 01>.
jests of interest not shown to vis)
without special permission is the tar$
on which Robespierre, wonod.d. WtJ
placed in the hotel de Ville on the eve
of Tbermldor and the inventory of Ma-
rie Antoinette's wardrobe, with pat-
terns of her dresses, and also of Mile.
Elizabeth's. Insignificant tndeed would
the collection appear beside that of a
fashionable lady of today. In these
historic premises, busy as bees, bide•
tatigable seemlier, are continually 61
S.d.;ey Wilson had a nice driving
.re break its leg one day last week.
I; wan In the pasture and just how it
nappened is not known. They are try -
leg to save the animal, and now gave
It In a sling with Its leg bandaged. -
Mr. Alfred Hunkin and sister, Midi
Florence, visited at Mr. Geo. Andrews
Sunday. -Quite a number from title
vicinity intend joining with the Eder.
people in their picnic to the lake Sat-
urday. -Mr. Wm. Veal is laid oft duty
the past week owing to a severe cold
',.rving settled on his lungs, but we are
pleased to report he is gradually ttn-
proving.-The tall wheat is all safely
garnered, and the crop is exceptionally
good this year. Already the threshers
are at work and the yield la good. -
Miss Oke of Toronto spent a couple o:
days last week visiting her slater. Mrs.
Jo... Hawkins. -Mr. and Airs. Jas. Hod-
gson of Granton spent Sunday with
the tatter's mother, Mrs. Brlmacontbe.
The Canadian Farm is a new weekly
agricultural journal just commenced
publication In Toronto, having for its
atm a journal which would be more
" National" in Its scope than any of
those at present in the field. It is a
clean, well -printed Journal and contains
a st :e of valuable information for the
termer. The subscription price le $1.00
a year.
Mrs. W. A. Mo:lard of Duluth who has
been in Mount Carmel for some weeks
Is visiting her mother Mrs. Geo. Sher-
rlit-Miss Beatrice Turnbull of Brew-
ster visited her cousin, els. Elsa Love.
tha first part .of the week. -Miss Mar-
tha Hodgins of London Is visiting un
der the parental roof for a few weeks.
-etre. Thos. Fallls has returned home
from Detroit. -Master Milo Munro of
Parkhill is visiting Art. Mellin.-Berry
picking 13 nearly over. -Misses Maude
and Mae. Hodgins also Miss Edith and
Lloyd Taylor took In the Excursion to
The Falls on the 29t1. -Mrs. Joseph
Hickey also took it in. -Miss Marlon
Sherrttt spent Monday afternoon wit".
her friend Mts. Bae Faille.
i g'll"11"11`'P110''P4 r
h.& dkdkdk_dk dk at.sllkatlesdk Acadia
Mih.bcr -Another of the very flret
settlers of this neighborhood has pass-
ed away ir. the person of James 0oiqu
hon 1- For many years he, farmed in
Ribbert and Fullartor, but since the
year 1901 he has lived In Mitchell. He
was about town on Tuesday of last
week and died about 1.30 the following
nrornlr•g The children are-Hugn of
Mitchell, James of Stratford, Arthur of
V.anecuver, Alexander of Chicago and
Mrs. Geo. Johnson of Hibbert.
Cli ,tom -Or, July 24th the death oceur
red ot miss Jennie Shipley, third daugh
ter of Thomas Shipley She had been
111 for .10010 time but the end came very
Clinto h -The people of this town were
shocked last week to hear oe the death
of Lillian Falr, daughter of Thomas
Jackson, Jr , which occurred at Go Home
Bay. Muskoka. whither she had gone
but a week betters rhe body was taken
to C1L•.ron for interment
flay -Miss E. Taylor, who lately left
work.-WestminsterClasette. Mitchell wire her father to reside In
future on t'•e shore of Lake Huron. 111
-' 1117 Township, had a narrow escape
Baltls-ere, troland. :roan being killed by lightning during
PIMItla4ret to Maryland, yeti its OS d a re est storm. She was eltt111K on
11:0 door step when a tree Close by was
.struck, and she was stunned by tee fie.
fects o: t..e smock. Si s,.a take..
to the house and it was some time b, -
fore a.0 regained con.clous:,css.
Clinton -miss Mary Jane Taylor died
at Lr.,don last week at the age of 19
yc. rs. Tee remains were brought here•
to, interment.
from a small and unostentatious !1s •
ing village in Ireland. The word Balti-
more signifies the "village that grey/
up about the big douse," and the dee-
ivation Is plain when one sees the ivy
covered ruins of the very remarkable
big house that was once the stronghold
of the O'Drlscolls, it is situated upon
an imposing height. a sentinel over the
numerous little dwellings that have
sprung up and increased in the vicinity
of its wrecked and deserted lite. Free
the village of Baltimore enormous
catches of mackerel are sent to Amp
Ica.-Sachange. ...,..se.tuee-.
' !Road RIs Own Maas.
A distinguished English churchma•
tells this in H. A. P.: "The vicar Of
Swanscombe was very ecceattle
thin, 1 re etni er-indeed, who ro
ever forget? -that he once read Ibt
his own banns of marriage with a lady
who had not only not consented to
marry him, but whom he had never
asked to do so. He did this for two
Sundays. On the third her father
rose and formally, objected to such a
ridiculous proceet ng."
It�her1 Colby has been take:; to tee
county jail charged wit', being 1na.hh1P
and dangerous to be at large. lie was
arrested by Constable Patton on tnfor-
inetlon sworn out before Magistrate
Clown by Ellison !lodging. It is claim-
ed that the prisoner was threatening to
burr buildings belonging to residents
ie the vicinity.
T2 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armitage a
deughter was born ; arid to Mr and
Mrs. Robert Flynn a son. -Mr. Daniel
Rcvington t.ad a bare raising Tr.urs-
day last. a;:d everytt.it,g went off we:l,
'-Mr. and Mrs. 1111ton Stanley were the
guests of Mr. Jos. Armitage on Sun-
day. --Sidney !lodging visited its
mother Sunday. -)fisc Wilton of Claude
boy", Las engaged to tear. ha school in
Nan tM _AIll Kind VolNhn BouOtt
1ty.',CTIi i'L WOMEN
Perie 1e Fu:, of Them and Nearly All
Use i'arisian Sage .
in the beauty s.1ow at the metropolis
two years age gold medals were award -
.'t to five dlfkrent wonte,t.
Ta the moat beautiful wothun be-
'weee 20 and 23; bct+re! *. Y5 aol 3.e
rot 'seen 30 and 33; h•;tween 33 and 4o,
end between 4n atd 45.
A society reporter who Interviewed all
f:fie women In the !Merest of tea paper
reported that all of them had beautiful
.air, and that each one of the five e:t-
tt.ullasticaliy attributed t.er luxuriant
near to Parisian Sage.
W. S. Cole sells Parista:l Sage tor nf,
eats a large bottle. He 4uarante,s It
'o cure dandruff bn two weeks; to stop
falling hair a id itching of the wain.
it makes any woman's hair Cellulite!.
.,,ft and Iuzuriant
Wallies Ste Tar.
"Well, Jack," said ills chum after
Jack bad proposed to the most popular
girl in the town, "is it all right?"
"Well," said Jack ruefully, "I call)
hope -that's all,"
"What did she say?"
"She ',aid she'd file my proposal with
all the others and consider It when
she got down to It."
Els Lark of Tao".
Barnes -Rowes Is a pretty good sort
of fell )w. Shedd -Yes, but he boatel
got nny tnct. At the restaurant the
other day be a.kn.i me If I was rota
of cat.. and 1 was eating rabbit st•A
at the tune' The flea of asking sgeb
a question at such a tins* as that!
21.111seat' y a-s11IN.
Practical Aunt- i)o you think you
are girallfled to be.'otno the wife 01 a
poor man? The Confident Girl -Oh,
yes; It's all settled. We are to live in
a cottage, and 1 know bow to make
cottage pudding already.
Tle s t Problem.
"What las been the greatest diffi-
culty with which you have had to cOD
tend, Sirs. Kinder, In your struggle
with the servant girl problem?"
"I'reventing th• good ones retttd/
!as poor people of tdarbadoer
pttsclpally on sugar cane, 11/Ie$
to.e snd eying dsa.
To Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Rockland, Maine.-" I was troubled
for a long time with pains in my back
and side, and was miserable in ever
way. 1 doctored
until I was dis-
couraged, a n d
thought I should
never get well. I
read a testimonial
about Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound, and
thought I would
try it. Atter tak-
ing three bottles I
was cured, and
never felt so well
in all my life. I recommend I.ydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all
my friends."- Mrs. WILL. Yot-xo, e
Columbia Avenue, Rockland, Me.
Backache Is a symptom of female
weakness or derangement. 11' you
have backache, don't neglect it. To
get permanent relief you nlu::t reach
the root of the trouble. Nothing we
know of will do this so safely ;aid surely
as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. Cure the cause of these dis-
tressing aches and pains and you will
become well and strong.
The great volume of unsolicited
testimony constantly pouring in proven
conclusively that Lydia E. l'inkham'a
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, has restored health to thou-
sands of women.
Mrs. Pin>kham, of Lynn, Mass.,
invites all sick women to write
her for advice. She has guided
thousands to health free of
charge. - - - - -- ---- --- ---- -
Ciintou-Mr. and Mts. Jacob T.tylor
have gone to the Old Country on a two..
months' visit with trle: ds and relative,.
Twenty-five years ago they took their
honeymoon trip to England and to cele-
brate the silver anniversary they are go -
111g to repeat the trip.
Blyth -John Bell is one of the stat -
warts of Morris Township, and for a
man ot 79 la smart and active. He to
wining t) race airy man of hls age in
the township for $1000 and by the way
he ran s'ep oft a jig, It Is unlikely
any man could hope to beat him. Ile
says. that it the Lord spares him .00
intends to live until ho is 99 seers or
age. Now then, ye old men of Morris,
here's a chance to win a thousand dol-
Fullartor,-Very few of the f•rst esti
lets of this nelght.orltQOd arc 1 O•N living
The la,t a, lie called a*ay wan Mary
An: Simntons, wife 01 the late Tionnas
Mutton. Sixty-one years aro she came
from Cornwall, Eng., with her husband
and settled In the wilderness o:r ha 4th
concession of Pullartoo, wher • . re-
sided until after Mr. Mutton's 1 •,nh, 25
y:erg ago
For Infants and Children.
The Klnd You Nan Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
We ue making a new
departure this season, and have
arranged to sell wheels Area by .rail,
saving to our customers all intermediate profits.
By this plan we can offer
Regular $50
Hyslop Bicycles
for $25
This surpri.uN v Colt. in first claws wheels will he an import
ant bele :,, the resl,.raI1011 ,.1 licit bi.trrl.arity. We have
planned for .e toe treacle sr, t, .anrl are ready with the
best machine for the money ever offered in Canada.
Send t. flbnrrafed Folder
Nigh-0Isw Automobiles and
August 28th • 1909 - September 1316
Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the Continent Forty industries
in active operation.
will otlactate at opeain:, ceremonies on Tuesday, August 31st.
Modal Camp -Victoria Croat and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be-
tween teams from Dragoons and Artillery -Artillery Drive Musical Ride, etc.
HEAT MILE 1111 Of fl1EROgi
Oned� AhtsNaval Was
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