HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-05, Page 4(fxeter Attipctlte,
Sanlete t C.eect., Props.
THURSDAY, Aug. 5, 1909
By -Law No. ....
OF EXETER, to aut'_orize the bo: -
rowing of the aunt of #22000.00 f ,•
Water Werke Purposes.
'WHEitEAS it 1a desirable in tee
public lntereete that the Corporation of
(Le Village of Exeter should acquire,
C3-struct, operate and maintain a aye-
tertt of water works within the said
municipality for fire protection and
other purpoaee,
AND WHEREAS an agreement has
been entered Into between the sal! cor-
poration and James N. Howard for the
Purchase. (euhjcct to the approval of the
ratepayers of said Village) of that part
of the river bed and banks of tae Aux
Sable niter, known as the Mill property
and being all that part of Lot number
Nineteen, in the first Concession of the
Township of Ueborne (now Exeter) own-
ed by the said James N. Howard for
tee price or sura of $1700.00.
AND WHEREAS It la advisable to pur
chase said Howard property and to cau-
at-uct and maintain a dam and putnp-
Ing station thereor, and to erect a ',eater
Tower en Stand Pire !it some suitable
location In the said village and to
lay water mains connecting said pump -
leg steno.. and stand pipe and along
Mann street in the said village ail to
otherwise fully e.;u;p, rnaintai:, and op-
erate said system
AND WHEREAS P ties been eatena'e:1
that it will regUire tttc sum of $2e0e0.o't
to purchase said property, erect slid
dam. pumping station and stand pipe
and to lay said water mains and equip
said water system.
AND WHEREAS It is necessary for
tee said purposes for the said corpor-
ation of the vl'lage of Exeter to borrow
upoe the credit of tete said Municipality
the surd of $21.000.00.
AND WHEREAS for the purpo
aforesaid It will be necessary t• iss
debentures of the said Inutttclpality
the Village of Exeter for the said su
of 122000.00 and lnterebt as herel
after provided which Is the amount
the debt attracted to be created by th
By-law, the proceeds of the said Bebe
tures to be applied In the acqulsitto
of said lands, the erection of said da
pumping station and stand pipe and t
laying of said water mains and t
equ!po,ettt of aald system and for
other pu`eo'ce,
AND WHEREAS it is desirable t
make tee pt inclpal of tree said debt r
payable by annual instalments durin
the period of tvrecty years next atter ti
issue of the debentures therefor, nuc
Insti*1 , -ata of principal to be of sue
antoutxt, that the aggregate amout
payable for principle and interest In an
year .' I be tquAl as nearly as ata
br ' ., a 1' Is pay.tble for principal an
Interest dui Ing each of tae other year
ANI) \VIiEREAS it will be necesear
to raise annually' tor the period of twcn
ty years during ti.e currency of the d
benturea to be issued hereunder by
special rate sufficient therefor on all tie
rateable property within the municipal
Ity the num of $1765.34 for paying th
several Instalments of principal and In
terest thereon at the rate of five per cent
per annum,
AND WHEREAS the amount of the
whole rateable property of the said vil-
lage of Exeter according to the last re-
vised Assessment Roll le the sum of
AND WHEREAS the existing deben-
ture debt of the said Village, exclusive
of local Imp: oventent debenture debt se-
cured by special assessments therefor
arptountc to tee sura of $12864.24 and
no part of tt.e pr;nclpal or Interest there-
of Is In arrears,
Therefore the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the Village Of Exeter en-
acts as follows: -
it -
e -
1. It shall be lawful for the Reeve
of the said Village of Exeter to borrow
o:: the credit of the /raid corporation of
the Village of Exeter the sum of
$222000.00 for the purp once hereinbe-
tere aet forth and for that p urpose to
tissue debenturee of the said municipality
t3 the amount of $22000.00 in sums of
r.et leas than $100 each and such de-
bentures shall bo signed by the Reeve
of the said corporation for the time
be•:,K and rout;teralgned by the Treas-
urer for the time being of the raid Cor-
paratioe and duly sealed with the Cor-
perate Neel tl.treof, which seal the Clerk
for the time being of said Corporation
Is hereby authorized and directed to at-
tars to each of said debentures.
2. The saki de'xentures shall be dated
Upon the date of the Issue thereof, and
shall bear Interest at the rate of Five
pe- cent. per annum from the date of
the testae thereof and the said interest
shall be payable yearly on the day ot
the mouth In which said debentures are
Issued, and as to both principal and In-
terest the said debentures shall be pay-
able In annual 1 :s'alrnents w'thln twenty
rear., from the date of the Issue littera.
of awl, Instalments to be of such
amount, that the aggregate amount
pay eble for principal and interest in any
yea- anal: be equal as hearty as may be
to what is payable for principal and in-
terest during eact; of the other years Of
•sur!, period of twenty years as ! erei,-
after sat forth.
R. During the curret,cy of the Bald
•deb enturrs t'.cre shall he raised an-
•nually by special rate on all the rate.
able property In the said Corporation
of the Village of Exeter the sunt of
$1765.3; for the purpose of paying the
amount due itn each of the said years
fo- principal and Interest In respect ot
tae (gala debt as fellows: -
Yea ,
Year i'•. (;pal Interest Ta't'
191.1 665.34 1100.00 178'5.34 queen annuities are paid to the Royal
'1 11 694.64 1068.70 1765.34 family as follows; -Prince of Wales.
1912 733.54 1031.80 1765.34 $luu.une ; Princess of Wales. .300100;
1111:1 770.19 995.15 1765.34 Duk:- of Connaught. $125.e00; Duette,.
192.1 1 5;1.74 -1.x11
t..1 1 1 1:.91 •:.'. 1•
1922 1 194.91 1785.34
tees 1 _:.4.59 510.75 1705.34
1 : 17.29 448.05 17415.34
• see I eet.19 39.15 1765.31
_•i 1 1x,_.:34 313.1.1:1 17d 5.:14
• te7 1524.99 240.33 1705.31
.sett 1 War ,24 164.10 1711e :3 1
1:x.9 11391.'29 84.05 1703.31
4, T;..t this By -Law shall conte into
.e -se acid take effect on the day of the
01 passing thereof.
5. That the votes of the Elertore of
iatd \'IUaget ut Ezeter entitled to
• on this Ily-Law be taken on e'riday
20th day of August, 1909, conn
.a•l,xg at nine o'clock in the forenoon
• 1 (onHnutes until five o'clock in the
•ertloon of the same day at the rot-
-avails. places within the said Village
, Exeter by the following Deputy rt..
x ging Officers: -
Polling Subdivision No.1, Slla, Iland-
ferd'a Residence. Ed. Treble D. R. Of -
Leer. 1(eebeet ford. Poll Clerk. Pollleg
Subdivlsiatt No. 2, Weekes' Marble Shop
Main street, W. D. Weekes. D. R. Offi-
cer. James Weekes. Poll Clerk. Polling
fur. tivtsloe No. :1, Ed. H. Fish's Reel -
lave, Main street. R. 0. Seldon, D. II.
e:f:c•er, Alex. 0. Dyer, Poll Clerk. l'oll
elg Suldivision No. 4. Town Hall, 11. E.
.ia+to•t D. n. Officer, it. Nelson Taylor,
Poll Clerk.
4 That Wednesday, the 18th day of
August. 1909. at eleven o'clock In the
rorutoon shall be the day and the r.lerk's
.:tics la1 the Town Hall in the Village
u : Exeter 'shall be the place where the
lteeve ellen attend to appoint persons
to attend at the various, polling places
.t'ore3atd and at the final summing up
• tt.e votes by the clerk on behalf of
p?1•a,^0o interceted In promoting or op-
pei lig the passing of this 13y -Law re-
7. That the Clerk of the Corporation
o: tl.e said Village of Exeter shall at -
teed at his office in the said Village
of Eerier at Twelve o'clock noon on
Ssturd:.y, the 21st day of August. 1909
to Zinn up the number of votes given
x and against thin By -Law.
Tee above la a true copy of the pro-
peee! By -Law which has been taken
:.Ito coa:vlderation and which will be fi-
nally passed by the Council of the Cor-
perat!on of the Village of Exeter Itt the
event of the assent of the electors be -
:g obtained thereto after one/1100/11
front the fir.,t publication 01 the Exeter
Times and Exeter Advocate newspapers
wtec'1 first publication was on the 15th
lay of July, 1909, and at the hour, day
and place.' thereat fixed for taking the
gates of the electors a poll will be held.
Every leaseholder entitled by law to
'ate on the proposed By-law shall at
'_sat ten days next preceding the day
of polling file In the office of the Clerk
of the Municipality a statutory declar-
t Mating that his Lease nicety the
are -entente by law entitling hint to
a:e on such By -Law and the names CI
!. O+aeholderer neglecting to tile enc t a
!a'arat:en shall not be placed opt tee
Vetere' List for such voting.
Date.! at Exeter this 7t;: day of July
A. D. 1909.
Clerk of tt.e Corporatio:l of the Village
'3: Eaeter.
Over 2,000 fanner', of the province of
Ontario have entered In the Standing
Field Crop competition. the larges! 'lum-
ber in tt'c history of the contest. These
are In charge of J. Lockie \V11son, tread
e: the tetra and eshibitton brand: of
the Ontario Department of Agriculture.
Al saes one of these has on an average
Jr 15 arrea set apart for his contpet-
tien the total acreage will reach 30,000
One hundred Agricultural Societies have
taken it up. and have agreed to contrib-
ute 020 cads, while the department will
add #30. There will be five prizes given
'i' of this motley at each exhibition.
T _e crop., include peas, tomatoes. etc.
The punishment for mutilate and at-
tempting to peas mutilated coins Is not
generally understood, and Is ao severe
that there is a reluctance to prosecute
and as a consequence many innacent
parsons are put to inconvenience and
lois, being only able to dispose, of them
le old silver at a mere fraction of their
ormal value. in order to relieve Awe:
persona and at the same time to keep
tee currency clean, the Minister of Fin-
a!tre has now authorized the Assist& it
tie^elver General to tike such coins
1 discount of 25 per cent. oft their face
value, so that they may be redeemed at
the ntlnt.
The beat scholars are frequently
stumped for a moment when writing by
(ambit anon of le and el. Men fre-
yuentIy stop In the middle of a letter
and aeratch their heads In perplexity as
to whether it should be "receive- or
"reeleve," "belelve" or"believe." Now the
fact can be found in the very act of
.scratching the head. Without a single
reception "1" always foliowa "i" and
"c" always follows "c". Tee key then
Is "(tee". Don't forget the next time you
are about to scratch your head and
t.'.'.nk and you will save time.
Contrary to the prevailing notion Pan-
a:nl hats are not made in Panama. The
chief place, of the production are Col-
umbia, Peru and Fwruador. The Scientific
American (says the cost of material nev-
e- exceed, 35c. and probably averages
teas than 13c. The cost of labor. which
to este dltngly cheap amounts to congld-
era''e. It takes six or seven days of
tic lours a day for a workman to make
.1 common hat wort, #1. and two weeks
to stake a hat which may bring $5.
sometimes six weeks are spent upon
a hat for which $20 wou'd be obtain-
e:l. Tine atraw used in the fine hats
is never dartpehed, and, as the work
rim be done only when the air Is moist,
t'.e working time Is limited to mornings
and evenings.
Tile cost to the State of maintaining
1: a Willett Royal tami:y. besides the
r• -•-3o :al incOrlles o1 the King and
804.69 956.65 1745.34
o4e.19 916.15 1745.34
891.44 871.70 1765.34
of Edinburgh, #:1•),•;.;:, ; Duchess of Al-
bany. $30,0o0; Princess Henry of Bat-
tenburg. $30.0011; Trustees for Ills
929.15 1765.34 McJesty's daugh'ers. $9.),000. Dull ,g
782.35 1745.34 tee past year t;telr Maiesty's privy
733.2') 1765.34 puree was $550,000. Salaries paid to
11:1 Majesty's 1 ousehold and retired al-
lowancea. $629,000. Expenses of hie
ataJesty's household. $985,000; the
Royal bounty, amts ar:d special services
amounted to $66,000.
It seems, that notwithstanding that
Canada has a stint. It has turned out
o::ly copper coin' so far this year. The
reaao:t to said to be that there is no
demand for silver coins. Strange, be-
cauer we know a few people who could
u.ee a von:sMerable number of dives
ccu s The real reason le -the large
quantity of American silver coins In the
country. The Government has decided
on a irinedy. and "tat Is the barring
out of American silver. The Banks, it
is said. will at once commence to collect
lt, and It will not be put tato eircula-
tlon again in Canada, but sent to Its
own place. 1t Is estimated that thle
American silver coinage now passing
current it the Dominion is tulle from
thirty to forty per cel:t. of the total
.]Ilver vlrculatiou of the country.
Is it bet•auee teachers fall into me-
8ultlaeol to eln1 ,nouolouotu peewee,
and per'urrn their wotk In a manner so
school -like and so little school -like that
it never occurs to the pupil that what
he !earne 'role his book, has any coir
r:c'(tion with or application to the
things that occur th every day lite? Here
we think 1' the trouble and it. t his we
s'eou'tl reform. Let each teacher stake
his were( more and more practical: let
hitt strive to lift his pupils from thele
urthii kfnR. utlpracticat methods of
study, let hits give theta matter for
though', upon the simple and common
things around him: let Mtn endeavour
to create an Interest in their minds ups
on tit gutter:ets discussed by the older
pe,pie of the colulnunity, and soon we
shall have a race of children In our
schonla who will know more at the age
of 12 of what 13 practical and useful
than our tluldren know when they leave
tee (-reunion schools.
You can get a very goof idea of the
personal habits and tastes 61 the occu-
pant, of property by the appearance of
thing.] about the premises. If the yard
1v Lull of rubbish, the bushes untrim-
med, a dearth of flower.,, and other ev-
idences of careleseness,the chances are
that the oe upant is untidy and Icose in
!.abtts. On the other hand, If every-
thing la clean, neat and tidy, flowers
blooming, and a homelike air of con-
tentment prevade' tae premises the chan
ce9 arc that the occupant le neat and
progre,,ive. Let all keep these hints
in mind and cieatt' up .tad beautify their
Mr. F. W. Cterke, wile and fault
left Tueaday for Marietta, Ohio, whe
they will ',lent for some time.
Mr. Arthur Xwicker of London visite
hie brother Charles on Sunday and Moi
Mr. F. elowald and tastily have t
turned front Grand Bend, where the
*.Ire been camping the past two week
Mrs. Cuts. Zwlcker is spending a to
week.' at ' Goodenuf", Grand Bernd.
Me..-,. A. Zwlcker and E. Fattne
were at Grand Bend on Sunday.
Craliton got the batter of the Ezete
bowlers here on Thursday last. Tw
rinks of the visitors came bark. te,
four games in all were played. Our f.•1
lows, skipped by Dr. McCue and Claud
Bluett, won three of them and were 1
..hots up on the day's play.
Mass May Armstrong of Exeter and
atlas Olive Armstrong of Paris visit-
ed at C. Fahner's over Sunday.
air. 3. Baker of London spent Sunday
T.e. tar trterly Service held In the
t\teti.odiet church on Sunday morning
was well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyatt of Win-
nipeg vlslted Mr. Geo. refiner this week.
Accident -A team of horses hitched to
.e loaded wagon at tt.e river at Creditoi1
Fast beeatne frightened and fell head-
long over the east embankment. one of
the animals being killed and the other
badly cut up. The tears lead bass left
standing on the road a little east of
the road to the temporary bridge. while
the n1e:t were urnloading some of the
iron work. The horses belonged to Mfr.
11111. one of the contractors.
al Meatus
1 - -
Ili• E\CER. Deeds, Willi. Mort,ta.es and all
Legal ihn•ument• carefully andpromptly prepared
Chartee Moderate. Iwuer of Marriaie
Miss Laura Dietrich and Will Ueda,-
felt spent Sunday at Drysdale audOtand
51x. Andrew Belrling had ills
new bank barn raised a few days ago
and workmen are now engaged In put-
ting the siding on. Wiles completed It
will be one of the best barns of the dla-
Kkkcd in the face.-Ctieries 13alrlin;,
sort cf Mr. Andrew Belding had a liar -
row escape with ills lite ou atonday of
last week. lie was leading a team of
horse. tc water, when they became frac-
tlous and unmanageable. One of the
animals broke away and :at the same
time kicked viciously at hint with both
feet, etrikit:g the young roan in the jaw
and throwing hint about fifteen icer dis-
tant. Ile was immediately removed to
the house and rttcdleel all sumrnonc+l
when It was found that the jaw waa
fractured and other injuries inflicted.
The patient Is doles as well as ran ba
Henderson -Rhode. - A very pleasant
event took place at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Rohde, on Wednesday,
July 28, at hlgn noon when their sec-
ond daughter, Florena became the bridt
of Mr. Fred Henderson, a prosperoua
young Londoner. While the wedding
starch was being played by Miss !tae
Henderson sister of the groom, the
groom took his place In the parlor,
the bride following, leaning on the arm
of her father and unattended. The bride
was tastefully attired In a prinrene
gown of cream silk embroidered eollett-
1e, trintnted with baby Irlytt lace and
insertion. and wore a bridal wreath. Af-
ter the ceremony the party proceeded to
the dining -room where a sumptuous
wedding supper was provided by the
dost and hoetees. The following morn-
ing the happy couple lett for their
Come In London. They have the best
wishes of their many friends In which
the Advocate heartily joins.
Miss Hilda Gunning returned ttonte on
Tuesday atter a Warrant visit with re-
latives at St. Marys. -Mr, Santuel Mill -
son ot near Mitchell visited at the horse
of Ola brother here oin Friday. -Mrs.
Wm. Rowcllffe and Mrs, James Brook
of near Exeter visited with Mrs. J. V.
Millsotl on Thursday. -Mrs. John Tale('
Mass bertha Sutherby Miss Gerdy Su -
[herby and Mr. Itarvey Sutherby visited
with their mother here on Sunday. -Mr
Win. Tales of London and Miss McDon
ald visited here Sunday. -Iter. Butt.
our Junior pastor, visited at this ap-
pointment Thursday. -Rev. Chas. Dins-
more with title wife and two children.
of Anderson. India':a, visited here the
guests of his uncle, J. V. Mineola -Our
peator, ltev. Mr. Watson, preached here
In the afternoon while Rev. Mr. Dins-
more delivered an excellent sermon In
the evening. Sunday. bot!; services be{
Ing well attended. -Mr. and Mrs. Wnt.
Ogden and Miss Vera Ogden visited with
friends at Staffa Sunday.
Bears th. �,iha Kind Yu Heti Alga aught
Nearly Burned. -During the severe
thunder storm which passed over this
section on Thursday evening the barn
belonging to Silas lirokenelaire, five
stiles west of Exeter, on the 9th con.
was struck by lightning, which set
fire to the hay that was stored thereat.
Fortunately It was seen by Mr. Broken -
shire In time and although nearly blind
ed and suffocated with smoke he fought
the enemy until (t was safely put out.
T:.n ladies did well carrying water and
not goleg Into a panic aa 111I generally
the rase on sue . oerasl0,ts. About tat
of the neighbors hurried to assist, but
the fire was quenched before some of
there could get there. The barn was
not much damtgcd. but air. Brokcneter(
will have three or four ton' of ha?
damaged by water and smoke. The barn
and contents are fully insured in the
Hay Mutual.
Among those front here who took In
the ezcurslon to Niagara Falls last
week were air. and Mrs. W. J Wilson
and atlases Ethel Carruthers and Liz-
zie llartle.-Mr. Deaa Drown has pur-
c'lasod a new Wilkinson cutting bor,
and is prepared to give first-class sat-
isfaction to his customers for the com
Mg season. -Misses Ellen and Jean
Eagleson of Parkhill spent the past
week with their cousin. Was Lottie
Eagleson. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eng -
nigh were guests at Mr. Taros. Steward -
son's on Sunday evening. -Mies Mae
Wilson is visiting her uncle. itev. 11
L. Wilson in Ruthven.-Mr, and atrg.
John 0111 and children spent Sunday
evening at Mr. Ed. SSagon's.-Miss Maud
Hotlgin. Is epecding a few days with
!Itae Esther Mr Pherson. -Mrs. Thos,
Stewardeo:: calved on Mrs. W. J. Wileo•,
on Monday evening. -Mrs. 0. Baird and
Mts. Jean of Parkhill and their guest
Miss Baird. Palled on Mrs. W. .1. Wil-
soa on Monday.
Dos the , The kind YOB Hine Ales js kV
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalogue* Free
J. W. W.st.rvelt, J. W. W...emelt, Jr., C.A.,
Principal. Vice.Prnncip•I.
It it Is the ,pest flour you want there Is
but one place in town to get it ---that
Is trout ns. The brand. are:
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
RCYAL HOL'SEHOLD (ogilxie•el
5 ROSES (Lake of Woods)
PURITY (Western Canals flour brills)
Lease your orders or mall up
Phone 2.
R. G. Beldon, Exeter
014 Over one thousand atu•
E.1 dents enrolled by our chain
I•se last year. it pays to at -
1.4 tend at link of this great
cbain,for "t, t'NIONTHEERE
13 FITI1E oTII."
Thedemand for ourgrad-
ttates is THREE TIMES
w0 the supply.
Other schools engage our
gradnatea a* teachers. A
special course for teachers.
Graduates of two years
ago are now earning $2,000
La per annum.
Three mimes -CoMMKR-
V CIAt.. MTICNo(*R.1I'HV and
TItelatit.tPit y.
I 41
43 Pall Term Opens Aug. 30.
poi Write for particulars.
Clinton Business College
B. E. WALKER, Pr..idiot Paid-up Capital, $10,000,090
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General ■onager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 ''
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
133010 Al 11,1 P0t.1.0wuNO RATS
$i and under 3 cents
Over $3 and not exceeding $"IO 6 cents
" $101, II" $" "
$30 10 cents
" 850 15 cents
These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Canada
(except in the Yukon) and at the principal banking points in the United States. They
are negotiable at S4.tyo to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland.
They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety
and at small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 111
Exeter Branch -G, W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
The general public will take notice that 1 ant doing business in Exeter in
the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for
Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper,
Etc. Etc. Etc.
All purchases to be delivered to T. HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE.
EXETER, where the cash will be paid or ttade given. Orders for collection of
scrap may be left at the sante store, where prompt attention will be given.
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
Tie Orate Pulls
tight Out
CHAT is oof�
many brigk�(: featufl<s
found in the
coal or wood in short no-
tice - see our stock be-
fore you buy -you will be
interested in our fine dis-
play and moderate prices.
For Sale
Crediton Flour Mills
During the months of July and Angust we will only
run our Chopper 3 days per week, as follows: Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday. We also have to offer:
Family Flour at $3.25 per 100 lbs.
Pastry it " 3.00 it
Shorts " 1.25
Bran " 1.25
Good Oats " 1.65
Henry Sweitzer --- Crediton East
The Deirc oI a Boy's
Is to own a watch, one of hie " very own," Why deny him
when bis ambition can easily be gratified. This is not a "retake
believe" watch that we are thinking of, either. It', a guaran-
teed time piece. it is simply put together so that a little Reel -
dental rough usage won't disarrange things. It is nicely nickled.
It will retain its appearance till the last tick. And it will tickle
that boy of yours if you take one home to him,
Why Not Do It To -Day ?
A. Marchand
Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario
The Molsons Bank
incorporated 1955
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund -
. 83,500,000
Has 8:5 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Dicasoti At CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager,