HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-05, Page 3FATE OF YOUNG EXILES GIRLS SENT I:N('i:O RI' RUS- SIAN N l'O l ItT. 4/ Half Started Among Savages - Girls Commit Suicide Oue After Another. In June, 1907, says a correspond- ent of the Russ, writing frvtn To- belsk, five young people, a girl who had just graduated at. a Kazan Grammar school among thorn, were "tried," sentenced and bent into exile for having carried on politi- if cal propaganda among the troops. The village of Valgeny (in the ex- treme north of the Tobolsk prov- ince), where they were installed, is issuees ($196,354,441). There re- populated almost exclusively by uiained in this country 12% p.c., votive savages (Ostiaks and 'noun- while the United States absorbed gous), who live on hunting and fish- 3% p.c. and (Great Britain 84% p.c. ing. livery tallow candle, every It is noteworthy that Canadian in - pint of kerosene oil, every lump of stitutious and individuals of means sugar or pound of flour has to be are participating to a larger extent iniported, while there aro no roads than formerly in the financing of at all, and the distance from the our Natienal undertakings. 'nearest "town" (Obdursk) is 13.2 Great Britain and the Continent miles. of Europe have long been the chief STARVED IN HUT. market -places of the worlds' se- curities. Bonds --or as they might No employment was to bo got at be termed fractional mortgages - such a place, and the five exiles did are fuurid among the assets of ati not receive any allowance from the Prosperous continental peoples, no Government, as the police report- matter of what class. Years of tel then to be "children of well -to- prosperity have made the people of the United States extensive bond buyers of internal issues; and their entry into the Canadian market is, and will be, of no little assistance in our development. It is a safe and wise policy that the Canadian investor make a di- vision of his surplus funds --part in five educated young people carried h'ghest quality mortgages --part in or a life of semi -starvation, cold Municipal debentures -part in first and despondent, in a hut abandon- mortgage bonds which your banker ed by tho natives because of its or an established bond house will dilapidated condition, for a whole recommend. year. At last their endurance was at an end, and, profiting by the ab- sence of her comrades, the girl, Sabourova, piled up her diary, Leeks, etc., round her bed, bo- More to Eyes Than to Ears, \W'iten sprinkled the whole and the walls the Eyes are a Doctor's. with paraffin oil, lay down and 11 is a fact that in every disease burned herself within the hut. She there are a whole lot of things that left a letter behind full of black cannot bo read from the patient's despair. tongue. The classic wail "No OTHERS FOLLOW. tongue can tell the agony of my Her four companions, on seeing suffering" is of wider application ber charred body, felt crushed down than the patient uttering it is completely. Vassilevsky and Itou- aware. btsov were subsequently found It is equally patent, according to drowned, I'ablovsky and Trotsky American Medicine, that in every have taken their lives by Weans of disease the tongue has a valuable an axe. They also have left a let- story to tell and that the practician ter behind.who ignores this story is in no "This letter," says tho eorre- sense modern, scientific or practi- sl.ondent, "will at some future cal. In the light of day we do not time, be made public. It depicts curiously examine the tongue; we political exile in Russia in 1907- keep an eye upon it. Not merely 1908 sus strikingly that Russian Citi- its aspect at the outset of treatment but its variations aro of prune sig - rens will, in time to come, shod - der while reading it." rrif . Thhee tongue findings are directly ,1, .. - and vitally connected with diagno- tis, treatment and prognosis. The SUMMER COMPLAINTS mere presence of a coat on part of the tongue may signify nothing. DEADLY 70 LITTLE ONE A heavy coat that promptly fades At the first sign of illness during on proper treatment and shows no sig - the hot weather mouths ding tendeney to reappear is of less sig- thtle of % Baby's Own Tablets, ho nificance than the lightest coat that lin a few hours the child may is bo -or sticks firmly or promptly returns. ybIn a disease like tuberculosis, in se lid cure. These Tablets will pro- which results of treatment hinge sent summer complaints if given upon the perfect intactness of the occasionally to the well child, and gastro-intestinal functions, it is of will promptly cure these troubles vastly. higher imporlallco to scrut- inize the tongue from day to day than the affected lung. In practice we aro ton prone to disregard this most obvious fact. Either to amuse the patient or to satisfy a personal curiosity we thump the chest when we had better thump the office AB1'I('E FOR IN1'}:STORS. Opportunities to be Had in Cana.dian Securities. In the year 1901 there were issued in Canada $34,219,247 of bonds, by. the Dominion and Provincial Gov- ernments Municipalities and by our Public, Utility and larger industrial Corporations. Our continued ex- panbion has made the yearly re- quirements of enormous proper lions. The Canadian Bond issues for various purposes in 1908 amounted to $190,357,411, while au- thentic records show the value of bonds put upon the market during the current year to date, approxi- mately $170,000,000. That Canada's growth and de- velopment depend largely on fore- ign capital is shown by an analysis of the distribution of the 1908 Bond do parents." As a matter of fact, the parents of two of them were dead, the third had a mother who c< old hardly exist by hard work; the parents of tho remaining two, though better off, would not assist their children as "criminals." Cut off from the whole world, the )PICA' THE TONGUE CAN TELL if they come unexpectedly. For this reason Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in every home where there are young chil- dren. Mrs. 1'. Laroche, Les Fonds. Que., says : - "Last summer my baby suffered severely from sto• mach and bowel troubles. but the prompt administration of Baby's Own Tablets brought hint through splendidly." Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Cv., Brockville, Ont. THE TURTLE'S ('1'NNiNG. Although not credited wit h any r!' high degree of intelligence, the tur- tle when about to deposit its eggs exhibits considerable cunning. It can't live forever, dying is the last scoops out a hole as if to prepare thing they want to do. a repository for its eggs, but in or- der to delude birds and other one- Regarded as one of the most po- nies the turtle throws the sand tent compounds ever introduced again into the hole, leaving the sur- wit h which to combat all summer fare rough and waddles off to an- complaints and inflammation of the other spot, where it repeats the bowels, 1)r. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysen- prveess. Sometimes this in dune tory Cordial has won for itself a three times and eventually the eggs re uta ion onrthat no can other to. For fel aw laid in an wanes within a fyoung or old suffering from these few yards of the sham nest, the sur- complaints it is the best medicine face being smoothed and flattened 1 clown. When hunting for the eggs that can bo procured. the Queensland blacks probe the 1%0011) mention the name e of this sand in the vicinity of one of the i aper in writing to ad%elr+. *hart nests and are usually suc- ci isful -Landon Globe. Eta _"And you refused him t ••••••••• ••• Why i" Edna --"He was too eco - What a strain them must be on I,omical." Eva "But I thought Ilse mind of the elan who thinks sell said the young man you accept - le knees it all! cul would have to bo economical 1" )'dna---"But he was too much so. Proud Parent --"I want to know Ile a;'tnally proposed on a post- t►hy my boy i• always at the bottom card. of his class;" Schoolmaster --"M}' ,flet rrinl:ioR o -misfit careful dear sir. I should say consult a specialist in heredity.,' vtudy of the mat:er, 1'. S. Governs flaLt. irrecent years through the light shed upon the alimentary tract by bacteriology we have conic to recog- nize local disturbances as expres- sive of loss of floral balance. In ordinary parlance the tract has to conte overgrown with weeds. This is shown by rude but plain evidence in the condition of the tongue. Mind your own business -unless y.,u arc getting paid for minding tlhor i•eeple'e. It ,T foolish for a man to b. -apt of being boss in his own h nl�e 'ct,r n Lis wife 11 present. meat scientists state definitely that the common howl' fly 1• the hrineipal means of distributing typhoid fewer, diphtheria and nlallpo�, H iI.on's Fly Pail', kill the flies and tut disease genus, too. Trsatmentfe.all 11 O111.1I'S SMALLEST CHURCH. ALments of - HORSES or Uve Stook Fully eap}isined la oat .ittle fru ,ttet Mlal!ed free ,oe requ.'t. Ad -Ir -e', The Veterinary Remedy Cos 1 Deaf A, It Adelaide St. Ea.t, TurusTO, Cas MOULTON COLLECE 34 Blear Street Ea :t, Toronto. A higghgr. le Red 1.,itlal 11:11--,1 1,4 ciir.. Feat for the ye.vr Ito+tart Student-/, $14 t 4268. *►ay Stud l It*. $34 1.- $72. College Reopens Rept, IS. Calendar on application 51135 CIlAItt.01 1'lllt.l l.1. Vieu-PriuciiAL Woodstock College WOODSTOCK. ONT. A Iu''y Equipped Reeidena .1 ao'.00l for Boys and Young M.n f reparee for Uuit ar .Ity. Bch. •S e• Bclence. BusIn*as. bo. L2 nd Annual Calendar tent on ap.i chlor. A. T. MacNFI1., it. A., Principal. SENTENCE SERMONS. Self-denial it; self-discovery. There are few weeds in a. busy life. The only way to savo seed is to SOW it. Self -conquest is the secret of all great courage. The next worst thing to having no friends is to bo without foes. There are no innocent bystanders when an injustice is being done. You do not preserve the faith by keeping the faithful in a pickle. All the slaves of lust aro proud of their collars branded "Liber- ty." Wo lose any great attainment when we try to turn it into a rest- ing place. Culture alone cannot make char- acter, but character alone gives culture. You get little comfort out of the plan who has been used to consol- ing himself. - --'F Always Serviceable. -Most pills less their properties with age. Not oc with 1'armelee's Vegetable fills. The pill mass is so compounded that their strength and effectiveness :s preserved and the pills can bo carried anywhere without fear of losing their potency. This is a quality that few pills possess. Some pills lose their power, but not so with Parrnelec's. They will main- tain their freshness and potency for a long time. WHAT H$ WANTS. "I understand your boy is look- ing for a job 7" "No. Mistaken idea. It's a soft snap he wants." Dem Your Rask Mho ? Don't experiment with Imitations but get the genuine. the "1, A 1... Menthol Plaster. It cures. Davi. a Lawrence, Cu.. maker. UNLESS YOU ARE THE MAN. It isn't sweet, music when you bear a man blowing his own horn. Do Not Delay. --Do not let a cold or cough fasten upon you as it will if neglected. Dr. Thomas' Eclee tric Oil will break up a cold and cure a cough, and should be resort- ed to at at once when the first symptoms appear. It can be dis• gtlised so that any unpleasant taste It may have will be imperceptible to the delicate. Try it and be con- vinced. HIS TRANSFORMATION. Little Harold, aged 0, felt very proud when he donned his first pair of trousers. Taking his 3 -year-old brother behind the door he was overheard to say. "Willie, Willie, do you remember me 1" Can Accommodate as Many as Ten )Worshippers. The Roman church at Penon, a suburb of Mexico City, is the smal- lest iu the world. LS general ap- I:earatne this tiny structure some- what resembles the oldest Roman church in Mexico, in the capital city it large one. The Penon church can comfortably aOcou►nto- dato as many as ten worshippers. It, contains a little altar before which the marriage ceremonies of the young people of the tillage aro performed. There is hardly room for the bride and groom to stand before it. side by side. The door into the chili -Ai is so low that a pian of ordinary height cannot en- ter without stooping. Tho roof is surmounted by two small steeples in which bells hang and are rung as regularly as the big bells in the great cathedrals. -Ttte total height of the Person church, including the steeples, is not more than one-half that of the great door of the ca- thedral. Tho Penon church serves :.s the place of worship for the en - tiro population of the little vil- lage. When the interior becomes crowded the parishioners patiently wait until some of the worshippers leave and there is room for them to enter. TIIE ONTARIO VETERiNARY COLLEGE. We beg to draw our readers' at- tention to the announcement in this issue of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, which is now one of the col- leges under the control of the On- tario Department of Agriculture, and affiliated with the University of Toronto. Tho close relation of some of the diseases of the lower animals to the public health has recently aroused a demand for food inspection, which, together with the enactment cf Federal laws for the prevention of tate spread of contagious dis- eases, have both had a marked in- fluence in broadening the field of Veterinary Science in this country, and this in its turn has led to the extension of one year to the former College Course, and those who con- template following Veterinary Sci- ence as their life -work will have the benefit of the advances which have recently been mado at tho College. Professor E. A. A. Grange, Prin- cipal of the College, will be pleased to furnish full particulars on appli- cation. 'I'- -- FATHER'S MISTAKE. "That young man who has been calling on you for sonic time seems to lack ambition," remarked Papa Got-rox. "There's where you go lame, papa," rejoined the only daughter. "Ile is ambitious to marry me." A Domestics Eye Remedy. Serine Afiords Rs!Iable Relief t. Ityee th.t Ned •aro. 'fry Nidriuo Eye Rawly In Your Eyes. I Soothes hyo I'aln. THE DIFFEIRENCE. The difference between true friendship and acquaintanceship is that when we are absent from our familiar haunts, our acquaintances take it for granted that we are out of town ; our true friends make in- quiries to be sure that we are not in a hospital. Use the safe, pleasant and ef- fectual worm killer, Mother Graves' \Wesrnt Exterminator ; ncything equals it. Procure a bottle and take it home. -- _ ALWAYS. "Why is it --" THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED "Whet is what 1" GIRLS' SCHOOL."That's it's always the one who stays cool and calm and collected eter, ho(d Pdiphtheria Red St. Margaret's College, Toronto, who always is able to make the rest ty p + P Is fully equipped to prepare stu- of the family crazy mad 1" smallpox. No Other fly killer con - dents for honor matriculation and - - pares with )Wilson's Fly Pads. first year university work, and also PERFECTLY HARMLESS and yet 'free---- for all examinations in Music, Art tual. Painkiller may be administered by THE (1'I'Ifl.lt SIDE. hies 'wiener(' persons without fear of accident. For all tlo..el complaints It is a sure eprt-iflc. Avoid substitutes. there is but ono •' Painkiller "--Pam Dale• -26o. and '60c. 500 BUGGIES 3008E13 NNNNESS To Is Sold at logs Than Manufacturers' Prices. We have decided to sell direct to the user at prices never before known. Note the following prices: Top Buggies, .. . .. ...... .. reg. $ 75 for $62 00 Rubber Tiro Runabouts .. .... .. " 1::5 " 90 00 Road Wagons ... 05 " 50 00 Nickle Trimmed Buggy Harness .. .. " 10 " 9 60 Brass Trimmed Buggy Harness .. .. 1 1 20 " 13 60 Rubber Trimmed Buggy Harness .. .. " 23 " 14 50 The above goods are made from the best material we can buy, and are fully guaranteed. This is the only chance you have ever had to buy a first-class buggy or a set of harness at such low prices. Write now and tell us what you require. We will cheerfully give all infortnation regard- ing our lines. and ship to any address in Canada. Money refunded if goods not as represented. The Toronto Harness and Carriage Supply Company TORONTO ONTARIO_ HIS FEAR. A prisoner at the sessions had been duly convicted of theft, when it was seen, on "proving previous convictions," that he had actually been in prison at the time the theftwas committed. "Why didn't you say so 1" asked the judge of the prisoner angrily. "Your Lordship, 1 was afraid of prejudicing the jury against Inc." MINN1C0G.1N.1SHENE. A hard name to pronounce, called locally "Minnicog." This is a picturesque summer resort on one of the largest islands of the Geor- gian Bay, only 3% hours run by the Grand Trunk Railway System from the City of Toronto, Canada, and beautifully situated among the 30.- 000 islands of that territory. Splen- did hotel accommodation, good fish- ing, fine boating and no hay fever. Bass, trout, pickerel and pike abound. For illustrated descrip- tivt matter and all information, write to Mr. J. D. McDonald. 40 Ontario Veterinary College TEMPERANCE ST.. TORONTO, CAN. Established 1352, taken ever by the Prevhsalif Government of Ontar'e. 1905. Affiliated with the t'niverety of Toronto rimier control , f the Dept. of Agriculture of nntaria Colt Oi ens let therd.er, 190). Cowrie of mu :y eat* thro.l h 3 codes.. year.. FEES Pt: ft 5r.SS.e\ 575. Calendar to appi,emiun. E. A. A. ORANGE. v.8.. M.B. rra.ipal. Dept. Rt GrTTf-Taht,tltplj AC=iITS MFtt e. L wc14iEIL 4 CASE Make $3 a D► I stab. :_ i- .r.•�- Ihh p.rman.ut t.-o..w•. op A• ; ear iso -rat. (1.;, t.t.ib -y a-; • tl�r. goo:, Dell CO . ell C In every home. are quialy _' ' %j,, urea up sod .pe..t o.ders . f �. v.nte 1.•1. Exclusive len WRITE -. titon given. Tag II ,a. Buert.r Oa, Dept. 1i0, Torca:o, OM. An CATALOGUE GARDEN PARTY YOL•a at:CURB HAYEY IIOYD Entertainer 91Adetalds't. Roel TORO\ I.►. Write for term+, eta 't'hones: Long Mit:tap, blahs 1504. College t712. PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE LIKES THE NAME. Ti. "Rlohmond (Que.) Cuardlan," In rte "That's Skinner's wife," said 53rd Tear of Publication. Gausip. "They say she didn't have a very good name when he married her." "Well, ho seems to think it's very good now," replied Wise. "Yes 1" "Yes; ho's put all his property in it." It is Wise to Prevent Disorder. - Many causes lead to disorders of the stomach, and few are free from them. At the first manifestation that the stomach and liver are not ferforming their functions, a course of Parnlelee's Vegetable fills should be tried, and it will be found that the digestive organs will speedily resume healthy action. Laxatives and sedatives aro so blended in these pills that no other preparation could bo so effective as they. C'APT. FIBB. Captain (spinning a yarn) --"1 was for eight days a prisoner atnoi-g the cannibals.,, Lady -"rind how was it they didn't eat your Captain (calmly) -"Well, the truth was, the chief's wife had mis- laid her cook book." • If allowed to ream over your house those few Innocent -looking house flies may cause a real trag- edy any day, as they are known to be the principal agents for the spread of those deadly diseases, and Domestic Science. Great at- tention is given to Physical educa- tion, which includes a variety of school games - Tennis, ('ricket, Basket ball, and Hockey. There is also an open-air skating rink, a tobaggalt slide and a swimming bath. VERY STRANGE. There was a lawyer in B ---- whose name was Strange, and it was said that never since he had started in his profession had ho told a lie. But one day he died, and a collection was raised among those who knew him for the erec- tion of a memorial stone. After they got it a dispute arose as to shat would be tno most suitable inscription to put on it. They all had something to ray except one individual, who did not seem to take any interest in the matter. but nothing seemed suitable. At last the person referred to was asked s'. hat he thought about it. ")Well," said he. "I have some• thing short and sweet. How's this: •Ifere lies the body of a lawyer who 1 • . •r told a lie.' " Itut people won't know who ho %, I ." the pretested. Well," he said, 'when people --..' that inscription. they will say, 'I'ltat's Strange.' and so it is." hinllls nlenti,n the 0:►tn'' cf this piter in ‘‘riling 10 ad►erti-'i". IN A BAD FIX. Bessie -"Oh ! Mabel! I'm in an awful (Biennia! I've quarreled with Harry and he wants Inc to send his ring back." Mabel --"That's too had :" Bessie --''But that isn't the point! I've forgotten which is his ring! It gives us a terrific jolt every time we hear our friends praise eur enemies. 1 N 1' I:•"l I; \ ti. 3: 03. "Say, pa," Johaiiy asked --and it was 1115 thirty-seventh query _-"is there two bides to every question 1" "There is," replied the long- suffering parent, as he suddenly yanked the youngster across his knee and began to apply his slip- per, "and this is the other side." Have you tried Holloway's Corn Cure 1 It has no equal for remov- ing these troublesome excreseuces fir many have testified who have died it. READING IN PROPORTION. "Tomorrow you may have some- thing to eat," promised the doctor to the patient, who was now con- valescing and correspondingly hun- gry. The patient realised that there ttould be a restraint to his appe- tite, yet he hoped fur a modest, steaming steal. "Here is your dinner," said the nurse next day, as she gave the patient a spoonful of tapioca pud- ding; 'and the doctor emphasizes that everything else you do must be in the same proportion." To hours later the nurse hoard a frantic call from the bedcham- ber. "Nurse." breathed the man, Fussily. "I want to do some read- ing ; bring me a postage -stamp." For very many years the chief organ of the Conservative party of the Eastern Townships. "The Guardian" is an 8 -page 6 -column paper, and has been conducted by the present editor without inter- ruption for 60 years, who retires iD consequence of advancing years. Tho plant is in fair order, and consists of a moderate stock of news and job type, 7 -horse -power engin* and boiler, Peerless Gem cutter, 9,.4 -in. Campbell power press, me- dium Gordon (modern), and Liberty circular and card press, all in per- fect order ; three very large stones, tables, furniture, tools. addressing machine, stoves, etc., etc., Apply either to 8. FRANK WILSON, Toronto., or W. E. JONES, Richmond, Quo_ THE SAFEST INVESTMENT I. It ■nl true that torr d rat e.•aetJrretlon Ira 1w- veaflap l• In plere your ,nosey nhero It in lll b• B A VI: 1 Tb* west n►.er• It .x1il br1.R you Ih• beat Income 1 1•ou *vent to 1(1:1:1• nl1 you 11.At 1•:, an.i act as muco more • e yu11 Cart. The history/ of .Standard Canadian Bonds has been all unusually 417li. /acro;.'/ one. 11 is imperative that eyed/ sa egts-ird should be taken by the bond .firm tl'/leli a new issue is tirade; subsequently that the Com- pany .r record be cartl'ully and regularly observed. Thi.: Cr► r poration has brought Upon the market a great number of the beet known bold issues of Can- adian ln- adian concerns whish hare been- -0/ iindoubted cen--0/?11'floubte'd oafety. -(iirilrq a farce illicre',t Tried ri. r• Q/loirillgil bit»,%eell.ld N1rl-r.''Cla/Jolt ill raluc'. 5nrne nnilrnad bends to yIrIJ d'•, In L', per rent. '••,me i 11. Irte 11y. bootie t• )tell IS per cent. '••"••e hrna• ..1 if'rr. Coy's. t• 71014 5, to 11 per cent. Cull; alt u.s with re,/irel to your investments. DOMINION SECURITII';S COR l'OR %111' V, 1.1111iI 1) 26 tl'er.11111.Li 1.;,F. TOkt►,\ro