HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-05, Page 135c to JAN. '1 NOW IS THE 'rIMF, to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or ?lee take advantage of our Low Club Rates of Wedding Invitations &T In Newest Tyrie On Bert Papers The Finest Work And Hight Prices The'Advocate Office, Exeter TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5e 1909. SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable 0 In order to get rid of surplus stock, we are Reducing the Price in many lines, as the following will show : Muslins Silk finished, Batiste with pale blue, Robe pattern finished with silk emb. Spot ! A very fine line, reg- ular price 40e. to clear 30c. Fancy Self Stripe Muslins with grey pattern, extra value at 40c, to clear 30c. ,lowered Muslin Showing a different stripe and fancy pattern, regular 30c, to clear The local bowlers returned from Lu:: -I To the Adeocate, n pleased to notice in your ceriumis of last week a„ article favoring the prc•Fosed waterworks Ily-law, the r O:;ttnts of watch I most heartily en- dorse, and 1 feel It my duty as a rate - pay •r and citizen t0 say a few words be }our permission on this most im- portant subject. The matter of water - work Is, without doubt, the Trost hnpor Bent of all public utilities to be consider- ed by a municipality, and this presents n ece,a al' opportune time for the citi- zens 0' Exeter to avail thenteelvca of tate privilege of acquiring that long) felt wart. 1t seems to int That it Id the duty of every ciltzea who Iters the to'v!t's welfare at heart to lend a help- ing hand in .support of the by-law now before us; not only by casting a vote In !Iv favor, but to use our energies and influence hi getting others to sup- port the good cause. Remember In turning down a propos. Meet o1 this kind wo are retarding that ;!cal' 1 playa-Las130necessary for the the well-being of every well regulated town, and as citizens—if we ars worthy of the name—lel us not be guilty of branding our town with a black eye, and Inflicting an Irreparable injury, Croat whit!: our town will probably never recover. Let It trot be said that we are barnacles and vampires on thewheels of progress, and unworthy tie name of citizen. Your vote lost on this occ:wlon may go down to posterity re- gretted and not to be recalled. hence vote for the by-law on the 18th Inst., nd you will have dune your duty, Gtr •. D. Johns and asses LIIl i and Ann}• Johns leave to -day for Toronto to spend a few days. Miss Annie Hanover left Wednesday for her hone near Dashwood where she will spend her holidays. 1IOWLING WATERWORKS BY•La%V. 1 Local ,�Cal Items don Friday morning after enjoying four 1 way indeed days at the tournament. While they did not [ring home a trophy with them, they were pretty well up In the run- ning. Together the two rinks played 16 games, winning 10 and losing 6, watch la a much hotter showing than Exeter had hitherto made at London. Tamara's rink, consisting of Snell, Stewart, Collins and Taman. won four and lost three In this order.—Lost to Plain and Colored Mulls Ross of London, won front Rawson of with fancy pattern and stripe. to Wyoming, and Dowding of Clinton, lost clear 15e. to Greenwood of Toronto, wort frim Gra- Colored Organdies andham of London and Thompson of Strath roy, and loot to English of Hamilton. Dimities and Muslins Ileaman's rink, consisting of Clarke, Extra value at 10.;, 12ic and 15e Taylor, Dickson and Ileantan won six to clear Sc. and lost three as follows.—Von from Thompson of Strathroy and Stroger of Swiss Embroidery Insert. Toronto, lost 10 Beacon of Harrison, A few short ends of this only, won from Duncan of Thameavllle, Tov- suitable for waists. To clear 33e. ell of St. Marys, Booker of Aylmer and Allen of London, lost to Armitage of Paris and McDougal of London. Tho rink winning the championship was sklp ped by an old Exeter boy, Chas. Abbott of London. Two rinks of the Exeter fowlers went to Crediton Thursday and played two games each. The rain in the evening interfered with the game a good deal, but wet grounds did not keep t hem from finishing the games. Crediton was 11 up ort the day's play. Tae Lyntberger supper did not seem to be able to help the boys out as much as 1 t did at Dash- wood—probably due to a difference In the quality of the cheese. although Spack said it was just as good. Then Berney INDUCTION OF REV. S. F. SLIARP AS lit own and Harry Eliber Itad a perm- anent skip in the forst of a fence post PASTOR OF TIIE CAVEN I'I:ES which they aimed at, with the result L11'a;t;i;.N CHURCH. that they had kitty -touchers nearly every T t'.me. Claude ltluatt won both the '' Indo' 11on of the Rev, Samuel F. games against N. D. llurdon by 29- Sharp a r:asto: of the Cavell Prasb}y tern:. t C.•urch took place on Thursday 17 and 16-13. Doc McCue lost the first after' cot,. July 2teth, 1909. to W. H. Levett by 111-13 but won the 1'a� berntc.n for the occasion was do- Aecorld 12-10. The players were.—Crcd- iton—Riown, Bourne, Clark, Illuett ; Mor- llw red Ly the last inducted minister wiVan the Huron Presbytery, Rev. Mr. lock, Rowson, Eliber, McCue (Evening Mann of Auburn, who took for his lett!, game Kuhn. Eilbcr, Ellbrr, McCue.) • sera Exeter—Spackman, Acheson, Creech, Hun. F I ' v mane loaves !save ye." Tire.Ivo don ; Gould, Sweet, Carling, Levett. insc visas a very elegant and impressive 1let- discouraa:. At the close Trey. C. Flet - The I'realdeut'e and Vice-I'reeldrut s c'ter, li tcrmit Moderator, put the us - rinks finally got in their ual questions and declared Mr. Sharp game Friday inducted as pavtur. Rev. Mr. Sawers of night. after five weeks of postponement Uru.afic•;d addressed the pastor and ilcv. and unfinished games.r The result was >1 Smelt of Blyth tic congregation. In favor of the Vice -President. W. W. The sermons and addresses were all Taman, wno on three rinks was 11 points above the President, W. 11. Levett tit listened iad tog with the session and were to by a good cougregation,ntany Two of the games were close 18-16. visitors from neighboring churches be - and In favor of the President, but the preen:. third went strongly against him. L. [i. During the evening a reception was Dickson beating Rev. Collins 27 to 12. The score ;— tendered the Rev. and Mrs. Sharp, also President's Rinks.their daughter, Niles Margaret. by Ile members and adherents of tau ('furca, 1—Acheson, Stewart, Snell, Levett-18 tea being served by the ladles in the 2—Gould, Creech, Carling, lleamatr-18 Hurdon, Collins -12 basement, where air. and Mrs. Scarp 3—Andersen, Seldom were inade acquainted w'it: t ,c members 4e of the congregation present. The reel - dent ministers and their wives were W etch Our Straw Hat Window Friday and Saturday Ali , 1.:, 75c and $1.(W) Hats will be cleared at exceedingly low prices. Men's Good, Reliable Summer Shoes in all etzes, regular price $2.50 and $3.00, cleating at 11.50. Boys' Shoes in Pebble and Split, all sizes, while they last 500 per pair. Ladies, Shoes A few pair only of these„in Oxfords and high shoes, to clear 50c. Misses' and Boys' Tan Oxfords, extra value at $1, to clear 75c Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Live Poultry ! Butter 18c, Eggs 19c. trade; 18c cash. These prices subject to change. CARLING BROS. Money ! Money ! Money ! MUST HAVE MONEY! In order to get stoney we will hold a Great Slaughter Sale for the Next 30 Days Everything reduced in price. All Summer Goods to be sold at cost prices. Men's Straw Hats Ladles' Blouses, and Suits Whitewear, Belts, This is a Genuine Sale Muslins, Gloves, and as we want to raise $4,0041 in thirty days. Light Rain Coate GOODS MUST GO !!! Come quick and get bargains. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWS PHONE 22 1 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE Y� rNf!..a..a1 Card.. Dai O. V. sOULBTON, 1.. D. B., D. D. 8. OHItTI>ST ■eftabee of the IL O. D. B. of Ontario and Honor of Torcasio University. OR)OI: Over Diction a OarlIng's Law Office, In Di. &ad en's former Dental Parlors. `DL A. L KINSMAN, L. D. B., D. D. B,' H•rror graduate of Toronto Unlveristy, DENTIST, Sean eatrsct d without any pals, or spy bad elects Outs cyst Madman a Staebury's once, Malo street Imam Medical I (J Earl Spackman spent Sunday and Mon- day here. Mrs. Dr. McDowell of Listowel 1s vie - Bing her mother Mrs. Welsh. M •, Geo. Holman of Egmondville is spending a few days In town. alias Neva Snell of London Is the guest of of Mies Gladys Ford. Miss Ida Rowe is visiting relatives in Clinton for a couple of weeks. Dr. Fright of %Vlarton le visiting his brother, Dr. II. R. Bright here. Mr. J. A. Sanders of Woodstock vis- ited his parents In town over Sunday. M •s. George Anderson returned ;ton - day after a fcw weeks vtelt at Fingal. T:e Misses Hedges of London visited their sister, Mrs. James Dearing, over Sunday Mrs Dutigate of London le the guest of her Disler, Mrs. James Dearing of Stephen. Mies Florence Anderson left Saturday for 1-It,gal where site will vialt for sev- eral weeke. Mira, Gladys Ford returned Saturday from avislt at Buffalo. Niagara Falls and Toronto. Silas Tillie Yager of Tileonburg le vis- iting friends in town, the guest of Mise Nettie Walters. Mr. Nelson Prior of I'ortage la Prai- rie has been the gu,eet of his parents, here tela. week. Vice -President's Rink. preaent to help in t::e celebration. At 1-Llndenfelt Spackman Taylor Taman -16 eight o'clock a short program was corn- 2—Stanbury, May, Davie, I3latchford-16 rnenced In the auditorium of the church 3 -Anderson, Sweet, Christie, Dickson -27 when the following numbers were given, 59 Rev. Fletcher acting as chulrman—An- them by the choir, address by tie chairman, solo by Miss Edith Moneta, TEACIILFRS SUCCESSFUL AT GUELPH address by Rev. Mr. Mordln of St. HERE TO STAY ! Marys, byrecMi.on by nen, McNaught, Mims Tae following are the wanes of a trust- address by Mr. alcVannel, solo by Mims ber of teachers who have successfully Livingstone, recitation by Miss Mc - Bus and Dray Calls rasped examinations at the Ontario Ag- Naught address by Mr. F. W. Glad• ricultuiaa College, Gue pti, in these two ratan, ductt by \!were. Kinsman and Sen subjects: nor, address by Rev. Mr. Sharp, sel- Elcnhcr.tary industrial Aris—Miss L.E. action by the choir. Horses kept in stock for sale. Abbott, Lucan ; Mollie E. Cluff, Edna The congregation is to be ottgratul- Copp, Minhle E. KIM,. Clinton ; Annie at.'d on the au:cess of the day's services C. Laing, St. Mary': Mary E Smith, and also on their securing as their pas - Stables at Handford's Horse Exchange Parkliil : Nettle E. Spearin, St. Marys, tor the Itev. Mr. Sharp. Elementary Agriculture.—M.Ella Doupe Tat. following Rev. gentlemen were WM. ARNOLD. Prop. of Klrkton ; Gertrude K. Elliot. Lucas ; present be.Ides those already motion- - Olive E Hodgins, Lucan, Nettle A.Stew- od— Ilea Mr. Smith of Hensel', and art, Ftyth . Mabel Walsh, Windham. Rev. C,rtiere of Grand it fitd. ------- - — TiIE EXETEit COUNCIL urciatora on Ladles' Waists and • lir. Thos. Oke of Bryansto,, was In --- N1,1 — t r tcwcar. Good wages. Steady work Council met In the office of the Clerk town a few days this week on business in connection with his property deal al Friday, July o.0, at B p. m. Absent the north end of town. Councillor Heaman. A correspondence from Mr. 11. W. Smith of Goderlch In regards to a pool room. The clerk was SHED FOR SALE instructed to stake answer that the --- Town Cou all would not grant a Ile - The long open shed at Bethesda will tr,•se A request from the i'ublic School be sold ay Puhllc Auction on Tuesday Board, asking 82800.00 be raised for evening, August loth, at 7 o'cloek. erhoot purposes for the current year. 11 S. Phillips, Auct., C. Keddy, se..') Tender•e for gravel were opened ate, of Trustee Board. read alt follows—A. Q. nobler. W. T. Gilltepie attd Creech & Ilandford. Per SERVANT GIRL WANTED Jot hr—Luker—That the tender of W. T. tl'llirpie for $2.75 per cord. delivci•_d, t'p-_talrs ur Diuing Roost Work. — it bald the lowest, be accepted.—Carried ItATTENbCItY HOUSE, Clinton, Ont. A ptation from ratepayer, residlug ora tete i:orth side of Siincoa street. ask- i:,g for a cement walk, and sign'd by the following persons was read—C.tas. FARM WANTED TO TIENT. Cu -title, M. ,M. Parkinson, D. C. Mein - Me, John Northcott, Mrs. 0. )took. i'er 10.1 ac res, to get possession hi fall. Jol rs—Carling—That the petition as Arr•ly to SANI)EitS & CREECH, Eseter received be filed.--Carrlcd. Nest meet- ing Friday, August 6th. Adjourned by Carling. promptly attended to. Telephone 41A GIRLS WANTED — Tee STAR W HITEtt EAR at F-0 00. 101 R BRIGHT, Y. D., M. C. F'. a 8 HONOR NMI.. Ont. s Oraduate of Toronto University, Teo fears resident pArsiclan Ronal Alexandra Hospital, etc:. a Omsad Re•(denee, r. Amos' Old Stand Andrew I Street, EIETER. Dz. T. P. YcLAUUHLIN Has r••nmed practice after spending a year (Col- lege) at Br/1•b and Continental Hospitals. General settee with spacial attention to Eye, (watt rano Ili s) Ear Nose and Throat. 011•. e: Dash.. cod, Ont. DIO<BQN a CARLING, BARRISTER!!, FOLIC! !!ass. Notaries, eon. ey an -ere, C'cmn.:esicnrrs Molten for Molsoae Bank, etc. ■stay VS Leen at lowest rate, of Interest ()Svc Main street, Exeter, 1, a. o•atu•. 6.A , L H. :moos MONEY TO LOA. -1. W have a large amount of pet. ate funds to !ova • Wu and village propertlee et low rates 0 inter set. (MADMAN a STANBL'RT,I Bardeen, itoIkItore,Matn a , Eseter On B. 8. PHILLIPS, ExjTER, L;ceased *act levee,. Italie attended In all parte. Satisfaction ifuaran• Wed re so pa Terme reasonat'i. All orders left at Advocate �ce wilt be promptly attended to J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead - Canadian and British Companies. Main -St.. Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM• ANDEiRSON. Licensed Auctioneer lifor Huron. Cou :ty. Terms reasobable. atates an tic :Wade at t! a Adeo,ate _ hatter. or 11r:,ry enieer•s Office, CTed Icon. HOUSE )-'OR SALE An excellent brick !rouse, modern and up-to-date. Situated on 'Iain street. AOpiy al tnls Office. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. Auction Sale of Valuable Farm land at the Central Hotel on Saturday, 7th Augu.t, at 4 o'clock. Mrs. J. Cookson Prop.; T. Cameron. Auct. tuuth half of Lot 21, Con. 3, Stephen, r::!'•• west of Eseter; also 80 acres of Lot 23, Con. 2, Stephen, and 25 :i res In flay Swamp. FARM FORSALE. A hundred acre farm, all seeded down but one acre ; situated north of Centralla 1-4 mile from Church, school and Post Otfire, being Lot. 6. Con. 1, Stephen. There is o;t the premises a good frame house, three good frame barns, 4 wells, 1 windmill. 1 acre of good orchard.and t0 acres of hardwood bush; fences in Rood repair, and is well under -drained. Terms easy. For particulars apply to Niro S. McCOY, Centralia. TEA('iHElt WANTED. na;c', S S. No. 18 s.ct,:en. State •..its•) Apray 'e SILAS ST \NLAKE, Jr Ila} I . C. Oa'. ! (al: SALE (,li itENT - :.i Pe t•ra k !.ouPr on Main-st., Ewer Tonne easy. Also for sale t oge tat sa at Wonderful Remedies. WM, M. PLATCHFORD FARM FOR SALE. (tan of the finest farms in l;sborr,e Apply to SANDERS & CREECH, Bitter FARM 10)1 SALE. The uridereigned ;s offering for sale that valuable 100 acre farm. tieing Lot 8. Con. R. Stephen, Allcicarrd and in good state of cultivation. Fences good, well under -drained with tile. About one acre of orchard. Two story new brick cottage and bank barn ; also cement .10; three good wells of water and a opting creek. One quarter mile from et'.00l and two miles from church. i'oteession given In the fall. Apply to NEWTCN BAKER, CENT(tAL1A, ONT. Ontario Liquor License Act Llcere. Iristri• t o1 South Huron. Notice Is here. by given that Ales. Robinson of the village of Rayfield hi. made application for pern iarios to transfer his Village tasern license at Mayfield to wilfert J. Hanlon of London, and that the said appe,ation will to rons!dere•d at the meeting of the Board of Lketee Commiseionere, to be held at the Commercial Hotel, in Village of Ra sold, on Satur- day. the 7th day of Aogust, 1900, et the hour of 10 am. All persons Interested will goiero themeelvee a,'. cordingl”, John Tcnar e, 1.I.ense lnep.-tor Dated at Centers, tea :ata day 0July, IRO. SUCCESSFUL JUNIOR TEACHERS Of those who wrote at Eseter on the Junior Teachers' Examination or the Entrance to Normal Schools, the fol- lowing were sueccssfuJ—Katie Collins, J. 11 .Oeslrelcher,' Ed. L. Willis, ida, M. Rowe, J. A. McMahon (honors) H. Sanders Is also mentioned In the report, which 'name probably mean. Lizzie or Thomas Sanders. both of whom tried the examination. We heartily congratulate all the suc- ceosful once and wish the others better luck nest time. Those dcslrl,tg to attend the coming session of the normal schools s,r•e re- minded that application for admission must be made to the deputy' minister of education not later than Tuesday. Sept. 7. No. Student will be admitted who will not be at least 18 years of age be- fore September 1st. The Misses Millie and Cora Hutchin- son have returned to their home in Lon- donafter a few days' visit at Mr. R. Quante'/. Mies afar•garet lilac oz and Gtr. At thin e f Toronto are visiting with the I e tt.t,'i another, Mrs. (Rev.) Hobbs. Mrs at L. 'loose of cchnectady, N. Y., iv on a month's visit with her sisters, atrs. Wm. Hockey and Mrs. A. Cottle. Miss Kaercher of Kincardine and Mr. C. Graham of Godcrich are guests at the home of Mr. Arnold, James street. Mrs. 11. N. Anderson and her children Fiaz•'1 and Donald of tI.c Soo, arc vis- iting Mra. Jas. Wood, Mrs. Anderson's mother. Mr. Casa. VarrEgmond a former resi- dent of Eseter, having conducted the Woollen Mills !.ere long ago, was here for a few days last week. Miss Rrta Rowe, who has been visit ittg In Clinton. returned hone Wednes day.—Mlss Marlon 131bbings of Clinton Is visiting Mss Iteta Rowe. The Sunday Sc;tool of tI•c Trlvltt Mem- orial Church picnicked at Grand Mend on Tuesday. The usual pastimes were Ltdulged In and a pleasant outing is re- ported. This year's picnic was probab- ly more successful than any hereto- fore laid under similar auspices. DEATH.—The death occurred Sunday at St. Paul, allata1., of the wife of Rev; A. L. Russell, a former pastor of the James Street Church, Exeter. Atter 50 years service Mr. Russell retired front the ministry last year, and since that time they had been vielting with their daughter In St. Paul. Besides the hus- band, one son and three daughters sur- vive. The remains were Interred In London on Wednesday, W.J.T.W. LODGE INSTITUTED.— Mr. Qiard, general agent for the Woodmen of the World has been here for some weeks enrolling candidates and succeed- ed In getting a sufflcicn' number to in. stltule a lodge which was done Friday evening last in the Oddfellows Hall. Some twenty members jollied. with the proerecl of a doyen more this week. The following officers were elected,— Past Con. Cern., T. P. Elliott ; Con. Com., C. J. Luker ; Adv. Lieut., C F. Sea- wright ; Banker, W. D. Burke ; Clerk, E. 11 Aat I'hyslcla,t, 11. it. Bright ; Escort, F. E. Elliott ; Watchman, H. 11. Qu:arae , Sentry. 0. L. Ilattchford ; ours. C F'. Seawrlgi.t, A. W' .Sntale, it G. Luker. CEMENT MERGER A!raIgt rents wire consummated last week fur 0110 of the biggest and moat Inntortant mergers that has ever bees effected in Canada. The merger will in- clude all the principal cc;neht ntat,ufacte urine companies In Canada, and thc con- solidated compa:ty. whic:t will lie known as the Caeadian Co;.s3lldatevf Cement Company. will have a capitalization of $25,000,1}00 N"rgLant—Early Tuesday moiling, a fire ccmpletely destroyed the resldeltce of ttrs Marron, Francis street. Z1I0 eoucc was, uno-:uplea and tt.c origin of the fire le ut:kt:own. Seaforth—The death occurred on July 28th of Catharine Menary, relict of the late Janes Sparring, In her 01st year. The funeral took place on the 29th to the Mattlandbank cemetery. BIRTHS llowey—In Exeter, on July attic, tQ Mr. and Mrs W. 5 Howey, a son, Eugene Davidson. i!tantan—At Sltlpka, on July 27th, to Gtr. and Mrs. William Hcantan, a son. aiorley—At Ilrinsley, on July 21st, tQ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morley, a daugh- ter. M.t I:111AGF.S It•.Acrsot.— Itodhe—At Daahwood, on .fury ::Fth Fred Henderson of Louder! to ails& F'lorena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wen. Itodhe of Dashwood, DEATHS Iltltz.—At Stayter, on July 21, Rh -laud Illltz of Exeter, father of airs. L. D. Vincent. aged 64 years, Dcarti:g - in Exeter, o'i Monday, August 2:e:l, Thomas Dtar'ii , aged 83 years. Glutton—In Mitchell on July 2 sth,afary, Ann Slinntons, relict of the late TKOs. Mutton, In her 87th year. Colquhoun—In Mitchell, on July 29, Jas. Colquhoun, aged 76 years. Sparling—In Seaforth, o.: Jul}' 26, Cath- arine Menary, relict of the late James Sperling, aged 90 years. Jackson,—At Go flume, Muskoka, July, 22, Lillian Fair, eldest daughter of Thos. Jackson, Jr., Clinton adad 23 y,cara, I month and 22 days. Taylor—In London, on July 2,5tlt, Mary Jane Taylor, daug'''er of the late T. Taylor of Clinton, aged 48 years. , NEW fffilli011 Store !laving leased the store propertyt Mt. J. W. Broderick, Main, street,` 1 bee to announce to the public that 1 haft eel :.ed out business In the line of (len- riot i'rovisions. 111.0011, FEED, STOCK FOOD, PRESS, ED HAY, STRAW, ALL KINDS OF SEEDS, GRAINS, ETC. ETC. The very best grades of flour always on hand Goods delivered to any part of the town We Invite your patronage and 'solicit g call from you Broderick's J. EIDT Old Stand Use PLYMOUTH TWINES PLY. SPC. 500 ft. SILVER SHEAF 600 w GOLD5MEDAL 65i0 a 81-2o to 11c per Ib. 000 Dustbane A sanitary sweeping compound, cleans and brightens, a dust absorber and germ killer. Try a package. return if not satisfactory, 35c per pkge. I)r. Williams' Fly Destroyer...... • 35c, G5c and $1.00 35c and $1.00) 50c Paris Green, per lb 25c Gasoline, per gallon 25c Samson Brand Portland Cement for Walls, Walks, Floors and Silos. Cow Ease Sprayers IIEAIAWS IIARD!ARE A STOVE STORE