Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-29, Page 8A COCA) AFPEARANCE
dees„'t came t;y c!.ance, nelt':er doer,
1t grow on trees. To be presentable
you roast
Look over our tine line of suitittgs, pick
out what you like, and µe'.1 do tee
rest. Cothes made here dress you
well at small charges. Get measured.
Merchant Tailor,
Rosiness Locals -- Read Them
dandy '
keep ken'!.' Wear Stewart's 50c
Needle ('nderwcar. They're
Any person wishing Buckwheat for
Feed can get same at the grist mill.
Wheat, Oath and Barley wanted at the
Ladies -1.95 buys a swell trimmed
Hat at Stewart's. Regular value 3 to 5
dollars -more quick .'
Five good second hand Bicycles for
sale cheap. John Trlebner, Exeter.
10e the yard for your choice of any
colored Dress Mullins at Stewart's -reg -
War values 15c to 25c -pore quick!
2 fcrr 25c-L'idies' black and tan Bose
-plain or ribbed -regular rattle 20c
and 23'•. 2 pair fur a quarter. Stew-
NCE:To learn tailoring. W. W. TAMAN.
30 Seamless Room Vugs, in Wilton',
Velvets, Balmoral, Brussels and Wools,
all al bargain prices at Stewart's. Do
you want one?
EL'13SC1tII1E for the Advocate and
get all t':e :_ewe.
111.00 bnys .t sine!! Srv,ti-Porctlain
China Dinner Set at Stewart's. Puri
white body with neat pink floral decora-
tions and gold tracing.
liens and Du ks. Highest market
prices. Stewarts.
HOT ND FOR SALE -Rabble deg. Good
hueter. APPly at this office.
Ceder `;t:.r':ge Matrimonlul Rhymes
ltle tolloa'ltng 1s clipped regarding the
mairlagc In Huron County, Upper Can-
ada, on July 14th, 1949, Of Ebenezer
Sweet to Jane Lemon ;-
"Ilel:old, What strange . eitrentee do
1n Jane and Ebenezer;
For .'.se's t:o longer sour, but sweet ;
And he's • e s a lepton squeezer."
chain t.s : o stronger than Its weakest
link. e•"e:y lick in Canada's Greatest
Chain of Mgt. -grade Business Schools
has been k' pt in the highest state of
proficicncy known to business science.
Wale over oae th0usa:.d students were
celo'kd teat year, tie demand for grad -
water was t',ree times the supply. The
C:1:.,'0 11u.l'hees College, whlrh re -op -
e:.. August ;oth. invites the most crit-
ical In.pection front prospective stud -
flea. Owing to the prestige of this
chain. Fiery graduate of neat appear-
ance anal good c:taracter 1s guaranteed
a good at•uatton. The new advertise-
msnt of t tis college appears on page
lei .
behind a suit is not confin-
ed to other clothing estab-
lishments. There's a love•
liners about one garments
that will simply delight all
who come to us -that's ere.
For a Nice
Tailor -Made
this shop has a
good reputation
Let us make
Merchant Tailor- Exeter
14JAga 4141. Abs afl4Mta4a444 ilk AL/4A
. l : Event :y T..u: bd.tyt
Ur. J041, Co1111.! of Usborne has teen
.suite 111 of late.
Tne Purity Lenton Flavoring makes
:4plel:did drinks this hot weather. Try
it. Only 25c.
Mr. D. Davie and H. Willert, 1 of
Da.,h'wood each sapped a car of lambs
to Toronto Tuesday.
Rev. J. G. leellaud of Exeter, will sup-
ply for Rev. Mr. Jollitfe at Clinton dur-
e g his absence in the month of August.
Mr. Allen Y. Volllck o1 Hamilton ren-
dered a solo in the James street church
Sunday morning, and 1' was greatly rips
Our tedular corespondents should be
a little more regular in sending their
weekly budgets. If you are out of sup-
plies please drop a card to toe office.
Wot•. Uro. J. H. !lodging of Lucas
was elected District Deputy Grand Mas-
ter of Scuth Huron Maeonlc District(
No. 4, at the recent Grand Lodge nteet-
g at London.
Mrs. Bennett of Fernhill who has been
• .e guest of her daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Taylor has gone to Zion for a few
eteks.-Mr. G. Montle of London is the
guest of friends in town.
A quiet wedding took place on July 12
when Miea Lizz)e, eldest daughter of
Mr. and ,,lrs. Geo Hammond, was unit-
ed in wedlock to Mr. Nelson Vale, by
Rev. D. N. McCantus. They will reside
lit Exeter. -St. Marys Journal.
The Ontario Government are said to
have a plan now under consideration for
the superannuation of teachers of Ont-
ario. The proposal is to give an annu-
al grant to the teachers of the province.
The matter will be decide,! at the nett
.:eselon of the Legislature.
It may not be out of place to call at-
tentioi. of rural school trustees to the
fact that the Government givca a grant
of 410() to any section that purchases
an acre of land for a school garden,
and also gives Ail annuli grant of $20
to the trustees, and $30 to the teacher
weer° the work is carried on.
Some newapeper men are terrible !tars.
in writing of a cyclone out went one of
thein said It turned a well inside out,
moved a township line, blew the staves
out if( a barrel, leaving icpthine but the
oung hole, changed the day of the week,
blew a mortgage off a farm, blew all
tie ct•,rk:, out of a fence and knocked
• :e wind out of a politician.
Tee Canadian !tank of Commerce has
-sued a map of the Canadian West, ac-
ettpanted by a pamphlet descriptive of
•:e system of Dominion land survey
<_ ,d of the homestead regulations applic-
able to that part of Canada. Tne map
and information supplied are invaluable
to farmers and others :ontemplating go-
ing Wert. and copies can be obtained
F'ItEE at all offices of the Bank.
The following are the newly -Metall-
ed officers of the I.0.O.F. Lodge of Ex- ,,, resat `
wr t fo: a time. She .. bring ring her
'eter -J.P.G., Jos. Lamhrook ; N. G., ;tee grandchildren home with her whet
S. T. Dobler; V.G., W. Murray ; R. S., fete returns.
It. N. Taylor; P.S., A. E. F'uke ; Treaa., Rev. el r, Kestle and wife and chlld-
it . T - .. zI g 1:: LoildQ i
• _. Len: ,.. e :. awned to Lordor.1CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY
tiartin is viehing !:: Coder -
seuti:cott 1-• tolidaying :❑
Lc .dot.
Mr;. Piper a:.d daughter are vleltieg
el London.
Wes Ila Iarsett visited relatives here
o:, Saturday.
;Ira. Jane Atkinson is visiting 1n tee
Of Clinton.
Miss Lydia Oke o! Toronto Is visiting
ter parents here.
Miss Arnold lest Monday to Atilt wit!,
friends in Kincardine. •
Mr. and arra. W. D. Clarke left Mon-
day to visit in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Sheere are vis-
iting here for a few days.
Miss Gladys Bissett left Monday for
farts on a three weeks' visit. .
Mies Olive Armstrong of Paris is
visiting the susses Armstrong.
Rev. and Nra. Fear returned Monday
front their visit in Amheratburg.
Miss Jessie Cameron left Monday on
a visit to Winnipeg and other points.
Mins 1itflny of Detroit is visiting tate
Misses Lena and Alva Harding, of Co-
Mr. Paul Powell of Wingitam
Friday In town the guest of Mr.
S cet.
Mr. John McConnell of London
been a guest at the Commercial
Mr.. and etre.
dost seient part
tivea here.
Mr. Moa Oke was here during
wee,( attending the funeral of the
Alfred Sltcere.
Mrs. Cowan of London and Mies
r•owson of New York are guests at
M. Jackson's.
Mrs. Hughes of St. Louts, no., arriv-
ed t:cre last week and will visit with
relatives for a time.
The Misses Spackman of Blenheim are
guests of their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joint Spackman.
Mrs. recipe of Buffalo, who has Lee»
valthtg ,her sister, Mrs. 8. Fitton, rt -
turned home Tuesday.
H. J. Glanviiie of Lon -
of the week wiwithrela-
Ab -
M :4• r'. John E. Tont of Goderic::
and Frank TOM of Toledo visited under
the parental roof during the week.
11r. and Mien Harry Baker of Detroit
pent part of the past week with tee
father, Mr. \V, S. Baker.
Mr. Edwin Irwin of Norwich spent
Sunday with Mrs. Irwin, who is visit-
ing her parcnta, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mra. Mena and grandson Murray, weo
'sive been visiting at W. S. Cole's, re-
turned to their home In Lucas Friday
morning last.
Mr. at,s errs D. Langford of Regina.
Sask., arrived stere un Tuesday of last
week and will visit with Dr. and Mrs.
itoulstoo tot a time.
Mrs. E. Emerson Newman (nee Mies
LUllar' Jones) hag returned to her horse
in Detroit atter a week's visit with
rt:c'td.4 in and around town.
Mr -..Will. Walker of the 2nd of Step- �e
::c., left o:, Tuesday for f'-'rth Uattleford
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cw
Live hogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
7 50
1 50
1 20
3 '25
7 75
25 00
24 00
Wee May Pearso.t ut Lot.don la ep.i:d-
i::g her vacation in town.
TRUTH WELL TOLD. -Bill Nye had
the truth well told when he said ;-"A
man use a wart on the back of his neck
for c collar button ; ride on the back
coach of a train to save the interest
on his money 1111 the conductor gets
around; stop his watch at night to
cave wear and tear; leave the "1" and
"t" without a dot or cross to save
ink ; pasture a frlend'e grave to save
corn, but a man of this sort Is a gentle-
man and a scholar compared to the fel-
low that will take a newspaper two.
three or more years and when asked to
pay for it puts 1t back, in the office and
.':as It marked "refused."
Let tie send you The Advo -..te 10: -
the balance of 1909. 1t will give you
all the news worth having 141 the dis-
trict. From now 1111 the let of January
1710 for 40 eves.
tagk ati43ft44-8/4 afk a!iAL./Ic>lln ALAI
1 9
Having secured the agency for
Beatty Bros.
1 Round Track10
Hay Forks10
4 I am now ready to equip Fat•in. 0
• ers' Barns and Ilay-Mows with
▪ sante. These forks, without Pr
4 doubt, are the
4i Best on the Market
and to use them
is to be convinced. We guaran-
tee satisfaction and the price is
Wm. Gillespie, Exeter IF
E. M. Dignan; War., C. Northcott ; Con.,
NV. Statham; 00.. A. Stewart ; I. G.,
C. W. Cross; 11.8.9., W May ; L.8.8.,
W. S. Cole; it.S.N.G.. C. Ulrney L.S.N.G.,
C. Luker ; R.S.V,G„ E \Vllps ; L,S,V.G.,
ren of Wieconsi t are guests at the ItOtne
of Mr. Kestle's fatter, Rev. Janie/ Kee -
tie. Tne visiting clergyman occupied the
James Ktreat Mrs:udist pulpit on Sun-
day eve;,ing very acceptably.
C. L. Coultls ; Chap., 11 •Jennings• Miss E. Slavin, who has been in very
poor health for some time, left Monday
eve:ting for GIlbcet Plains, Man., accont-
panted by Mrs. Redden, who will take
care of her on the journey. Miss Slav -
in intends making iter future horse in
Gilbert Plains with her sister, while Mrs
ltedde-t tute,eds rcturnlne after a coup!••
oto:tths' visit.
UDMBRELL.\ LOST. -All umtrtlla b:ar-
lug a horseshoe emblem on the crook
end. Finder will confer a favor by
leaving tame at this office.
The annual popular I. 0. 0. le. Excur-
fo.t to Sarnia and Detroit will be held
Saturday, August 14th. Train leaves
Kipp n at 8.2:t a.m. Return fare to Sar-
nia 1s $1.'15. Per steamer ' Tashrnoo"
Sarnia to Detroit, return fate 75 cc:,ts.
ltetureleg special train will leave Sar-
na at 10 p.m. on Monday, August 113.
Teta la the trip of the season.
C1VIC IIOLIDAle-When Exettr takes
!t• civic holiday It seould be o:, Mon-
whic•'t is the better in every waY. Mon-
day permits those who wlelt to go out
of town an additional day and It does
not disturb busintes to anything like
the eittnt that a middle-ot-the-week
holiday does. Moreover, Monday is r.ow
a fixture as Thanksgiving and Toronto's
week William Dawson, proprietor of the
R'rcrkl alt Gazette -Review. pun -bawd the
bu.iness of the Parkhill Post front Clot
:cr & Co- who ate also owners of the
Ansa Craig itanner, to which interests
Mr. Clothier will devote his attention.
T -:'s means that Painted will once niore
have but o..e paptr. Years ago at. amal-
gamation of the Gazette and the Review
took place, but a second paper was soon
started, and It would not be surprising
1 history repeated itself le Parkhill.
)1118. BURNS' DEATI! -A second
• .,:c•ncr's ,fury regarding the death at
':ayfield of Mrs. W. J. Burns. a former
Elites resident, of whom we made men -
eon last wtck as having committed etu-
de. brought in the following verdict
.st Thursday, -"That she came to her
:cath from causes unknown by them,
hit that she did not committ suicide."
1' c demented daughter, who had been
..ling with her has been taken to the
6.. y: am at London.
d sudden death otcurred at noon on
Tuesday. July 27th. of E,;e•t Saunders,
t';oved wife of Mr. Lyman W. Falmer
.: t: c Commercial House. lit t.er 30th
Palmer arose as usual 1:1
elorning and was feeling in excellent
, but about keel enc took a hem-
-• .:g.. and altf.ougf: tverytitirg 10811.
.1:. wan done. she died a few hours af-
tcrward.t. Dec -easel was a daugrtcr of
le, lett Mr. and Mrs. Absoiant Saund-
ar.. 01 Sutorvlhie. near Watford. In
'(pt(:nbrr of 1999 she married Mr. Pal-
-t -r and one son Leon and a daughter
';c to are left with the 1.usband to mourn
• :oeth of a loving and sy::teat';etic
':totner a:td wife. Two slaters. Mr.. Al-
• Eddie and Mrs. W. U. nerd o: 1. -
,1 ; and several brote.crs In Savo •
,. d one in Alberta also survive. '1r..
i'a:met had L*fn a restde:;t of Exeter
c e a few months but see was held to
s esteem by all who had become ac -
,.1 Jed with her. Tne Advocatt eittnds
: (ttv' syrnpat'•.y to t*r bereaved fa
;t s!!J't!on. Tte fu:.rral wit take
.1 a at Sutorvilie Thu-sday. service
;as t -elf titre Wednesday afternoon.
T :e induction of Rev. Samuel Sharp
takes place at 2.30 to -day i:, Caven Pre,-
byterian enures.
Tee annual Sunday School picnic of
tete Trivltt Memorial Cnurch will be
:,eld as usual at Grand Mend on Tues-
day, August 31st. Every provision 1s
acing made to give those who attend a
good time. Itlga will be provided, and
t',oae wishing to attend will make ar-
rangements with N. D Ilurdon or T.
The High School Department of the
Reiter Public School will re -open An
Septenitur 1st with tee following staff
--i'i 'wipe', \V. U, Weidenharnmer ; let
Aselelant, C. B. elcKii ley, 11. A., Com-
mercial Specia'ist, A. M. Johnson. The
course covered •s complete for Second
Class Certificates and Junior Matricu-
iatlo:: The pact record of this school
prates it first In O,ltarices list for tee
(course fevered. Desks alloted in order
of application. June closed with over
10 t enrolled etude rats. For sittings, lad-
le.. e J Grigg. Secretary.
('-.n . te•kit quarter., arc In circulation.
T!.e rotas arc an 11. elicot incitation. but
teere Is so ntuca lead in therm that
they discolor in a very short time.
Only three flaws can be noticed in tt,q
bogus coins. On 1110 face the "E" tit
Edward is not perfect, nor is the "Ni
::t cents on the back. Atter the word
":ntperator" on t!.e face of the Coln theta
!, a small mark which can hardly be
earthed. ed. The small "H" which always
appears below the King's head on a
legitimate coin, is also missing. Tate
coi:w are extremely light at,d are tether
t'.a:t a good quarter. In spite of tt:(se
detects 11.( coins can be easily passed
unless examined, and all the dcte:ts are
so small 1) ter can :ardly tc
HICK B' FORECASTS. --A reactionary
storm period is central on July 31st and
August let, with Full Moon o.t tee let.
so that threatening weather conditions
will prevail as we pass from July into
August. Dct ided thunder gusts will be
tratural on and touching tee first. Tt;e
erre is also the centre of a probable
ac!emic period. extending from July
29th to August 4th or 5th. The change
to cooler, spoken of in July forecasts.
may be retarded until the Fuii Moon On
August 1st. but el tither tete'.
be of secrt duration.
Village of Exeter
Civic Holiday, Aug.Sth
1 '.trtby Proclair: Tift'RBDAY. AUG-
UST 'tit, 1909, to r. Civic Holiday for
1'-e Village of Exeter. a'td call upon a.1
• - reisiee•s men and other! t0 Observe
of sir:. Your obedient serva:-t.
T. H. el:CALLtM. F.esve.
re's Good News
The market pricer. for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
firm -M. JACKSON & SON -one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no truck) all ('ASH:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron from GOc to 75c
Old Rubber Boots] 7c per lb
& Shoes
Copper & Brass 9c
Horse Hair 30c
Lead and Zinc 2c
A great .ariety of !rco pipe
en bind at • reason-
•bre pri^e. saitalee for
M. Jackson & Sons
Do Not Give Up The
Idea of' Owning a
It w,;l clop to you the molt I•opvlar soup, tell
you funny et :ries, reproduce the music of all
seed• et inttrumeota or ph a you a Passe band
Coro ern. The cost is but little. The Phono-
graph eat reiay you for your investment o'er
and of er again. Make up soar mind to own •
Phonograph before you are • week older. We
will be clad to have you call or write us in re•
card to an outlt. We hate the July and Augu•t
keretds new on sa'e. Corrie and hear them if
you dont want to buy. The P•• red hurts sed
ttiartettes are worth bearing.
would be Al good nen* for our braved.
it in a flour that Is simply above all
others in
Once you try a sack of it you WL;
use 1! regularly In your ! ouseecild. We
knew there are many good flouts to be
had. Put teere le o:ay one "best azd
we are to'-fldtnt it trial will conviece
•eat it is ours. Ord. t a sack to -day
a:td do your nest baking with it. T'te
( rust it tou',d to stake you a study
Tate Ex' ., r Grist Mill `atr bee a•ut
down : - a feet days for repairs
M ; -Fa, :'tF0"
E.XF:TI:It (tNTa7:1it
Farmers, Gardeners, and Others !
Come here for your tools.
Buy your wife and girls a nice hammock.
Get the boys a lawn plower and keep the grass
on the lawn in trim.
Get the little tots some tools like father's and
they'll be happy.
Come here for your flower and grass seed.
We have some nice Paris Green for Mr. Potato
Bug -let the visitors get busy.
Binder Twine for garnering the grain.
If there's anything else you need that a good
hardware store keeps, we have it.
And then, if you wish a day's recreation, buy
some of our fishing tackle and everybody
take a day's outing.
Furniture and Undertaking
Parlor Suit
Easy Chair '
Music Cabinets
Dining -room Tables
Parlor Tables
Odd (.'hairs
Hall Racks
Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Chairs
Dainty, well -made and at reasonable prices
I3ed Room Snits Bed Couches
Mattresses Springs
Brass and Iron Beds
Newest styles and all at popular prices
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Mid -Summer Sale
of All
Summer Goods
We are bound to clear them all out. Nothing
to remain. And in older to do so we are slashing the
prices away down. This is a good opportunity to get
some rare bargains.
Ladies' White Wear
and White Waists
at quick -selling prices
We are giving "SPE('IAI. PRICES" on all White Wear
and White Waists this week. We are anxious to clear them all and
have cut the prices right down. ('onto' early as they will go fast.
Fancy Parasols
Every one to go and het e :(re•
the prices that will sell them:
$1.50 and $1.75 for $1.1t0
2.111 " 2.50 " 1.54)
5Oc Dress Tweeds
for %3' per yd.
Only 3 p;eces of these nice all
wo('I Tweeds for this price -35c
A Millinery Special
Buys your pick of our $'_, $:t, or $t
Trimmed Hats. I►nn't miss this
snap. Only a few left.
Men's Straw Hats Boys' Straw Hats
at ; price.
in order to get rid of these we
are just cutting the price in two.
Have one.
(toad ones for Inc each and
scone of our very best for 25c
Carpets, Rugs and Lace Curtains
Do You Want a Bargain in them ?
This is j 14t between seasons. That is why we are oleering such
good tea. le-. They will all t'tjvc yell money At ottr red•lred pri'ee,
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing