Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-29, Page 51 li 1� ASK FOR (LONDON) India Pale Ale Prelud,ced and unscrupulous vendors may suggest others. but compare it ass way you will --purity. freedom from acidity. pslatabl-I.abett's Ale is surpass- ed by none. equalled by few -at about halt the price of best imported brands. xetet Lbvocnte EXETER - - ONTARIO $1.00 if paid in advance, 61.60 a year if not so paid. Ts Belted States Sabscribers$1.60 I. a Year Strictly to Advance. SANDER, t CKEECU, PubRabus. The Leading School ! CENTRAL STOATFORD: OMT Couryce are pra•iieal. Our teachers experi- enced. and our graduates capable to All respon- sible positions. We are recelying many applica- tions for ofli,e help. Inuring a single day this week we received seven applieatione for once help and tour for commercial teachers Our zraduatee succeed as none others . Three department -- Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN Principals. High -Grade PIANOS are always a pleasure to their owners • We have sold and are selling a great Many high-class pianos -and always at reasonable prices. } Our Numerous Satisfied Customers is the strongest guarantee of the truth of the above assertion. Our pianos today are the best that the piano -makers produce and our prices and terms are what you will appreciate. Do not be too quick to believe per- Nosons who tell you different from the above for the purpose of selling you cheap and, in some c tses, trashy goods at nig prices. } that what we say we live up to. Call and see us and be convinced 11 Voters' lists, 1909 Municipality of the Town- ship of Stephen, Coun- ty of Huron. iSOOTHING W.N.Sii CCRES ECZEMA. Notice Is Lercby givea, C -at 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons mel:tloned in section V of THE ONTAR- IO VOTERS' LISTS ACT, the copies re- quired by said set tions to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list, tnadc pur- suant to said Act, ot all persons ap- pearing by the las' revlsed Assessment Roll of the said municipality at Elec- tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said liar was first posted up at my office at CREDITON, ONT.,on the FOURTEENTH day of JULY, 1009 and remains there for Inspection. ANL I hereby call upon all voters to take Immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected accord- ing to law. Dated at Creditut), Ont., this tlth day of July, A. D. 1909. IIENRY EILBER, Clerk of Township of Stephen. W INCI IELSE.t (Too late for last week.) \l:.sses Mae Delbridge and Vera Cow- ard returned recently from a pleasant visit In London. -Mr. W. W. Kerr and and wife have returned from a week's t.oltdays at Crediton. -Mies Abilene Hey w3o.1 spent a few days last week In Exeter. -Miss Rhea Godbolt has return- ed kerne, atter holidaying in Heneali. -Mr. Ed. Lederhouse was called to Ransomville, N. Y.. Monday on account of his brother's severe illness. -Mrs. T. Coward and two sons, Eric and Percy. lett Tuesdav on an a" -tended visit to Grand Bend and Thedford. • How' s This? We otter one Hundred Dollars Re .card for any case of Catarrh that cannot !,e eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. t IIEXEY .tt Co., Toledo, 0. We the un,ler..,rned have known F. J. Cheney for the Isat Is years, and believe him perfcrtly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to sarry out any obligations made by bis firm. W.ttnise. Kul sAS a VVAat IN, Wholesale Dru,;gists, Toledo, 0 -- j ifall's Catarrh ('ure is taken internally, 1. -ting di• S. MARTIN dt. SON restly on the bloat and mu• oar+ surfaces of the ',stem. Teatirnnnialasent tree. Price 7.5c. per bot• tie. Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. Sold by alt Dnlggist.. They are noted for the quality of their goods. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. WESTERI9 FAIL Open to the World Athletic Day Monday Dog Show 1101,100$ Ontario's Popular Exhibition Sept. 10-18 Increased Prize List Speed Events Daily Cat Show The Great Live Stock Exhibition Music 91st Highlanders 7th Fusiliers j. Attractions Pr.•gram Twice Dal e Rest Ever FiREWORKMTAKE A HOLIDAY I SPECIAL RATES EACH EVENING ( and visit i.'tndon's Fair , t)t'tot ALi. RAILROADS Price Lista, Kota Perste. Programmes and all inf enation from W. J. REID, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary CANADIAN NATIONAL EXOIBITION TORONTO August 28th - 1909 - Ssphssbdf ' 130 Greatest Live Stock Exhibit on the C:..t.nent Forty industries In ectire eyeration. ADMIRAL Le+4: CHARLES BERESFORO will officiate ., openinr ceremonies on Tuesday, August 31st. MILITARY YEAR AT THE FAIR Mo'!1 Camp- Victoria Cross and Wrestling on Horseback Competitions be - often teams from Dragoons and Artillery-- Artillery Drite Musical Ride, etc. ikeskeselits le Neral Nttl GREAT 00S$LE BILI Of FIREWORKS THE SIEGE OF KANDAHAR BATTLE Of 'flit NORTH SEA WPM 1101. it111POCSD SATf6 AND iLICOtit60111. 1M ata ltafa.oatMa yetis ■assgw 1. 0. oak tar, Sass Toren+ 1001 ha is Uel, O:l of Wil:ttrea:an Contpou;.d Solves a' Miss De. Jrqul..arc le tip edictg Vexing Medical Problem. weeka in aluskoka-Mrs. Fred. Lacombe is vlsitl::g at t .e Soo for a c•.up1e of weeks. -Miss Elsie McMar- ti's cf Toronto is holidaying with Hera nail relatives. -Miss Pauline Geiger of tt meapolls, M1::., is visit In; to this aeet".on.-Oliver Geiger of the Slolsor:s Rank 'tett, Waterloo, Is a guest at ttte parental horse. -Mrs. Hurley of Gold- fields. Nevada. Is visiting !ter father. Bernard Ti.ontpaon, who Is 111.- John Wren, H. A. and wife of Toronto are apendlig a couple of weeks withrela- uvea In this settlou.-Mr .Webber Has rained the roof of his residence tour Leet adding ti:ereby much to t)a appearance and convenience, -The Bowling Club has purchesed from G. C Petty a part ot the property west of W. Stoneman's res (deuce, 88 feet frontage. They Wend. cutting down many of the trees and building a green. -Mrs. Billings and children have gone to Fut est to jo:n Mr. R'llhlgs, who has secured a residence. -C. A. McDonell and wife have gone to Forest, from which place they lett later on a trip to Se title and talltornla cities. -Miss Lally McKay las been en- gaged to tearll In S. S: No. 10. Flay. on t anti con. 11ENS- 1.L GRAND BEND few• 1..::d Head's ga'a day and rummer 5111 • tat whl t ake place this year oa T .ursday. August 5th. In the morning pr,)gtam embraces a full line of :.parts and pastimes consisting of squa- t.: sports -ladies'. Men's and boys' swimming and diving contests, boat races, etc. In the afternoon great cal- lth:untplan procession. foot races, Held sports, etc.. football -Grand Bend vs. all comers. baseball -open to Zurich, Crediton, Parkhill and Grand Reed campers, for a valuab'e silver cup. Mar - aeon race -big event- distance about a•z miles, open to the counties of Hu - rat, Middlesex and Lambton-Prize a sliver cup to be he'd ,for one year. The Zurich and Dashwood Bands will fur- „lsih music. In the evening a band con- cert and grand display of fireworks. Mr. Peter Ravelle who has been in Lou don working has arrived home to stay for a wttile -?Ira. E. GUI Sr., Is 111 wan intluuntatlon.-Mrs. Carrier and no:. Eatery spent Sunday at Port Franks. - Ir. and Mrs. Copeland of St. Marys are visiting at Robert )lamilton's.-Mrs Heidt of St. Marys elated a Mr. Stani- evert'.s for a few days.- N,erly Drowned -Monday Arnold Ra- velle ti.ought he could wade across the raw: near the large iron bridge, but the u titer ixaug very deep ha was nearly drowned. He was going down for the third time when Mr. John Ross noticed •.the just In time to save his lite. This -t'•-outd he a warning to allantall boys. Televing-There has been a great deal of thieving going on around here lately They entered the cellar of S. Polloc:k's house Sunday night. taking provisions; they also entered Jos. Ravette's back ktteben one evening and stole some can- ned fruit and a pair of shoes; Ed. Gill's cellar was entered Monday night and plea. rakes. potatoes, cream and salt taken. Are these people too poor to buy? if ao. why not beg. as everyone In our burg is willing to help the needy, no matter where they come from. Oae of the most vexing problems in all mei:Mine appears at last to have been solved by the most simple of all remedies. Ordinary oil of wietergt'eect properly compounded with thymol, gly- cerlhe and other mild healing liquids. tones up tiie healthy skin while killing and ultimately removing the eczema germs, This compound, known as D. D. D. Prescription, t:as now so thoroughly proven its efficacy that druggists re- cornntertd it unhesitatingly. Mrs, Sarah E. lfolllt:gswortll, of Plc - ton. Ont., writes; 'Every other reniedy I had tried would help for a while, but D. D. D.' cured completely. It also cured a friend of mite, who suffered untold agony be- fore using It, and whom• no doctor could help." This is the point -D. D. D. cures corn- pletely. It instantly relieves the burn- ing, torturing itch. and in a short time feces the skin of every trace of the dis- ease. For free sample bottle write to The D. D. D. Laboratory, Department, E. .t.. 28 Jordan St., Toronto. For sale by all druggists. St• Marys -The wedding is announced of an old St. Marys boy, Mr. Chas. Ed- gar White of Toronto, eon of Mrs. \V. D. White, Treary- St.. to Miss Augusta Evelyn Engels. at West Chicago on.;July 14th. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ewe KIR Th ON. The following Is a list of those who have entered the Standing Field Crop Contpetttien for 1009, its connection with the Kirkton Agricultural Society:- Al- bert Switzer, Kirkton, Blanchard, con. 7. lot .".. Fall wheat: Albert E. Shier, Kirkton. Usborne, 14, 11, Dawson's Golden Chaff ; Win. Gllflllan, Klrkton, U.sborne, 14, 18, Donnell Fall; Richard Birch, Anderson. 14, 17. Dawson's Gold en Chaff ; J. A. Kirby. Berrylands) itlanahard 4. 1.1. do.: Wilbert Sparring. t)sderson, Blanchard, 8. 7, do.; Mfllton H. Switzer. Rannoch, Blanshard W. M. R., 12. do.: W. J. Robinson, Kirkton. Blanshard, 4, 8, do.; Clarkson Switzer, Kirkton, Usbborne, S. E. B. 1. do.: ifuglt Berry , Woodham, Usborne, 10, 5, do.: Arthur Francis, Kirkton, Us - borne, 12, 15, do.; Philip tlern, Whalen, Usborne, 8, G., do. ; John Urquhart. Klrkton, Blanshard 4. 9, do.: George Spearin, St. Marys. Blanchard, 5. 24, American: Everett Doupe, Kirkton, Us - borne 14, 15. Dawson's Golden Chaff : it.ttcltffe Bros., Anderson, Blanshard, 2, 13, do.; Alt. J. Dow. Russeldale, Ful - tat ton. N. T. 11., 80, Harvest 'King; Jno. A. Robinson, Russeldale, Fullar:oti, 12, __, Dawson's Golden Chaff ; Thos. Han- no•1. Russeldale, Fullertotn, 32, 14, Bon- net : Jos. Krrktoa. Kirkton, Blanshard, \V, B., 8, Dawsons Golden Chaff ; Phil- ip itlackler, Kirkton. flianshard, 4, 6, do.; David Hazelwood, Kirkton, Blan- shard, W. B. 7, do.: P. F. Doupe, Kirk - ton. Blanshard, W. 13., 9, do.: Epttrlant Hewitt, Kirkton. Blanshard, 5, 9, do.; Mrs. W. J. Tufts, Kirkton, Usborne, F. E..11.. 8, do. A. Doupe. Kirkton. Secretary The competition was judged last week by Mr. T. G. Raynor. of the Seed De- partment, Ottawa. and rte following are the prize winner.. but nal according to m^Nt as that has not yet been announc ed by the Ontario Government. under which control the competition took place, -Wm. Robinson. Alt. Dow. Ar- thur Francis, Wilbert Sperling. M. H. Swearer: Highly commended, Joseph Kirk, Albert Shier ; Commended. Mrs. W..1. Tufts, ferry F. Doupe, Wm. GIl- flllan. Mr. itaynor said a number of fields he judged would yield over 45 bu:thels per arm and were simply mag- nificent. f17d11TOAZAL, . &ars tlw TM Kind You Hatt Ahn Bought of ZURICH \ir. Norman Boltz:nan of the C.;ron- isle-Telegrap!: start at Waterloo 'spent the week with 'tis parents. -J. Weselolt who recently disposed of his hotel at Waterloo, has embarked in the flour and feed business. -Mrs. Bossenberry, Sr.. lett town last week and expects to spend the remainder cf her days with her son Frank at Berlin.-\t'eillngton Jot•nston left recently for Berlin. where he has secured a situatlo::.-Mr. Faf. Greb, of Kalarnazoo. Mich.. is visit- ing at the home of ale rnOthcr. Mrs. lien- ry Greb.-Sirs. John Haas of Detroit accompanied by her children. Is Tarttir.J her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fos- ter, Babylon Line. -The semi-annual election of officers of the Junior Alta ante resulted as toilows ;-Pres., Mar- seall Zeller ; Tice-pres.. Muriel Preeter: 'recording ser., Earl Weldo ; cor. ser.! Olive O'Brien; Treas.. Elva fieyroek ; or- ganist. Dora Smith: Ithraraes 11oy Appel. Percy Wcldo; page boys. Ward Fritz, Leniee C7alfas.-Arthur Keller- man. a student In the North Western College, Naperville, 111., gave an address In the Young Peoplqo Soclety of t .e Evangelical church on Tueada7 evening. W CHAT 19 ITCH Din? it Is an old Anglo -Sarin name for Dandruff and it's a good o..'. tf you rave dandruff you have I't's dirt and the little microbes that are part and parcel of dandruff arc working pers!.ter,tly night and day and sooner ot later w111 react, the stty ilk of your nate and d- a!roy its vitality. Then you will be baid-Bald to stay - tor not even the wonderful rejuvenating Dropertles o: Patislan Sage can grow hal: after the hair bulb o,• root Is deal. Parisian Sage cures Dandruff. W. S. Cote. the dru;gist, sells It -recommends It and guarantees It; only 50c. a large bottle and your money back If It fails to cure dandruff. Falling Hair artd Itreleg Of tar S:alp. IMIDUCLI11 Joa. Dobbs is preparing to go tareett- :ng tale week. -Thos Scell is putting up a new brick residence this sununer. -Jas. Turner has rented Mr. Macdon- ald's place for a terns of years, and has commenced work on !t. -Mr, Campbell and Archy Hedging arc going west In a week or s0. Death -Caleb Ryan pled at the (tome of his daughter, :tars. Isaac Reid. Tor- onto. on July 15th. aged ea years. He came to Canada when but nine years oL age with las parents who settled on the second concession of Btddulph. He mar- ried Miss Margaret Webb, whose death occurred tour years ago. In 1880 they settled its Stephen Towner:ip, near Green way, where they llved for many years and were highly esteemed. Three sons and five daughters survive, W. 11. of Missouri, Nathaniel of Strathcona, Algo of Tccawater, Jars. Reid of Toronto,Miss Sarah of Ltoy dnttnster, Mrs. Robert J. Dixon of Sylvan, and Mrs. Morley Jones of Jonoka, Alberta. The interment took Place to St. James church cemetery at Clandeboye on July 19th. R7 A. RS TO XLIJ`. Beers the Alta Kind You Hata A'itats Bought Signature of r♦ WESTERN FAIR, LONDON. ONTARIO SEPT. 10-19. Special efforts are being put forth title yoar by the management of the Western Fair to make everything in toe way of ex'aib(ts as attractive and pleasant for the visitors as poss'.ble. In the main building there will be many new and very interesting exhibits. In the Dairy Ila;! tt.e Futter -making competition will take place each morning and afternoon, when In addition to the large cash prizes offered by the Association, a beautiful Silver Cup, Kbre'ly donated by the Can- adlan Salt Co. of Windsor, will be given to the winner of the first prize in sec- tion (WO. In the Machinery Hall will be found •!i tee latest up-to-date machinery in full awing, which Is always an intereate ing sight. The Transportation Building which is always a place of interest will again be filled with splendid exhibits end all the Live Stock Buildings of course will be filled to overflowing. it apace is required write at once to the Secretary, A. (.t. hunt, London. Ont., N;10 will promptly furnish prize lists, entry forms and all information. McGII.LI VRAY. T..e death occurred on July 17th at her home, townline, JlcOlilivray. of Matilda Kellar, relict of the late Alex- ander McIntosh. About two years ago dAcased had a severe attack of Jaund- • from wale:, she never fully recov- ed: tier death came quite suddenly how- ever.. In 1989 they settled on the town - :hie, hewing out a home for themselves In the bush where the fancily Pave sin^e reslded. She was predeceased by her ausband a little over two years. Two sons and three daughters survive. EDEN. Eden Is very quiet T. a ladies are all tarty -picking.- Master Kirby Sweet - man of Toronto Is here visiting ale tittle Wend. Master Frankie Coates.- Niles oates-Sills Minnie Luxton is visiting in Lon- da:. -Mr .and Sirs. Frank Coates spent 9u .day in Lurar;.-Miss .Unca Dempsey of Toronto is holidaying at her uncle's. air. J. Eesery.-Miss Maggie McDougal and sister Lexie of London are spend- ing a few days at Mr. Fred Luxton's. John Lurton lett suddenly for the West Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. Drown of Ko- moka aped Sunday with their neice, Mrs. Win. Coates.-Slr. Skinner's new Laurie Is fast nearing completion.- The Eden people have set apart Saturday. August 7th, for their annual picnic to Grand Bend.-Lct everyone go and en - 'ay a holiday at that famous summer resort. -Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Kestle of Shar- . 'peat Sunday wit', Mr. and Mrs. P. Ccates. Oafd/TOA=Le Durr the Its Kind r,n H>ttl kWf Lgnsts» of - ELI V I LLE D.' 1 Clinton-T::cre passed away a' Clint.. 3:1 Friday last one of Ellmvtlle's oldest and Hest kl:own res:dents. 1n tae person nt Tt times Veal. at the age ot, 92 years. Some morals ago the deceas- ed decided he would go to the House of Refuge to spend his remaining year• and during his stay at that Institution enjoyed 1.14 new quarters and surround- ings very much until a short time ago ween !.e was taken dowr: with ilines+ and gradually elnklt,g la passed away. Deceased was arrive of Devoash(r:, Ragland. but tor she greater part of hie lite lived hare. He was a man of kind- ly disposition, Ii)dustrious habits and was much respected In the community. Ills remains were brought here tor burial, the funeral taking place from t'.e res:dence of nIs son, William Veal, on Sunday last to the E!tmville cemet- ery. Kippcn-At the Stratford Presbytery meeting a vall from Listowel congrega Con was presented to Rev. D. W. S. Ur- quhart of Klppen. Tne call was signed by 299 members and 52 adherents, and was unanimous. This was accompantcd by a stipend of $1,400 and four weeks holidays. Provisional arrangements were trade for Ills induction on Wednes day, July 29th. Rev. R. B. Stevenson of Lueati Is to preach: Rev. D. N. Mor den of St. Marys will address the mht- later: and Ilev. T. J. Thompson is to address tt.e prople. frIOTIIERS WHO HAVE DAUGIITERS Find Help in Lydia E. Pink- ham'sVegetable Compound Winchester, Ind. - "Four doctors told me that they could never make me regular, and that I would event- ually have dropsy. I would Bloat, and sutierfrotoitearing down pailt3,t'ra111p8 and chills, and I could not sleep nights. M v mother wrote to M rs. Pink. ham for adviee,and I began to take Lydia E.Pink-banes Vegetable Com- pound. After taking one and one- half bottles of the Compound, I ala all right again, and I recommend it to every suffering woman." MAY DEAL, Winchester, Ind. Hundreds of such letters'f10111 girls and mothers expressing their gratitude tor what Lydia E. Pinkhaut's Vege- table Compound has accomplished for them have been received b) The Lydia E. PinkhaniMedicine Company, Lynn, Mass. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, head- ache, dragging -down sensations, faint- ing spells or indigestion, eltonld take Immediate action to ward off the seri- ous consequences and be restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkhaut's Vege- table Compound. Thousands have been restored to health by its use. If you would like special advice about your case writes conliden- tLal letter to Airs. Pinkhanl, at Lynne Mass. Her advice is free, and alwava helpful. S_afort!. Tne Rea. Geo. lluggiu, a retired minister of the Jfeti)odist de- t.o:nLtatloq, died July 22, aged 77 ycara. Heart failure was the cause. following a brief attack pf acute gastritis. He retired here two years ago after 47 yr.. spent in tate ministry. Hie wife, three sons and three daughters sur.:ve. t J.N. \, '..,';':::14" '4a -: -ss. HYSLOP SICvcLts :deli Sas Jis. WHY NOT OWN AN AUTOMOBILE? If automobiles are needed anywhere .it all they are in the country One of the speakers of the Women's institute, at Guelph, recently pre- dicted that the time was near at hand when farmer's wives would run their own automobiles. Nor is the prediction a visionary one. Like: th. telephone and the trolley. the automobile seems destined to add t r the comfort of country life, and the cost will not interfere with your buying. We can sell Good Second -Hand Machines at a mere fraction of original cos!. These cars arc t tken by us as J,.►r payment for the newest and latest mutein, and are ,•u h as w•e can dun uughlyl recommend. :\ny machine we semi nut t; guaranteed to I,e in first clgorse ss condition, and beyond the fact that second-hand cars arc nix this year's style, there is nothing wrong with them In any way. �t'e use them as a means of introduction to the country trade, and make the values extra special to encourage yu:Lk buying if interested, send your name and address for fuller particulars. HYSLOP BROS., Limited Nigh -Class Automobiles aha Bicycles TORONTO, OMT 1 Sunshine Furnace is the triumph of sixty- one years' experience -growth from a small tinshop to 16$ acres of door space, frosu a half dozes artisans to ,,soo,from an annual wage sheet 0(14,000 to one of $67o,o0o, from a capital of energy to one of f;,ovo,000, from obscurity to recognition as Largest Makers of Furnaces in the British Empire. 8888 Sell sada UNSHINE0e, was placed on the market the first furnace 10 be wholly solely designed by a Canadian Company. We employ a coneultisg sta. of furnace experts, who are continually experimenting with new ideas in order that Sunshine Furnace shall not have to travel on its past reputation for goodness. We buy materials in such targe quantities tbat its quality is guaranteed 10 us. W . have our own testing rooms, so that super. vision of construction is exercised down to the finest detail. WClary's fi For Sale by T. Hawkins de. Son, Exeter Seer Stossack sad lisartbsrs? LITTLE DIGESTERS 7 CURE OR TOUR MOP= SAC! Al all Druggists sr &iv'sef tree COLEMAN MEDICINE CO, 2Sc. a Ota. Tomb a