Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-29, Page 4Sanders dr
.1 119.,
��%1il3Ctite, 19.1
Creech. Props. 1L'"
THURSDAY, July 29, 1909 !,,91;65
By -Law No
•0F EXETER, to aut'.orize the bor-
•rowteg of the sum of :220011.00 for
'Water Works Purposes.
WHEREAS It is dcsirabie In the
public :merest' that the Corporation of
the Village of Exeter s;rould acquire,
• construct, operate and maintain a sys-
tem of water works within the said
/municipality for fire protection and
otter purposes,
AND WHEREAS an agreement has
bree c-rtered tato between the said cor-
poration and James N. Howard for the
• purc!ase, (eubject to the approval of the
ratepayers of said Village) of that part
of the river bed and batiks of the Aux
Sable River, known as the Mill property
and being all that part of Lot number
"Nit.eteen, in the first Concession of the
Township of tesho: ne (now Eze:er) own-
ed by the said James N. Howard for
-ins price or awn of $1700.00.
ANP WHEREAS it 14 advisable to pur
-chase said Howard property and to can-
st: uct and maintain a dam and pump -
inti .etatioe therear, and to erect a :eater
Tower of Stand Pire !u some aultabte
location In the said village and to
lay water mains connecting gild pump-
Ir3 .natio:; and stand pipe and atom;
4fanr street in the eald village and to
otherwise fully esu;p, tnatntaie lad op-
erate said syetetn
.\N;r WUIEltEAS P 'as been estimate;
t _.r afire t •a sum of $220 '0.0 t
to purchase said property. erect slid
dam, putrping station and stand pipe
sand to lay said water mains and equip
eald water system.
• AND WHEREAS It la necessary for
tt:e said purposes for tee said corpe -
.atiori of the vl'lage of Exeter to borrow
allele the credit of the sate Municipality
{the sum of $22000.00.
EAS for ther
a 1
td It will 11 1 ,e necessary to issue
deh:rtures of the said municipality of
the Village of Exeter for the said sunt
of eeeesuo.n0 and interest as herein -
atter provided which is the amount of
the debt Inteadcd to be created by this
:By-law, the proceeds of the said deben-
tures to be applied in tite arquteltlun
.of said lands, the erection of said dam,
{au:np!ng station and stand paps and the
laying of said water mains and the
-equipment ot said system and for so
ot'ier pulposis.
.AND WHEREAS it Le desirable to
mike the principal of t :e said dent re-
payable by annual Instalments during
the period of tv';enty years next after the
issue of the debentures therefor, such
tnsteirtente of principal to be of such
•artou'its that Ire aggregate amount
payable for princip•tI and interest in any
ye_.- <Oral the equai as ::early as in.iy
be to what is payable for principal and
inter -eat during each of the other years.
AND WHEREAS it will be necessary
to ra Lge annually for the period ot twen-
ty yeara during the currency of the de -
''be :tures to be issued hereunder by a
special rate sufficient therefor on all nye
rateable property within the municipal-
ity the sum of $1765.34 for paying the
several Instalments of principal and in-
terest thereon at the rate of five percent.
,per annum,
AND WHEREAS tate amount of tee
whole rateable property of the said vil-
lage of Exeter according to the fast re-
vised assessment Roll Is the sum of
AND WHEREAS the existing deben-
'•ture debt ot the said Village, exclusive
of local Improvement debenture debt se-
cured by special assessments therefor
amounts to tate sum of $12984.24 and
rho part of the principal or interest there-
of Ss In arrears,
Therefore the Murnlcipal Counc;l of the
>rurporatton ot the Village ot Exeter eit-
acts as follows: -
I. It shall be lawful for the Reeve
3f the said Village of Exeter to borrow
on the credit of the said corporation Of
the Village of Exeter the sum of
122900,00 for the purp oses herelnbe-
tare set forth and for that p urpoee to
issue debenture., of the said municipality
to the amount of $22000.00 in sums of
trot less than $100 each and such de-
tbertures shall be sighted by the Reeve
of the said corporation for the time
'being and countersigned by the Treas-
ure: for the time tie'..g of tee raid Cor-
.poratton and duly sealed with the Cor-
porate seal thereof, which seal the Clerk
for the time beteg of said Corporation
is hereby authorized and directed to at-
• tact.: to care of said debentures.
2. The said depentures shall be dated
•upon the state of tee Issue thereof, and
ai:all bear interest a: the rate of five 4n a guarantee for the completion of
per cent. per annum from the date of t contract. -Curried.
,the '.:sue thereof and the said Interest 1'" Luker -Johns -that Councillors
shall be payable yearly on the day ot •; and Heiman and tee Road Com
.the month in welch said debentures are .'.13 r be a committee to see how
Issue•!, and as to bath prttu'Ipat and le- easing plates will be required
'hereat the said debentures shall the pay- i , r estimates for same. -Carried.
.able le annual Ics'alntents w't!,i t twenty t 1'.:sac :rout the Clerk of the County,
Tears from the date of tee issue ritero- . Ltr' of Goderiet. with a statement
of testi instalments to be of surer !'t'i1.12 would be required from
Ann.tunts that the aggregate amount r ; 7u Jetpallty for county rate for the
payable for prlr,clpa, and Interest Ir,any 1''' .r, cirdcsect tiled.
Ye' shalt be Hina! as Nearly as may be f::'o,vt,ng accounts were read and
t at Is payable for principal and in- a '1* red paid ;-1:d• Anderson, labor, 50
tea, .• during each of tee other years of
1 - : 1 w 11.11., ; 1785,1
11;:'.••1 ,;.7.4, 1705.:5
I Hale./ ent.na 1765.3
I etal.59 eie.7a 1765.3
1 17..:1 11'1.,,'. 1765.3
4:2.11 1765.3
:113..ei 1765.3
15.1.''9 .4')•35 1765.3
16, 1..1 164.1u 1781 3
1041..:+ 64.05 1:65.3
1 e•., e•ate d. .tn:uu .:i:.g to :!9.7z.:.
4 t'e_ J. :s and Carling -That the reeve
4 and cie:k be a cotttmittee to Interview
4 t :e aural manager of the Bell Telephone
4 Ca regarding better and closer attention
e ti;. service. -Carried.
4 l'er Luker aid Carling --That the coat-
i 1.1.eslvtnet be granted a Lew suit of
1 : ct hes.-Carried.
4 Per Heitman and Carling -That Mr. A.
1,ttar,d be procured as an Inspector of
new walks along with the street
-mnitseloner, at 1.25 per day.-- Car-
, .1. Adjournnte..t by Heantati.
Jas. Senior. Clerk.
4. Teat this Uy -Law si,alt come Into
i vrce and take effect on the day of the
t:r.a1 passieg thereof.
e. That the votes of the Eleztors of
the aaid Village of Exeter entitled to
vase on this By -Law be taken on friday
tee 2ute day of August, 1909, com-
neselelrng at trine o'clock in the forenoon
iad continuing until five o'clock in the
fternoon of the sante day at the 101-
iewing place-, within the said Village
of Exeter by the following Deputy R..
turning Officers: -
Polling Subdivision No.1, Silas Hand -
f e 1'.r Residence, Ed. Treble D. it. (M-
. e'. Herbert Ford. Poll Clerk. Polling
Subdivtste:t No. 2, Weekca' Marble Shop
Main street, W. D. Weekes. D. R. Offi-
cer, James Weekes. Poll Clerk. Polling
eat.ilvlslee No. 3, Ed. H. F'ish'y Reel -
nee. Hain street, R. G. Seldon, D. Il.
Officer, Alex. (;. Dyer. Poll Clerk. Poll
! g Sutdlvlsion No. 4. Town Hall, 11. E.
Heetton, D. R. Officer, R. Nelson Taylor,
Poll Clerk.
.1 That Wednesday, the 16th day of
August. 1909. at eleven o'clock in the
C'ruioott shall be the day and the clerk's
otfie•e h'. the Town Hall in the Village
Exeter shalt be the place where the
{tett•: stall attend to appoint persons
• , -.nutd at the varloue polling places
ei,:e.3ald and at the final summing up
the vote. by the clerk oa be!:a:f of
p''a02o interested in promoting or op-
pes'tig the passing of this Uy -Law re -
spec th'ely•
7. That the Clerk of the Corporation
of the said Village of Exeter shalt at-
tend at his office ht the bald Village
of Exeter at Twelve o'clock noon on
Saturday, the 21st day of August, 1909
to sunt up the number of votes given
:J. 111111 against title By -Law.
T.is above 1s a true copy o1 the pro -
paled By -Law which has been taken
into conslderal oi and which will be tl-
eally pearled by the Council of tae Cor-
peratton of the Village of Exeter in the
event of the aascnt of the electors be -
:.g obtained thereto atter one month
from tt:e firstpublicationn the Exeter
genes and Ezeter Advocate newspapers
.v tire first publication was on the 15th
tley of July, 1909, and at the hour. day
:and places therein fixed for taking the
vases of the electors a poll will be held.
Every leaseholder entitled by law to
vace on tee proposed By-law shall at
teeet ten days next preceding the day
o' polling file in the office of the Clerk
of the Municipality a statutory declar-
:: otat:ug teat t.is Lease meets tl.e
e tuirements by law entitling hint to
' a' on such By -Law and the mets cf
r e' .e::alders Leglecting to file suc a
•ie'•lar^Y:a shall not be placed on tee
eteter3' List for such voting.
Dated at Exeter this 7th day of July
A. D. 1909.
Clerk of tee Corporation of the Village
J' Exeter.
Tree Council of the village of Exeter
:net in the Town Hall, on Friday. July
Jird, at 7.47, p. m„ all the members
beetg present. The minutes of the meet-
ing held July 2nd were read and approv-
A petition signed by Mrs. afcAvoy,
Mrs. Sanders and A. Bowie, asking tor
a cement walk on the east side of Wil -
1:a -n street. from Huron to the South
Bearelarr wag read. The petition was
re'•e!ved and ordered tiled.
Tenders for cement walks were open-
ed and read as follows ;-W. WakalIng
i,andon : R. G. Seldon, Ereter: Sweet
;l -•o,1., Exeter; Crawley .4 McDonald;
l'iy:ee dl Sanders, Ezeter; Standard
Pavement Co.. Sttnroe ; Jos, Lawson,
C: edtton.
A deputation of citizens handed in a
tt t.tton signed by S. Martin, Dr. Brown -
ate. J. G. Jones and 70 others, asking
test the Council build the proposed new
"nient walks outside of the shade trees
and along side of the road. Dr. Brown-
ing oa behalf of the petitioners address-
ed the Council. Petition was received and
and fully discussed by the Cout;cit af-
ter which it was ordered to Lie flied,
.1. A. Stewart and other members of
tee Bawling Club asked leave to secure
setae ten or fifteen loads of earth front
tete east end of John street for use in
levelling up the bowling green. Grant-
ed sub.1ect to the street commisgloner'e
oversight. on motion of Carling -Luker.
A proposition from Mr. James Spark-
rrtai, In regard to the building of the
new walks was read and flied for refer-
Per Johns -Luker -that the tender for
new walks of it. G. Seldon for 7% rt..
per square foot. being the lowest, be
tecepted. fir. Seldon being required to
sru p(tiod of twenty years a9 1 er•,a•-
af• • set forth.
During the curret,ey of the said
'dehe suets t'.cre shall be raised an-
ctu.tll;• by special rate on all the rate-
able property In the said Corporation
at the tillage of Exeter the sunt ot
11785.34 for the purpose of paying fee
*mount due le ewe, ot the aatd years
Co- principal and interest in respect of
t.!.) said debt as follows :-
• 9id:,ay Sanders, #10.5u; Albert
r l •- eta 7'.: Geo. Cudmore $2; ltd.
Diets A 7 ; John Gillespie, Jr.. 50c.; Mrs,
W-1'. ecrubhing. $1.50: W. J. Bissett
eie tee. 51.40: E. ,1 F'olllek• meals
J t.'.unp.e. 50e: T. Houlden. hauling
e. g1 t a G.T.1t roam; house fire
4.?; 4 wrtks' attcet wat='ring $60 : ItOss
T ry' er Co luntbtt• as per bill 19.23 . J.
'et .or, salary as librarian. $25; W. S
'appl'es fire dept. 54c.; Maelers 1
^.>:a', b.t:. due on walk 1909, $57,49;
ep t k ea: ace oun' supple a 6.41; T. e
'i Year T'r.ncipai I:,tcreat TJt.ti .1,. F• 1 p 3 ,e Co. 1 al: -yea' rent $11) n r
t91 663,34 11'ro, r' 170-,.':1 +•e, to Credito:: 10-.: Gutta Peri `.t
:1411 899.64 1u66.10 1745411 • 1 Ituaiz'r Cc.. Toronto. .suppt:eg for
733.54 1031.4o 173e.:14 . • 1 p'.. 1.4a . 4. Fitton. rep.tir.e and
770.19 995.1: 1 76:,.'11 • a' Town Clo-k $21; Peter Welt
hus.69 956.'11 1 ''11.'11
P49.19 918.15 17fleett
091.64 571.70178',.'!1
936.19 920.11 1765,:11
t' 21'9 792.85 174.,34
103..14 733.20 1161.31
p ' n•:. • nile. 16.60 ; Jas, ee Ue . is.
p• ,•tiny as bail Linger, $10. -Passed
: o , of Carling an: Luker.
••aunt of Queen Cat, oil C).. for
j r ., ;:. • ,ninu.,t ns to $7.97 was s c•'p'•
1 1,11 malice! paid by cr.dit e:ito:ce (J:
T tc crop look.3 tatter since tine rain
on Friday last. -Mrs. Henry Eilber is
visiting her sister. Mrs. S. Ellber, Ubly,
el:t•i:.-ekes G. Essery of Centralia is
v`.iitiit at Mr. C. Hetver's.- Mr. R.
Hewett visited at :ria home In eVing-
hant over Sunday. --Mr. W. J James of
the Lank of Commerce received word on
Saturday of his transfer to the branch
office in Prince Edward Island. He left
here Tueaday morning. via Al(sa Craig,
but be -'ore going was given a ' send Off"
Tee presentation. which consisted of a
p'pe, ring and box of cigars. An ad.
(trees of appreciation was made by Mr,
H. Either, 31.1.1'., and we all join in
wishing etr•. James Cod -speed. -Mr. Chas
Brown of Pittsburg, who has been visit.
Ing his parents the past two weeks. has
returned to teat city. -Stanley Coyle vis-
ited at lila home in London o ver Sun
day. -The auto is back again and we
'.ope to see it running soon. -Tho game
between the River Tigers and the Town
Cuba played efortday night resulted In
a victory for the Cubs. Those who wit -
:teased the game were well rewarded
ter the ganw was a good one, score,
7-0. Batteries -Cuba, Holtzman and
Holtzman; Tigers, Mote and !leaver. -
The work at the River bridge has been
d'!ayed of late by the banks caving in.
Dcat:•i of Bat. Coughlin. -Tic news of
the sad death of Mr. flat. Coughlin, of
tate south boundary of the township of
Stephen, has cast a gloom over the
whole co)nniurihy, his death being more
or tris of a great surprise. as It was
known to comparatively few that Mr.
Coughlin was 1I1. He had apparently
been in Itis usual health up to within
'.bout ten days of his demise, when he
deva-o �d signsna of trouble from
the ef-
:e=t3 of gall stones. His condlt:on les
a few days took oa a serious aspect
t wasdeemed advisable to procure
tee and[d and
services of an expert physician,
\ r
v :-�, D.. [Dore of Loader' was called
fad during the early part of fast week
• deceased was operated upon for the
:e:uveal of Pc trouble. The operation
proved a :success and it was thought
er would survive the trying ordeal, but
it was willed otherwise, and slowly.
1:'.s nature gave way to the
in• tense strain arid he sank to rest on
Saturday, at the age of 06 years. Mr.
C,u3'•!!n was one of tee best known
etnnere and drovers in this part of
^ri :try. and by h!a death the cont -
c it
nta t, au3taan9 a great lose. a was
t :nt 1 possessed of magnetic person -
tete. kindly and generous disposition,
11 'w'.3 esteemed and respected by all
-w .a ,-id the pleasure of jtts acyua(tt-
t.t,:re. Teroug,t his larjc cotnmercial
deel'nya es drover, he was known far
and wide and by his t:ouest, straight-
ferward dealings 1.e commanded the re-
spert of all. In politics he was a
.t tun^h Coeeervative and In religion was
a member of the Roman Catholic church
He la survived by a sorrowing widow
and a family of ten children -five gots
and five daughters -also three brothers,
Timothy Coughlin, ex-M.P.. Daniel
Coughlin, inspector of Weights and
Measures. and Conrade Coughlin, of tt,e
West. The funeral which took place
t, the Mount Carmel cemetery on Tues-
day was probably the largest that Inas
ever taken place in the community. The
aortowing and bereaved family have
tee heartfelt and deepest sympathy of
t11 i:: theft trial and affliction,
?Ira. O'Brien of near Centralla le a
.s:seer of deceased.
Mrs. Spencer of London is visiting rel-
,itivee t.ero for a few days. -Mrs. I1.
Quarry of Parke.itl 13 the guest of Mrs,
D. O'Brien. -Mr. W. J. Parsons is on
the sick !let. -Mr. John Brown. who has
been on ti:e sick list is re,overing.-Miss
Gladys Misery and Lydia Handford
••:sited in Luran las. week• -Norma:
\Wocdward. who has been working for
:•Ir. Thos. Willis. left last week for St.
Marv{, where he had secured a sltua-
,ee.-A1hert \Volt spent Sunday at his
3-11e ht Credlt011.'.401111 1lepburu had
'.,suable colt killed by lightning dur-
ear tap reeeut tlectrical storni.After a
le here with relatives Miss Lillian
S returned to her home in Ezeter.-
T + , hay buyers struck town last week
ares! taking advantage of Mr. Colwlll•s
rbsenc'e, who fs in the Wear, bought
relief&rabic hay. They were. strangers
a,td looked Ilia farmers. They shipped
to the Old Country. -Crediton East base
ball team. or better known as t he Krick
yard nine, were to have visited our hunt
o.t Monday evening, hut owing to h usi-
:l'ess obligations the greater number of
e team were unable to conte and as
• 0e:sequence only two put In their ap-
oetrvnce, Seell and Sinn,, the battery,
we acre glad of their presence, t,ow-
' 'er. and accluesre1 to their request of
loan of some sten to go on wite the
genie. it. Jill! was selected for first
base, Dr. Orme, second, Wolf third, Hed-
ley, short. Luker, Davis ate! Abbott
in the field. They played our regular
teem tour tunings and the wore rr-
.:used 12 to 11 In favor of the ' plck-
upe." Of course the umpire, Derry, had
t e put up with a lot from both sides,
a.c Mills tor the ' pick-ups" never stop-
ped calling. ' How's that Derry," and
,, for the other side. Hoggle and Hanel.]
kept htnt busy looking after their side
of tee game. However, it was a good
wa:k-out and the regulars need to brace
up conslderably If they Intend to play
Teeter or Zurich, watch they intend nest
week. Bloomfield acted as battery for
• e teem. but their support was any.
:g but cheering, and atter three In-
a•t tl:e pitcher retired in favor of his
• . Fred., who twirled the hall in
.'r that made (:tent all sit up
, 1 : •.<:• notice. it was simply 1. 2, 3
! ,• Bete teame were well pleas-
, t • • c;Ose and another game Is
• 1 ...•t• week.
(To) lite for last week,)
r • as-) Ru'' who have been spend
: •1- oadey3 under the patenttl
• 1'ft Wednesday morning for Tor.
p t N tg it r Falls arid Other points.-
•) T-er n.• }les ;w :' w e spent the past
,,i: I•n one of t... New York Hospitals,!
1pe..t a few days with tis par tees fast
week. He left Monday morning for Higlt
River, Alta.. wherehe intends to practice
me.dtclne. We wish hint great success
hn !aa ct:osen protesslon.-Mr. J. Mc-
Laren, manager of the Canadian Brass
works, Galt, spent Sunday at the Mit' -
oilat parsonage.
A young soil arrived at the home of
\Vnt. Pollen o:n Monday. -Mrs. Allen Of
Stratford spent the past week a ther old
kerne Thatnes Road. -Mrs. Sntittn ot Re-
gina, Sask., is visiting at Mr. !Utes. Stew
art's and other friends in this vicinity. -
Mr. Ward is rushing ahead his new
dwelling. The roof was put on last week
-Berry picking and cutting wheat and
whiakers gave been on the rusts this
Eyl. IlItCliENS1111iE, rr.\SIIWOOU C'ONVEV-
a ENCER. Deeds, Wills, Mortgage and all
Legal Uosuaenta carefully and promptly prepared
Chances moderate. issuer ot Marriage Liienaea.
Miss Tillie Kibler of Listowel is vis-
iting at the home of Mr. Jacob Keller -
mann. -The Misses Olive and Lloy
Fenn of Parkhill are spending the
week with Mise Ethel Kellermann.-
Rev. W. Basey of Toronto occupied
the pulpit in the Evangelical Church
on Sunday last. He is spending the
week at the home of Rev. L. K. Eidt.
-Miss Myrtle Eidt, who has been vis-
iting friends in Crediton for the past
week, returned home Monday. -Mrs.
%Vnl. Knechtel, accompanied by her
brother, Mr, Samuel Moyer, of Berlin,
are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Siebert. -Mr. John
Preeter and fatuity of Zurich spent
Sunday with friends iu the village. -
Miss Lulu Steinhagen is visiting her
uncle at Exeter. -Mrs. Thomas John-
son of Blake is spending a week with
her sisters in this place. -Mr. Clarence
Kelleratann lost a valuable cow
through death on Monday. -Mr. John
Wein is being congratulated over the
birth of a little son into his family,
which occurred on Tuesday the twen-
tieth. -The literary talent in the Y. P.
A. of this place has not as yet dimin-
ished, as was evidenced by the pro-
gram they gave at the close of the
business meeting on Monday evening.
-Miss Florence nc '
.I1 hl re a Rboda was a united in
marriage on Wednesday at high noon
to Mr. Henderson of London. Rev. L.
Eidt officiated. 'dOnly the i e '
K.tutu -
ate friends were present. They left in
the afternoon for London, where they
will make their future home. We ex-
tend congratulations.
Picking berries is the order of the
day. -Mostly all the wheat is cut and
shucked and some have started to haul
in. -Mr. James Williams is gradually
improving. He is being cared for in
the Victoria Hospital, London. -Miss
\l vi he Lawson is spending her holi-
days with Miss 1 1 Ilrn.-1 tr.
John Hayter is on the sick fist. -Miss
Mae Hodgins, win has been visiting
in London, returned home yesterday.
-The rain which fell Thursday and
Flid:sy did a great deal of good. -The
flax will soon be ripe. Heigh ho! for
the flax pullers 1- lire. Thos. Failis is
visiting friends in Detroit. -Miss Beryl
Jennison and the Masters Robt. and
Then. are visiting their auntie, Mrs
John J. Taylor.
Business & Shorthaiid
Resident and Mail Courses
CaiaJ.ss.e Fres
J. W. Westervelt, J. W• Westervelt, Jr., C.A.,
Principe!. Vice -Principal.
if it is the best flour you want there i,
but one pls'•e in town to get it that
is front u,. The brand, are:
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
1!CYAI, IIOL'SEHOLD (Ogil.le's)
5 ROSES (Lake of Wood.)
PURITY (waters Canals Flout Mills)
Lexie four onlers or , all up
Phone 2.
R. G. Seldon, Exeter
titer one thousand ••tit•
dent4eutnlled ) vnurchain
11 Inst year. It pays to at -
(Y..1 tend a litik of this great
sQ chain,f'tr "IN (14105 T}1KRE
12 1- HTIIKN(+Ti{."
t„p Thedemand for ourgrad-
nates is THREE TIMES
O the supply.
Other schools engage our
gradnates as teachers. A
es , special course for teachers.
Graduates of two years
ago ate now earning $2,000
per annum.
Three courses-COsMKtt-
('I.tl., STKNtr+KAt't I' and
Fill Term Opens Aag. 30.
Write for particulars.
Clinton Business College
II. B. WALSER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,
ALEXANDER LAIRD, Gsneral Mugu I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a.nioet convealetgt
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Fragile,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of the Bank.
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter
the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for
Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper,
Etc. Etc. Etc.
All purchases to be delivered to T. IHAWKiNS & SON'S HARDWARE,
EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of
scrap may be left at the sante store, whete prompt attention will be given.
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
r -11,1110'11111'!;101,11!
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4iI r 1.
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For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN
Crediton Flour Mills
During the months of July and August we will only
run our Chopper 3 days per week, as follows: Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday. We also have to offer:
Family Flour at
Good Oats
44 41
$3.25 per 100 lbs.
Henry Sweitzer
--- Crediton East
Tile Desire 01 a Boy's
1y t0 own a watch, one of his " very own," Why deny hint
when bis ambition can easily be gratified. This is not "mike
believe" watch that we are thinking of, either. It's a guaran-
teed time piece. It is simply put together so that a little seri•
dental rough usage won't disarrange things. It is nicely nickled.
1t will retain its appearance till the last tick. And it will tinkle
that hoy of yours if you take one home to him,
Why Not Do It To -Day ?
A. Marchand
Jeweler and Optician --- Exeter, Ontario
The Molsons Bank
ineorpnraled 1S55
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund - -
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and l'orreepondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World,
at ail Branches. interest allowed at highest current tate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Dregsas rSt CaRr.uio, Solicitors, N. I). NURI)ON, Manager,