Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-29, Page 3HOW WEAK GiRLS MAY GROW INTO STRONG WOMEN The Blood Supply Must be Kept Hichr FPd and Pure --Coos Bl(ol Means Good Health. Healthy girlhood is the only path to healthy womanhood. Tho merg- ing of girlhood into womanhood lays a new tax upon the blood. It is the overtaxing of the scanty blood supply that makes growing girls Puffer from all those headaches, backaches and sideaches—all that paleness, weakness and weariness— all that languor, despondency and constant ill health. Unhealthy girlhood is bound to had to unhealthy womanhood and a life of misery. Nothing but tho blood -building qualities of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink fills can save a girl when sho undertakes the trials and tasks of woivanhood. That is the time when nature makes new de mantis upon the blood supply. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new, rich blood, which meets those new demands with ease. In this simple scientific way Dr. 1Villianls' Pink Pills fill a girl with overflow- ing health and strength. Miss Eva Dennis, Amherst, N. S. says :—"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done the a world of gocxl. I was completely run down, was very pale, easily tired and suffered from frequent severe headaches. Though I tried many medicines I got nothing to do mo the least good until I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Even the first box of these seemed to help me, and after taking a half dozen boxes I was again a strong, healthy girl. I have not had any illness since, but should I again feet run down 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills will be my only medicine, and I strongly re- commend thou to every weak and aili g gill. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WOMAN'S ENCAMPMENT. Corps of Nurses in London Did Military Duly. A FISH PROTECTED BY LAW. The Unique Distinction of Pelorue Jack. In Pelorus Sound, on the south distributors of packing house pro - side of the Cook btrait•, which is ducts, with Head Office at Calgary, situated between the North and Alberta. In addition to abattoirs, South Islands of New Zealand, lives packing houses and yards at Cal - elle of the most remarkable fish in Alberta, and Vancouver, the world. \\'!acre he came from 13 a vC., , the P. Burns Company con - or how long ago he was born no At Lee, a distant suburb of Lon- don, a military encampment has just broken up the like of which the world has surely never seen before. Its inhabitants were a detachment of the Nursing Yeomanry, a corps of women whose duty in war time is to follow the fight'ng line and succor the wounded. The aflair was no picnic, but n serious effort on the part of the wo- men to inure themselves to condi- tions which might arise during ac- tual warfare. Everything was clone in grim earnestness. They groomed their own h.)rses, did sen- try duty at night, slept in tents and worked from reveille to lights out with their ambulance waggon and stretchers rescuing and treat- ing imaginary wounded men. A notice in large letters informed the members of the -orps that "no talking is allowed in the tents after 'lights out,' " and the women, it is said, took their work so seriously that this rule was obeyed—within rcason. VERY SAFE BONUS. P. Burns & Company, Limited, Enol DO Bold whose First Mortgage bonds are new being offered for sale in Canada, aro large ranchers, pa••kcrs and one seems to know. But captains of vessels and voyagers tell curi- ous stories of how for the last thirty years Pelorus Jack, as this fish has been named, has piloted for several miles each steamer which trols sixty-two stores in the most important cities and towns of Al- berta and British Columbia. This business, founded in 1590, has shared in the wonderful de- velopment of Western Canada, and has established itself on a strong neared the sound, afterwards re - financial basis, earning net in 1903 turning to shaft the arrival of the 8317,800, or five times the amount next vessel. required to pay the interest on its Day or night appears to make no First Mortgage bonds. difference to him, for he is always to According to appraisals made by bedepended upon to make his ap responsible parties, the real estate pearance, and those who frequently owned by the Company, which has pass through the strait can tell al- a ready market vale', is worth con - most to the moment when he will sidorably more than the amount of show himself. His length is esti the present bond issue. mated at about 16ft., and from the The bonds are further strengthen - fact that he is of light grey color, ed by the fact that the surplus as - and comes to the surface to blow, sets after deducting all liabilities he has been calico the "little white almost equal in amount the pre - whale." sent outstanding issue. He has no companions—and can During the present year many be seen to be an outcast of the fish issues of the obligations of invert- world—and can be seen making ant packing houses have attested straight fora steamer, when some their growing popularity as invest - distance away, on account of a mento in Canada and United large fin which shows about 18in. States. From the standpoint of se - above the surface of the water. curity the Burns issue is undoubted Many theories have been put for- while the return to the investor ward as to why Pelorus Jack should tb per cent.) is attractive. make a practice of accompanying .s. ships passing through the strait, the most likely of which seems to be HOW HE MADE GOOD. that he comes to the bow of each "What is the secret of your sue - vessel to scrape the barnacles off -cess?" we asked of the great physi- himself, for he touches the ship as ciao. he darts from side to side. "I acquired the art of concealing Pcl Jack is the only fish in my ignorance," answered the wise the world protected by Act of Par- liament. M.D lia.ment. In September, 1904, it w as enacted that it should not be lawful for any person to take the fish or mammal of the species known as Risso's dolphin in Cook Strait tinder a penalty of not less than £5 and not more than £100. There has never been any fish of this species seen in the strait except Pelorus Jack, so that the Act of Parliament was passed. solely on his behalf. A (:RENT BANK. The far•secing advocates of Ca- nadian Chien probably hardly rea- lized half a century ago what a service they were rendering to Canada's future in starting forth the young united Dominion with the foundation of a Banking System which has been developed into tho greatest. in the world with no ex- ceptions. The System has faults, but these are morn academic than practical, and if past progress is any criterion the faults that now exist will disappear in the future. The services which our banking System has rendered to the Derniu- ion as a whole, and to individual Canadians, should be more thor- oughly appreciated by the Canadian people. One of the strongest units in our tanking System is the Dominion hank, which presented its semi-an- nual statement to the public a few (lass ago. Despite the fact that this Platenu'nt covered a period, part of whieh was characterized by ex- treme financial strc=s and the bal- ance by very lots- money rates, the profits 4.f this great institution for the half year, although some Four- teen Thousand Dollars leo" than the pros ions half year, are still at the rate of 15', p. c. The circulation has increased about a quarter of a million dollars; deposits have in- creased nearly six million and hate Pow reached the total of over forty - t ne millions; cash assets show an increase of nearly one and a half million, and the immediate avail- able assets an increase of nearly ix million. with an increase of about the same amount in the total assets. which now total fifty-three and a half millions. This is a most satiafact•,ry state- rnent, and one en which the share beldere may congratulate thein delves heartily. reflecting. as It dcea most careful sod progressive Ranagsment. LAKE HURON AND i.AKE SUPERIOR. A magnificent summer trip is en- joyed by taking this "fresh water sea voyage" from Sarnia., Ontario, to Fort William, Ontario, through these great inland seas. This year now steamers have been added to the Northern Navigation 'Co.'s fleet, and the finest and fastest ves- sels on the Great Lakes will fly the house flag of this popular Company. The steamers run in connection with the Grand Trunk Railway System, and all particulars, rates and descripttive literature, etc., can be hnd for the asking by ap- plying to Mr. J. D. McDonald. SATISFIED. "How do you like your new mis- tress?" asked the first servant girl. "Oh, all right," replied) the second servant girl. "She doesn't bother me much. She's got all she can do to manage her husband. There is Only One Eclectric Oil. —When an article, be it medicine or anything else, becomes popular, imitations invariably spring up to derive advantages from the origin- al, which they themselves could never win on their merits. Imi- tations of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil have been numerous, but never successful. Those who know the genuine are not put off with a sub- stitute, but demand the real thing. THE WEDDING GRAFT. "How nre you getting along with the arrangements for your daugh- ter's wedding i" "Splendidly. We've just complet- ed the list of people who will prob- ably send presents if invited." • If your children moan and are restless (luring sleep, coupled, when awake, with a loss of appe- tite, pale countenance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend up - et. it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother Grates' Worm Exterminator effectually re- moves these pests, at once reliev- ing the little sufferers. HOW TO DRINK MiLK. Why milk is "distressing" to so many people as they commonly com- plain lies in the method of (1rinking it. Milk should never be taken to quickly or too much at one swallow. If a glass of it is swallowed hastily it enters into the stomach, and then forms fete solid curdled innss, diffi- cult of digestion. if, on the other (land. the same quantity is gipped, and three minutes at least aro oc- cupied in drinking it then on reach- ing the stomach it is divided, and the proper digestion is obtained as well as a most nutritious effect. ASK THE DOCTOR. If a boy and a half eat a green apple and a half in a minute and a half, how will they feel in an hour and a half t The atrrage man will stand up for himself. no matter bow many people sic has to sit on in order to do it An Easy Pill to Take.—Some per- sons have repugnance to pills be- cause of their nauseating taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared as to make them agree- able to the most fastidious. Tho most delicate can take than with- out feeling the revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills. This is one reason for the popular- ity of these celebrated pills, but the train reason is their high toni- cal quality as a medicine for the stomach. DEATH OF GAMING. "Alt gambling must be stopped within the jurisdiction of this court," thundered the judge. „ "Bet you a fiver it can't be done, said the district attorney. "Put up your money." said the judge, reaching for his roll. It is an undisputed fact that one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads has actually killed a bushel of (louse flies. Fortunately no such quantity can ever be found in a well kepthouse, but whether they Le few or many Wilson's Fly Pads will kill thein all. HER PREPARATIONS. "1 suppose your wife is getting ready to go away for the summer 1" "Yes, indeed. She's already ask- ed the neighbors to watch me while she's gone." IN HOT COUNTRIES Painkiller Andy many uses. folic, cramps. diarrhoea and all such troubles readily give way, to its use. Doer. one teaspoonful, In hot water. Avoid subAtitutes. there 11 but one "Pain- killer "--Perry bavis•-- 25c. and 60e. CUT OFF. "Did your rich uncle leave you much?" "Did he leave me much? My goodness, man, he actually desert- ed me." Regarded as one of the most po- tent compounds ever introduced with which to combat all summer complaints and in(inmmation of the bowels, Dr. J. I). Kellog's Dysen- tery Cordial has won for itself a reputation that no other cordial for the purpose can aspire to. For young and old suffering from these complaints it is the best medicine that can be procured. AMMONIA POWDER It Rae a s ls,wl Ash Tour Crepes far n Seat Aoi p dust as Coed WE CLEAN UP EVERYTHING Baro the Coupons enclosed in each package alai saw rete t'r • Prize. Pea, WTI". ,.. (told Piece tot w h 1sr c.,inplet• nos- liu►utitul Metaliud Moan rat tin for Ha f Msg. Manufacture! by J. a reuse CO , Ltd . Toronto. MEAN. "I shall never speak to Jane again. The mean thing." "What's the matter V' "I gate her a pickle dish for her wedding Iteresent nn(1 she got three others just like it, and would you believe it, mine was the one she exchanged." T N V HELPFUL. Mistress--"I'tn glad to see you give the scraps to the cat, Susan." Susan—"Yes'm, I believe in it. It saves half the dishwashing." The Bowels Must Act Healthily. —In most ailments the first care of the medical man is to see that, the bowels aro open and fully perforat- ing their functions. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so compounded that certain ingredients in them act on the bowels solely and they are the very best medicine available to produce healthy action of the bow- els. Lldeed, there is - o other speci- fic so serviceable in keeping the digeativo organs in healthful ac- tion. ISSUE NO. 30 09 DOMESTIC HERESY. Peck—"But, my dear, there are two sides to every question." Mrs. Peck—"Henry Peck, where in the world did you get that im- pression?" If every housekeeper would use Wilson's Fly Pads freely during the Summer months the house fly peril would soon be a thing of the past. ODD INSCRIPTION. In the old churchyard of Whitby, Yorkshire, there is a quaint tomb- stone which has the following in- scription on it :—"here lies the body of Fran^is Huntrods and his wife Mary, who were born on the same day of the same week and month, and the same month in the year 1600. They were married on ,their birthday and had ten sons and daughters. They both died in their eightieth year on the day of within five hours The one who had hours before his Thus they both same period, even their birth, and of each other." been born five mate died first. lived exactly the to the hour. NO SUBSTITUTE FOR "The D. A L." Menthol Plaster, recommended byevery- body for stiffness, plurisy, etc. ade by Danis dr, Lawrence Co. GOOD EXCUSE. "But Egbert, you never mind cutting the grass." "I knrlw, pa, but it's a whole lot harder since you sharpened the lawn mower." A Vomestlo Eye Remedy. ed are. Tryarina Ords Mlur 4.11able Eye Relief to In Yes our at Ey Ryes. soothe. Rye Palo. used to The wife of a dyspeptic man may not agree with him any more than her cooking does. c TOBACCO IN FRANCE. In France the consumption of to- bacco is greatly on the increase. In 1904 there were consumed 19,000,- 000 cigars of foreign make and 67,- 000,000 of French manufacture. The total amount expended in smoke is 126,000,000 francs ($23,200,000). The Anti -tobacco S•,ciety of France is having consider able trouble with "hecklers," who quote the case of a Mine. Snoy, sho celebrated her 107th birthday recently and main- tained that the secret of her longe - t ity lay in her pipe, which she had smoked regularly from the time sho t.es 12 years old. Nothing looks more ugly than to sec a person whose hands are cover - co over with warts. Why have these disfigurements on your per- son when a surd remover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in Holloway's Corn Cure. It's as difficult for some people to draw their own conclusions as it is for them to extract their wisdom teeth. Practically all Canadian drug- gists, grocers and general dealers sell Wilson's Fly Pads. If your storekeeper does not, ask him why. EFFECTIVE FIRE ALARM. Burglars are expected to have difficulty beating an alarm in- vented by.a German genius. The appliance is very simple, consist- ing of a curtain or portiere, wired with fine conductors. At certain places on it are fixed finial' metal knobs, which are connected with wire conductors. The curtain is then drawn across the window or door, or around a safe, and the slightest disturbance breaks the cir- cuit, as the knobs aro thrown out of contact with each other. Treatment fr an Ailments of HORSES or Live Steels Fully 0110ab+ 4. to nay AttiehM u.• 1N L ea 0o request Achim Tito Veterinary remedy Co.. ttl(itan, Doak A.76 Adelaide st. Kett, TO.ro.tu, tasl FOR SALE. 6SS t o 100 Top missies tor In is i'n. F l'AR! bis sawing, 1u Barnes, Orocariea, Tinware a opL eupplles furnished cheaperthan r5, merp}rem pr!.-es. Catalogues fres. Tb. Clement I1r0wu 'netting Co., Toronto, AGENTS WANiED. � i 7 ANTI D -Lica) and General Agents—Lia • •ral contracts to Food men , apply �otter, Coatineatal Life in,Catty."noo Catty." uruato. Oorrespaudeuoo eaattlentiel WANTED•-r.neal. energetic, battling Agent two Landis " STAR " incandescent Mantle Limp. Generates gas lr•,m coal oil. 'ares 1... third: oil. Light eaoette.t only bystraight. 0,1717 smokeless. Star Manufacuring l'o.. Tor ef 71 �owts AGENTS "F" o" 1 waeltab Mal. 15 a Day amt .,fah. bah p.rmaneat Lu,:n.,.op Our cap t►t O..r t 100 Coate 500.:0 aeli .e n,ht la every home. are 4u.taly used u, and ,epe.t o,aere soma fat Laclu.eve law rifer, Siren. Ta. H.Mi evrrtr 0.., D.pt. 60, T.r(at., Oe► WRITE ' CATALOGUE 'nnGARDEN PARTY roes sEcuas HAIEY LIOVO Entertainer stAdotalde St. wast TORONTO. Wrht. for term,, eta 'Phones: Long Distatro, !fain 5506. Colley. CUL TM CLADSTONE MINES milt.* Rte Personal Liability) Montreal River District Rubecription forint ani other papers can L. 5.4 by applying to ALEXAM DIR WARDEN, Broker, 18 TORONTO STUB r. TORONTO. • Ti sauieta SORES At URNS 'PILLS P4Mrllt tc1IMA -aN,l'MATIS 1GATICA *AD ttOJ ,$0S1 NLADS 1 SACKS CNAr.1D MAUI >rrrrCu.uuo'.o. Cam.xarr as a s oars°INasNra449, When troubled with sun- burn, blisters, insect stings, sore feet, or heat rashes, apply Zero-Buk Surprising how qukkly It casrs the smarting and stinging! Cures sores on young babies due to chafing. Zam-Buk is made from pure herbal essences. No animal fan -- no tetrseral poisons. Finest healer 1 • Lre4yf.is and Slaws e: er5 u horn Ontario cterin:try College TEMP&RANCE ST., TORONTO, CAN. tetabtkhod 1E2, taken over by the Provinola Government of Ontario, 190S. Affiliated with the Univers I, of Toronto under th, eoatrol.f the Dept. of Africultnreof uotarin. 0,11egt u7ens lac October, IAA. ('nurse of au i, es..ndr Shrou. h 3.o.lege yearn. FEES 1'ER 411:sd.1)N PISA. Calendar cn application IC A. A. GRANOZ, V.S., M 8, rrin ilal. Dept. 0. PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE The "Richmond (Que) Guardian," to KS 83rd Year of Pub'loatlon. For very many years the chis organ of the Conservative party o the Eastern Townships. "The Guardian" is an 8 -page 0 -column paper, and has been conducted by the present editor without inters ruption for b0 years, who retiree in consequence of advancing years, The plant is in fair order, and consists of a moderate stock of news and job type, 7 -horse -power engin and boiler, Peerless Gem cutter, 28 -in. Campbell power press, me- dium Gordon (modern), and Liberty circular and card press. all in per- fect order ; three very large stones, tables, furniture, tools, addressing machine, stoves, etc., etc., Apply either to 8. FRANK WILSON, Toronto., or W. E. JONES, Richmond, Que. Th• Dominion Securities Oorporatlon, Limited, Offer P. BURNS & COMPANY, Limited 11anclers, Mcat Packers and Distributors of racking (louse Producta, HEAD OFFICE: CALGARY, ALBERTI'a 6% First Mortgage Fifteen Year Sinking Fund Bonds Hated fat April, 1000. Due 1.1 April, 1024. Principal and Interest payable at The Imperial Bank Of Canada, Montreal and Toronto, and nt Lloyd, flank, London, England. INTEREST PAV"ARi,E: 1st APRII, ANI) (M.T()RE:R. Redeemable as a whole at 1113 And Interest on any interest date on and after the 1«t April. 1011, oa slaty days' notice, or annually for sinking Lund drawings, ieginning O.totwr 1st, itilO. Denominations, $100, $500 and $1,000. BONDS MAV Hk RFA.1tTEItEli, Trustee : THE NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Limited. Price 100 and interest yielding 6 per cent. ASSETS Reel E:etate and 1:ui1(11I' ' owned by the 1'ompnny $1.:'se. .73 Packing House and 1'Iunts at C.tlgar:, \'.t:t,e,uter, Strathcona find R•etai.kt'.sin ... U11.756.34 Branch Plants and General Equipment and other ca)'ttal afse:g 251".7':1.77 --- - ----$2,090,268.116 932,872.23 Current Assets (after deducting all liabilities) . LPO\f) ISSUE 1st Mtortf•nge 6 pct cent. !sone of 1909 (closed mortgage) EAi(NiN(:y Net 1'arnlnes fur year ending September 30th, II -03. Anneal ilond Inter&' t Charge $3,032,129.03 1,000,000.00 317,860.73 60,000.00 On Our behalf audit of broke has t,oen merle by Price, 1V'sferhnusP A ('o., (Tlartrred Actountants. Appraisal of plant by the .'American Apprnleul Co. Valuation of real estate by Nr. Wm. Toole, of Toole, I'e,:t A Co., Calgary. ltei,orls and certificates tan tot seen at our various offices. THE DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION, Limited HEAD OFFICE: 26 King Street least, TORONTO. Can^rt.'t I If ' rtn,t tlt'g, 310\ IRE:at,. N IN\11'1::.. (Pansch life ftu1Iling, 87 C1er>ohlll, 1.ONION, 11L11,, SAO.