HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-22, Page 7$.INGERING WEAKNESS 1 CZAR OF ALL TIIE RU881A8. FOLLOWING DISEASE Writer Contrasts Czar with Kaiser 11'llhelm. In an article in the London Ex - tan be Banished by the Wonder press, a writer signing himself "A Wonder. Russian Diplomat," gives a view fol Tonin Pt,wers of Lr. VIII- at close range of the Czar of All the hussies. Contrasting him with llama' Pink Pills Kaiser Wilhelm, the writer says:— To ays:—To the world the Kaiser's per- ' Row often it is that the victims sonality is familiar. There are two Company of Kingston, Ont., to the of disease --fevers, measles, !d kinds of men who may occupy person sending in the largest num- grippe or any other contagiout thrones and be happy. The first ber of carton bottoms cut frein troui•;es are weak and ailing, even are the tactful, admirably infurmcd, ()range Meat boxes in their anllu- after the disease itself has dlsap- kind-hearted diplomats, of whom ity contest closing May 31, last. , exam - '.eared. They do not pick up King The second aEdward is ro te he masterful, Mr. Magee sent yin 2612 counts strength as t' cy ought ; remr.id P + carrying off First Prize. which was listless, tired and discouraged. Thai determined, able lien, stubborn, a life annuity of Fifty-two Dollars reason for this is that the blood tireless, with unconquerable self- of Seven Hundred dollars in cash. Las been impoverished by the ray.; confidence. Alexander III., the Mr. Magee elected to take the cash, gel of the disease through which Czar's father, was such a Ulan. Tho and with this money, he intends Kaiser is another. opening a grocery business, with a will not ithe ireturn as until the ssed. Strength is Nicholas i1. is a man of another friend in th3 city of Winnipeg. enriched. The blood can be en- : type. 1V hen ho was called to his niched by no other medicine as high office by the death of his fa - quickly and as surely as by Ur. Wil- : ther, in 1S94, he was twenty-six, hams' Pink Pills for Pale People— nexper e ed and appalled(I b say itithwith o load to enrich the blood and strengthen thrown upon his shoulders. Great the nerves is the whole duty of these : ai were the difficulties then, they biol lls—thsands hese found them have become greater with every eneficial in bringing strength after year. War, defeat, intrigue, con - disease had left them weak and run yeracy, revolution, a nation in the down. Among those who owe good l melting pot, a people rushing hith Wealth to these Pills is Miss Laura ; es and thither in pursuit of they (cisco, New Ross, N.B., who says :— know not what. "Following an attack of measles' In appearance the Czar is the I was left greatly run down and antithesis of his herculeanfu- suffered from a bad cough. I was 1 very, advised to use Dr. Williams' Pink :ther—short,. f 1lth oddly rath like sa t Y Prince •Pills and procl+red half a dozen , face is the indext of his character. Voxes. Before they were all gone I . His ;Ile is intellectually alert, widely had regained my strength; my : sympathetic, athetic almost phenomenally cough had disappeared and I was y P ' 011ie more enjoying perfect health." industrious, and for all his instinc- Tho experience of Miss Hisco is' five, shy timidity, persistent and that of many others. Dr. Williams' determined. asbeen said that no man was Pink Pills make new, rich, red . ever less eager to be an Emperor blood. This new blood strengthen! than the present Czar of all the Mr. B. Crooks of 310 Alexander the nerves and banishes such ail, Itussias, but, having been raised by Ave., Winnipeg, was the winner of ments as ism, neuralgia, destiny to exalted responsibility, he the One Hundred dollar prize. , lumbago, dyspepsia, etc., and has never wavered in his determine- .cheeks. etermine There were prizes aggregating chebrings the glow of health to pa] tion to do his duty as he under thirteen hundred dollars cash, dis- ciedici The Pills are sold by all , stands it, and, in so far as it lies tributed on Juno 16th last, to the medicine dealers or at 50 cents a with hiul, to work for the best in- fortunate winners. box or six boxes for $2.50 from Tho terests of his country and his peo- Tho Orange Meat Company have Dr. , Ont. Medicine Co., Brock -pie .started an other similar contest 4. villi, Ont. •I• closing on November 30th next, and VALUE OF A KISS. in addition to the prizes given in PICKiNG OC'f TWINS. _ the last contest they have added Yours Woman Thou ht Kiss Worth two Fifty dollar and one hundred The Nurse Girl Found it an Easy g J; One Dollar Prizes. Matter. Five e bhlllings. Send your name and address to An amusing argument as to the Orange Meat, Kingston, Ont., and The benetoler!t old gentleman value of a kiss was heard in a commence saving Orange Meat car. stopped at the sight of the two siuli Vienna district court not long since. ton bottoms at once. lar -looking infants in the baby -car - Babette Foight, a milliner, had nage, and said in a pleasant voice accused an electrician named Holz-"S:1Y UN• CLE!" to the girl in attendance:— mann of having stolen her watch "Ah! Twins?" when dancing with her at a ball. There was a man once who had "Yes, sir," replied the girl; She afterwards found the watch at a parrot that he cumnlanded to say "both boys." home, and offered Holzmann a pub- "How ub- "Uncle" in front of a room hill of .. "So 1" said the old gentleman. lie apology, but he refused to accept guests. How do you tell them apart? The arrot could say Uncle Which is which?" it, unless accompanied by a kiss P "'This one," said the nurse, point- Blveu in the presence of her friends. beautifully, yet, tuough the man ing. 'is this, and that one is that."Fraulein Babettedeclined on fire pleaded with it for nearly an hour, "Dear ale :" said the old gentle - " ground that she was engaged to it, remained as silent as the grave. man, "how very interesting. But,"he married, and Ilulzmnun brought Then, enraged, he snatched up the he added, indicating the secondan action for slander. When the obstinate parrot., ran with itto the one, "aright not this one be thisjudge heard the circumstances he chicken coup, and, half twisting its •iso?"suggested an amicable arrangement neck, threw it in among the hens. "It might," said the girl, atterAfter his guests were gone, ho by way of a money payment in place a short pause. "Then, of course, of the kiss, and asked Holzmann at regretted his cruelty. He went that one would be that."w'llat price he valued a kiss. sadly back to the chicken coop to "Well, then," said tho old gen- Holzmann wanted ten shillings, see if the poor parrot was dead. tleman, "how do you manage to but, amid general laughter, the Opening the door, he frowned. aeparate them ?"young woman declared that her Ten of his twelve prize Plymouth "We seldom do, but when we kisses were not, worth nearly as Rocks lay dead on the floor, and want to we put one in one room much. Finally the judge persued- the parrot was standing on the and the other in another." ed Holzmann to accept five shill- eleventh, twisting her neck, and "How doyou know which ono ings• screaming : "Say 'Uncle," will cle ! you're putting in which room l' '� a• you? Say 'Un __' „ . "We look and see which is in SENTENCE SERMONS. the other room, and then we know ItOI'Er'UL. the other is in the which room." Saintliness is measured by ser- "Very your work a little then "Very good," said the old gent- vice. the other fellow and some better than lelnan, warming up to the prob- The crooked life is always well you'll wake up and find morning Ism, "but if one of them was in oiled. urself the house and the other was away Prayer without labor means para- boss. somewhere. would you be able to lysis. „ HUNDREDS OF OPINIONS agree npoe tell which was in the house?" Some people hope to get into Sea the fact that Painkiller has alleviated more "Oh, yes, sir," said the girl, ear- vett by looking for hell. pain than any one medicine. Unequalled net:tly ; "all we would have to do You cannot wed vanity without sm.diarrhoea and dysentery. Avoid sub. buttes. there is but oneNainktller'•— woulll he to look at him and then being divorced from sincerity. perry Davis' 25c. and 50c. We would know that the one we A saving faith is a faith that --• saw was the the ono in the house. makes the world seem worth sav• UNCHANG;EI). and then, of course, the one away ing. So far as we aro able to judge, somewhere would bo the other. Tho mark of a free than is that he the flailing this year is no better There are only two of them, you binds himself to some high duty.the see. which makes it very easy." Grafting is simply the difference than it wasbig getting tilast year, and ag away just ast often. Tho benevolent old gentleman between the get life and the give ones are then passed on. life. — 4 The man who despises his brother Thos. Sabin of Eglington, says: usually has some boss before whom "I have removed ten corns from ho grovels. my feet with Holloway's Corn Covering your neighbors with ('ure." Reader, go thou and do lampblack will not react with likewise. whitewash on yourself. You never know how much good there is in men until some dark day falls on us all. You may know what a man really thinks of his Father by what his children think of him. Where the collection is the life of the church the church makes a poor collection of lives. ppt�orleeARordel!tetla►bt11s11eftexysutbsS11.14 No man knows anything about `a� , .. *y. tesedy Ia Tour Eyes the divine friendship who does not _ exhibit human friendliness. NOT A RAILWAY SERVANT. The devils you entertain in the A 0000 START. Peak's Hair Grower A Cardinal Voting Man's Goof Fortune. Has never tailed to stop calling Hair. 11 posh Ure:; kills the Dandruff Oers. Try it and be Mr. David Magee, whose photo 'It"' "'If. below,is a clerk employedrows &sonar ■a►YNDIO IF IT FAIN appearswrit. for Doserlptive Pamphlet. it. the Grocery and General store TAe peak Nig 5e4 iss vietera et. Terenta, amt of F. F. Adams at Cardinal, Ont This young man has just won a SATING INFANT'S LIVES. cash prize of Seven Hundred dol- lars offered by the Orange Meat alue of Milk Pasteurization Shown f BABY'S ORBIT DANGER DURING HOT WEATHER More children die during the hot weather than at any other time of the year. Diar- rhoea, dysentery, cholera in- fantum, and stomach troubles come without warning, and when a medicine is not at hand to give prompt relief, the delay may prone fatal to the child. Baby's Own Tab- lets should be kept in every home where there are chil- dren .luring the hot weather months. An occasionai dove Cf the Tablets will prevent deadly Vuntrner complaints, er cure them if they corne un- expectedly. Mrs. 0. Moreau, St. Tite. Que., says: "My baby suffered from a severe attack of cholera lnfantum, hut after giving him Baby's Own Tablets the trouble dis- appeared, and he regained health splendidly." Sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 rents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medielne Oo., Brockville, Ont. .4 A bartfnjt dog serer bites—while M M `arking. CONCEIT. And very often the average man believes that if he had been born a woman, lie would have been the prettiest one in the neighborhood. A Oomastfo Ey* Remedy. dark take good care to start up an illumination on their own account. - f DREADNOUGHT NOTES. The Dreadnought's displacement is 17,900 tons. Each shell fired by a Dreadnought costs, in round figures, $750. Dreadnought guns weigh almost as much as two express passenger trains. To work all a Dreadnought's 12 - inch guns at top speed would cost *15,000 per minute. Each shot Bred by a Dread- nought's 12 -inch gun leaves at the rate of 2,900 feet per second. Everybody's business is nobody's Wiliness ascot Use busybody's. "What is your trade 1" said the lawyer to the witness. "Platelayer," replied the man. Tho lawyer asked him a hest of other quextions, then harped back again to the subject of his employ- ment. "I understand you work on the railway, my man 1" "Oh, no, I don't" replied the witness. "But you just said you did," per- sisted the lawyer. "Beg your pardon, 1 never said anything about the railway." "Come, come, don't trifle with the Court. my man. You said you were a platelayer." Well.- replied the witness, im- perturbably, "isn't a waiter a platelayer tl" In Official Report. Convincing testimony as to tho value of milk pasteurization, as ad- vocated by Nathan Straus, of New York, is contained in a British Blue Book issued the other day. The death rate for children under 5 has been reduced from 67.8 per 1,000 in 1857 to 40.9 per 1,00 in 1907. This decline is attributed to the administrative Measures and the greater attention given to the supply of milk. In ten towns de- pots have been opened for the sup- ply of pasteurized milk for infanta. 07 all European countries only Hol- land has a lower rate of infant mortality than Britain. This Blue Book has been prepar- ed under the instructions of John Burns, President of the Local Gov- ernment Board, as a responia t', the charges formulated in a rvari, of the Poor Law Commission of Enquiry issued last February, and i3 designed to show the general im- provement in the health and social conditions of the British peop.e since 1850. ST. MARGARET'S COLLEGE, TORONTO. Toronto, with its famous Univer- sities, Colleges, Churches, Librar- ies, Art Collections and Museums, is the great educational centro of Canada. The pupils attending St. Margaret's College have therefore distinct advantages that cannot be obtained elsewhere. The teachers have the seine high academic stand- ing as those in the great. Collegiate Institutes. The attendance of pu- pils is limited ; the classes average ten each; personal attention can thus be given to each pupil. Then there is a most thorough Musical Course taught by Canada's great- est Musicians; Art, Domestic Sci- ence and Physical Education aro also thoroughly taught. To all de- siring it an illustrated Booklet will be sent on application being made to the Secretary. A STRAIGHT TIP. Johnny (to new visitor)—So you are my grandma, are you? Grandmother—Yes, Johnny ! I'm your grandma on your father's side. Johnny. --Well, you're on the wrong side ; you'll soon find that out. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults. See that you get the genuine when pur- chasing. AS A LAST RESORT. Uncle—"Johnny, wouldn't you like to be an angel?" Johnny—"Not as long as there's a show for me to become a base- ball pitcher or a circus clown." Wilson's Fly Pads, the best of all fly killers, kill both the flies and the disease germs. SAFETY. It's fortunate for the average man that he doesn't know half the things that he would like to know. PAPA KNEW. "Bridget," said the mistress of the house, "some of the bedcloth- ing is missing. Was any of it left on the line ?' "0 mamma," cried little Willie, "Bridget doesn't know anything about it. I know where it, is. Papa's got it." "What do you mean, child 1„ "Well, mamma, I heard some of the neighbors saying this morning that they saw papa last night with three sheets in the wind." d• WAS ALL IN. A Young Toronto Business Mao Tells What He Thinks of Tonielne. Toronto. July ard. 15)9. 15 Northcote Are. The Toniclne Company, Limited, Toronto. Dear sire,— wlllou kindly send me by return mag another tido. box of Toniclne, as 1 have received v•ry great fillets from the tint box, w bleb I haw' jut finished. For a long time my system has been run down, being subject to stomach trouble and haring li s pure blood. After taking Tuuiclne fur two or three days I felt much better. I feel quite sure that this hos will Ax me up although 1 will at ways keep a small quantity of your piles on hand Yours very truly, OEOBilE tARTi.arr. Tunlcfne, the great Heart and Nerve Tonto, had now been serving the public for the past fourteen 'years, and is for sale by all high-class druggists 'or send 60c. direct to 151 'lonictne Company Limited. 16 vl:tutls St., TorouttL WORLDLY WISE. Mr. Rambo—"Did you mean to say at you done gib Ino do mitten kase I dressed too neat an' hand- some I" Miss Sambo—"Dat's what I mean to say. 1 like to look at dem good cio'es, but 1 isn't gwinter take no contrak ter he'p buy 'em foh re res' er my life. Costiveness and Its Cure.—When the excretory organs refuse to per- form their functions properly the intestines become clogged. This is known as costiveness and if neglect- ed gives rise to dangerous compli- cations. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will effect a speedy cure. At the first intimation of this ailment the sufferer should procure a pack- et of the pills and put himself un- der a course of treatment. The good effects of the pills will be al- most immediately_ evident. Lawyer—"I say, doctor, why aro you always running down lawyers 1" Doctor—"Well, your profession doesn't exactly make angels of n:en, does it ?" Lawyer --- "Why, no. You certainly have the advant- age of us, there, doctor !" Treatment ter W Atlmaab ed HORSES 5, 5,),. .s. Nis: M•applatned t. o. ►•i5.5. Malted fres 0o request. Address The veterinary Matedll Geo LIMITED, Desk A. 16 Adelaide at Bast. Toao5Tq W 1 FIR THE SPELLING BEE. "I prophesy an agreeable ectasy in perceiving the unparalleled em- barrassment of a harassed postilion while gauging the symmetry of • potash peeled by a sibyl." Dictate this sentence and find how many of your friends will be able to spell it aright! In the causes of infant mortality cholera morbus figures frequently, and it may be said that complaints of the bowels are great destroyers of child life. If all mothers would avail themselves of so effective • remedy as Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial many a little one could bo saved. This Cordial can be given with safety to the smallest child, as there is no injurious sub- stance in it. Ontario Veterinary Coilege TEMPERANCE $T., TORONTO, CAN. E stablished 1562, taken ever by the Provinolr Government of Sntarte, 1506. Affiliated with the University of To,onto under tke control cf the Dept. of Agriculture of Ontario. Cell opens 1st October. 1901 Coupe of stn 1 'sten throu.h 3 e lleg. years. FEES reit sass.nN 575.00. Calendar an application E. A. A. ORAfi0E, V.S.. 11 5 • Frin.lpel. Dept id, MOULTON COLLEGE 34 Moor Street last, Toronto. A high grade its{Ids full Sch:.o1 for Girls, ler the year - Resident Students, 5252 to Ot f Day Students. 51 t to $7= 'Gallows Reopens Sept. 12. Calendar on application MISS CHARLOTTE THR f LL. Vice -Principal Woodstock College WOODSTOOH, ONT. A hely Equipped sesfdentl&I 50hsel1or @eye SM Young Men (repents for University. Schtete tr Science. Business, Aa 62nd Annual CalendY sent on ap loaners, A. T. MacNE:IL, B. A., Principab AGENTS WANTED. We manufacture a line thin nunt positively to as by all trate,. A nt. handling same re mire of g remnn»ration. Write at • nee. Th. O. L. Davis 004 902 Lo.ercokrt Road. Toronto « 7A�7TRD—.;nneLib oral contiretaeatatod Geo.o.lral men; applyAgent.—b. letter, Continental Ltfe Insurance Compaq Toronto. Gerrespandenae eendleetiaL r"n GARDEN PARTY Duca SE( URE The microscope in the hands of ITiIi'( Entertainer employed by the United elAde'aldeSt. w..t States Government has revealed Tuaua ru. the fact that a house fly sometimel Write for terms, ete. 'Phones: Lang Distancecarries thousands of disease germy Maio 1.304. Coude cit attached to its hairy body. The The continuous use of Wilson's FlyCLADSTONE MINES Limits Pads will prevent all danger of CSo Personal Liability) infection from that source by killin)j Montreal River District both the germs and the flies. by Sab,oription furors ant other papers cau be had applying to "Is your husband all you thous'},. AtEXAND:R WARDENS snag,,, he was 1" "Just about. lint ho 18 TORONTO STRI:Gf, TORONTO. doesn't come close to being all he thought he was." WANTED AN IMPOSSIBLE THING to find a plaster equal to "The D. A L." Menthol Plaster, and it is teeing imitated. Get the genuine. For side aches. backache!. stitches, noth- ng equals it. Lade by Davis a Lawrence Vo. Publicity is an alarm clock that frequently awakens a man's con- science. "Did papa give you my hand, George 1" "No ; he gave inc his ! Look at my eye!" Relief for the Depressed.—Physi- cal and mental depression usually Nip Disease in the Bud.—It is have their origin in a disordered difficult to eradicate a disease after state of the stomach and liver, as it has become seated, therefore it when these organs are deranged in is wise to take any ailment in its their action the whole system is af- initial stages and by such remedies fected. Try Parmelee's Vegetable aP aro sufficient, stop it in its Pills. They revive the digestive course. Cold is the commonest processes, act beneficially on the complaint of man, and when neg- nerves and restore the spirits as no lectod leads to serious results. I)r. other pills will. They aro cheap, Thomas' Eclectric Oil will cure the simple and sure, and the effects are severest cold or most violent cough. lasting. "Didn't you say six months ago AN ALIBI. that if Miss Porritt wouldn't, marry :1 new story comes nut of the you you would throw yourself into «e: t, which runs like this, accord- the deepest part of the seal Now, ing to the Tarkio Herald: "A Sun- Miss Porritt married someone else day school teacher asked his class throe months ago, and yet you who led the children of Israel out haven't---" 'Oh, it's easy to of EgNpt i" No one nnswcted. Ifo talk, but let me tell you it's not again put the question a little /wire"ilei' nn cavy matter to find the pointedly. Still silence reigned. deepest pats of the sea." The teacher became int-laticnt sed Don t experiment with unsatis- Paid : "Johnny, who led the chis factory substitutes. Wilson's Fly Pads kill many times more house flies than any other known article. Men who know themselves aro often suspicious of others. dren of Israel out of Egypt 1" John- ny began to cry and said : "Please, sir, it wasn't me. We just moved here last week." If you want to s•tl ton, .rty .h1ch yon own In lbs Petted State, ortown p.operty er a /'an.vL ,u•.• .. ,FARM b+.. wee. write ua stun••. for our new .0 • ,s.'u' plan of veld•+/ d'reot. • tiv•nt co•umun,.,, 11.9s full•lscr.yt,cn of pro,er• t, and state ',whin pr.,e•1 �os • ...At.. t-., pm. M p.rty of any kind no a,r o• tty. •r,ta n+. statin w hat and lei ere r:+ wilt. to1.4, and we wilt send y. u Yeas our be,•1/-ne 1 eto.• • as, sine for NIS dates from the u . n., .ah 0. ,.o,cm wren a.tdwt iuylernerloan Investment Asseelatloa,"[" • cents At 5, Mtuoe.p+ti., Minn. *t t;ft tpAms• AGENTS N: E: Ire `t:Ak Mate rh.Daand ectal 11ak p•rmaneot hushes+' MI our capaal- Our high chop goo 1 sell me aisN In hon.'. are quietly o ed up .not ,spear eiders some rat Eaa.slw0 ten• WRITE 'Mort wen. A�s 1' t tI •,sa atrrr55 Oa, %-. CATALOGUE Dept 50, Tor. ata Oq PRINTING OFFICE f OR SALE Thi "Richmond (Qus) guardian," IS Its $3rd Thar of Puieloatlon. For very many years the chief organ of the Conservative party of the Eastern Townships. "•rho Guardian" is an 8 -page G•column paper, and has been conducted by the present editor without inter- ' ruption for 50 years, who retires 1 in consequence of advancing years. The plant is in fair order, and consists of a moderate stock of news and job type. horse -power engine and boiler. Peerless Gem cutter, 28 -in. Campbell power press, me- dium Gordon (int,dern), and Liberty circular and card stress. all in per- fect order ; three very large stones, tables, fthrniture, tools. addressing machine, stoves, etc., etc., Apply either to S. FRANK Wii.SON. Toronto., or W. E. JONES, Rlebmoad, Quo. lirtzalA WHY DO 3o may IBrMutioss devoted lo tabs !1' er Eds. casco seIue M ) The fact that they tw god ptskir tis Bel is evidence oof& him &bet merit I tote us Mipenal as= in bobs W pines? •The alpplumdot v MAW* Qpiek 4 ?i U ISSUE No. 29 09 16011 load for (fres) Catalogue No. 76. fIli SUL P1110101t MAR ab. mills/ OUeLPklMOM! IOW