HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-22, Page 5Brewed from se-
ASK_- FON - / lee ted hop., choice
barley malt and
pun: ,tiring water,
with the utriniet
etre. Bottled at
the brewery depots
to enure proper
henJling. That it
why Labatt', .t'r
India Pale Ale r,(,gsurpar+ei to the fiby
none, though it
costsconsumers only about halt a, much es imported good).
Oxeter gtbu orate
91.00 if pal 1 in advance.
$11.80 a year if not 00 paid.
IN&Te United States Sabscribers•1.80
$ Year Strictly in Advarce
ti.eNU:at.i t CREECIH, Publishers.
The Leading School !
Courses are practical. Our teachers e.peri•
enced, and our graduates capable to fill respFou.
Bible positions. We are re. erring many applica-
tions for office help. During a single day this
week we re:eived seven applications for office
help and four for commercial teachers Our
graduates succeed as none others .
Three departments -
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
Cat aloene free.
High -Grade
are always a pleasure
to their owners
We have sold and are selling a great
many high -claws pianos -and always
at reasonable prices.
Our Numerous Satisfied
Customers is the stt•ongest
guarantee of the truth of the
above assertion.
Our n:anon to -day are the best that
the piano -in akers produce and our
prices arid terms are what you will
Du not be too quick to believe per-
sons who tell you different from the
above fur the purpose of selling you
cheap :and, in some eases, trashy goods
at big prises.
('all and see us and be convinced
that what we say we live up to.
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
The,. u, earl for chestnuts of their goods.
The r!eee 1 occurred at Granton on July
70, of Iavinda Jane Pearn, wits of Mr.
D. Woo Whaley. in her 38th year. The
de a is d was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Joaep't Pearn of ,tt,dersou. Mrs. Whal-
ey wee the eldest of five sisters of
whom two survive, Mre. J. IL Robinson
of Anderson and Mrs. J. II. Robinson
of St. Mary.••. Her childhood was spent
In Ptanzhard, Ushorne and east of St.
Mary.t. The family moved to Anderson
In 1890 and in 1894 Miss yearn was
married to Mr. Whaley. They resided
for (cur :.cars or, the first roares3i0:1
of it:.u..;`'ard, era five yeara on the
1e• o rnovi••; t9 ocanton village 5
ye • ,,;o.
How' s This?
We ower One Han.ire 1 Dollars Reseed for any case
of Catarrh that cannot he cured hy. Ilall's Catarrh
V. J. CI(F.NEV t Co.. Toledo, 0.
We the •,mderstgned hate knovin 1. J. Cheney toe
the lett 15 year', and believe him pens fly honorable
in all betimes transactions and financially able to
warn nut any obligations made by his Arm.
wu.nrse, KI...as A Stool.,
Wholesale Drugglete, Toledo, 0
Italie Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting de
redly en the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system Testimonials sent free. Price i5c. per bot-
tle. gold by all DruUiata.
Take llal: eramify Pills for :onstipatIon.
Voters' Lists, 1909
Municipality of the Town-
ship of Stephen, Coun-
ty of Huron.
Notice is i:ereby given, that I have
transmitted or delivered to the persona
mettttoiled tit ettton it of THE ONTAR-
IO VOTERS' LISTS ACT, tate copies re-
quired by said sections to be s0 trans-
mitted or delivered of the list, made pur-
suant to said Act, of all persons ap-
pearing by the las* revised Assessment
Roll of the said municipality at Elec-
tions for members et the Legislative
Assembly and at Municipal Elections;
and that the 'aid List was first posted
up at my office at CRED1TON, ONT.,on
the FOURTEENTH day of JULY, 11)0'9
and remains there ter Inspection.
AND I hereby call upon all voters to
take immediate proceedings to have any
errors or omissions corrected accord-
ing to law.
Dated at Crediton. Ont., this Lith day
If July, A. D. 1909.
Clerk of Township of Stepeen.
No trace has yet been Lound of Miss
Julia Cane, the young Btddulph woman
who, a week ago. escaped from the
London Asylum. The attendants of the
asytur., and the pollee of London
have made diligent search everywhere,
but without success. She Is very slight
only weighing about 85 pounds and Is
lad in a walst and underclothing only.
It i.s feared she may have drowned her -
et if.
LATER -Tee young lady has since
been found in a cellar -way on Victoria
.tercet, London, in an exhausted condt-
Mr. Robt. Glltl'lan of the 4th con,
`,as sold his farm to Mr,. Walter Hod-
g.n. , together with the most of his crop
-T t efarmer.s in thjs section have cont
nisnred tenor tall wheat harvest.- Mtk
t'crcy Armitage intends going West In
a tea weeks. - Mr. Thos. Armitage
reastructed a new cement bridge
.i.a place. - Harvey Hodgins miss -
3 tae trail in London July 12th. -}etas
Emma Fox of 1 ucan visited friends on
• to Sauble
(Too late for last week.)
The new bridge at Aaron Davis' 1s
-nit Led. -A number of 489 lodge attend
••.1 divine service inn Holy Trinity' church
Lucan, on Sunday and enjoyed an ex-
cellent sernon.-Mr. Ben Dobbs has
had his barn raised and everything pass
ed off without a hitch. -Mr, Percy
i.\rmttage and Miss Mildred Carter at-
-tended a wedding at Miss Dyer's In
London on Wednesday. -The L. O. L.
of thee district all went to Clinton On
July 1Sth and report a good time. -Mr.
and Mr.'. Wm. Scott were guests of Mr.
Taos. Armitage on Sunday.
Bears else The Kind You Hare Aiwa Bou
J. Matey has received the Contract for
-t.lnting the County bridges,-Freder-
, t Stnallaconibe lett last week to visit
to t West. -Mrs. O. C. Petty and daugh-
ter left last week for Winnipeg where
t'ny will visit Mrs. Petty'. d.tugiiters,
M'vse. Millie at.d Maud.-
Atquitted.-Ira Bice who was tried
before the judge at Oudertch tast week,
01 a clarge of burnii.g t•ie Queen's, Ito -
t -i at Hctt.vall. was acquitted owritg to
t •.are being iv:sufficient evidence to wet -
rent t. co•ivletton. A le rge number of
'vantage, were t•p from here.
Duran; rte storm last week lightning
1:1 ecrwiderab'e damage. A horse be -
le. ging to Lou Clark and one belonging
to Al. Harvey were killed. Two colts
were killed In Stanley township and J.
Co; hrarte's barn was burned. Hall near
Zurich did co•tetderabte damage by
breekin.g gloss and beating down grain.
August 28th • 1909 • September 13th
:reatest Live Stock r<hibnt on the Continent Forty industries
in fictive operation.
will officiate at ,penin • •eremnnies on Tuesday, August 31st.
Model Camp Victoria Cross and Wrestlin,; .in lf•arseback Competitions be-
tween teams from nra;, ent and Artillery Artillery give 1'i .t. R: 1e. etc
Naval kttls
70, ail teloeeretiies tones Rlseeser 7 0. ORft. City Baa, recast.
1000 Men
\Vintergree : Compound Stopped Itch at
Once -Disease Soon Dlsappeard.
Atter tektite t:e.rtntent from two doc-
tora, and trying many different reme-
dies from drug stares. that only senn-
,d to make the disease more Intolerable,
Mrs. H. E. Johnston of Ilespeler. Ont.,
found a cure. It is simply a prepara-
tion of oil of wintergreen, compounded
with such well-known healleg and anti-
aeptte substances as thymol and glyer'iee
but 11 certainly cures the disease.
Here', what Mrs. Johnston soya of it ;
"Your preparation has cured me pf
Eczema after ducted:1g with two doctors
and trying different ointnttnta from
drug stores, t! at only made 1t worse.
1 feel as though everybody should hear
of It so they alight be helped."
%Vy go on suffering from tortuting
Skirt diseases, when there Is a cure
that is sample, safe and sure.
For tree sample bottle write to The
D.D.D. Laboratory. Department, E. A.
23, Jordan street Toronto.
For sale by all druggists.
Wee Maggi: Stett•k of London is vleit-
ing relatives and friends here. -Mr. H.
Steinbach has returned to Detroit af-
ter a pleasant .islt wit:t relatives and
tiered:t in towii and vicinity. -Mr. and
etre. Justus Mentek left last WCIK for
Edmonton Alta., to spend a few weeks
with theft sort John H. and daughter,
\Ira Isaac Hudson. -The Brat of the
matinee llorsc and bicycle races will be
t eti shortiy-.-Mrs. Chas. Stickle. of
Detroit, accompanied by her two chlld-
rett visited with her mother, Mrs. Henry
Urea last week -airs. David Gottschalk
o: 1'ad Aar, aitch., is in town vtsitttig
her parents, air. and Mrs. A Leltnan.-
T te. many friends of Mr. M. Kaercher
will he pleased to leant that he is slow -
:v rctcvcrtng from his recent Illness.
-Our btys are highly delighted with the
baaebalt victory they secured over Cred-
iton In that village on Friday evening.
It looked like a win for Crediton at the
oeglrning, they having three runs to our
boys' blank. but about tine middle of
tee game 1t became a 11e, 3-3, and then
vieltore made an extra run In the
alit,., which Crediton was unable (0
equal ; thus leaving the score 4-3. C
Fritz en.toycd trimming Crediton pretty
:+.:II and says that If Cree'lton can play
It.? Irish Nine then Zurich can play De-
MTOrt. = AS. .
Ban the _ The Kind You Hate Always Bought
--- r► -
Mr. Thomas Jackbon, after spending
about a month with his slater, Mre.
itebert Woods lett on Monday for his
horde in Yorkshire, Eng. Mr. Jackson
is much delighted with Canada. -Fall
w'teat cutting has commenced and the
crop Is considered a fairly good ohne,
while the hay crop this year has been
ron:pleted Is very Iiget.-Rev. \Vatson
ttrearhed a very eloquent wird Impres-
sive sermon on Sunday evening. which
was very much appreciated by the con-
t;rogation.-M!ss Ada Andrew had tine
,misfortune to have one of her fingers
badly cut on Sunday morning when open
irtg a sealer of fruit. It required sever-
al stitches to close the wound. -T. llaw-
kln & Sort of Exeter put on about forty
.quare of galvenized shingles for Mr.
It. Skinner last week.
SA 1f1TSttC i. l
Master Ilirani Davis of Lottdo.t Is vis-
iting around Here. -Mater Itoy Thonip
ion and Westervelt of London :are vis-
iting at the home of Mr. William (ruin-
ton:J. Creery of Winchelsea is visit-
ing at N. 13. Davis' this week,- Ti.c
M'sses Sarah. Mire and Hessle Davis
n.ttcrtalned a . number of their young
:riends to hitt ice cream party On Tues-
d.ty evening at their home on Brookside
fame -Mies Reba and Messrs. Dobbs
.'trotters did likewise at their home on
itiverslde Farm on Friday evening, and
although the night was wild Misses
Eunice and Lena Doup' of Kirkton came
c. and also a number from Lucan.
t11 spent a good time on both oceas-
t i.i.-Fian)c Smyth took a drive to
)it Glllivray on Sunday.
Recently the children, grandchildren,
and great grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs
'Adam Shier met at their home. It bee
in; the celebration of their Diamond
Welding. Mr. and Mrs. Shier have spent
t'xty years of their life together and
Are .it'll In pretty good health. They
were among the eirst settlers, coming
•re from the township of Brock when
flat section was ail bush. Although
they have reached the four score years,
we hope that their lives may Its spared
a while longer to enjoy the blessings
which kind Providence has bestowed up.
on them.
St. Marys -The marriage of Lloyd A.
'McFarlane ot Bt. Marys to Miss Mae
liretto:t of Rrlgdon, took place CM July
14th. Miss Alice Bretton assisted the
bride and Fred. Nett of Seatorth sup-
ported the groom.
What Parisian Sage did for Chas. S.
Baker, it will do for you. Read the
fcllowing ;
'i was so bald and awn a seining
mark for my friends. that 1. as a last
resort, tilcd your Parisian Sage i tit, r
trying several bottles of the ttlgtily ad-
vertised and high priced so-called hair
restorers) and I ant glad to say I now
have a heavy growth of new :lair. i ani
Crow 44 years old and 1 Have a lieevy
growth ot new hair after carrying my
shining mark tor over seven years. t
gladly locoatuict;d Parisian Sage to ail
afflicted with baldness." Chas. 3. Bak-
er, 491 Main St, East, Rochester, N. Y.
Parisian Sage. the only nature! heir
restorer. Is gutranteed by tV 9. Cole
to cure dandruff, stop faili.;g tete-. and
cure itching of Ilse scalp. or tr,'1:,•y W:k
It is the ladles' favorite fair incoming.
because it adds charm and lusurie ace
to the hair. 50 rents a bottle. Artie W
S. Cole about tt.
1 LL MLE1.
I Mr. Vi'tor Snell of Elonville spent
Suuday with bis cousin, W. S. hers -
lake. --Mrs. JAS. Bruadfoot Is suffering
with a felon, -Mt, and Its. George
Hobkitk visited at Daniel Bell's of
Zurich 'toad oo :Sendai -.-Mr. Bert
Workman is assisting Giant ltyek,nan
with the harvest.--JIr,. H. t'beeuey
and daughter of EgwoudvNle spec.
the week end with the former'. broth-
ers, Noah and Franklin Horton. -Mrs.
John Glenn is in London this week
visiting relative.. -All the candidates
who wrote on the entrance at our
school were successful, which speaks
well for both teacher and pnpils.-Mi.
Fred Ellerington has purchased a new
threshing outfit and will be in fine
shape to cater to the wants of the
farmers in the threshing season, which
is near at hand. -Mr. John punkin is
kept busy building situ;. -Mr. Lomas
Ford of Seattle, Wash., called on his
neices, Mesdames John and Gordon
Bolton the first of the neck. He came
here to attend the funeral of his late
brother, Patrick Fuld, of Guderich.-
Mr. W. Brock of \Vhnlen was a caller
here on Saturday. sorry to .ee Billy
laid up. -Mr. Fz'td Elle'iugt,tn had a
couple of sheep worried by doge re-
Bears the The Kind You Hao
��Aia3;��3 Bought
8igaatnreof -14- ,,Y
Master Loyd Brophy of Shipka spent,
the past week with his cousin, Gordon
Uleus.-Mr. and Mrs. Walter England
visited the latter's father, Mr. P. Bak-
er, of Brewster. -Mrs. J. B. Dressler
and two children of Minnie are visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. J. R. Wilson. -Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Wilson visited rela-
tives in Bayfield. -Miss Edythe Mc-
Gregor spent a few days the past week
with her friend, Miss Mabel Hord, of
Parkhill. -Miss Millie Mason is visit-
ing her aunt, Mrs. John Gill, at Grand
Bend. --Mr. and Mrs. Matthews and
childreu of Denfield, visited the lat-
ter's sister, Mrs. W. T. Mens. -Miss
Irene Carruthers spent Sunday even-
ing with her friend, Miss Laura Stew-
ardson.-Miss Alice Stinson of Bay-
field is visiting at Mr. W. J. Wilson's.
--Mrs. A. McPherson and babe and
Miss Emma McPherson returned to
Buffalo on Monday, after a couple of
weeks' visit here. -hiss Jane Carruth-
ers spent. Sunday evening with Miss
Eva Wickert. -Mr. and Mrs. Mat-
thews called at A. M. Wilson's on
Sunday evening. -Miss Mabel Hayter
visited her friend, Miss Zillah English.
-Miss Lydia Baumgarten of Shipka
is staying with Mrs. Wm. Whiteside.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hobs. McLinchey spent
Sunday evening at Mr. Robt. English's.
P: 11.tLEN
Mrs. John Whiteford and children
of Exeter are spending the summer
with her parents in Blanshard.-Mr.
and Mrs, Earn Davis and Miss Dickens
of '3aintshury, were guests at Mr.
George Squires' on Sunday. -Mrs. Jas
Hern and son. Wellington, of Exeter,
visite' friends here over Sunday. -
Mrs. John Slater and Mrs. Gilbert of
London visited at Mrs. J. V. Millson's
on Tuesday of last week. -A number
of our boys went to Grand Bend for
Sunday and report a cool day and
rough water. -Mr. Charles Godbolt of
Sunshine, who accompanied Mr. Wat-
son here on Sunday, very ably assisted
our choir. -Mise Bessie Morley is the
guest of the Misses McNaughton this
week, -Miss Mary Brooks of Toronto
is home with her parents for her holi-
days, -Mr. J. V. Mtllson has erected
an up-to-date driving shed, 40x26, sid-
ed and roofed with the Galt metallic
shingles and siding. -Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Brooks are visiting friends
around here for a few weeks. -Master
EaI'l Hodgson gave a birthday party
to it number of his associates on Tues•
day. and all enjoyed a good time.
*Peeler storm period Is central on the
. • '•. extending from the 24th to t he
e. R will ,not be surprising if threat-
eellig conditions last tor several days
before and after the center of the Venue
period, the 22nd. Heavy electrical
Monne and violent summer gusts are
very probable about the 23rd, and from
thet date on through the period 24th
to 28th. Spells of the most oppressive
:tunirner heat are among results to be
eseeetcd, ending in fierce lightning,
esti and /sudden drop In temperature.
The culmination of this period will
erne. in mitre] and eastern parts of
tee country, on a -id touching Nf.tnday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, the 26th. 27th
and 29th. A change from excessive
summer warmth, and probable "hot
windy" Is apt to follow up the storms
of tele retlod, with the rialto; barom-
eter arra nc rthwesterly winds that bring
up the western tangents of storm areas.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind Yen Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Mr. (leo. L. Shipley has sold tits honir-
.tead. lot 34. con. 5. E. C. R. Nlc0l11,4.-
vray, to Peter J. McEwen of Lobo eked
hal purchased frons Mr. McEwen the
north half of lot 21, orj the Lobo town -
line. We understand the price received
by Mr. Shipley for his farm is ahoy
T IIP"w e lir Wm"
>taellealls s.1: sea elk solos ad Asa
St. Marys. -There was a shortage l:.
change among tee boarders of a local
hotel last week. A streak thief had gone
the rouc.ds of the rooms. ar.i r.o clu' has
been found.
Clit,'on-Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tay:or
celebrated the 25th anniversary of their
nttrrtage on July 9th at their! residence.
The affair was a very peasant one and
enjoyed by all preser,t.
Parkhill. -While baekleg a horse at
Grand Bend the horse reared and struck
Jas. Anderson with his toot. cutting a
deep gash In els head. The wound bled
profu.ie.y and he had to have several
eta,: es put in It.
Hri:taley-Mr. \V. J. Curtitingl.attt Lai
el back after living in Stratford
last few years. Ile Intends mor
. i.t family into this vicl:tiny shortly
'- afvrtt+-N'ui. Mcelillan. one of the
1• eer residents of Seaforth, died at
' .4 testlenee on July 1201. He had bee:;
1 moat of the winter and his demise
wee not unexpected. Ile was 73 yeara
71; years of age and was a native of
t. eland.
Seatorth-The death occurred on the
1201 of al. J. McBride ot Seaforth. Ilia
brother, \Vat. J.. died at Springfiet J,
M.. only a short time ago. This leaven
('. F. of bort Wayne, Ind., as the Only
remaining member of it pioneer family
of the 7th of Tuckeremtth.
Biatn lard -Lorna, the four year oid
daughter of Mr. Janes Stacey,Base Line
lllanahard, had a narrow escape from
death on Tuesday of last week. The lit
Ile girl by some means bot hold of some
ptrie green and ate it. Fortunately the
deetot arrived It; time to restore tier.
Cl;nton-There guessed away at ills
rca!denet, Clinton, Andrew Ginn, In his
1•'t year, after an Illness of months,
11• way twl a married and the children
living here are John, Mre. Harry Rout-
ledge and Mrs. David Steep. Deceased
ltae been a resident of Clinton for 24
'-ea r.s.
Machell -Friday morning Mrs. John
Deck'n3 died at the residence of Mrs.
t.t:n^.t Graitatu in her 84th year. She
tad been in failing health for some time
and her death was not unexpected. She
was one of the early settlers, coming
•o el'tchell over 50 years ago. St:e was
twice married.
Fullerton -John Robinson stet with a
.serious accident while delivering milk
At the Sebringvllle Factory. While un-
loading. a can was blown front the wa-
gon and falling at the horses heels the
animals ran away, throwing Mr. Robin-
son with great force to the ground. lie
was picked ulp unconscious and It was
found that his collar bone was broke:.
and a shoulder dislocated.
Ailsa Craig -Lloyd McKay stet with a
very serious accident on Wednesday o:
la t week w!iich slight easily have cos'
hint his life.- Along with some otl:>r
boya he was at the river bathing. Ile
climbed a tree on the batik with eve:
itatiging branches from which he 1,..
tended diving, but the bark on t:.e
branch on which he went out gave way
:end he fell a distance of :le feet, break'
Hg both wrists.
WasCured by Lydia E.Pink-
ham'sVegetable Compound
Lindsay, Ont.-" I think it is no
more than right for ole to tleitik Mrs.
Pinkham for what her kind advice and
Lydia E. Pinkhanl's Vegetable Com-
pound has done for
hie. When 1 wrote
to tier some time
ago 1 w:a;.11.;a.
a \ Pr
sick w'ott,L. SU
feringfretit female
troubles, 1 h a d
inflammation u f
the female organs,
and couId not
stand or walk any
distance. At last 1
was confined to my
bed, and the doctor
said 1 would have
to go through an operation, but this 1'
refused to do. A friend advised Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and now, after using three but tles of it,
I feel likea new woman. I moot ha artily
recommend this medicine to all neaten
who suffer with female troubles. 1 have
also taken Lydia E. I'inkhant's 1.iver
Pills and think they are tine." -Mrs.
FRANK EMSLEY, Lindsay, Ontario.
\%'e cannot understand e+lty women
will take chances with an operation or
drag out a sickly half -heal ied exist-
ence, missing three-fourths of the joy
of living, without first tryin;; Lydia E.
I'inkham's Vegetable Compwuud.
For thirty years it has been the
standard remedy for female ills, and
has cured thousands of woolen who
have been troubled with such :ailments
as displacements, iutlatnulatiott, ulcer-
ation, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, indigestion,
and nervous prostration.
lop cos
tt. �1
Bicycles are
rapidly coming back
into popular favor,
the demand this year Nein.;;
tive tines what it was five years
.tgo. We have planned for it in
two ways -by getting the very best Eng-
lish wheel we can for popular selling. and
,.it Ing to our customers all intermediate pro -
tit. by filling orders direct by mail instead of
thnmgh egents. In this way we can offer
$50 Wheels for $25
and give better satisfactwn all round. The quality 01 tete wheels is all right)
- only the hest materials used and only skilled mechanics employed in
construction. The equipment is right up-to-date and the machines
throughout are such at we can thoroughly recommend. We sell automo-
biles as well as bicycles :and our plan is to make wheels serve as a good
advertisement to the entire business. Send for illustrated fu:der.
Hf"SLOP BROS., Limit 'd
High -Class Automobiles and Ei:yclea
Another `'`Sunshine" Feature
This is an entirely new idea, and win. espe-
cially interest people who reside in natural
gar districts. The gas ring takes the place
of the lower Sunshine fire -pot, they making
it possible to burn gas in your furnace without
inconvenience. Such, is not posvhle in a
furna.-n where the ordinary gas lag it inset ted;
for, shouli the gar give out, a coal or woe,'
lire could not be started until the gas pipes
were disconnected.
To provide against sweating in the summer
time, Sunshine Furnace is equipped with a
nicke:led steel radiator and dame. All
h.ias and rivet, are nickelled, all rods
copper -plated. This special treatment, be -
rides meaning quicker and greater radiation
train the radiator and dome than cold chill
iron could possibly give, acts as protection
for the bolt r, rivets and role fr rm inroads of
gas. When cast iron Comer in contact with
our nickelled steel it is coated with our special
Anti -Rust treatment, which presen's ttte
slightest possibility of runt commencing
anywhere in Sunshine Furnace.
The Gas Ring
For Sale by T. Hawkins & Son, Exeter
f �
Fullness and Bloating After Eating?
23e. a bet.
Little Digesters
Cure or your esoney back.
At all Drug*lab or direct Erol.