HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-22, Page 4Q xeter Abvocate, Sander t Creech Props, THURSDAY, ,Duly x2, 1909 By -Law No • •••• BY-LAW NO. -- OF THE VILLAGE DF' EXETER, to authorize the bor- ew1ng of the auger Of $22000.00 fen rarer Works Purposes. WHEREAS it Id desirable in the psbllc Interest• that the Corporation of tee Village of Exeter should acquire, • eoastruct. operate and maintain a sYa- stm of water works within the said azuniclpality for fire protection and other purposes. AND WHEREAS an agreement has urs-.. cratered Leto between the Bald cor- poration and James N. Howard for the .purchase, (eubjcct to the approval of the • -atepayers of said Village) of that part 31 the river bed and banks of the Aux ahie River, known as the elill property and being all that part oC Lot number Nineteen. in the First Concession of the • Township of Ueborne (now Exeter) own - el by the said Jarn=s N. Howard for tett prier o: sum of =1700.00. ANP \\ li EREAS it la advisable to parr ,clnasc said Howard property and to con- *rruct and maintain a dans and punip- tee station thereon. and to erect a '.b stege 'Tower of Stand Plre I11 some suitable '`scat:on its the eald village and to say water mains connecting said pump - ;Seel station and stand pipe and along :Van: street in the said village and to otherwise fully r.;uip, ►naintar:, tad op - .rate 9atd system. AND WHEREAS I' has been edtimae,.•d •heart it will rt,qutre the sum of $220' 0 0'f to purchase said property, erect Reid claru, pumping station and stand pipe and to lay said water mains and equip said water system. AND WHEREAS It Is necessary for tee said purposes for the said corpor- atlosl of the vi'lage of Exeter to borrow •.apo•n the credit of the said Municipality -.tele sum of $22000.00 AND WHEREAS for the purpose etioreartid it will be necessary to iaaue elebentures of the said municipality of Lee Village of Exeter for the said sum aL $22000.00 and interebt as herein- after provided which Is thc amount of the debt Intended to be created by this Z- -law, the proceeds of the said deben- earea to be applied In the acquisitlun .3f said lends, the erection of said dant, pumping station and stand pipe and the aaying of said wa'er mains and the •aqulpment ct said system and for no 'le:• purposes, AND WHEREAS It is desirable to snake lie pr itu'ipal of tic said debt re- payable by i.nnual instalments during Che period of twenty years next after the Tasue of the d'Lenturea therefor. sueh :nstalne nta of rrincipal to be of ouch amounts that toe aggregate amount pay -tee for principal and interest le any •year :e':'n'1 be equei as nearly as may roe to what i.s payable for principal and interest during g each of the other years, AND WHEREAS it will be necessary to raise annually for the period of twen- ty years during the currency of the de- benture.] to be Issued hereunder by a srpeclal rote sufficient therefor on all tre rateable property within the municipal- Lty the sunt of ,1765.34 tor paying the ,several instalments of principal and in- terest thereon at the rate of five percent. per antlune AND \VIIEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said v11 - Lade of Exeter according to the last re- alsed Asgcaemrnt Roll is the eutn of $573503.00. AND WHEREAS the existing deben- ture debt of the said Village. exclusive at local improvement debenture debt ae- -ared by special assessments therefor aanounts to the sum of $122804.24 and r.o part of the princlpal or Interest there- of Ls le arrears. Thrrefotc the Municipal Council of the Corporation et the Village of Exeter en- act s as follows: - 1. It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said Village of Exeter to borrow or. the credit of the satd corporation of dile Village of Exeter the sum of 1122000.00 tor the purp omen heretnbe- fore set forth and for that p urpoae to tune debentures of the aald municipality to the amount , of $22000.00 in sums of .-not less than $100 earl' and su•-h de- reentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said corporation for the time )tieing and counteralgncd by the Trees - ..ter for the time he'ng of the s•ald Col - poratlon land duly sealed with the Cor- porate seal thereof, which seal the Clerk tar the time being of said Corporation Eer hereby authorized and directed to at - each to e.tr'.r of sa'd debentures, 2. The said dehrntures shall be dated spun the date oC the Issue thereof, and -hall bear interest at the rate of rive per cent. per annum from the date of the '_taut thereof and the said Interest w:tall be payable yearly oil the day of '.-t. mora, 1,1 which said debentures are Issued, and as to both principal and in- ?ezeat the said debettlurce &tali lac pay- able in annual Ins•elments w'thbt twenty -"ear.' from the date of the Issue `here- -.et out'h Instalments to be of such :amounts that the aggregate amount •ss.able for principal and Interest in anY year shall be equal as ',eerie an may be se whet le payable for principal and in- ' -err at during eaeh of Pie other years of Lye r.riod of twenty yearq aft r(•n'in- •.fit: Ott forth. '1. 'luting the currehry of the said terltnturt:t Pere shall be raked an- - rally t>special rate on all the rate - utile property in 'he Bald Corpohatio:t ..et the Villagc of Exeter the suns of ',*'65.34 for the purpose of paying the anseunt duo In each of Inc laid years for principal and interest In respect of said debt as follows :- Pi; - 1'r;.i 1pa1 interes' To'.al t 910 665.14 1 lnn.nn 1761.31 L 11 696.61 1.406.71) 1745.11 •>r112 718,54 1031.40 1741.14 ',111 770.19 995.1n 1 715,11 Pollee 956.65 1 7.15.11 r_1115 e45.19 1)16.1 7, 1715,31 's914 191.64 171.7o 1765.14 '4/17 016.19 910.11 1793.34 gIte 1+I12.LV 742.35 179:,.:14 ' 91 tr 1032.14 733.20 1715.31 J1 . •:1 loy;1.71 1 13 7.94 1194..44 1:117._9 1:t8:1.19 145.2.31 I.'i.4.tt' 1 6441.2-1 :-.._.. Ili.4I.V. 611.4! 6x7.4', 570.5u 510.75 414.0-, :f.4s.! 7. aleoes 40.35 164.1•) e4.05 1. T .at this lay -Law shalt . ,. • e ue.d take effect on the fie it passing thereof. 5. Teat the votes of the Ele.:turs of :said Village of Exeter entitled to ve•e on this By-law be taken on t rlday tee 20th day of August. 1909. cont- •n=:aa•tug at nine o'clock In the forenoon a u! cohtinulnb until flee o'clock In the •:tensoon of the same day at the fol. e wing places within the said Village o: Exeter by the following Deputy Re- turning Officers:- Po/ling Subdlvislon No.l, Silas Hand - f erd'e Residence. Ed. Treble 1). it. Of- ficer, lte''bc,'t Ford. Poll Clerk. Polling Subdivialee No. 2. \Vtekea' Slarbte SLOP ?1310 street. W. D. \Veekes, D. It. Offi- cer. Jame.e \Veekes, Po11 Clerk. Polling >3uelleI, to:. No. :t, Ed. 11. Fish's ltesi- denee, Main street. 11. G. Seldom, D. It. Officer, Alex. U. Dyer. Poll Clerk. I'oll ing Suedivislon Nu. 4. Town Hull, II, E. Ha..to•c D. R. Officer', R. Nelson Taylor, Poll 'Clerk. 0 Teat Wednesday, the lath day of Au40at. 1909, at eleven o'clock in tlo fees:coo shall be the day and the clerk's >:ftee le the Town Hall In the Village of Exeter shall be the place wner•r the Reeve shall attend to appoint persons !a r.tttnd at the varlouv polling places afereneld and at the final summing up of ((.0 votes by the clerk o•: behalf of pnreeno interested In promoting or op- peettcg the passing of this By -Law ro- .rpeetively. T. That the Clerk of the Corporation of the aald Village of Exeter shall at - teed at his office In the bald Village of Eerier at Twelve o'clock 1400n on S t• ureley, the 21st day of August, 1909 • -urn Up the number of votes given 3 and against this By -Law. 1765.11 ; 1765.:11 1765.34 1765.:4 1765.34 1765.31 l76:..e4 1765.31 170; 31 1765.34 come into day of tete NOTICE Tee above is a true copy of the pro- peted By -Law which has been taken into consideration and which will be f1- nally pavaed be the Council of the Cor- porat'on of the Village of Exeter in the event of the assent of the electors be- ing obtained thereto after one month front the first publleatlon In the Exeter T.11e5 and Exeter Advocate newspapers w'nlc't fleet publication was on the 12th day of July, 1909. and at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the voted of the electors a poll will be held. Eeery leaseholder entitled by law to vete on the proposed By -taw shall at .e'.at tett days next preceding ct;e day o: polling file in the office of the Clerk of the Municipality a statutory declar- " • otethte teat Its Lease • e.a thee r to:r'erneists by taw entitling !tint to o -e on smell By -Law and the slain -se of • ae' o:d ra neglecting to file suet a te-13r.atlee shall not be place' on t':o . utero' Lest for such voting. Dried at Ezet'r tele 7th day of July A. D. temp. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk of the Corporation of the Village 3: Exeter. EXETER SCHOOL BOARD A meeting of the School Board held le the Town Hall, 7.tonday, July 19th, Mee Ahsent le W. Gladman and H. Huston. The following Is the order of hu.>tlrese duly submitted and approved - Per Chair -Minutes of previous meet .tie- Reports of Committees- Teacher's Supply. that Misa Slceth of Seaforth had eeu•pted In place of Miss Mariam It. Dunlop engaged prior to receipt of wire and that Miss Clara McKirnley, 11. A., tele of Seaforth had been secured In a:.are of Mias McLean to whom the of - or the board was first submitted, • d further that the Board's offer to '.1 Pennock, Southampton. had been cer(ptel Pe- 8. %1artlm and T. B. Carling that tee repeit of the Teacher's Supply Com. 02 apesoved. Per le. Wood and S. Martin that the rendre necessary to the urinal be made und'r the direction of the grounds and Sanitary Committee. l'er T. i3 Qtrling and F'. Wood that :3.' the c, euhig year the salary of De- plr:nneht No. 4. et.ea Voeper. be $4.75. i'cr F'. Wood and 8. Martin that the Prinelpcl's salary for the ensuing year be *1.00. l'er a. .Martin and T. II. Carling 11:4' t following accounts be approved. - S. 9.a:.dern. advertising and wires, 4.2e, W. H. John.'stott, express. $1.75: Geo. ;fawson, ezantlner'a feet. $9: W. It, tl3hnston, do., $24: Miss 8. Gregory, wink allowance. $30.45; it. Gould. labor Tin,e.e. paper $1.:l.,; Advocate, 1 t.:to ; G. Ilendrie & Co., act' nee. 4163.- t:6. Per T. i3. Carling and F. Wood thSt the a.eessnlent for @cheat purposes for ' :e ensuing year be $2,900. Per 8. \iartln and T. B. Carling that c •e Janitor's salary for the ensuing yr. be 1300. Per F. \Vood and 1'. D. Carling that t'ie ,tpvrlal advertising of the H. School ).p•rtmeet t•r .eft it the Lands of the te ietan y. Per S. .tartan adjournment. J. Grigg, Se^. 11111NF.Y'S i'UItNT ItlfSTF:Ite • AND 131SSETT'S 110:31 PATTERS PLAY .t TIE GAME. le T.s 12 -J:, I•'rlda) night the Juniors played a ti( game of baseball on the lora) die - :noel. The game was okf seven Innings eel the score 12 t•) 12. Tee Blisters read, a grand tally In the seventh. ana se urea four rune, tieing the score; othe erwise they would have had to hand ore' 1•c laurel.s to t'1e Busy Batters. Four gesso, have : ow orce player, r: u h side has won a gante, one was on- ly of rout intense and thus too short o fount. and one a tie. so that the re - .sea stands evr:1 and a fifth ganse Is .0 ee.ary to break the tie. A ,lumber of 'ft a were male In tee line-up. /t! ee a -Pi• ey 2. Flynn 1, Kapott I F leery e. Itrirdmell 4, Sanders 0, •1 '.t ee> 0 Snell 1. Sweet 1. ,tasters-E111ott 2. Johns 0. Hurdon 2, .'ark • e. Rivera I. South( o(t 1. Iicy w3.)d 1. Acderso0 1. Bisset( e. 1411.' Wllso,i. umpire. Re •. Collhr.l. as deleg rte. esti several ,t..•. brei ren arc attending 'he Mason- ' 3 -and Lodge at Lo Ali•' , y week. CREU1TON. The Brownlee are atrattging a much wee Lucan Reds for Friday :light. !'articulare nest week. -Mr. F. Ilewald and family are campi:ig at Urend !lend. -Art Holtzman vlsited tri Y-urtch over Sunday. -Mr. S. Coyle of Leedon is relieving 11. K. Eliber. The rain, after n:u:':. walting, c•ante Filday night. but su little fell that all (meal were gone by morning. The cry Is for retie -Wm. B. Geiser lost a val- uahle colt by befog struck by llghtrang Ju-ing the electrical storm that passed .t little Mout': of the village last Titu's- 6.y. Mr. i3. 'Coughlin also lost five fine steers el a like manner.-Ceae. Brown of 1'ittsburg hi visiting at Ills bona- here,-\Vttn. Brown of Dashwood .pert Saturday and Sunday in tee burg.- Tee TiMisses Ilertra::d of Detroit are home for their vacation. -Mrs. t'• Zwicker, Sr., of London Is the guest of her son. )Ir. Chas. Zwlcker.-We under- stand that all the entrance pupils of ti la petee were successful this year.-TI:e baseball game at Aiisa Craig last \\•ednesday resulted to .t defeat for boys --,core 8-2.-A Large crowd witnessed game of good ball playing here F'rt- d.ay night, when the Zurich Stalwarts .utd Stars stet. The gauge was marked by :some brilliant plays by both teams. Botta pitchers deserve praise. After the dust had nettled and the runs totaled Zurich had the game by one run. Score A-3. George Palmer of Exeter umpired and g.tve the best of satlstacliose Our boys took the lead in the first tunings getting 2 to t 11eIr opponents' rh. They added one In the second, and thus it remained until the fourth and fifth in which the visitors scored 2 and 1, re- spectively. The sixth, seventh and the eighth were scoreless. The ninth saw \Veber of the north town get 1st on a 'leased grounder by "King", and a little later he got home on a low pitch, us/lying the winning run. Credito,, fall et to even it when they carte to bat. Zurich, particularly the big fellow call- ed Charley, felt very happy over the re- .:olt and 1:e says they will play Detroit nest. Following are thc players- Zur•Ich-Edighoffcr. Knapp, Fritz, \Vurnh. Weber, Rennie, Saltsntan,Lit- tle and Weber. Crediton.-Wur'nt, Holtzman, McCue, Feltner, Ker!•, Brown, Young, Fanner, and Brown. Two rink.e of our bowlers on Tueaday of last week drove over to Dashwood .+::d played interesting games, resulting Crediton 23 up. Crediton Dashwood Brown skip _1 1(artlelb skip _1 Retch skip 21 Miller skip 11 it aklp 17 Miller sees 1 li.0 [t skip 17 Ilartletb skip 11 ONE THOUSAND POSITIONS. -As a c::aln ire no stronger than Its weakest link, every link In Canada's Greatest Crain of High-grade Business Schools 113 en krpt t• highest be k in 1e 11 teat state of p g 7 ' etc/ known to Wetness ecinni.e. .V el • eve= o,te t .ouaat:d students were n o.led lea) year. the demand for Prad- e-t es NA -4 three times tare supply. The el ,n o , Bu.. iiess Colleg t, which re -op - •.1 .August 30th, lnvl'ee the most rri'• etepea•t.o.t from p.ospecttve stud- ent.:. Owing to the prestige of ties chain. eve_ y graduate o: neat appear- ance and good cearacter Is guaranteed a good situation. The new advertise- ment of thla college appears on page four. HOORAY Y POP.TO-MORROWTile strawberry shortcake days are o'er' And the pineapple rides on Its raids no more: T le chertlea have gone and the peach - cake seems ,already a thing of shadowy dreams: But. o'h, for the morrow. Play up to the drums. T•.e old hueklcbeiry trate Puddingvlile costes, Nearby tomatoes, and corn on the col), Wee. everype ready to get on the job. SOME RURAL MAIL CONDITIONS The resldcnts along the routes of the Davhwood and Grand ,Bend stages have asked the Post Office Department to give then, rural tree delivery, which the Department will in all probabi(bty do. No move Is to be :nada with a view to extending rural delivery to anyone, the service of whom would Involve a change of route. If any person who rr- .s:des oft the line traversed by the mall carrier desires rural delivery he tnaY .^••ure It by plating a "King Edward" :^tter bo- at some point touched hyt he • order. Any person desiring to avail themselves of the systent shall procure from the P. O. Dept. the necessary ru- ral delivery box, the price of which is 31:3, and further shall provide at his ow:. oat the regulation post th:retore and erect the same. the di p3rtment suppJying but at the patron's risk fon the sateleol le -ting of the mail. Locks for the boxes may be also obtained from the Govern- ment at patrons own expense. Many persons are unaware of the et:- orntous compass of the British em- pire. Great Britain Is to.day sover- eign over 11,908.374 square tulles, or nearly one-fifth of the land surface. of the globe, and her subjects are not far from 400.000,000 or more than one fourth of the populatloe of the entire s'o'ld. The area of the British Domin- lon Is distributed approximately as hal- lows: Inn Eu -op•, 125'.95 equate Inlet; America, 4,n i' i'iist : Australasia. 01)u,000: Africa. 2,70mitetmt: Asia, 2.- metde n, She population of the Empire is distrihulyd as follows, -In Europe. •1x.0011,000; Amwica. 7.500,Ori0 : Au•- trelia. 5,001).000: Africa. 43,nnn,, Asia 300,000,000, The while popula- I10 r 1. 501.000,0110, and the colored 3.14- uns emit. The territory covered by the !Wrests Empire very nearly equals the •-ell',:• ''1 pogeessloons of the t• ;•rd States, Prance and Ci(na. lee- finance department gave nue tee :•res fed figures for the financial yrar 1 9 h9 : The revenue was $95.093,417, or e21ctly eleven mill(oes under the p reels yeet. Tnc ro:laoarta'e,i rural ex p • 'di' ire was S94.071.241. leaving a tnu;c so -plus of $1,0:2,162. The rap- itel expenditure was $44.431.296. Of r teat ly $25.000 Oen eat es the Nat• J 14 Tranteontinetttal and t$4.400.nun Ouetxr bridge. Tiro het deb'n,- u Increase was $4:.969••399. Of •.;s 1:t1,250,u0.l was due on the Trans - t•.181 project and 1114,75o,oa0 t0 a• t•• . setnditures. letSt1\VOOD • 3d. Irk1)6I:NOOIIRE, D.asttwo00 COSVbY- 174s ENCEk. heads, Wale ]dortga,;es and al! I.e411 1• lamest+.•arefully and promptly _prepared Charges moderate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. At the recent H. S. entrance exami- nation, out of a class of ten in our school nine were successful, four hav- ing passed with honors, and several ottrere carte close to the honor mark, all of which goes to show that the teacher has taken great care in train- ing and educating his pupils. -The hay harvest is now for the most part a thing of the past in this section. The yield, too, waw not up to the average. -Mrs. Alex. Held and children of Buf- falo are visiting friends in this cotn- ruuuity,-Mr. Albert Ruthig of Strat- ford spent. Sunday at the horne of Mr. Joseph Eidt.-Mr. John Eidt of St. Marys spent Sunday with friends here. -Messrs. John 'Lier and Rudolph Stade of Parkhill visited at their pa- rental homes on Sunday. -Miss Lynn of Elmira is at present visiting at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Eidt.-The pulling of flax has been commenced in this vicinity. --The Misses Vera and Loretta Holtztnaon of Crediton are spending part of their vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. L. K. Eidt. -Miss Alice Trueniner of Toronto is spending her vacation under the pa- rental roof on the Goshen line. -Dr. McLaughlin, who spent two weeks in New Ontario, has returned and again resumed his practice here. -Several automobiles may he seen passing through the village daily. --Mr. John Hildebrand, who has been very ill. is now able to get out a little. -Mr. Lou- is Schmidtt has given his dwelling a coat of paint, which adds greatly to its appearance. LUCAN. The Woman's Institute of Lucan held their summer meeting on Thurs- day afternoon and evening last. in Car- lisle Pariah Hall. The meetings were addres5ed by Mrs. Ashley of Guelph. Among those who contributed to the vocal part of the program were: Mrs, Dr, Orme. Mrs. McTurk, Miss E. Simp- son and Rev. Arthur Carlisle. The meetings were well attended and much appreciated. -Miss Merriman and Miss Turner of Strathroy are the guests of Mrs. John Fox, -Mrs. Hamilton, who with her husband spent the summer months at the home of her parents here. has returned to Porto Rico, - We regret to report that the youngest daughter of Mr. John B. Armitage was stricken with a form of brain trouble on Saturday last, supposed to tie caused by over•etudy, but is, we are glad to say, well on the way to recov- ery. -Misses Mary and Enid Endicott, daughters of Rev. Jas. Endicott, of China, are the guests of their grand- mother, Mrs. i)iamond, after having attended Whitby College, -Mrs. Cle- ment and little son, of Kamloop, B.C., are the guests of Mrs. R. McNamee. - Mr. John Rollin: is holidaying in lir•rant(ntd.--The Mises Jamies.nn of Gnit are the guests of their grand- mother, Mrs. Puke. - Miss Mason, inn' outliner, has closed her shop for the season ,and i+ Kone to I'rea.:ut1 fur the holidays. Z Z O IMAM 61 �$OOOIO�N� THE BEST Flour If it is the heat tlouryou want there l bin one plai•e in town to get it that i• tram u.. The brands are JEWELL (Ontario Blended) RCYAL HOUSEHOLD ('*;ihide) 5 ROSES (Lake of Woods) PCitITY (We,tera Cans is Flour Milli 1.ea.e year orders or call up Phone 'L. R. G. Seldon, Exeter 1,000 Q'1 Over one thousand stn. [ tl dents enrolled hw our chain I -s last year. it pays to at- eia tend a Zink of this great • chain.for "1st ('>4l0>4 TIiKRK le 0TRF(llTlf." Thedemand for ourgrad- mites is THREE TiMi•:S the supply. Other schools engage 001 gt'adnetee as teachers. A special course for teachers. Graduates e:n d s O atwo s y r .ego are now earning $J.1)00 per annum. d O Th, m--('•,+rMF:H• 1T‘ \L,ree8rKN,,.'UeseR.t('It and TiteeedespnY. Fall Term Opens Aog. 30. Write for particular•+. Clinton Business College ORO. SPOTTO'. PRiNrll'Ai. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE IUD OFFICE. TORONTO LSTABLISUZD 1607 B. s. WLLLER, President Paid-up Capital, =10,0000, ALIZAADER LAIRD, General Manager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000, TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most cooveoi/gt way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations Of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Fr1g�e. Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, 8w1�,i,fftft, and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 131A 1 I I 1 1 1 Exeter Branch -G, W. Harrison, Manager. Branch alert, at Crediton The general public will take notice that I atu doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Etc. Etc. Etc. All purchases to be delivered to T. HAWKINS & SONS HARDWARE. EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. Imperial Oxford Range Gives the Least Trouble 7N THE MORNING - a half turn to the right and the fire is O. R. ready for quick service. It burns brightly and checks pro- perly- you can depend on good bak- ing results from- THIS RANGE. Call and see our display - our prices are right -DON'T HESITATE For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN Crediton Flour Mills Dur;ng the months of July and August we will only run our Chopper 3 days per week, as follows: Tuesday, - Thursday and Saturday. We also have to offer: Family Flour at $3.25 per 100 lbs. Pastry 1 Shorts Bran Good Oats f1 3.00 1t 1.25 1.25 1.65 et 13 41 41 1t 11 Henry Sweitzer --- Crediton East a The Desire oi a Boy's HEART is to own a watch, one of his ' very own," Why deny hire when his ambition can easily beratified. This rs not a "make believe" watch that we are thinking of. either. It's a guaran- teed time piece. it is simply put together so that a little arei• dental rough usage won't disarrange things. it is nicely nickled. it will retain its appearance till the last tick. And it will tickle that boy of yours if you take one home to him. Why Not Do It To -Day ? A. Marchand Jeweler and Optician -- Exeter, Ontario • 0 d i The Molsons Bank 41' inenrpnrated 18,1,1 Capital (paid u p ) Rest l''tuui - - $3,500,000 $3,500,000 lit' 65 Branches in C'aned;a, anti Agents and ('nrrespondents in all the Principal Cities, in the World. A GENERAL a/0MM BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches, interest allowed at highest current tate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Up'caov & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. HliRDON, Manager,