HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-15, Page 8• 1 •• 1 • • n • I A 03•0D APPEARANCE doesaa come by chance, neither clears it grove on trees. To be presentatle you mast BE WELL DRESSED Look over our fine line of suiting', pick out what you like, aid we'll do the rest. Clothes made here dress you well at email charges. Get measured. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, ffieter, - Ontario PasINess Locals -- Read Them Men, keep kool.' Wear Stttcurt's 50c Spring Needle l -ndr r.rear. l'hey're dandy ' Any person wlehieg Buckwncat for seed can get same at the grist mill. Wheat. Oats and Barley wanted at the mill.—HARVEY TIROS. aaereveeprvvemvvvver Apr vegeta I t:.::.k Swcct spe•tt t'.e 1 t: in Lu: LOCAL 1)OIN(;c• 4etGec Lyre. itA. Ala /AI Aty70. e.* d1111 els tot Blaney of Exeter North. 110 Ladies—$1.95 buys a stall trimmed Hat at Stewart's. Regular value 3 to 5 dollars—note quick ! SECOND HAND BICYCLES Five good second hand Bicycles for Bale cheap. Jot:n Triebner, Exeter. 1Oc the yard for your choice of any colored Dress 31u,lins at Stewart's—reg- ular rallies 15c to 25e—more quick ! COOPERAGE WORK.—I desire to in- form the people of Exeter and vicinity that 1 do all kinds of cooperage repair - Ing. Ali repairs gathered and returned P:Ices moderate. ED. HEIDEMAN, San dare street. -- 2 for 25c—Ladies' black and tan Inose —plain or ribbed—regular value 20c and 25.. 2 pair for a quarter. Stew- art's. __— APPRENTICE \\•ANTED AT ONCE.— To learn t:.l:oring. W. \V. TAMAN. 30 Seamle.ts Room Bugs, in 1Vilttns, Velvets, Balmoral, Brllrscls and Wools, all at bargain prices at Stewart's. Do you want one SUBSCRIBE for the get all the r.ews. -- $11.00 any, a swell Seine-1'urce'ain China Dinette Set at Stewart's. Purr white l'a'dy with neat pink Neral de -eve -a- llow rind '/add tracing. Advocate and \eatNTEF. LIVE POCLTRY—Chicken• !l, t,:,d In❑, ice. Highest market pat rave at te. SOVEREIGN BANK MEETING.—The annual general meeting of the share- holders of the defut,ct Sovereign Dank of Canada was held at the head otfite, Toronto, on Tuesday last. From all re- ports the meeting was a quiet one and occupied less than one hour. Apparent- ly the searehelders were satisfied and ail the cid directors were re-elected. The vital •tucatlon as to what the share- holders w realize out of the amerce of the defunct hank is still unsettled, but the retort of the directors was brtg!.tu t' an one year ago. In their oar uta lie it is impossible to esti. meta the dhidend that will be paid, as tae twu b:g assets, the Chicago and M.:e.cukce Electric Railway and the Al- geena Central have not been realized on t'•' directors state that atter a careful tsttnau•. as result, it the remaining asaetstura out fairly well will be hast no seco ,d (all will be necessary. but on the co trary there will be a fair amount for distribution among the tstlaret.oldtrs. Only in Case of a very bad realization will a second liability ti the outcome. THE BEAUTY behind a suit iP not confin- ed to other clothing estab- lishments. There's a love. lines* about our garments that will simply delight all who come to urs—that's so. For a Nice Tailor -Made Suit this shop has a good reputation Let us make yours W. JOHNS Moratorst Tailor- Exeter Oo::t:Or 1s quite Ili at tar but tt-t 'otter p;a/cs Women's Missionary Society of t'•• J:.n:es street church picnicked et the r talc on Wednesday. Don't worry about the heat. Worry to '• caring. You couldn't make weather to mu'. yourself and another. Mr. W. J. Beaman has been gazetted Captain and placed in command of tt:e f?z• ter Company of Volunteers. T e push thy business" merchants • of ztecesstty, tireless advertisers— ., d c' equal necessity, liberal users of rweraper space. Bead tee advertisements and save mon ey therreby. Keep your eye ort What art Lusir.Css ;nett have to offer and reap tae benefit of the bargains. Tate Exeter Fife and Drum band rands their first appearance on the street Friday r.lgt.t and the cltizene were loud In their praise of their playing. Lc' ua scat you The Advocate for • to balance of 1909. It will give you • the news worth having in the dis- t.... F'ro:n now 11.1 tae fat of Jat.uary 1910 for 40 cents. The Garden Party given by the Ep- worth League of the Main Street Meth- od!st church on Tuesday evening was ratrly well attended. The music by the Landon Harpers was much appreciated. The bowlers eu$oycd a few games last week with two former Exeter boys, •.tessrs. fete and John Dawden of Ridge town, who have acquired a wide know- ,cdge of the game and international rep- utations ter bowlers of first order. The Oddfchows of Parkhill held their 1)ercratlon Day on Sunday, July 4th, x.nen the departed brethrens' graves were each decorated with a beautifully dee:gr.ed triangle attached to a rod and surmout.ted by the three links entwin- ed with flowers. Two rinks of bowlers went to Clinton Monday, Messrs. Acheson, Christie, Taylor and Snell, and Meagre. Spack- :nan, Stewart, Hurdon and Blatchford, and played two games each with Clinton :'aka. Eech rink won one game and ot.e. the first named rink being up e'en points on tate total and the other down: a few points. From the reports of the results of tyle East Huron Entrance Examinations at Cl:atoll we notice that Robert Flem- ing. 90.1 of Mr. L. C. Fleming, former- ly of Exeter, who ie only nine years of ego, passed, getting 433 marks. 390 seas required to pass. At Blyth Eddie ':ay, aged 11, got 576 out of 650, welch is another excellent record. That the Marathon craze Is a real gang and has taken strong hold of even the Atte tots was shown on the agric- ultural grounds at the time of the sports Friday when Mr. Fred Wells' little chap ran around the track three tithes and finished as fresh as a daisy, while little Paul Collins was well on the sec- ond trip whet' his tacker got after !tine oat a wheel and cut short hi■ chance of a record. The Goderich Star says— 'One visit- itor said yesterday he was "dead again- st Harry Elllrer," Ills name is Henry Anderson, Thames Road P. 0.. and 1s a conacientlou■ Reformer. , The Star was pleased to meet this good farmer, particulary from the fact that he gave moderate signs that he might repent and and become a supporter of the best mere ber South Huron ever had. He has a t,lgtt opinion of henry Ellber, the popul- ar M. L. A. for South Huron. - The Raymond (Alberta) Rustt• r of last week contents an act °tea of a faeh iot•ablc wedding which took place at the Mane of Dr. and Mtn. Amos to tt.at town on June 30th, the contracting fatal^s being Miss Ella Jean tiarshalt, teacher, formerly of Brantford, and Mr. John T. Willard of Minneapolis. In tate evening of 'ht' wine day Dr. and Mrs. Amos held au informal reception to introduce Dr. J. Elmer and Mrs. Amos of McGilliv- rety. Ontario. who recently went west to make their future home at ltaytnr„:d, The Advertiser of Friday says re- gardtne the son of a former Exeter soy :— 'The little son of P. C. Marshall 1lox was painfully injured at Springbank on Wednesday by being struck on the ntad by a swing. The llttlefellow was standing at t'.e shit watching some oUr er children swing and got too close. Tate seat of t..e swing struck him a !wavy blow at.d knocked hint over. When pat ked up It was found that a cut sev- eral inches long had been inflicted in 'hc media lie is recovering rapidly. WINDING U1' SALE. --131g Sale at the Exeter Bargain Store. Saturday tale 17 day of July at.d two or. three days next week, say Monday. Tuesday and Wed- nesday. CRACKING 1110 BARGAINS, as the store Is rented and the balanre of the stock must be cleared out. Cash ltegister. iron Safe and one pair of Counter Seale» e-tremcly cheap. Sec them. A rink of Norwita; bowlers came up with Reg. Elliot in an auto. on Thurs- day and played a couple of games in ":e afternoon with Exeter players, with •'te result that Exeter won In each 01 c two games. 15-12 and 1:t-10. The k., as played were— Nurwtch—H. Dennis, Dr. Moles, Ilulet, itcg. Elliot. skip, 12. Exeter—N. b. Burdon, W. son. W. J. Neaman, I. It. skip. 15. Norwich—C. 11. Mulct. II. Dennis, R. Eaio'. Dr. Moles. skip. 10. Ezetcr-1. R. Carling. W. 1'. Acheson, W. J. Ileaman. L. H. DlcksOn, skip, 1 a C. 11. T. Achh Car11ra, DEATH OF wILLI-\M S. BALI, - \V ILL.-- \fter a lingering illness , of :.Ire months the death occurred on Sat- , ey morning of William S. Ralkain . •.is 56th year, at his late resider: • .crew street. Exeter. Mr. Batkwrll ...d :,ot been strong for some years. hav ag suffered front kidney trouble argil :or the last few months has been cora fined to his room. Death must have ome as a great' relief to him as there was r.0 hops of his recovery. burial; v whole R1CeeS he had been tenderly ed for by his sister. Miss Mary llalk- who is the only one of the Maned- , :c family eurvlving. His wife, w:;o was Miss Cb,therine Armstrong. died about ten years ago. T:.e funeral toll( t : e c••• Mc day to 'e Exeter :ernet- try. Toronto le visiting L. visiting 'vita. n' Tee \llsses Spargo are :c:atives here. Miss \Vlivcrna ..t Ailsa Craig. !fr a::d airs. Ed. \Vt•lis visited tie London this week. Mr. Wm. Burke visited at his hone •, itrussele this week. sasses Birdie and Lillian Boyle are v:slting in Marlectc, Mich. :leer Muriel Evans of Allea Craig is cutting the aliases ..ual.CC. M!ss Girven of Luc'keow vlsitei Vasa Stay Armstrong this week. '•ire. Loadman of London is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Treble. Mss Merril Gould, milliner, of Beav- erton, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Weldenha:nmer and fam- ily are holidaying at Slrcctevtile. Mra. Pulps and chl!d of Buffalo are guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pilton. Vias E. Phillips is visiting her broth- s r at Ravenswood for two months. Mr. Geo. Rantott of Brantford repeat part of the week with relatives hut. Mr. Al. J. McDontll left Friday even - !•:g for the West to see the country. Mrs. De. Smith of Cedar Rapids. Iowa is spending a few weeks at Mr. Couple'. Mr. Marshall Atkinson and son of 1):- troa visited relatives here durit.g t:.e week. Mr. Taos. Russell left for tt.c 'scat Monday night, to remain for some wicks. V:Arthur D. Davis left Monday for High itiver, Alta., where he intends re- :t.atning. Mass Cora Fowell returned Friday evening front a two weeks' visit in Clevela td. Mr. Elmore Senior, after a few weeks tolldays here, returned to Toronto on Monday. Mr. Nelnon Sheere was in Brantfo:d over Sunday, visiting his father and brother.; Mlssee Tillie Rowe and Annie Bisect returned Tuesday evening front a visit in Clinton. Wm. Bennett of Fernhill Is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Wzn. Taylor. Mra. \Vm. Waite and daughters of Ottawa are guests at the home of Mrs. John White. Mr. C. W. DrinkWater of London vis - .:ed here over Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Shirley Dobler. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDougal of Comber are spending the vacation here and in Laborne. Mrs Jlathcaon, who' has been visiting with friends here, returned to her nome .Ayr yesterday. airs. Jaynes ilodgson, unborn°, was taken 111 last week, suffering from a:: .attack of hemorrhage. Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Sweet and \L s. Jamas Sweet visited Mr. and Aire. Ruh!. Sweet in Clinton thio week. N1`r,N Vera Rowe returned to London Friday?. Her sister MIed Beta accornn- evaded her to visit for it few days. Mra. Henry Gould and tamity are vie - Sting friends in London, while Mr. Gould :s engaged at his trade in the city. Mra. Ephram Tient and sons 11.trold and Roza of iau., are guests of Mrs. Bern's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Tay- lor. fir. R. W. Bright, p::, :p•t: ca the Marton Public School, ()peat t .c fore- part of the week here with his eon, Dr. itt ight. Mr. William Monteith and family left till» week for their home in the West, accompanied by the beet wishes of their friends• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paisley and a itid o: New York are guests at the nom of Mrs. Paisley's brother, Mr. 3. A. Stewart. :Mrs. H. Hooper left Saturday for Char- levoix, )4ich., the famous and beautiful mummer resort, where she will spend several weeks. Mr. Fred Sanders who has been spend- ing a few days at his home here, left Thursday to accept a position as drug- gist In Ottawa. Mrs. Albert yteC`allutn of Crossline. 0., and Mrs. Alex Morluck and two child- ren of Detroit are guests of airs. Mor - tock and alias Addie. Mies May Armstrong of Lurtr ,ow•, Miss G. Hyndnlan of Beaton, and Mies Diana Egerton of Cetyuga, milliners. arc '.orae for the hoadays. Mr. L. C. Fleming of Ciintoa was here attending the sport• Friday night. This week he Is at H yilcld with the boys who are camping them. :Messrs. S. Fitton, John Teichner a:;d Tom Carling went to London wit!. Whh. .\tartt'n In his auto on Wednesday, to rake part in a shooting tournament. Quante is holidaying Messrs. Joscpi: Senior and Jas. I1. Or:eve pit In Orlltta this week repres- entinJ tie Cavell Presbyterian congr.•g- atton at a nutting of the Barrie Presby- tery. regard': e: t!:e 'ecuring of Rev. B. F'. Sharp of .\i1Ison as their pastor. Mr. E. J. Spackman, who has been conducting a general store at Men - !aim, has disposed of Lac business and will leave stortly to reside In the West where he has considerable land introits. A 'lack wire gentleman gave a per- formance across from the Commercial Hotel 0:1 Thursday night last. He was a mean of the apparent age of 60 years and was not bad at the business either. A large number of the Orangemen and other• of tints district attended the big celebration In Clir•ton on Monday. The Exeter Fife and Drum Band went along at:d from all reports they classed web up with the bands 1n attendance. 1'be Ilei 1909 IodakCttalogue 1, °tit and we w sr.', lc 10 we it. Ask For It we ratty s •er.ety of saes and ety:ew .n sloelt ar.d hoot 5:1 supplies fresh. W. S. OOET, Pliot.8. Chemist and O;'t:c:an EXETER Mont, :rt EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 1 Wil' Barley o:• 37 Oats 541 Peas V1 Potatoee, per bag 140 Hay. per ton 7 60 85'J Flour, per cwt., family 3 25 Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 1 55 Butter 1"+ Eggs. 18 Lire hogs, per cwt 7 75 Shorts per ton 96 00 Bran per ton 24 00 Woof 17 Ib Mr. David Huesca, w:.o has teen ;a the Rest since spring. returned Satur- day 1,1gt.'. Dave Is pleased with the Nest 1,• many ways. but likes old 010- .:'s lust a little bi: tetter. AIL AILAILAIls NAT FORKS 000 secured the agency for Beatty Bros.' Round Track Hay Forks I ata now ready to equip Farm- ers' 13arns and Har -Mows with sante. These forks, without doubt, are the Best on the Market and to use them is to be convinced. We guaran- tee satisfae'tion and the price is right. Win. Gillespie, Exeter PHONK 51 Here's Good News The market prices for old junk are alive and so is the old reliable firm—M. JACKSON & SON—one door south of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices (no trade and no truck) all CASH: Rags 75e per hundred Iron from 60c to 75c Old Rubber Boots) . 7c per Ib & Shoes Copper & Brass 9c Horse Hair 30c Lead and Zinc 2ic IRON PiPE A great•ariety of iron pipe always on hand at a reason• able prise, suitable for FENCE POSTS, BRACING Jr ROCI.EVARIINO M. Jackson & Sons MAIN ST.. EXETER. OPPOSITE ELEc'TRIC PowER Hot'SE 528.60 Buys the New -Style Edison Phonograph "The Fireside" It plays tit new lour u.:uute records as well as tie standards. Has a colored horn; its a beauty. See it, hear it, then let us sell you one. Full meek of latest records. Instruments repaired. Call or write. Can. Bldg. THE PURITY J. Willie Powell \ViHEN YOU ROLL THE DOUG1! made from our flour y34 will Lind It just right. You'll fact instinctively that you are going to have good luck with your baking, and you will be right. THE WOMAN WHO USES 01111FLOUR always has good leek. Even an ordin- ary baker gets splendid results. The fine baker produces better bread, cake and pies than she ever did before. Or- der a sack of our flour as an experi- ment. We know you will like 1t better than a:.y o't.rr you !.ave ever tried. HARVEY BROS. trt•LF 1.1AttF.'0'rtRP,RS EXErEII ONTARIO Fall Term Opens Aug. 30th Our graduates are aeeieted to the best positions. Write for the reason. Prepare now to enter at beginning of term. Mail Courses for those who wish to let tidy at borne. Clinton Business College CEO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL Farmers, Gardeners, and Others ! Come here for your tools. Buy your wile and girls a nice hammock. Get the boys a lawn mower and keep the grass on the lawn in trim. Get the little tots some tools like father's and they'll be happy. Come here for your flower and grass seed. We have some nice Paris Green for Mr. Potato Bug—let the visitors get busy. Binder Twine for garnering the grain. If there's anything else you need that a good hardware store keeps, we have it. And then, if you wish a day's recreation, buy some of our fishing tackle and everybody take a day's outing. T. HAWKINS & SON Furniture and Undertaking Parlor Suit Easy Chair Music Cabinets Sideboards Buffets Dining -room Tables Parlor Tables Odd Chairs Couches Hall Racks Kitchen Cabinets Dining Chairs Dainty. well -made and at reasonable prices Bed Room Suits I3ed Couches Mattresses Springs Brass and Iron Beds Newest styles and all at popular prices ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO, 32 11111 This is the month we clean up ur Spring stock. Come along and be duly i.,,8 Ittte� one of the lucky buyers. — Clearance of Wash Suitings After a big season's selling of our popular Wash Suitings, we want to clear them all out early to give our customers plenty of time to wear them. Only a few, but all to go at the following prices: All 20c and 2tic Waist Suiting to clear at 15c yd. ]arc " 18c •' „ 12ic " A Millinery Sensation This has been the largest millinery season in our history, and in order to clear out every bat we are offering the „origaNIBig Reduction of�� Half Price Any bat in the store for just 1-2 Price Just a few choice ()DPP left. Corset Cover Embroideries A tine selection at 211c, 25c and 35c yd Belts and Collars Some of the new I)uteh Collars, Belts & Tat*, 25c W Ladies' White Wear e Skirts, Gowne, C. ('overs and Drawers, all at sale prices. Lsr s-� • ens Fancy Parasols Only a few left—all to clear at our July Sale. Black Parasols •ars I„a A real nice assortment %p.a to chose from at reduced 44 prices, Z H Fancy Muslins sjrd .rr ; All to go—and some nice ones, too—for So, 10c and t ' 15c. A Fancy Netts, Tucked Nets & Embroidered Fronts Gents, Look Here ! Are you filed up for the Summer weather % We are headquarters FOR GENTS' FURNISHINGS New Straw and Linen Hate Fancy Vests Fancy Sox Good Belts New Shirts, Collars and Ties Everything up-to-date ! JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing 11