HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-15, Page 7l 1 lied LuA 'lhiou, i 1, t'vtt Cr F G.10 STOMACH t'3!1 artul,T lar Tro ble3 be Tre Brood. Indieeetiun can be treated in (many ways, but it can bo cured in only one way—through the blood. Purgatives cannot cure indigestion. By mum force they move the food on still undigested. That weakens the wholse system, ui:es up the na- tural juices of the body and leaves the stomach and bowels parched and sore. It is a cause of indiges- tion—not a cure. (Alters try pre- digested foods tied pcptonized drugs. But drugs which digest the food for the stomach really weakeri its power. The digestive organs can never do the work properly un= til they arc strong enough to do ie for themselves. !Nothing can gird the stomach that power but the new,' rich, red blued so abundantly sup - Flied by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. oo the reason for their success is 'plain. The health of the stomach •depends upon the blood in its deli- 'cate veins. If that blood is weak and watery the gastric glands ilavon't the strength to secreta the Mees which alone can digest the ood. If the blood is loaded with impurities it cannot absorb the good prom the food when it is digested. othing can stimulate the glands, kind nothing can absorb the nour- ishment but pure, red blood. And pothing can give that pure, red blood but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Alfred Gallant, Mill River, Pa E. 1. says :—"For several years; previous up to two years ago, I suf- fered continually from indigestion. I could not cat enough to keep my strength, and what. little I did eat, no matter what kind of food, caused ,great pains, so that I became much ,reduced in flesh, strength and energy. I consulted several docterfi and took medicine from them bud ,without any benefit. whatever. On the advice of a. friend I began to ltake Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and soon gond results were noticed, I could slightly increase the amount ,of food day after day, and suffered ,no inconvenience, until after tak- ing ten boxes I could eat any kind, {of food and in a short time got bacI4 ito my normal state of health anti !feel that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills .have surely cured mo of a most; stubborn case of indigestion." ' You can get these Pills from any :dealer in medicine or they will be 'sent by mail at 60 cents a box or .six boxes for $2.50 by addressing ;the 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., IIIrockville, Ont. ----,1.-- LE1:.1CIES OF POETS. Estate of Late Algernon Charles Sttigburne and Others. Algernon Charles Swinburne, the last Of the famous band of great Victorian poets, who died at his home, The Pines, Putney, recently, aged seventy-two, left estate valved at $1.21,41.2 gross, including per- sonalty of the net value of $99,981, The will, probate of which was granted in London the other day, is a short typewritten document, as follows :— "1, Algernon Charles Swin- burne, of Tho fines, Putney Hall, in the county of Surrey, esquire, declare this to be my last will. 1 devise and bequeath all toy proper- ty whatsoever and wheresoever, both real and personal, to Walter Theodore Watts -Dunton, of The Pines, Putney 11i11, aforesaid, .and 1 appoint him to be the sole executor. "In witness whereof, I, the said Algernon Charles Swinburne, have to this my will set my hand this third day of February one thou- sand nine hundred and four. (Signed) ".1. C. Swinburne." It is interesting to compare the estate' left by a number of other eminent people of the Victorian period :-- Alfred. first Baron Tenny- son. died 1892, at the age of eighty-three years $290,030 Robert Browning, died 1.93 ldr. Matthew Arnold 5,200 M r. Frederick Locker Lamp - sun. died 1593 152,039 Mr. Coventy Patmore, died Peal, aged seventy-three. 43,883 Mr. \Villia►n Morris, died 189O ,aged sixlc two years 275,313 tiE1:1' CUILIREN WELL DURING HOT \VI:ATIIER Every mother knows how fatal fthe summer months as to small (�l,ildr( n. Cholera infantum, i1larrhoca,. dysentery and 5,tomach 'troubles aro alarmingly froquent at '1'111: CABBAGE CURE. . FAMILY NAME. I .. .. •� AMMONIA Dish of Toru Beef and ('abbage A new boy made his appearance •�II i1) the schoolroom, and Miss Adair, Made a hick Mau Well. in teacher, summoned hint to her POWDER deskU . "o you expect to Cottle to school hero regularly I" elle asked hint. "Yes'm." "Where do you in this district 1" "I guess so. 1 live down street 'bout four blocks." "What is your .,ante 1" "Martin Luther Hicks." "Martin Luther 1 ' said the teach- er. "I presume, Martin, you kuuw for whom you were named 1" "Yes'in," answered the boy, brightening up. "1 was named after me uncle on me mother's side. Ile keeps a liv'ry-stable." "This idea that people thrive best on the food they like best is not as modern us you seem to think," said the old doctor to the young doctor. "When Ezekiel Holmes was sonte- tvhat over one hundred years old be was taken sick, and my grand- father, one of the best physicians in that section, was culled to see him, after the family had done their worst to make him better. "Grandfather pronounced Mr. Holmes very ill, and told the fancily that the end was probably near; he might nut live over the night. "As soon as tots news spread through the neighborhood, several friends called to see up, or watch, wit.) the sufferer. Among them was a sea -captain who took the second watch. "A little after midnight Mr. Holmes awoke and said the doctor was starving him. The captain -ask- ed what he would tike to eat. " 'Corneal beef and cabbage,' ro- plieel the old than. "The captain found some in the pantry,—it was a staple dish in those nay's—and gave him a goner• ous plateful, reasoning, as he said afterward, that so long as the old man's hours Vete numbered, ho alight as well have what he wanted while he lasted. "After eating heartily, Mr. Holmes said ho felt much better, and went quietly to sleep. The next morning, when grandfather called, he found his patient on the road to recovery. "Tho old man not only got well. but kept so for four or five years afterward, and he always stoutly declared that his midnight meal haat cured him. "'I'd been wanting boiled dish fortnight,' he used to say, 'ano mother wouldn't let me have it,. But I worked a traverse on her, and got well.' " NOT TO BE HAD. A smart military officer once bet an athlete that he could not hop up a certain long flight of steps two at a time. The athlete accepted the wager, and made the trial, to find that there were forty-one steps to the flight, and that, after making twenty hops, he had lost. Ile paid up, but accused the other of sharp prt.ctice. "Sharp practice!" was the retort indignant. "\Voll, I'll make the same bet with you that I can do it," Tho other, expecting to win his money back, assented. The officer then hopped up forty steps in twenty hops, and, hopping back one, finished in too prescribed manner, and won the wager! Where Weakness is, Disease Will Settle. -If one suffers from any or- ganic weakness, inherited or con- tracted, there disease will settle when it attacks the body. Therefore drive out the pains that beset you, de not let a cold or a cough harass you, and keep the respiratory or- gans in a good healthy condition. 'I'Itis you can do by using 1)r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Prevention is the wisest course. Just when the coffee thinks it has good ground for complaint, the egg drops in and settles the whole bus- iness. SEE THAT YOU CET THE NAL THING. —Unerrupuloue makers ars putting. up A t•ounterfelt of " The 1) & 1, Menthol \'liar, r. The genuine is made by Davit & Laysreace Co. A husband who overcomes his wife's fits of temper my means of confections speaks in glowing terms of .tis sugar•curing process. Small but Potent.--Parmelee's Vegetable I'ilis aro small, but they are effective in action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are in constant demand everywhere by those who know what a safe and simple remedy they are. They need no introduction to those acquainted with them, but 93,975 to those who may not know them they are presented as the best pre- paration on the market for disor- ders of the stomach. \WEED CUTTINGS. In Egypt an enormous amount of trouble and expense has been caus- ed by the weeds and other vegetable grow the which spread so rapidly as to choke canals and other water- ways in a few days. Clearing by hand has been found impossible in ono district, so a motor boat has been equipped with a unique weed cutter and placed in service. The cutting attachments consists of a this time and too often a little life is pith of V shaped knives with sharp I. ;t after a few hours' illness. The and powerful blade., worked by loather who keeps Baby's Own Tab. belt from the propeller shaft. They lets in t"e house feels safe. The trail alone the bottom of the water• Lee/is:ol,a: use of the Tablets pre- way, cutting the growth off at the fronts lrtomaeb and bowel troubles roots. it is said that the little boae, t r if the trouble comes suddenly will clear as tnuch as five acres an twill brie.g the little. one through hour. afely. Mrs. Geo. Howell, Sandy. true), Que., gays: ---"My baby was Mr. Grein: "Do sou know what offering from colic. vomiting and 1 felt :luring the wedding ceremony dierrhoea. but after giving him to -day'' Mics Sharp: •'No, whet Itahy's Own Tab:ets the trouble dis- was it '" Mr. Green : "Well 1 felt sT i cared • Sold by medicine deal- profoundly thankful that I was not. rr• or by mail at 25 cent, a box the bridegroom." .Miss Sharp: II...:n The 1)r. Williams' Medicind • ery likely tho bride felt like ( , l:rocky ille, Ont. that, too." live? Are you the 1t Mae se trawl Mk VINO' Grocer ier et l'es't *,p' dist as Coed WE CLEAN GP EVERYTHING flare lbs (•uapna enclosed in each packs.• an cont. rete 1 .r a ,•rise. Flee 1) •1 s- li , d Nice for eh le r„mptete Dog. tteautl(ul Metaliked !tow ►tat ern far Ila'f 1),g. al,uurecrn,eI by J. a PAIN CO, Ltd .• Turuato. HUSBAND WON'T CHANGE. Will Not Change His Habits After Marriage. A Great >r)�- �wrd It is pretty safe to calculate that if you don't like your lover's ways n illustrated booklet of sti or habits before marriage, you will Margaret's College gives the re- nut like them any better atter the ceremony. He may make all sorts jcord of its pupils for the eyar :— of promises, but 'promises aro like EIGHTEEN attended rsitiesJ pie crust, made to be broken." He l �OURTEEN taught Music. may "turn over a new leaf" but EFOUIt had their paintings accepted you have no assurance, but his, that by the Ontario Society of Artists. !TWO exhibited their paintings ab exhibition of the Royal Canadian Academy. J'01711 are engaged in teaching. 'i'IUIEE are in active journalism. INF: aro employed as trained nurses. The illustrated prospectus may be had by applying to the "Seere• tary," St. Margaret's College, Toronto. HIS 1'IROFIT. Customer --"So you sell these watches at two dollars each 1 It must cost that to make them." Jeweller—"lt does.,' "Then how do you make any money 1" "Repairing 'em." Attacks of cholera and dysentery come quickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit. Rente("al action must be taken just as quick- ly if the patient is to be spared great suffering and pernianent in- jury to the lining membranes of the bowels. The readiest preparatieu fot the purpose is Dr. J. 1). Kel logg's Dysentery Cordial. It can bo got at small cost at any drug store or general dealer's, and it will afford relief before a doctor can be called. FREQUENT. And it sometimes happens that after a man has made his mark he acquires a wife who makes him toe it.. If allowed to roam over your house those few innocent -looking house flies may cause a real trag- edy any day, as they are known to he the principal agents for the spread of those deadly diseases, ty- 1-hoid fever, diphtheria and small- pox. No other fly killer compares with Wilson's Fly Pads. She: "Do you remember that thirty years ago you proposed to me, and 1 refused your Ho: "Oh, yes! That's one of the most treasured recollections of my youth." PUBLIO INSTITUTIONS have 'mini rslnkiller very useful. There in nothing !equal to it in all caseR of bowel troubles. Avoid substitutes. there is but one "Pain, biller "- \'erry Diia. - Mo. and 60o. Jack : "Smith asked me to come to his home this evening. Says he's going to celebrate his golden wedding." Gladys: "Why, he's been married only three years.' Jack : "That's what. I ani told. Ile said it seemed like fifty." Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts. root and brunch. Who. then would en- dure thorn with such a cheap and effectual remedy within reach ? The very corpulent suitor had just proposed on his knees to his inamorata and she had coldly de- clined. "If you will not accept toy offer," said he, in desperation, "at least help me up." A Domestlo Eye Remedy. rr'trina ;Moire ar'Lt',le milkier t , rte• that `feed•ire. Iry '1 eine R:e a'.uliy Iii 1"1)' 6)ea t tlouthes E)e t'win ELECTRICITY SAVING ('OAL. According to the estimates of Mr. Lewis II. Stillwell, prc'ented before the American institute of Electri- cal Engineers, the Niagara Falls hydro -electric plants during the year 190' saved more than a million tons of cont, which othcrwi'e would have had to be burned in order to lei: duce an egilivalent amnullt of mechanical energy. During the same year, says Mr. Stillwell, the Ltitcrbnrmigh Rapid Transit Com- pany in New York, by its electric system, saved nearly a million tons If coal fra,nl the amount that would have been consumed by locomo- tives. Mr. Stillwell has also cal- culated that when the application e f electric power in the coal -mines e f the Northumberland and Dur- ham district of England is complet- ed. there a ill he a raving of 1,704).- (':x) tons of coal per year, for 1).o elsewhere than at the mines. the leaf will stay turned. \\'e are very likely to underestimate the strength of habit, especially in others. We forget how much habit means in our own case, and think it, costs others less to give up than it costs us. For instance, the girl who marries a man who smokes, expecting he'll give up his cigars for her sake, dis- covers that he remains pretty much as he was, if not w )rse. In the course of a long obseravtion, I've never found a case where the wo- man's influence or wish was strong er than the man's love for his "harem of dusky beauties," says a writer. Many times the man has "sworn off" before marriage "to please her," and either temporarily stopped or smoked on the quiet, only to resume openly when the knot was safely tied. Her best way is to accept the habit w'itu the man and do it without nagging, or else bid him go away, and camp on the trail of some man who really hasn't the habit. - d• A Standard Medicine—Pnrmelee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of en- tirely vegetable substances known to have a revivifying and salutary effect upon tho digestive organs, have through years of use attained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they can be assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs. NONE. "We may live without learning, We may live without books; But where is the man Who can lire without cooks 1" After making a tnost careful study of tho mutter, U. S. Govern- ment scientists state definitely that the common house fly is the prin- cipal means of distributing typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. 1Wilsein's Fly Pads kill the flies and the disease germs, too. "There was a strange pian here to see you to -day, pap," said little Ethel, as she ran to meet her father in the hall. ''1)id ho have a bill !" "No, pap; he had just a plain nose." Rea, Weak. Weary. Watery Eyes Ralteved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com- pounded by Experienced I'hyatcians. Mu - nus Doesn't Stuart: soothes F.yo I'aln. Write Murine Eye Remedy hicago. for illustrated Lye Book. At Co..Druggists. "Do you know anything about flirting!" "No," he replied sadly. "I thought I did. but s'hen I tried it he girl married me." Much distress and sickness is caused by worms. Mother (craves' Worm 1' xterutinator gives relief by removing the came. Give it a trial and bo convinced. A TERRRIBLE CULTOM. Old customs die very hard in China, and in several parts of the Celestial Empire it is still consid- ered a high act of virtue for a wo- man to publicly commit suicide after the death of her husband. According to the law, the proceed- ing is actually legal in some pro- vinces, and such is the state of public opinion that in districts where it is officially prohibited the authorities rarely interfere. THE t'J'S" ARE NO "JAYS." If you wish your son to succeed fivaneially, see to it that tho letter .1 appears in the name you give hint. That, at any rate, seems to lie the moral to be drawn from the fact that tho big men in backing, finance and railroading have a Christian name commencing with J. There is J. 1). Rockefeller, J. Pierpont Morgan, Janos Stilln!an, President of the National Ci y 1la::k of Now York—the biggest hank in the States—James J. tilt, the fam- Tvaabaeat l' all AI -meets et HORSES or Lira Staab Fully ea !aid la ear Ittle bo .sat Mal *Stroll .ia 10 (40 1 ♦ddn.a TN vstart,wr seatedy Gee uwtrrn. Desk A. 76 Adelaide et. art, to-toaru, cask WANTED. \V6 LAM' AOR\Tpw►moll 11) your ica!Aw 1 t r drat�• ili'ie et It 11 so 1 8 .ap t o As tt orators a. se 011e railroad mageate ; George J. ei ser lett paean( /Rat with e1ery throe rales► Gould, whose father was Jay wrINtorpart iunlan. &HamlinSaayr)o..Toront. Gould; John W. (lag`s and James li. Keene, two of the most succass- ful men in Wall Street, not to mon- tion John Jacob Astor, the richest real estate owner in New York. Publicity is an alarm clock that frequently awakens a man's con- science. - 1T3 } - ' •Rulers • SOnt! •.1Ja Na 11,1 1.211 ►IMvt/a 1C2114A -RNIUMATlS,I $CMti;;A .FO ttC1 .1001 NEAPS L e CKS CPAPete rHAae/ ,VNI WA/l10 POI CR/CR! ?IRS. rycusrs.rooraat PL.AJ?Ps d j•OaraMrh C!Nlaloy \t!RocaT%__.(2,!!!. When It oubled with sun- burn, blisters, insect stings, sore feet, or bE it rashes, apply Zam-Bok ! Surprising how quickly it Baste ti.e smarting and stirring t Cures sores on young b.Nes due to chafing. Zam-Buk is made from pure herbal essences. No animal fats— no mineral poisons. Finest healer I 1:>rtk t(a!I and Steyrs e, try uhr . m. area The CLADSTONE M1VES INo Pen -nal Liability) Montreal River District Pub.er:ptl. n forma a:11 other p .peri eau be ha./ by applying to ALEXA', 0 _R WARDEti', Broker, 18 TOKON t O STRI E? I', TORONTO, Limited AIV ANTRD -T. •rat sad General A1ents—l.1►- eial c, n'racla to pEoor\ men ; apply sr letter. Canttuo. t.•I Life In,er.►nce Compass, 1'ar)iit.i. C4rre.p.n-iOn00 ani ledt2.1. n GNtTall3AHRZ CASE • AGENTS•1)1316. M[6 0■ AGENTS 1(01 53 a (My and ertab. Ink t- raran.1)t bruin.: • es our sen rat. Our t Lib claw sou a sell oa right to every home. ars trule)ly u ed up and ',Veit o.dd'are aims tat F.aetu.na ten WRITE :boor ►ben. Tut 11 •ttr I.t'rrbr O►. M7 CATALOGUE Dire h. Tu a o, Oak ._.— WANTED 111 pis want to 1e11 Ito, err), villa) you own 1. the Uwa••d nates n,t.�war pruy.•rtr or a e.•nara rue) .e FARM bi.a.. gar, or.,e us . rOw. fur .aur new run .1. u: plan 1)t selllr,t al.rcot. w titian eoam.is,ion. (live fall du.cri1t.10 or pro,4r 17 and .tato (00,01 pr.0 1 pOq . ant to buy pre. wily of any (inn ill a,7 1.0•11iy, write as, statin` what an.l w: oro )',.,t with to buy, and we will rend Fara 011,o540/100 • 1 arm) ' a,. sins f.,r •*.e direct frim rite ane, with 0)eommirsioo aided. RUT Amerioln Investment As.00lation,81 ELL 6,020tb Ar. N., kl.un.apuh., Minn. PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE The a' Richmond (Que) Cuardlan," In Ito 53rd Tear of Ptlb!loationr For very many years the chief organ of the Conservative party of the Eastern Townships. "The Guardian" is an 8 -page 8 -column paper, and has been conducted by the present editor without inter- ruption for 60 years, who retires in consequence of advancing years. Tho plant is in fair order, and consists of a moderate stock of news and job type, 7 -horse -power engin and boiler, Peerless Gem cutter, 23 -in. Campbell power press, me- dium Gordon (modern), and Liberty circular and card press, all in per- fect order ; three very large stones, tables, furniture, tools, addressing machine, stoves, etc., etc., Apply either to S. FRANK WIi.SON. Toronto., or W. E. JONES, Riehinond, Que. RECORD FOR 1908 $6,045,73 CAIN IN BU>sIN 8CS 14 ANADA.RC[6'05 738 Fifty per cent greater increase in Canadian Business than any other Company -Canadian, English or Foreign. The strongest possible evi- dence that Policyholders aro well satisfied with their Policies. Premium rates. with or without profits, aro lower than other Com- panies charge, while profits to Policyholders aro much higher, because management expenses aro the lowest and interest earnings the highest. Ask our Agents for Annual Report and Record for 1909, and be on ptiard against the anonymous letter distributor and his friends, the blackmailing journalists, with whole we do not advertise. Tho Great Western life Assurance Co., HEAD OFFICE . - NiNNIPEC. BRANCH' Oi''FiCES.- Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Rt. John, N. B.{ Charlottetown, \ ailcoul'er, Calgary, and Fargo, N. D. USED 1N Leafing Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, 1 heatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of dsftinctire meta is appreciated. The Bien is the only piano with the lllunilable Repeating Action. Send tor (free) Catalogue No. 75. '116-iL PIANO m OrOn Co.. Limited 0V e LPH.0NTAR IO. ANOTHER CASH PRIZE CONTEST ORANGE MEAT Announces n New Prize Contest MORE PRIZES THAN THE LAST - The First Prize will again be a LIFi AN +UITY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS CASH Equal to O,te Tl.,'L,r p - W Ti,'rr t 1l'.. 1, .1 . i I. 'et.nle A $eoond Prize of One Hundred Dollars Ca3h Two Prizes of Fifty Dollars Each Ton Prizes of Twenty Collars Eaoh Ten Prizes of Ton Dollars Each Twenty Prizes of Fivo Do!Iars Eaoh One H indrei Prizes of One Dollar Eaoh CONDITIONS are eiiniler to Ike 1::.: ('co —'.t, except th air Orange Meat Cartel) Bottoms must be sent in 011 Cr before November 39th, 1909 - run part6•;J:►n no private prat earl U every p,ekye 41 Orange Meat 11 you eater this e,atest, semplet• the blank spice be! .0 with rout name awl a•1.1rsyc It 11 nut all malt al to Branae Meat, atngaten eat , 11 will e, Pit 1118. t melon h arem, AC' aO•�f...a`veal.*. ` „dot tT� _,- . ter,.. 1r. ,fie r• l'''... ,•e M