HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-15, Page 2TIIE hIYSTCIiIODS KEY
FU 1'L' RE.
CHAPTER X1.-(Cont'd)
John Hubbard fully expected to
bt able to secure. bail for himself
and to make the most of the respite
thus afforded him in feathering a
snug nest for hituself, in case he
sleuth] escape conviction ; but Mr.
Lyttleton had arranged to make
the amount of bail so excessive that
❑o one was willing to take the risk
and become surety for him; con-
sequently, he was committed to the
Tombs to await his trial, while
share in that sad experience," she
concluded, with a regretful sigh.
"You were forgiven from the
first, dear," said Lady Bromley,
as she brushed some hot tears from
Iver cheeks. '•1 um alone to blanio
for it all, and I do not know what
would have become of me at that
time if you had not proved yourself
SO staunch and true. Your kind
care probably saved my life during
that terrible illness which pros-
trated mo upon learning of the 1
upon the street who strongly re -1
sembled Allison, and so, knowing SMALL WAGES FOR WOMEN
how she worshipped the memory of
her lost benefactress. had been
,,tartled into the belief that she
had really [wind her alive.
I"Stop, niy child:" she said again,
in a tone of kind command; "you
1 are so nervous 1 cannot compre-
hend your meaning. Now, try to
tell me calmly what you mean by
having seen Miss Brewster. Of
course, you are mistaken. You
may have nut some one who re-
-oinbles her, but it cannot be :\11i_ A poor little seamstress attempt. -
son herself. And who is the per- ed suicide in London, England, re -
son whom you i.ish me to go and uutly. She jumped into the
talk with 1" Thames and was ignominiously fish -
"Oh, it is a men who is rolling ed out, not drowned and not in the
her about in a wheel -chair. Sho Is least repentant. When questioned
sick, and didn't know me, but I am as to reasons for her act she had
sure she is my lovely, lovely Miss only one to give. She simply could
Allison," Ellen emphatically as- not keep body and soul together by
screed, still greedy excited and working her hardest at her trade,
and in utter fatigue she had decid-
ed to end her struggles.
There was nothing very new in
her story, but when she explained
that she always had plenty of work
loss most. flew to her room, seized a to. do, the only difficulty being to
herself in obscure.
-.)f the Catalonia. But, all! 1 wish seal wrap from her closet, and live on the prices paid fur her lab-
Annaiburied, wisely resolving to re • could secretly tell my experience threw it over her shoulders, and; ors, London was roused from its
14 •h h to every young girl wlio is away then went swiftly down -stairs after! apathy long enough to protest
Brought Out by a Pour
ecainstres.i's Attempt at
trying to pull Lady Bromley froui
the room.
"Wait a moment, until I get a
wrap," said her ladyship, and now
visibly trembling herself. She al -
economical int er resources un -'from the shelter of her own home, Ellen, who had again rushed below
til the fate of her husband should and warn her of the consequences and out upon the street.
re eset for decided,
first having
vingFebruary.eof such a rash act. if a young man When Lady Bromley emerged
Meantime, about
Lady Bromley had re- really loves a girl, he will wait for from the house she saw an elderly
her and seek her in marriage in an gentleman, with white hair and
ceivcd an invitation to visit her old open, straightforward manner. If
blend and schoolmate, Helen At- 1 had only been firm and refused
wood, now Mrs. Ernest Bryant, to marry Charlie secretly, he would
nit)* whom she had spent those few eventually have sought me in my
sad weeks long ago after tho news own home, asked for me in a man -
of the loss of the steamer on which ly fashion, and I should have been
her husband had sailed, and was
supposed to have been among the
The Bryants were a very happy
family, and owned a very lovely
home in Brookline, one of the most
delightful of Boston's suburbs, Mr.
Bryant being a prosperous wool -
merchant of that. city.
spared all that sad experience
.which we both regretted all our
"But," continued Mrs Bryant
"I shall never forget that happy
day when Sir Charles walked in
upon us so unexpectedly to claim
his wife, and turned your sorrow
Helen Bryant had often impor- into joy. I thought him the
her friend to visit her, but est fellow alive, and I ani sure he
grand -
now it had never seemed Gout was devoted enough to you ever af-
untilvenient for her to do so, although terwardtto mole up for having
she had long yearned to renew the stance."
you to err in that one iu-
old-tithe intimacy. Thus, while her s
brother and Gerald were absorbed les, we were of thahaty arltogytmis
ir• preparing for the great case of and yetwthe stingethat early ter -
Brewster vs. Brewster, she decided take will never Ladybe entirely edit.
ated," said Bromley sadly.
She had barely finished speaking
when the door of Mrs. Bryant's
boudoir was rudely thrown open,
and Ellen Carson rushed into the
room in a state of great excite-
"Lady Bromley! Lady Bromley!
Oh! come quick !" she cried breath-
lessly, her face white as chalk, and
unable to articulate another word,
she sank upon the floor at her mis-
tress' feet and burst into nervous
to avail herself of Mrs. Bryant's
pressing invitation, and make the
>icng-talked-of visit.
Sho took Ellen with her, the girl
having become quite a handy little
s:aiting-maid and devoted to her
kind mistress. She was delighted
over the prospect of leaving New
York, and uttered a long sigh of
relief when the Puritan pushed off
irom her pier, and she felt that
she had thus been cut loose from a
menacing danger.
She knew that her aunt had been
arrested, and that John Hubbard
was also a prisoner, but she had
lived in hourly dread of meeting
her cousin ; and thus New York had
become a place of torment to her.
Ever since learning that lady
Bromley's home was in England,
sho had begged that she would take
her there to live with her when sho
returned, and, as her ladyship had
promised to grant her request, 11
all went well, the girl was begin- man to whom she owed so touch,
ting to lure soniettiing of the anxi- as well as an increasing affection
e•us, hunted expression which her and sense of gratitude.
face had always worn ; while, with "Why, Ellen! what has happen -
good fare. neatly fashioned cloth-- ed d Why are you so excited!"
ir.g, and the constant companion- questioned Lady Bromley, as she
ship of her cultivated mistress, she bent over the sobbing girl and laid
was fast developing into a hale, her hand kindly upon her shoul-
wcll-behaved. and efficient young der.
woman. The touch seemed to restore her
The memory of Allison was still in a measure, when, springing
most sacred to her, and sho still again to her feet, she seized the
worshipped her in secret. Several woman's hand and tried to raise
times Gerald had caught her upon her from her chair.
her knees before the easel, upon 'Come, come:" she reiterated al-
e hieh the picture of his loved one most wildly; "you must come and
rested, Razing with a look of ador- tell hint that I have told the truth."
atiun at the beautiful face, while And by main force she pulled her
hot tears of grief rained over her ladyship toward the door, appar-
cheeks. cntly unmindful of the rudeness of
He was so touched by this ce i- the act or the lack of respect she
dence of her affection he gave her was thus displaying toward her su•
e picture of Allison. and it became perior.
to her the choicest treasure in her "Ellen, stop:" said Lady Been.
possession. while from that moment ley authoritatively; •see.. ; ...;r
Gerald might have asked any sac- self. and explain ee;i.it has caused
riflee from her and she would have all this excitement. Has any ac -
spared ne effort to serve hint. cident occurred 7 Do you not see
Lady Bromley had promised to that you have greatly annoyed Mrs.
wend several weeks with her Bryant by bursting in upon us in
f, lend. her visit being limited only this turbulent fashion)"
l•3, the fact that she must return to "I know, I know, and I hope you
New fork in time for the trial. will forgive me, but 1 couldn't help
hen Ellen would be required as a it," said Ellen, still breathless and
witness ter the plaintiff. panting from excessive emotion;
Mrs. Bryant and her ladyship "but I've found her: I've found
erre very happy in renewing their her:" and sobs that were almost
early- friendship and in reviewing hysterical again choked her utter -
t he e'xl.erience of their school days. ante.
• i made a terrible mistake, how-• "You have found whom 1" de-
, Helen." the latter ibser ed mended Lad • Bromley, astonished,' careful not to let her m g a aec .
Lady get chilled. " She sustains herself mainly, al-
um, day. when they were convers- and beginning to fear that the girl "Certainly. 1 will accompany most entirely, upon weak tea. Some
ing al„nit her romantic marriage had become suddenly deranged. you. Lady Bromley replied. 7nen, days she drinks fourteen cups, mak-
and the exciting events that fol- "Oh! Miss Allison: Miss Brew -turning to her maid, she added: • th eine t�a real•e d
Both Lady Bromley and Mrs.
Bryant were greatly startled by
Ellen's sudden appearance in such
a state of grief and excitement.
She was usually very quiet and un-
obtrusive. moving about her duties
with a cheerful alacrity which be-
spoke her desire to please the wo-
against the "sweating" of women
thus revealed.
The House of Lords once defined
sweating as a condition under which
work is carried on in unsanitary
beard, standing quietly upon the surroundings and for low wages.
sidewalk, while beside him in a There are those who would add
luxuriously cushioned wheel -chair that it is a condition of labor which
in which, well wrapped in soft, does not give the laborer, in return
bright robes, there sat a. beauti- for a fair day's work, enough to
fu'- girl, the sight of whom made maintain himself and his family in
the startled woman catch her decency and comfort..
breath sharply and sent a wild look In England it is women who are
of mingled joy and horror into her the greatest sufferers from sweat-
ing. Their average wage, taking
it all the year round and allowing
for sickness and slackness, is not
much more than
eager eyes.
The girl was indeed Allison's very
cc unterpart.
There were the same delicate,
clear-cut, faultless features, the
same bright, golden -crowned head,
although the hair had been cut and
now curled daintily all about her
white forehead; there were the
same great, beautiful blue eyes,
and yet they were not the ,same,
for there was a harrowing blank-
ness in them which told but too
plainly that reason had been de-
throned, while the lovely face and
form were thin almost to emacia-
The gentleman bowed courteous-
ly as Lady Bromley went quickly
down the steps to his side, her face
$1.75 A WEEK.
The Lancashire textile trade aver-
age is 83.75 and in some districts
as much as 86; but this compara-
tively high rate is pulled down by
the East End home worker, who
earns anything from 62 cents to
$1.10 a week.
In the unskilled women's trades
there is no standard by which wsges
are computed. For instance, one
famous firm of cocoa manufactur-
ers pay women filling bags with
cocoa 28 cents a thousand bags,
alarmingly pale. and exactly the same work is done
"Madam, I trust you have not for 16 cents for another firm. In
been needlessly disturbed or ex- East London there is a firm whose
cited," he observed, as he noticed girls tarn 83.50 a week by pack -
her emotion, this young girl," ing tea. In the same locality there
glancing at Ellen, who was gazing is another firm, the head of which
spell -bound at the figure in the is a well known sportsman and
chair, "met us at the corner yon-
der, when she became almost fran-
tic upon seeing my charge, whom
sho insisted she knew, calling her
'Miss Allison' and 'Miss Brewster,'
and weeping with joy over her dis-
covery. Then she begged me to
come here with her to see a lady
who, she said, would explain it all rates to make too much. Some
to me. She was so violently in ear- had earned SI:
nest I was constrained to comply -
v. ith her request."
With her eyes wandering continu-
ally from the speaker to his charge, exceed $2.50 a week. On this the
Lady Bromley listened almost spell- girls must keep up a neat and well
Lound to the above explanation. dressed appearance. Then wages
"Is -is she your daughter!" she are likely to be interfered with and
gasped, as ho concluded. even if "necessary" reducd.
"No, madam, and a strange hope Many firma don't pretend to pay
serang up in my heart the moment their girls a living wage. The
this girl, upon meeting us. fell up- head of a large company was ask -
on her knees beside the carriage in ed recently how lie expected the
e perfect esctasy of recognition and girjs in his employment to live on
began to address my poor Alice. $1.50 a week.
But, unfortunately, as you per- "I don't expect it," he answered.
ceive, she is not in a condition to "Immediately we hear that a girl
recognize any one, since an acci-
dent, several months ago, deprived
her of her reason.
":\n accident 1 Ah !" breathed
her ladyship. her heart leaping in-
to her throat. "Oh, sir," she ad-
ded faintly. while she put out her
hand to steady herself by the stone
Lost near which she was standing,
"will you kindly tell me abut it ?
r. indeed, it is not strange that
my maid should have been startled,
yachtsman, where the earnings of
the girls average only $1.78 a
The manager of a tinplate factory
recently fixed tine rates at $1.50 a
week for his women wcrkers and he
openly gave the reason that they
had taken advantage of piecework
The average wage paid to wait-
resses in tea shops or restaurants
throughout the country does not
has lost her father or that she has
no outside means of support she h
This same firm employs what. it
calls "half day waitresses." They
work from 11.:10 a.tn. till 6.30 p.m.
for $1 a week.
The lot of the home worker is the
worst of all. Miss Mary Mac.
as the young lady does resemble to Arthur, eecretary of the %Yornen's
a remarkable degree. one who has Trade Union League, gave a pic-
ture of the liunie worker in the
h•ng been regarded as dead by her
The gentleman lost color at this,
and le,o,ked excited.
"If," he said, "you will walk a
block or two with me, I shall be
very glad to tell you all that I
East End in an interview.
"So terrible is their life that I
wonder that they take the trouble Determine of t'ii'loin Ohli_erl
to exist at all," she said. '•Here, Lae to Wear Woollen I ap.
it a single room in a Stepney slum. Charles VII. on his triumphal,
The furniture consists of a table, a entry into Bonen in the year p1-tus.
chair and a bed. The unfinished
small quantities. Sometimes she LONDON'S SMOKE PRt,BLE:M.
has worked with hardly any break ____
FOR TWENTY .HOURS, It Is .attributed to Open Fires in
the Homes.
The 'r.�ol:o problem of London is
chiefly due to the domestic fire
grate, and for that reason the con-
mentary cotnmdttee. 'l'be members f(renco and exhibition held there
of Parliament. were aghast. Some in the winter of 1905 were produc-
were incredulous. 'But how do five of little visible result. To
you live, you and the child?" ask- an Englishman the open grate with
ed one M. P. '\\'e don't live," the its smoky flame is one of the most
woman replied with a passion iu essential features of his domestic
her tone 1 had never heard before. happiness and comfort.
'Often we hal e no food at all.' " Unfortunately no modified form
Miss MacArthur cot,tends that of open fire grate which will burn
goods are not sold any cheaper. bituminous fuel without smoke has
when made by sweated labor. She yet been devised, although many
tells of a fur -lined motor coat mark- experiments have been n;ade in this
ed at $105 which was made for 81.88 direction. Since the American ut
by seemed labor and of a 5.25 thud of heating rooms by hot aik
night dress for which tho home er by steam pipes is unpopular in
worker who made it for 5 cents- England, and the coke or anthra-
63 cents for a dozen of these night cite stove is equally unacceptable,
dresses. The employer of the girls the only hope that London, may in
who made these night dresses said time possess an attnosphtro equal
he could not pay more as there was in clearness to that of New York
no profit in his tram?. or Berlin lies in the ase of parti-
There are many persons who are ally coked fuels liko coalite, or in
struggling to organize and help the the extended application of a cheap
women workers of England. There gas for heating purposes.
is a scheme for a trades board which Progress is no doubt occurring'
shall fix a legal minimum wage, in both these directions, says Cas -
and there are other propositions Bier's Magazine, and this will grow
which will help to do away with the more rapid as the supplies of these
present sweating system if they are two forms of fuel are increased and
ever put into practice. cheapened The domestic snioko
from 6 a.m. until 2 a.tr,. the follow-
ing morning. The rent of the room
is Is. fid. a week..
"All this she told the I'arlia-
The Persian Carriage Is a Cranky
The kajarah, a travelling -carri-
age of Persia, consists of two cage -
like boxes, suspended one on each
side of a mule. The interior of these
boxes sometimes boasts a little low
scat, but as a rule is innocent of
any such luxury. In "Behind the
Veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia,"
Mrs. M. E. Hume -Griffith tells of
these carriages and of the troubl-
ous experiences of their occupants.
Two persons of about the same
weight must sit one on each side,
or the result is disastrous.
I remember on=e being with a
large caravan. In one of these
kajarahs was travelling a govern-
ment official and his wife. He was
very tiny, she was quite the reverse,
the result being that the little man
was gnerally up in the air, while
the opposite side of the kajarah was
weighted down nearly to the
They made all manner of experi-
ments in their endeavor to strike
problem in fact not only in Lon-
don, but in other Merge towns and
cities of the United Kingdom is
likely to be solved along these lines.
In Tinie of Illness Bachelor is Dif-
ferent Being.
The bachelor, whether man or
woman, has a magnificent time in -
days of physicial well-being. Then
he or she exults unkindly over mar-
ried friends who cannot go whither
they will or do what, they will, or
who must of necessity consult the
claims of others in the important
matters of meals aced hours. But•
when illness comes -say a nasty
attack by that unprincipled fiend in-
tiuenza-the 1011013, man supers.
There is no one to bother him with
inquiries which may be irrelevant,
but are always tender; no one to see•
he is supplied with food every hour
whether he wants it or not, to bring.
him the papers, and to put violets
on his dressing -table; no one to pat
his pillow, to bathe his head with
eau de cologne, and tell him he is
a darling old sham, not. half as bad
the balance, gathering stones and as he pretends. The only subject to
depositing them in the higher side, occupy his mind is his own miser -
tying bags of fuel to the outside of able condition, anu the stupidity of.
the kajarah, but. all of no avail. the hireling James, who will forget
At last, in disgust and anger, the to keep up his fire. The bit of sole
woman jumped oi,t without giving he fancied for dinner was swim -
her husband any warning. The re- ming in grease, and he nearly wept
when that big idiot, who never does
more than ho is told, e-ould not find_
him a clean pocket -handkerchief.
The bachelior, free as air, enjoying
the amusements of life, is a totally
teers offered her a seat on the top different Terson from the bachelor
of one of the baggage mules. Her crouched in an easy -chair, wishing•
husband was soon balanced with in vain for somebody to come and
stones picked up by the wayside, look after him.
and travelled for the rest of that
day in peace and comfort. At the
end of the stage, however, his wife
would not speak to him or cook
his dinner for him, and the man
came to one of my husband's as-
sistants, and begged him to act as
mediator. Even among Moslems
there are some strong-minded wo-
I have travelled many miles in
one of these kajarahs, and found
them very comfortable and restful,
even after riding for hours. When
travelling by night, I have slci.t
for hours at a stretch in one of
these kajarahs, the steady, measur-
ed walk of Inc mule favoring slum-
ber. Sometimes, however, the
monotony is broken by the mu!. -
suddenly dropping to its knees, and
you find yourself deposited on the ,
ground. shot out like an arrow
from a bow.
sult, to the onlookers, was ludicr-
The wife refused all that day
again to enter the kajarah, pre-
ferring to walk, till one of the mule-
1 111 a 1' I i t r \i 1:-1 HUN.
know regarding the poor chi'n'a trousers at which Inc woman stitch- we are told, astonished the ale. '•
history. i do not like to have her cs serve as a blanket at. night. city by nppcaring in a hat lined wth
sit still here, for. although the day the slaves from daybreak until red silk and surmounted by a
is unusually fine. Alice is still vera her eves fail, and she never earns plume of feathers. It was the tir•t
delicate. and we are exceedingly sere than five e'•illin s k time the citizens had ever seen .e
hat, says the London Chronicle.
From the entry of Charlre•s into
Rouen the beginning of the custom
ing e . s o Berlin? of wearing hats in Europe is dated.
leued it. "Te, be sure. all ended Ster: She int dead! She wasn't' "ellen, go to my room and bring again and again. That is one of the It was all very well for the rich
well. and my life aith my husband killed : $he is vat there in the me a hat."1 women slaves of England, and there citizen to follow the example._[ toy-
er.. a icry happy one; but 1 hale Street, and you must conic and tell Ar.d the girl, with a sorrowful hut are thousands in similar plight. alty, but when the clergy began to
often trembled in thinking of the the man that 1 know what Urn adoring leek at the invalid. darted"1 know many women who make sigh for similar splendor it was r•
temerity of that momentous step: talking about." was the Startling, away to do her bidding. She was'arded as a fallin
1 shall never forget the mental sof• and incoherent reply. !lack again in a few moments, when 1,ha•s shirts at Is. or ed. a dozen. 1 R g away ire:.r gran
I have even found the actual work- riests or religionil perse,ns were
ft ring which 1 endured all that Her ladyship had become very" her rnistres,, hastily tying the hat er making at ed. a dozen shirts last forbidden to appear abroad i
year with the b':rden of that ter- pale while listening to this. for ofirpnn her head, signified her readi• which had originally been given out anything except ''chaperons mad
rade secret on my mind. ai d 1 have course Ellen's ni,d words coald not II( Fs to move on. while Ellen reluet-.at is. a dozen. of black cloth aith decent core
often wondered how 1 managed to fail to send a terrible shock I aptly went back into the house. I • •There is . girl in Woolwich. nets."
get through with n:3, Studies and througho'it her frame. f "Von called her Alice." Lady'She has one child, aged 2 years, A still more striking development
pass my examinations creditably- 1 She could not credit her tartlin Promley remarked. hut with li ,s
s g a f ,ntircty def. ,rdent upon her. She took place in the sixteenth century.
"Yes. and it was a rash act.- i statement ; ti,l, the magnetism of that were so rigid thatt it was aith; ;,, a shirt finisher and does hutton- Ry the statute of 13 Elizabeth every
I er friend gravely assented. "and' her belief and excite•';eut had its (litind-,ilty that she e•eu,d articulate, i ing and testi. .nholinP by hand. She person above the age of 7 years,
have passed a grrat many re- :;fluence ►:p' n Ler. f er She knew I (T•. be continued.)
tr.ororhll hours in heir of hsviier that s"+rr.cthint e;ry -trange and. 4 _es.-
itYrd and abetted you and Sir'eine=ual must leues ,.,:-erred to up- SHE C'.%N.T BE ROTH.
1 •haries : but i was soling and - -t her t+e such an exte•it.
th, elehtlr-t, and flee romance ••f :see had sent the girl wit nisei it s nut p•,SsiI !e for ..s r ,tv t„ 1+c
1•e i,,er a>aotiated with such a stens . et rand for Mrd Bryant z •.t�n remarkable success ahem ton
i ' :eve affair was a temptation 1 elf an hour pre; isms, and n e :t lints at the sae me time. ehe air, t
', 1 oat unable to resist. 1 (a + cc-:rr ed 1+• Lady Bromley that 1 - ,hats milk scud r.•c•nt ;r- :.i .;,c sane
u have forgiven nuc for my i sih!•y she might hate seen sonic ( t� » feed. It's an impossibility.
is paid 5s. a uozen for collars. Re- and under a certain degree. was
member. this is high class work. obliged nn Sundays and holidai s to
Cotten c,"ts her from :,d. to -Id. a -wear a evor.11en cap -made in Eng
Her Nis raze' earning. are lana and f'nishe•d h(• 'inc•,of Or
7.71.I. a neck. or from '.d. to ',d fratern:1y ca1l,rrs. ' under the pen•
f, r, hon r. telt; of three ,shillings fenrpenee for'
Fvery day she leas le spend an etc ry clad 's nr•trle,-t. They untler•'
Men who own electric plants ars
satisfied with light harvests.
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