HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-15, Page 140c to JAN.'I NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the A DVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our /Low Club Rates ettt of Wedding Invitations In Nett, -t Typo On 11t -t 1'.. tai The Finest Wol'► And 1;i.;ht Prices The Advocate Office, Exeter TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JULY 15. 1909. SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable The real hot weather is here! IN 10 Keep Are you prepared for it? Here are a few -How to Keep • Cool " suggestions. Cool White Goods Muslins, Drawers, Organdies, White Waists, White Cnder- skirts, Summer Corsets, Corset Cover.. &c : Men's and Buys' Straw Hate; White Vests, very choice line; New Ties, all of the latest in style and colorings. austial LADIES' BLACK HOSE, worth 25c, now 122. Crockery, a new line just in! Now is the time to replace your broken lots at about half the price you paid for your old. We would remind you that we still have the Astoria Shoe in Men's only, in all the latest styles, both in the low and high cut. HighestPricesPrices Paid for Produce and Live Poultry ! Butter 17c, Eggs 18c. trade: 17c cash. These prices subject to change. CARLING BROS. 1 i 4141041)004140.000000041,31*00010 Money ! Money ! Money 1 MUST HAVE MONEY! In order to get money we will hold a Great Slaughter Sale for the Next 30 Days Everything reduced in price. Al! Summer Goods to be sold at Cost prices. Men's Straw Hate and Snits This is a Genuine Sale Ladies' Blouses, W hitewear, Bette, Mastitis, Glove., and as we want to raise $4,000 in thirty days. Light Rain Coate GOODS MUST GO !!! Come quick and get bargains. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE PHONE 22 — ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE Professional Cards. DLO.F. s'O.1. YOULBTON, L. D. le, D. D. B. DRNTIST Nisbet of the S. 0. D. B. of Oatarlo and Honor fisadsat• of ?moot* university. 011101: Over Dickson a Cullers Law Ofce, In >Ds. £adenoses former Dental Patlors. `DS. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. B., D. D. B.' Besot graduate of Toronto l niver!str. DENTIST, goo extracted without any pain, or any bad gleet. (Ices oyer Madman a Stanbury'e omc,, Ya!n street taste@. Modlcal �] R BRIGiiT, Y. D., Y. ('. P. a S. HONOR els Graduate of Toronto t'nitenits, Two jean resident physician Roval Alexandra (hospital, etc. Oface and Reeedence, flea Ames' Old Stand, Andrew Street, EXETER. pc:. P. YCLAU0111.iN Has resumed practb a atter epencline a jou (C'ol l,te)K British and Continental hospitals. Oeneral practice with special attention to Lye,(wltb tetra - ttcn) far Nose and Tbroat. (Mee: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DiC[80N a CARLINO, BARRISTERS, FOLIC! sero. Notaries, ('onveyan ere, Conn!rsicnen Solicitor' for Moises Bank, etc. Mosey to L.sa at lowest rater et loterreit Otsee., Malo street. Exeter, t. s. Oatlr.o'e, seep., L B. tcteo■ MOSSY TO LOAA. We ease a large amount of prise!, rare. •o 'caa s fans and %Wage properties at low 111t15 cf rter set GLAS•YAN a STAN EUkle i Barristers, Bolicltors,Yain et , Elf Oa B. M. PHILLIPS, EXETER. L'ceased Asctlosesr. gales attended In a!1 parte. Satlsfa-tieo roams. Wed se so pay._ Terms resonable. All orders left tat Advocate ln5ce will be promptly attended to J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St.. Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSON. Ltccesed Au:tioneer for Hu: or. County. Terms reasonable. Dates ran be made at ire Advo -ate. Exeter. or !leery htlbcr's Office, Cred- iton. t ' HOUSE FOR SALE An re, client let—le house. rrcdrr', and up-to•1a'e. Situatee a.ti:1 @tree:. Apply at this Office. HERE TO STAY Bus and Dray Calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. Telephone 41A Stables at Handford's Horse Exchange WM. ARNOLD, Prop. HOUSC TO RENT Brick house, 1 and 1-2 storey, on Wlahm Street, Exeter. Good number o1 rooms. house In good repair. Good hard and soft water. Number of fruit trete. Apply to S. M. SANDERS, Ezet, r PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND HORSES Tee undersigned can take a limited ';umber of cattle and horses for pasture ey tee month. For particulars apply to It. D Quinton. Salr,tebury P. O., Lot A. 5th Con. L'sborne HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned Is offcr:ng for sale a good brick house and 10 acres of land. Part of South half Lot 4. Con. 2, Ste- rhen. The house 1s in good repair. also a good frame barn and woodshed. good soft and hard water, never failing well, good erri,ard, 3-4 mile from settee). 1 and 1-4 miles from church. Possession given next tall. Apply on the premises. MRS. WINER, Centralia P 0 1'A101 ron SALE The undersigned to offering his farm for sale, Lot 2, Con. 1. Blddulph, 1-4 mile tram Centralia t Mage. containing 75 a -res. silty five under cultivation. ten acres bush pasture. There Is a new twc-storey brick cottage. hard and soft water, three good welts. Barn 31 by gn and o'::cr buildings,. Possession Fivrn In the fall. Terms easy. apply to THOS. W. NEIL. Centralia, Ont. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned Is offering for sale `Muth Half of Lot 21. Con. 3. Stephen. 1,4 ml:es west of Exeter; also 30 acres ,f Lot 23. Con. 2, Stephen. and 25 acres In ilay Swamp. Teere le on the fifty acres a flame Louse. bank barn. hay barn. drive shed and other convey:• time@ . tette is an excellent eprt• g creek running t`. rough the trlrty a• res. mak- It geed pasture land. Wel be so:d 10- gerher rr separately. For part'cu:ars Arpiy t, MRS. JOHN COOKSON. Exeter North, Clay P. O. Waterworks Communication to the que.tlon and dlaleuee 11 Irotn vJl .it. ,dpotnts, and then believe you will agree that we are dealing with It To the Advocate, 111 a business -like way. Several times rtferenee has been made to the slowness of the Council In not do- ing something towards the bettering of our water 'system, therefore 1 ant plea -sed to tell you the Council have not been negligent In this matter. Early in the year we called it citizens meeting, and after discussing the ques- 'eo:t a resolution was passed, asking the Council to procure the services of a competent engineer to examine into the question. They did this, and Mr. Willis Chipman of Toronto was called In. He, together with the Council. went into the matter thoroughly. After some little time we received a report from hint setting forth three propoaltlons ,for a water works system suitable for our town. The council took this report and die, cussed jt thoroughly from every stand- point. After due conalderatllon they name to the conclusion that to adopt any one of these propositions, It would be necessary to procure space along,'the river to make a water basin sufficient- ly targe that the system might be a per- manent one; a:au that a good builiing would be required. The council decided that the James N. Howard property was, taking all thing. into consideration, the place tor our town to lay a basis tor this project. Mr. Chipman. n1 his report, made men- t:on that if the dant wore rebuilt there would be sufficient power for ten mon- • ..i in the year, to pump what water t town would require. Tae property includes the building;, d un, sad about c:ght acres of land. This •e, council have bought, subject to •r approval of the ratepayers, tor the 4un1 of .1700.00. If our c,ttzerte are anxious for bet- • • fire protection, I am sure they will ,iprca that the council have acted wise- ly In starting out on eucle a broad bas - .•'s, as that contained In the By - Law passed July 7th. The auto of .22,000.00 looks to be a :trge one, but the council feel sure that ea smaller sunt would be sufficient to establish anything like a permanent eye tem. The propocit:on 1s to buy the Howard property, rebuild t' e darn, erect a water tower, lay mains with 8, 6, and 1 In. .tt:d to equip with a good pumping sys- tem. \Vhat ie. proposed to be done, will be with a view that it caa tie extended to every part of the town. The council have no pet system, but are seting solely In the best Interests of the town, and all they ask Is for every citizen to czamlee carefully the By-law which is now published, and will be for one month to conte. Let everyone who is interested in the future of our town thoroughly examine SERVANT GIRL WANTED An experienced eoueekeeper, references preferred. Apply at this office or to Mrs. W. D. Clarke, Andrew street. SITUATION \VANTED If you need a hired mate fox t.arvcst Apply to DO.' 7)7, CREDiTON. FOR SALE Olt RENT F'Iret-class brick house on Main -et., Exeter.; Terms easy. Also for sale Voge lgcsangs' Wonderful Remedies. WM. M. IILATCIiFORD FAitM FOR SALE. Otic of the finest farms In i:sbotne Apply to SANDERS & CttEECII, Exeter FARM WANTED TO RENT. Hoz /trea, to get possession In fall. Apply to SANDEi(S & CREECH, Exeter REWARD. !',u Reward for the arrest and con- viction of the person or persons trad- :ng in my name In Iron, metals rags, etc. My wagons have the box painted red and Inc gear yellow. with my name .•1 large letters on the box. Address, W. G. CAI NES, Parkhill. FARM FOR SALE. A hundred acre term, all seeded down but one acre: situated north of Centralia 1.1 mile from Church. school and Post Office, being Lot. 6. Con. 1, Stephen. There Is on the premises a good train house, tt.ree good frame barns. 4 wells, 1 windmill, t acre of goad orchard.and 10 acres of hardwood bush: fences In good repair. a::d 1s well under -drained. Terms easy. For particulars apply to MRS. S. MrCOY, Centralia. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the platter of the estate of Abrahan► Dearing. late of the Village of Exeter in the County of Huron, Gentle- man, deceased. rureuant to R.S.O., Chap. 1:'', Se, Von 3., Notice is hrrete riven that all rreditors and other, having !aims against the estate of Abraham Dearing, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Iluron, gentleman, who died on nr aborat the Sex 'nth day of June, A. P. we, are, on or before the Twenty-Fourtb Day of .iuly. A.D. 11MD •o er..d 1 y poet, prrraid, or d'li,er to M.s.rs. Mad- man .4 Stanbury, of the Village of Exeter, Soli• niton for the Executrix and Executor of the said de - eras d. their Christian name* and Surnames. ad- dresses and dew rpt,on', the full .anti, alare of thea claim•, a statement of their acrounre and the nature and the nature of the ce. uritlee, (if any). held by them, and that after the (lax last aforesaid the said Executrix and Ere••utor will pro vert to distribute the wets cf the raid de•`eaeevl among the parties en• titled thereto. has ins regard only to sue•h claim( of which notice shall base bees (lien u above regUir• eel, and the said Executes and Executor will not be liable for the said assets or any tart thereof, to any perms or pereone of whose Maim tit (111.1015 notice San not have been re. eived by them at the time of su<S distribution. Dated at Exeter, this ::.th da, of June, A.D Peek 0LA11YAX A STANRURY. lel:-`:ter• Ire :he Ete -nes and Etecntof \1 a du trot expect that every citizen win conaider such an expenditure as ee..easery, but if a pern•anent System is to be es tablleited, we claim it 2annot tie done for less. Thc council intends calling a public nesting when we Lope to have the mat- ter fully diacueeed, and your ca -opera - ram in this matter. 1 'hank you, Mr. Editor, for granting me this rpeee In your column.. T. 1i. McCALLi. M, Reeve. Entrance Exam. Results The following is the list of candidates passed by the board of examiners for %Vest Huron with the marks obtained by each candidate. Acard giving the marks In eac:l subject has been Bent to each candidate. The certificates will be sent to t:,-: teachers before the first of Septemner. T`ie marks required for pass are :190 and for honors 487. The highest narks obtained In carp r:ubject are as follows; Reading—Florence Smith i6 Writing—Angus Doyle, Doris Megaw 41 Spelling—Maggie McLeod, Doris Me- gaw, Florence Smith 50 written Reading—Florence Smith, Celia Rotinson 94 Arithmetic—Cella Robinson, Hugh Anderso•t 100 Grammar—Florence Smith, Merger et A. McMurchy 97 Geography—Maggle E. Dickson 79 Crompoeitlon—Ida Smith, Florence SntUh 92 Total—Flo'tn'e Sndth 555 The Publ'c School Graduation results v.111 be announced nest week. The moults of the Entrance Exami- nations @Low that the majority of the teachers are now teaching the princip- les of write g or coneet business forms. GODERICII P. S. Violet Black 460, Marie Curren 473, E.,tella Clark 443•, Grace Duff 442, Mar- garet Duff 431, Doris Megaw 440, Alma Sturdy 451, Hazel McDonald 391, Glad- p.e McLean 500, Cella Robinson 548, Nettle Robinson 469, Florence Snilth 555, ida Smith 521, Olive Tichborne 492, Minnie Tancott 470, Amy Wark 49:1, Hugh Anderson 551, Reginald Halls 425. Charles Inkster 551, Ern - eat Jane 440, John Mitchell 409, Ern - eat Pridh..nt 440, Chester Tnompsan 4:,2, Charles Thomas 431, Reginald Vivlan 406, Murray Young 457. GODERIC}1 SEPARATE SCHOOL. Gerald Kydd :395. EXETER P. S. Regbtaatl !!!sett 481. Clarence Hey- wood 458. Ituby Wood 449, Madeline Ctrling 454. Piesto,i Dearleg 421, Eth- el Brickwood 390, Mary Acheson 390, Leon Treble 426, Young Creech 391, Stella South(ott :'90, Irene Hardy 390, Gordon Taylor :191. Elva Ford :194. BAYFIF.LD P. S. Edna McGee 390, John McNeil 434, Evelyn Pollock 462, Florence Martin 421 DUNGANNON P. S. Fanny Fitzgerald 491, Laura Smith 467. Riley Bradford 500. Clarence Smi- ley 411, Mary )tcCourt 4:1.2, Mostyn Sandi 461, Luella Bellamy 432, Myrtle Alien 393. iIENSALL P. S. Irma Rennie 448, Helen McArthur 476 Alexia Murderk 418, Flossie Bonthron 44n, Alice llohklrk 390, Mille Wood 4,14, !lug!: inose 531, Sidney Geiger 451, Thomas wren 401. Joseph Hodson 447. Kennet!: Pope 410, George Ilar- burn 411, Robert Chesney 390. DASItWOOD 1'. S. Herbert Galser 424, Hilda Snell 183. Gordon (aalltas 4(47, Gonion Goetz 463, Euiocen Guenther 493, Vera Broke n- ehire 510, Mtlferd Mcisaac 430. Lytta Guenther 517, Willie Musser 190, CREDiTON P. S. M.tt+el Wenzel 452, Qucenic Hodgins 701, Flovica lilt 441, Ly:ila Oestrclth• er 473, Loran Brown 451, Enlcrs3.1 Bean 451, I -tarry Mangnus 48e. Sam Finkbelncr 440, ZUiRICIT P. S. Luella Wurnt 4u5, Et1,el Weide 411, Ada Wunn 427. Rhtnentan Kalhfleisch :inn, Marshall Zeller 425. GODERICII TOWNSHIP. No. 2—James Meeilnan 392. No. 5—Charlie Cox 434. George Lind- say 409. No. 6—Mary Davidson 45:, Eliza Me- liwein 436, Willie Wilson 431. No. 8—Laura Aldworth 390. Jessie :ieKetizie 459, Sara Woods :107 Ella Herta 50)1 399. HAS'. No. I—Eddie ilrtason :190, No. 2—Greta Mawson 452, Ben Case 393. No. :t—Maudie McAllister 445. No. 4—Gordon Surerus 428. Vloletta Ecketetre 423. Albert Geiger 390. No. 8—Cora Truemner 482. No. 12—Samuel Gascho 453. No. 14—George Mulholland 470, Mary Ilay 424. Oretta ivlson 411, Laura Foe 390. Maggie Fee 390. No. 1 5—Elfrelda Schroeder 407. STANLEY. No. 1—Lorinda Dowson 390. No. 1—Mabel Clarke 479. (North) No. 4—Eva Johnston 431 No. 6—Mary A. Davidson 453 No. 7-11enderson Forrest 470. Ali•e Co:hrane 390. No. 9—Albert Keys 461. Isabel Ma:: - son 432. No. lit—Nettle Fraser 445. Oretta Mustard 426. Feerl Kaiser 457, Clar- e:re Keller 428. Frank McGregor 390. No. 14—Arnold Petrie 443, Hannah. 13htodate 391. Sarah Rat:'well 407. Oda McBeath 395, STEPHEN. No. 1—Flossie Davey 390. No. Lillian Statile 390. No. 3—John Hogarth 517. Earl Snap - ton 429. No. 4—}!arty Srnwarz 40!, Area ilroken5lilte :11.7, Lorne \forlock 390. No. fl—Charles E. Gower 437. No. 12—Muriel Failis 4411. No. 14—Fred Ess ry 430. Elva Meeks 42°. S. S. No. 6—John Glavin :191. USDORNE. No. 1—Laura Harvey 416, John Strang 454. Gordon Oke 419, George Blatch- :o:d 422, Cecil Down 404. leo. 2—John Tui libull 4:12, Annie Turnbull 397, Meryl Snell 448. No. 3—Isabelle Turnbull 42:1, Ethel Shier 450, Reta Shier :t90. No. 4-11edley May 421, Bella Davie Fina Kerslake 473. No. 6—Ella Heywood 390, Lulu God - bolt 42.3, Rhea Godbolt 408, ]lay Fletcher 380, John L'reery 396. leo. 30.—Harold Glenn 471. DIossom Anderson 4:11, May Horton :391, •Morgan 432. TCCKERSSIITH No 2.—Stewart Smillie 390. HIBDERT No. 7.—Walter O'Brien 407, Eddie O'Brien 400, Clifford Brintnell 394. THE SINGLES BEAT THE MARRIED MEN AT LAST, 10. to 8. The third time was lucky for Sandy Bowden and hie bunch of Sleepy Singles and then not until the last'inninge,when the married then went up in the air, and by a series of errors let in four runs, making the final score In a seven innings game 10-8 against Doodle'. Dizzy Doubles. The game took place on Tuesday night and a good crowd of enthusiastic fans was present. Dr. Malloy umpired. The fleet innings ended 2-0 for U.e Singles, the second 2-1; the thlyd4-1 nut the fourth saw the Doubles gel .our runs making It five to four in t:.er favor: in the fifth the Singles added 2 and the Doubles 3, staking it 8-6 ; the sixth made no change; but the .seventh was a very unlucky one for the D•uuele,:, and the Singles added four to their previous 6. Doodle is confident that nothing but bed luck could do the trick, and to prove It he will have the Doubles on the dia- mond at 6.30 next Monday night. Sandy and Doodle sailed their hay fork curves over the plate for four in- nings each when the former gave place to Southpaw Carling and the latter to Herb. Ford. Hoskins and T. Creech did the receiving, and few bases were made o:1 pass balls, while the throwing of both men has much Improved. Of the other players they all did pretty well. Of course, they are all liable to err, and err they did somewhat too often; but a big improvement Ie being made all round, and the practice Is doing a wo 11 of good. The players and scores— Sandy's Sleepy Singles—Hoskins 1, Palmer 2. Fowler 0, Bawd()) :1, Car- ling 1. Southrott 1, Boyle 1, Mallet 1. Piper 0. Doodle's Dtz:y Doubles—Anderson 0 Hawksllak 1, Neaman 1, Ford 3, 1k91 - wood 2, Creech 0, Cole 0, Stewart 1, Boyle O. THE Y. M. C. A. SPORTS A good crowd attended the Y. M. C. A. Sposts on the Agricultural Society's Grounds on F'rlday night and they were +tot disappointed with the evening's a- musement. J. G. Stanbury and Rev. Col- lins acted as judges and Dr. Roulston as starter. The great attraction for the evening was the 100 yards race :or the Silver Medal for the Amateur Cnampionshlp of Western Ontario, do- nated by Mr. T. E. Handford, for the best two i11 three heats. It was won by Melville Southcott in two straight heats, OIs time being 10 8-5 and 10 and 4-5 se. or:ds. Three contestants entered the race. Melville Southcott of Exeter, Lloyd Godwin of Parkhill and Nelson Stanlake of Stephen. air. Stanlake dropped out after going well for 75 yards, and the who two tlnlehed strong, Godwin lead- ing until within ten yards of the tape to the first heat. In the second Godwin lead up to two yards from tt:e ftnlstl whet. Soutlirott forged ahead and won by two or three !richest, just enough to sec that he was ahead. Botts wins were loudly cheered by the crowd and the boys were enthusiastic over the success of Heir favorite sprinter. Godwin is ai.o a beautiful runner. and Is bigger and stror.ger than Melee. yet without a pound too much flesh. Ile Is a thorougl, sport and was the first to shake hands with his successful opponent. Southcott le one of the best finishers we ever saW run, and while going tact all the time he seems to have a little extra speed for the last few yards. Thc other contestr were wo,l asfollows —100 yards, 11 1-5 sec., L. !lent Jr. Coughlin; Running broad jump, 16 feet, 4 In., Tom l5►rling, Percy Godwin: Pole Vault, 6 feet. 10 in., Bruce Anderson,. G. Butt ; Running high jump, 4 feet, 10 in., Lloyd Godwin, Elder Elliot ; Re- lay, half mile each, Hern and Jones and Walker, Elliot and Drlckwood and Tay- lor, Brickwood not finishing. BIRTHS Kunz -1n Exeter on July 11. to eir.and Mrs. Wm Kunz, a son. Woodall—At Crediton, on July 7, to Mr. and airs. Woodall, a son.' Rohbhra—!n Exeter North. on July 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robbins, a daughter. Gower—Int Exeter on June 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gower, a son ittathere—Int jticGillivray, on July 6th, to Mr. and Sirs. Wesley Mathers, a son Mt.11ard—In McGllilvrey, June 5th, to Mr. and `1r;. Arthur Moilard, a son. M.3I(RIAGES 1', )B111ore—Monteith—At Mensal! on July 7t11, Mr. William Passmore to M':.* Maty Monielch, both of Thames (toad T3calon—Revhngton—At Mooresville, on June 30. by Rev. G. J. Kert; of Lu - can, assisted by Rev. D. J. Cornish, of Granton, Joan W. Beaton, to .altos Minnie Vit., daughter of Mr. Wm. W. Rcvil:gto.1, both of Biddulph. WHITELY—POTTS—At Detroit, on 3rd Elva M., daughter of George Potts', to William B., son of the late W. T; Whitely, collector of customs, all of Clinton. DEATHS ,Rosa—In Fullerton, on July 4, Mar- garet Jane Cornish, beloved wife Of Alfred Rose, aged 49 years and 5 ,l1011tls. / Mawson.—In McGillivray, on July 7th, William alawson, aged 53 years. 13alkwill—In Exeter, on July 10. Will- iam S. Balkwlll, in h15 56th year. McPherson—Buffalo, July 2, Arthur Mlil'herson, eldest son of Edward Mc- Pecrecn, Greenway, aged 25 years. Smith—At Maguire, on July 6th Char- lotte Smith, beloved wife of Alexander Tod, in her 69th year. Special This Week Hot Weather Requisites FOOT EASE --a true foot con:f, It C. C. C. -COLE i, CORN CURE --225c a box. TALCUM POWDERS -- Largest assortment in town -N,t Ditt Co (flesh color) latest. COLE'S ALMOND CREAM -ME- LISSA BALM -The popular toilet lotion. SOVEREIGN LiME JUICE -The ideal Summer thirst quencher -15 and 24 • cent bottles. NATIONAL FIX SHIELDS - The best fly killer -- 3 for 25c. COLE'S WiLD STRAWBERRY COMPOUND -a safe and effective remedy for relaxed condition of the bowels, etc. GOLE'S DRUG STORE (let the habit of coming to us for drug supplies -it pays. PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINES PLY. SPC. 500 ft. SILVER SHEAF Fns - GOLD MEDAL 650 - To 1 1 c per lb. Use PLYMOUTH Twine- v('ry priced this season. Gold Medal Pure Manilla Hay British Manilla - " Sisal - - lie to 14opor1b. Tinsmithing, Furnace -work and Plumbing. Sinks Lavatories and Baths in stock. Estimates cheerfully furnished. 11 :OW - Port Ropy II I SEAMAN'S HARDWARE 8 STOVE STORE