HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-08, Page 8A GOOD APPEARANCE doesn't come by chance, neither does it grow on trees. To be presentable you must HE WELL DRESSED Look over our tine line of suitlr:ge, pick out what you like. and we'll do the reit. Co•'.e a made here dress you well at entail charges. Get measured. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario liminess locals -- Read Them Men, keep kool ! Wear Stewart's 5Oc Spring Needle l'ndtrrear, They're dandy Any person whit/leg Buckwheat for seed can get same at the grist mill. Wheat, Oate and Barley wanted at the m111.—HARVEY BROS. Ladies—$1.95 Lugs a swell trimmed flat at St ,rart's, Regular value 3 to 5 d••llar..—enure quick .' SECOND HAND BICYCLES Five good second hand Bicycles for sale cheap. John Triebner, Exeter. 10c the yard for your choice of any colored Dress Mus/ins at Stewart's—reg- ular ratites 15e to 25c—more quick! COOPERAGE WORK,—I desire to (::- form the people of Exeter and vicinity that I do all kinds of cooperage repair- ing. Ali repairs gathered and returned Prices moderate. ED. HEIDEMAN, San dere street. 2 for 25e—Ladies' black and tan Hose —plain or ribbed—regular value 20c and 2.5e. 2 pair for a quarter. Stew- art's. APi'RF.NTICE WANTED AT ONCE.— To le.0:t tailoring. W. W. TAMAN. 30 Sfaml(ss Room Rugs, in ii'iltvne, Velrets, Balmoral, Brussels and ireols, all at bargain prices at Stewart's. 1)o you want one i SUBSCRIBE for the Adste ate and get all the news. $i1.00 .nys a stall Srnii-Porcelain ('hind Dinner Sit at Stewart's. lure white body with neat pink floral decora- tions and !hold tracing. Repair Shop Gun repairing Umbrella repairing Lawn Mowers sharpened Knives & Scissors " Horse Clippers " Saws gummed and tiled Wringer Rollers. All kinds of keys filed and locks repaired. New Bicycles and Sundries Guns and Ammunition in stock.. J. TRIEBNER Three door. North of Post Office h The 1st of July has come and gone ! ! - Got Your New Summer Suit Yet 7 9 7 THE BEAUTY behind a suit isnot confin- ed to other clothing estab- lishments. There's a love. lines. about our garments delight that will simply a11 who come to us—t at s so. • • W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor- Fester YAP' 111117.w_._Ara. .1 It LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Ic ALatluer-alaafaiia'a& Jai atticAL4 ilaelag is :.ow in full swing In the ti'striet. \Veen you !cod money, szi i c ; you'd never have a better chance. Ile la anything but a good barber who cuts an acquaintance. The Main Street Sunday School will p;chic at Grand Bend to -day. Tee Qtnnlog Factory will continue the canning of pea• this week. Its the uncertainty of woolen that m hies risen go daffy over them. The Ideal ratan ally exists in the Mind ul the woman who has never nmarricd. Don't have such a lofty opinion of yuu:self that others may not care to look up to you. '.VA NTED, LIVE POULTRY—Chickens He -.s and Ducks. llighest market p::, es. haew.-itt e. Some sten never think of earning an ...Ja et living until they aceideetally get a good hard jolt In the right spot. Mr. McVannel of St .Marys. a haul '_liege student, Is at present taking the eat/arterial work In the Presbyterian . ur•ch. A pleasant reception was given to Rev. Richard Hobbs and wife at the parsonage on Friday evening on their al/Peal. A number of Exeter people took in the excursion to Port Stanley yestetday,and a number of others are going to God- erlc•h to -da/. The boy is busy those Sundays— not fielang but trying to attend all t he Sun- day schools so as to ring its for the en- nu,i picnics. The tenth annual excursion of the Huron Old Boys of Toronto was run to Goderieh and Whngham on Saturday tart, returning Monday. T. E. !landlord anlppcd two cars of boraces this week, one to Winnipeg, and one to Matheson. near Cobalt. Messrs. Tu -key and Celemati accompany theist. The fowlers arc getting down to prac- tice now. A President's and Vice -Pres - :dent's match was partially played Fri- day eveatngt lLut the rain ;cut It short. Brumfield beat Brussels in the last g.tnse of football being the setnl-finals for the itdermediate championship. but rot enough to overcome their former defeat by Brussels. Dr. K:namail and Dr. Itoulston. Den- tists o_ . Ex.ter, desire to announce that Mar offices will be closed every Wed- nesday afternoon during the months of July at:d August. Tne death occurred in Alberta last week of Mrs. McMillan. a former resi- de:tt of Hemsall and Exeter. While re- siding in Itensall she was Mrs. Robert Andreson and when a resident of Ex- eter she was Mies Vine Miles. Mothers of restless small boys, home fur the holidays, are reading up hints on First Aid to tite Injured. For the next few weeks they will be kept busy anointing stone bruises, extracting bee !tinge and administering colic checkers. The horse of Dan Prior ran away on Monday evening while being hitched to t•:e buggy. The buggy was badly dam- aged and the horse Injured. Mr. Prior vas about to give the horse a drink of water when the animal bolted.—C11n- •0n New Era. Mr. Ambrose Cottle has purchased a fate new Reo automobile. It arrived on Monday, and is a nice running machine. Tats 1s the second now owned In town. we understand that several other gen- tlemen intend purchasing machines. Residents of E.eter will regret to learn that sir. Alfred Sheere unfortun- ately suffered a second stroke of par- alysis In Brantford last week. For a time he was rendered helpless and also apeeehlese. but he 1e again recovering c use of his limbs and also his voice. The Public Sc')ool Board of Brantford hes decided to abolish slates in the echcols, on tho ground that they arc noisy and unsanitary. and that they are conductive of poor writing. Hereafter WI grade. in the local schools will be .uppied with scribblers and copy books sad more atteritton will be paid to pen- manship. The scarcity of bird life has already roused a great increase in insect pests. etc., an exchange goes on to say. We are riot dlaputing the statement, but we beg to state that the birds seem quite plentiful enough when they succeed jn gobbling up every cherry on a well' lad- en tree 1n Mrs. E. Sanders' garden, to the rear of the offtee. Not a stogie rherry did she get. A rather heated argument on the IIght- i:.g question took place between Mr. C. 11. Snell and some of the councilmen at Inc Friday evening meeting. It did not develope into a fisticutf encounter, but home plain, noisy. and not altogether complimentary talk was indulged In for a few minutes. it arose from a die pute as to whether certal;t lights were •no' burning when they should have been. Mr. A fl. Musgrove, SIJ'.('.. who has been teaching In the Exeter School sinre the Easter holidays. returned to his home in Wingham last week. Prlor to his leaving he entertained the members of the Canada Club to a pleasant even- ing at their rooms. where Mr. Mus- grove. during hie stay here. has been an honored guest. The boys have all a kit,dly and affectionate feeling for !dm and regretted to see him leave town. Neat time you arc tempted to patronize the mall order drparttnental stores con- sult the advertisements In the local pa- pera and visa your home merchant. If he has not what you want he will get it for you. if it it !s not right he will *111 make it right for you. Nothing car, be fairer than this. You will not lose anythi: g by the transa, tion, you will be the gsIner in the long run, and you will lave the satisfaction of knowhag that ycu are doing your share toward! budding up the home town and keeping it in the front rank. Form a "buy a: hOtrte club" join yourself and induce year r:elghbor to come in. AUTOMOBILE CONSTABLE—Mr. Jo.. Davis hits been appointed Automoblir Constable for the summer montes to eater. Huron by the O-llario eleven a • 11 ie his duty to kelp tab o:1 all auto- mobiles. their numbers. .peed and tt.e gcretel acetone of the drivers and re- port tarne to tht authorities. H. Alpo has certain power. i . r Bard to . • - for-e•:eat of tee la* Vgard'ng • c, - " W-1 et lt,t autos. Sirs. A F. Burwell w';I be at :)oma to her Zriet:ds after July 15th. Mr. Ti.oe. Oke cf Itrya'tsto:) Las put- .ased the two at les Ot lase and dwell - ow ncd by Mr. Runwnr at the north of t?be tow:t, and ail' take posers- s:o:, In September. BASEBALL TO-NIGHT—Tile Oehtrral la and E•eter Baseball teams meet on the Exeter Grounds on Thursday evening of this week. TiAn will be a c•rackce- jac•k of a ntatell and everybody should see tt.e game. Starts at 8 o'clock. Ad- mission only W. W. Taman was la Blyth Thursday. Sirs. Egan is visiting friends ht Lon- ue,:,. Dr. Ki,.eman visited In Sarnia last week. Maas Edith Brown visited in London last week. Miss Jennie Welsh of London is vir- ;tl:.g here. George Armstrong of London is home at present. M.ss Minae Sanders, milliner, Is home from London. Sites Ila Blanca of London Is visiting nel.ativea here. M'es addle Morio:•k and Mary are vis- iting 1:, London. Miss Mabel Walters of Condon spent tee t-.oliday here Fred Penhale was up from London part of the week. Mr. and Mra. John Pedlar visited IA Sarnia this week. Mrs. Fred Hatter returned to AlvInston 0:1 Thursday last. Mr. T. E. Handford t:tende leavL,g for the west Friday. Miss Stella Southcott Is visiting with relatives in London. Miss Lillie Ball of Fordwi, ' is visit- ing relatives in town. Mr. Albert Per/prase holidayed at Cleveland this week. Mr. Lorne McTaggart left on a trip to vie West on Tuesday. yids may G111 of Fort Erie is home for the summer vacation. Mrs Jehu Matlteson of Ayr is re- uewleg acquaintances in town. Mrs. Wen. Copp of Ingersoll is elsliing friends in Exeter and •OIihtville. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Palmer and child te.1 visited friends In London last week. Mass Lille Johns returned last week from a visit of several weeks in Sarnia. Miss Lavine Willard of Hamilton vie- Itede her home in Exeter North last week Meagre'. A. McDonell and E. Christie are attending the London Races this week. Mrs. llutchloson and daughter of l.orndo.) spent the holiday at Mr. Rich. . u.tnce's fir. Nelson Sheere and wife of Fort William are oa a visit with relatives in town. Missea Gladys Ford and Mies King- dom are visiting ;n Toronto, Niagar.t and Buffalo. Mr. Albert Sutton of Marian, In3.,was here last week renewing acquaintances and visiting relatives. Masa Anile Harvey of Detroit is oomc visiting her father, Mr. Jame Ilarvea. Stept:an ter a few weeks. Beattie Martin returned eo London la iday. On Monday he and Hal. White of Hensali left for Regina. Mrs., Mara and grandson, Murray, of Luran are visitors with the former's daughter, Mrs. W. S. Cole. Miss Lyda Quance of Inwood and Miae 011ie Quance of Moorefield are ?.olidayIng at their acme herr. Mies Ena McPherson went to London Tut-dny to meet her sister, Cora, who w:Il r+pend the holidays at her home here. Mrs. Peocbe Barris has returned front a visit in Seafurta. Mrs. Grace 1I111 of Cedlto:t also spent a few days in Sea - 'oak. Niro. R. R. Rogers and children of c• .leago arrived here Monday to visit the farmer's parents„ Mr. and Mrs. E. ( ,malls. Miss Louiee Carling has returned front a tilt 1,1 Neral -h. She was accompan:- ed here by her cousin, Miss Pauline Elliot, who will remain for a time. Jos. Speck:Ilan of Shedden, Mrs. Chas. Gilbert, Mr. Rola (Albert and wife of Talbotville, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Spackman over the holiday. 51:9! hose Flnkbelncr, Mrs. F. Slum- kousky end Master Alex. Potter all of Merlin, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kell Heywood during the holiday sea - 'eon. Mr. Samuel Sample, teacher of Wat- :urd and family arc here, the guests ,f Mrs. Sample's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bagshaw. Mrs. Sample, we regret to say, le quite 111. Sir. Ilerb. Scuthcott and Mr. le cue. Jti nderron ate vieith,g In Goderic h. M:. yowler of Crediton Is taking Mr. Ander- son's place in the Bank of Commerce while the latter is on his holidays. Among the Eteter visitors in Londe:, o:t the let were Mies Fanny Ilieaett, Mss Al ie !landlord. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart and daughter. William Creech. Mr. and Mrs. John Mallott and chlldrea Henry Gould, Ed. Treble wife and son. Mr. Robert Frayne and Miss Frayne. Mies hazel and Verna Moore of Wing - ham are the guests of Mise Edith Davis. Mr. Clifford Spackman left Saturday for Guelph to reside. Mrs. Spackman will join him there shortly. CIIIf. has taken a position with Macdonald Tiros. and has charge of one of the depart- ments of their large store. Miss Bella iiawki•ns), watt has been attending Chatham Duelnete College, is to be congratulated o:, her success, hav- ing completed her course with highly satisfactory results. After spending a few days at her tome here she lett Mon- day morping to till a position in tho offirc of the Walkerville Brewing Co. .b .d ODAK The lei 1909 Kodak Catalogue .tel: &r.d tet w ♦• , r •: •c Kt .t Ask For It We carry a variety of fast and l'y'e* :n tic. k and hive a'.l wit' •• trt•!1 N. 8. HOWET, Pffl.B. (-helniet and ()Malan EXETER Phone 50 EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY 1Vheat Barley Lei Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton 760 Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 Butter Egggs Live bogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton Wool 17 1 till 57 51 t+11 8 50 S 25 1 55 17 17 7 55 25 00 24 00 18 Hee. Dr. Stewart of Clinton has lean pasties or Willis Preebyterlan church for 31 years. Mr. David Mack on Tuceday morning got on the north bound freight train at the time of the pump -house fire, un- derstanding it would stop when it reach - d !r1s scene of the fire, but falling to stop he took a chance and jumped, with t:e result that lie laud. 1 u:, a stone and fell, getting a few brulaes and a naet_: cut on the clan, as well as a shak Ing up that was not pleasant. FIRE.—About 11 o'rlork un Tuesday moruirtg the fire alarm sounded. wt.en It was found that the pumping house of the G. T. R. at the bridge was on fire It :Boon burned to the ground. The ::re started from the engine used to pump the water. and the engine./ r was preacnt at the time. but lacking suffic- ient hose or a ladder to reach the roof he rouid not put It out. This le the second time the building has been burn- ed within a few years. __,Sagas ��kat3a�a v HAY 14a 4 4 4 4 FORKS 1 000 }laving t•ecutecl the agency for Beatty Bros.' Round Track Hay Forks 1 am now ready to equip Farm- ers' Banns and Hay'•Motvs with snow. These forks, without doubt, ale the Best on the Market and to use them is to be convinced. We guaran- tee satisfaction and the price is right. Wm. Gillespie, Exeter laWar"lialeaalirair 11FIlar 'IP r I'HONS 51 Here'sCood News The market prices for old junk are alive and so is the old reliable firm—M. JACKSON & SON—one door south of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices (no trade and no truck) all CASE: Hags 75c per hundred Iron from C0c to 75c Old Rubber Boots & Shoes I • • 7c per lb Copper & Brass 9c t Horse Hair 30c Lead and Zinc 2 is " IRON PIPE A great carietc of iron pipe always on hand 11 • restate able price, suitable for FENCE PpbT', L'kACINO .1 tOULEVARPINO M. Jackson & Sons MAIN ST.. EXETER. OPPOSITE ELIECTHIr POWElt Horan tV I t EN YOU ROLL TIIE DOUGH made from our flour yea will find It just right. You'll lael lnstinctivciy that you are going to have good luck wlth your tucking, and you will be right. THE WOMAN WHO USES Oi'it FLOUR always has good luck. Even an ordh:- ary baker gets splendid results. Thr fine baker producee tetter bread. cake and pies than she ever did before. Or- der a sack of our flour as an experi- ment. We know you will like It better than any other you have ever tried. HARVEY BROS. t:,11.E MANI•FA(Tt-lERii EXETER - (INTARi(► `Fall Term Opens Aug. 30th Oair graduates are a..inted to the hest ,a,'iitinnt.. 11'rite for the reason. Prepare now to enter a' beginning of term. Mail (':mreee for those who wish to :tidy at hotne. .. .. .. Clinton Business ('ollege vralssiorns Irv, is" wiry, (3E0. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL Farmers, Gardeners, and Others ! Come here for your tools. Buy your wife and girls a nice hammock. Get the boys a lawn mower and keep the grass on the lawn in trim. Get the little tots some tools like father's and they'll be happy. Come here for your flower and grabs seed. We have some nice Paris Green for Mr. Potato Bug—let the Visitors get busy. Binder Twine for garnering the grain. If there's anything else you need that a good hardware store keeps, we have it. And then, if you wish a day's recreation, buy some of our fishing tackle and everybody take a day's outing. T. HAWKINS & SON June is the Month for Brides Always something required for the home at this season of the year. A nice Couch for the parlor, Three- and Five -Piece Parlor Suits: Combination Side Boards, China Cabinets, Extending Tables, Dining Chairs in all grades, Felt Mattresses in three grades. the best on the market for comfort: Wire Springs. guaranteed not to sag, none better : Iron and Brass Beds, for duality and design none equal. Call and inspect our stock before you pur- chase. No trouble to show goods- -but delighted. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & CLARK B�9 PHONE NO. 32 Jll1y515 This is the month we clean up our Spring stock. Come along and be one of the lucky buyers. Clearance of Wash Suitings After a big season's selling of our popular Wash Suitings, we want to clear them all out early to give our customers plenty of time to wear them. Only a few, but all to go at the following prices: All 20c and 25c Waist Suiting to clear at 15c yd. " I3c . 18c " 12ic A Millinery Sensation This has been the largest millinery season in our history, and in order to clear out every hat we are offering the .i Big Reduction of'us Haff Price Any hat in the store for just 1-2 Price Just a few choice ones left. Corset Cover Embroideries A tine selection at 20k, 25c and 35c yd Belts and Collars Some of the new botch Collars. Belts & Tabs, 25c Ladies' White Wear Skirts, Gowne, C. ('overs and i)rawert, all at sale prices A NICE LINE Fancy Parasols (►nly a few left—all to clear at our July Sale. Black Parasols A real nice assortment to allose from at reduced prices. Fancy Muslins All to go—and some nice ones, too— for Pc, lac and lbc. Fancy Netts, Tucked Mets & Embroidered Fronts Gents, Look Here ! Are ye,: fixed up for the Summer weather We are headquarters FOR GENTS' FURNISHINGS New Straw and Linen lints rat ry Vesta Fancy Sox Good Melte New Shirts, Collars and Tit's Everything up -to date JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing